r i? g!fgana?!jji' ' jxit.iz.'S5if ?5r-V"'ij-'-j'i&''wy'vtri.. .. .'r' -S2?5Slg?gar S ? -S.5SSi wr-r jw. B-cagf-1' JB A J"gg?jeggayft.iK, y...-gs-.'--augCil innni!:!H!n!Tr!!ii"i(.iii:iii.iirB4WT MsHE"BfKsfeB4?lR.MMlKi58BSN . ' . H-H 5.---i,-.'. m. I l7uB vKb . --L--5i B? r iiiifflSls r it in if r-1-' tTnr - TBMWr nTir - -.-iv - -m. -t ij5SJIK. .KB -m . t " " -r-m---wrrwmiMmw'' - - tsmwmwedMSBS ,. iir sf r-hi i, i iitm: :ii. iJ--M:t" j:i :i'"i i;i'-i - rr-w : s-a- j --iu-?'Hv:Kj:Bi; vx Biiir' ,shhv-a''' k" . -- w"iar.rk . '.PirY.-v "? awp- Bii rt.. t !. hvw . r--:-' .1 - r - - ;,. 1 ii"i:. : fcnnrn.-'-m'IftlH Ur- i ra TT .M -CX?ireTSaJ Ik f' ArWTiW.W. JUi.JV1- .? -1 H -..-jr-:;-r...:;... . : !T.::::::-;:: f ra.:ur!s& laKsmwffSSs.?,:.!!: 3w;jih r 1 iTl "WIT Ti' Fiii lPlMWi II T 1 TrT" F ' l sflW 4 TliMiiTHtTTr 'T'i T " " fc6-Aiv'atSJ&-v;,,f F?&?fR-----. a-E4SC K"i , fri!-- 'A, iiMN9i.A tl-EKmaiBre LL-tCir' 'ill !Sr "i:.!!!i!S:!';t..... ih'::iil!!:::i-j volume xxnr. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MARCH 13, 1890. NUMBER 11 .--aW-BBK-aE--- aaaaaataaBaBaai - . ,. t ". - Wiener's Clothing House. Having been able to buy special bargains while in the east, we are offering them to our customers. " i : . Men's Suits, worth $7 00, you can buy at '"$ 5 00 Glen's Suits, all wool, " 10 00. . . v.-'t 00 Men's Suits, " " 18 00, ' " .rip 00 Men's Suits, ". M 15 00, " " 12 00 .Men's Suite, "4 20, 00, j?cS?6 00 ! .. J- .? t. i 7SR- CHILDBEN'S SUITS From 75 cents up. Big drives frem $2 to $&5Q, , rf wmT v rt d nf HV-Hi KS k H xSfiii l ar---kT------r ilfflo of 1 tai JKJa " ' JBlV HIP an Attractive Weigh Of making Mens Clothing has made H. S. & M. a famil iar firm in nearly every home in the land. We have their goods at all prices, and whether you pay much or little .you're getting the Best for your money when you buy H. S. & M.'s. This Label on a (ferment Iniuraa Perfect Fit and Sausncuoa 'ft stands for the Best that Money " Can Buy or Skill Produce F A, NTS ftt"65 'cents, worth $1. All Wool Pants worth $3.50 to 4.50 at 2.50 to 3.50. We have a large stock of Gloves, ranging in prico from 25 conte to $1.00. In Hats and Caps Our prices range from 25 cents up. Better goods were never offered at our prices. ;t ' : . :. .. . ''i ' ' ' ;' ' Wi: ARK OFFEKlii THE HEAVIEST OVERALL ' . ovor mado, nrul we nro Boiling Uiom at 50 conts; alBO carry tho cilobratod Swoot Orr goods in all grades. 1 t 1 ---.. n ----------- 7i In Shirts, Wo ofTor working shirta at 23cta that are usually sold for COota. Our Bull Dog Shirt, worth and sold for 70 cents, wo aro soiling at 48 conts. Thoso aro .'10 inches long. You will find all our shirts extra long. Wo hnvo Drcm Slilrla at 50c, 75c, $1 nml l,U5. IN SHOES. Wo havo Plow Shoos as low as 08c, 51.25 and 81.00. Dress Shoes from $1.25 up. Wo handle tho Selz make, tho best shoo for tho least money. It is no brag when we say we will give you more for your dollar than any house in the Valley. It has always been our aim to get the best at the price the market offered, and we have never better succeeded in doing it than at the present time. It will certainly pay you to look through our immense stock before you pay higher prices elsewjiere. "Please call," WIENER JL JlJLJCm CLOTHIER M-irv i w Muwrwr tft"nfff& jjggjgjjgg ,-wm . 1 rV. m: -mmmmssiiM i!'j 5TJ 1