The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 27, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Is a remedy of sterling value. It positively
cures all Bronchial Affections, Cough, Cold, Croup,
5r?n.cJ.I.t,.s.aild Gr'PPe- You can always rely on it.
DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is indispensable to
?veryfaqi.iy Price 35 cts. Shun all substitutes.
CtMW LANCE'S PLUCS.The Great Tobacco AntkloU.tOc. Dealers or mall.A.C.Mcer & Co.. Oalto.,M t
A. (J. HnsMKit, IMItor.
I.akovTait. Asbl Local Krtltor.
4 T
steak, i:r.u, $
in:t roFn:i3. J
deduction in repair-
on snciis soiu irom
Olir SLOCK OH I), UUllb;
... i.l .- . I . a. yV 4-1 J-- - I
regular pnrr,
Naiiint' tnonh' hall eoloa t0
Ladies' heir talcs 10
Boys half Boles 10
Misses nml youths halt soles .'15
Chlldrons' halt solos 2r.
ff Patches 10
Seo regular add
Cincinnati Hoot and Shoo Storo
A II. Kuloy, Prop.
imu:r mkxtiox.
Don't forgot tho liiih school enter
tainment. Miss Maine. Iti'iil is tin pofsePBor of a
tlno new wheel.
D F. Hutchison, of Omaha, wan in
Hod Claud this week.
Rev. Thomas of Cowles, wno in tho
city this week on business.
Will Parkes' parrot dhd this week,
and Will and wif fool tho lois vary
Mrs A C, nt"iir was called Middon
lyti Clinton. III., this week, by tlm scr
iouBsieknes' of hor ui"thor, Mrs. Issue
Lost, red plush pocket-book, hotween
Short nod .t Albright's fctore and Chris
tian clnirnb. Fimli-r ploao leave same
at this odico.
Chancellor MacLonn, the tulnntpil
head of tho Stato University, will lee
turo in lied Cloud May 8th. Ho should
bo treated to n full house, as 'in is one of
tho best speakers in tho state.
All should attend th coming hiirh
school entertainment; r vill bo worthy
th patronaui- i f i '. Il'-nides, ovory
parent owen ilimndi t his children
to aid in providirg a library for tho
II. C. Andrus in ono of tho pioneer
y subscribe! s t Thk Ciur.r. and Iuih taken
mo paper mr::t yarn wiiuout an inier
ruption. Mr Aidrus is ono of Webster
count' prosperous farmers, and is in
well-to dn citutiniHtanceM,
Some fnw jours iiirn an Omaha tin
attached somo cattle belonging to San
Gnrbor, unioiintim: t ol'-r00. Thoeas
went through therourtp. ami thisuoel
tho Biiprerno court gave Sam a verdic
for tho full amount nt the injury.
Tuesday, March 111, at 8 p. in., tho pu
pils of tho high echool will entertain
their friends at. tho opera house. An
excollont program has been provided,
consisting of music, a drama, and a
farce, "MIIob StundMi" and "Tho Only
Young Man in Town." Uoth nro excol
lnt, and cimt of characters is especially
strong. Jlesidcs these, a varied musical
program will bo given. Admission:
Adults, 2.") conts; school children, 15
cents; reserved coats, 10 cents extra.
Tickots on sale at Onco's.
The president of tho commorcial club
is in receipt of a communication from
Kobt. S. Brown of Lincoln, prosidont of
tho Nobraska Hand Union, asking for a
bid for tho location of tho encampment.
Thero nro forty bands in tho union, ug
grogating over COO musicians, and it
would b one of tho beat advortisomentB
this city oor uttempte.-l if thoy stiouTd
got tho encampment located hero this
eummor. An effort, on tho part of our
citizons would insuro itn location here,
and a groat bonellt would bo dorivod from
eourco. Try it, and mako it win.
Highest Konors-WorId' Fai
A pute Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fnt
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other rdultcrai
city m:vs.
Correct timo at Petituun'ri.
Mr. A. O. llerp was in Hod Cloud
this weok.
A. T. Reed was in Hastings this, wcok
on business.
D. M. Huntor was In Lincoln this
wcok on business.
J. 13. Fair, of Malcsru Junction, Nob,,
wna in our city this week.
S. P. Mooro, of Fromont, wns in the
city this wcok on business.
Col. Hoover, of DIuo Hill, was In Hod
Cloud this wook on business.
Roht. McHrido hnB returned from
SilOridllt). Wvnininir fnr n atmrf ,.:!.
" ". Parker, brothor of Will and
nui: l-arKor, romrneu 10 nurfax, Mo.,
litis week,
The mcetingH at tho Methodist church
continue, ami aro growing in intorcst
each wook.
Horaco Spanoglo has secured a job in
Alliance, Nobraska, in a hotol. Ho left
Jas. Peterson returned from Missouri
Tuesday, where ho was visiting with a
sister, who is very sick.
Prof. Dungan, of Cotnor University,
prpaehod in tho Christian church Sun
day and Monday ovonings.
Mr. Kato Jackson, of Detroit, Mich.,
waa visiting friend in tho city this
week, returning homo Tuesday.
Huron! Ilolcomb, an old-timo resident
af Red Cloud, wan in tho city this WPek
to iHit his brother, John Holcomb.
Will Parkes. who has been under tho
u eat her for four or live weekp, was upon
tho streets this week, much improved in
Rev. J. K. Maxllold occupied tho Hluo
Hill and Hladen pulpits Inst. Sunday,
whil Row G. W. Hummel preached in
this city.
An IllinoiH paper is responsible for tho
statement that hay in so scare in some
localities Hint the cows bawl when thoy
soo a grass widow.
Mr. Hill, or Missouri, representing a
KanKaa City firm, has located in Red
Cloud, and will buy stock. Tut: Cim:r
welcomes tho gentleman lo the city.
Den Lindscy haB mad" Hie first deal
in Cripplo Creek propeity. Ho traded
one of tiis mines for Red Cloud property
and cash one day this week. Den hits a
fortune in Cripplo Creel:.
A man giving his address as Lobanon,
Karsas, camo to Rod Cloud Thursday
and indulged in plenty of tnngle-foot,
during which condition ho lost his
watch, which was subsequently recover-
oil by the police
Ex mayor Koby IftTTThau of CO years
of nge, yot ho was rejoicing grontly tho
othoi day ovor the arrival of twins nt
his place; however, it is necessary to
oxplain that it was his Jorsoy cow that
was the mother of twin calves.
Confirmation exorcisos wero held in
tho Episcopal church Monday, Two
candidatos wero confirmed, viz: Miss
llolon Hoby and Richard Ferris. Blah
op Graves of Kearnoy was presont, and
was assisted by two other rectors, whose
names wo did not loam.
A high school proposition in Latin
was givon out the othor day, about the
closing hour, and, in substance, was
about as follows; "Tho boy lost his
paronts at oightoen." A young ninth
grader jumpod to her foet und asked:
"Did ho wonr long puntaor knoo pants?"
Tho school roared, and tho Prof thought
thero was but littlo uso in discussing
tho proposition that afternoon, so it was
taken up at another time.
An astronomor says the corn-stalks
on tho planet Mars aro one hundrod and
fifty foot high, and Charley Hopping
ndds that whon a Marslan milk-maid
ninety feet high goes out to pail tho cow
she sliugs a bucket on hor arm aa big aa
a railway tank; and whon tho cow, sov
enty foet tall, don't "hist," eho status a
fifteen foot Trilby iuto hor etripo. Sho
sits on a threeleggod stool that weighs
400 pounds, nnd whon tho hired man
cornea up behind to give her a smnck on
tho cheek, ho docs it with u mouth aa
big as a horeo collar. Hoavcr City Re
publican. Lnst wook wo published an artlclo
from tho Nation, in regard to tho No
broBka and Kansas Farmer, and failed
to givo credit to that papor. Wo iopub
lish it this wook: "Tho initial number
of tho Nobraska and Kansas Farmer is
on deck this woek. It is a 10 pago jour
nal, dovoted to agriculturo and stock
raising, nnd ovory tiling pertaining thoro
to. It is published by tho Farmer Co.,
in Hod Cloud, with A. C. Hosmer at tho
hilm ib manager. Tho Farmer is a
boauty in of typographical noat
ncFs, and jb ono of the best publications
of tho kind in tho United States.
Hastcr 1b on the fith.
Don't forgot Arbor day.
Prof. G. M. Castor was in tho city this
next week In tho public
Miss Myrtlo Joneo was in tho city last
Tho tlrst thundor-Btorm of tho soasou
this morning.
Alvn Eaton dopartod today for his
homo In Princoton, Ind.
Harvey Cox was downrom Orleans
this weok visiting friends.
A comploto new lino of wnll papor nt
Taylor's at bottom pricos.
Mrs. Fred Peaso was down from IlnBt
lug this week, visiting hor parents.
Cutting Ib closing out a boautlful lino
of curtains for 2TctB each, coraplote.
Mrs. James Hurdon and daughtor,
Flossie, camo up from Red Cloud today.
Dladon Entorpriso.
Come and seo tho vast assortment of
shirts. You will bo surprised to find
such low prices. Wionyr, tho Clothior.
Tho farmers nro gotting roady for
spring work. Some liavo in their onts,
and aro gotting ready for corn planting, r
Churley Ludlow's toam ran nwny,
i nuuu koj"K uvtir iuu river mo oilier uny,
-l.!t 1 .. it ! 11.. .11 ..
but did not do a groat deal of dnmngo.
Win. Isom, Jr., Miss Elllo Isom, Miss
Orr nnd Miss Robertson, nf Stillwator,
nro attending tho Sunday-school conven
tion. Elmer Ross Ib tho happy dad of a big
baby girl, and now ho nits on tho dray
and sings, bye-baby bunting, dad's dnd.
Whoop law I
Chns. Geatring nnd Cluio Spilkor of
Rofomont, two prosperous fanners of
that ploco, wero in Red Cloud this
week on business.
R. D. Bedford is in Hastings today,
attonding a district meeting of tho
Knights of Pythias, as ropresentativo of
Cnlnntho Lodgoof this city.
Prudent pooplo proporly profo'thoir
prescriptions propared by u practical
pharmacist in a propor innnnor procisoly
as prescribed by tho practicing physic
ian. Take them to Cutting's Pharmacy.
Hums nro absolutely pninle's when De
Wit tV Witch Htzel Salve Is promptly ap
plied. This statements troe. A perfect
remedy for skin disenHOi", chapped bauds
and lipi", nnd.nevur fails to ours pilon. O
h Cotting.
J. S. Cox, familiarly known in this
city as "Sid," lias sold olT his goods, and
will go to tho mountains for his health.
Mr. Cox and wire aro very estimable
people, and wo dislike to havo them
movo awav, but hope ho will regain his
At a mooting of tho ladies' auxiliary
to tho Webster County Agricultural So
cioty, the following ofllcers woro elected:
MiB Mollin J. Forris. president.
Mrs. C. W. Knley. vico-president.
Mrs. J. F. Winters, secretary.
Mrs. C. J. Pope, iihsii-tant secretary.
Mrs. ,. 11. Fort, Supt. Textile.
Mrs. G. E. McKceby, Asst. Supt. tex
tile Mrs. C. J. Piatt, Supt. Fino ArtB.
Mrs. G. J. Warron, Asst. Supt. Fino
Mrs. W. A. Sherwood, Supt. Fiowors
and Canned Fruits.
Mrs.T C. Hacker, Supt. Culinnry.
Lnst season Iku L. Hnll. drnggist of
West Lebanon, Iudinnn, sold four gross
of Ohnmberlnin's Colio, Cholera nnd Din
rrhtun remedy and says ovory tiottlo of it
ksvb perreot satisfaction, tor snio by
II. . Grico.
' Tho Sunday-school asBcciation of Web
stor county mot in convention Thursday
and continue through today and tomor
row. President Albright occupiod tho
oxecutive chair, and the other officers
woro present. Tho convontion ia fruit
ful of good results, and the attendance
is vory largo. The association is in hot
ter shape today than any othor county
association in tho stato. Wo purposo
giving a full roport of tho convontion in
our noxt issuo. Thoso subjects aro al
ways interesting to this paper and its
thousands of raadors. Tho present ofll
cers and schools doservo much credit
for thoir energy in putting tho work in
aa line shape ub it is.
Tho following are the names of the
pupils in tho first room, north ward,
who have noither beon ubsont or tardy
during the month of March: Hazel
Boll, Lois Beckwith, Mabol Dyer, Bor-
nico Pottor, Floronco Pottor. Sadio Pot
tor, Sadio Wright, Blancho Gross. Hoso
uuncnoy, Luszio Nowraevor. Mabol Brad
Bhaw, Freddio Eddy. Ino SleoDor. Fred
Sraolser, Dona Dyer, Otis Dagget, James
ivonzucit. itKTTA J. aiikl, Teaclior.
It a smnll bottle of Shaker Digestive
Cordlnl does you no good, don't bay n
large one.
"Prove all thlno; hold fast that whioh
is good." It h not good for everybody,
only for tho thin, pnlo, pick, weak und
weary. For those who nre Ntnrving for
want of digested food. For those who
cannot get fat or strong, because their
atomncliB do not work ns they onght to.
Tlivau nro the people, millious of them
whom Hhnkor Digestive Cordial will cure
Food mnkotk strength, musolo, brain,
blood, energy nftor it is digested. If
not digested, it will do you no good nt nil.
Shaker Dlgestivo Cordial helps yonr
stomnoh to digest your food nnd cures in
digestion pormnnontly. When yon'vb
iriiu a small bottle, you can toll.
Sold by druggists, Trial bottlo 10
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or sdgreat ia leav
ening power as the RoyaL
Thero will be n meeting of tho
democratic county central committee
nt Hluo Uill, Mo.itlnj, April titk, at 3
p. tn., for tho purposoof arranging a
call for tho democrntio county cnn
volition. All niombers ro ro(iiestcd
to attend. Hknuy Kckiilku. Clim,
F. T. HopKA, Soo'y.
'I I - !!!
Tho republican voters of Walnut
Creek township will moot at thr
school house in dimrict 3 on Saturday
March 28, 1896, t 2 o'clock p in., to
chooso delegate to tho county con
Joskpii Nniu.K, Com.
Drive ont the Imparities from yonr
blood nnd builds tip joar system by crea
ting an appetite nnd toning tho stomnoh
with Heed's Snrssparilln, if you would
keep yonroelr well.
Uood'i pill nro the best aftor-dluner
pill; anslst digestion, onre headache. W5c.
Wasted PersotiB having n piano or
organ to rent will address box 410, stat
ing terms.
Children's suits, from H to 15 jean,
wo havo an elegant lino to soloct from,
in smaller sizes we havo them ub low as
75contu. Wiener, the. Clothior.
We might tell jon more about One
Minute Hough Care, lint you probably
know that it cure- n cough. T.vtiry om-
does who 1ms tueil it. It ix u mrfect
remedy for conghn, cold?, hoarsmiesi. It
is nn especial fnvoritu for children, bemu'
pleasant to talio and (jtiiek in curing. C
L Cutting.
- - -
Sunday mornlm?. the subject will bo
"Tho Thrown or Graco." Uladon Entor
Bro. Sponce, was it a "throw" for
houso use, or was it a high grade wrest
ling match ?
It ia not a miraole. It won't cure every
thing, but It will earn pile. That's
what DoWitt's Witch Hnznl Silvo wi)l do,
becnuse it lnit done it in hundreds of
ouhoh. C L Coltini;.
CitiPi-i.r. CitKF.ic, Col., Mitr. 2.1, 1890.
EDirou Ciiikk: Dear Sir: Horo I
am ! Up on tho peak: "Piko'n Peak or
Bust" busted by largo majority. Well,
brothor, I hnvo been down in Jericho
I came hero from Denver in Dscomber.
This is a wild boomed gold camp. It is
vory lively, but not6o much crazy boom
und crowd aa hue been. It will bo a
good camp, but a poor place for poor
laborers, aa It is badly overrun. You
seo, tho editors aro such liars. Sabo?
Evory business id overdono ton times.
Thoro nro many old Red Cloud citizons
hero: G. W. Lindsay & Smith, Hedge,
Martin, Evans, Arbuckle, A. L. Funk,
and others, so wo are ijuito homo-liko.
The air is rather light, and, in common
parlanco, wo aro "hitting tho high
places." I pay SO rental per month for
ground to Bot u 10x21 house on. Wutor
is 25 cents por barrel; whisky is out of
sight, and democrats ain't in it. So now
I will turn this down. L. D. Demnev.
It's all the same, a slight cold, conges
ted luugs or leyeru cough. One rnmnto
cough euro banishes them. O. L. Cotting.
. '
Tho list of lotters roinuining at the
poBtofilce uncallod for up to March 20,
Casnor, A. L. Johnson, Chas. M.
Sgoncor, Hattio
The nbovo letters will be sont to tho
dead lotter oflico April 0, 1890. If not
callod for. Fhank Cowdkn. Postmaster.
All last wintor Mr. Geo. A Miles, of
Lebnnon, Conn., wns badly olllloted with
rhunmatism. At tiuiss it waa so sevore
that h could not stand up strmght, but
wns drawn ovdr on one sido. "I tried
different remedies without ruaelvlng re
lief," he says, "antil about six months
ngo I bought n bottlo of Chataberlnln's
Pain Bnlm. After using it for three days
my rhoninntlara was gone nnd has uot re
turned slnoe. For sale by H. B. Grioo.
r v,
Well swoothoart 1 am going down to
Wiener's and got a now suit, then wo can
got marriod.
.i i
A littlo ill, then a little pill. The ill is
gono tho pill has won, DoWitt's Little
Early Risers tho littlo pilli that cure
great ills, O L (Jotting.
All our Mother's Friend Shirt Waists.
Our $1.25 grade, now 75
50 cent grade,
flu i Casli i:i
SATURDAY, - MA.RGH - 28th,
and Continuing Seven Days.
Spring Capf.s,
Spociul pricou during tho
ealo on all our Spring
Ladies Heady Mado black
skirts at special prices
for castor ealo.
Ladies' Shirt
We opon up a new lino
of tho best stylcB wo
have over had in SHIRT
WAISTS. Wo shall oflor
them at epocial prices
during this sale,
Kid Gloves,
Paragon Glaco Kid Glovos
in Blacks and Tans.
Special I'rlco, 91.00 por pair.
Look through our dress goods department.
We are showing values in new goods
that you cannot afford to miss,
Geo. A. Ducker & Co.
Wo lmvo good strong Cotton
rants nt Of) nnd 90 conts.
Good quality Cotton Woratud
Punts nt 1. 1.25. 1.40.
Tho best Joans Punts over
shown at$l and l.r0.
Good all wool Cassiinero Pants
from $2 50 to 5.00.
Knoo I'nntt), sixes 'A to M, front
25 conts up. Our -10 cent
grndo aro huniniera.
cents; $1
00 cents;
now .'15 cents
) llniiiis He !
Wo can show you tho now
things in them. Look
through our shoo stock
We can convinco you that
wo can save you monoy.
Special Bargains at 5c, 10c
Ific end 20c.
Spocial Values nt Co,
l&o and 20c.
Silk Mitts,
At 19c. 23c and 35c.
LadieB and Children's Fast
Black Hose at Cc, 10a
12Jc and 25c.
ftW! W-Ci W&
t V
" Vs.
x&mmmmu&mmwtf 'iyrw&wim
itaavmi rrsBt'awt
imsteva.wi t "