v. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1R96. I r 1 - Highest of all in Leavening Power. cm ABSOLUTELY PURE THE CHIEF nwwmawt A.O. Hohmkii, Killtor. I.aiioyTait. Aist hnojil lwllor. ,..H-K'--'H'2,'H'H'-M"H THE HON TON'S J $15C MEAL: STUAK, liGlli) t uiii:i, kutjt.k, I iii:, 'OPrEC. J .nmmwuM"""'""""""" Reduction in repair ing on shoes sold from our stock only, others regular price. Nuiiing mens' half soled !")0 I.n.llnn' lllllf RIlll'H . . '"' BoyB lmir Bolon Misses and outliB hult boIcb ChildroriB' halt fcolos .10 .:tr .2.'. .10 'fttchcii See regular add , . e. Cincinnati Hoot uud Shoo Store A H. Kuloy, Pro Top. itn:r itir.vno. C. W. Kuloy wuh in Lincoln tluB woek. Mrs. Jus. Burden wub in Woden this week, Win. Ludlow is reported quite sick this week. Chris Fussier C llluo Hill was in tho city this week. Vint. Soliduy oC McCook who in Red Cloud thia week. W. II. Auntin of Franklin w.ib on our Btreetu Tuesday. Tom Penman huo put in boiuo elegant now display cases. P. A. C. ytovons of Lawrence, Kun., wob iu the city thin week. Mrs. Jhb Harden will start a millinery store in thu Moon hlock soon. Chns. Schnlinlt is homo from Tosus, looking as fresh as an oruugo. Potcy MolJridu and K. P. Hutchison wore over from Lebanon this weok. Miss Hutlio Ilobs, from Noligh, Nob., is tho guust of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ivoss. Mrs. J. S. Hmigh and Mrs. Thos. Pen man wore visiting in Cowlos thlB week. Isabel, tho Httlo daughter of L. M. Vauco uud wife, died in Kearney tlilo week. Tho district convention of Knightn of Pythias tukru place, on tho 10th iu this city.. Tho revivals at tho M. 13. church aio progressing nicely. Kov. Hummel is a power as a revivalist. P. C. UuEchow or Blue Hill wan in Red Cloud this week on business, no made this olllco a pleasant visit. All kinds of job work done nt this oQlco in llrstchiss stylo, and at prices that are in keeping with tho times. Rev. E. A. Kussell of Ord, Nob., will preach at tho Baptist church Sunday, March 15. A corditd invitation extend. Otio Miller of Kosomont was bo very unfortunate it fow days ago as to lose five head of horses, barn, grain, etc., by Hro. Loss, orer $1000. O. E. Adams of Suporior was in the city this wook, presumably to ilx up his gubernatorial fences; he did not call on the Great Family Weekly, howovor. J. Fred Peterson held ono of tho largest public sales ovor held here abouts. Ovor 80 teams wero prosout and ovorythmg sold woll. Col. Winfrey was the auctioneer. Tho oditor of this Groat Family Weekly visited tho hustling young city of Cowleu on Tuesday lust, and found tho merchants of thut place fooling good and doing business. Charley Arnold, Elm6r Schomorhorn, I. Schomorhorn and A. II. Hans, of Roaemont, wero pleasant callers tliiB weok. In the futuro thoy will road the Croat Family Wookly. Androw Soderlin now languishes be hind prison bare, whoroho was placed by ordor of Judgo Porter's court. Sodor lin was arrostod for bastnrdy, tho victim being his stop-daughter. Both parties hail from noar Cowlos. Ho wub bound OTor to tho district court, having failod to give bond. The cuso has created con siderable comment at Cowlos, and iB u choico bit of Bean. mag. Awarded Highest Honors World' Fa. DH m B4KIN6 vmm MOST PERFECT MADE A oure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. FrM torn Ammonia, Alum or any other rdultcraat 4 YEARS THE STANDARD Latest U. S. Gov't Report :ity xr.ws. Fred Goblo came homo this weok. Dick Gray was iu Suporior Tuesday. Attorney Pottor now graces it now bike. Mel Sherman whb in Lincoln weok. Mro. D. J. J ml so n is Improving weok. Bernard MoNony wns in Lincoln this this this weok. Thco Ponsor ha gono to Cripplo Crook. Charley Iloiglo is in Hebron, visiting his sister. Mrs, C. C. Cowden has been quite ill this weok. 11. I). Bedford roturned from Omaha this week. Richard Teunnnl returned to Iowa thin weok. J. W. Kiofer of Bostwick was in tho city Tuesday. W. J. Whitten was down from Ditto Hill Tuesday. Mrs. Ira Suvopor of Omaha wub in tho city thlo weok. Joe Kubick of McCook was in Red Cloud this week. Johnniu Wolf is quite eick with what uppeurs to bo paraljsis. Spring poetry is expected in large quantities in a few days. A comploto new lino of wall papor nt Tu)lor'ti ut bottom prices. Rev. E. L. Ely will preach in tho Con gregational church Sunday. Mrs. P. L. JelTorsof Idaho was visit ing friends in tho city this weok. J. A. Tulloys is homo thifl week, und leaves Monday for Grand Island. Anyono having n buggy for sulo will do well to leave word at this olllco. Mrs. Julia Merriman, who hns beon visiting near Otto, has returnod to tho city. Tho aged futhor and mothor of Wm. Athorton wero visiting in tho city this weok. Wm. Ingalls' inothor-in-liiw has re turned to her homo id Sterling, this state, Geese are beginning to lly northward, and by this wo muy bo Biire of un early spring. Ed Motcalf and wife returnod from Lobunon, Kansas, on Friday last, uf tor n short visit. Mrs. Thos. Wilson und littlo son, nyrl, of Bentrice, have beon visiting in the city for n week or two. Rannoy McNitt hits boon eeloctod as ono of tho judges ut tho oratorical con tost at Croto on the 20th. Grant Usher has gone on an oxtendod trip oaot, west, and north, in the intorost of the D. J. Myors real estate agency. Noah Perry is quite sick und is con lined to his bed yot. Ho ib troublod with tho disease common to tho old sol diers. Tho car of newspaper mon that passed through hore bo mo two weeks ago, to Cripplo Creek, returned homo on No. 10, Tuosduy. It would not bo a bad idoa for the old Boldiers to look after D. J. Judson who is strclling around the stroots looking uf ter forage. Tho friends of Goo. Hendricks in this city will probably bo plasod to loam thnt ho Iiub been converted into a bonodict. Wo wish him happiness. My big millinery stock will be hore on Monday noxt, nnd will be opon for tho inspection of the ladios of Rod Cloud. Mrs. E. I. Bicknkll, Tho Milliner. Rey. Goo. W. Hummel was called to Bladen this woek to preach tho funeral of Mrs. Abrnm Shoupo, who died thero on the 0th. Sho wub the mothor of eight children. Julian Supp received a letter from U. S. Commissioner Yuncy of Tahlequuh, Ind. 'I1., asking in rogard to Chester Wade Pullor, who is insane at that pluco and Bays that ho lived in Red Cloud. It Booms almost impossible for eome persons to conduct thomsolves with proper decorum when present nt public meetings. The othor night, while nn entertninmont was in progress at the school building, somo large boys and u fow youngor ones uehuvou outragoously. An example will have to be mado of somo uf these fellows somo day. Last Monday ovo found a morry party of our Red Cloud young ladios nt the homo of tho Misses Minor, worthily ob serving lont, not in Buck-oloth und ashes, but ongaged in making somo protty, serviceable, und much-needed garments for a needy, but worthy family, tho ma toriul having beon bought with tho re mainder of the "proceeds'1 from tho Loap Your ball, so, it tho lodieo have but ono chnnco in four, they can prove theniBolvps succoBsful llnunuiors in man aging a purty, paying ull their bills, nnd thon having somo left for charity. Now1 boys, whut do you propose doing in that lino Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Hhjheat Award. , ODIKS Xl FA'IKS. Calvin Kenady was in the city this weok. E. P. Bolton was on our strcota this week. D. L. Bishop nnd wifo of Franklin woro In the city Monday. Frank Richardson and wifo left Sun day for Rochester, Ind,, wnoro they will make tkoir futuro home. An mutuary nntico ot ino uoiitu or Isaac Cowleyof Bladon was unavoidably crowded out this weok, but will appear in our next issuo. The fabulous stories told of Cripplo Creek lire leading many pooplo to leave this section. It will only tuko timo to prove to them that all Is not gold that glitters. Impoverished blood iiurb thnt tired feeling. Hood's Snrsaparllln purities, eu rlchuB and vltnlizea the blood, giving new life nnd increased rigor nnd vitality, Hood's pill are easy to take, easy to operate. Care indigestion, biliousness, hoadaaho. It Crept up III Itui'k. Ed Forn und fnmily Btarted out Sun day to drive ncross tho rivor. Ho lighted his Kentucky "niero shuin" nnd "licked up" his steeds, and wub Hying rapidly southward. Iu somo mysteriouB man ner, tiro from his pipo lodged in somo quilts iu tho vohicle, and. as ho speeded along, tho south wind fanned the lire into it blno. which Blowly but surely crept up lid's coat-tail, which was Hap ping in tho breeze, und, following along tho Btilnul column, soon ronchod his hir sute appendage, and when it did bo, ho jumpou up into tuo nir about -U root, nnd oxclutmod: "Gosh, my hair's on Urol" Jim Poterson saw the wagon go ing down thostreot, and it lookod to him like nn ongino running to a tiro. Ho quickly whipped up his pacer and ronchod the scone in timo to be ot good use, ulong with others. Mrs. Fern's, clothes woro on tiro, nnd, hud it not boon for an all-wool cloak, sho would havo boon badly burned; ns it was, sho had quito a lot of clothing damaged. It wub it peculiar incident, and quito it wonder ful escapo for the lady. i Quick in effect, heals and leaves no senr. Hurtling, scaly, skin eruptions quickly cured by DuWitt's Witoh Hazel Halve. Applied to burns, scnldn, old sores it is magical in effect. Always cures piles. U Li Cottiug. UuikI Concert. If the weather is fnvoriiblo to morrow (Saturday) afternoon tho S. of V. band will give ono of its splendid opon air concerts on Main streot ut 3 o'clock. Following is tho program: March Royal Arcanum Hull Ovorturo Brunswick Rollinson Valso Brillianto Viola Curio Mora March University of Pennsylvania Adlor Russian Mazurku La Czarino. . .Gunne Polka Fitter Putter Brooke Murch Naval Roview Jennings Sclutic RbcuuinllMin Cured. L. Wagner, Wholesale Drnggist, Itloh mond, Vs., says: "I hnd a fearful attack of Scintio IUieumatism, was laid up al most (wo months, wns fortunate onongh to got MYSTIC CURE FOR RHEUMA TISM. This cwred mo after doctor's pre scriptions had failed to hnvo nny effect. Sold by 11. E. Urico druggist, Red Clond. SCHOOL. ITEMS. ICdltress,;Mlss Mninlo Wi-lilcman. litporitrs j Mary Haines. Tho entertainment Friday evoning nt tho school houso was a grand success. Mr. Winters was u culler Wodnosday a. m. We aro sorry to mention that ono ot the 10th grado boys, Johnny Wolf, is vory eick. Tho book Miss McClelland is roadlng is bocoming very interesting. Mr. Elmor Kuloy was a cullor Tuesday nftorncon. Thero will be anentortainmont givon soon by tho pupils ot the high school for tho purpose ot securing books for tho library, In tho last weok's items wo stated that Prof. Wilson had whippod throo boys. This was a mistake. From the proceeds duo to school from the entertainment Friday ovoning, seven now books woro purchased and placod in tho high school library. Honry Richmond was a caller Friday. The floniors aro busy working on their orations, Tho examinations will tako placo next weok, and the noxt woek wo will have vacation. Tho geometry class will soon finish geometry and will tako up trigonoraotry Tho juniors finish goology this week. Tho seniors have one of their num bers, Mlau Jennie Bell, a surprise party on Mondoy evening. A very pleasant evening wub spent. Two of tho senior girls had a small ac cidont with an alcohol lamp Thursday a. m. They wero trying to put it out and ns tho oork was loose tho alcohol caught fire, Alcohol flames were Boon seen scattering ovor tho floor, but thoy wero soon extinguished by pouring a bucket ot water on them. IiiUuiiimutoryRliuiiniiuiMinCure ed In 3 Duyi. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., says: "My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism in every ransclo und joint, her suffering wi.h turrible nnd hur body and luce wero swollen almost beyond recognition; hnd beon in bed for six weeks and hud eight physicians but rooolved no boneflt until she tried tho MYSTIC CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. It gnve immedlnto ro lief and she was nble to wnlk nbont in three days. I am sure it saved hur life." Hold by H. E. Grioo druggist, Red Cloud. ' I ! A Good Farm lor Sale. Four milos north-west of Rod Cloud, containing ICOuoros. TormB reasonable. Apply to Mrs. Jas. Klrkwood, Fuirfax, Atchison county, Mo, 45-0m A high liver with a torpid liver will not be a long liver. Correct the liver with DoWitt's Littlo Early Risers, little pills oure dyspepsia and constipation. U L (Jotting. FARRIERS' INSTITUTE WORK A Ileiieflclnl Gathering on I.IINt Tuesday, at Cowleu, On Last Tuesdoy, March 10th, tho Wobstor County Farmors' Institute hold un ttdjnurnod mooting in tho Congrega tional church nt Cowlos, at which timo und plnco n fair sized crowd wub proa ont. Presidont Alyon called the mooting to ordor, nnd Socrotury Myers rend tho constitution and rules adopted at a pre vious mooting. Tho program was carriod out, with onooxception. I. B. Hampton of Guido Rock read a very interesting paper on "alfalfa and kafllr corn," which wub listened to with marked nttontlon. Ho produced somo lino Bpocimons of alfalfa, which woro grown on bottom und up-lnnd. Both wero thrifty and hud beon sown nbout one yenr ago. Ho thought alfalfa could be grown on high laud un woll as on tho bottoms; ho would not use press drill, ho Btiid, but would sow broadcast ho thought proas drill wns it disadvan tage; ho hud known it to bo winter killed, but only iu instances whore goph ors hnd worked iu it; if hogs wero turned upon it in winter, they should havo their noses cut oo thoy could not root, ns that also injured the plant; ho also bellovcd that sowing too Into was injurious; nlno, sowing ovor 15 pounds of Bood operated against its growth. Ho said that Kallir corn should bo planted nbout tho saino time as Indian corn. Thoro was no second growth to Kallir corn; It should bo ground to feed. It wub a splendid feed, uud tho foddor wub oxcoltent. Mr. Gnrrot Ohmstedo of Guido Rock spoko briofly nnd to tho point on sub Boiling. Tho speaker said that iu Ger many, his nntivo country, they nubsoilod dilTerently, going down eevon or eight foot, and doing it with spades; in this country thoy only wont from 18 to 20 inchos. Ho talked tt fow minutes on irrigation; said that ho had put 2000 barrels of wator on a quarter ot an acre, nnd nould not tell whero tho wntor went to; he used it windmill and u 100 barrel tunic. Tho quarter of an acre wub buIi soiled. Hurry Hopkins of Cowles had sub Boiled it garden spot, but what was vory queor to him wub to find that tho water would not go into tho boiI. Ho investi gated and found that a crust Roeiuud to havo formed undcrnouth tho ourfaco that kopt tho wator from soaking into tho ground. Honry Gilliam hud tried subsoil irri gation; hnd mado it bod i!xl rods and hud pumpod water by windmill Into the dead furrow, but could Hot fill it. On investigation, ho found thnt tho wuter had entered tho soil overywnero u. '. xrunuoy ttiougiii unit wo wero going too fast; tho timo to Bubsoil wub in tho fall. If dono in spring, und thoro was a dotlcient rainfall, subsoiling was u disadvantage. You must not expect re sults at once, but would got It tho fol lowing year. Tho ground that ho had subsoilod last season was in lino shapo this spring. Tho idoit of Btibuoiling wub to crouto u rosorvoir enpucity. Tho spoakor said that in 1891 lie plowod furrowH through u patch of ground und irrigated it plenty; this your, whon ho wub digging post-holes for it garden fonco, ho could go down onsily, but whon he BtoppodBixteenfoetdiBtant.it took ull his cITort to dig oightoon inchos. Tho discussion on subsoiling and irri gation was most interesting, und brought out n great many facta that wero not generally known. Mr. Alva Piorco was noxt on the pro gram and road an oxcollont urticle on poultry. Ho believed thnt Iioiib woro ono of the main stays of tho farm homo; thoy should bo cured for and fed well. His fuvorite was White Leghorns; ho also likod Black Spanish; both woro good layers and wore splendid for tho tablo. O. E. Putnam discussod the hog ques tion in a manner thnt showod that ho had made a carotul study ot the ques tion; ht thought that full blood stock was bettor than grades; they woro hard lor and fattened much quicker. His favorite was tho Borkshiro. Thoso proeont took up tho subjoct and die cussod It pro and con, somo boliovihg thnt tho Poland China was the best. Their foed was touched upon and L. II. Rust thought thut corn, outs and bran, soaked was the food; Mr.Putnum thought that mill food was the best. Mr. Ohmstedo bolteved that vory little crn nnd more boots was what a hog noedod as food, and, if thut waB done, thoro would bo less sickness among hogs. He had fed hogs 10 years and hud lost but n vory smull por cent, and rocoivod bettor results than thoso who fed all corn. I. B. Hampton said ho fed his hogs cano and found that it was a very fine foed; Wm. Engols said that ho had dono tho enme thing with good re sults; Harry Hopkins thought thnt su gar beets wero about tho right BtufT for hogs. Tho program wns completed at this point, nnd, on motion, the next meeting was set for Guido Rock, March 18, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m. Permanent vice-presidents woro then elected for Pleasant Hill and Elm Creek townships, ns follows: PluuBant Hill, H. L. Hopkins. Elm Creek, O. E. Putnum. Mr. Job. Gurber thought thut two critics should bo appointed to tuke up subjects after discussion. Tho prsaidont unnouncod that Prof. Cniiinboll, oditor of "Soil Culture" ot Sioux City, Iowa, would uddrets the people of Guide Rock at thoir meeting on tho 18th. Thisgontloman hassovoral experiment stations, nnd is experiment ing on "sub-surface packing, demon strating his theory by practical methods The U. & Gov't Reports shour Royal Baking Powder .Mfirfor to all oUunu BiiSc!$t, lhat heritage of rich and poor, has saved many a life. For Throat and Lung affections It is invaluable. It never fails to cure Cough, Cold, Croup and Whooping-Cough. DR. BULL'S COUQHSYRUPjs the best. Jicej cents. CkM LANCE'S PLUGS. U Great Tokieee itMN,tOc. DmIwi or MM.A-C.Mefw ACo.,Bit.,Ma, AVu have, just received a large assortment of Little Giant School Shoes for little men and women. Kemeinber we are sole agents. CINCINNATI BOOT 10 IE Wl Wau is Probable T .1 nut anoint r narcrnm S3K we nr probable. blocks for Less Than Wholesale Cost, We only havo a few and imi the are go'ir 30U can gut. no more for ihu -anie prine. So get a hargnin uhile u can. If mi don't until a elect, gel it watch lliey ar jiiKt ns cheap, in Newiiousk liuos., Jewelers nnd Opticians. In V. Nnwlinuse'H Dry (lnnt1n Hturo. that it in tho way to bu sure of a crop iu this country in nearly every ciibc. l'ifoniiAM nut d.ini: hock. SubSurfano Packing, Prof. Campbell. Dairying, G. W. FranoiH. JlogH, O. Ohinetede, N. Petors. Horticulture, Oeo. llngan. Poultry, J. II. Severne. Tiio object of those ineetlngn will be to secure good BpouUcrH, and to obtain an interchange of idonn, nuch ub will tiunelit the fanning couiuiunitiuB. Farm era ehould make it it point to be ut nil of theBo meetings; it ia the only way to hoIvu tho probleniH that aro now upon ub, viz: "How to improve farming iu Nebraska and Kiiupuh, and what crops nre tho bent to put Into the ground." Such dlHCUBnionn aro for the uolobeno lit of the farming community, and should be largely attended. m "I have uevor had a day's n!oknoan In my life," said a iniddlo-ngud man the other day. "What a comfort it would be," Highs Rome poor invalid, "to be in bin phtoo for a year or two." Yet half of the invulid wo hoo might bo junt no healthy as he, if thoy would only tako proper caro of thouiBplvts, eat proper food and di gest it. It's bo atrango that such simplo things nre overlooked by thosn who want hoalth. Food makes health. It makes strength and health wards off sickness. Tho man who had nevor keen sick was strontr because he always digated his food, and yon ootid become the same by helping your stomaoh to work as well as his. It will make yon strong and healthy by making tho foed you eat make you fat. Druggists noil it. Trial bottle 10 cent. Whnl About Ut Editok Chief: Somo few weeks ago Borne sixty or sevonty dollars wero con tributed by tho citizens ot this place for an afllictod family of thifl city. They have rocoivod twelve or liftoon dollars only of this amount; tho family is vory mucu in noeu 01 tins monoy. win you kindly ask tho question in your noxt iesue, what has becomo of this monoy ni.d why it has not beon paid to them ? A CONTKIDUTOB, Tho pop stood on tho burning sand His foot woro badly blistered, Ho hold the "Nation'' in his hand And tho wind blow through his whiekors. 1 1 Thero will bo a hot iubboI for tho may oralty to-night at the court-house. Wo understand that thoro are sovoral candi dates for tho olllco, Tho naraos ot O. V. Dow, M. H. Buntley, and severnl others havo boon montionod. What Red Cloud wants Is rigid economy, nnd either one ot tho gentlemon mentionod would mako acceptable ofllcers, as far as we aro concornod, Tho ollicors who are nomlnatod to-night should pledgo them selves that thoir ealarioa will bo donated to the city's uso for tho coming yeur. Tho last council hao made a good show ing, nnd tho now morulms must do equally ub woll. Wanted Futturo For about 75 head ot horses. Write mo your tortus, amount of pasturage etc. Thouah E. Kelly, Lincoln, Neb. Latest Style ! Best Leather ! Best Wearer I Only iiiie quality, nnd that tho best. Satisfaction guaranteed on each nnd every pair. The greatest wearing Children's ShoeB on earth. ' Congo Onlf Patent Tip. Congo Cull' Solar Tip. Misses' ICil, Mutton, whito si itch, razor toe. Misses1 Kid, I'ul., sipiaru toe. Tans iu all Mixes. ll)n' R.iK"r Toe, to fi; Hoys' Opora Tims llojs' Square Too, A. il KALliY. Prop, h such as of fen nu in c OCKS is not , miihIi:)-m'Iioo1 Convention. One or two of the pchools havo eloct od iih their delegatcH hoiiiii of tho presont oIlicerH. Wu want 11 large representa tion from each and every school. Dear hi iiiiml that the oIIIc'th ut nur schools lire delegated b) virtue of their nfllcoa and in addition to them ou are entitled to aunt her tlelegatn for every twenty inetubeirt or fiaclii'iial part thereof of your enrollment. Siiuh mii iihUh what will Iim the priib.iblo cost f tho delo gates at the coiivcntiimY Vnur board und ImUiiii; will not cunt )oii one cent. Who ia 1'iitiilml t thin uiitrrtniumont? Ail minim. !', all Sunday ich ml olllcera mid delegates, all whoso unities urn on tho iiO;rain, and nil Sunday school worltiu'B. A few of the Sunday Mihools have not pent hi thnir annual rnpi.riH yet. Pieaso do ho at once, aa vw want them in time to mako up tho county leport beforo tliit convention. If jour bc1im1 iaciuaed for the winter, let the old nniceresee to it that your report is Hindu up uud Rent In. Wo aimed to mail blank reports to overy nohnul in tho county. Porhupa wo havo overlooked you or you bay mislaid it. Do not lot anything uuswev for an excuse, but Bond ub word und wa will ui.o that you aro supplied. Somo of tho Sunday school secretaries aro asking what kind of u historical skotch of thoir Sunday school is expect" od of them ut tho convention. Allow mo to RUggest thnt you got tho date, names ot olllcers, and number ot charter momhers ot Drat organization it possible. Then follow it up very briefly to date, making mention as to whether it has ru n alorg continuously or (.nly at inter valo. Whut is tho condition now. You cun mako thin onoof tho interesting foa turoa of our convention. L. P. A i.iuiioiir, Proaident. Woman's ork la never done, and It la especially wuariug and wcarlaomo to those whose mImiI to lmpuro and unfit properly to toue, sus tain, and renow the wastlnp et nerve, musclo and tissue. It is more because 01 this condition oi the blood that women aro run down, . Tired, Weak, Norvout), Than bccauBO of tho work ltsolf. Jdvery physician says so, and that tho only rem edy is In building up by taking u good ncrvo tonlo, blood purifier and vltallzcr likonood'sSnrsaparllla. For tho troubles Peculiar to Women at cbanga of season, cllmato or llfo, or rcsultlnt; from hard work, norvousnees, and impure blood, thousands havo found relief and cure in Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Wood Purifier. II Ir bottle, Prepared only by O. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maw.j el. AnKr ikllW tsifl tlOOd'S PIUS with Uood'eBBrnwrHOb J i.y 1 1 I MaMaWaWaMMBMMMMaMaMKst--"-- ' . ,..,vt , ,., , n,,r . ,