The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 20, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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Vm j Cr y C( Absolutely the BEST meal for 15c,
I UU VCU 1 VJC?l At City Bakery and Restaurant.
A Regular 25c Meal for 15 cents. 50 Loaves of Bread for $1.
All kinds of Cakes and Pies, Fine Candies and Nuts, Fresh Fruits, Boarding and Lodging, First-class
Accommodations at the Old Eeliable Firm.
JOS. HEBBURGER, Proprietor, Red Cloud.
' 1
PiiMUIicd Weekly.
MihM-rlpiloii, 81 Per Annum
Invariably lii AiJyaiiro
If nut ntit In n.liunie, after thl-j In. March
1H, ts'.rj, the prlcii will bo 91. VS.
Butercd lit tint rout 0111c 1" llcd Cloud, Neb.
ni mull iiiiUlfrofthc second class
Prof, cards, l Imhnr less per year 56 (
8X In.llllllS -j Y
Tlitee- months "
I'm liiihoiicti'iir 8 on
IVr Inch six months 3 iw
lVriiicli Unci months i 'i ('
special iii'tli-M per lino or lino space, first
publication fi cents, ... . ., .
Transient .specials, payable Invariably In ml-
VHIII'C, per Mill) 10 edits.
All rriulliii! notices In the nature of ndvertlso
niciilH nr pulls, s cents per 'inn.
Iti-gal notices tit iemil rates, l.: fora situate
iii-m lines ol ix-onpntcll or less,) nrsi puuncaiiou
Sl.oo; fur f.tclt subseipicnt publication, pet
square, M cents.
No "preferied position" contractu made.
All matter t snio jiiililliMtlon must bo ro
celved til this oflleo not later than Weduonlay
Advertisements cannnl Im ordered oi I for
tho current week later than Thursday.
It. A. III. It, It. Time 'I illil j.
uoixu f.asi
GR, IX'llI I'lI'lKllt. I.v (HI in.
16, liusrinsi'i, " loinr, " Ar in.wiii. m.
64, Pint Freight, " l::M p. in. 1:1X1 p. in.
142, Mixed riam, I.v It 'X, n. in. Ar 11:15 p. in
C), Fust Freluhl, I.v II :1fi n. in. Ar 10:30 n, m
141. .Mixed Train, " l--:Vi i. In. " llioln.ln
15, l'iissfli;ir, " 8;IUP. in. " HSU p. Ill
Itcpnhl icmi County Convention
Notio jb hereby given Unit thoro will
bo u convention of the republican votora
of W.tlmler county at tlin court Iioubo in
Hoil Cloud, Xnhrnskn, on Tuosduy, tlio
Hint ilny of Murcli, 18!W, lit 11 o'clock n.
in., for tlio purpose o( choosing 1- dele
gates to tlio Btitto convoutiou nt Oiniihii,
April 1, mid 1- delegaton to tlio con
KrcHsionnl iitnl uiitiouiil delegate convon
tion nt Miudnn, Nebraska, April Sth,
180(5, nnil 1- delegates to tlio ntnto con
vontion at Lincoln; for the uouiiniitinu
of Btato officers. Tho townships anil
wards aro entitled to ropruscntatlon
thoroin tin follows;
Guide Rook lt
lieuvor Uruk 7
Stillwater (i
OnltCniok J
Qiirtiold (5
Piemuint Hill 8
ElmCrcek 0
Potsdam !
Red Cloud
Walnut Crook
Rod Cloud, Firut Ward ..
Rod Cloud, Second Ward.
lly ordor of tho Republican County
Contral Couituittoo.
T. C. Hackkr, Ch'mn.
Cf.r.VK.r.AM) has not rocognizod tho
CulmiiH an yot, and tho Spaniards Buy
that wo aro afraid to. Wouldn't that
kill j on.
TtiKConiinorcial Ulub 1b still nftor
b'uelnoHa for Rod Cloud nnd although
their olTorta may bo in vain, wo live iu
the old Baying that "ovoryt,hing comoa
to him who waits." Rod Cloud will
awako Home, morning and II ml Borne Bub
Btuntinl ontorprtHeR within lier Avails.
Hii.i.y is tho man thnt nil
good Nobriiskn rupubllcanBaro nftor for
president. Tiik Ciiu:p tioliovvs in tho
favorite son busineiis thoroughly, nnd us
"WcKinley ih tho fayorlto bou of tho
United Statop, vo tiro thuroforu' for.liim
first, ltiHt and lilt tho time for proBidtn t,
Hois tho choice of 'thb ropubltcau party "
raiiK ami mo, ami u ueieatou, no will lie
defoatodjy politicianB only, and not by
tho poopio. I
' .- 1 ' m
Wanted llH-'iy to' Piutiire.
Tho uddorKigncd ..wants horses to
pasture nt 50 dents a head per month.
Plenty of: water in ml shatje. Ono
inilo cist of Amb'oy. Cijl iri or ad.
dress mo at lied Claud.
Nol2 4t - K. Skaton.
Ono Miuntx C'ouli Curo touches tho
riht spot. It also toiicWejMt at)ho rl(,'lit
. titiin if you tuku 'it When you invo n
coiikIi or euiU? Tlit-n ilou't coul), C It
IMilillc Mile.
On Tuowlny. March '21, lMhi, nt jny
resiiliMico two miles oast and two iind
ouohalf miles rm'lli. on tho old
Pdtor tSnilth place, 1 will noil all my
stock, final niaolun -ry and Iioum-IioUI
t;oods, IIor will bu nold for cash, Kuiiih
of 5.1 and under ciihIi All huuih ovor t.'i
n civil it of iiinu nnntliHwill tmKiven, tho
Iiurchiisor jiivlnc imio with approvdil
Blount', with intoreat at ten por cent
from dato of kiiId until pan). No u'ckkIh
'romoved until Bottled fui. Tn por cent
oir for on nh, . tl- 11. Oox,
O. h. Wi.nhiev, Auctioneer
Something About the New Din.
covery Tor Curing IypciNlu.
(From Mich. Christian Advooate)
Thcltcv. F. 1. Boll, a highly cb
teemed minister living in Wccdspnrt,
Cayuga county, N. Y.. in a recent lot
tor write ns follows: "Thero has
never been anything that I havo taken
that lias relieved tho dyspepsia Iron)
which 1 liuvo Muttered for ten yonrs
except the now remedy onllcd Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets. Sinoo taking
them 1 havo bad tio distress at all
alter eating, and again alter long
yean can sleep well. Key. F. I, Hell
Wccdsport, N. Y., formerly Ida! in,
Stuart'H Dyspepsia Tablots nro a re
markablo remedy, not only because it
is a certain cute for all forms of indi
gestion, but becauso it seems to act as
thoroughly in old chronic ca3cs of
dyspepsia as well ns in mild attacks
of indigestion and bllliousness, A
person bis dyspepsia simply bocau se
ine stomach is overworked, all it wants
is a harmless vegetable remedy to di
gest tho I nod and thus givo it the
much needed rest.
This is tho secret of tho success of
this peculiar remedy. No tnattor how
weak or how much disordered tho di
gostion may he, Stuarts Dyspepsia
Tablets will digest tho food whether
tho stomach work-i or not. Now life
and energy is givuu not only to tho
stomach, but to every organ and nerve
in tho body. A trial of this splendid
medioiuo will convince the most
skeptical that dyspepsia and all stom
ach troubles cn bu cured. Tho Tub
lets nro prepared by tho Stuart Chem
ical Co., of Marshall, Mich., but so
popular has i ho remedy become that
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can now bo
obtained at any drug atorc for. TiO
cents per package
Well Bweothoart I am going down to
Wiener's und got u now suit, thou wo can
get married.
Financial Condition or the City
ol'lted Cloud.
Valuation oily reiilcHtuto $1S,M7
Valuiltlou city port-omil property 40,uuo
Total valuation $I9S,&07
Tho levy for Iho llscnl )e ir wa9 nu follows:
I'or jretieral rev emit purposes .". 10 mills
Korinstrtist on wutur bond S mills
For interest on electric Unlit bond 'J mills
' .Total M millH
CUInisof lbOl u'dmlnls. nKalnst city $1,-0 if
'- inu'Eifrs.
Amt nv.ll lawn fund IslU fl,lM SO
Approprlatud'ns follows:
OIUcliiUalaiii'H $070 00
Uiitsnindltid claims of 1KM ....-, M) ir,
MaiiitalnlUK poor V.00 U)
lucldentiil .' ,,. VA 00
For Ccal .....-. 300 K,
Amount lit occupation fund appropriated ius
For streets and sidewalks ". $J4 no
l'lirimlstauiluiK warrmits iili) 8.1
l'orcoil PW is
Forotllclatsulir) of lsJi udmiuUtiatlou.. tlio oo
," ,
""'" 'm w 1
,. ,, . , iH"uasxaTS.
I or (tile ills dalles '. ftvi 17
(ustamtloK claims of 'Pi aldermen II3S a7
SKIT ',,,,,r '-f-i'
1 """
l!W IS
Tijial .'...(iisnro
i Hal.iiK'o In triwury SlSJil)
I rom oecutnitloii fund:
Stroetmiiid smewalkH ,, ju oo
UutsiamlliiK warrants jiio s.1
"il 4'i3 n
Salary of 'yi council ;; :s.o oo
'I'oial $l.)o003
SnoMilnj;, henlmg, ule.itisitig, Dd Vitt'rf
Witoh linzsl SaKo is tho tnemy to sores.
wounds nml ptliu, wliiuh H nevot fails to
miro. Ktiipitiii.liii;aidbiiriiinK. Cures
Supervisor!' PrceeedliiKN.
Hoard nut March 9, 1M, pnraunnt to adjourn
incut. W. H. Itoby chairman, I.. II. Fort clerk.
Tlio follow-In tnemborH ro present. IVtcri.
Kort, Tope, HolTiiinn ntul I.'KllliKton.
Minutes of hint meeting rend unil approved.
Peters, Kort nml Kullncton were appointed to
appraise, tho no qr 10-2-10 school land.
Tho prajor of John llhrhland and wlfo iihUIhk
forappllciitlon In tliu tolillern lunue nt (Iraail
Islaiid v,ah urmitoil.
The following tioniN wcro approvud;
Shirard Schroee O. II. 1,'. illst. U-.'. Chan. I.uiii-
berlO. II, J. W. Murker township
Motion prevailed to notify Jacob Klinl-dior to
pay Into thu comity InasnrySlU for old lirlilKo
lumber pnrclmseilfrom M. Watt.
CiniiityTieaiurer Whllo iift)nneil the board
Unit ho had tirjfid tho county nttornov to IiiIiik
suit iiKalnitt seveial partlea Indebted to tho
county personal taxes. County iittornc) had ro-
riiocd to do hi In tho following nixes: 1 lutes .V
Smith Co,, It. II. Moore, Kurmers .V MerchantH
li ink, anil I,. Ilium. Cu motion tho county at
torney uw leipubted to nipenr befoie thu board
nml explain matters.
Petition for consent road bcKlunlui; at tho
north corner of fee K town 1 raiiKo -0, woit, and
liinuliiK thencocast ono mllo on sec linn lie
luecn section!'.! and .'M. town I, rniiKo 1, and
terminating at thu northeast corner section
aa town I, ruiiKO 10 west of thu sixth tm-rldhtn
was granted.
Ileiiinnl McNcny county attorney camu lie
fori) thu board, nml explained why It. I'. Moore
mid others hud not been sued for personal tuxes
dun the count), Moore'ii taxim aro taxes illleon
bank Mock, hence tho county cannot not n por
soiin' JiliUementmraiiiHt him. l'ho taxes am a
lieu on the haul Mock mil), and thubauk is now
tie iinct mid tho stock 1.4 worthies 'Ihosamu
ren'on Ih inl(fueil for fulllnu to brln suit
nKiilast tin, I'. & M. batik; mid tint I,. Ilaiim nml
Hates ,V Hmllhnru noil residents, mid havo no
personal proper t) In thu county
Hoaid iiiljnurued until 1 p. in. Tuesday, In or
der to kIx tlio comuil.teu on ippr:iimuiit ol
school land midcoimuittiuoiihridKotluio lout-
1 1 in I tin Ir tlutlet).
Hoard met TiiCMl.iy.'irigiuonuvllir nil mem
bers pn sent.
Commltleeoti seliool hind nppruUment pliuesl
this valueoti thu follow Injrs
No ir tie ijr see pi T '.' It III Sil.Sn per mre. So
nr no ur sue in I 2 It lo in.:n per acre.
I'eteiH, IlliiKtoniinil ICort, apralers.
Th matter ol the road In Catherton township
rumum; throtmh thu laud of Otto Skjoher und
Mr. Iloiidremi was referred to eomuilttuo on
Tho personal taxes of H. F. Hpokelleld on
liivrclinndlHu tor 18 J was re Tel red tdcOinmitteo
on wiijsuinl incaiiH.
OumotloutliL' treiisiiiei' was iiistructed to rp
fuuil T7.T0 for oiernssesjiuent on lots U nud 12
block J In (Jut I'or's addition.
An upproprlidlon of $Vl was granted (lartlnld
township lor the building or u new bridu be
tween sections m and ai.
'Hie follow Iiik c'nlms wereiillowed, nnd c!eik
orderidto draw wiirrantH on bridcu fund iu
lii)ineiit for tho same:
12. IlDiuvhamp, labor on lirldtru S ! "'
Jell lle'iuchamp " Too
J. I'. Fox " ,1 :,o
JohuIImris " n 00
1). M. l.umbretli " t oo
0.1". Oatmaii, briihro lumber and labor... Ill hi)
1'latt.x Frees Co., lumber CI IW
Trailer .timber Co., lumber (I 77
F. V. Tioliil, IiiIiIki pllillir 8 Gl
'Iho follrwlnir claims weionlloned, and clerk
orilerul to draw wuri nil's im thoKeneral fund In
luijiiielit for the Mime:
V. S. Ilelise, meals for Jur
K. V.. liinr, jmluiiH'iit dist court...
O.S. Dennett, Hiirve)liiK
James I tn r It'll, Rt.ito eases
limit n lliirdeii, postaue. etc
C. li. Conrad, liiililt lees
J. II. nitliiiKtuu, supervisor
John Foster. eleauiiiL' comt house
H. W. Foe. balltr
I.. 11. Fort, pnatajrc, froinht, etc..
I. II. Fort, imlox town lots
? 0 7.'.
31 OS
8 71)
10 4S
8 SI
18 10
12 00
17 as
12 M)
2.VJ .'.
J.S. (illliioii, ernmeous taves 12 43
Jos. HcrluirKcr. tiinilH for Jury a'JT
A. II. Ilolliuan, supervisor lit 40
John Jcsna, oil M ,. 2 00
Alboit Kurt, supnivlsor 13(19
Wllber Mathun-s, 1 ibor n 00
(1. K. MoICceby. medical services..., ',
W. It. lutlim ;,
It. 1). Oatmau, meals fur Jury
J. Fmter Jr
!is). F. t'opo, supervisor
I!. I'eteiH, supervisor ',
N. K. Itoliliisiin, labor , ','
.1. W. Illlaeliey, sht'litr fees
(leo. Saunders, constable tees Co., prlmlui;
H. II.. Shirley, supervisor
(Continued next vicek.)
10 00
Wl 7.'t
:i 70
31 W
2i SO
I W)
lt'i '.10
a iw
is oo
AeMllr, Meeting.
An assessors meeting was held at the
county cletk s olhoc I uosdity. Nearly
all tho prccinots wore represented, nml
tho meetltiK sufc'i;csted many valuable
hints to all interested. Tho following
schedule for assessment of. personal
property was agreed upon:
llotses of all litres
Cattle. 1 jear j.'l, Ujiars j
Mules and asses, nveinKe
...S7 00
... 0 01)
... 0 00
. . l to
Sheep of alliic,oH, areniKO
lliiKHiiialliueH, aieriiKU
Sioam eiiKlnes iuciudliuf bolhus
$:s to M oo
Flio und lanHlar proofHifoi 5 jo 10 Oo
,llPl, ,M)ts.etC 0 00
Ca,il,.Kuml vuwot.s Ml
W,,," mU'"H,ks It.; 10 00
Niwlnif orhulttliiK machines 1 to to oo
n.ino-iorns ntiisuflo
Meluleonsiiiid mpias 2 to 10 00
Mi r hmidtso on hand cut mid oats '. o wheat 10
llou'choldorollk'nliirniluiu jj to vfi on
Ileal estate, p. r acre A'. ,'.0
J W l'loree, Kepulilic, la., sajs: "I
Imvti tiM'd Ono Miniiio Oounh t'uro iu my
family nud fur mjsclf, with results ro dm
tirely satisfactory that I omi hardly And
words toojcpross mys-lf as to its morit.
I will never fail to recommaml it t otlmrs
on every occasion that presorts Itself."
O IfCottlng.
. . -
Dr. Price's CrcarrmakinR Powdor
KiintIay.icliool Convention.
Only a few mxro days and lied
Cloud will bo alivo with delegates to
tho Union Sundix-school convention,
which convonea Thursday. iMuroh 2ti,
at 2:'J0 sharp. Tho different local
committees ro busy arranging, and
will havo everything in readiness, so
that nothing will mar our pleasure
nor sully our glory at tho coming
Sunday-school feast and banquot.
From l bo present outlook, wo can
sco no reason why this will not bo tho
largest, the best, the most profitable
gathering together of Sabbath-school
workers in a union convention ever
hold in this section. The whole
county seems to bo aglow, working
for tho satuo cause, unfurling the
samo banner, endeavoring to elevate
society, holding themselves in readi-
ness to do their part, waitini Jurahc
time to come for thu onward.fifclUib;:!' l)run H'peitedly tested in hun
tho convention, when wo fyijjt'fiaj 'roil ol cses and with highly sitis
good olU song, "Hold the Fort.-.wjH-become
a sony of the past, &hd '(h'ar,,
wo can start out anew wi'h ''Onward
Christian Soldiers," culistini: id our
army every man, woman, nud child in
tho county.
Coming together in convention will
educate us for this work, as wc can
exchange idea, and profit by each
other's experience. Who is there
among us that can afford to miss it ?
In union thoro is strength.
Most of tin schools have sent in
their reports, jet sonu aro holding
back, I know not why. Wo would be
much obliged if you would send them
in at once, as we need thtm lo make
up i he county report, which will take
some little time beforo tho convert
vention. You can bo of great assist
anco to the entertainment committee
by sending tlio names and number
from your school that will attend the
convention. Remember your ofliuers,
which are usually four in number, are
delegates; then, you can, if your
school is running, elect or appoint
ono delegate for every twenty schol
ars or fraotion thereof. Of your en
rollment, 21 enrolled gives you two
delegates, aud four officers will make
six delegates from small schools.
Whon schools aro closed, tho last
superintendent or assistant can ap
point tho delegates.
Our program has been out for over
a month, and, as far as wo havo
learned, all aro prepared nnd will bo
bore. Wo do hopo all delrgatos will
ho bora tho first afternoon, as that is
tho foundation, and wo want it built
strong and solid; besides, somo of tho.
most important business of tho con
vention will oomo up. In tho ovoning
wo expect ono ol tho grandest rally
services wo over attended. Wo are
assured of good music, for wo hear of
a numbtr of places thoy aro practic
ing and preparing. Subjects for cs
Bays and discussions aro as follows. A
Christian Responsibility to Sunday
school Work; Whataro Sunday-sohools
for ? A Sunday-sohool Tcaoucr Out-
sido of tho Class; The Observance ol
tho Sabbath; Can a Denominational
Sunday.sohool bo Benefitted by a
Union Sunday-school Association;
Temperance and tho Sabbath
school; What Advantages aro
Derived by Grading a Sunday-sohool;
Should Lesson Holps ho used in a
Class; In Whoso Hands is tho Des
tiny of our country; lias Christianity
any Remedy for Drouth and Crop
Failures. Friday evening tho minis
ters of tho county will discuss:
"Should Christians take an nctivo
part in Politics." Wo will havo a
luestion box at tho end of each ses
uion; you can propare your questions
and hand thorn in early.
Wo want to orgauizo every town-
ship in tho county; wo trust thu sup
ormtondonts and ofiiccrs will lcavo no
(.tone unturned. No tnattor if 0ur
school is closed, you can send in a
report, appoint your delegates and
notify ever) holy you oco.
outside of Suuday-sohools, You aio
welcome, eomo and see foryounclf
what wo aro doing. Perhaps you may
want to join our ranks thu coming
summer. Welcome to all; thrice wel
come. Tin Kxkrutive OmoKits.
1'. S. Bring jour Pentecostal song
ii; gooi r!vi:ievu'iii:iei:
A Medical Dlteovery thntElleef .
uully Dares Piles In
livery Form.
Formany years phjsiciatis huve ex
perimented in vain, seeeing a remedy
that would i iTectually cure piles nnd
other rectal troubles, without resort
inn lo a surgical opt ration. Many
remedies wero found to gix-o tempo
rary relief, but nono could b'- depend
ed upon to givo a lasting, satisfactory
Within a certain period, however, a
nciv rcnudy, tho l'jramid Pile Cure,
factory result
The Grst iff.ct of tho Pyramid Pile
Cure is to instant'y remove the pain
and irritation generally present and
from that time on tho curo rapidly
progresses, and befoio the patient is
hardly awaro of it ho is entirely cured.
Tho remedy seems to act directly on
the nctvcs and blood vessles of tho
parts affected ns it comes into direct
contact with them and sets up a
healthy action, phich in a perfectly
natural way brings t u j, uts ro their
normal condition.
The remedy iIoj.s -lit t- w irk with
out any pain or inconvenience to tho
sufferer aud is justly considered ono
of tho most meritoritus discoveries of
modern medicines.
Piles is one .f the most annoying
and aftn times dangnrous disenses
with which humanity is ttfllictcd. If
neglected it iiei'iently develops into
hstula or some uvually fatal or incur
able Double, whereas by the tini ly
use of this situplo but effect ivo rem.
ivo remedy no nno need suffer a single
day from any form of piles unless
thoy want to.
The Pyramid pile cure is perfectly
harmless, containing no mineral pois
oning and is also very reasonable in
price, costing but ono dollar a pack
age. It is sold In drug stores every
where. The manufacturers of the
rctnody urc the Pyramid Drug Co., of
Albion, Jlicb., who havo placed this
excellent preparation beforo tho public
only alter giving it thorough and re
peated tests in tho hands of reputablo
physicians. Tho results in hundreds
of cases have convinoed us that it
will not disappoint you.
Is kept for servioo at 8. Day's barn. This
Roll was bred nt Lincoln in the fall of
18U1, whilo his moUior, was on exhibition
nt tho statu fair. This bull took llrst
preminm nt tho Webster -county fair in
fall of 18'.m. This is tho host brod Jorsoy
bull In Webstor eonnty, His woiht is
ll'OO lbs. For furthur particulars, call at
Foot of Elm St, ltod Cloud.
TO head of horses to pasture M. J.
Growoll, 0 miloB south of Red Cloud.
Biikk)' Wanted.
If yOU htlVO ll L'OOll Imonv in Atannvn
of, Bond word tw ihisolllce.
Notice to the Public.
I ntn now in full possession of tho
c ty livory, bu e, and feed Btttblo, nnd in
vlto my friends to mill uimn in n.,n,i nf
(,'ood teams and buggies.
I'llIUKH I'Olt I'L't'mvri.
Tonm, to hay ,', ' l5centfl
Single, horse, to hay .'lo cents'
llGOtl J. II. Davis.
If BtifTeriiiK with piles, It will interest
you to know that UuWitt'.s Witoh Hnzul
Halve will onro them. This medieluti jH
n spuoiiio inr nu compluints or this clmr
notor, nnd if Instriiations (which aro sim
Pje) are carried out, n euro will resnlt.
Welmyu tested thii in nuinurons oases,
nnd always with liko results. It never
fails. CLCotliin;.
Fine Jersey Hull.
Len Ault. llUS ll line, tlwirminbl..l
JotBoy bull for Borvlco. Can bo found
nt hiH residence, northeast part of the
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so puro or so'great la lcav
pains power as tho oyatt
Tlio Nebraska and Khiis-is Farmer
is giving Oscar Gloaaon'ri horso
1-onk, valued nt $3, with one ycur's
subscription for fjfJo
The Chicago Inter-Ocenn und
Tho Farmer, for ono year. . . .
Tim New York Tribune and Tho
The Drcnm City and Farmer for
ono year
The Cosmopolitan magaz'ne ind
partner for one year Jsl 00
Tho Semi-Weekly State Journal
and Farmer, ono year 90o
Om-ilia World-Herald and Tho
Farmer 80c
Sent to any addnss on receipt of
Nkhiiasica AND Kanhas Faumkii,
Red Cloud, Nob.
Btopunllcan Prlmuifu.
ItepubUcan prim incs for the elec
tion of deloL'utcs to tho republican
county convention, to ho held t Rod
Cloud, Tuesdiy, March Illst, havo
been called as follow .s;
Tho republican votot.s of Stillwater
township will meet at thu school
house in district 5(5, on Tuesday,
March 21th, at 7 o'clock p m to elect
delegates to tho county convention.
J. R. CttoiKit, Committeeman.
Tho republican voters of Reaver
Crock township will un-isi at the Hath
away school House Siturdaj, .March
2Sth, at 1 p. in., to ohiinso delegates
to the county convention.
Ciias. Mom.kv, Com.
Tho republican voters of Garfield
township will meet ai tho Wagoner
school house Thursday, .March 2(5tb,
at 7 p. m., to elect delegates lo tho
county convention.
I. R. Stansku, Com.
Tha i .-publican voters oflled Cloud
township iro rcquesttd to meet at tho
court house, Red Cloud, on Saturday,
Match 2S, at 2 p, m , to ehooso dole-
Vjatos to tho county convention.
Henry Gii.iian, Com.
Tho republican voicis of Elm crcck
township aro requested to meet at tho
Center school house on Friday, March
27, at 2 p. m , to chooie delegates to
the county conventio.1,
C. N. Putnam Com.
1. INK.
Tho republican voters f Lino
township will meet at the Kuehn
school houso oa Saturday, Maroh 28,
at 2 p. m.. to elect delegatos to tho
county convention.
Joseph Sa laden, Com.
The republican electors of Pleasant
Hill township will meet at tho Pleas
ant Hill sohool houso on Maroh 30, to
elect dolcgatcs to tho county conven
tion. C. C. Cox, Com.
Tho republican okotors of J3atin
township will meet at tho Anderson,
school houso, on Saturday, Maroh 28,
at 2 o'clock p. m., to elect delegates
I to oounty convention.
J Bean, Com.
Tho republican voters of Inavalo
township will ment at L. Konyon's
bnrdwaro storo on Saturday, Maroh 28,
at 2 p, m., to cloct delegates to county
W. F. Renklk, Com.
The ropublican prinnries for tho
City of Red Cloud, to eleot dologates
to tko county oonvontion will bo held
on Friday March 27th, fiom 3 to " p.
m. at tho following places;
First Ward, at R by 'a Iced storo.
Second Ward, at Fireman's hall.
W. R. Roiiy,
G. J. Wahids,
i C mm 'i reunion.
Children Cry for;
Pitcher's Castorla.