rv ti THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1896. I., It 1 1 II H '! H h ti x: 'I r 1. i,; i '1 l. we'ii Give A RAZOR If you send us ic?M eo .. OR, WILL KND A 3-BLADK PENKNIFE 1 rAr 60 Coupons, or 0l 2 Coupons and 60 cents. Yon wiM find one coupon inside each 3 ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of B106KWS GENIE Dili TOBACCO. NO COUPONS WITH NAM AMO ADDRKIa TO BlackwelTs Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. 0. fttiv n liitr nf this Celebrated Smokincr Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list of other premiums nnd how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. i EKKBtBiaSUSBtWSUI m WftooDee Don'tshs shino ? seen dat ring At Penman's, do Jowolcr. tarHnoK yowwatch. dock .and Jewelry re- pair work, your ennranna and jour old gold and silver tone, Watch Exnminer for W Harness 1 Harness ! Harness ! J. O. BUTLER, The Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade aAKNESS MAN, In Red Cloud. Prices riht for cash GRffFS RheK16 Is the only positive Remedy known to the Medical Profession for AcnteandChronic Rheumatism, Goat, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Ovarian Neuralgia, Dismenorrhoca, Psoriasis, Scrofula, Liver and Kidney Diseases. A Positive Cure effected in from 6 to 18 days. FOIt MALI? 1IY C. JL. COTTIXG. TRADERS LUMBER CO., DUAL E ItS IN LUMBER and GOAL Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Insurance Q. . TEM&, Agent ooooooooo (Successor to Vhat. Schaffnit,) RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. RaproBonts tho following companies: Uorman Insurance Co., Freeport, III Royal Insurance Co., Liverpool, Enc l'liinnii Anauranco Co, London, England Critiflh Amsricu Anaurunc Co, Toronto, Canada Mutual Reserve Fund Life Afisoclution, New York Provident Suvinca Ufa Asaurnnco Society, Now York Tho Cunnrd Lino Steatnahip Company, Now York and Boston Office Opera House Block, over Mizsr &. McArthur'a etoro PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard RED CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. ROSS & RIFE, 1'ROPRIITOBS OF CITY lUt AT 111, Market Report. Corrected weakly br Be4 Cloud I'roduso Co, Wheat 60 65 Corn now 81 Ohta now 18 lure .. . ...... . . ... Btwlas ..... .... Flax 75 Hogs W40 Butcher's stock 2 OOOU 00 Butter 10 Eggs 8 Potatoes 40 Boring chickens per lb 0 Old hens per lb..; jj Turlreva ................ 8 Hay per to 3 003 SO Yon OunalMlMM bMtqmalltr 8 ssmysM M tt 1 Mi Eye ? tun at your cyoJiitti3wcll with Fine Spectacles. I In tho punt 1C yenrn I have- fitted thous anda of oyen correotly. My 8poctHclo Line Is Complete. AUo my nDo of a kinds of WcllCit silverware, Chains, Clocks, Ulus, Etc. IfT-T H PF NF M A N J, JTlV0. X JL-rN lVirVI . B. A M. R. R. Agency ! WAYMFt OINTMENT WSwl uy blwil utl.kMki lllU,lllllitll tt mai mtll ft M u. iywi t) rUaMftta, rkMMilnHMkia ASE & MoNITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB. Collections promptly attended to, and orreepondnoe solicited. aBitV .BHaat saairSlal sara? Y IP bbEI.vbw HB -- l Mi -' '..aW BBBBB m wwn.i -iaw UBPItaakla EaltssalM, rfibiiniflMl. RESCUED A PRESIDENT. How Llnooln Vh Bared from Drowning M Iloy. llowcver poor the Lincoln home may have been, it affected the now child but little. He was robust and active, and life is full of interest to tho child happy enough to be born in the country, llo bod several compaulous. There was hlfl sister Nancy, or Sarah both names arc given to her two years his senior; there was a cousin of his mother, ten years older; Dennis Hanks, an active und ingenious leader in sports and mis chief, and there were the neighbors' boys. One of the latter, Austin Gol lo be r, still tclLii with pleasure how he hunted coons and ran tho woods with young Lincoln, and onco even saved his life. "Yes," said Mr. Gollahcr, "tho story that I once saved Abraham Lincoln's life is true, but it is not correct us gen erally related. "Abraham Lincoln nnd I had been go ing to school together for a year or more, and had become greatly attached to each other. Then school disbanded on account of there lclng so few schol ars, and we did not hoc each other for n long while. One Sunday my mother visited the Llncolns and I was taken along. Abe and I played u round all day. Finally wc concluded to cross the creek to hunt for somo partridges young Lincoln had seen tho day before. Tho creek was swollen by a recent rain, nud in crossing on the narrow footing Abe fell in. Neither of us could swim. I got a long pole and held it out to Abe, who grabbed it. Then I pulled him ushorc. He was almost dead and I was badly scared. I rolled and pound ed him in good earnest. Then I got him by the arms and shook him, the water meanwhile pouring from his mouth. By this means I succeeded in bringing him to and he was soon all right. "Then a new difficulty confronted us. If our mothers discovered our wet clothes, they would whip us. This wo dreaded from experience, and de termined to avoid. It was Juno; the sun wan very warm, and we soon dried our clothing by spreading it on the rocks about uh. Wo promised never to tell the story, and I never mentioned the incident to anyone until after Lin cola's tragic end. "Abraham Lincoln had a nister. ner name was Bailie, and she wm a very pretty girl. Sho went to school when hc could, which was not often. "Yea, if you muit know, Sallio Lln ooln waa my sweetheart. She wan nbout my age. I loved her and claimed eras boys do. I suppose that woh one reason for my warm regard for Abe. hen the Lincoln fumily moved to In diana I was prevented by circum stances from bidding good-by to cither of the children. And I never saw them again." McClurc's Mngnzine. A GREAT SATISFACTION. How Ilnrsn (iiit Uvnn with a Ilratal Fellow. A correspondent tells n story of a handsome black horse, so big and strong that he seemed hardly to feel the weight of the heavy delivery wagon with which he luiulo the. rounds of tho neighborhood. Ills driver whs n brutal fellow, who ought to have been the creature dritcu. HIowh, kicks and an gry words were the only caresses he ever licstowed upon his steed, and these the horse suffered quietly for many a long day, till dually even his endur ance gave out. One hot morning the man reined the horse in roughly by the curbstone. On dismounting he seemed to think tho wagon too near, and harshly or dered his steed to back, emphnsUlug tho command with u cui from ills whip. Tho horse backed obediently, though angrily, while the man, heated by his exertions, tool; o(T his coat, and, hnving hung it over the dashboard, disap peared in the house. The horse waited until the driver won ut of sight, then, looking around, he saw tho coat hanging only n short dis tance from his heels. Instantly n change enmo over him. He actually seemed to laugh as he lifted one foot nnd let It fly at the coat. Finding that he could not hit it well, ho began to lcat a regulnr tattoo upon it; first with ouo foot, then with tho other, and, finally, ns he grew excited, with both at once. Surely no cost ever had n more thor ough dustlug. Out Hew note books, pa pers ami handkerchiefs, and rolled into the gutter, but the horse kept on until he heard a door slam, and he knew his master was returning. Then, with .1 final kick that sent the coat under the wagon, he settled sleepily down in the" shafts nnd pretended to be watching a pair of mules that had just gone by. He didn't seem to mind the ships the driver gave him while picking up his belongings, and when he started off he looked up nt the window nnd appeured to wink at those who had been watch ing him and half wishing they could reward him with a peck of oats. loutu's Companion. A I'ollto Lord Mayor. Among the stories in circulation about the late Joseph Harris, the well known master of the city of London' school, who died recently, is ono in con nection with Lord Mayor Owden. Tbnt worthy gentleman was not a Greek scholar, and the Greek oration on .speech day in Christ's hospital, to which, on a memorable occasion, he listened, was not intelligible to him, save one word. That word was l"0wdenH o pronounced and Mr. jHarris used to tell his.frionds privately how each time it occurred In the Greek krotiou, Sir Thomas, fondly supposing tnntcompllmentwas being paid tobim Iself, rose and solemnly bowed. nouse (hold Words. Even if in the midstof an avalanche of work Ho coIIb you "apart into a dc ort place to rest awhile, and even if tho deBcrt mean only n headache or n rainy day instead of a journey, make no com plaint, but follow close. Anna Warner. PREVENT EVAPORATION. It Cam B Dome by Attaching a Plank Drag to the CuUlrator. A plonk dr-g behind tho cultivator to smooth down lidgcn and thus keep the coil from rapidly drying is advised by many investigators. This is particular ly important during a drought when all the moisture in the soil must be retained if possible. Ordinary cultivating bo ll -o&JJ ViAA,V, -JL?a eT- 6M0OTin.a ATTAOIIME.NT WITH CU1.TI VATOIt. tween the rows leaves deep depressions nnd high ridges, thus exposing double surface to the action of the sun nnd nlr. The plank drag smooths down these ridges, while leaving the land light nud jiorous. An Ohio farmer ad vises rounding the edges of tho plank slightly, from end to end, so as not to disturb tlio earth deeply near tho plant lows. Our Illustration shows an easy way of attaching the plank. The plank should bo of medium weight wood, oa chestnut, as very light wood has not sufficient weight to do tho work well, whlio heavy wood may by its pressure pack tho soil too tight. Farm and Homo. Take counsel from Iwoks, papers and practical growers, but let it bo tcm rcd with your own lest judgment and experience. Farm News. Beware 01 the Me. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfield, Mo., writes: "For six years I have been a sufferer from a scrofulous affection ol the L'lands of mv neck, and all efforts of physicians in Washington, D. C, Springfield, III., and St. Louis failed to reduce the enlargement. After six mouths' constant treatment here, my nhvsician urued me to submit to a re moval of the gland. At this critical mo ment a friend recommended S.S.S., and laying aside a deep-rooted preju dice against all patent medicines, 1 be gan its use. lleforc I had used one bot tle the enlargement began to disappear, and now it is entirely gone, though Inm not through with my second bottle yet. Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago, I would have escaped years of misery and saved over r,so." This experience is like that of all who suffer with deep-seated blood troubles. The doctors can do no good, and even their resorts to the knife prove either fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only real blood remedy; it gets nt the root of the disease and forces it out perma nently. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable A Real Blood Remedy. is a blood remedy for real blood troubles; it cures the most obstinate cases of Scrofula, ljc.ema, Cancer, Rheumatism, etc., which other so-called blood reme dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the root of the disease and forces it out per manently, valuable books will HUaiMC UUUKb WIJ sss be sent free to any address by the Swilt Specific Co., At lanta, Ga. Popular Magazines FOR THE NOME. FRANK LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY Contains each Month t Original Water Color Frontispiece t 12S Quarto Paces ot Heading Matter: 100 New and Hlgh-clist Illustra tions Mora Literary 'Matter cm Illustra tions than any other'MaRailne In America. 2Scts.: $3 a Year. Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours FOR BOY AND Clfctl. a A Bright, WholMome, Juvenile Monthly. Fully Illustrated. Ttti bert -writers for young people contribute to It, 0 cts. ; 91 a year. II1D ALL SUSSCSIrTIOXS TO ThefeC 1 Undoubtedlf Jejest Club Offers tWStnd Ut Frank UMW$ PubtUMno Rout, JV.r, jot rww luutmira jTraiiwn in, mi. FOR SALE! A Joraoy Bull One YearOld, and 4 Poland China Ho'ga. TIihhh nr- pure brvit iinlnials and will be sold at reasonable figures, fall on or address, W. R. PARKER, P. O. Box ij6.. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Mention this paper. 2 when you buy inferior soap instead of the genuine SANTA CLAUSSOAP The favorite of every woman who ever used it either in the laundry or for all around the house cleaning. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. fA Great The most famous authors. i ne most iamous auinors . ww The most interesting fiction. 1 a Sr The trreatest artists. 1 Yeai. & g The greatest artists. jjj, vx)ior-worK illustrations. wt Everything the hest that monev can huv. r That is The Cosmopolitan Magazine early J 344 pages, a struction. In what can a jj Givingyearly J 344 pages, with more than J 000 illustra- Jf j& tions. The equal of the most expensive magazines. No tjft nome is complete witnout tins magazine, women and men, voune and old. will find in it amusement and in- ?T j, inc. isE.vcmEc.n Luiuun, - ,ju,uuu wuriba. THE DECEMBER EDITION, The Cosmopolitan for that month received the creates! recognition from advertisers ever given to any magatlne. It contains from aooo to $Sooo more advertising than was ever published In any magaiine, at any place, In any country, at any price. This Is why a magaiine ranking with the best in literature and art can be sold at 10c. a copy. fe Mm. Slicrlir Siilu. Vntlfp Is licrnliy plvcii. that inuW nml by Irlim of mi order nt suit- IsmiiiI from the ifllc nt .Ittinm Ituralfti. i'UtI: I Hie ilHti let crxirt of iImj'IYiUIi Jinllchtl DiMrlcl, w llliln anil for Wibtercuiiiity. Ni'hr.tsKii, upon u ilecit-o In mi tuition iitiittiiif,t lici t-lii. ulii'tHii I'l'ttihoiitt & Nixon me pl.tlntttl-', noil ;iuiittir s'oiili I'rrrv A 1 1 ci' a I'eii), ri'lir,iHkii I out S: Tintii.. ami Sniilll Wetti'rn lieliui'lir ( . tiii.Mi)-, (li'tciiil until, 1 -tliill olfer foi inh' itl pun lc Xemliio. Ill tin' lilubfU Imliier lor r-i'li to liittnl, at Hi-i-il.it tloor ol tlm conn limiM', ill lli'il CImihI, III s.ilil Vi'liatfi-oitiit, s'vbril:i (Hint heinu tin- liulltlliiu' ulieretn tin' l:it lenn (if MiliU'oiiri v.:is iiouieiij on hid Tin mi) oi miii, . it'i, ' at iiiii' .'i'l(n.'k i III . of iiilil il'iv, the follntWin; I ilesi'lllifd iroit'rl, to Wit: Lots nine (), ti-u (111), I'VVl'll (II) mill 'fle 1 1.') Ill lilo-K !)' (fl) III (iiirtirl'-i liililltluli to III'' CH of Itril f'l I 1'..!.,.. ....ii ..I. ...ln ...b. (ilvt'n under my h.tiid thitotli diiy of Mnu'li, A. 1)., ltW. .1 W. Ht-MMiKV, Slicrltr. It T. roller. I'llillltlnVs Wluuiey WANTKD-Soiiirtono to Imv ICO wrrs ef litnd, foiit'inlifg s. utli of Moon Width Indian ciiuutv. C'nliuad i. I.' nillcs Iroiti u t;"Id nine, now Ih'Iiik devclnpeq. Tills bind la ev. try hit Mtun.itli. e.lid (.'iiiiluiilb slnpis to thi north Thusoil N tlrnloliist mid will pioduce miMliInu In iitiiinil.iiiiif. VW) it'll IIiNIiiiiiI at u Tvrjr ion utiruillll in Ki'i ouir iiioiit'jt iu nuTrsii' other prnpertv. flninii nn tun (.'hi n Imriiln if they hike lliH likml now No liicuinbi-anL-R of any kind, I'lirfull i nrilnil.ir nml lirlcri ndilresM. W. H. l'AI.ICl'.lt. Kn.v I3ii. licit timid. Sub. Mrutlou thN Mer. Notice to 'a'caulicr. Notlco is hereby given tlmt. 1 will oxauiinu all pcrnoriH trhn umy denira to offer themselves uh candidntes for tcnoheru oftho ptihlio soliooln of this Rounty, at Red Cloud on the third Saturday of ouoli uiouth. Special ozatninatioiH will bo hold on tho Friday proceeding the 3d Sat urday of each mouth, Tho standi ny; dvsircd for 2d and 3d grade oertifloatcs i.H the same no grade bolow 70 per cent., average 80 per ecut; for first grado ccriificate no grado below 80 por cent., average 90 per oont. in all brauchos required by law. D. M. HoNTER.Cnunty Supt. Slivrlirw Sale. Notice Is lu refoy ulveii Unit under nnd by vlr tun of mi order nt sitle h-no'd f i out tint olllcei of Inines lluiilcn, clrrk of tlicMlittrlcl court ot Hie tenth Judical ilMilut, within mid for Web kter county. Neluusliit, tipon n ilceieu Itiim ac tion netiitliiK therein, wIickHii I.jsandcr W, Tulleys, trustee, Ir phitntllf, ittul imnlntt (IvorKu II. Jlolliinu and l.ttililo llollttnd, delendiiiits, I sluill oder for mlo at public vendue, to the. highest bidder for cnsti In liituil nt the eust door of thu court-lion so at ltcd t'loml, In siild Webster county, Nebraska, (that IiuIiik thu IhiIIiIIiik wlierout tho lint term ol sitld court wm lioUlen( (in tho 7th (Uv of April. A. D. I8W. ut one n.clock i. m. of niiIiI day, thu following ilecribed propel ty. tuwlti The northeast quarter of section eluhtren (18). towimhlp two ('.). ran so lf veil (it), west of Hie Cili r.Mull lu'Wcbster county, Netiriiika. (liven under wy hand this Oth tUy of March A. 1). 1KW. ., , ,, J. W. ltUNCHKV, HIierllT, llreckenrldKe, Dreckewtld" tt Cn . iVIalntlfl's Attorneys. fllVHTa. TalaBM aaasTm. Oman PArnmfi, flMMHrBiriUTSL. a. Foe tafonnaMoa and fraa Haadbook wHio to MUMN A CO.. 81 UaOiUWAT. NBW YOBK. Oldest bureau for asoartac pavnta in Aaiartea. Ererr patent takea out by us U broocht tiorora lbs pubUo by a notice given freo of cbarg In tba Lamst etrralaUon of any sclenttflo paper fa the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No latelUceal man should be without It. Weekly, 3,eea wsltwslxmonth Address, MUHr oo 1-vwjHUUs, Sl Uruadway, Hn York City, J Solntlflo AatriOM ( A Abmcv frs. rsBi. rsaia- .svna rvasna S J $ Magazine!! Year. g with more than J 000 illustra- dollar be better expended? & (s9 Send one dollar to P The Cosmopolitan Magazine, jy Irrington-on-tho-Hudson, jfa. New York. SP jm.-" CklrliMUr'. HaalUk Otaaaad Braaa, NNYROYAL PILLS Orialaal an J Onlr Oraalne. mine. Dica t,k a I mruIU.(W nikilUw ... .. .i. rriifti.e. l.oii. Oragitfit for Chtthutert JCnptuk , mona praw In lira .D1 livid t Milr.. iclul with hla. rihtiAn. no other. KrMifin.roui,MUw. iianflaqi imiianoni. A I lir.KCl.il, orMB4 i.mpi lur t.riicuiri, tettimoauu trltcf tar Ij.tllr.' Ini.lfrr. h mi .Mull. II'.OOO T.illiuoDl.l,. .VdtiMi' Umi Umauu. VhllmamTS lll.lll.l,.lfa.lBllull'U..M.lllb.M ,1 . BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA nwc VU) wrr -vm im TTMI 5)Orag ronratMo awtir iILlL MmttAXoSCM j OR SALE AT r 6 ira Intend purclmslnv Tan Shoes or Oxford i 4 Come aid ice thia line it will pay y ( j ft w3 w IS rv HHIIIU sanaatraaBaaMiaBgggggj saaaiaaM II galglBlsli isa is as pi .sarw ! 3aS V DienUDrVuiioii G. A, Ducker & Sk t .