The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 20, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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FMUT compound
Bepfc Remedy in the Wo""
It MaW people Wl
ik. v-- r- y ,cttjr
VI .1 1 U i M J7 II JT JW jZM.
M IP l!
Wl lllli
Tlioro in ana truo Hpcoifio for diseases urising from impuro blood and a
debilitated nervous system, and that in Paino'H oolcry compound, so generally
prescribed by physioians. It in probably tho most remarkable remedy that
tlio Bciontifio research of thin oountry linn produced. Prof. Edward E. Phelps,
M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth Callcgo, first prescribed what is now known the
world over as Paino's cclory compound, a positive euro for dyspepsia, bilious
ncss, liter oomplaiut, neuralgia, rheumatism, all uorvous diseases and kidney
troubles. For tlio latter, Paine's celery compouud lias succeeded again and
again when averything also has failed.
Nlulc Creek 1 1 ens.
Ex-Judge Stonor has bought prop
erty in Lebanon Kansas, and moved
down to mako that town his perma
nent homo in tlio future.
Jcsso Sapp was to movo from this
creek to a piano eight miles northeast
but he rented a Lrtn eight miles
southwest and moved on it.
Hev. Lewis of Salum, the pastor of
Mt. Ilnpo M. E. oliurnh, protohed his
farewell sermon last Sunday night.
Frank StuvenH sold his hogs last
Monday in Lebanon for $.'!,! 0.
Property sold real well at Mr. Pet
erson's salo. Ono team brought Hour
ly $100 and cows sold high. Uld
harness went like now ours.
Tlio boys of this part had a bird
In mid About tliuUiilvcrally.
William Jonnings Bryan addrcssod
the Freo Silver League of tlio Uni
versity Tuosday evening, on tlio re
tirement of the grecn-baoks. Tho
speech was intended by the plub to
answer an argument on tho sarao sub
ject, delivered boforo tho Political
Economy Club, by 0. M. Lambertson.
Tim latter gentleman favored tin tak
up of tho United States notes. Mr.
Bryan's oratory pleased nnd enter
tinned the young Gnanotcrs of the
nudionoe, if it did not convince them.
It is generally conceded that few men
understand tho frcr silver side of tlio
in 0 iiey question bettor than Mr,
Bryan, but bis argument Tuesday
evening was unsatisfactory to many
tiuio to find Zel Stonor, but when . of tno students. Ono young man
they did find him they madu him who has always bom an enthusiastic
agree to treat. i j op said, on bearing tho lecturo:
Gold at Cripple Cmek and at or
near Lnbanon, on Oak creek, and a
nalt well on State crook. C Stevei s
has a vull only live or six feci t'.o-p
that has not been tested jot to hue
what it will make, but bis cattle have
not been .raited for two or three year,
and are eating up a hill nour the well.
Ed Cooper lost a fine borso lust
week from a hard lull.
Com is going up. Homo demand
tolls it for 17u to ISc for tho best
oholled corn.
0. Barrett and Sam Mountford have
shelled all the corn in this vicinity.
el In !l Days.
Morton i. Hill, ot Lebanon, Intl., says:
"My wifu had Inflammatory Hhotimatitm
in every musclo and joint, her mifToriug
vrt.A terrible and her body mid luco woto
Hwollen almost beyond recognition; liad
been in bud for six weeks and hud eight
physicians hut received no bcueiU until
she tried tlio MYSTIC OUUli l'Olt
UllKUMATlSM. It gave iuimi-diiitn re
lief and she wiw nblu to walk nbout in
three days. I nm siiru it saved her lifit."
Sold by H. K. Cirino druggist, Hed Cloud.
Everybody is busy. Renters I
moan are busy moving from ono place
to another.
Mr. Seward G arbor's teams went
through our streots en route from
from Hod Cloud to Cripple Creek.
Charles Davis says it is u boy. Reg
ular Kansas weight.
Mr. S. C. Johnson says that trade
with htm is rathor slack;
Tho spoiling school in Dist. 00 last
Friday night was a grand uuooess.
J. T. Stoncr moved to Lebanon,
Mr. Zoll Stonor and Miss Alieo
Francis tied a knot with their Ungues
that they cannot untie with thoir
Thcro is no use talking; that speech
did not answer Mr. Lambcrtson's.
Yesterday, tin Crawford system of
nominating candidates was tried in
Lincoln. As usual, tho "ward bosses"
were on hand to see that "their" men
went out to the polls. And as usual,
too, tboso who cry loudest against
corruption in politics, as manipulated
under tho caucus system, stayed at
home and let the bosses have thoir
Many of tbo students got out and
used their time and influcnoo in work
ing for candidates who favor roform
and clean administration of munioipal
alTairs. This they did, be it said to
their credit, without respcot to politi
cal aililialious.
Tho University ltopubliean Club
mot Saturday evening and elected
officers: Prcsidont, 11. S. Baker;
vice-president, Mr. Spencer; secretary
and treasurer, Mr. Sullivan; sergeant
at arms, Mr. Matson. A. V. Martin
was chosen to represent tbo club ia
tho general convention of college re
publican clubs, which meets in Chica
go some time in August, and J. II
Luin was elected delcgato to the
national convention of republican
leagues. The club enthusiastically
adopted resolutions ondorsing McKin-
ley, tho republican caudidato for
Geo. Mann was visiting on tbo
creek Sunday.
Mr. Decker has moved on tho ltccd
place rccontly vacated by Mr. Smytho,
Wo extend the right hand of fellow
ship. Mr. and Mm. G. W. Raker and
ohilarcn, Altu and Susie Raker were
in Red Cloud Monday.
Mr. C. C. Cox is convalescent.
Henry llasscr is bailing hay this
weok. Henry thinks of going to Mil
waukco to seek his fortune.
From reports the Plenant Hill
school has been converted into n
sinoko house.
.Mr. J. E. IlincH the political and
social leader is the protind progenitor
of a bounoing baby boy. He has boon
christened Allen in favor of his fath
er's political exponent, Senator Allen.
Tlio wedding in high lifts which was
to havo occurred, has been postponed
until further notice.
Mrs. Rasmusscn arrived at this
place Saturday night from Troy, Kas.
Mr. Rusmusscn expects to come over
land in a few days.
Clarence Cox has recovered from
his recent indisposition and is able to
bo on deck again.
The choir practiced at Mr. Raker's
Wednesday ovening and will practice
again Saturday ovening nt tho school
Our salient and versatile friend
Mr. George Law has been sojourning
in Kansas, the land of pretty girls and
sorghum lappcrs. Evidently tho
Kansas girl appreciates talent lofjua
oity nnd obesity as Geoigo's vis-its are
Tho rumor that Samuel Miller will
lead the singing hereafter, in order to
teach tho choir t sing with the spirit
and with tho understanding lacks con
firmation. Sylvoster Frisbic is learning the
rocky road to Dublin. From last re
ports ho was still on the way.
Owing to the inclement weather,
Saturday evening, tho Pio social, to
havo been held at Mrs. C. II. Frisbio's
for tho benefit of the Y. P. S. C. K.,
was postponed. The date has not
been announced but we trust it will
bo in tho near future, as wo dearly
lovo to oat pie for the good of the
Miss Jessie Cockrall was in town
Mr. Z. Rariies is back from Iowa.
His friends are previously disappoint
ed because he is not numbered among
tho benedicts. Iowa damsels arc not
awaro of the prize thoy havo missed.
Quito n number of our oung pooplo
were enjoying sleighing Saturday and
According to the gaugo mado by
Prof. Merritt about 18 inches of snow
fell. Our experienced farmers say it
forotclls at) abundant crop.
Tho young ladies of Amboy realiz
ing th at leap year will no; oeeur again
for eight years have signalized tho
fact by organizing tlio "Ciroo" club.
Its olject being to secure companions
of tho malo persuasion for each mem
ber. It there isn't enough to go
around, they will send to the asylum
at Lincoln to fill out tho number.
Among those on whom tho ladies
havo special designs arc, Robert
Mitchell, Alf Saladcn, Al Merritt,
Christopher Rasser, Ed Rasscr Jr.
George Law nnd Louis Real. The
society being of a striotly secret tin-
tu io no further particulars could bo
Mus GnuNiiv.
Wauled lNiKtiiru
For about 75 bead of horsou. Write
mo your terms, amount of pasturage etc.
Thomas. K. Kiuj.v,
Lincoln, rs tn
R. R. Payne is again at his post of
Mabel Day and Susie Kenedy are
now city boarders.
Moro moisturo in the shape of snow
and rain fell Tuesday.
A brand now boy came along to
htlp bis pa, Will Dennett, farm this
John Harpham, who resides near
Cwles was in the oity tho foro part
of tho weak.
R. R. Payno filled the pulpit at tho
Raptist church Sunday evening, in
the absenco of Rov. Stinnett.
L, R. Thome and Mrs. Jennie E.
Nixon, of Ronton, Mich., were united
in marriage at Pottcrsville, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo Petit, who have
been stopping with J. C. Hartman,
left Tuesday to visit her mother near
Mrs. Chas. Aplcy returned to this
oity Thursday, after spending tbt
winter with friends in tho eastern
part of tho state.
W. R. Householder and four or five
of his neighbors nro the champion
wolf hunters. Monday they run ono
down and captured it alivo.
Eddio Doyle has fund employment
with Nelson Rartlott this summer,
Ernest Reed with Henry Royd, and
Floyd Tookor with A. W. Cox.
A. P. Johnson is improving the
placo around his store by removing
the old posts nnd putting up soino
good solid hitching racks. Who will
bo tho next to do likewise ?
for Infants and Children,
OTHERS, Do You Know nmt moric,
Dateman'M Drojw, Uiittvy's Cordial, timny no-called Soothing 8yni, and
most rcmodlcs for ctlltlrcu nro comiosod of (ilum or mori'ldio t
Do Yon Know that opium jml morphine aro stiijiofylnt; narcotic iwlsons 1
Do Yon Know that In moit countries dniftelsts nro not Krmlttcd to sell narcotics
without labeling thorn jmlsons 1
Do Yon Know that you ftouM not ix-nnlt any medicine- to bo given your child
unless you or your physician know of whut it In comimstil t
Do Yon Know that Castcrin Is a purely Tcgctablo preparation, and that a list of
Ita IngrodJonU ia published with owry bottlo t
Do Yon Know that Costctia is tho prescription of tho famous Dr. Samuel ritchor.
That it haabocn in use for nearly thirty years, and that moro Costoria is now sold than
Of all other remedies for children combined ?
Do Yon Know that tho Tatont Offlco Department of tho United States, and ot
other countries, havo Issued cxcluslvo right to Dr. ritchor and his assigns to uso tho word
Castoria " and its formula, rod that to imitato them is a stnto prison offense 1
Do Yon Know that ono 7 tho reasons for granting this government protection was
becauso Castoria had boon proven to lo absolutely bartulosN?
Do Yon Know that 35 avorngo doses of Castoria aro furnished for 35
cents, or ono cent a ('oso r
Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
bo kept well, and that you may I svo unbroken rust 7
Well, these thlngn art: worth knowlrg. They aro facte.
The fno-atmilo
on every
idgnntnro of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
llltciiHiutlmii Cured In a Day.
"MYSTIO OUHE" for HIiHumatlam
nnd Neuralgia radically cares in 1 to .1
days. Its notion upon tlio system is re
inarki tiJu and mysterious, It teinoyun
nt oueo the cuusu nnd tho disease immed
iately disappears. The Utst doso greatly
benefits. 75 cents. Hold by II, E. Qrico
roggist, Red Cloud.
"(livn mo n llvnr regulator and I can
roKulato the world," laid a genius. Tho
druggist handed him a bottlo of UoWitt's
Little Early Hisers, tbo famous little pills
O I CottliiK.
SoIz'b shoeB for durability nnd law
price. Sold only by Wioner.
uiNtioivcB Caravel
Gall stone, brick dust iu urino, pain in urethra,
(training after urination, pain in tbo back and
hips, sudden ttoppago of water with pressure.
Briglit's Disease
Tubo casts in urino, scanty urine. Sxeamp-Hnal
cures urinary trouble nnd kidney difficulties.
Liver Complaint
forpld or enlarged liver, foul breath, bilious
ness, bilious headache, poordlgeatlon, gout.
Catarrh of t lie IS ladder
Inflammation, Irritation, nice ration, dribbling,
frequent calls jkhs IiIocmI, mueiM or pus.
At DrilKKlNtM 50 cenlH uml iH.OO .Nlza.
'lnklUU' Uulila to lUullli" fri'n-C'aiunilUtlon free.
Dll. KlUlElt i: Co., UlNOllAUTON, N. 7.
DcalliCNN Cutinot bo Cured,
by local applications, an thoy cannot
reach tho dinensed portion of the onr
Thoro is only ono way to care deufnosn
and thnt is by conHtitutional remedies.
DunfneHH h cnuseil by nn inllnmed condi
tion of tho mucous lining of tho Eo
Htrnchion tnbo. When this tube Rets in
flamed you havo n rumbling Hound or im
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed deofnusR is tbo result, nnd unlosrt
thu inflammation can bo taken out nnd
this tubo restored to its normal condition
hearing will bo destroyed forever, which
i nothing bnt an inllnmed condition of
thu mucous snrfnoes.
Wo will give ono hundred dollars for
nny caso of donfniBs (oansed by datarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's catarrh
euro. Bend for oiroularc, free.
P. J. CHENEY &. CO.. Toledo, O.
i2TSold by druggiste, 7ro.
The snow will be quito a help to
tho farmers of Garfield.
Quito a number wero out with their
sleighs Monday.
Henry ltathjon will soon start for
Iowa whero ho will visit his brother.
John Karncr says he'd just as soon
play "Lucy Oh!" as to oat.
Mrs. Goo. Harris of Nuckolls coun
ty was visiting in these parts Sunday.
A Sundav-fichool was organised at
the Amack school house.
Miss Nellie Kaley will soon olose a
sucoct-sful term of six months school
in district !!).
Miss Josie Karncr nccompaniod by
Miss Alta Smclser was visiting at her
home Sunday.
Charley Iluefele will work for John
Wagouor this season.
Charloy Wolfe h nicely located on
tho Mohlor furtu.
Prank Amack is possessor of a
borso and buggy and is prepared' to
tako tho girls riding, even if it is af
ter meeting.
There socms to bo quito an attrac
tion for souio of the GarGcldcrs in
Rod Cloud.
In the last snow storm Charley
Wolfo lost his tnustacho. Jimmy.
It not only is so, it mutit bo bo, Ono
Minute Cough Uure nets (illicitly, nnd
that's what makes it go. C1j (Jotting.
TIiiiiiUn Old Itoy.
Council Hi.ui-ts. la, March 9.
I'niixii Hosmkh: I think my
timo for tho Groat Family Weekly
has expired, so write for a rcnowal for
another year. Find onclosed ono dol
lar and one dime forihe "Hcd Skin"
and a book, if you havo any of tho
latter on baud which you donato to
foroign subscribers. If you sond a
hook, pick out such n ono as you
think would intcrst me. Oiir oity
election passed oil quietly last Mon
day and wont iopublian, of course,
the democrats only scouring two min
or officors. Our election of members
for board of cduoation is hold todaj
It will probably bo a close contest.
Havo no news to send other than you
road in your exchanges. We hav
bad no winter, but little moisturo and
would gladly see soma good rains.
There is ono thing I fort;ot to Mention
"I can get shaved now sotuotime be,
fore dark on Saturdays." Seel Wo
are all in usual good health and hopo
you and lied Cloud friends arc well
and prospring.
Yours truly,
Frkd IIOWAllli,
H. Ii P.iyno is utile to teach school
again after an attack of the grip.
Gus and Oloy liringlcsou arc going
to Minnesota in a few weeks
F. K. Payno sold his bogs to Char
lie Hunter this week.
J. M. Marker purchased ahorse at
J. F. Peterson's sale last Tuesday.
Mr. Stevens of Kansas was in our
neighborhood soiling hog cholera pre
ventative. A. A Cooper Ins tho la grippe.
Thero will be caster exercise-t at
New Virginia on April 5.
All Inst winter Mr. Geo. A Milt-n, of
Lebanon, Conn,, v,n badly ntllicted with
rhetiiimtiem. At ttnifH it win no nevorn
that ho could not stand up straight, but
whw drawn ovor nn ono side. "I tried
different n-uiedie-t without rocoiving re
lief," ho says, "until about six moiithx
ngo I bonght n bottlu of ChaiuberhtinV
I'nin Halm. After using it for three days
my rhonmutiHin wuh gou and has not re
turned since. For snlo by 11. E. Grief.
Fred Uorgemcn killed two geese
last week.
Kmory Bean was in this vicinity on
business last week.
Mii-s Lillian Kimev -ill leave next
week for York, Nebraska, where sho
will enter college.
Leek Graves whs n pleasant calles
at G W. Matkin's this week.
The party at Oloy Nelson's was
well attended Tuesday dight and a
good timo ropoitcd.
Kverrott nd Frank Bean wero orcr
in Kansas buying cattle last week.
Ira Miller, from near Kansas, will
work for Johnson Wisocarvcr this
Preaching at Pleasant Prairio Sun
day, March 22d, rt 11 o'clock, by
Uev. Bean. Sunday-school will bo
organized also.
Gus Bringelson and Ous Anderson
are contemplating a trip to Wisconsin
in the near future.
Owing to tho inclomoncy of the
weather, the social nt C. II. Wilson's
was not largely attended.
Uinbop Hon and wife arrived Tues
day from California, for a day's vis-it
nt 0. K. Kamiiy's. Thoy departed for
Beatrice Wtbncsday, whore the Bish
op will hold oonfercnao.
Tho 'cliool iu district 8 has closed.
Tbo teacher, Miss Sherman, was woll
Iter. Bluckwell orgiuiizd tho Kp
worth League nt tho Hummel sohcol
houso Suiubrr afternoon with about!
UO members.
Lcm WilhrwH shipped tvM onrloadB
of bogs to Kansas City this week
L. A. HnsltiiiH our local a aokpuiitk!
is now ready for busuirm, He has!
bniitrhi Iko ?reuoH'n ont-ro Mock of j
Juuirh Saudelt u.iuulit ll jiek rab-'
bitH urn- day sliii week.
Mr Aiibj'boi's baby "ivn-y siokH
Mr. Brum Mill tench fir Penny J
ertok sclliml tins Miring.
It. Tumor it bidding m mlditionjj
to his house.
T His- Fuiniliiy; i'ubllc.
To any nil persons paing Tim!
Ciiihr $1.10 tor ono M-ur's bubscriptioiu
wo will sond tbo NKBKASKA ANI
iuisaAW .'j-AUMIJU ono year viKr.i
this will include our ragulur promtut
besides. Tuk Pakmku. will bo uu oxcel-j
lent medium for tho- farmers ct tho
country, itnd ono that will bo full of inJ
'tereating articles on the farm and ulj
mutton pertaining thereto. This oflloi
will bo good until April 1, 1890, or w
will eond it to nny ot Tin: Cin:i' sul
fioriberu who will baud us 10c during
tbo d nt L-9 mentioned. This is u tmociii
olfcr mid will not hold good nttor dat
expires. Como in nt oncu and leuvo youi
Mrs Uismusscn, of Troy, Kansas,
is visiting at I. Frisbio's.
Miss Delia Auxior was a guest of
Miss Alta Baker Sunday.
Law Beal has changed boarding
houses to I. FriNbia's.
A crowd of our young pooplo went
to Bed Cloud Sunday in a bob sled,
Tho pio sooUl was a failuro on ac
count of tho storm.
Mrs Joe Saladon is visiting at J,
W. Saladon's.
Kvcrybody that had a sleigh was
onjoying the snow last Sunday.
The Amboy Sunday school will re
spond at tho couvoi-.tion,
Epilepsy 20 Years.
Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine!
Afcwyearsii;o,Mr. h. W. Oatlahor, wa
an extensive, successful pcrt man
fuctnrer of lumber nroductSL Attacked wtl
epllupvy, ho was obliged tajdvo uj blsbustJ
iies. The attacks camu upon lilm most In
opiHirtunely. Ono timo falling from acurrl-l
age, at anot ber down st: Jcs, ami often in tho I
stuit. Ouco ho fell down a nhaft In the)
mill, his Injuries noaily proving fatal. Mr.i
uallaher writes from Milwaukee, Tub, Hjf'i
i555s. y.
4 rm3Mkrs'Z&:
"Thcro aro nono moro miserable than or
iQptles. l'or 20 years I sufToicd itltli opliei
tic IUh, liavliii; us high as llvo lu ono night.
tried any number of physicians, paying i
one alone, a fee of &C0.G0 and havo doi
llttlo for years but ttcarch for HomothinR
help mo, mid havo taken- all tho leadli
ruraeules, but received no benefit. A year
my bon, Chas. S. Qallahur, druggist at
need Ht., Milwaukee, gave mo Dr. Mlli
Kcsioniuvo nervine, anu 1 trlou It wl
gratifying rcbiilu. Havo had but two
hIiico I began talcing it. I nm bettor no
every way than I lmvo been In 20 years.'
nr. miles' KomuUles nro hold by drugg
on a positive guarantee that tho first
will benefit or jirlco refunded. Hook od
Heart and Nerves, freo. Address,
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Klklmril
Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore- ?
Nr liiorphluo or opium In I)r. MllJ
Pills, cunt: All I'lifu. "UuocunttiJ
A '