The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 28, 1896, Page 3, Image 4

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Come and see our
Bought while I was in Chicago and New York.
A.C. IIohmkh, Ktlltor.
I.aiiovTait. Aist, l,ociil Kdltor.
4 , . , i J,
15c MEAL:!
STHAK, VAUi, .f.
ISKIUl), - ltITTi:it,T
imi:, orri:i:. t
af.-f. A . . . J. . - A A A ,, A A A A A A A A A
Ti1 v v v v v v v v v v v w v v v v vv
Reduction in repair
ing on shoes sold from
our stock only, others
regular price.
Nailing nionh' half eolos &0
Lailifn' linlf poles !
Boys hulf soles 10
Misses and youths hulf soles '"
Childrons' hnlf soles -"
Patches 10
Seo regular add
Cincinukti Hoot and Shoo Storo
A. II. Kuloy, Prop. hits.
Wcnl In; r I'orociiHtH.
Ur.ii Ci.oci),, Fob. 23, IS'JO
Tho following is tho woiithor
r forecasts for tho noxt '21 hours:
lMB Knl ii or kiln v I o III" lit. rliwtrl UK
1:1(1 J Mi ii rl :t) nioriiliiu Wiiriiii-p
UjJM m-ii'm put-Uau lonlulii. roMrr
Sinurl j. ,,
1". . I (uvni.N, Local Milliliter.
Noti- Tlu fop-casts will bo dis
played dull. m every poBtollico in Web-county.
Harry lloal was in Ued Cloud this
Uobt. Martin, Noble llobinson and C.
P. ISvniiB Imvo Kono to Cripple Creek.
Mayor lienUcy is repairing tho Hank.
Iniildintr which was damaged by liro
tWO WBl'llH ao.
Kov.J. llueUelberry in holding meet
ingu in tho Itiiptist ehnrch this weok
IIo is an ex -ellenl nii'iwle r.
Mrs. May (Hummel;) liutti of Kansas,
accompanied l.y lior husband, wore
visiting in Ued Cloud this weoU.
Tho meetings in tho M. K. church,
unJer tho direction of Kovs. Maxlleld
and Ilummol are progreEsing iinoly and
with good results.
Mr?. M. Carmony, who has been visit
ing with her parents. C. C. Cox, ban ro
turnod homo to McCook, accompanied
by her husband, who ciirao down Sun
day. Wo hope our citizon will bo public
Bpirited enough to keep tho side-walks in
good repair. A littlo effort on your part
will koop thorn repaired, and it will bo
much of an improvement. Try it,
frionds, and whon BtrangorB como thoy
will blosB you.
A spirited hoso raco occurred last
Saturday ovoning botweon Conipunios
1 und 2, from Hoyd's marblo empori urn
to lth avonuo. No. 2 couplod and threw
wotor first, winning tho victory, bay
e way. Hod Cloud hns tho most
iont voluntoor tire dopurtmont in
west, for money, marbles or chalk.
On noxt Tuoflday, Jhn Jesson and
family leavo Kod Cloud for Economy,
Fennsylvunin, where John has a romu n
orativo position as gonoral superintend
ontof tho lands of the Economy Coin-
under President Duso. Jonn
Joesen and family are excellent pooplo,
and The Ciiikf will be aorry to loso
them from this city, but shall, at tho
Bamotimo, oxtond to them our hearty
congratulations and wIbU thorn godspoed
in their new homo.
How mnoh buBinojH can a mini Jo
whoso system i in a state of disorder t
Headache is only n symptom. It in not
adlnense. Tho pnin in tho bond is tlio
eign of rebellion. There liuvo been min
takes in dlot nnd other abases. Dr.
1'ioroo's I'lentmnt rollot i ro a gentle, of.
footivo renovator nnd iuvigorntor of
Btomnch, liver and bowels. They assfit
nature without threntanlng to tear the
body pleco-inenl. Thoro nro no griping
pains, no minsen. One in n InxlUive. A
book of 1008 pages, profusely llltiRtrated,
written by Dr. It. V. fierce, railed "Tin.
1'eoplo'ti Common BeiiHe Medical Adviser,"
will bo Font free for l.'l one-cent stninpR
to cover co-it or inai'ing only. W'oiMV
Diflpunsiir M.Jienl Asrooiiilion, No. M:.
Mnin Street, llnlTalo, N. V,
JhG World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so puro or so 'grout In Icnv
cnlngpowc '2uRyalt
Rannoy McNitt was in Alnm this woek
on business.
Chuff. Kuloy was in Smith Coutro ono
day this woek.
Miss Edith MoKeiglnin wiib in Kod
Cloud Uub weok.
For a lino hair tonic call on Hutchin
son Iliatt. tho barbers.
Try a can of Hopkins' Steamed limit
iny (Hulled Corn), It is delicious.
l.Shopardnon, tho popular miller of
Kiverton, was on our streets this weok
Mrs. Geo. Hutchison has been quito
uick this week, but is recovering slowly.
Chancey Cornell, wife, and child, of
Wyinore, woro visiting in tho city this
(!. V. Llndsey has returned to Cripple
Creek, to look after his mining interests
Will Yoisor, who hns beon braking on
tho St. Francis branch of tho I!. A- M .,
has returned homo.
C. 11. Hiiro of Columbus, this state,
was visiting in tho city this wook witli
his cousin, C. II. Kaloy.
Mrs. Blancho Ynrgor is visiting rela
tives nnd frionds in tho city this wouk.
Her homo is now in Akron.
When you want a nico smooth shavo
or luiir-cut, give Goo. PontresB a call
Ono door south of tho Hon Ton linker y
The Commercial Club is doing ootno
good work for Rod Cloud, and it won't
bo long before you hear nomothing drop,
Win. H. Stricklor was married to Miss
Stella Keith by Judge Unity on Monday
last. Iiotli wero of Bladen.
S. F. Spokosllold returned from Lin
"In Saturday evening, where, bis wife
ii being treated for cancer of the lurtist.
PubIi it along! Noxt yenr''i council
must work freo of charge. Thero nro
plenty or good men who are willing to
do it.
Mr. Mnlvin Vanderberg of Inavalo
and Miss Eva Barker wero united in
maniago this weok by Hip Honor.Judgo
P. W. Shoa roturnod homo from St.
ToBcph Mondny niht. Mr. and Mrs.
Shea will tnovo to Orlenns in tho nenr
The Bladon postoflice was robbed last
Friday night of 8180 in stamps and $20
in money. Thoro sconi3 to bo no clow to
tho theft.
So ward Gnrbor nnd his army of toam
Bters aro preparing their tents, wagons,
ntc, and oxpoct to flturt for Cripple
Creek tho llrst of noxt wpoIc.
A high liver with n torpid liver will not
bo n lonu Hvor. Correct tho liver with
DoWiH's Littlo llnrly Riftero, littlo pills
euro dyspi'psln and constipation. O L
Tlio Missen Rny Lotson. Mnbel Llnd
poy, Ornco llodino, Nollio Kaley, and
Messrs. Frank Cowdon and Elmer Kaley
attended a grnnd bull in Suporior last
Tuesday ovoning.
Soothing, heoling, olonnsing, Do,VittB
Witoh Hnzel Salve in the enemy to sores ,
wounds nnd piles, which it nover fails to
enro. Stops itohing nnd burning. Caros
ohnpped, lips nnd cold-sores in two or
three hoars. O L Cotting,
It is said thnt P. W. Shea eavod tho
lives of 7fi,000 peoplo (that woro not
there) by precipitnting himself uncere
moniously from an adjoining dry goods
box and stopping n toam that broko loose
from their anchor, Monday. Such brav
ory would noyer take a fellow puBt a
freo lunch counter.
Homor Kineol, tho artistio school
master of tho north pnrt of the county,
was in tho city Sunday. Occasionally
ho would stub his to. Our roporter
could not understand why ho did so
until somo ono pointed out that ho was
propagating a mustache. He was blind
ed on nccount of tho shadow it enst, and
could not boo whoro be was walking
Eh, Homer ?
Hon. Randolph McNitt nindo ono of
tho lincst oflortB of his life at Bladon
last Saturday night. IIo dolivorod an
excellent orutton on Washington's birth
day, nnd the houso was crowded to hear
tho young man's eloquence. He ban a
lino conception of oratory, and tho oubo
witli which words of oloquonco pnur
forth from his lips is wonderful. Tho
Bidden itoH speak of his address no tho
hefit that has over beau delivered within
Pearl Smith is in Lincoln this
Dm not dnnpnir becanso yon lmvo triid
many medininuH and have failed to re
eelvo beuetlt. Hemeuiber thnt Hood's
Sar-iiparilln unres when all other fail to
do mi) good whatever.
Hood's pilh nro the uet family euthnr
tin and Ihtr nicullulnti. IIuraili.'CH, relia
ble, sure.
Mrs, Julia Kellogg has beon quito
sick this week.
A comploto now lino of wall paper at
Tuylor'n at bottom prices.
Jos. Wcstlako and u if oof Guido Rock
wero in tlio city Wednesday.
Thoy aay thoro will bo a prominent
marriage in Red Cloud soon.
Childroim' Grain button shoes 81.00 at
tho Cincinnati boot nnd shoo store.
Isaac Crowloy of Bladen died tliis
this week. Ho was an early Bottler.
A now stylo of blank books, good in
quality and low in price, at Cotting'e.
Meim' patent leather dancing pumps
at tlio Cincinnati boot and shoo store.
Mrs. J. C. Warner is visiting in Hust
ings and Jou is wandering around like a
struy goose.
Miss Alice Motcalf roturns to Minne
sota tho first of tbo week whore hIib will
teach school.
J. H. Kinsor, of Atchison, Kansas, will
more to Rod Cloud boou. His goods aro
at tho dopot now.
A largo number of our pooplo woro in
Guido Rock Sunday, attending tho re
ligious exorcises thoro.
Mrs. I) wight Jones and Mrs. Crary of
Guide Rock woro visiting with Mrs. C.
L. Cotting Inst Friday.
Cotting, tho druggist, always at the
front, has put in a full lino of Munyon's
homoeopathic remedies.
J. R. Harrington of Pawnee, Neb., bus
moved to Webster county. IIo id a
brother-in-law of J, V. Mclntyro.
The Burlington company laid oil'
Charley Reiglo this wools, and sent
Telegrapher Pruilt to Orlonns.
It not only is bo, it muM ho ho, One
Minute Cough (Jure nets quickly, nnd
that's wh it makuM it go. C L (Totting.
Mel Tiugley and family left for Oak
Park. Sacramento, California, on Tuofl
day whoro thoy will livo in tho future.
Our old friend, Frank Jiskru. of Wil
bur, Nob , was visiting Rod Cloud friends
this week. IIo looks us natural as over.
Rov R. h. Knox will hold service in
Grace Hpir.copal church on noxt Sunday
March 1. Morning eervico at 10:.'(0,
ovoning sorvico at 7:110.
Mrs. Chus. Bushoo diod Sunday morn
ing, nftor a vory painful illness, nnd was
taken to Guido Rock for intermoiit.
Sho leaves a hiiBband and little child to
mourn her death.
L. Sodorbnrg of Choyonno, Wyoming,
formerly of this place, is tlio happy dad
of an eleven pound baby boy. IIo Bays:
"Tho old man is able to bo up and pass
around tlio cigars."
Those people who throw cold wator on
Red Cloud enterprises should bo houvi
ly eat down upon, for Rod Cloud is going
to push ahead dospito their olTorts.
Mind the prediction.
Churloy Wionor, our popular clothing
morohant, arrived home yoaterday from
tho cities of Now York and Chicago,
whoro ho wus purchasing u vory largo
and comploto lino of gonts' clothing and
furnishing goods.
On last Tuesday night John Josson,
rosigncd the oftico of Mnstor Workman
of Rod Cloud lodgo No, GO A. O. U. W
and Henry Muurer was advanced to tho
chair und J, A. Boyd placed in tho foro
inun'e choir. Good selections.
John Frod Fotorson, will soil his
horses, cnttlo, hogs nnd agricultural Im
plomonts, on IiIb farm on soction 7-1-11,
juBtoustot Oliver McCull, on Tuesday
March 10, 1800, at 10 o'clock u. m.
Terms 12 months without intorest. Col.
Winfrey, nuctionoor.
Miss Edith McKoighnn of HustinjB
favorod ub this woek with n neatly
bound momoriul ekotch of tho death of
her illustrious futhor, Hon. W. A. Mc
Koighnn. It was bound in cover and
draped with black ribbon. Tlio copy
contained tho funornl oulogieo of Rov.
Goo. O. Yoisor and Wm. Jennings Bryan,
preBB skotchoe, otc. It is u Insting
souvenir that his admiring frionds will
bo pleased to retain in kind romem-brance.
Wednesday, Fobruary 20, tho follow-
ing named friends of Mrs. Geo. Lea:
Mrs. llelllebowor, Mrs. Finkonbindor,
Mrs. Fisher, Miss Susio FiBhor, Mrs.
Ed Motcalf, Mrs. Geo, Scott, Mrs.
Hedge and Mru. Garbor, ussomblod at
her homo. Thorn coming wus quite un
known. A gonerul good timo was hud
while- tho carpet ruga fulrly rollud into
bullu. At tho proper timo dinner wiih
served and in spito of hard Union tho
tublo fairly groaned under its wealth of
provisions. Everyone present voted tho
nlfulr a grand buccobh.
Sf.nti.nki. Pijaiiui:, Mo., Feb. 'JO, '00.
To Tut: CiiiKf:-! wuti glud to hear
from our old neighbor John Willielmson,
in a recent number of Tin: Ciiikk. I
am nlwuyti glud to hear from old Red
Clouder., especially refugees; would
llho to hear from Win. Gates, Vint Wil
lianiB, Jake Miller, or Wes Street
Write u good letter boys, and wo can
thus keep in touch. 1 am glad Red
Cloud iB waking up and proposes to pull
together, as I hope to jot become a resi
dent of Webster county, although, like
Mr. WilholtiiBon, I am very eoniforlably
located here, but I lived in or near Red
Cloud too long to bo easily weaned away.
I have two good farina here, either or
both of which I would exehango for
good Webster county landf, near towup,
markets, etc. To those who contem
plate coming to southwest Missouri, will
any that Polk, Hickory and Dallas coun
ties oiler far bettor inducements than
Vernon county, n groat portion of tbo
lands bnitig very much lowor. Can buy
lotoof lands hero yot for from livo to
ton dollars per acre. Wo had groat
crops of nonrly everything hero last
yonr, and living is very cheap; for In
stance: Dried apples, two cents per lb.;
nico white beans, 2c porlb.; sorghum, 20
to '-'.la por gal.; corn, 20c per bit. I was
over to Ilumansvillo on the Memphis
Bomo time ago and paid A. II. Alexander
a visit; he is located on a ricli prairie
four miles northeast of Ilumansville.
Lund is worth in his vicinity 620 to $10
per aero. I livo 20 miles, in the
timber, but wo have lots of nico farms,
both upland and bottom. I will aiiHwer
jnqiliri b ucciimp.iiiied bv stumped ell
velopo. S. I. Umi'iunoimi.
Tho following from tho Fiiyetvillo
(Ark.) Republican, in regard to an old
resident of this comity, may interest
somo of our renders: "Joseph Itocher
wiib convicted in this county of tlio
charge of Belling native, wine contrary to
law and was tilled $222.50 which ho ko
cured by u note mudr payable January
lot, 1SSM5. Tho sheriff agreed to penult
t Ruchur to deponit thr amount in tlo
bunk payable to bis order February Ifit
in execution of judgment. All that
Roelier pif'SosKcd wus invested in a
viuojard. mid under the decision of tho
HUpiemo court which unstained the le
gality of the local option law, ho wuti (h
barrcil from selling biuetoeU in Wash
ington or any other license county. His
grape crop this jear will be undoes to
him. On the ntreugth of tliofo facts
and to tho further fact of bin pleading
guilty to the charge, tho governor Iiiih
remitted tho tino.,'
Tin: Chim', idwiijH ready
und applaud every busiuosH
If suffering witli piles, It will lntiret
you to know thnt DeWitt's Witoh llu.el
Salvo will euro them. This mediclim is
a Hiiucltlo for nil complaints of this elinr
nater, nnd if inst notion (which nro sim
ple) nro carried out, n cure will re-Milt.
Wo linyo tested thin in numerous cnies,
nnd alwnys with like results. It never
fails. CL Cotting.
to assist
mun and
every business clTort In Red Cloud,
wishes this week to speak of W. S.
Benpo, One jear wgo, or a little more,
he citmo to Red Cloud as a baker; (if tor
remaining here for u time, tlio linn bo
was wot king for decided to go out of
hiiuinchH, and he purchnsid their intor
est for H,0. Tho times hnvn been hnrd,
but on lust Sut in tiny Im paid the last
instalment -f his iudchtudncFn, besides
having put in $110 in improvemoutB
und is today the promt p(n..ebMr f tlio
hiiHiuctw, having denied ili whole
amount in tlio hint ton month. Wo
tuhogieiit pleuuure in mentiniiii g these
facte, for it is uuceet-H in biisiin'i.i (hat
wo ueeil III lieu noun, Mini wueii u
joung man can buy u fugged out bust
nose and bt.ild it up in good uhape, he
should bo applauded, and Tin: Ciiiki' is
ever ready to help push him along to
success. Ho ia deserving, and bo is any
other man who succeeds.
Mr. C. It. Miner and wifo returned
homo on Thursday evening from an e-
1 tended wedding tour in tlio oust. A
grand reeepttnii wi'l bo tendeted theui
lino ovoiiini; 1 1) in. -ir part-ins, .Mr. ami
Mr. J. L. Minot, at 11. dr In. urn nn stew
ard i ir 'i t.
Tlio peoplo of Bludeii have palled
through tiio greatest bories of lovival
meeting over held in the town. For
neatly two mouths tlio meeting places
havo been lilted to ovorlbitving. Night
after night witli unabated interest has
tlio work been carried forward with rinli
roward for tho workers. Rev. H tim
et in a tireless worker. His HiieeobH
seeniH to be duo to bin Himpl'uity, and
his deep sympathy and a great lovo for
mankind that is felt by all who come in
contact with him, His ability to draw
and hold the iiltontiou of a congregation
closely resembles that of the late Hon.
W, A. MoKoighun. Botli causes tho
heart of men to fool that there wus ono
who cared and sympathized with them;
ono who wished them wellaud was ready
to help any and all who would come and
usk. Bladon Enlcrpriso.
Quick In effect, IiimiN and lonvin no
seal. lltirninu, srnly, skin eruptions
quickly eared liy DeWitt's Witoh Hazel
halve. Applied to ImriiH, nuitbls, old sores
it is muieid in etTuot. Ahv lyscuros piles.
0 I, Colling.
A.H.Gray was in Bloomington on a
short visit Wednesday.
Mrs. Win. Bolierer has beon quite flick
for tlio past few days, but is at prcsont
convatesc ng.
.Boi-m') Cow fur Mild,
Will li- f 'imi . ii Juh, and bred to a
tl,..ionu'Ui"i ,leti.e Imll, tiipliro lit
tl.i i 111.'.. II If
Don't invito disappointment by exper
imenting. Depend upon Ono Minute
Congh Cure nnd you have immediiito re
lief, It cures eroup. The only harmless
remedy that produues immediiito rostilts,
O L Cotting.
Wanted INmturu
For about 75 head of horsoa. Writo
mo your turms, amount of pasturage etc.
Thomas E. Kkli.v,
t)5t Lincoln, Neb.
Soiik Survive.
Tho fallowing program will be ron
dorod at thoCongregutionul churcti noxt
Sabbath morning:
Organ Voluntary.
Hymn, "How Firm n Foundation."
Responsive Iloading, "80th Psalm,"
Anthom, "Blessed is tlio Pooplo."
Scripturo Lesson, Noli. 8:1 -III.
Anthom, "Sing Yo to tho Lord."
Anthem, "Oh I That I had winge."
Address, "How to Study tho Bible."
Song, Duet, "My Mothor'H Biblo."
Hymn, "My Soul, bo on Thy Guard."
Tho services will be conducted by O.
L. Cotting. An invitation ia extonded
to ull.
Ine People's l-riciul. In use tor luty years.
Cures CoukIi, Cold, Croup, Whooping -Cough,
Grippe, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Affections.
DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is sold everywhere
foronIy 25 cents. Refuse cheap substitutes.
Chew LANCE'SHLuGS,Tho Great Tobacco Antldotc.tOc. Dealers or mall.A.C.Mcicr & Co., Oalto..M
AVo have already received our spring stock of
This line weather is just tho thing for Croquet,
and it Hammock wouldn't be amiss some of
these hot days. For the next HO days
we will sell HAMMOCKS at a
Discount of Fifteen Per Cent
Highest Honors World' Faliu
from regular prices. Now is the time to buy and
save money. Don'i forgot thut wo keep a
full line of Drugs and Medicines.
, pine Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fjut
from Ammonia, Alum or any other rduUersrrt
For $2.50
Ladies' UrighlKid button, immitation blucher cut
vamp, flexible sole, in razor or narrow
square lasts and even broad heel.
"Wait for our spring goods which are beginning to
come in.
Will have a number of latest lovelitios at lowest
prices. See repairing cut rates below.
K your shoos rip we h.iw them bee,
It tho boIch I'Oino loose wo tack them fro.',
If Etrapti cornea oil wo put now oiioh on free.
If thoehoeu do t;ott,'ive tlio wour they ohould wo alwuya
aim tc inaUo them tuitliifuctory.
I ID 811
A. H KALEY, Prop.
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