The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 06, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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There Mm Rnnntrh tt for tilrntinra
Umi, unit Nlie (lot llnr Mnnrj.
Mnny uurlous utorlos liar Ih'on told
cxiui-oriilii' bunk checks. Some of Uiem
relate to the larprNt tlrnwn nntl othctrn
to the .smallest. Onr of the lnrpcst
checks ever ilrnwti In thin city a ivt
the time that the cnpltnl of the Nevada
bank won Incrcnucd from $5,000,000 to
$10,000,000. Thin cheek win by 11ool
A O'llrh'ii for $5,000,000. As to the
extreme, chcekn luive been drawn to
the value of n (tingle rent. Other Rtorles
rein to to the circuit ntnile by checks
before they nro finally taken up nntl
destroyed. Some of theae nilprntlons
bnve covered different. ntnte and Initi
dreiln of tulles. In thew JonrneyH
checks have gone over ground several
times. Cheeks are wonderful money
snu'rs; that Is, they saui the hand
ling of vu-st Hums of money every day.
They also serve to mlulmlo the loss
of money from mistakes, thefts, or
other onuses.
Hut one of the grentost curiosities In
the check line has just comu to light
in this city. A lntly brought. It to the
lltink of California to be cashed. It
was In n paper box and had tobe handled
very carefully, for It was in two pieces
uiul both wen burnt to n orlsp. There
was not u decipherable word tut either
piece. The lady said the bit rf
orlsi) nnner renresentotl n cheek for
$125, which she had received In n let
ter. The chock, she said, was tlrnwn
by the national bank of 1). O. Mills, of
Sacramento. She hatl removed the let
ter from the em elope and had thrown
the emelope on some live ooal in the
grate. lTion rending the letter site lnul
found n reference to an inelosure of
check for the sum named, nntl turned
to the fire In the grnto with sore dis
appoint incut. The fire hnd done Ittf
work. The erisp paper lay on the coals.
She carefully removed the same, placed
it. In n box and hurried to the Honk of
California to get the tnouey ln-foro the
pieces wore further crumbled.
After listening to the story the ofll
ccrs of the. bnulc mndo a careful ex
amination of the burnt pner, and by
the aid of powerful glasses, they were
nblo to make out portions of words
from the pen impressions made on the
puier. There were enough of these
lines left to show that "Klin" hiul been
written, nnd part, of the word "hun
dred" was also made out, with two
or three letters of the nnine of the
bank. These discoveries corresponded
with the story of the lady, and the
bank oflieers then eommuuieated the
circumstances to the national bunk of
1). O. Mills fc Co., of Sacramento, and
nsked for n duplicate cheek in behalf
of tlie lntly. This was forwarded ami
tho money was paid. The circumstance
disproved the charge about the curi
osity of women. Ilatl there been more
curiosity about Hie Inelosure of the
omolope the trouble would lute been
avoided. Tlie prno'ticnl nppllentlon of
the story is to be careful that whnt you
throw into the lire lias no further Milue
for you. Sun 1'raneiseo ISiillelin.
Chllilrfii' Vulrrn,
They say a lotrly wornsn, n ship In
full sail nntl u field of tuning corn are
the most beautiful sig'its on rnrth. If
1 were to bo asked what I tlie most
bewitching sound I should nilienltnt
ingly ote for that proceeding from
the fresh. Innocent xolres of h crowd
of children, free, unfettered nntl clean
noulcd. I hnvo heard the delicious
strains of bands at fa-sliionnble gnnleu
parties; I hate listened to the frou-frou
of the dresses that cast their expensive
trlpli'Mllstllletl scents upon the summer
nlr; I lmve been smitten with the thrill
of the nightingale and tlie soft drone
of the bees; I hate loon witched with
tho mnglc spell of music on moonlit
waters. The chorus of childhood
transcends them nil. It Is the highest
output of humanity n rehearsal of the
great festltal in the Children's home.
All the lilt lues who eter dogmatized,
the preachers who eter prophesied, Uie
Cnlvinlsts who ever gloornlfled all tho
ecclesiastics of every church beneath
the glowing sun shall netor persuade
me that laughter tlics on earth nntl has
no entrance Into lleaten. "A Country
Doctor," In London Telegraph.
oomething of new record wtus estab
lished by thieves in Adams county,
Wash., recently. They stole n big barn
belonging to tlie co'iuty nudltur, pull
ing it dottn during the night, lomling
it on wngon,s nntl hauling it to parts
Size of page, 11 by i3Vi Inches.
Elaborate Cover in Gold and Colors,
Highly Enameled Paper.
WORTH ai-oo.
This book and The Chief one year for $1 ,
srr.nif.t. NOTE TO OLD nUBSCRIitnRS Ynuean obtain thH Jlan-JsomMhioPoilarlloirK.
fiCMii"-u , )i i at'ttuinnutt oroiii'jrnr. lfj'uii mi) mtijuIoii tines iiHioxjuro lor sc-ii'inl
tvei! trtt 'U. jut. t "rutin yous renewal and tho ilaio 0:1 jour wkv will du but Ior 1 .1
out)' u5
..z 'V V"T.,
r ., . e j
A Vt nttiry
of Thi'lr
Ik Xnt tli I.lmlt
I'iiikIIiIo ,ti;e,
It is tlilUctilt, writos a Highland for
ester, to upon!; with centalnty as to the
age of doer, but we liute undeniable U-s-linion.t
that there wore In thooltUilcu
garry forest htags ii)ttaril of 80 years
of ago. Some maintain that tleerattnln
t.he act' of hlx untl set on hooiv years,
hi is.".i, while .Maetlonnell, of (ilengar
ry, ami Lord Diinmoro were hunting nt
Tenria-corrnll n huge stag, with gigan
tic nntlers, tlartcd out. of the tvttod.
(llengarry shot him. rinding that it
had n certain cnr-rnnrlc, ho ashed his
forester to explain whose it was.
That," replied tho forester, "(is the
car-mark of Eoghain Mno-Iain-Oig."
(Kwen-son-t)f-John-tilie-young.) Ewen
was a noted forester who had died 160
years previously! The antlers of tho
Htng (we nro told) worciireservrtl in tho
old Glengarry family ever afterward.
Tho age of the doer Is thus described
in tin old (iaelic baying:
"Thrice tire nge of a dog the age of a
horse; thrice the ago of a hone tho ago
of a man; thrice the ago of 11 man the
age of a deo.r; tlirlco tlio ago of a deer
tlie age of the cngle; thrlec tlie ago of
the etigic the age of tho oak tree."
Wo have incontrovertible tottUmony
that a white, hind lived in tlie forest, of
Loch-Trelg during tlio recollection of
three generations. Every hunter in tbe
district knew her well. Bhc. was white
ay snow, nnd so watchful and ingenious
that no 0110 ever got within gunshot of
It may le added that U10 old hunters
and ScnnnchicH in Iladeuocli and Loch
aber still (1805) speak of this famous
For 40 years a stag roamed otorthe
Monndth-Liath, In IJiuleuoch, nntl de
fied the best sportsmen of that district
The use of the surgeon's knife is be
coming no general, resulting fatally
in such n large number of cases, as to
occasion general alarm. The press nl
most dnily announces the death of some
unfortunate whose system could not
withstand the shock of an operation,
and whose life was cruelly sacrificed to
the keen blade of the surgeon.
Of courbo, in some instance! nil
operation in necessary, ami is the
orrly lrieatm of saving life, but euchenscs
nre exceedingly rare. So many deaths
occur under these conditions, however,
that the imbue is begirrurug to realise
that tlie doctors arc too hasty in lerort
ingto the knife, and if null a Miitc of
nfmir.i continues, there will before long
bu 11 general uprising against Midi meas
ures. It ia but reasonable to believe
that the majority of operations are
unnecessary, but when the fatal mistake
is discovered too late, only the doctor.!
ever know of their error, nnd though n
precious life is given up, tlie public is
assured that death would have resulted
in r.pitc of the operation, nnd who is
ever the wiser?
The folly of resorting to tlie knife in
casc3 of cancer, is demonstrated every
time it is undertaken, t Tlie diseni.e in
in the blood nntl tlie cancer or sore is
but the outwanl ltiairifebtation of n
terrible condition of the entire circula
tion. To cut out this snre, therefore,
does not in any way effect the disease,
and it can ensily he seen that the only
correct treatment is to get nt tlie seat of
the disease, and purify tire blood; the
sore will then heal up nnlurnlly. H.S.S.
is the most powerful blood remedy made,
and is the only cure for cancer.
p ire
a n.
t r K- .". x
lf flClFIQ &"-&.
My -wv if
nw ...,.S i
-r -, .- ,- 3, r.r.cNTn 1
1 I I ' r' l J' t. II) t
j HllcnntentP. of tho nrf yerlri of t , "i
iiliovo reji'rrwl ti' ciniiy's 1 1 n st Un
til f 01 HJ.'JVVIOIU iilliif.irr. I'll.l
li'lllt Motions or lln t llltl.ll ,.-., '.
1 cMtlti.i. ii'M In lnv.iitu.t j. ,Ci, aj
ntMliciJIy Uautliui.
cnoui.0 Tine cp tmio orrs
AT 0.1U1. ' cmr.t.
ce:o; rji)'iv
, .n'i';!.i.
1 " rii ; or b'lc ;
ii'Ji" -i .at.
, K rafl
lluiiiomt llraud.
EfJ Milrhrtlir'i rucllkli Man
r-C7v tirljlimlni
it A-VN a,,t !'
tt tVt.t l"u .-I t r r
oxygen starvation
Yoti can starve the body in more ways than one ;
you can give it food and not feed it. It needs oxygen.
The oxygen you get from the air is carried to all parts
of the body by the red corpuscles of the blood. One
drop of blood contains millions of these. When these
arc deficient in blood, we call it poor blood, and it
shows itself in general weakness, lack of appetite, and
loss of weight. What you want is something which
will make more red corpuscles.
Scotts Emulsion
of cod-liver oil, with hypophosphitcs, is something
more than an oil. Its peculiar action depends on a
number of substances active principles which will
increase the red corpuscles of the blood,
soc. and $1.00 , SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
mil l 1 ln rrmilt nf onlili
mill MiiMt'ii t'lianu't't
il ci:n tiitriirril lit it pliMt
mi irmt'ilv ulili'li It Hlipll
I illiti'ih Into tlio miHtillt
llt-ltm inlrllv iil'-nrliril It
l" ll'Sii'l III lllll'C.
r 1 I -v r I
tlys Uroam bnlm
lilit'MiiitMi-il til lo li" tlio lilKt tlinrouuli cnri'
fur Nittil t .ttaiili.l nlil In IiimiIiiiiiI lint I'Vt r
nf nil 11 inullcs, II ninMiH mill rliMiioi't tln mt
sill (i.ttii.iKft, all.iy.i palii ami liilliiiiiiiutiliiii,
lit'.llt tlio slurs, ir tccls tin. iiii'IiiIii.iiii' frmii
t'nliln, rrtltirt'H tlie srnirt n( JiihIii mill Mn!l.
I'lli' Nic nt Miimt-lstttir liv liiitll.
I'.I.V HltorilKlix. fOWHrrt'iiMiri't.Nnwirnrk
HO I IlnIH-pDCn"cv'rfll:',('I"l",T''"r
nlilmn, wo wllluUnuUninlllrUlliotllrrnrr
?hoDR.TAFT BH0S.M. Co.. llochoitur.N.V.r lltt
CIMnw. and tutlfl( Ui htlr.
1'rumottf luturlftnt irruvth.
Hnror Talli to nutoro Oraj
Hair to IU Youthrul Color.
Cum trtlp lltff htlr uUug.
CV.BIHI Bl I" 91 iirmRiw
The onlr turc Cure lur Lirit. bt'i all tmln. I.ntwrfl ronv
furt to tLo UiUM&kcj walking euv.iicU. M DruggLiU.
v it l. f r
1 1
A j 1
s u p r e n .
To submit to nn operation, is to volun
tarily endanger one's life, without the
slightest hope of being benefitted.
Mr. William Walpole, is a wealthy
planter residing at wnlslitowu, South
Dakota, and is well known all over the
state. Under date of January 20th, 1896,
he writes; "About tlirccycars ngo, there
came under my left eye a little blotch
about the size of a small pea. It grew
rapidly, and for the past year, shooting
pains ran in every direction. I became
alarmed nud consulted a good doctor,
who pronounced it cancer, and snidthat
it must be cut out. This I would not
consent to, having little fnitlt in the In
discriminate use of the knife, thoueh I
was alarmed at my condition. Reading
iii it.Ui4)ii t llrun I.
-Vv Orlieliiul ami ttnlv (Uniil.ii1. .
-.It tl.,t ir, ,lt for fhi r, I , . I), .
'4iPUSiJA.i. I Pmn I In It oil in I 1. ,1 ti, 1.1, t .1
'fi-i -l,r' ail wur. i '11 ii' . 'rti jj
I.'. .11 llt r. 1 'f-tr ,t tit v ... ' H' V
lT ll'M'llllinni.i i. i 1. j 1,1 ..- 1
if In ti'ii a 1. 1 ..ill it in 1 iwiiil . I
Ft "l!llif fur I li'lli'.."iii' II r I r it tin -i
ft Mull. II..IIOH I in fii .! . iiw li;,r.
til 1 ill Uicti LruKl.ti. J V.
"Miuiy a Imito man (tousetlioiiliomof of the many cures made by S.S.S., 1
our Gaelic author) lost tlio. bleep of the , determined to give that medicine a trial,
niglit untl tlie skin of the feet in pursuit , ami alter 1 nun inueu 11 n lew trays, in
n -"7"rv Orljlnnl nml Only nrnulnr.
X.l ifTK SAfC J.lli I Hull. i.iiiih biV
prtinnt u 'swr' u 1 ( 'i tmiio t .11 i n wrliii ti)
111 1
ileifJvv"' r ' 1 !! an If. (Jinruli, '
-,t.. ...,. a. j .1 n iiu, rill. 11 Tltfco W , , . . .,
54 V.JM'Ultllir. -,. I ir,cr,u...l,,l(Ku- V l'lotl til lll'l' OOIISII1. (ifl
x'f ":' 1 . 11 I. t.iiiuiTOui. 1 Bnltnlor, of the I ufoiin
'iii-i. Jo.utiu r . ,uiu 1, s... "'," Kent of both the Au-Mrii
( it.
iTit i tir ' Hi 1I1
t Inns 1 11 1 fly i i
liirnivi 1:1 1 mi 1
tain tli nirint Ii
' 'h li 0 liml 1 ori 11 lyjiKirs'
I It 'It IJtl'IIH I, ( il 1I11 lllll'.t-
U'lili .1. A JlniulliiMiKof In
"'.(. I'll trii Is 1.111I In w to tib.
Mtfliirutiiii uu or luvclioil
Icnl 1111 1 M-n'iiiltli) I'ofil h Kiiit I lur
I'atriiM inkcii tlir.niffli .tluiin . On. recelrn
fiipcliiliiottroiiillir l-i'ii'iillio A.iii 111 mi, nna
tliui t.r nroM-l" vld' ly Uirn tl rml llcnlih
nut nit to tlio invrmnr, '1'liM iMimuiui imiifr. '
iMiicun kly,c our.tljrillKttr.itt I. It . Iiiiirtlii)
lan.'('t rlniil-'ii ) '' "7 i ft I tic t i.rK 111 tlio
ttnrlil. tfi ' r t t i i c , i i ,
llullilinn l.ihir.u, i iniiliily, lOiiyi". Mrslo
cojilos, 'i!i cunt- Kvi-ry mi ' 'c- I "lt:t tirau.
Hill iBfi, iti i jilt .illlirt I nil itliiwl
itiuri'?. wjtti p'ltr i ij'M i lit in Imtrtliu
ati'Ht iti-liirt i nil (ic - i i. A in i
ilL.NN & t'U., M.l OUii, utrl l'iOALVAY
'hfl l.a !, m t .(.... I Jl.. tf ...II a. -
. .-." VM . VVIittH II "liHlin
JhUVlCnd company,
Kansac C'!.
CI " r I, t
kr mil,!
.. Si'CH YtirdJ.
r I urn
of hlin." L'nforlunately, he wuh wound
ed, but not Killed, by a gentleman of the
name of Mni'tlonunld. Thirty yearn
afterward ho wiih nhot in Upjer Uudc
noeli, nntl the bullet II rod Into him by
Mnctloniinld wiih I lion found in IiIh
shoulder! Ho ooultl not have boon un
der MO yearn of ago. .Scottish Times.
Tint Austrian Crmi n,
At intorvnlsn rninor'i.s froquently set
going in tlio Ihiiupi'iui prosH to tlie of
loot that, tlio emperor nf Austria debiren
to hot nsitle tlio iintrmutl(! saiietioiiund
Bcttlo tho orown on his younger dn ligh
ter, (inind UueliehM Marie Vuierio, mar-
and Ouko Vmv.
liouso. The eon -
un uiul Ilungnri-
an Uglhliitiirex. nn well ns of all in Uie
malt) linn of sueoosslon, would have to
bo obtained before so sorioiib n rnndiflcn
tion of tlio eoiiitltution ooultl be ef
feetotl. I'ton then it is likely enough
that tit I'riin .liiM-ph's death tlio ar
rnnr,,ioi.i uoolil In t '!: not Isthore
any 1 1 f ili-it 1' t '. " tl.. Vil ,-'
in on' n i. i'li el fh
an lilu,i.i . I oif ioIj.
cancer beennm irritated and began to dis
charge, lliis after nwuilccenscil, leaving
a small scab, which finally dropped off,
nnd only n healthy looking little
sear lemoiucd to mark tlie place where
the destroycThnd held full sway .Words
are inadequate to express my gratitude to
Hie gruai uiuoti mi niui, o. o. ?., nun
writetliishopio jthat itiuay bethemeaiii'
of lending other sufferc-nt to n cure."
C nicer is not incurable, but the only
means of curiug it is to rid the blood of
the disease. S.S.'j. never fails to do
thi'.., but it ia tho only umedytobe ie
lied upon. It is guaranteed purely
vegetable, nnd cure Cancer, Scrofula,
ICizenia, Catarrh, Hheuni.itism nud any
other disease of the blood. Other blood
diseases often develop into such tilariu.
ing conditions that tho tloctors think nu
operation uecetiary. Scrofula, for in
stutice, often rtiteiiscB the glands of the
neck to such nn extent that tm operation
is looked upon ns absolutely tlie only
relief. This is also n grave error, as the
disease in in tlie blood and a real blood
rcmed'' h the only t ure.
Au operation mvtr did cine a blood
di ' T ". Uctvaro of the kmf e i
! 1 for ov r 1 ' i on eiiicr nud
bl t dn re., n u 1 frv.?. tv.ift&pi
cIj Cciipa-jy, A1 '.U, Ccf;ii.
Popular Mmm
FOR THE K3?ffi.
ConUlm each Month r Original Water Color
Prontliplecc ; 128 Quilio T'iikc o KcaJIntt
Mattcrt I0O New and Hlglicliaa Illustra
tions) More Literary Matter end llluitra
tlona than any other Magazine In America.
23 cts. t $ J a Year.
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours
A Bright. Wholrinorno. Juvcnllo Montlilr.
I'tillr llluBtnttott. Tlio bout writer for yountf
poojtlo etintrltiuto to It. 1 0 tts. ; $ I u year.
The Chief.
Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers
IF".Smit In ft-nnt UtHe't I'lMlthtna Itnuir, K.Y.,
W 1
BUYthim LIKE them
Many ladies Imvc used our machines
twenty to thirty years in their family work,
and nre still usiue; the original machines
wc furnished them n generation ntro.
Many of our machines have run more
than twenty years without repairs, other
than needles. Willi proper care they
never wear out, nnd seldom need repair.
We have built sewinc machines for
more than forty years nnd have constantly
improved them. We build our machines
on honor, and they nre recognized every
where as the most accurately fitted and
finely finished sewiriK machines in the
world. Our latest, tlie "No. 9," is tlie
result of our lone; experience. In com
petition with the lending machines of tho
world, it received tlio Grand Prize at the
I'.iris Kxposition of iJi.So, as the best,
other machines receiving only compli
mentary medals of gold, silvcrnndhronzcv
Tlie Grand Prize was what nil sought for,
and our machine r, awarded it.
Scud for our illuBtntcd caul "true. We
want dealers in all unoccupied territory,
t05 .10V WeUASK AVC, Cii:c;i30,
E. Cozad, Ait.
mc GQiiofogn, outlasts mem ail
me Yosi, work is peneciion.
me Densmore, me Lit Homo Densmore.
1019 Furnain St, Omuhii, Nob.
A.O. Ilosrucr, Af(t., Ited C'lautl, Nub.
A. P. T. L.
tie victims of consumf
by bare il. Here Is a Kit
sliicli consumption cxa
Cted :
or two sKglit efforts oft
r.s' during tlie day and fre
tlie niglit.
after exertion.
the cbtst.
especially noticeable in tin
ler a full meal,
.lie evening, followed by
toward morning and
languid m tlie morning.
liese symptoms, or any of
ik-lay. 'I lure are many
litch claim be cures, but
lit Remedy for Consumption
it endorMiem, and lus
i.f years. It will arrest con-
n earlier stages, and drive
1 ns namM. It is manu-
A ker Medicine Co., t6
t., 'v v York, and sold
.Jru s.
The American Protective Tariff League
is a national organization advocating
" Protection to American Labor and
Industry " as explained by its constitu
tion, as follows :
"7ha objsct of Wt t-Mf;j .lull b ts PJ-:tt labor by tantf on imp ', V'U.'lJJ
atlqusteV i8uro Ainricni mauitrnl protJCti
gainst tlio compotiwn ef forien labor.
There are no personal or private
profits in connection with thoorgeriza
tionand it is sustained by ni'jmbcrthips,
contributiors nnd the distril uticn of its
FinST: Corrivtwndone it wliitd rtrdin
Mamtciliip - arnd "OH ."I Cjrr. .ord. nU.
OEtOND: Wo tmd am' 3'"' j3 'tnDjtiona,
vihithrmVloi lar;. to n rtn.M.
THIRD! W pui,lnh i Li ''""'' t-'Cumonta
row" n; ail phaiaa of th . r . q -n. Con,
plata lwl! tomn.'-dwaiy.J-t -'- 3 C9nt'
FOUaTH! Sam pojUl B'fd f'fa
Addraaa Vl1bur r n.ral8crtry,
133 Veat 23d StiiMt, Nt Ysm.
II su Cmui,
(iter Tnr'
cts i"ttln Mi
.mil i n , i
i r i tin i n
M Y iOlJ a ' ' l'l ' it ' '
vil v.'jil: KUT.uiti.oil tu On rsi ' iti.
t 'I't ' torn.
.ii' i tin.
i riiitr.
,.n ,1 nf il .1 fl 'liun.
ti i ' iimiiou
1 .
'. TA,
" w wwpNitrtjiniTf "