The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 21, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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'flvi iVvCfotj6h
Is a remedy of sterling value. It positively
cures all Bronchial Affections, Cough, Cold, Croup,
Bronchitis and Grippe. You can always rely on it.
DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is indispensable to
every family. Price 25 cts. Shun all substitutes.
Chew LANGE'S PLUGS. Tho Groat Tobacco AnUdote.tOc. Dealer! Of mall.A.C.Mjyer & Co., Blto..M.
odis xn i:ds.
This Is Lent.
A.C. llnsMi'H, Killtnr.
JiAitov'lAiT. Asat l-ooat Iidltor.
mi my
H-$"5"K"K' J-
15c MEAL
fltltr,, KUTTKK,
iih, rornx.
(mm Lincoln
Reduction in repair
ing on shoes sold from
our stock only, others
regular price.
Nailing mens hult solus CO
Ladies luil t eoIcb 10
Boys hult polcn 1
Misses nnil jniitliB lutlf soles 35
Childrens' hult boIcb 2fi
Patches 10
See regular add
Cincinnuti Hoot Mini Shoo Store
A II. Kaley, Prop.
f.......j..... "v;:"""""i
Wviitlicr INireciiHlH.
Uk.d Ci.ol-I), Xi.ii., Feb. Si, ISM
The followhii: is tho weather
forecasts for tho next Ul hours:
Wnrntor tnnlulit mill
T V. C'owoi.n. Local Manager.
Noti- Theie form-iip'B will he ills
played dutl in every postoilieo in '-b.
county. .......
inur.v .tsj-vrso.v.
O. C. Hell is hm from Lincoln nnl
C. W. Kaley and wife are homo from
Hurry Pond and wife returned from
Omaha hut Friday.
Mrs. T. W. White of Itlue iq visiting
with h.r parents, .7. R. White and wife.
A. K.pp.'rl'i hanlc in Chicago broke
tho other day. Ilo is 1' man who nt
tempted to ft.irt n I '- sugar factory
hero liiPt eur.
The Red Cloud Chief hhs that their
commercial club wns no sooner organiz rained. Hastings' commereial
club couldn't rain it it cried its oven out.
AdaniH County Democrat.
Joo McClollnnd wnq united In mar
riage thifl week to Miss Mary Dnylo,
datiRhter of .Trio. Doyle, one of our
proflperous farmorP. Tnr.Ciithroxt.ndB
congrntuhiiionB. Rov. Father Barring
ton ofllciated.
Rov. Maxllnld haa been holding roviv
nls nt tho M. B church thifl weok, nsBiflt
od by the Rev. Ceo. W. Huminol. Wo
hpo tho nicotines will bo a grand
success. If tho church wants a revival
in oarnest, they will have to labor for it.
Mrs. Anson Higby, of Doadwood !b
reported dangerously ill, and small hopo
is entortainod of her rocovory. Mr.
Higby iB well known in Spoarllflh, as ho
wnn vice nrosidont of tho First National
bnnk horo whilo that institution was
doing businoss.-SpoarllBh (So. Duk.)
Christian Albrocht, aged 82 yoara
father of Fred Nowhouso and Mrs. Iv
Andorson, diod in this city last Satur-
doy, nftor a lengthy illness, and was bur
ied Sunday aftornoon from tho Luther
an church. Ho had lived horo for many
yonrs. Ho was born in Gormnny and
camo to this country oarly in life. Ho
leaves an iiRod consort and two children
to mourn his doath.
Sometime tho most cnrofnl womon aro
tho most. careus. Many a womau bnu
.!, i.,..nif im. to lioun ont siohnoss
uion iivii'vii i'i
U.whcnMio is neglecting tho very worst
iioknesB that can come to n woman. Sho
allows a BliRht disorder to becoino worse,
to Rlowly sap her vitality. The littlo n,i thH other slinht Indications of
trouble noem to hor nnimportant. Sluf
goes on, with increasing suffering, ntitil
lifo itself bocomoB a drag. Nervousness,!
"sinkiiiR spell," digestive disturbances,
and fifty other complications may arise
from the derangement of tho orgnns (lis
tlnotlyfomiuino. Over thirty years ngo,
tho need for a reliable remedy for so-call-
ed "femalt, complaint was recognized by
C F Cather vwii homo
this week.
Mre. 1). E. Diuknell was in Ilnetlngs
this week.
Dick Garber was released from custo
dy this weok.
Dick Gray was in Iowa this weok,
called there by tab gram.
For a lln hair tonic call on Hutchin
son tfc lliutt. tho harbors.
Tr n cm of Hopkiuc' Steamed Hom
iny (Hiilk'd Com). It is delicious.
J.iliu TomliiiBon left thifl weok for
Hi It county to "Rrab" oomo tlmbor
T. J. Vanllotiten of Norton, Kansas, n
friend of C. II. Miel, wiib in tho city
last Friday.
Mrs. E. A. Hall and daiifihtor Boulnh
spent Sunday at tho rcsidenco of Win.
Matheney, near Campbell.
Miko Finkonhinder, liviiiR woat of tho
city, found eomo excellent gold quartz
upon his farm tho other day.
I. H. Hampton and R. Woodwnrd of
Guide Rock wero in th city this weok,
attending tho Farmers' Instituto.
When you want a nico smooth shavo
or hair-cut, rIvo Geo. FontroBB n call
One door south of tho Hon Ton Bakery
Clarenco Stine, iiBB'tstant editor of tho
Superior Journal, was up from that city
last Friday to attend tho Leap Yoar
It. M. Cochrano tried to rnUo our back
hair this week, beoaiiFO our devil earn
that hifl youngest boy was a girl. Wo
take it all back, Robert.
Rev. I. H. Huckleberry and Rov. F. M.
Williams will preach at tho Baptist
church morning and ovoniiiR Sunday,
Feb. 2JJ, '0(i A cordial invitation extended.
A laro number of young follm nur
prhed the young son of Mr. ClinrleH
Guiney and wife tli other night by
I'omintr in and spending the evening. A
splendid timo wan reported.
I). .1. Myers, our popular real efltato
and farm loan tment, Iimv moved into tho
Klir.t Niitional Hank building, and has
one f tlio lineal otlleui in th state.
Tnhn is to be congiatuliitMil on his new
S'lii'liing, healing, olonmlng, D VIII'b
Witch Hnzt'l Halve in the mi-my to iiiruq,
woiindiand piles, which it never fails to
cure. Stopn ilohing ami burning. Cures
I'linpped, Hpq and cold wm in two or
Ihri-ii liours. :J I, Cottii g.
11. B. Muceer'o familiar face wan ob
surved upon our Btreots thifl weok, after
an nbFoncoof a jear or two. He is tho
pain jolly, good natiired gontlemnn that
ho was always noted for. Our den ac
knowledges n plo'isant call.
Rov. Geo. W. Hummel is homo fiom
Iowa, uhoro ho was called by tho sick
nesn of hie daughter, Idn, who died
hoforo ho roncliod there. Surely ho has
had his portion of sorrow, having only n
fow months ago lost his wifo and tlireo
childron, and now tho fourth ono. Ho
has tho sympathy of tbo pooplo of this
entiro section in his groat boreavomont
A gentloman of this city, notod for
practicul joking, mixed somo brass (Hinge
with Band and Bhowod it to ono of our
experts on gold mining. Tho follow
immediately got somo acids and ono
thing or nnothor, and commenced dem
onstrating tho fact that gold was actual
ly therein, during which timo bo spoilod
a cTj.75 pair of pants. The jokor novor
told him tho dilTerenco.
Sevoral emisaries of the Commercial
Club havo beon prospocting for coal nnd
minorola this weok. A small voin of
coal has boon found, but whother it will
amount to much is not known nt pros,
ont. Tho vein Btnrtod in at tho out-edgo
of a largo bluff and was only ono half
inch thick; at a depth of four feet it
had increased to 1J inches. Further
Investiiration will bo made. There is
surely somo kind of minoral hereabouts
and wo beliovo it would pay our pooplo
Geo. Scott went to Kansas today.
Geno Wright was home IIiIb weok,
&urt wiib in session ugain this weok,
f)r, Damerell was an our etr(V?jfl this
D. B, ypunoglo is np after a sever
Krncat Bolton fltul sister havo roturn-
od to Akron,
John Byrne nnd family havo gono to
Colorado to live.
G. M. Castor waB in tho city tho latter
part of Inst weok.
Mrfl. M. R. Bentlov ia visiting In
Omaha thin week.
Attorney OhnMcd of Hastings was in
tho city thin weok.
A comploto now lino of wall papor nt
Taylor's at bottom prices.
Rov. Arthur occupied tho Christian
church pulpit last Sunday.
Bon Adhom Lodge, I. O. O. F.
put a now roof on their builning,
Mies Eva Hummol returned
Milford, thifl Plate, last Saturday.
Chlldrons' Grain button shoes 51.00 nt
the Cincinnati hoot nnd bIioo storo.
Will Dale, tbo Phivnlv fnsurnnco Co'b
adjuster, was in tho city this week.
Mrs. L. II. Fort nnd dnughtor, Nellie,
havo been quite sick for a fow days.
Mens' patont leather dancing pumps
nt tho Cincinnati boot and shoo storo.
Mrs. Rufus Allon, neo Outflon, of
Smith Contor, v.ns in Red Cloud this
Mrs. Rosa Hall nnd childron of Wa
hso, Neb., aro visiting in tho city. with
Mrs. O.C. Tool.
Mrs. It. B. Wnhlquist of Hastings waB
tho gueet of her paronts thin weok, Mr.
S. C. Dilley and wifo.
Herb Barbor is in from Cripplo Creek
nnd snys ho struck a mino thnt went
$'JOO,000,000 in froo gold, in hie mind.
Wo neglected to montion last woek
that Julian Sunn received a bad cut on
tho wriot during tho llro in tho Bontloy
Tommy Penman has moved into his
his now qunrtors, where Spokellold kept
his rdoro Ho is a ruatlor and does buoi
nopn all tho time.
Tho Junior Endeavor gave a Valen
tino party at tho residence of Mrs. A. H.
Howard Inst Friday evening. A pleas
ant time reported.
Charley Turner is excited over Cripplo
Creek, but ho took time enough to tell
our reporter that ho had jtiBt become
papa of a baby boy.
Tho district meeting of the Knights
of Pythias on March tho 19lh will bo a
big day for K. P'h. Tho local lodgo is
doing nicely those days.
Rev. Geo. W. Hummol has closed his
meetings in Bladen for tho purposo of
helping Rov. J. K. Mavllold in h.s reviv
al mcetingfl in thin city.
Elijali Osborn, who has beon visiting
hia sister, Mtb. P. Conovor, in Hub city
fxr somo time, rolurncd Tuesday morn
iug to his home in Iowa.
DnndrnlT forms whoti tho glands of the
flkiu aro weakened, ntid if uegleoted, bald
nesfl in sure to follow. Hall's Hair Ho
newor is tho befit preventive.
James A. Garfield, W. R. O. No. 11,
meets nt G. A. II. hall Fobruary 20, at
2:30 p. in., and each altornato Saturday
thoroaf tor. Kato S. Judson, Cor. Soc'y.
Wo loam that John JeBson nnd family
expoct to go to Economy, Pa , in a fow
weeks, whoro Mr. J. has a lucrativo po
sition with John Dubs, of Economy
fa mo.
A high liver with n torpid liver will not
bo a long livor. Correct the liver with
DoWitt's Little Early Risora, littlo plllfl
oure dyspepsia and constipation. C L
Mol Tingloy and family go to Colifor
nia noxt wool:, their future homo. The
pooplo of this city who havo known Mel
for years will bo sorry to boo him loavo ,
but will wiBh him success.
On account of tho mootings now in
progross at the M. R, church, tho con -cort
announced to bo held at tho Con
grogatiqnal church Friday evoning,
Fobrunry 28, is postponed until furthor
Don't invite disappointment by exper
imenting. Depend upon Ono Minute
Coogh Cnro and you have immediato re
lief, It onroft cronp. The only harmless
remedy that produces immediato rasnlta,
U h dotting.
i A. C. Hosmer, of Tub CuiKr, has nB-
sumod chargo of tho Nebraska and
Kansns Farmor. as editor and manuger.
Leap Year Hull,
Tlio leap yonr party glvon by tho Initios
of Rod Cloud last Friday evening, Feb.
14, 18lHi, as nuo of the social ovents of
this season. About on hundred guests
wore present nnd whilo- tho Hod Cloud
orchegtrs playod strains of sweet music,
tiinihl tisut and light honrts kept por-
ect timo only slopping now and thou to
refresh thotUBelvcN r.lth delicious slier
borte, cukea nnd Ices, eorvod by two
young Indies amid a profusion of beau
tltul ropes, carnations and torus. Twen
ty.ono numbers wero danced and the
"wposnia" hours found many still trip
ping tho "h ht fantastic too." All wero
tastily and npproprlatly attired. "The
ladies looking protty nnd sweet, the gen
tlomon manly and neat." Among the
many beautiful (lowers worn were roses,
call a llllies, English violets, IIIHoh of the
valley and carnation;) with finishing
touches of ferns and smilax, each lady
supplying hor Loap Year partner with a
choico bontonnairo. Much credit in duo
thoBO who had chargo of tho interior
decoration, who. whilo laboring amid
many dilllcultiefl Hiicceeded beyond all
expectations, with tho nssifltimcoof pome
of Red Cloud'rt moat chivalrwiiH and
kind hear tod young men, to transform,
what wiih in tlio beginning only an empty
Btoro building, into a ery pretty and
tastily arranged ball-room and cozy ro
treat which was generously mipplied
witli easy chairs, divans, couches and
curd tables for those who winhcd to ueo
thorn and whilo thoro wero a few who
did not dance, all wero unanimous in
voting it a grand success.
Among thoso present wero Miss Delhi
nnd Mr. Ernest Bolton of Akron, Col.,
Mr. Stino ot Superior and Mr. Rogers of
G. E. McKcoby, A. C. Ilosmor,
Walter Sherwood, Ed Brown,
Seward Garbor, Alfred Hadoll,
Chas. Piatt, Madison Finch,
Aaron Conovor, Sam Temple,
D.J. Myers, John Dickorson,
Carl Jenkins, Frank Smith,
. Eniinn Strohni.
Tilla McClelland,
Mollie Foirie,
Willa Cather,
Josio Igou,
Lillian Smith,
Grace liodino,
Rottn Abel,
Bollo Spanogle,
Mabel Saunders,
Myrtle, Kaloy,
Uortlm Talbot,
Nollio Bennett,
Pearl Smith,
Nellie Went,
Blanche Sheier,
Mabel McMillan,
Nellie Kaloy,
Gertie Kaloy,
Emilino Warren,
Helen Ruby,
Blanch Sherman, Jennet to Dilley,
Bertha Brown.
Fred McKeeby, FlaveGrico.
Rob Potter, Henry Clink,
Homer Sherwood, Frank Goblo,
Frank Cowdon, Bernard McNony,
Goo. Overing,
John Tulleyp,
sale 1
Cost J
Amos Cowdon,
Will TuIIojh,
Rops Cathor,
Allio Albright,
Elmer Kaloy,
lV al tor Kaloy,
Bart Wright,
Ward Hyatt,
Goo. Nowhouso,
Harry LotBon,
Douglup Cathor,
Stownrl Albright,
Goo. Hmloll,
Doll Abel,
Joo Blair,
CIiiip. White.
Ernest Brown,
Nnto Platte,
Ben McFarland
Mary Minor, Margaret Minor,
Jonnio Boll, Ray Lolson,
Grace Fort, A flsitod by Miss Hndoll.
Nenety por cent of nil the people need
to take a course of HoodV SarHuparllla at
this Renson to prevent that run-down con
dition of the system which Invites disease.
Hood's pills nro purely vegetablo nnd
flo not pnrgo, pain or gripe. All drnggint
The republican contrnl committoo of
tho city of Rod Cloud are horoby called
to moot nt the Argim olllco on tho ovo
ning of March 2, 18'Jti, at 7:110 p. m.
R. B. Fulton, Chin.
to investiL'nto tho matter
r , . . n on i i, xnHMr. JIoBiuor lias made a succossof Tun
lTuosdny morning at 7:TOo clock, MiBsJvi.,,..., ..,, ...i,i ,im,i.inu ,i, 0..,..
w ., i ,..- ., ... Mu.awwu IMIIKU I DUU-
Rotta Ayorand Mr.UliarlesuughiMinor
wore married at tho residonco of tho
bride's grandmother, Mrs. E. C. Cather.
Only moinhorB ot tho family woro pres
ent. At oight o'clock an elaborate wed
ding breakfast was sorved. Tho young
couplo left on tho ten o'clock train for
Chicago, whoro they will remain for
tomo dnjo. On their return, Mr. and
Last Friday evoning our futuro grad
uating class of '93 indulged in a St Va
lentino party nt the residonco of D. F.
Trunkoy. Tho gay party wont in a hay
rack procurod for tho occasion. The
air wne ront with morry poals of laugh
tor. Many games woro playod in which
tho young folks partook freoly. One
"cow" (know) and ono "hluojay" woro
merry visitors. Aftor partaking ot a
simplo ropaat nnd n general good time
tho nocturnal party roturnvd at a very
lato hour. Tho cIiibb is noted for its life
and vigor for which wo predict a promis
ing futuro.
Quality !
Quantity !
11L1 ICIIMIIT Ulllttl''""" ' " i
n. i, v in,.,nn. !ii.n. im now. chief con- m. .T. L. Miner will tender thoni n
AJl, J.. , . .w.w, , - --
reception Friday, February M. Tiioir
enrdfl unmnince that Mr. and Mm Minor
will ho at homo after April 10th.
Bulling pi yflicinn to the World's Dinpen-
. .... !. i ... i.-.irni K V
pary ami liivnnus- imm, ui. fii
Hepreparul Dr. Ph-ieu's l'ftonlo Pro
scription, tho most wonderfully offroMvo
remedy that ban ever been ubed for sneh
innlodiefl. Hund 'J I cents in one-cent
Htninpc nod rcclve Dr. J'ietce's 1(03
jingo "Common Senae Milical Adviaer,"
The World's
Pair Testa
showed no baking powder
so puro or so 'great In Icaw
enlng power as tho Royal, .
cosa ot tho Fnrmor also. Nation.
"rinoterla do not occur in the blood or
tiHRiies of n healthy living body, either of
mnn or tho lower nuimnls." So Rays the
celebrated Dr. Koch. Other doctors Bay
that the best medioine to render the
blaod perfectly puro und healthy is Ayor'ti
Ono day this weok a wandering gentlo
man, from eomewhoro near nowhere,
landod in tho city and proceeded to mil
tivato tho acquaintance of his numorous
relatives. Whon calling on the dllforont
parties aliout town, his numo alwaB
ceemed to butt the occasion. An noar
iib wo can romomhor, his namo sounded
something like UiIh: JIiii Minorplntt
poiulincniltBhermun. Vt'o didn't hour
how succoiBful ho was, but wo rums
he'll not Btnrvv.
Highest Honors World' FftJfi
Mm rN xBll S8 fi 1 B.B
pme Grape Germ of Tart -ir Powder. Frei
troni Ammonia, Alum or any olliei dullctkK
Just received 3 000 pounds Missouri
dried peaches, 30 pounds fori.
Less quantities 4c per pound,
A Cracker Jack !
100 pioco dinner sot, J. & G. Mcakins decorated iron stono
china dishes at $8.50, former prico $12.00,
100 pioco Bctni-porsolain, decorated, $8,50.
GO sotz 7 inoh plates, white, semi-porcelain, 35o por sot.
10 sots G inoh plates, white, somt-porcnlain, 30o por Hot.
20 sets 5 inoh plates, whito, Hcmi-porcelain, 25o per Bet.
These goods will not last long at these
prices, COME QUICK.
We cairy the largest and best assorted
stock of
In southern Nebraska.
Tuiinure Bros.
Tho firm horotoforo existing under
tho firm namo ot Doyo & Grico lios this
day beon diBsolvod by mutual consent.
L. II. Deyo retires ami II. R. Grlce con
tinues tho business, asaumoa all obliga
tions nnd collects all accounts.
Red Cloud, Nobrasku, Feb. 1, 1800.
Ij. II, Dr.vo.
11. E. (Juice.
.I'm 11812 J? JiVLTj
Is kept fur corvloti at H. Day's barn. This
Hull was bred at Lincoln hi tho full of
llJ'JL', whilo hit mother win on exhibition
nl tho state fair. This bull touk first
i jirruiliJin nt the Web-iter county fnir in
fall of ISlWi. Thh Is the bmt brod Jersey
1 bull in Webster county. His wolght is
, K'OU lbs. Tor further particulars, o 11 .it
Foot of Elm St, Rod Cloud,