The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 13, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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The Qreatept American prima Dona Made
Well by paine5 (jeery Compound.
Thcro wbb never a remedy ho highly
reooninioudcd as Paino's oclcry oom
pound. There was never a remedy in such
univorsal demand,
For it uiakrs people well.
Every euu among tlio thousands
who havo been delighted by tho beau
tiful aonus of Horn a, tho great prima
donna, recognize in her ono of the
World-famous Mtmcrs,
Born in California, nlio graduated
with honors at Kastern musical col
leges, and on her roturn to the coast,
boeunio first tho prima donna at the
Tivoli Opera Houto in San Francisco.
It wan while making the tour with
tho famous Murine Rand of Wushing
ton last scacun, that the benutiful
Roma felt the strain of travel, hurry
and work, yot in tho evenings she
greeted ureal audiences with smiles
School dosed at the Amack distriot
last Friday, Chns. Btuner as teacher.
John Duffy of Blue Hill was visit
ing with John Earner last Sunday.
Don't you know that tho ground
hog told you to wait six weeks beforo
you should sow garden seed or oven
discard your flinnols.
Wm. Harris mot with quite a sovero
lots last woek, by Arc. His barn, hay
nd grain, valued at about $200, wore
consumed. Cause: A small boy and
box of matches.
A party was given at Chas. Wolf's
on Wednesday evening, All report
the social event a grand suocoss.
Meetings closed in tho Dowitt
school house on Monday evening. A
contribution wag taken up and tho
following artiolcs woro received, four
cents, two hairpins, thirtcon pants
buttons, fivo wire nails and threo
tick of masticated ohowing gum.
Ths meetings will start again as soon
as tho intorost revived (not tho iutor
est on sundries).
John Earner roturned Sunday from
Campboll whore ho had been visiting
I. B. Hampton is making foneo
slats with his new steam saw-mill. It
works like a oharm.
Will Latta went out last woek hunt
ing rabbits for breakfast and while
out east of Joe Tavlor'fl houso ho ran
aoroiH a den of rattlesnakes. After
killine- nearlv a million of tho poison
ous reptileB he returned home all tired
out just as his wue had unisnca wasn
ing tho breakfast dishes. If any one
doubts this story call around and Bill
will show you the Tery club ho killed
them with.
Albert Perry is running a hotel on
Buffalo street. Ho pots dough in his
hair and all ovr his clothes. But
Albert is a good naturcd boy ho ho
just says "Darn this way of batching
anyhow." JlMMKV.
Corn and OhIh Wauled.
Minor Broa. nro buying corn and onts,
und aro paying tho highest mnrltot
pilceo, 10-tf
electrified them with her voice.
Could she havo dono this without her
norves were steadied and her strength
built up by Paino's celery compound?
Sho says:
"In Paino's celery oompound 1 find
a very muuh long-felt want for tho
worries and exhaustive cares attend
ant upon an aetivo professional life.
Paino's oclcry compound brings rest
ful strength to body aud mind, invig
orating tho system 'and prolonging
Paino's oolcry conipouud has mado
thouj'andB of pcnplo well. It has
waved thousands of women from ner
vous prostration. It has mado tho
weak strong. It has cured where
everything 0N0 failsd. Innumerable
testimonials as to its wondorful valuo
havo been voluntarily sent to Wells &
Richardson Co., who preparo it in
The list of lotters remaining at tho
poetolllco uncalled for up to March 13,
Hook, Miss Fisher, Orn
ilickney, Mrs. E. W. Strussor, P.
Tho ubovo tetters will bn sent to thn
dead lotter oflico March 27, 1800. It not
callod for. Fiiakk Cowdkn, Postmaster.
Deafness Cannot bo Cured,
by local applications, as tlioy oannot
reach tho diseased portion of the ear
There is only ono way to cure deafness
and that in by constitutional remedies.
Deafuess is caused by an intlamed condi
tion of the mucous lining of tho En
strnchiau tube. When this tribe gets in
flamed yon have a rumbling Hound or im
perfect hearing, nud when It Is entirely
cloaed deafness is the result, and unless
the inflammation can be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal condition
hearing will be destroyed forever, which
is nothing but an iutlamed condition of
the mucous surface.
We will glvo one hundred dollars for
any case of (lwnfutss (caused by datarrh)
that cannot be cured by Unit's catarrh
cure. Send for circulars, free.
P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0.
!2r8old by druggists, 7Co.
. .
School Report.
Rnprrt of school in district num.
bor 70 for tho month of February.
Number of days taught 20 Number
enrolled males 1G, femalos 1L. Aver
age attendanoo males 12, females 7.
Thoso neither tardy nor absent Odis
England, Willie England, Alfred
Reese, Cora Smith aud Minnio Sibort.
Thoso whose deportment is 00 or
above are Odis England, Clark Hersh,
Samuel Bees, Alfred Rocse, Klmer
Pardua, Jasper Smith, Dean Smith,
John Reese, Frank Reese, Frank Si
bart, Wesloy Keevor, Cora Smith,
Juliu Sibert, Minnio Sibert, Iva
limb, Florenee Herriok, Bessie Par
dun, Grace Cuming, Kva Keever, and
Mary Kcover.
N. L 1) Smith, Toioher.
i W Pierce, Kepublic, la., says: "I
have used One Minute Cough Cure in my
family and for myself, with rt'sults bo en
tirely sntlsfautory tlmt 1 cmi hardly tlud
words to express myself us to Its morit,
I will never fail to recommend It to othorn
on evory oroaslou that preaentH itself."
0 IiCotting.
Burlington, Vermont.
Paino's celery oompound is tho
most remarkable remedy for tho blood
and nerves, known to tho 19th century
It is employed by tho foremost physi
cians in curing kindey and livor trou
bles and the diseases duo to nervous
disorders, faulty nutrition, and im
poverished blood, produoing results
that seem littlo short of tho miracu
lous. Paino's colcry compound builds up
tho system, purifies tho blood, regu
lates the norvos. Tho woak and worn
out soon find their frames invigorated
their spirits raised, and their strength
It makes pcoplo woll,
It is superior to tho ordinary ner
vines, bitters, and snrsaparilias as
strength is better than weakness,
Mr. Robinson is very sick,
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Nclso Sorgcn
son a boy.
Rev. Bean preached at Blue Hill
and Bladen Sunday.
Tho protraotod meetings at Cathcr-
'ton closed Sunday Night.
Peter Nelson purohased a pony of
Charloy Banks last wcok.
Yance Sorgeson was visiting on
Farmors creek Sunday.
Mr. Borgcman shipped a carload of
cattle to Kansas City Tuesday.
Junb Paulson has gone to South
Dukota on a visit among relativos.
J, B. Wisooarvcr has moved into
one of Charloy Cathcr farms last
Mr. Johnson from Kearnoy oounty
has moved onto Orrin Tabor's farm.
C. M. Wilson of Otto attended the
supper at tho MeCall sohool bouso
Saturday night.
Mr. Rumbaugh and family from
near Bladen wcro guests at Mr. Mat
kins' on Sunday.
Tho ontertainmoDt givon on Thurs
day night by Lester Kounte's school
was woll rendorad. Miss Lillio Smith
of Red Cloud favored the audionoo
with several solos.
Not to be Trifled With
(From Cinolnnatl Gazette.)
Will people never learn that a "cold"
u an aooidsnt to be dreaded, and that
when it ooours treatment shouU be
promptly applied f There is no knawlng
where the trouble will end; and while
cemplete reoovery is the rule, the exoep.
tions nro torrlbly frequent, und thous
ands upon thouands of tittal illness oo
our every yunr ushered in by a little in.
judicious exposure aud Boemiugly trilling
symptoms, Beyod this, there are to-day
countless invalids who can trace their
coin plaints to "colds," which at tho tlmo
of occurence gave no oonoeru, nnd wero
therefore nileottd, When troublod with
n co'd use Chamberlain's Uough Remedy.
It is prompt aud effectual. 25 and CO
cuut bottles tor sale at 11. E. Qrlce's.
Willow Creek.
March is here again, and it brought
somo very cool days with it.
Mrs. I. M. Bonor and family were
visiting R. Adamson Sunday.
Wo understand that Cnas Btubakcr
and father contemplate going to
Crlpplo Crock this spring.
Tho young people had a littlo soiial
danoo at J. Wildcr's lest Saturday.
All report a good time.
J. T. Laccy has been subsoiling
every month this winter. Ilo says
ho will show tho farmers how to raiso
corn in 180b'
You don't hear politics in this nock
of tho woods any more, it is all sugar
beets and kaflir corn now.
A. C. Bon and .1. T. Lacoy caoh
sold a load of fine fnt hogs Monday.
Nip and Tuck.
Davo Byrno mado n trip over into
Kansas tho foro part of this week.
W. F. McLaughlin has resigned as
trustco of tho band of Bladen.
Rev. Stinnitto was a passenger
Monday cvoning to his old homo
Northficld this state.
B. McCluro who went to Kansas
City last Satuday returned Thursday
II. M. McCluro of Hastings was in
this city sovoral dajs last wcok.
Mrs. W, C. Stevenn and her son
Vena, left Saturdav for Jamesvillo,
Wisconsin. Mr. Stevens followed
Monday with a oar of stock and farm
ing implomonts. Wo nro sorry to
looso this family as thoy made many
warm frionds during their rosidenco
in this community and their many
friends wish that success aud pros
perity go with thorn.
Mr. Al Rood has moved into tho
houso vaoatrd by Mr. Stevens.
William Kennedy and family aro
now residents of Bladen, occupying
tho houso just west of Thus. Snyder's,
Bjrn Bros, shipped Friday to Crip
ple Creek, Col., 21160 eggs.
Tho poverty social at the G. A. R.
hall Tuesday ovoning was largely at
tended by the young pcoplo who woro
old clothes and presented quite a hard
timeB or forlorn look. Mush and
milk was served at ton cents a bowl.
All seemed to onjoy tho sooial im
mensely and Jonny Reed and Miss
Riggins were awarded tho prize for
being tho poorest dressed couplo in
tho room.
Died, Monday morning, of lung
fover, Mrs. Shoup, mothor of Mrs. A.
C. Johnson, who but a fow weeks ago
oamo with her husband from Illinois
to reside with their daughter. Funer
al at ono o'clock Wednesday, fram
tho houso. Rov, Hummel conduotod
tho services.
Postmaster Horn is having a woll
put down at his residence O. Whce
Ian is doing tho work.
Seed oats arc worth 20 cents.
A canvass among tho druggists of this
place reveals tho fsot that Churaberlain'e
aro tbo moat popular proprietary tnedi
clues Hold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
especially, is regarded as in the lead of
all throat trouble romedies, and as such,
is freely prescribed by phyiioians. As a
croupe medioino, it is also unexcelled,
and most families with lounir children
keop n bottle always handy for lnatant
ubo. Tho editor of the Graphic hns re
preatedly known Chamberlain's Cough
Itemedy to do the work after all other
medicines had failed. The Kimball S. D.
Graphfo, Por sale at 25 und CO conts per
bottle by H. E. Grioo.
Headache Destroys Health
Resulting In poor memory, Irritability, nor
vousnesa and Intellectual exhaustion. It
induces other forma of dlscoso, such as epl
lepsy, heart dlsoaso, apoploxy, Insanity, otc
Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures.
Mrs. Chas. A. Myers, 301 nanus. 6t., Fort
Wayne, Ind., writes Oct. 7, 1891: "1 suffered
torrlbly with severe headaches, dlaztneaa,
backache and nervousness, gradually grow
Ing worse until my life was despaired of,
and try what we would, I found no relief
until I commenced using Dr. Mllea' Nervine.
I have taken five bottles and believe I aaa a
woll woman, and I have taken great com
fort In recommending all of my frionds to
uso Nervine. You may publish this letter
If you wlt-.h, and I hono it may bo tho raoana
of saviiiK soma other sick mother's life, as It
did mine."
On sMo by all druggists. Book on ile&rt
and Nerves sent t'UEE. Dr. Mllos Modlcal
Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health.
Dr. Miles' IMIn Pitta aro guaranteed to cffJ
Ml eaititchn iuSO mtuutus. "Ono cuut a dnsus
ff tPwnj ss-BLkBafe
for Infants
HIRTY yenra'onervfttlonof
millions of pcronB,pormit
It 1 nnqnestlounhly tho host romofly for Infant rtnil Children
tho world hrts over lmown. It in harmless. Children llko it. It
given thorn hortlth. It will savo their Hvos. In it Mothers havo
something which in nhnolutoly wafo mill practically perfect ns m,
child' medioino.
Castoria, doatroy Wormi.
Castoria allay Fevorlshncss.
Castoria provosts vomiting Soar Card.
Castoria enrcs Dinrrhroa und Wind Colic
Caatoria relievos Toothing Tronhlos.
Caatoria enrcs Constipation and Flatulency.
Caatoria nentralitoa tho effects of carhonio acid Ran or poiaonona air.
Castoria docs not contain morphlno, oplnm, or other narcotic property.
Cast or I a assimilates tho food, rognlatow tho stomach and bowels,
giving healthy and natural sloop.
Castoria is pnt np In oneitoi bottles only. It is not sold in hnlh.
Pont allow any one io sell yon anything olso on tho plea or promise)
that It is "Jast as good" and "will answor ovary purpose."
B that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
The fao-eiarfla
aigaatnro of
Children Cry for
memmeieiei mo eiea earn eaea met eammmimmmmeea
Our cold spell has broke again and
everyone is preparing to put in n biy
Otc Garner is nioely located in the
Pitney property in tho cast part of
Mr. Allon Ayers took Dinner at S.
E. Wolcott's Monday.
Chas. Kaley and his mother wero
visiting at Mrs. Simons' Sunday.
Mr. Reynolds moved over south of
tho river and Mr. Sherman has moved
onto Mrs. Lester's place.
Cuanooy Miller has hirod out to
Mr. Hartwell for tho coming hchfou
(o work in tho chceso factory.
Art Myers is going to start for
Cripple Creek next Monday.
Tho Misses Edith and Flo PMmcr
were visiting at Mr. Myers Sunday.
Sylvester spent Sunday and Sunday
night at homo or somo place, return
ing Monday morning.
Mr. Hunter of Rivcrton was on our
trcois Monday.
Evoryono attended tho sale of Mr.
Peterson Tuesday, but it was- a fail
ure as everything in tho stock line
was bid in. H. R
All last winter Mr. Geo. A Milts, of
Lebanon, Conn., was badly nfllloted with
rheumatism. At timss it was so severe
that he eonld not stand np straight, but
was drawn oyer on ono side. "I tried
different remedies withont receiving re
lief," ho says, "until about six months
ago I bought a bottlo of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. After nsing it for three days
my rhonmntism was none nnd has not re
turned since. For sale by H, E. Grice.
Farmers haye bogun farming.
Sylvostcr Frisbio was home Sunday.
John Barnes and Bert Connor of
Bostwiok were guests of Q. W. Baker
Mrs. McBrido of Rod Cloud was
visiting her daughtor, Mrs. Frank
Frisbio laBt Sunday.
Hack BarnoB returned from Iowa
ono day last week,
The Amboy Christian Endeavor so
ciety will givn a pio supper at tho
residence of C. II. Frisbio, Saturday
evening, March 14. Evorybody come
and get a piece of pio.
Mr. Deokcr has uiovod on tho Rood
place. Wo wolcomo thorn in our
B, Garrison and wife of Guido Rock
called at G. W. Baker's Sunday.
Mr. Will MoKinna's sister and hus
band, from tho castorn part of tho has moved to Amboy.
I Frisbio is having his house
Rissie Maloek of Cowlca attonded
Churoh here Sunday.
Ed Hines wears an uncommon
ailo on his faoe since Maroh 3. It
is a boy. He says he won't have to
farm any more,
,lim Doyle has moved on tho Cut
tor farm cast of Pleasant Hill.
Last season Iko L. Hall, druggist of
West Lebanon, Iudiaua, sold four i;ro3B
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dla
rrhaa remedy nnd suys evory boltlo of it
Rave perfect sutistnclion. For sale by
B. , Grice.
and Children.
Cnstorln with the pntronngo of
ns to spcolc of It without unoaning.
" is on every
Pitcher's Castoria.
Tlint Common Trouble, Acid
Dyspepsia or Sour Momach.
Now Ilccomilz-d a Cuiimo ofaerloaa
Aoid dyspepsia, commonly called
hcarthurn or sour stomach, is a form
of indigestion resulting froai fermen
tation of the food. Tho sfcomaoh be
ing too weak to promptly digest it,
h food remains until fcrmtation be
gins, filling tho stomach with gas, and
a bitter, sour, burning la-te in the
mouth is often present. This condi
tion soon boaomes chronic and being
an every day oacu'ranco is given bat
littlo attention. Bocauso dyspepsia
is not immediate! fatal, many pcoplo
do nothing for tho trouble.
It is now well known among ablo
physicians that tho whole constitution
is gradually undermined nnd waakon
ed, that tho nerves and vital organs
are seriously nffected by any form of
dyspepsia. This is plain, as every
organ, every nervo in tho body is
nourichcd by tho blood and tho blood
is replenished from the food digested.
If tho foud is properly digested the
blood is pure, (he nerves, steady, bat
if supplied from- n sour, fermonting,
decaying mass, tho blood is vitiated,,
poisoned and tho result is shown in
sleoplessncss, laok of onorgy, poor ap
potitOj nervousness. Every trifle is
magnified and tho dyspeptic scos noth
ing but tho dark sido of everything.
Within a recent period a remedy
has boon discovered prepared solely
to ouro dyspepsia and stomaoh trou
bles. It is known as Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets and it is now becoming
rapidly used and prescribed as u radi
cal on re for every form of dyspopsia.
It is not claimed to euro anything
except dyspepsia and stomnuh weak
ness in its various forms but for this
it has been shown to bo unequalled.
Tho cuiinont specialists, Reed and
O'Lsnry, havo recently stated that
they considered Stuart's Dyspopsia
Tablets nn unfailing ppacifio for dis
orders of tho digestivo organs, and
tho remarkable cures mado in cases of
long standing dyspepsia proves that
this remedy has extraordinary morit.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots have
heon placed beforo the public nnd are
sold by druggists evorywhero at 50
cents per paokago, It is proparod by
tho Stuart Chemical Co., Marshall,
Mich., nnd whilo it promptly and ef
fectually restores a vigorous digestion
at tho same timo is perfectly harmless
and will not injuro tho most dolioato
stomach, but on tho contrary bv ew.
2 . WO a'
""v Sfm "44CX4A
ing perfect digostion strengthens tho ('
Btomaoh, improves tho appotite and
maKCBiue worm living.
ItlM'iimntlNin Cured In n Dny.
"MYSTIC CURE" for Rheumatism
and Nenralgln rndloally ciuch in 1 to S
days. Its action upon tho system is re-
maru Die nuu mysterious. It romoyea
at once the cause and the disease immed
iately disappears. Thy ilrst dosn grently
UenelliH. 7." cents, Bold by II, 13. Grice
druggist, Red Cloud.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A
World's Pair Highest Mtdal and Diploma. nlfd
- f