V iy THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1896. . n i I THE CHIEF The Mai.dorson bnom is pr grossing. Cojuikehs has passed resolutions rec ognizing Culm aa 11 belligeront, nnd you ought tulninr llio Sjmniiinls howl, anil jot, thoy were tho very first imtion lo recognizo llio Southern Confederacy. Let 'om howl; Cuba ought to bo frco. TiiKiir. Sj no doubt but that thoro is eomokuid ot 11 combination being put up against Win. MuKinloy, ominontlj the pooplo'fl choice for president. What, that combination is ia unknown to up, but theio in oiiu thing certain, that such politics must bo frowtiod down. It must bo the olco of tho pooplo here after, instead of tlio uiiichiuo. Loave tho choice of prritidout to tho jieotilo and it will be nil right; lenve it to tho ma ohino and thoro limy bo harm dono that can not bo undono. Tub Ciiikf has no objection to Sena tor Alundorton being n cundidato for president on tho republican ticket, but this piipfr wiib fur McKitiley thro or four years iigo, ond iiuiBt say that, bo fiir, wo hitvo had no roiiBon lo chnngo our opinion. If Ex Honntor Mnntlaraon 1b truly a candidate, honhould announce it, aud, in that event, ho uiight got tho delegation ot tho ntuto to givo him a complimotitary vote, and it ho should deiuoiiBtrato any Rtrongth, thoy might dwcldo to Btay by him; but, undoubted ly, Nobrueka ia for McKinley. The Commercial Club ia doing good work for (toil Cloud. Thoy hitvo nuui oroun projcctH on foot, and thoro will bo Bomu of them materialize boforo long. Thoy eliould hitvo tho oncouriigomont of tho people. On Tuesday night thoy held a big meeting and decided to put in ico to run tho croamury on, in tho ovont that they matte u contract with anyono to run it, which is nltogothor probable, us Bovoral good men havo afikod for torma und Biguitlod their In tention of coming, if iirrangomonte could bo made. Tho eubjoct ot electric lighta nnd tolophonos was taken up and diBcuBsod. with inBtruotioiiB to find out what could bo accomplished. The opon ing of 5th avonuo was ordered presented t tho city council. Tho commercial club is onorgotic and will push Rod Cloud's IntorostB, and thoro must bo no lagging or back biting on tho part of anyone. United effort und enorgy should bo tho watchword ot ovory citi zen. Tho full intensity of living is reached only by tho norfootly healthy. SloUnoss discounts tho onpnoity for enjoyment. If hio body is nil out of order and run down, ho will not bo ablo to onjoy any thing, no mntttr how full of cujoymont it limy be for othor people. If he is just o littlo bit out of ordor, if he "is not slok but doesn't reel just right" ho will only be nble to enjoy thing in .1 half-hearted eort of way. The nearer he is to being perfectly well, tho nearer will hia capa city for enjoyment bo perfect. If this condition doesn't exist, somuthirg ought to be done. That menus nine eases in ten the uso of Dr. l'luroo's Uoldon Medi cal UiHoovery. It works directly on the digestive organs, nud on the blood nnd through these on every ti'sue of tho boily It makes the appetite good, digestion and nutrition perfect ami supplier rich, rod blood to nil tho timici, building up solid, healthful ileah. Bend 'J I cuulri In one-cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Annotation, liuiralo, N. V , nud receive Dr. I'lerco's 1008 jingo "Common Buiihu Medical Advisor," proftmoly illus trated. ' !-- itlltlll. Mr. Carpenter shipped a carload of hay to Iowa last week. Mr. lirotthtiucr is putting an addi tion onto his liuusc. Fetor Nolson is in Kearney county tli is week visiting. Nearly ovorjotio has got tho grip in locality. llcv. VanDyko and wife of Inaval were yibiting U. II. Wilson Monday. A party at Mr. Keillor's on Friday night. All acport a good timo. O. 11 I'itnoy sold his fat oattlo to Charlie Hunter last week. Wiulo Koontz shelled several hun dred bushels of corn for Sorgonson Bros., this wcok, Frank Sedilak has improved tho appcaranco of his rcsidouco by build ing a new framo front onto it. Mrs. Zado and family havo moved back hero, Sho has been in Cass county for over a year. Dom Pedro. Innuniinutory Illiciiinatltiin Cure cd In il lii n. Morton Tj. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind,, says: "My wife had Iiillnmmatory Rheumatism in every muscle and joint, her Butfuriug vts terrible ami her body nud lace were awollen almost beyond recognition; had been in bed for six weeks nud had eight physicians but received no bnnetU until Bhe triod tho MYSTIC CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. It gave immediate ro ller nnd she was nble to walk about in three days. I am euro it saved her life." Bold by U. E. Grioo druumst, Hod Cloud. Crooked Crccli. Winter is hero once mure. Karl Tonnant, who is cnggod in tho photograph business in Franklin, came down Sunday to visit his pat ents and friends, returning Friday cvo. Chris and Minnie Koihor wcro cull ers in Mr. Garner's last Sunday. Spelling school at D'Si. No. 33 was largely attended. Spelling nt tho Tonnant school house Thursday night. Oliver iloilgo hits beii conferring with Mr Martin duritiL' the past win tcr us to tho lied (M'tid township landslide, but of Into lis v t i i k Iiiivc developed into an cut 'rely different )iiisiin, nud his calls hive changed frein svt k dnys to Snti'iu. uftornnniiN und 'veeii.;;s, Ho Miy1 f "in this on Lo ill tae Georgo Wimoii's advice nnd lei . lues alone. . Quick iii ilfoot, hualt .mil leaver no jsenr. Iluming, scaly, iiu eriijilions . qnleklj "rd by DeWif's Witch Uael Halve. Apr tied to burna, e dils, old sores it Is intigU il in elfect. Alxv j satires piles. 0 L Cutting. Merit la what gives Hood's Barsaparllla Its great jwpulnrlty, its constantly Increasing sales, and enables It to accomplish Its wonderful and unequalled cures. Tho combination, proportion and process used in preparing Hood's Bnrsupnrllln arc unknown to other medicines, and mako Hood's Barsaparllla Peculiar to Itself It cures a wide range of diseases because of its power as a blood purlflor. It acts directly and positively upon tho blood, and the blood reaches every nook and cornorot tho human system. Thus all tho nerves, muscles, bones and tissues come under tho beneficent lnilucnco of Hood's Sarsaparilla Tho Ono True Wood l'urlflcr. $1 per bottle. u j rtsff euro T.lvrr Ills; easy to MOOa S FillS take, easy to operate. Mo. Hiohard Tonnant, VI10 has bocti visiting for tho past two months with hia paronts nud old acquaintances, will leave next week for Clinton, la., where ho has a luorative position awaiting hitn. Labt Saturday Lester Koontz and Everett liean took up a pump from a woll 130 feet deep. ThoX are now in tho business, but will accept no inoro jobs only during warm weather. Ev erett moved onto tho placo Monday. ChriB llcilicr says ho will recoivo scaled bids on matrimonial proposals up to and inoluding Janaary 1, 1897, ho having the right to reject any or all claims presented. This is leap year, you know. Ilonry Maurcr attended tho Modern Woodman lodgo Wednesday eve. M. Green ia moving a houso from Hod Cloud out on Frank Strobl's farm, pulling it with his engine Tho party nt Mr. Koihor's last Fri- day cvo was largely attended, and soino of tho boys must have stopped in to get warm on tho road homo, as thoy wore roportcd in very late. Richard says tho ico on Hank's pond is lino. lU:x. :o.n.iio. mY:xki: :iiki:. Pyramid I'ilc Jurc 4'urea I'ilts I'crmuiicntly by i'urliig tliu Cause. Itemnrliiililo Itemed)- wlileh In IIi-Iiik- 1 111; Coiulort to 'rliuiiMUiuln ol' Snllerem. Probably half the pcoplo who sec this article sulTcr from piles. It is ono of tlio commonest discuses and on of thu most abstinato. People iiavo it for ycurs aud just because it is not immediately fatal they neglect it. Carelessness cuuso so end of suf fering. CaroleisnccH about so simplo a thing as piles lints often caused death. Hemorrhages occur from no apparent cause nud loss of blood causes death. Hemorrhages occur during surgical treatment, alien causing death. Piles nic simple in tho beginning and easily cured. They can bu cured even in tlio worst stages, without pain or loss of blood, quickly, surely and completely. Tlicro is only one reme dy that will do it Pyramid Pile Cure. It allays the inflammation immed iately, hculs the irritated surtaco and with continued trcatmtnt reduces tho swelling and puts tho membranes into good, sound healthy condition. Tho euro is thorough and permanent. Hero art sotno voluntary and un soliotod testimonials wo have lately roocivtd: Mrs. M. C Hinkly, 001 Mississippi St., Indianapolis, Ind., says: Havo been a sufferer from tho pain and annoyance of Piles for fifteen 'years, tho Pyramid Pile Cure and Pyramid Pills gave mo immediate roliof and in a short timo a complete euro Major Dean of Columbus, Ohio, says: I wish to udd to tho number of certificates as to tho benefits derived from the Pyramid Pile Cum. I suf fered from piles for forty years and from itching piles for twenty years and two boxes of the Pyramid Pile Cure hns effeotually cured mo. Most druggists sell Pyramid Pile Curo or will got it for you if you ask them to. It is ono dollar per paokago and is put up only by tho Pyramid Drug Co , Albion, Mich. Crooked Creek. A number of our young people at tended church at lied Cloud last Sun da evening. Emmet Tonnant is sick with the grip. John Hovel was t-holling corn last week. . Mrs. Frank T- iinnnt lnul a family reunion lust Monday. The first time they had nil Ihimi , together for five years Wnber Hulsvtorih intends to go to Cliple ('re- k next tek. Juno MoPutluiid Mild a fine span of mules hm 1. MU D'lta Hedge was Visiting at M Piir'lui d's lis vek Tmx, WAN'I'HIl-uTmTilirTu.ly or gontlu- 1 mm. to distributed miiii, .!. ami iiuiko a lnuit-o lo house caiiVKhn for oui eg"tii Mo Toilut Suiijih. fh to T."i n month Mnily in. nlo. AihlretM Ciofis ,t leeil, 81'J to B.M) Austin Avenue. Chicago, I 1, S lm Children Cryfov Piicher'3 Castoria. I SPRING GINGHAMS Fine Spring I UMBRELLAS, SPRING RIBBONS, INGRAIN Special Price In our Dress Goods department you will find some choice bargains in New Dress Fabrics for Spring. GEO. A. DUCKER Sc CO. Willow Creek. Tho cold tpull tho past fow days jmt a Htop to farming. Fred How id cxpootcd homo soon from Missouri where ho has been spending tho winter. Quito a number of pcoplt of this vicinity havo been sick with bad colds tho last week. Geo. Q. Uoit has moved to Willow Creek and will farm tho Brubakcr place. Miss Edna Edson returned homo from Illinois last Saturday, whero sho has been for tho last year. Tii (laiien ut John ildors was well attended. Several couple from llluo Ilili being in attendance. Will lirubakcr and family havo moved to Missouri. Gloico Jackion left for Missouri with Will Brubakor. Mrs. Minnio Fraso was tho guest of Mrs. Jones one day last weok. Boyd Vance is expected baok in a fow dayB. Thomas Laoy expects to go into tho beet raising business quite exten sively this yoar. Carl McClasoy has boon visiting Bud Norris and family tho past wuck. x. y. is. Kvtry available aero ot land has been rented in this vicinity. Mr. MoGinnin Clcmoni of Norfolk stopped on his way to Furnas county to visit his sister. Mrn. S. B. Carpenter of Indian Creek was visiting old friends hero last wcok. Mr. Hunt has moved onto tho Cut ter farm near l'lcasant Hill school houso. Willow creek has the best choir iu tho country aud lako il and tho Bru baker violin band and they cannot bo beat for music. Hcssie Gailwin expects t go to lowu soon, Will Norris is homo from Norton county, Kansas. Fred Bon is chopping wood in Otoo county this state. Miss Nan gavo a lino exhibition nt her frohool on tho evening of the 21st Mrs. A. (' Bn owns a small flock of hens, small in numbor but largo in lauiiL' fiuuliiics. Shu has kept ac count ol tho number of tygs iu Feb ruary which was 1101. Mamtoiia, Winter wheat looks line. Mr, Burkhead considered tho liuto EXCEPTIONAL COMMENCING MONDAY, MARCH ..-. Dry SILKS, Kui Kai AVnsh Silks, 5 ynrd patterns, special sale price, 25c per yard. These Bilks are good values at 50c per yard. Dress Ginghams, sale price Sic. Special Bargains in 20-inch Umbrellas at 50 cents. Only a limited quantity. CAPES, Special Values at $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. Special Bargain in all Silk, Satin and Gros Grain llibbon at 5c, Sc and 10c per yard. CA RPETS, 35 cents per yard. 1 11 "" 111 11 mm, .1UL wijuuawsm TIDM3d JH1 Nl 5f-l SHAVINGS FROM A Havo you seon tho wondrous poncil, Known to fame nnd every tonguo? Pojiulnr Futont I'on-Knifo Pntont, Used by nil, both old unci young. If not jiiBt go to Cottings, Who Ims thorn now for sale, Ho enn show you without talking, They'ro tho best ho can rotail . Only 5 cents onch. Also tho choapor grades ut 2 for Oc, 3 for 5c, G for 0 c, and 12 for Cc. too hard to livo aluno consequently ho was married rcaontly. The school exhibition at tho Fran cis school houso on last Thursday night, oonduotcd by tho teacher Miss Lulu Barber, was a grand success. Miss Barber is ono of Webster coun ty's best tcaohcrs. Ktk Witness. Sciatic lltieiiiiiiiliNin Cured. L. Wagner, Wholesale Drnggist, Rich mond, Vu Pays: "I litul a fearful attack of Sciatio Hheumatirtin, was laid uji nl most two monthc, was fortuuatu enontfh to not MYSTIC CUItlS lOit UHHUMA TIUM. This cured mo after doctor's pro- RcriptioiiH had failed to have any efleot. Sold by II. K. Oricc druggist, Ited Cloud. When you want a nico smooth shavo or hair-cut, kivo Geo. Font r orb a call Ono door south of tho lion Ton Bakery Jersey Cow for Sale Will lm fresh in July, and bred to u thoroughbred Jersey bull, Inquire at this ollico. Dtt Wanted I'axlurc h'or about "." bond ot boriiofi. Write mo jour terms, amount ut imstorngo etc. Thomas E. Kiu.i.y, Lincoln, Neb. Don't invite (Ilonpiinintmimt by exjier iiui'iiting. Dopi'iid upon One Mtuuto Couch Guru ii mi yon huvct linmediatt) re lief, It eiirns orouj). The only harmless remedy that rodiie(.8 immediate. rasult, O L Cutting. m BARGAINS I Goods House, I TABLE LINENS f Now is the timo to replenish your t linen stock. Special bargains in f Turkey Itctl Damask, I Oe. j. Turkey Red Dumtmk, l2Hc. $, Turkey Ited Damask, :tOc. t UnlleneheI Table Uiieu lOv per yarI. ' t Vublcuclied Table Much, t!5c, usuiilly ; ? Hold at -toe und 50c. 7 Illcaelicd Table Linen, Npecial at !lle, J also u bargain at 50c. Our 81.25 Table Mneii will go at 75c. ', o o LADIES' MISSES' AND 77 pairs Ladies and Misses shoes worth Irom $150 up to $5. Sizes, 2 to 34. These are odds and ends and we want to clean them out. Sale Price. $1 pet pair. TIiIh l truly a bargain opportunity. o o o Special Bargains 117 Dark; Calligs af?cLDar Lawrjs, 10 yds, for 33c. Only IO yarWs .)! lo cacii lady :utonier MEN'S SMJRTS, We arc fcliowlu;; exceptional value In Mi:.VS SHIltTg. 5v uEM.fahtoUMddMMrfMMMAAMWIiaJk.bi SdllS 3QnU 3 Hi tU We can Qlso showvouthe Finest Line o! TQDlelsln tlie city Wo huvo Bovon stylos of lino goods with onyolopes to match. Also tho best Nicltlo and Dime Pon Tablets over ollored for thu money. A Good quality ol note paper 01 lo ckms per noire. Envelopes 5 cents pet buncn . A New stock ot box Paper ot 10 cents, 15 cents nnd 20 cents. We havo a comploto stock of everything in STATIONERY GOODS and everything you want in DRUGS ATD MEDICINES. a JE Cotting - Who Prnggisfc It not only is so, it must bo so, Ono Minnto Cough Core acts quickly, aud that's what makus it go. CLOotting. JudHun. S. C. Johnson was called to Obor lin last work on account of tho sick ness ol lus brother-in-law who died shortly beforo his arrival. The wolf huut last week was a failure J. A. Lanman of Smith Center was appointed post-master at Womor. Ho will also put in n stock of grooorios. W. 1. Weaver lias rented one of Mr. Stone's places, Hov. Elwcll is holding protracted moetings nt Fairviow sohool house. Wo would suggest some road work ing in this part of tho country. On the Kansas side of thu line the roads aro good but as t-oon as you cross tlio lino into Nebrancn tlny aro almost im passable. If tho Bed Cloud mer ohantB wint tho trade from this part of country they should seo that tho roads are lied W. B. J W IMuree, Itepiiblie, la., sajs: "I have used line Minute Cough Cure in my family nnd foe inynelf, with results ro en tirely HiUlHfuotor) that 1 on hardly lli.d words to oxpreitH mjR-lf aa to Its inurit. I will never fail in reuoiiitnud it to others on every ihhmhIuii that jiroents itself." C 1,'CottiiiK, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 9th. I o ) o I SFfQBS ! o o o -riii iy i-iTgTwn lti''J' !& h"i PENCIL ! SlicrlirM Sale. Notice Is hereby ulveu that uiuler and by vir tue n( an order nt sale Issued from tho olllco or James Harden, clerk of tluTllatrlct conrt'ot thu tenth judical district, ultlilu and for Wcli tteacounty, Nebrusksi. upon n deci oo In an ac tion iioiulliiK tlifieln, wherein I.ysamler W, , Tulley.. trustee, Is iihilntlir, and aualnst linnrce II. Holland and Mbhto llnllimd, di'feniluiits. I shall offer for sale at public rndue, to the hlghost bidder for v.ieh In bund, nt tho east door of the court-housoat llrdi'loiul, In sild Webster county, Nebraska, (lhat IioIuk tint bullditu; wherein tho last lei in of said court win holileiit on tho Tthjday or Apill.A l. iswi. at one o.clock p. in. ot salil d.i, the foiloulnn described property, tow It: Tim nortliHH-i fpi.irter of seclinn eluhtren (IS), tmiihlp two ('.'). riinco tilou'ii (11). west of Hie tiih t..l.,iill In'Welnter county, NeliniBka. (ilven under my hand this ilth d.iy or .March A. I), ma. J. W. lti-Nciiitv, Shcrltt, llreckenrldRe, IliccUem l.tu. ,t rn . riiilntlU's Attorneys. .Sliurlirv Sale. Notice Is lieieby jlvn that iiiiiI.t and by Virtue of an oid.u ol s.de tsued Irolii thu olllco ot Juino llllidfu.elrrk n the illslilct court ot ihoTeuth .ludlclai )siitr, v.ilhlu ami for Webster coiuil, Nciir.isk.i, upon a decree In an action peudliu.iluMi-ui, ivheit'iu i'ettlbiiue Mou ate plilui.tls, -ii. d iiualnst N'ouli l'rrry Allen a Terr), ebrnl i.oui V Trust Co., aud Mouth Western InwMtuirm ('oiup.tuy, ilcfeud autH, I shall olfei I Mile i jhi'. In MMldile, to the highest bul.i.T tor eiish in liaiid. at thu east door 01 toe court liouso, al ited Cloud, In said Wiihstur i omit, Nebraska Chat helm: tlio bulldlim wlii n in tin lii'i lei ia itf ali court was lioMeti) tin iin'7ililii 'f ib, .l)lsuj, at ono o'clock p in .01 -1 d 4.i lint foll.iwlntc tlescntiiit iropeii t wit' i.o'j nine (D), ten (to), oleveiutt) v '1 'i " I.) In Monk llv.) (ro In (i.iibei'n . ).' 1 n ! 1 d of Hud I'lmid. Webster ' '1 '. " 1 (iiu'ii unrtT u.i iii 1 1 1. en f March, A. I) MM. 1 w.lH ( nwv.siierlil. lt.T. rotter, ria Miiis .11 y The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others Tj NMMtiS:?r ifiiarw.i2ai Vim 7 i I