The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 27, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Col. Joseph L. Follett.
One of Sheridan's Commanders Saved by
Pnme's Celery Compound.
Co). Jascph L. Follott or Now York
has a national reputation.
At tho ago of 21, Col. Follftt un
listed in Battery Q, First Missouri
Light Artillcn, nnd Hoon roue to its
ooroniund. At Lookout Mountain lio
waH the only battery that reached tho
Sinoo tho war he has devoted him
stlf to mechanical engineering, and
has invented several inipor.nnt im
provements on the Hewing machine,
and a bicycli1 that promises In bo nno
f the surprises nf mxt fruson.
Tho tension on the nervous sj.stoin
of an iuyautnr, kept up for mont- c
and months, seriously woikones tho
health of n buy brnin worker like
Col. Fnllett, and his constitution,
which even llio huidliips of war did
not. weiikon, threatened to sucouinb to
neivous cxl.iui-iio'i.
What Col. Fulltt h.s to say in re
gard to hit reMi rHii..n to health, nun
riot fail in oarn grout weight. In a
letter to Weil-& Riohuidsuu Co. of
Burlington, Vt., ho write.-:
"When suiTiririg from mental ex
haustion and it generally
Bystcni, iiti'l ivcrworkud, I used
Painu'a celery oumpi'iiud.
"The compound hcU-1 hko a clinnu
on my bo-ln and kept them in One
condition, and I experienced great re
lief from my brain troubles.
'I have nut used Paine's eclory com
pound for six mouths, but I shall
Tree, nutl I'IuiiIn.
If you wnnt nny trees, shrubs r plants
this Bpiing, now is the timoto order
them. Struwberry plants, Urst-cliiss, CO
conta per hundred. L. II. Rust.
I'lJP'V hfttigiiiK t lianl times prices.
1. l luulley.
For it Hno hair tonio call on Hutchin
son A Hiatt. tho harbors.
When jou want a nieo smooth shuvo
or hiur-eut, givo Geo. Fnntross h cull
Ono iloor wmtli of the Hon Ton Buttery
Corn and Outs Wanted.
Miner Bros, uro buyine corn and outs,
and uro paying tho highest market
Lnily or gPiitlumiui to tnko charge or
installment bushiest), and colloct in this
county. Salary, $10 nor wok in ii
Address, InelosiiiK stamp for re
J E. (Jamimikm, a Cc,
Kansas City, Mo.
Ia'hiiI .Not lee.
Btatk or Nkiiiiaska, i
Wehster I'oiinty, f
At u Count Court. licM at it, rv.n.... ....
"'ill, lu ami forsaltl Comity, March vfl, A. I).
Iu tlic Matter of Hie KiUto of Itnac Cowley
On readliiR unci AIIir die petition ot Nancy
Cowley, juayijiB iliat the Instrument. (Union
the 17tii day ot March. inn. aim i.iuportliiu to
'bo the last will and testament ot (he nnl'l du.
ceased, may be prored, itpiiroved, urnbated.
allowed, and recorded an the lsl hiu ami uu'
iment ot the said Isaac C'owloy, deceased, ami
that the execution ot aald Inntruiucnt may m
committed and l ho administration of naiil es
tate may bo emitted to ancy Howler, tins natl.
doner, m eaecutrtx. '
Uruernl, thai the lltli day ot April, A.n.isoe.
at two o'clock p. ai., Is Mtlfinud far hearlni:
said petition, when a!l persona Interested In
,ild matter may aiMienr at a county court to be.
held lu and tor said county, and show causo
why tho prnjcr of petitioner should not he
WtuiItU; and that notice of the pendency of
said petition and tho htailnr thereof, bo gfvon
to all perso-us liitereau-d In mM matter by pun.
IMilDKacopyot this ordtr In the Med Olotul
Chief, a weekly Muw-ipapsr printed In said
county, for tluee suceesslvo weeks, prior to
.said day or hearing.
(A true copy.) Jams Dufi'V,
15 County Judge.
when in need of a tonic and general
regulator of tho s) stem. I havo re
commended it to a great many, and
every ono who tried it got relief.
"It is the best general remedy I
ovory used or knew anything about."
When the nervous system has be
come weakened from any cause,
I'ui.p's celery compound builds it up
as muling else can. It makes pooplo
People in every walk of life have
reason to be gratoful to Prof. Phelps
of Dartmouth, tho eminent scientist
who discovered Panic's celery com
pound. Ho understood tho peculiar
needs ot tho system; ho know that tho
backache, headache, sleeplessness, loss
of appetite, and disordered blood all
mean that tho nerves aro weakened inadequate to tho domnnds upon
them. Tho experience of thousands
has proven all over this broad country
that only Puiue's celery compound
will give health 10 tho nerves, und
through thorn to tho cntiro body.
College, iionlorrcd upon Dr. Phelps
their highest honors for his invalua
ble investigations iu mcdioino. but all
this seems iusignilioant in comparison
with tho chorus of gratitude that has
gono up all over tho world from mon,
women, and childrtn, who havo out
grown weakness and tho laokof health
by tho uio of Paitie's oolery compound
the most wonderful uervo and blood
Selz's Bhoea for durnbility nnd law
price. Sold only by Wiener.
-' i .. in.
The p-irty at Mrs. Earner's last
week was woll attended.
Many of tho pooplo in Garfiold will
bo sorry to hear Hf tho doath of V.
N. 11 att whioh occurred in Texas a
few days ago. Ho was a toaoher in
Dist. 41) two years and bad a number
of friends here.
Win. Sanderson was fooling with
an old gun when it was discharged
injuring his sister painfully but not
The dauoe at Chas Amaok's was a
financial success. Twcnty-threo num
ber! wore sold.
Sohool doted Friday, Maroh 27, in
Dist. 49, with Miss Nellio Kaley as
tcuer. Jimmii.
13usy people hay no time, and sensible
peoplo haTo no Inclination to use a slow
remedy. Ono Mlnnte Cough C'uro aots
promptly nud gives permanent results.
The U. S. Gov't ReOOrt '
., D , nvPur
sftoiv Royal Baking Powder ,
Superior tO alt Others.
-wm.r . i
fThonnnexM ohlluary hat been dotayed liy
pressure on cur column. 1
Isaac Uowloy was a Manxman by
birth. Ho was born on tho Isle of
Man, a small island in tho Irish sen,
December 23, 1833 and died at his
homo in Iiatiu township, Webster
County, Nebrnska, ut 7:25 a, in. on
Feb. '21, 189(5, from kidnoy troubles.
Tlio deceased camn to the United
Stitcs in tho cnr 1875 locating in
hike county, Illinois, where ho mndu
his homo for three ears. During
that thus ho wont down tho Missis
sippi river ono winter anil worked six
months on its levees, in tho state of
Ho moved to (,'oles county, Illinois
iu 18(50 wheie he remained thirteen
years, making hi home In tho satnu
family nil that lime.
He was married to Miss Nancy Carr,
a daughter of the llov. J. II (Jarr of
the Christian church, Juno 7, 1893,
in Coles count, Illinois, nnd in n few
days nftcr their marrinL'o they started
for Nebraska iu a wagon, and landed
in lied Cloud, Nebraska, July 25,
1873. He moved upon his homo
stead Sept. fi, 1873, where ho has
since resided. Ho was ono of tho
lirst settlers on tho Dig Divide,
whinli was then i wild ptairic whore
tho buffalo and nntelopo grazed and
tho Indians enmu in tho autumn to
hunt. Ho acquired 320 acres ot thi
beautiful pr.tirie then covered with
buffalo grass whiuh has since been
converttd icto u well cultivated and
productive farm, and made upon it a
happy ana comfortable home.
Ho was a member of the aid com
mittee and assisted in distributing
the nid sent the giasshoppcr sufferers
of 1874. Ho did what ho could to
havo tho needy and suffering got
their full share. Through his in
fluence tho tea and other delioacics
wero divided among tho old and tho
sick. Ho ipent considerable timo in
collecting and distributing these sup
plios, which ho was to do frco of
Ho was postmaster at Catherton
post-office from 187G to 1887, filling
that office for eleven yeius to tho en
tiro satisfaction of all reasonable peo
plo. This position onablid him to
show his sterling integrity and impar
tial manner of conducting a public
trust, which drew to him many warm
Mr. Cowley united with tho Metho
dist church iu Coles county, Illinois,
and has sinco lsrcd a conscientious
ohnstian life. In 1874 bis house
was used as a place of public worf-hsp,
tho Nov. MoseB Mapcs of tho Metho
dist church preaching there once
every two weeks during that timo.
At the timo nf his death ho was a
member of tho Plainvicw Methodist
class. Ho leaves a widow and ono
son, Charles W. Whilo they aro sad
ly beroaved by tho loss of a kind and
loving husbad and father, tho com
munity mourns tho loss of one of
thnir most honond members, who
lived the colden rule. His smpa
tines wero with tho worthy poor and
unfortunate und no ono in his neigh
borhood was moro liberal in giving
them substantial aid. Flumblo, lion
orablo and plain, he bolicved in tho
fullest freedom and equal rights for
all humanity and ho lived nobly up to
his belief. Ever ready to grant others
all their rights, ho would much rather
suffor a considerable loss than con
tend for his own.
Always industrious and diligent in
his business affairs, he met with more
than ordinary success, which cuablod
him to leavo to his loved ones ono of
tho btst and most oomfortablo homes
in his vioinitv, woll equipped and pro.
The Spring: Tonic
Makes thin, pale, sickly people wsu and ateMC
Ii Grippe
Cure the bad af tor effects of this trylas; epi
demic and restores lost vigor and vltalitr.
Impure Blood
Eczema, 6crofula, malaria, pimples, blotches.
General Wcakneia
?ons,ltu,.,.on "in down, loss or ambltfon
and appetite, nervousness, tired and sleepless.
At rusuu so coins and i.oo sire.
"lUW UuWo to mow ftw-CualtAUon free.
vided for in ovory way, with no obli
gation's of his for them to meet.
Tho doocasci was n groat sufferer
tho last fow months of his lifo but his
pain seemed to censo a short timo bo
foro his death and ho passed away
ssreno and pcacoful in tho presence
of those who loved him best nnd had
Underly watched over him duriug his
sickness, doing everything in their
power to nlleviate his pain and restoro
him to health; nnd whoso heartrend
ings at telng hitu pass from earth
were more painful to them than death
was to him, for ho had no fears of
death but muoli sufTerinir did rather
niako him welcome tho drcud messen
ger. Ho died having tho fullest respect
and confidence of all-who know him,
which was tho result of over twenty
years of honest, kind hearted, liberal
dealing with his neighbors. Ho was
alwas glad to accommodato a friend.
Nothing pleased him better than to
savo a poor person from making an
outlay, by loaning him something of
hik.: If two persons asked tho same
fuvor. and ho could grant it to but
one, ho preferred to accommodate tho
poorer ono, thiuhing tho other could
moro easily get tho favor somewhere
oIho. Ho was indeed tho poor man's
His bereaved ones havo tho heart
felt sympathy of their cntiro commun
ity who aleo mourn becauso a good
man has left thorn. Tho namo of
Isaao Cowloy will long bo remembered
and rovcrcd by those who knew him,
but will be held tho dearest by those
who know him best.
The funeinl services wero conduct
ed by tho llev. G. W. Hummel on
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 189G, at the late
residcuoo of tho deceased and inter
ment was made in tho Plainvicw cem
etery. Tho funeral cortego was the
largest ever assembled in that part of
tho county, attesting the universal
esteem in which the deceased was
hold by those with whom he had lived
so long.
Dcnfticfttf Cannot be Cured,
by local applications, as thoy onnnot
reach tho diseased portion of tho ear
There is only one way to cure denfness
nnd that Ik by constltntionnl remedies.
Deafness is caused by nn intlnmed condi
tion of the mncons lining of tho Eu
stachian tnbo. When this tubo gets in
lliuned yon have n rumbling sound or im
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely
cloned deafness is the renlt, nnd unless
the inflammation onn bo taken oat nud
this tubo restored to its normal condition
hearing will bo destroyed forever, which
is nothing but nn inflamed condition of
tho mucous surfaces.
Wo will givo onn hundred dollars for
nny ease of duafness (caused by datnrrh)
that cannot bo enred by IIull'n catarrh
cure. Send for cironlnrs, free.
P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
t37"So!d by druggists, 7fic.
Tho snow has all melted, and it
looks like spring again.
Charley Rassor has a fine crop of
onions. Thoy will soon bo ready for
thu early market. '
C. C. Cox spent Sunday with I.
Susio Baker attended a danco at
Mr. Parkcs' last Friday uight, west
of Red Cloud.
Geo. Mann was visiting on the
Crock last Sunday.
Mother Gundy and family meet on
the hill every Wednesday night,
Mr. Rasmusscn nrrived hero last
George Washington Raker is plant
ing onions this week, IIo expects to
put out less than 15 acres, and, as
help is scarce around here, be will bo
obliged to send to Lincoln for his
help. Now, boys, you want to look
out, for whon thoso boys from Lincoln
come, souio of you will have to tako n
back sort.
Robert Mitchell spent Sunday with
Louis Real.
Diok Merritt of Blue Hill spent
Sunday with tho dootor of this place.
Misses Bcssio aid Jcssio Cockrall
spent Sunday at J. SaUdon'a.
Puss Rasscr was calling at I, Fris-
bio's Monday night.
A grecu gang of hunters from near
Blue Hill were on the river Monday
Sylvester Frisbio was homo Sunday.
Osoar Emiok is talking of start
ing a second hand storo.
Saladeus and Jaoksons woro out
hunting rabbits Tuesday,
Zaek Barnes' son-in-law is visiting
with him this woek,
G. W. Baker sold two fat hogs last
Alf Saladon is going to batoh this
Honry Rassor shot a gooso last
Frcddio Hurd was iu Loster Sun
day. Mosi:.
What is
Castorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
nud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor
other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substituto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nnd Castor OH.
It is Pleasant. Its tjuarantco is thirty years' tiso by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla dostroys Worms and allays
fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Ctfc
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castorla rcllc
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Cos
toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend
"Castorla Is nn excellent mollcino for chil
dren. Mothers havo rejieatolly told mo ot its
good effect upon their children."
Du. 0. 0. Oxaooo,
Lowell, Mass.
" Castorla Is the lt remedy for children cf
which I am noiu.ilntod. I hoio tho d.iy is not
far distant when mothare will consider tho real
Interest of their children, nnd tiro Castorla in
stead of tho various quack nostrums which am
destroying their loved ones, byforcingoplum,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Do. J. F. KiscntLOK,
Conway, Ark.
TLe Cfeataor Company, TZ
Lat Thursday evening Clovorton
school guvo a pleasing entertainment;
A few deserve speoial mention. Two
of th selections were given in cos
tume, one by Anna Bodley and tho
other by Gmco Baker. Tho littlo
girls Dora Fussier, Pearl My and Ida
Fussier delighted tho audience with
their recitations and stings Mary
Tobin did justice to tho touching
story "Too many of we." Mnrjiaret
Bodley and Ann Tobin recited iu
thoir accustomed good style. Frank
Baker with his German duluct and
tho negroes (?) with their songs were
moro than nmuirig. Spci forbids
particular mentiou of the others but
all did will.
Tho school board were fortunate in
souring tho serviucs of Miss Alico
Romshmg for she has given tlm best
of satisfaction and her ability as a
teacher is unquestionable.
TIIK op i.,voituii:.
Now Admitted to be from Ie
numcri Digestion.
Careful observation in many casos
of La Grippo extending over several
years have gradually developed the
fact that it is very generally caused
from diotetic errors.
In other words, during tho preva
lence of La Grippe, persons who suf
fer from indigestiou or stomach trou
bles aro almost invariably victims of
tho epidemic.
This can be readily understood
whon you remember that tho germs of
any disease cannot gain a foothold in
tho system of a man or women who is
blessed with perfect digestion because
perfect digestion means peifect health
and such persons can bid dofianco to
La Grippe or to any other prevailing
For this reason physicians havo re
cently introduced into their praotico
the now preparation known as Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tabids as nn almost cer
tain preventivo of La Grippe, us this
remedy by giving perfcot digestion
and assimilation of tho food so forti
fies tho system against disonses that
all danger from this epidemic ii re
duced to n minimum.
So popular havo Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets bcooina that it is claimed with
in ono month after being mado known
to tho public ono hundred and nine-ty-thrco
druggists in Dotroit, Mioh.,
alono wefo selling it and today they
pronounce it tho most satisfactory re
medy they aro selling for all forms of
stumaoh derangement.
The prioe at druggists is but 50
eonts for full sized package.
It is not a ouru-all, but is rceom
mondod as a euro for dyspepsia and
stomaeh troubles only.
A little book of Stomach diseases
sent frco by addressing Stuart Co.,
Marshall, Mioh.
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
" Castorla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me."
II. A. AttCHKH, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Urooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians In tho children's deport
ment havo spoken highly of their expert
euoo In their outside prucUco with Castorti
and although wo only havo among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet wo aro frco to confess that tho
merits of Castorla has won us to look wltk
favor upon It."
Unitbo Hosrmi. and DisreitsinT,
iloston. Mats.
Allth 0. Sxmi, IVet.,
Murray Street, Near York City.
Miss Carrie Gather was a visitor at
O. E. Ramoy's Sunday.
Mr. Pitney's youngest child is very
siok at present.
Sunday sohool was organized at New
Virginia Sunday.
Brucu Paynn pronohed at Catherton
Sunday to a largo ongregatio'..
Tho social at Arthur Wilson's Tues
day night was a grand nicoecs.
Misses Holmes and Hansen of Red
Cloud wero visiting hero last week.
The entertainment given Friday
night by Miss Plume and her sohool
was well rcndfied and appreciate by
Tho basket supper at New Virginia
Saturday night w-in largely attonded
and netted about $11 (If)
Mr. and Mrs. May buried thoir in-
fuut child Sunday in tho Catherton,
cemetery. Tho bereaved parent,
havo the smpathy of their many
IriendB. Stunneu.
lu ... ,
IWot to be Trilled Willi.
(Prom Cincinnati Gazette.)
Will people never learn that a "cold"
i an nccident to bo dreaded, and that
when it ooonrs treatment should be
promptly applied r There is no knowing
where tho trouble will end; nud while
complete reoovery is tho role, the excep
tions nro terribly frequent, nnd thous
ands upon thousands of fntnl illness oc
cur every year ushered iu by a little in
judicious 6xpiura and seemingly triflingk
symptoms. Beyondthis, theru nro to-day
oonntless invalids who can truce their
complaints to "colds" which at tho time
of ooonrenco gavo no concern, nnd woro
therefore negleetod. When troubled with
n cold use Chambrlain's C'ongh Remedy.
It is prompt an effeotu-il. LTi nnd CO
cent botllea for sale nt II. E. Grico's.
Willow Creeli.
Miss Nau will commence her sohool
in Dist. 24 next Monday.
G. Hoyt ond .1. Wilder were visit
ing at J. T. Lacoy's Sunday.
Fred Bon has returned homo from p
Missouri wl.ero ho has boon working.
W. G. Woif is talking of goiug to
Cripplo Crook,
Ernest Terel was visiting on Willow
creek Sunday.
A. N. Godwin's brothor and family
are visiting him this week.
Somo of our f.irmors have begun
spring work.
T. G. Wilder, our old noigliboiTis
on tho crook this wock. i
Frank Bailey mado a trip to Kan
sas last week to look over his farm.
W. II. Norris and wife aro visitiog
in Adams county at presont,
Inflammatory leiicuiimilsmCurc
ed In a IUyM,
Morton L. Hill, of Lobanon, Ind., says:
"My witB had Inflammatory Itueamatlitu
in every rausolo and Jolut, her Buffering
we. terrible and hor body and iaoe wet
swollen almost beyond recognition: had
been in bed for six weeks and had eight
pbysioians but reoeltod no beueflt until
RHEUMATISM. It Bave immediate re
lief and she was able to walk about in
three dayB. I am Hure it saved her life."
Sold by H. E. Qrioo drugnlst, Rod Cloud.
Wanted I'tiMliire
For about 75 bond of horsos. Writo
mo your termB, amount of pasturaRO otc.
Thomah E. KKW.Y,
Lincoln, Nob.
1 n r
' --
A-. "Tl. fcTC"
t. Tare-.. -awe's
3ii3ynwc$6)j-zai 4
-j. -1
-,.-.. y$
""" ' -
' " i