The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 21, 1896, Image 1

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    c ft-iTfj -,HCft?r'r?;,
Manager Chicago Journal
Col. P. C. Pierce Was Made a Well Man by Fame's
Celery Compound.
Af. tlio door of every newspaper
oflico might bo posted thu general or-
der Hush !
Tho busiest concorns in the busiest
streets are sluggards compared with
these newsgathoring hives whfro liu-
man fingers and brains arc matched
to kocp up with machinery,
Tho brunt of this fatiguing moutal
strain, unuvoidablo in getting out ono
of tho big city dailioe, for example,
tho Chicago Evening Journal, falls on
it5 business manager m tho caso of
this oldest daily in Illinois, Colonl
Frcdorioh C. Pierce,
Colonel Pierce is ono of tho busiest
men in Ulnuago, a city of early and cincs that thero is on tho market to- of tho ablest practitioners throughout
late workers. Drain workers in every day. tho United States,
profession will thank Colonel Pierce Yours respectfully, A mere glance at the faces of weak,
for tho following statemont recently F. C. Pikhok, nervous, run-down persons, after they
made by him: Rusinoss Manager Cluoaiio have begun to use this greatest oT all
"For several years I have been Evening Journal " remedies shows how rapid is tho nour
troubled with sick headache, caused A black eloud is no surer indica- ishing effoot of Painu's eclory corn
by constipation; otherwise I havo al- tiou of an approaching storm than pound.
wtTiB been in pi 1 feet health, and nc-vor persihtcnt headaches are of dangerous Thero aro thousands upon thous-
siok but for two weeks in my life, debility. amis well today because thoy used
This sick headaeho has boon very an- Thero is no ono specific that can P.iino's celery compound.
m "
Don't sho shino ?
I seon dat ring
- At Ponman's, do
al-' T-.-.lrt-
ESrHriiiKynurwatol), clock and Jewelry re-
pftfrwork.iouroamaNlnK and your old Kold
and .liver to mo, Exnmlner for
r TliomNnn Creek.
A fow in theso parts have oommeno
cd farming.
Tho famihos of Charles, Jnmcs and
Henry Danker havo nil had an attack
of tho grip.
Somo of our citizens attended tlio
danoo at John Myers last week.
8. It. Polly has been sick but is
...i. ii
Tvnw1' r
iTimnwt i
ltWj?7t OHf'SrTF
betttr now.
rr . - aggSlggggqgiigggt
noting. I linvo takon u number of
dillerent medicines which havo been
used and rccommondod by others, but
not until I took Puiuo's celery com-
pound did I find any roliof.
"This season I took one bottle and
was not troubled with headache for
at least six months, Sinoo that time
1 havo kept thu medicine in tho office
and used it occasionally, and have not
bcrn troubled with headache since,
"I have recommonded it to a nuiii-
bor of my friends, who havo been
benefitted ns 1 have. For n person
who is disposed to constipation, it is
unquestionably one of tho best medi-
Can tit your vyujinl aII
w J til
Fine Spectacles,
In the past r years I liavo lltteil thous
nnds of uyiH eorrootlj.
My Specliu'lc IJno Ih Complete.
Also my lino of all ltluds of
.... siiverwnre. Cliuiiiit.
" '
ClockM, UliiKh,
1 1IWU. X X,li XMxrXi. .
B. & M. R. R.
A vory ploasant surpriso party last
week at Mr. Riggins.
Dr. Waters has moved onto tho old
Thorno farm.
Mrs. D, It. Schcnok who has boon
quito sick for eoiiio timo is slowly im
proving. Mrs. J. L. Will is reported aiok
with tho U grippe.
?N rap--"-;.Jf?4
permanently euro hendachrs unless it
goes to the seat of the trouble. Tho
groat nervo and brain restorer, Pnino's
oolcry compound, does got rid of them
and leaves no chance for their return,
because the deep-seated cause tho
weakened nervous system at last is
supplied with tho food it has so sadly
felt tho ticcd of.
Tho best physicians in every city
in this country prescribe Pa'no's eel-
cry compound, whoru a rapid building
up of tlio system is imperative. As
an invigorate- in cases of nervous ex-
haustion, sleeplessness and a poor
ntato of tho blood, it is tho mainstay
Tho wi If hunt Saturday in Har
mony township was acompleto failure.
Elsworth Thomas waB in our neigh-
hood Tuesday on business.
Mr. Mooro ol Red Cloud was visit
inir in our locality last week.
Charlo) Dorin and Win lleinesfrom
nnnr InavaU wero in this vicinity
Peter Nelson, Jipi Peterson, Oloy
Nelson and Juno Polscn aro in Kear
noy countv this weok.
Ono of Mr. Nelson's bojs had tho
misfortune of having a horso fall on
him and break his leg.
Clydo Pitnoy and Wm. Tabor from
Weeping Water, Cass county, this
state, are hero visiting relatives and
friend and thoy expect to make the
homoward journoy on their bicycles.
Quick In effect, henln nnil leave no
peat. Hawing, sealy, skin eruptions
Hulelily cured liy DoWitl's Witch Htuel
Halve. Annlleil to borne. caliU. old (oroa
Iit is manioal In effect. Always cures piles.
C L Cottiog.
iX. A. Slmttonkirk or Kino Ilmll at
tended M. V. A. lodge in this city
Tuesday evening.
A. P. Johnson and wife drove over
to liltio Hill Sunday.
Rev. 1 1 inn mil filled bis appoint
ment at the ll.ill Sunday having re
turned from lwi .Saturday evening.
Mablo Day and Susie Kennedy
Sunday od with their parents at R"d
Nov. Williams ol Ilivcrton preached
in the Congregational church last Sun
day inouiing.
Rev. Alex md-r will pr.'ach in tin
G. A. 11. hall next Sunday evening
Come out and hear him.
Willie Lee, .John .Jones and wife,
0. K. li'cks and his uncle wero, ,ij
transacting business al Blue Hill
W. C. iMoorc expels to closo his
elevator about J.'areh 1.
Hurrah, the G. A. It hoys aro coing
to havo a camp lire in honor of Geo.
Washington birthdaj, Saturday, Feb,
22. A basket supper at six o'clock
sharp. A good program has been
prepared to entertain tlio rest of tho
evening. Come every body and help
N. W. liod drove to Red Cloud
one day last week.
Way no Reed has moved on tho
Graves farm and Frank Toothacrc on
Mr. Keeth's farm.
Sumo of our farmers havo commenc
ed plowing for corn and soma aro
breaking prairie.
C. V Rarrctt and Emma Barrett
took a trip to Lebanon Saturday.
Geo. Million will farm and run a
blacksmith shop on J Cooper's placo
this coming year.
Lot us havo another wolf hunt, ns
tho other was a failure.
Miss Edith Scrivncr wns the leader
of tho League at Ml Hope last Sunday
F. L. Smith and W. P. Weaver
made a iljing trip to Hurr Oak last
Tho Advents will hold tlioir(uartor
ly meeting at Womor next Suutdry
and SuudiiV.
Prajcr meeting cyory Wednesday
evening Geo. Mouutiord leader.
G. W. llumrick wa at Crow Hill
last week.
C. II. Petry bus rented tho old Fo
gtl placo this year.
Gcorg" and Con Johnson wero vis
iting at 11 tin Hill lanl week.
There was a surprise at S. C John
son last Monday evening it being Miss
Cora's ISth birthday.
Mr. .J esse Supp has rented Dohatt's
place for this year.
Wo offer one hundrul ilollara roward
for any enso of Catarrh that cannot bo
curd by llnll'rt catarrh cure.
I'.J. OIIKNKV &t'0, 1'iops., Toledo. 0.
Wn thu iiiuiL-rniLMied havu known 1'. J.
Chinoy for tho last 15 joarp, and belltvo
him porfectly honorable in all bmlnesfl
transaotionH nnd ruiancially ublo to carry
out any obligation inadu by their linn.
West it Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, 0.
Wnldlng, Klnnnn &. Marvin, Wholimalo
DriiggUtH, Toledo, 0.
Hall'u Catarrh Cure is takon internally
acting directly upon tho blood and mti
Mm mirfAf'KH of tlin HVBtein. 1'rlon Iho,
per bottlo. Hold by nil druggist. Testl
inonials free.
C. Hunter shipped two cars of hogs
to Omaha Tuesday.
G. W Knight returned from Omoha
Satuiday night.
Mr Mussor who used to bo farmer,
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
Highest of all in Lcavcninc Power.
DsjUbj Baking
A5&E&$l,E&V MBE
(.f thu Goblt! ranch was on our streets
Quito a number from hero wont to
Red Cloud, Wednesday night to help
take C. Hunter through tho uij.steties
or Woodcraft.
Ahout fifty friends and neighbors
vouik' ind old u'ave Olinstcad and fain
ily a suppriso last Tuesday night
They plajed oards and other games
until midnight. All leport a good
Al Garney sold -100 bushels of com
to Mr. Hardwick and son.
Sovcral frm hero attended church
at tho Hummel school house last Sun
day. Charley Myers was visiting nt S. E.
Wolcotts ono day last week.
Rtv. VauDjko is out buying up
cattle now days. IIo will buy or sell
just as you wish.
Dan Raker has been sick but is
ablo to bo around again.
Ed Palmer's wifo presented him
with a valentine on tho 14th. It was
a girl.
Mrs. May Latto, uco Hummel, and
and husband aro hero visiting her sis
ter Mrs. Sadio Holdrego rtnd family.
n. k.
If suffering with plli-H, it will Interest
you to kupw that Do Witt's Witch lluzol
Hnlvo will euro thorn. This tnodiolno Ih
n speoido for nil eonin'nlnts of this ohnr
aotur, and if iustrnatious (which nro hIiii
pin) aro carried out, n euro will result.
Wo hayo teBted tlih in numerous caso,
nnd alwnj- with liko results. It novor
fnilfl. CIj Cutting.
S. Frisbio was homo Sunday.
Mrs. Moso Carmoncy and son of
McCook is visiting bor parents C. C.
Cox nnd wile.
Miss Alta Hiker is visiting in Red
Cloud this wool;.
A fc w ol our young ladies receivod
sovcral valentines. Tho think news
boys must havo lots of cash.
All' Saladcn, Susie linker, J. W.
Snladoti and wifo called at Red Cloud
Mrs. G. W. Biker
and daughter
Ida is sick wi'h giip.
Mr. Zeiuler ol liojtwick was visit
ing hero Sunday.
G. C Mann was homo Suudny.
Miss Delia Auxior is on tho sick
Some of our church member of Am
lu.y willgivu a ball at Red Cloud, Feb.
11), at tho residence of Jeriniah .Jud
kins. 111!! street. Sunner will bo
served at the usual hour. Wo extend
an invitation to News Roy and his
host girl.
Thu ohoir extends many thanks for
tho compliment fiom our stranger.
No fchool at Ploasant Hill this
week on account of Miss Red's sick
Hugh Real is assistant prolessor of
tho Pleasant Hill academy.
Miss Rerkficld was visiting at C.
IUsscs'h Sunday.
Messrs Mitohel and Real and Misses
Cookrall and Frisbio attended church
at Cowlcs Sunday.
Mcth of life's miiory is dno to Indlges.
1 !... y- ll'ltr. inn lilt lint.t.V cltll fl linltl
'"' ' ., . '' ,.' ,,
111 mrj niiitti-. i --- --..--
Btrengtluner of tho allmontnry organs,
Ayer'u pills aro invalunble, their uso bo.
Leg, always attvuilrtl'wlth marked benefit
Latest U.S. Gov't Report
:i-ioUiMt Crevk.
Souib" farmers arc cutting stilkg,
Makus us feel as if spring was hore.
Henry llairis and family nro sick
with Giippo.
Rcrt Tontiant was visiting his par
ents Monchy.
Threo of the l""st boys in school
. .... 4
were gueti it Mii.!urt party in the ch
tiro room by tho teacher.
Some of tho boys gnzo long and
sadly nt their valentines and say I
never thought sho would hivo sont
Tom Jones nnd wifo from Inavalo
were visiting with Mrs. Tcunantonc
day this wcik. Tom thinks tho pops
will elect a president this year.
Tho party at Chas. Gurnoy's was
well attended nnd a good timo enjoyed
by nil.
Georgn Winton xpcots to return to
Cripple Creek soon.
Last Wednesday morning as Mr.
Fred and Miss Nellie Matirer wero
driving to suhool their horso becamo
frightened and ran away thr-wing
the occupants out and breaking tlio
buggy to pieces. Ncllio was quito
svtroly hurt. Tlttx.
Ono Mlnnto Cough Caro touches tho
right a put. It alo tonohcR it at tho right
timo If )on take it when yon havu a
cough or cold? Then don't cough. C L
. .
Afraid or -..'omiimptloti.
Peoplo who lose flesh aro in danger
of consumption. In many coses loss
of ilcsh is tho first symptoms of tho
droad disease
Light weight is to often a sign of
somo wasting diseaso which gots its
first start from indigestion. Curo tho
indigestion nnd health, strength and
flesh will bo rapidly regained.
All physicians aro agreed that tho
most important thing to bo dono in
hucIi eises is to imprnvo tho oppctito
aud digestion; and if this cannot be
dono there is very little hope, for
strength, flush, pure blood nnd strong
nerves oan only, coiuo from plenty of
wholesome food well digesied.
This is the reaion so many physi
cians recommend Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, because ol their wonderful
invigorating and nutritivo proprerlics.
Fur loss of vigor, headaches, constipa
tion, sour risings and other symptoms
of dyspepsia thoy constitute tho safest
most n itural cure. Aud thero is a
gooJreasm lor their success. They
aro composed of tho natural digestivo
acids and fruit essences which ovcry
weak stomiich lacks.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots rapidly
incrcaso tho weight, tho heotio flush
soon leaves tho consumptive's olicek,
the skin assumes tho hue of health,
night sweats cease, tho cough dies
away and the cumulation is lost under
a enating of warm, normal flush.
Taken after meals these Tablets di
gest all wholesome food eaten, increas
ing tho nppotitc, enriching (lie blooa
a'.d soon rcmovo those miserable foot
ings which only tho dpspeptics can
appreciate. Slum's Dyspepsia Tab
lots are sold by druggists at f0 cents
for full sizod paokago, A book on
stomach diseases and thous-nds of
testimonials of yenuino euros sent
freo by addressing the Stuart Co.(
i 1...11 m:i.
iuuranun, 1'iiuii.
WANTED A rolltiblo lady orgontle
mnn to distributed samples and niiilto a
houeo to-houso ennvuss for our Vegota
bio Toilot Soaps. flO to 175 a month
fiisily made. Address CioftB k. Reed,
812 to 850 Auotin Avonue, CUicago, III.
1 muEE--:l'jtfir
.,.' C.
r tS
;TirzzT irrr?
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