The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 27, 1896, Image 1

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.rzjrriz i T
I! I. ,
5 Sores
In combination, pvnpoition and
process Hood's rvuxiparill.i is peculiar
to itself, mid iiiu'iiitalti'il in trim merit.
No other mi'dii'iiii' out poi-cd so
much cur.itivi power, or readied Mich
enormous sik", or mm If muIi won
derful cures, us Hood's Sariiparillii.
It is undoubtedly tin? brt medieino
ever made to purify, vitalize and en
rich the blood.
That N tbo .scciot of its micccis.
Head this statement:
"When my son was 7 years of ago, ho
bod rheumntlc fcer and acute rheuma
tism, which settled In his left hip. Ho
was so sick thnt no one thought there was
any help tor him. Klvo sores broko out
on his thigh, which the doctor said wcro
soree. We had three different doctors.
Pieces of bone came out of the gores. Tbo
last doctor said the leg would haro to bo
cut open and tho bono scraped, boforo ho
could set well. Howard becamo so low
that ho would cat nothing, nnd one doc
tor said there wan no chance for him.
"One day, a newspaper recommending
Hood's Sarsaparilla was left at our door.
Wo decided to try this medicine. Howard
commenced taklug it tho last ot February,
after having been sick for a year and a
bnlf. Ho hadn't taken it a week beforo I
saw that his appetito began to improve,
and thon he gained rapidly. I gavo him
five bottles, when tho sores w ere all healed
nnd they never broko cut again. Tho
crutches ho had used tor four years wcro
lnld aside, us he hnd no further uso for
tncm. 1 give all tno credit to nootrs Bar
enpnrlllo." Mrs. Ad.v
L. Moody, Fay
Street, Lynn, Mass.
This and many similar cures provo that
Istho Ono Truo Wood AlUlrugglsts. 81.
rrcpareilonly by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
u 1 rt'tt curo Liver Ills; easy to
I1UUU a nils take, easy lo operate. 25c,
Wvnlliur rorecimt.
Ur.n Cloud, Nkh. March tlO 180(5
Tho following in tbo weather
foreciiPtH for tho noxt 'Jl hours:
I'nrilv I'lomlr toulglit mwl sat
Rinil urilaj U'Hrnn-r nutli--ut
UUSa imriloii tnulglM, rnlilvr Sni-
T. W. Cownr.N, Local Mumigor.
Notk These forecasts will bo die
played daily iu every postolllco in Web
county. luvaiilu.
Folks are gelling ready far spring
Wo had a warm firo hero Tuesday
morning About 8:10. Tho alarm
of firo was Hounded and every
ono turned out and fuuml tlm s'ore of
Mr Vance to lie in llmies Kvery
ono worked fuithfullv and baved the
stores of Mr. Knight and Mr. Saw or,
by putting wri carpers on tho drug
Btoro. Mr. V.wico'h store was almost
atotal loss, except what belonged to
the postoflioo lit $1,000 iusur-
mi co on bis vtook and More.
Mr. Irons has got a now riding
lister and bin sun William will farm
this sniiimi-r.
A number from hem aro attending
tho Sunday heboid onnvuuiioii (bis
Qoo. Hummell is punting his
Miss Florcnco Sawjer is sponding
a woek's vacation at homo tins wcok.
Mr. YHMDykei and wife went to
Franklin Turuday to visit her brother
whose wil" is very sick.
Howard Hoynolds took tho train
for Beatrice Monday, where lie is
going to work tins summer
Tom J -nes and A, E. Woloott aro
going to farm Mr. Richardson's land
noar the river this summer
II. O. SiWMir is shelling out his
earn this week.
The pov office is now running in
Mr, Irons office. H, K,
From Our Traveller.
Bixoit, Wis , M. i it r, 1890.
Ono of our roportern going through
Wisconsin to visit the "old folks," stop
ped oft at Ueloit, where bu bad to
clntngo ears. Having u few bourn to
wbilo away, bu commenced Httolliiig
around to see tbo city. Tbo llrst thing
to titrike liim us peculiar was tbo crook
ed etroets, ami, unturally wondering why
tlwy ubould bo bo crooked, bo steppod
up to a middlo-agcd man standing in
front of a hotel, and asked him to ex
plain tho matter- "Certainly, sir," and
went on to give tho desired information.
I Finally tho stranger offered to show him
around, and our reporter gladly accept
ed. "You won't bavo timo to Bed overy-
thing," said tho guide," so I will show
you what makes LSoloit so wuloly anil
favorably known."
Walking oast and a littlo north, thoy
soon came in Bight of tbo College
Campus, which is covored with bluo
grass, and place's hero and tboro thoy
saw Indian mounds among tho scattered
troos. "This ground is just as the In
dians left it, with a fow of tbo trees cut
out," began tbo stranger, "anil this placo
horo is known ub Turtlo mound; you sco
it repreeonta very woll tho back of a
turtle. I will take you to tho old build
ings first, und give jou an idea ot how
things used to bo carriod on. Thin
building horo is old Middle College (red
brick, you see), built In lS17-I8,ut a cost
of about 810,000, and was relltted in '79
at a cost of $1,000. Until '93 it was tho
principal building for instruction of tbo
collego proper.
"This iq North College," ho said, nB
thoy walked toward an oldish-looking
two story building, "which was built in
'51 for 88.0C0; it was long tbo principal
dormitory, and, until tho completion ot
Chnpin Hall, tbo placo of tho collego
boarding club. Tbo old chapel over
thoro, now callod tho'Art Hall, wua built
ni '."iS, foriJG.OOO. For n wbilo it was used
as an academy, but it is now dovotod to
They noxt approached an old woodou
building, which seemed to Bay: "I bavo
ilnishod my course." "This is South
Collego," tho stranger wont on, "oroctod
in '08, at tho war prico of 85,000; it mot,
for n time, tho groat noeJ of more dor
mitory room, and is now used as tbo
music room. This is Memorial Hall, ot
lime-stonoyou soo, and wbb erected in 'C9
nt a cost of 820,000. Tho library was
brought to the uppor Btory from Middle
Collego, and the cabinets to tbo lowor.
Stop in nnd look around; this is as good
a library as you will find in tho west."
It was, as ho said, u good ono. Lightod
by electricity, boated by steam, nnd
fitted with all modern conveniences,
The books, about 18,000 volumes, noorly
nil of thom could bo drawn out by tho
studontB for n poriod of two weoks, tho
librarian informod bim in answer to bis
Lonving tbo library, thoy approachod
a small, bat fino building of stono:
"Smith's Obsorvutory," tho guido ov
plains, "dateB from '81, costing, with
equipment, 822,000. This to tho left is
Scovillo Hall, tho gift ot J. W. Scovillo;
it was oreotod in 18SD 00, at a cost of
827,000. It was tho first of tho four
thoroughly modorn and notably perfect
buildings erected in tho past fow years
for tho collego '
Going to tho extreme north part of
tho Campus, thoy camo to a four-story
red brick building, which tho guido said
was Chupin Hall, tho gift of Dr. D. K.
Pearsons, and coating 827,000. It is fit
ted," ho Haiti, "for Bixty-eight studonts,
and, on the ground-floor, quarters and
equipment for u boarding club ot one
hundrod and twenty-five. Come in and
soe tho rooms," ho'addod, cordially, nnd
then ho explained that bo was a trustee
of tho collego, nnd had a porfoot right
to visit any ot tho rooms and take with
him whomover he ploasod, Going on
from room to room, our reporter was
surprised to mo on ono ot tho doors,
Cotting and Ovoring ! Knocking on the
door, and receiving a loud "Como in,"
they ontorod and found tbo bojs with
thoir foot upon the window-sill, indus
triously studying Bowser's Annlytics.
We will loave our roaders to imagino for
thomsolvoB tho reception, for tho boys
had not Been nnyono from Red Cloud
since lost Soptombor. Many and varied
woro the quoBtionB put and answered,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pslr Hbjbeat Award.
"gyti.gqs-.'ij'j i. .,. it's a 5-t2f
but, wishing to uavo time, they all wont
to see tbo lost of the buildings.
"Thin," wild tbo trimtoe, "is our now
cbapt'l, built by Mrs. A. U. II. Doyon,
and costing, with th organ, about .'lt,
000. It is ono of the tlnest structures
ot its kind in tho west.
"This is Poarsona Hall, dodicated in
January, 1S9I5, costing 875,000, besidoB
the equipments. It is tho largest nnd
most ohiborato of nil the collego build
ings. Tbo departments of physics, goo
logy, botany, nnd cbomistry hnvo suitos
of rooms in tbo wings, each occupying
two floors. Tho ofllco of the president
and tho trustees, and of tho scientific
association, with tho miiBoum nbovo
them, make tho front. At the contor
hero is tbo auditorium, sonting 1100 peo
ple. It wns a great day for tho college
wbon its scientific work emerged from
tbo cramped quarters iu Middlo Collego
und entored tbo largo, woll-lightod, und
well-equipped rooms of Pearsons Hall.
"There, you bavo seen tbo buildings
nnd know something of tho scopo ot our
work. I nin sorry you bavo not timo to
meet tno professors; oxcellont gontlo-
mnn nil f ttwttit "
iuvii an wi i iiuiiu
As it was uearing traiu time, our re
porter bad j tbo two Eds a hearty good
bye, nnd, shaking bands with tho cordial
trustee, ho left the campus and made
bis way to tlm train.
Setms as it consumption nlwayn pleks
out tho brightost and best. Fully ono
sixth of all tho deaths that ooour in tho
world are caused by consumption. Mauy
things were ono? considered Impossible.
It would be etrango if medical selenco
did not make some progress. Iho tolo
graph nnd telephone, tho phonograph,
the eleotrio light nil woro once Impossi
ble, and once it was impcssibl to eoro
consumption. That was before the timo
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Taken according to directions, this stan
dard remedy will euro 03 per cent, of all
oases of consumption. Consumption is
eausod nnd fostered by imparity iu
tho blood. It is enred bj parity aud
richness in the blood snrely, certainly
oared by tho "Medioal Discovery." It
builds up solid healthy flesh aud vigorous
strength. Dr. 1'ierco's Common Senso
Medical Advisor, a 1003 page medioal
work, profusely Illustrated, will be sent
froo on receipt of 2l one-cent stamps to
sover postage only. Address, World's
Dispensary Medical Association, buffalo,
New York.
Having been absent so long, and
scnrcoly ovor seeing any items from
Cowles, I thought I would Bond in a
few, lost loop "year should go by and I
be loft an old bach again.
Farmors aro busy now in tho flolde.
Since tbo snow is gono ground is in
good conditicn.
Tho dnnco ut Mt. Hopo was a grand
success, although boiuo wont homo bo
foro it was ovor.
Floy lforon has boon eick tho past
two or throo weolm but is much better
J. E. Harris has gono to farming und
will romain with T. Uoren during tho
Quito u number will nttond the Sun
day Bchool convention at Rod Cloud this
Fred good has already got his boy u
Died Infant son ot Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. Hurd, on tho 17th.
Poto Hill says to tell Corbott to como
on now. He wont run from nnyono.
Mrs. Wm. Good expects to go Boon to
Iowa for a ehort visit, and to moot hor
husband who will return with her.
Farmer John has movod and gone to
work. Succobb to you Storoy.
Paul Storoy will attend postofllco thw
D. UeBt baa another position, boing
laid ofl only a few days.
OitANdE Blossom,
A oanvnss among tho druggiafof this
place reveals tho fact that Chamberlain'
are the most popular proprietary medi
cines sold, Gliainborlatu'a Coogh Remedy
espeolally, is regarded as iu the lead of
all throat, trouble remedies, and as sneb,
is freely prescribed by phyHioians. Ah a
oroopo uiedlolno, it is also nuexoulled,
and most families with joung children
ktop n bottlo always handy for liutant
use. Tho editor of tho Graphio 1ms re
preatedly known Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to do the work after all other
medicines hnd failed. The Kimball a. V.
Uruphla, For side at 2S and CO cents per
bottle by II. E, Qrloe.
-" f
Crooked Urn-It.
The farmers nru ptophesying n good
prop this season, and wo hopo thoy
aro right.
Hank Mauror will bavo no ico to
put around his npplo trees this spring.
So Smuggler took a cigar. Well,
we aro Hiipried I lie usually takes a
bottle of champagne.
Hank says thoro is another poun4
on again, mid uiiIchh Joo makes him
and Oliver get in line, things will
hnvo to go different next fall,
Ulivor Hedge is thinking of spend
ing the suinmor iu Indiana. O, don't
go, Oliver; sho'll bo back again.
George Winton is still cutting
wood. Leonard Smith wants to draw
straws, hut George prclcrs having a
The entertainment in Dist. 75 last
Thursday night was a success. Mrs.
S. Cox closed hor school iu that dis
trict last Saturday.
Stove Morrison thinks thoso steers
of Mr. lleihcr's aro ready to ship.
Smuggler, do give tho pcoplo of
Ureokcd Creek a rest, and open up a
correspondence with lliohard Crokcr,
as tho time will soon bo here.
Fino Weather.
Mr. Ilasmussen arrived hero Sunday
Frank Frisbio and wifo spont Sun
day in lied Cloud.
G. C. Mann was homt Sunday.
Misses Susio and Alia Baker wcro
attending tho Sunday school conven
tion this week.
Joo Suladcn was on our streets last
C. II. FriBbio and wifo woro visiting
in Guido Rook Sunday.
Wo think tho editor will liavo to
put on an extra sheet for the Ainboy
Law Boa cxpocts to go homo t0
board about tho 28th.
Mrs. Miller will lead tho Endeavor
meoting Sunday evening. Don't for
got that it is consecration night, and
bo prepared.
Fino wonthor and the ground is in
good condition for spring.
School closes in Dists. 00 and 78
next Wodnssday, after a 7 month's
Miss Mary Mountford spent a fow
days in Itoi Cloud vifiiting Mrs,
The Mt. Hope Kpivorth LcagUo is
largely attended. It is tho best thing
wo havo over seen for joung people.
Mr. Corbott led last Sunday ovoning.
Mrs. Mountford will lead next.
Miss Lona Stoner is Quito siok but
wo hopo sho will soon bo around
Miss Lizzio Barrett is having a
pleasant visit with us again.
A number of young lolks mot at
Mrs. Davis's Sunday and had a good
Liiatcn for the wedding bells soon
to ring.
Mr. Albert llubins got tired of Mis
souri and of courso oanic baok to Kan
sas, Wos Starr and llov. Horton aro run
ning a scries of meetings at Bcardsley
school house, also tt Penny creek by
Rev. Wells. Jay Hawker.
It's jast as easy to try One Minute
Coogh Core as anything else. It's easier
to care a severe coogh or cold with it.
Let your next purchase for a cough bo
One Minnte Cough Curo, IJetter medi
cine; better result; butter try it, C. L.
Rev, Maxfiold of Rod Cloud preach
od Sunday aftcrnoou at tho G. A, R,
Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report
m, asga
Miss Ida Williams loft Tuesday en
route to St Joe, whoro she expects lo
spend tbo summer with Mrs. A. Wil-
Mr. 0. Yi. Budlong and baby, of
Campbell, woro tho guests of Mrs. J.
II. Horn Monday of this week.
Mrs. D. P. Kimtncl is visiting
Grandma Monroe in Kansas:
Mr. and Mrs. L, E, Sponco rcjoioo
over tho cvont of a daughlor boing
born into their family Monday.
Earnest will not bo ablo to shave any
this week.
Daggett Bros., of Rivcrton, woro
oanvassing tho city tho foro part of
this wack.
W. M. Grannis left Monday morn
ing on a commercial trip. Wo can
tell you how good his cigars arc, and
don't you forgot it.
Our doctor has been kopt busy dur
in g tho past week, attending to tho
eick in this vicinity,
Nellio Tliorno, who lin.s been at
tending tho-stntc university, dropped
in on his friends Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. lVsrov Grandstoff aro
preparing to movo onto tho farm va
cated by II. D. Mitchell.
J. E. Yost spont last week in Swan
ton, Mr, L. B. Thorne, wifr, and child
ren arrived Thursday cvoning from
Dave Byrno was a passenger to
Iloldrcgo last Thursday cvoning, re
turning Friday morning.
Kid Bennett is making himself uso
ful in the storo of Byrno Bros., tear
in u off calico by the yard for tbo
pretty young ladies,
Somo twclvo or fiftcon members of
tho Bladen A. O. U. W. lodgo mus
tcrod courage onough to attend tho
Campbell lodgo Saturday evening to
soo sovaral members rido tho goat into
tho ways of a mystic workman. They
roport tho Campboll lodgo as being up
to date, having all tho latest parapher
nalia, and aro up in the manner of
using the snuio, Tho lodgo is in a
good, hoaltby. thriving condition, and
the members are good, gonial, accom
modating fellows, and words of praise
fall from tho lips of all who attended,
of tho hospitality of tho Campbtll
On an invitation, tho Campboll
lodgo came down to Bladen Monday
evening, bringing thoir paraphernalia
and assisting to take soveral members
into tho Bladen lodgo, who woro very
much impressed with tho workings of
tho order. There aro many others on
tho way to unito with the ordor. Tho
members all seemed to enjoy the visit
of tho Campboll lodgo, and hopo that
thoy may soon como again.
ficlnllc Itlicumatbmi Cured.
L. WBgner, Wholesalo Druggist, Rich
mond, Vo says: "I had a fearful attack
of Solatio Rheumatism, was laid up al
most two months, was fortunate cnoogh
TIBM. This oared me after doctor's pre
sorlption had failed to have any effeot.
Sold by U. E. Urloo druggist, Red Cloud.
Walnut Creek. .,
Tom Blank received tho contract
to, cord tho wood for tho school dis
trict. He did a good job if ho did
oast sheep's eyes at the sohoel marin
now and thou.
Mrs. .lesson iH quite siok at pros
cnt, Lut is roported hotter,
The nhiit olub met at Mrs, Ante-
?iBBSJMMHii ""tm
son's Friday evening. Unolo Joo
got left.
Jim Kindscher has movod on tho
placo occupied by alt Vanderborg
last summer.
The boys in district 3 created a
snow fort ono day last wcok, and sov
eral teams boeamn frightened at it,
omobodv was kind onough to upsot
it and the boys had to build another
Mrs, Mary Arnoson was visiting at
Mr. Vandorburg's Friday.
Squiro JonoB and Col, Woods wore
hauling hay last wock,
Two moro weeks of school nnd
thon a long vaoation.
To tho boys, or young mon as thoy
call themselves, who wont to th
school houso tbo other night for the
purposo of having some fun, wo would
say, you had bottor bo careful and
after this think twioo beforo you apt
so again,
ii i
Toko n doso of DoWitt's ldttlo Early
Risers Jnst for the good thoy will do yon.
Tlieso little pills aro good for iudigostion
good for hoadacho, good for liver com
plaint, good for constipation, Thoy nra
good. O L Cotting.
iac;i:iious suite; r: it v.
Dcufli rollou'M tho Surj;con'A
Knife Xot lliu Surgeon'M
Fault, of Course.- lie
Can't Help It. Yoh
Pyramid I'llc Cure Cures I'llen Quick
l I'al ulokly, Without Danger.
Peoplo go along for years Buffering
with piles, Then try this and and
that and tho other thing; from carry
ing a buokcyo to getting treatment
from a physioian, Thoy obtain torn
porary relief, maybe, but thoy are
never quito cured. A littlo strain in
lifting, excessive fatigue, a littlo con
stipation or a little diarrhora and tho
piles eomo back.
This don't seem to amount to much,
but thoy banish Bleep and appetite.
No position is comfortable Thoro is
Intense local pain and that dreadful
feeling of weight in tbo perineum.
Maybe in tho early stages somo of
tho many salves on salo will afford
temporary relief. If tho coso is of
long standing tbcro is only ono speedy
and suro romody. It is Pyramid Pilo
Cure. Even in light oases it is the
safost thing to uso. Other applica
tions may ouro and may not. Pyra
mid Curo is always certain, always
reliable, always briags comfort at once
Its prompt uso savos months of sovoro
suffering. In extreme eases it will
savo surgical operations and thoir at
tendant dangors and discomforts. It
is hotter than a knife. Will ouro
easier, quicker aud safer. Thousands
have used it. Thousands havo been
cured by it. The cost is triflinjjVom
pared with what it does. Tho price
is fifty cents. Most anybody would
gladly pay ton dollars to bo rid of
Druggists sell Pyramid Pile Curo
If yours hasn't it ho will get it fer
you from tho Pyramid Drug Co. of
Albion, Mich, (sole manufacturers.)
... .
IXIicumutlHni Cured In u Day.
"MYSTIC CURE" for Rheumatism
and Nenralgia radioally aares iu 1 to 3
days. Its aotlon upon the system is re
markt bin and mysterious, It romorea
nt once the oanso aud tlio.dlsesso iusud
lately disappears, The Hist dose greatly
benefits. 75 cents. Bold by H, E. Otto
roggiat, Red Cloud,
-. w.
" 1 V