. -"tferggl "JTagv?'2gg t,?v!fy'&LKz:lfc'.' VOLUME XXIV. .flltlKOtl. Last Thursday, Fob. 20., Mr. J. S Johnson was 58 years oltl and his wifo in order to eommcinorato the event i;avo him n very pleasant surprise. A delicious dinner was served to wliitsh the large number of guests pro sont did ample justice. All report u good time fGoo. Mnuntford mill Miss Emma Barret' wero lighting la grippe last week. Fred ISrown bought a fine tcmn of horses of Geo. Yuntiss. Considera tion $S.". Tho wolf hunt was u tailurc. S C. Ji-hnson wont to ilio Centre on business Friday. Mrs S Hynti wui in the Centre on iiMooss lat week. J. W. Cotbett is rushing the plow ing. Our oM post master was listing lust wock. Wonder if he was planting corn. II. C. G. Ciiirllcltt. llcvivalists found Garfield boys a tougb set ol fellows to make mi im pression on. They were closed out of the Amack school last week and aro now holding forth in distriot 49. A wagon load of furniture was seen going out of Bed Cloud Saturday wo think it is high time for thccow-bclls and tin pans to be tuned up and ready for action. John Vest will move on tho Mc Millan farm in the near future. John Earner has just finished a successful term of school in district 78. Trees aro budding out and the bull frog 18 croaking in tho rushes. Tho hwoj-Lco is on the wing. Fanners aro busy preparing the land for this yaar's crop which they expect will be the largest ever known. Furlcy Robins will work tho Henry Emcrton place this year. Wo expect ho is looking for a proposal from the fair sex and will bo prepared to say yos. Henry llalhjon will try a few sugar boots again this year. He thinks they are butter than com. t Jimmy. Willow Crcelt. Wo aio having fine weather at prcs ont. J. T. Laoy is hauling wood from Elm crock. A. N. Godwin has an attachment to his "Paiiill for tho purpose of grindi, Jcd. TlicYMvas an exhibition at Willow Creek sehoolhouso tho 21st ot Fobru oxg. It was a grand tucco.ss. VBojs look out, for this is leap joar and ho girls will bo popping tho naf,on befoio jou know it. Hoot. Ailauisou is on tho sick list but is getting better. Mrs. Jones has moved back onto tho farm to keep houso for her broth er. Miss Nau has closed her school in distriot 2-1. She gavo good satisfac tion. T. T. Lacy is preparing ground to nlant six acres of beets. A, N. Godwin has rooted part of his farm to Ernest Tcrrill to farm this season. Nip and Tuoic. llow'it TIiIn! Wo ofTor ouo hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that' cannot be cored by Flail's catarrh care. F. J, CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and bellfevo Jtalm perfectly honorablo in all business TtranBfJiGUUUB unu uuuuuinuy uuio iu unit out any obligation made by their Arm. West fc Truax, Wholosnlo Druggists, To ledo, O. Wnldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally Rtiog dlrcotly upon tho blood nnd inn- niirfacts or tno system, i'ricu ioc, tie. t-)oldbyalldrtigista, Testl- Jtfee, RED IMvimuiiiI Prulili. li looks as if spring wis almost liure. Some "f the fanner have com menced spiiug woik. Several farmer.) have gone from hero in other farms that they have rented Mr. Popp has rented a farm north I cist oT town. Lewis Eppcr is moving onto .Mr. Hock's fat in on Farini is cre-?l. Ed Parks bus renti d Mn. Gilmj's farm, she is going to Chicago. The p ojilu hnvu a jond liuio i;l tho lyeeum ivriy Wednesday with a crowded house. Our mud ver-iei has nearly com pleted a load itcioss Fanners creek This will be a fine ibinj' iciut) inn. (1'ioin tho Leader) Grant Uglier, of lted Cloud, was u Hill visitor this week. Geo. 0. Yoiser, of lted Cloud, was doing business in tho Hill several days this week. Stand up for Ohio should bo the cry of Nebraska republicans now. Mrs. T. W. White returned Thurs day from a short visit with relatives and friends at lied Cloud. A few huudred dollars carefully in vested will make almost anybody rich. Tho trouble lies in getting tho fow hundred dollars. Hcv. Patterson, of Hastings ol lege, will preach ttt tho Presbyterian church tomorrow (Sundaj) morning and evening. All aro invited to at tend. February. 'AG, has five Saturdays. This is something which has not hap pened for many years. The month commenced on Saturday and will end on Saturday. And now the weather prophets aro predicting a cold summer. This is not nltoircthor uulikely, considering the summer weather wo have been en joying all winter. Dear young Indies, do you want to know how Mrs. Ditnitiick caught ox President Harrison? lie is said to have remarked on ono occasion: "She is tke tho only woman about tho house who does not talk when I want to think." Indications arc that tho farmer who can hold onto his corn uud wheat is going to got better prices. A) a rulo when staplo articles are below tho price for whiuh thny can bo produced, it is safe to hold them thcro aro bet tor times ahead. Miss Grace Wilspn nave u faiewoll party to hor many friends of Hluo II ill at the homo of her sister, Mrs. 0. C. Clingnian, Wednesday evening. Miss Grace will' leave fi.r Rich Hill, Mo., nixt wick where she will make her future home. Thrww Away EtN Cuiu. Mr. D. Wiley ex-postmaster, Illnnk Crunk, N. V., was so badly i.tlllctt'cl with rlieniniitlain that he was only able to hob-1 lilu around with caue, null even tueu it i ... , , ... . ! caused him threat vain. After uhIuk j Chamberlaiii'al'ulnnalmliownsHoniuoh improved that ho throw away hiHoaubs.' lu saya this liniment did him morn iood than all other uit-dioines and treatment ut together. For hhIu at 00 oents por bottle by Dejo & Grice. Cowled. Bon Carsivell and wifo attended communion service at Central Hranoli Sunday. A littlo babo arrived at tho homo of Will Leetoh this week. llovival mooting are still in pro gress. At prbscnt thcro aro fifteen converts and a groat interest, is still manifested. A largo crowd-ovory night. Sunday night tho audience numbored 400. Hov. Shamel of Guido Hook proaoh ed Wednesday and Thutfcluv night Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World'sFalrHlsbettMcdaUnd Diploma. CLOUD. NEBRASKA, FI5BKUARY 28. Her llutehins of Dowcns, Kas. preached Sunday and Monday nights). Rev. Meiiuil' wis unable to preach Tuoml'iv i ight on iicnunt of ill health Htv. Button prciuled in his place. Miitrieil 'Fib b.ud and Mies 21, Mr Orris llub M n i Miller. May peace, happiness aid ptosporitj bo thoiri'. J. lv. Croy.ii r 'xpcc'sio move to Guide Hock soon Snie of our nung folks attended the League social nt Guide- It ik Fri day wight mtd report u good tune. Jos. H"iu! of H's.mniit was seen on our streets Sutnl iv night. Til- I'j 11 riuiiil n sel ool xpectn to lake p'Ui in t'lu .-"in l.iy -sotitinl con VCIIliou uli i'Ii s to !" held in Kid Cloud, Mai i. 20, 27 .i'.d 2.S. BTS WICK-m'S' SS "NOUP. Xew Discover) U'lilc-li N Worlli 'Eiiiil nEiifli To Alljoiif Aflllrlftl Willi IMIfn. The 1'i. tin il Pile Cure, tho new, paiukss remedy which has hoen so remarkably m-oeit-ful in curing every form of p 1-s and reet.il diseases, has recently been placed on sale at drug gists, and it is .safe to siy that, when its extraordinary merit becomes fully known, thorn will bo im such thing as surgical operations for tho euro of this obs'iiaio and common trouble, Mrs. M. C llmkly, or QUI Missis sippi St., Indianapolis, Iud., says: I had liecii a ttrnblo biifferer from piles for If) year and no remedies benefit ted me, until I saw an advertisement of tho Pyiauiid Pile Cure; I got c package, also a package of Pyramid Pills, and u-ed both according to directions I was astonished at tho immediate relief obtained, and now I honestly believe the Pyramid to bo the only eortaiu euro for piles. That you may reabzi how bad I was, i will say that I wa. euufiiu'd to my bed nud wci.t he I ore tho college plnsicians here, who said my ease was a new one to tlwui and wauled seven or eight hundred dollars to undertake a cure; ttie great pain had brought on u rupture, and I ktiew an operation would bo death to mo on account of blood poisoning. Nearly everyone hero knows of my tenible tmllciiug from piles and I feel that I cannot praiho the Pyramid Pilo Cure enough, and tho Pyramid Pills ul-o. My hus band will join me in highly .recom iniiidiiig Hie PyiKiind; my daughter w.is cured by one box onlv. For several jears I weighed but about !)U pounds, now I weigh l.'iO and feci in pcrfeot health. Thic seems to be the univorsil tes timony of every fcufferer fiom pile who has over tried tlm Pyramid; it is tho safesi, most painless pilo euro yet discoven il; contains no opiate, mor phine, cocaine, or any poisonous in iiredieol wlnlov'-r. has n soothitiL'. h(J ,,, (lff(,ot rom (l(j firs, lj(ja. . , . , , tion, and t no m nlt-ratt- prieo paces it ' ' ' wi,,"n the roajh of uverjono needing treatment. The Pyramid Pilo Curo ih nold by druggists at 50 cents and $1.00 por package and tho Pyramid Pills at 25 cents per box. Send to Ppramid Co, Albion, Mich. for freo book on causa and curo of i ' piles. 4 Jhiuvulc. Wednesday it was as hot as summer.' Thero was a danco in tho eity hall last Saturday night, Arrived at tho residence of TJ. G. Knight's Monday for dinner u ton' pound boy. Father and son doii-u: well. " - . . Jim Kincado is. ni'viuif 'to,, lied Cloud this week -' Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. Miss Highsheo of Akron, Col., is hero visiting her friend Mrs. Walteis. Mrs). Latto and husband returned homo Wednesday. Mr Charlie Myi is spent S'ltidtiy at S. K. Woleott's. Thero are a good many around her that have their Mull.-, all cut and will soon bo sowing oats Mr. Waul is kept busy nowadiys. Tho old settlers that came In ro be fore 7l had a gathoiing at Col. hold's last Wedncsd iv. They brought their biskets well filled nnd loaded tho ta bic with i?ood things and tallied over old times. .Mr. Bert lloiilnge is wor!;iiig over at ijowios. ii. i. Tho little diiuglilr of Mr. 1'rcd Webber Holland. Mars., hint i utv IhuI eold t.nd eouh wliieli lie hail not been able to cure with any thing. I ave him a '.Ti cunt buttlo of Chainberlain't CoiikU Ituinvdy. navs V. f . Holden, iruroliant nnd post master at ViHt llrinillehl, nud tho next time I saw him hu said it worked liUo n chorm. This retneily is intended espio Jolly for nonle thror.t nnd lrng diseases such as colds, croup nnd whoopinu oongh and it is famous for its curus, Tliero is no danger in Hiving it to ehildren for it coutnins nothing injuriotiH, For sale liy Ueyo & (Jrice. ISImlcii. Tims. Snyder has gone to Superior. Hov. Stinuetto has moved into the house vacated by Frank Toothaoro. Clias. Clark has moved into the house hu sold about a year ago to C. I). Applev. At tho school moeting Thursday tho bonds failed to earry. F. 0 Fritz spoko on woodcraft Thursday evening at tho G. A, H. hall. Fifteon wero baptized nt Grables ford by Hcv. Stinnott last Friday. J. E Yost, and C. K. I licks wero filling up their ico houses last week and from the spring like weather they wero fortunate in in getting any ico at all. Dr. J. H. Hiek', who Inn boon V'H iting bis nephew 0. E, Hicks, left Tuesday morning for Carleton. A car load of fat hou's was shipped from here Tuesday morning. Count, Troasurei White was in this city SatuHay. James ISurdcn and family spent Saturday and Sunday with his father in this euv. Oscar Potter and L I). Monscr were in this oily over Sunduy. Quarterly eor.ferenee was held by Hov. Alexander ol Hustings in tho G. A. 11. hall who delivered a vry fine sermon iuuday evening to a oiowdctl house. On Saturday in irntug the post i fiicc safe was blown open and lobbed of statu f and eum-iioy to the amount of $27.") and valu'iblo papers which aro ol no uso to any one except tho owners Post ofiiuo inspector fiom Omaha was in this eity Sunday it (juiiiug in regard to tho burglury. Webster county's shun IF came up to this city Salurd iy to try and litul a olue to tho post ofiijo biirglars. Un cle Sam ofFots a large reward nud it is to bo hopid that they will hu caught Mr. Isaac Covvloy tin old and ru speoted citizen of this vicinity died Monday morning t his homo five miles southwest. Ho had been a suf ferer for soino timo with Briirht's dis ease which finally proved fatal, Tho funeral services wero conducted by llev. Hummel on Wednesday at ono o'olooi''from the house. Washington'! birthday wasoolobrat ed io this 'oily Saturday by a G. A, It camp firo which, as usual, was a grand suoecss P'-oplo' oaino from far and near in this vioiu-Jy, until tho hail was filled to its utinoit capao.tv thcro Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. t 18i)(!. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. - t i . lvv fil Powder 2te&&OTEEtf IPSJBE not being even standing loom left Pn'iuptiy on time tho exercises began and the penplo listened eagerly to eat.'h tho wolds spoken by tho ehild ren. of that irre.it and noble hero tho father of our oiintry, Tho Hon. H in dolph MeNitt followed with u very intorestiuu and nppropriato speech. I Mr. MoNut i'i one of the brightest or ators wo have in the county. Ho was followed by V". 0 I'ri'z uho livened up thopiople, who wire packed in the ball like sardines in a box, with a few of his i ntertaitiiog stories and a tribute to the old froldn rs Ainboy- Joe Saladcn und family spent a fow dajs visiting Brother Joshua and, Undo George. G. W. Baker and daughter Alia wero in He,d Cloud Saturday. C, II. Frisbie, wiTo and daughtor wore visiting in Guido Hock Sunday, Sam Mil'ur attended the convention at Guido Hock Sunduy a;d reports a very pleasant and instruotivo time. Wm. Toaohworth is visitiug at C. 11. Frisbio's this wock. C. C. Cox and sou Clarcnco aro flick at tho prcsont time. Frank Frisbio anJ wifo wero visit ing in Hod CUud Sunday. Goo. Mann has piirobasod a house of Henry Kinney and has put some improvements on it but docs net say whether ho intends to oooupy it or not. Ho only says ho wilt never bach again. Mrs. Ellen Carpenter who has bctn visiting her parents has returned homo. Mrs. Alien of Smith Contro was visiting hero. .Miss Heal has roturncd to hor school alter a week's illness, Miss L zzio Truukey has bcon on the sick list for bomo timu but is im proving. Alex Callahan spent Sunday in Hluo Hill. Henry Kasser will depirt for Mil waukee in u short time. X i:vsAn i:nt. c:a(in. Gcoigc Lindley of lied Cloud was in this locality Sunday visiting. Euior lii'an and Nelic Soigcnsou wero in Cunpbell Saturday. Ii ck Grui8 has rnturned from his tiip to Hastings nud Grand Island. Douglas Cithot was out looking after his fathoi's farm Friday. Mis Blanch Winfrey was visiting Hva Matkins tho foro part of this wewk. Tho exhibition nt Cathcrton was largely attended. Tho spoiling hohool at tho Harney school houso Tuocday night was well attended. Miss Adollo Wilson of Otto was olruupiou spoiler. Tho population is steadily on the increase in this locality, At Jeff Chaplin's was born,n boy and at J, Wijsou's und John Hutlcd.;e's a girl each. Saturday evening a very pleaBant surprise party waB given Eva und Hoy Mm kins, Tho Mid iniolligcnoti has reached us that .Mr Crowloy died eaily M nua, morning. The fuaoral took plaoo on Wednusdny. Ho leaves n wife nud son to mourn his lims, Tho family has tho sympathy of thu entire com munity. SXUNNKB. NUMBER Latest U. S. Gov't Report ;a(3H;rti)ii. Tho weather has been ?o nico that tho farmers have bogun work. Tho oyster supper i.t North Star war wo'l nt'ctidi'd. Tisltic Marker is bom s from Guide tuck whern she has been tcaohing. Miss Josio Norris from Lino wa3 visiting at Mr. Marker's last wtek. Undo Dick Payno was calling south oT (ho river thi-j wock. Hov. Tohanit of tho Baptist ohuroh is holding a protracted mooting at Catherlon this wock. H. II. Payno baa a bio, do. HocKK.m.l.Eu, li:t:iIMAK POISONS. Cicncratcd In tlit) IIiiiiiiiii Hotly The Itrmilt ol linprrlrrt Dlcectlon ol I'ooil. Every living thing, plant or animal, contains within itself thu gonna of certain decay and death. In tho human body llieso germs of disease and (loath (called by scientists Ptomaines) tire usually tho rasults of imperfect digestion of food; tho re sult of indigestion er dyspepsia, Tho stomach, from abuse, weakness, docs not promptly and thoroughly digest tho food. The result in a heavy, sodden mass, which fermoots (tho first process of decay), poisoning tho blood, making it thin, weak, nnd lacking in red corpuscles; poisoning tho brain, oausmg headaohes atid pain in tho eyes. Bad digestion irritates tho heart, causing palpitation, and finally brings on discaso of this very important organ. Poor digestion poisons tho kldnoyg, causing Blight's discaso and diabetes. And this i so because ovory organ, ovory nervo depends upon tho stomach, alone for .nourishment and renewal, and weak digestion shows itself not only in loss of appetite and fljsli, but in weak nerves and muddy complex ion. The great Entrlish t-uiontist' Huxliy, said tho best, start in life is u sound stomach. Weak stomachs fail to di gest lood properly, because, they look tho proper ijuantily of digoctivo acids (luetic and dydroohlorio) und popto genie products; tho most fiousiblo remedy in all cases of indigestion is to tide, after oaoh meal, ono or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, booauso they supply in u pleasant, hurmlesd lorm all thu eli nionts that weak stom achs luok, Tho regular uso of Stuart's Dys pnpsia Tublets will euro every form of stomach trouble, except cancer of tho stomach, Thoy inorcaso flesh, insure pure blood, ttrontr nervee, a bright ejo and eltar complexion, because all those result only from whilisome food well digested. Nearly all drucgiaia sell S'tiarr'a Dypopsit tfubltts ut 50 cents full sizad package, orby will by enclosing priae to" Stuart Co,, Mart-lull, Mich., but ask 0ur diuirtrioi Ii"8. Our people em kmi!..' rn"r,ej nnd more in the Imbir of JooMug lie Ueyo & Grlco for thu Intent mid bt e ..VHrythliiK In the drm: llm. 'I bey ei Oli'iiiibt-rlniit, Cough Keuifdy, I unions for itatjirt-J of bad coliie, crnilp and whunpltiuf oopki.' When in need or t-uoh h uirdlnitiii ive hls remedy a trial iiud you wilt bo more lYiau pleased with the rviult. 4 ( . I i " I urtf L e-VV I Ail ssss-5 vr i t - ' h I s 'V m:"-ftr. I-1 .. i v 1 1. . .... iL. -.a ssm. - 0m .1 .a, M j:tf x yAHjty yfeJM Atillfoi1tmi 'fm