The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 13, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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    o vr
Xgm Crx Y Co Albsol,jtely the BEST meal for 15c,
YOU VCiII VJtJL At City Bakery and Restaurant.
A Regular 25c Meal for 15 cents. 50 Loaves of Bread for $1.
All kinds of Cakes and Pies, Fine Candies and Nuts, Fresh Fruits, Boarding and Lodging, First-class
Accommodations at the Old Reliable Firm.
JOS. HERBURGER, Proprietor, Red Cloud.
PiiltllMlicd Weekly,
ftulmcrlplloii, 1 Ir Annum
InvurliiMy III Advnnce .. ,
U noti' 7.rH:.7.Mipr ililj l March
IH, UU, tin' prlcowllt lio II. B,
Entered lit the I'nst Mlio In lli'ii Clnurt, Nob.
"uT'nTurrimo uii a.
(101 NO KAH1
en, Uk: Freight, l-v 0 n in.
in I'imeiiircr. " 10:lin " Ar 0;rai n. in.
OSVrclKlt. I IMP. in. 101.. III.
lit, Mixed Train, l.vlluis n.m. Ar IlslOp. m
Ki, Fast Krelulit, l.v II :lt n. in. Ar 10:30 a. in
HI Mixed Tr.iln. " VtiK, p. in. " II :
is rnwiiKi-r, " 8:10 1. in. " 8::iU. in
Notice to Committeemen.
Notico iti hcroby given Unit tlioro will
be a mooting of the ropublicun county
central comtiiitteo nt tho olllco of Caso
& McNitt, nt Rod Cloiul, Nebraska, on
tho 17th dny of Mnrch, 1890, nt 1! o'clock
p.m. It 1b urgontly roquostod thnt
every committeomun be prcsont nt this
time. T. G. Hackkr, Chmn.
R. MuXitt, Sec'y.
Ex Sf.natoi: Mnndorson'a boom wns
eturlod in Oinahn tho othor night.
Srnatou Thurston ia ono of tho
brightest men in Nobraaka, in our opin
ion. Wm.. booiiib to bo making
good hoadwav for tho presidential nomi
nation. Tiik Nation is requesting tho pops of
Webstor county to uwuko. No ubo,
boys; thoy nro sleeping tho sloop that
knows no wnking. Tliey are ilond I
Tiik ropublicun party is growing
Btronger ovory day, and pooplo who havo
BufTorod from having boon without work
for four years nro now ready to voto
with tho republican party, and thoroby
start tho whoels of progress.
A CEUT.MN class of ten cent politicians
think it is decidedly cuto to smonr Gen
ornl Thnyor with their slimy epitheto.
Qonoral Thnjor is ono of tho grandest
mon in the stato of Nebraska, uud hue
eorved his country well and truly. Ho
is entitled to the respect and admiration
of all peoplo for his valor in tho lato
war, and for his gonoral integrity in pri
vato und public lifo.
Wk have often wondorod how it would
look for tho' great mon (?)of tho country
to take n bnck seat and lot tho peoplo
eeloct their presidential candidates. If
thia isn't dnuo nt conventions, it will be
done at tho polls. Tho people uro really
getting tired of having men forcod
down tlioir necks, without having n
word to suy. Soiuo smooth follow, usual
ly n corporation cormorant, trios to set
up tho pins at the bohests of his super
iors, and thnt is tho way of all political
jobs. Lot's have it tho old way, and lot
the people select the mon wanted.
It was cheap goods that the domo
crntic party wanted, und, for tho last
year, we havo beon gotting thorn, but
whore havo tho peoplo been in that timo
financially t Goods have been remark
obly cheap, but tho Amorican working
man ban boon thrown out of employ
ment thoroby, while hiB English cousin
hna beon working day and night to till
tho American market with cheap goods.
It will be different nftor Novombor.
llioso mon who voted for u reduction of
tarltr will vote for a rule, and that
raise will mcau that the American mills
will begin to buzz, and tho Amorican
dinner pail begin to appoar in publio
again, Tout la wliat wo want. Wo do
not want cheap goods and stnrvntion
prices, but good, honest prices, and good
wages, from whatovor source they 'may
come; and, anothor thing we don't wnnt
is paupor labor in this country, Good,
bouest, hard-working monMiro all right,
but dagoes nnd heathen Chineeo never!
Taken In Time
Hood's Siirsnnaiilla tins nohluveil Croat
success in warding oil sioknecs which, if
alluwed to nroitress, would have under
mined tho whole system and given dis
ease a strong foothold to cauomuoh suf
ferinir mid even threaten death, Hood's
Sartmpnrillii has done nit this nnd even
more. It has lieeu taken In thousands of
-casts which were thought to lie iuciirnhle
and iiflei n fair trial has (MTeuted wuuder-
fun.'nr-s, Liriiik'in health, strength nud
jey to the afllioted. Another important
liouit atoiii uooil s hnrsap
imnrlim Is Hint
curuJ nre peruiaueiit, liecause they start
from the t-olid foundation of ptirilhd,
yitalizud nud enriched blood. Hut it is
not'whnt we say but what Hood's Huraa
pnrilln loeh ilmt Ivlls tho story.
-I --
Children Cry for
f Itcher'i Cat torla.
And No
Oho 1m Authorized
Collect Aid.
BvitAouHE, N. ., March 7-"A dispatch
from Omalin, Nob., says thnt reports
from tho oiiBt roceived tlioro stato that
persons aro soliciting nid In onstorn nnd
middlo slateo for Ncbrankn HufTorors,
Tho Omaha dispatch also says that etor
ios of destitution nnd sutTering in Ne
braska nro not continued by investiga
tion by tho secrotnry of tho stato board
This nnnouncomont has croatod rsomo
uneasiness lioro in conHquonco of tho O. Hawloy, claiming
to coino from tho Nobraska Mothodist
church, loft hero a day or two ago nftor
collecting inoro than 8100 from tho
churches and tho Epworth League fcr
Nebraska suiTorors. Mr. Hawloy statod
that it wbb not necessary to pay the
money to him and snid tho church could
Bond tho inoiioy to it. I). Snyder of Fro
mont, Neb., who was authorized to ro
ceivo it.
Tho people hero nro in doubt as to
whothor his story is true and ns to his
authority to collect monoy for tho pur
pose stntod."
Tho nbovo article was printed ia a
local puper of Erio, Pa., and forwarded
to Tiik Ciiif.k by Goo. W. Barker. It is
tho first timo that wo hnvo hoard of suf
fering in Nebraska this winter. How
ovor if tho Hawloy spoken of in tho ar-
rticlo nbovo is tho G. W. Ilnwley, former
ly of this city, wo must bolievo that ho
is residing in u part of tho country
where tlioro is BiilToring, but tlioro is no
such thing in this part of tho etato. Tho
initials aro not the earno and therefore
wo conclude that it must bo anothor
man. We do not bolivo thnt thoro is
nny sutToring in tho a.uto to speak of,
und thoso who solicit aid from othor
states do so on their own responsibility.
Look I iik Ahead.
I havo hoard of a conventions that
woro not altogether a nuceeBs. It wno
becauso not half tho poople on tho pro.
grain woro present. Again, thcro nre
conventions with ton to twolvo names
on tlio program; rour or live win say
they uro not prepared, then take valua
bio timo to provo, and I belioyo tho
nudionco would tuko thoir word for it
without nrgumont; tbreo or four othora
will ntnto tho onme, while tbreo or four
will stay away I nood not stnto tho
rouson why. ae nny school boy or girl
can toll you (txcopting sickness). Then
perchance soino ono will say uioy nro
proparcd, and proceed to monopollzo tho
balance of the dny. I tako groat pleas
ure in predicting to tho public that tho
coming county Stiudny-school conven
tion will bo ono of marKoju interest
along tho lino of Sunday-school work
from start to finish, and anynno who
attends will and must bo bonetittod. I
inn personally acquainted with all of the
olllcers, and know thnt thoy have usod
ovory precaution in preparing tho pro.
gram; again, I am acquainted with most
all on tho program, nnd know them to
bo solectod from among the intelligence
of tho county, any of whom aro thor
ouglily cnpnblo of interesting tho beBt
of ub. Tho Sunday-school of this town
will bold a uiubb aong service next Sun
dny afternoon at tbreo p. in., a sort of
warming up preparatory to tho conven
tion, and the citizons of our town uro
bockoniug your prosonco with open
A mirror could not lio if it wnnted to.
Tho glnss has nothing to gain by flattery.
If tho rosos of health nnd plumpness of
benuty nro leaving your face, your mir
ror will ttll you ho. Health in tho gent
eit bonutifler in the world. When n wo
m nil sees tho Indications of 111-h.aUh in
the face, she tuny with almost nbxoluto
certainty look for the cause in one or
both of two conditions constipation,
nnd dernugument of the. qrgnus distinctly
feminine, Dr. l'lerco's Favorite Pro
scription will oure permanently nnd pos
itively nny so-called "fumnle complaint."
Dr. rieroe's l'lensnnt Pellets will cure
oonstlpntion. There is ro reason in the
world why a woman should not bo per
footly henlthy. She will gain in health
strength and flesh. Hollows nnd nngloa
will give place to fullness and grace.
Slio will bo thnt noblest and most beauti
ful of all crentiou n ptrfeot womeu.
Send 21 cents in one-cent stamps to
World's Dispensnry Medical Association,
Ilnff nlo, N. Y nnd reooivo Dr. Pierce's
lOOcS pugo "Common Sense Medionl Ad
vispr," profusely illnstrnted.
dilleim or Il4d Cloud.
Tho Wobntor County Sundny-school
convention will bo hold hero March 20
to '28, Wo expect n largo uttondnnce;
uio visitors must bo entertained. Will
j on not show your appreciation of tho
good work tho Sunday school is doing
uir uio oum or tlio ci y ami co nlry iy
J opening jour doors for tho iiiitortniii-
nient of ns ninny uuests us will lio c.n
venient? If so plmso ndvieo U H. Ful
ton, chairman of tho entertainment com
mittee, as mkiii as possible, of tho num
ber j mi will tako and, note carefully, do
siguato the number jou can lodge and
board, boaid only or lodge only. As
your hospitality lias uvor yet been ap
pealed to in vain for n good cause, it ia
!- .1 t 1 .!' t - '
i?" "0ll,,.ou wl" respoml prompt
" imiovhhhiuui
llv OiiDKit Hx. Com.
Fluu Jersey Itull.
Len Aultz has a lino thoroughbred
.Toreoy bull for sorvico, Can bo found
ut Ida rosidonce, northeast part of the
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder '
A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder.
From Economy, Pa.
PJditor Chief: Wo havo just ar
rived safely at this plaoo ana through
tho forethought of Mrs. Duss wo wer
offorcd a very hcartv wclcomo with
breakfast at tho big house Our
house thnt had been gotten ready for
our occupancy is a big two story houso
with oigbt rooms in it and wo burn
natural gas both down stairs and up
stairs, It is raining and freezing
on tho walks which makes it very
dangerous to walk about, so I hnvo not
soon much of the town as yet, in fant
could not say niuoh about it anyway.
With tho kindest regards for tlio peo
plo of Red Cloud, you will hear
from mo after while,
Ucspcotfully yours,
John T. Jessen.
One of Hie UchI Features
ortlio lymnitllMle Cura
Is tbo fact that it cures every from
of I'ilcs without ono partiolo ef pain.
This dcsirablo point U not obtained
by tho uso of injurious opiates which
simply deaden and paraljzo tho ner
ves of tho parts and mnko matters
worso in the long run. Butitisdono
solely by Ub remarkable healing and
soothing effects.
And whilo it thus gives immediate
relief, at tho namo timo tho disease is
not merely checked, but a radical cure
is rapidly accomplished.
And tho point wc want to inako
olear is that all this is dono without a
particlo of pain.
This fact is ono reason for tho
great popularity of tho Pyramid Pile
Curo and constitutes ono very great
diuercnco between it and almost any
other kind of treatment for piles.
Every kind of surgical operation
for piles is excruciatingly painful be
sides endangering tho lifo of tho pa
tient and in most cases is not to be
compared with the Pyramid Cure,
neithor in making successful ourcs
without pain nor in cheapness and
Tho Pyramid Pilo Curo has been
beforo tho public too long, and its
merits recognized by too many people
to allow it to bo classed with the
ninny salves, suppositories, pills, etc.,
and you ruu no risk in trying it, as is
often tho o.iso with new and untried
If you nro ever troubled with nny
form of piles or rectal disease do not
forget the Pyramid Pilo Curo. Pro
parcd by tho Pyramid Drug Co., of
Albion, Mich., and sold by druggists
at 50 oents per paokngo.
Fulille Mule.
OnTuesduy. Murch i!l, 1890, nt my
residence two miles onst und two und
ouo-hulf milos north, on tho old
1'oter Smith place, I will sell all my
stock, farm machinery nnd household
goods. Hogs will bo sold for cash. Sums
of $5 and under cusb. All suras ovor So
n credit of nino months will bo given, tbo
purchaser giving no to with approved
security, with iuterost nt ton por cont
from duto of snlo until paid. No goods
removed until Bottled for. Ten por cent
off for cash. J. it. Cox,
C. L. Wixfkkv, Auctioneer.
75 bend of horses to pasture M. J.
Growoll, G miles south of lied Cloud.
It not only is so, it must bo so, Ono
Minute Cough Cure nots nnickly, and
that's whnt makes it go. OL (Jotting.
When Bahjr was sick, wo gavo her CostorU.
Whan she was a Child, eIio cried for Castorbb
When sbo bccanio MIsa, sbo clung to Castorta.
Wtwt fcho had Children, eho gave them Castorta.
Real ENtute Tramlcr.
For tho week ending March 10, f ur
nisbod by tbo Fort Abstract Co,, bondod
abstractors, Hod Cloud, Nek
J. W. Kunchoy, BherlfT, to Chan.
n llnrrla Inf a 1 .1 In ' 1 Illr1fi
w "" ' " ... w.
Smith & Moore's add to Red
Cloud, shoritl'a doed
C H & Q R U to James Zilek.
731 35
ho. 7 .'111, deed 1000 00
Elizabeth M Foster and hus
band to Jane E Shinkle, Iota
12 and 22, bile U Hit add to
Hod Cloud, wd
Lewis T Curtnoy to John K
Hard,lotl2, blltlfl, lotfiblk
blk 17, lots 1; uud 19 blk 18
Cowlea w d
Auuio ) Marker and liusband
K W and Job Mills, executors
J W Kunchoy, Shoyiir. to Leon.
110 00
200 00
1200 00
nrd Uovins, sja nw.i li 1 11
sheriirV deed (500 00
J W Kunchoy, oliorlir to Daniel
and Fran It I in H Lord, nej.j !i0
.'ill 20.09 f.1
OUGQItKCotoJoB. Gruvos
sw4 11) a 11 doed 1117 20
Total ?8288 08
i it
"Give mo n liver regulator nnd I can
regulate the world," mid n genius. The
druggist handed him n bottle of DeWltt's
Little Early Riders, tho famous little pills
O L Cottlng.
Hnvo you soon tho wondrous pencil,
Known to fumo and ovory tongue?
Popular Patent Pen-Knife Pencil
Usod by all, both old and young.
If not just go to Cotting,
Who Iuib them now for Bale,
He can show you without talking,
They're tho best bo enn rotuil.
Only 5 cents each. Also tho cheapor
grades ut 2 for 5c, 3 for 5c, G for 5c,
and 12 for 5c.
SDupervlnors PrvcecdlngM.
Hed Choud, March 9, 189G.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Minutes read and approved.
Peters, Pope and Hoffman wcro np
pointed to appraise c ne- 16 2 10.
Tho petitisn of John II) laud for
admission to soldier's home granted.
Papers wcro ordered prepared.
Official bonds wcro approved as
follows: G.Sohracr, 11 D no 22;
Chas Lambert, 11 D No 11; J M Mar
kcr, town olerk.
Movtd and carriod that tho county
treasurer order Jacob Kindscher t
pay $9 duo county on bridgo lumber
into treasury
J. S. White appeared beforo tho
board and said that ho had applied tn
county attornoy several times to bring
suit againr-t different parties for per
sonal taxes and that ho refused to
bring snmo in tho following cases:
Bates & Smith Co., H. E. Mooro, F.
& M Banking Company and L. Bautn,
Tho county attorney was instructed
to appear before tho board and ex
plain. Tlio petition to construct roads on
section 28, 31, town 1, rango 10, wns
County Attorney B MoNcny ap.
pearod and said that tho county could
not bring suit against non residents
for taxes.
The committno appointed to ap
praiso school land, e nc 1G 2-10, re
ported that thoy had appraised the
land at fG.fjO jcr ncre.
In the matter ot the road in Cath
erton township through the land of
Otto Skjolvcrand Mr. Baudrcau, after
dissuasion was rofcrrea to committeo
on roads.
The matter of S. F. Spoknufiold'e
taxes was referred to committoo on
ways and moans.
Board ordered county treasurer to
refund Henry Doidrich $7.70, errone
ous taxes on lots 11 and 12, Garbor's
2d addition.
Tho board granted Garfield town
ship $50 to build bridgo.
Yance Sorgcscn applied for a re
duction of poor farm ront. Tho com
mittee roportcd that his bill bo cut
from $10 to $30. Tho bill was
amended so that tho reduction would
bo $30 if paid today. Carried.
Tho oomuittco on bridgo u Gar
field township mado majority and mi
nority rodort. Majority report was
adopted. -
Supervisor Petors was authorized to
put sign up on Guide Hock bridge,
Shirloy introduced tho following
Resolved, That tho county attorney
bo instructed to investigate tho
nmount of fees retained by J. S
White ns county treasurer for tho
year 1894, and if tho county attornoy
finds that tho said J S Whito retain
ed fees in excess of tho amount al
lowed hi m by law, that tho county
attorney be nnd is hereby instructed
to commence suit to recover utneunt.
Referred to ways and moaus com
mittee. Shirloy iutroduood a resolution to
recover from J S Whito amount paid
him lor deputy hire Rofcrrcd to
ways and means oommittco,
Shirley introduced a resolution
calling on County Treasurer White
for amount of money in tho State
Bunk nt the timo of its suspension.
Retorred to committeo on ways and
Adjourned until Tuesday at 9 a.m.
Couiuiittc on wajs and means reo-
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorta.
We can also showyouflie Finest Line o( Taoieis in me city
We have Hovon styloB of Hno Roods with onyolopes to mutch. Also
tho best Nickol nnd Dime Pen TubletB over offered for the money.
I Good qiiQiiiy ot noie paper 01 10 cenis per quire. mm 5 cenis per bunch.
A New siock 01 box Paper oi io Ms, 15 cenis and 20 M.
We hnvo a comploto stock of everything in
ubu evoryining you wunt in
IV. CV'. fUQtMJtj
4F4J TV ,-w, , ,
f commended that no action bo taken
on resolutions in regard to County
Treasurer Whito.
Tho resolution of Shirley in regard
to county money in Stato bank of
Bluo Hill was discussed and carried,
and county treasurer reported lhat
iho amount in tho bank ut suspension
was $2227 37.
J. P. Egliugton offered tho follow-if-g
Whereas, a county levy of ono mill
for n road fund was mado in the yenr
1894, a considerable portion of, said
levy having been cancelled and tho
county treasurer pay samo hack to
townships. No action taken.
Adjourned until 1 p, m.
Soothing, healing, clemming, De.Vitt's
Witch Hnzol Salve is tho tuemy to gores,
wounds nud piles, whioli it never fnils to
euro. Stops itching and burning. Cures
chnpped, lips nud cold-sores in two or
three hours. 0 L Cotting.
George Barnes expeots to move on
a farm near Amboy soon.
.Emily Ojjilvio has been quite sick
this week.
Tlio many friends of Miss Addio
Robinson will bo pleased to learn tbat
shu expects to tcturii homo in the
near luture.
Tho young folks spent a very pleas
ant ovoniug at M. M. Millcr'o Mon
day cveniug.
John Ogilvio Sr. is visiting friends
and relatives at Chester, Nebraska.
W. S Orr spent Suturduy und Sun
dav in Fairfield.
Mebsers Dow from Hebron, Nebras
ka aro visiting their brother Will this
Harry Robinson is quito sick at
present with tlio la grippe.
Mrs. Stoner is visiting her parouts
Geo. Mottcr and wife.
Tho pooplo of Kokloy havo organiz
ed a prayer meeting which will make
his homo with his son Albert.
Rev. Carswoll and wifo drovu to
Rod Cloud Tuesday.
Itov. ieiser ot Red Cloud will
prcaoh in tho Honcvcutt sohoolhouse
Saturday night.
ihoro will bo a business mcoting of
tho Knivortb Lcauuo held at the
church Friday cvcning.'CZllZU CZj
jCKioy is preparing tor Lastcr scr-
The Enworth Lcacuo oabinot mot
at Mr. Vanoo's Tuesday ovoning.
Miss Mablo WriL'ht. who is tcaoluntr
in distnot 6G, is giving period satis-
J. F. Docker hag moved on a farm
near Ambey.
Kpworth Loaguo meeting Sunday
evening was led by E. L. Donghman,
Miss Anna Orr is leador for next
Sunday evening. W. I. N-
One Mlnnto Cough Curo touohes tho
right spot. It also tonohes it at tho right
timo if yon tnko it when yon hnvo n
eongh or cold? Then don't cough, O L
Biikkv Wanted.
If you hnvo u good buggy to dispose
of, sond word tn this oflice.
Don't invito disappointment by exper
imenting. Depend npnn One Minute
Congh Curo nnd yon have immediate re
lief, It euros croup. The only harmless
remedy that products immediate rosults,
O L Cotting.
Noliee toihe Public.
I nm now in full possession of tho
city nvory, biiio, ami reeii stablo, und in
vito my friends to call whon in nood of
goon teams ami ouggies.
Toam, to hay in contB,
oiiikih uortto, iu nay iu cents.
11 OOd J. 11. Davih.
The World's Fair Tests
showed ao baking powder
o pure or sosrreat la Iemv
enlng power as the RoyML,
9Pho Drug'gisGt
4'rooked Creeh.
Mr. Iti-iher purchased a fine span
of mules Jroni Sam Smith.
Several uf Mr. McPattland's f.imi
lyliaveiuen sick with ilm la grippe
during the past week.
Richaid 'Pennant lofs Wednesday
morning for Cliuion, lown, but sayB
he will return if thu pond freezes
Oliver sajs thn? young man who
drives throu! thcro at night must
closo the gate.
Messrs Frod Maurcr, Richard Ton
nnnt, Luster Koonz and Kiunift Ten
nant, nnd MNpc- Ndlm Mnurur and
Maud Maiiin tnk Mippr nud spent
the evenirt.; at Mrs. Hedges Inst Mon
day evening.
Stov Morrison is a frrqu-nt visitor
in thcro pnrts, driving his best team
and best rig That's right Btcvc you
aro taking tho right course.
Owing to a lack of spaeo this com
munication was shortened.
Rex. -
If suffering with piles, it will interest
you to know that DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo will euro them. This medlelno is
n specillo for nil eomp'nints of this char
acter, nnd if iiistrnstioiis (which are sim
ple) are onrried out, n cure will result.
Wb have tested this iu iinuu-rous casus,
nnd alvn- with like results. It never
fails. CI, Cottimr.
i i m i
Tho P, nny creek Sunday school was
Rev. Wells took a trip to Oak, Neb.
Mr. was kicked by a horse,
disloonting his right knee
Ruv. Wt-ILs preauhad on Walnut
creek at 11a. m. and ut Penny creek
at 7:30 p. m.
Mr. Toland and daughter of North
Branch wero tho giusts of William
VnnDke this v-ek.
The party at, Mr IJeit-e's tumid in
to a dance. Quito n number of t he
young converts took an nctive pnrt.
Thu repotted death of William
VanDske's sister wns not correct.
Mr. Farsuro of North Branch was
doing business in Lino ono day this
Lumbago, pain iu Joints or back, brick dust In
urine, frequent calls, Irritation, Intlamraatlon,
gravel, ulceration or catarrh or tlio bladder.
Disordered Liver
niliousness, henilaelic. Indigestion or gout.
MVAMI'-HOOT invigorates, cures kidney
tllUlcultlcs, Ilrlght'a dUase, urinary troubles.
Impure Blood
Bcrofiihi,iilui lu, ironernl weakness or debility.
Swninp-lSoot buildup quickly n rundown
constitution and makes tho weak strong.
Al DriiKUlNt" 5U ci'iitM uud $ 1.00 Size
"Invalids' Uuldo to IluUtb" fn- OonsuJtatloa (roo,
1)1U KlLMUIt & Co., lll.NUUAMTON, N. V.
a ri;jf.i4.isi.ooi
Is kept for urvlce at H, Day's barn. This
Hull was bred at Lincoln in the fall of
1B0L', whilo his mo'.hor wns on exhibition
at the statu fair. This I. nil took tlrst
premium nt the Webster county fair in
fnll of 18U.P). This is the be.t bred Jersey
ball in Webster county. His woight Is
liJOO lbs, For furthur particulars, onll at
. DAY' IIAllrV,
Foot of Elm St, Hod Cloud,
-y --KS v
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tv teff-r
vtjma mm mrmtt
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