V THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 1896. I : i ' 9 I I: n, I Wll Wi 05V LINIMENT, ' TIIU HEST Affords a 'PJ and ailments flesh. Prloo, 2ic, BOo. find Sl.OOnor THC DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUI9, MO. U. .V M. . II. Time 't 0. (IOINO KAS1 m lo:il Kreluht, I.v n ii in. in -i ' iwi-rf " 1":"' " Ar in.no :i. m. Ci, I'u-.U'relc.lit. " l:M.m. MnilM" (IUINC NOIIT1I 142, Mixed Train, I.v II 36 ii, m.Ar 11:18 p. in UOINOWKST IB, Tiist Kri'UliI, I.v II :IR n. in. Ar 111:30 u. in Ml .iiueilTr.iin, " Uiia p. in. " iimi ii. m in! l-nnui-r. " s:K)n.iu. " s:.K). in IIATKH OK AllVKinlNIMI I'ruf. r.iiili, 1 im.lt 01 leu per )or.... Hlx lllltltlH Tliu'i. mntitli SO IKl , .:kk) ..'J mi mamii.mi AiivrurinK.Mr.Nrn. IVi lM'liiin'.viiir ? "J I'll Huh Hit months I "" I'l'l IIH'll llltl'll IlllllltllS , S '"' MhmIiiI iH'lictH tn-r llnu or linn hp.u't', llrnl imMli'nllimScciitii. . Tiiimlfiit ipi'diiiH, p,in1il Inuirliittly In ad vance, tier 1 1 hi; liiri-iiii. . .... All ipiuIIiiK notice In ilii n ittirmif ndU'ttliP mi'iiWni ptilf. coi'iito per line. I .mil notice ntlt'liilMlill'i, ! foril-illllirp ((it mi i ill NimiHiroll or less,i lint iitilillc.iiion r t ini; for imiIi eulnciucnt iiilllcnlioii, pel iu ire, no cents. fso "tit-clerud iniiliiii"r(iiilrai,tHiiiH'l' All tinnier In innim publication iiuiii l r celvt l ill Hi W iifllfo nut biter limn i-iliiu- ' Advertisements cannot he ordered in i lti current week Liter tli.inThnmtiiy. AtniMiy. , A few young people spent liiBt Sutur day ousning ut Mr. Frisblo'n. All liml u good timn. It io not best for nny morn BtrntiKcrs to visit tho Christian Kndeiivorunil tlit'ii go away with thn saying on thoir Hih tbnt tlio choir ought to sand papor thoir voIcoh. Fnl). 1 1 MIhh May Trunltoy will entor tain ht'r cIiuh mules of tliu Red Cloud high tohool with ii viilontiuo pnrty. It is wished by tho nietnborH of tho ChriRtuin Kndouvor thut nil who have nny thing to nny on tho subject iiRsltrnecl for tho ovoiiiug would fitnnd on their foot imil lot nil in tlio liouso hour them Htid then when thoy urn through hu still bo othern cmi Ih heard. SoniBot A. Ureon'B friondu havo got- ton up u subscription for linn, lr you wieli to ntd your mito luinil it to CJcorgo Maun. On WVilncpdiiy MiPDCH Dollu nnd Stella Auxier left Huh city to npunil 11 fow iImjb in Hod Cloud. Tho Amlioy (lobutiiiK society duuided that tho law should prohihit thn wuarint; of bloomers. Mr. V. limil Iihb gono to Chicnifo on bUflillOHH, A fow of ournod church momborB ox peotod to iittoiid a dmico in Red Cloud February !, but owing to thn condition of tlio iitmoHphoio woro unablo to ut tonil. Thoy contontod tliiMiiHtlvos by Buying "All thuiKH work toKothor for good for thorn thai lovo tho Lord." Gicjrc,o Law Iihh roturnod from Kan Baa whnro ho has boon Rolling oniotib. Owiiir to tho illnoBB of tho V. P. S. C. E. orgiiuint, Susio HnUor, tho choir did not practico but have dinncd thn tiino to Saturday niht and thorn to (a. V. Ualtor'n. All initio HlngorB aro invited to coino and bring their lioHt girls. If Mr. Sheldon is ubsont from Sunday Bchool next Sunday Mrs. Lorn FriBbio will taUo cliargo of the Bchool, Nkwb Ho v. Hlinon S, llnrtiniiii, of Tnmielton, Wust Vn., him been nuhject to nl tacit of colio about mice n year, nnd wnulil luivo to cull a doctor ami then milfur nbout twolvo bourn iiH much jib Home do when thoy dlo. He wiih taken recently jnut the name oh at other I linen, and concluded to try Cham brrlaluV Colic, Cholurn ami Uinrrhoon remedy, Ho Huyn: "I took ono done of it und it gnvn me relief in flvn miiuitun. That in morn thnu any thing elne linn ever dime for me." for Hide by Doyo & Oriee. tSlacliNiiiltli Keiuoviil. Wo havo moved our blackmnith nhup to thn lilglitfoot liuihling, Routh of thn laundry. All IuiiiIh of work done and guaranteed. A. Hrunor A- Son. 7 It A high liver with n torpid liver will not be a long liver. Current tlio livor with DeWlttV bittlollnrly KiHern, littlu plilH cure d)BpepHia and coiiHtipatiou, 0 li Ootting. Tlio list of lottora remaining at tho poBtotllco uncutlod for up to Fob. in, 169G: Altiright, Job. Hoiler, Christ Coino, S. Fotrow, Ida Lamanger, Frank Nolson, Q. P, Tho nbovo lottora will bo eont to tho dead lotter otllco Fob, 27, 1890. If not culled for. FuankCowiirn, Postuiastor. Any tendency to premature baldness may bo promptly cheeked by the nse of Ayer'a Hair Vigor. Don't delay till the floalp la bare nnd tlio hair-roots des troyed. If you would realize the best ro units, begin nt onoo with thin invnltiablo preparation, A Ootid rami Tor Sale. Four mih'B north-west of Red Cloud, containing K'O ncrcs. TerraB reiiBonnblo, Apply to MrB. Juh. Kirkwood, Fuirfax, Atchieou county, Mo, 15-lim Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal nd Diploma. U Hftl FIN'S M -w-- w VOLCANIC OIL ANII 0REATI15T CURB OP PAIN, j quick relief from the accidents common 10 numan or annum In rnnsfnnt use for halt a century. I bottlo. Sold everywhere Illiideu. J. C. Hartirwn waa attending court at Kcd Cloud the for part of this wack, W. II. HofTman and wifo drove to Hustings Monday returning Tuesday Jap, White and Mr. Albright of Hed (Moud were shaking hands with friends in this oity last Wednesday. W. P. (JlawBon marketed soino hogn at HIud Hill Friday. Ui-v. Hummel was called by tele gram to Iowa Monday to see his daughter who ih soriou?ly ill. Kdward Kirr nnd Miss Klsio Grcig worn united in tlio bond of matrimony at (ho homo of iliu brides pare n is on Fob. ft. llcv. Iluiinncl oflioiati'd. Horn unto Mr and Mrs. 0. A. Kist orlyon Sundaj, Fob. 2, n son. An Kpworth Liaguo was organized l'a-it Saturday and Sunday by Rev. lluiuuu'l with over oighty charier numbers. This is the siroiige.it League organized in tho county. The services Mill continue at iliu G. A II. hall. Much interest is main gcsied in tho meetings. Itov. Young Iihh charge during Htv. Uutumolri b scnoe. Religious topics and discussions havo taken the (il.ieo of poitios on our streets now. If tho huir in fnllini: out nnd turning grny, the glands of tho Hkin no ml Htimii liting and color food, and tho bent rom ody and btiinulnut is Hall's Hair Hunower. i m Crtiiikvd Creek. Parties mid spelling schools are the chief aiuuscincnti now a-days. Mrs. Martin nnd daughter were vis iting at Mrs. Ten Haul's ono day thib week. Tlio party at Mr. Nolswortli's waa a grand suocess, Kvorybody reported a good time. Guy and Richard Tenuant were visiting in Franklin last week. Mr, Denno und wifo wcro visiting ut Mr. Harris' Sunday. Tho spelling school last Thursday evening was well uttouded, and a good time enjoyed by nil. Misa Minnie Reihr was tho champion speller. Will Holsworth and wife from Bla den wero visiting thoir parcuts last week. George Wintnn has returned from Cripple Crook, where he has beeu looking after his mining interest. Ed Reihor'H favorite buggy horfo was badly out on tho wire fence one day last wook. Tmx. A CtJIlAHI,i: DISCASF.. Clironle Calarrli In Proiinimeed Curulilo by Ir. Ilarlmau. Thcro arc an almost countless num ber of remedies said to euro chronic catarrh. The most of these aro of no use whatever, nnd many worso than useless, being actually harmful. A few aro successful in a small number of cases llioso which aro very slight and easily curable cases which might almost got well by simply taking cam not to catch cold again. Rut of all this vast multitudo of medicines it can not bo said that there aro more than two or three which aro notunlly specifics, and without doubt the most reliable Pe-ru-na, ft nlwajs cures when it is faithfully and conscien tiously used. It not only cures ca tarrh of tho head und throat, but ea tarrh of tho stomach, livor, bowels, lungs, bronchial tubes, kidnoys, and in fact any of the organs of tho hu man body. It is indeed a dreadful caso of catarrh, wherever looated, that Pc-ru-na can net euro, or at least greatly help. It my bo proourod at all tho drug store, and it should bo given a faithful trial by those who havo tried iu vain elsowhoro to get ro lief. A book on catarrh and catarrhal discasos of 64 instructively illustrated pages will bo sont freo to any address by Tho Pe-ru-nn Drug Manufacturing Company of Columbus, Ohio. WEH riirnhhcd Expressly Tor The Red Cloud Chief. (Copyrightod, 181X5, by W. T. Foster.) St. Josfpii, Mo., Fob. IB. My last bulletin gavo forecasts of the storm waves to cross tho continent from 17th to 21st and tho next will reach the Pacific coast nbout 22d, cross tho west of Rockies country bv closo of 2Ud, groat central vallejs 21th to 20th and eastern states 27th. TIiIh disturbanei! will bring ex tremes of temptraturo and rudical weather changes with high tempera tuns preceding the next storm wave. Tho warm wavo will cross tho west of Rookies country nbout 22d, groat central valloys 24th, tastcrn states 26th. Cool wnve will croBi the west of Rookios country about 21th, great central valleys 27th, eastern states 29th. cuoiv, ok 1896. Indications urc that the crops pro duced this year will bo mora valuable to the producers than usual, and therefore how to obtain tho best re sults when battling with floods and drouths is a matter of particular in terest at this time. Very deep plowing, without tinn ing tho top toil under, is tho first requisite. To effect this, uho a nar tow plow, and instead of running two plows use oulv otic and double the team. If a wido plow is used, deep plowing somutimiH does not produce a good crop tho lirst year boeauso tho top soil is turned under. This is ths year to experiment a little and learn something for luturo use Commence on gardens nnd next year you enu oxtond tho successful exporimouts to tho linger fields In 1870 u peasant farmer in Eng land observed that a hill of potatoes in his garden gro,v much taller and had a much moro thrifty and health ful appearance tho whole season than any of its neighbors on tho same soil, without additional cultivation or fer tilizing. When the potntocs wore dug, this hill produced double tho amount of nny of tho others and tho peasant's curiosity was excited, He wanted to know why this rcmarkablo difference in production had occurred. On dig ging bolow the potato hill ho found an old rusty iron hoop, but otherwiso the soil conditions woro just tho same us other parts of the garden. Next year ho placed old iron hoops under potato hills in several parts of his garden, and in each case a doublo jK'ld of potatoes was ths rosult. These facts woro given to a chem ist nnd, after numerous tests and ex periments, ho concluded that tho iron under tho potato hills caused an in crease in the electric currents from tho atmosphere, and that this was tho causo of tho increased vigor in the vcgotablo growths. Those tests wero extended during tho third year by placing continued wiros under entiro rows of potatoes, leaving two or thrco rows botwecn with no such wires under them. The result was a remarkable difference in tho yiold in favor of tho potato rows under which tho wires had been planted, A romurkablo feature connected with theso exporimonts was tho in creased moisturo about tho potato hills iu whioh tho iron had neon planted. This iucrcaio of moisturo is tho important point iu theso exper DR. KILMER'5 KIDNOLIVERes MWB" Rheumatism Lumbago, pain In Joints or back, brick dust in urine, frequent calls, Irrltutlon, Inflammation, BTUvel, ulceration or catarrh of tho bladdor. Disordered Liver Tllllousnoty, headache, Indigestion or trout. rUVA.ill'-HOOT InvlKorates, cures kidney dlUlcultles, Ilrlglit's dlscuso, urinary troubles. Impure Blood Scrofula, swlailn, wncni) weakness or debility. Swump-ltootliiillilsup quickly n rundown constitution and muxes tho weak strong. At iirncsUiH so t'fiiiH nnd 81.00 Slzo. IiuhIIiU' liUlilo to llt'ultu" ilii- Lounulauon free. lili. KlUlXU It CO.. llUsOUAUTON, N. Y iments. The moisture increases tho tlio conducting powor of the soil, and this, in turn, increases the currents that pour into tho topB of tho vege tation from tho atmosphere, thereby increasing tlio amount of plant food carried into the vegetation. All plant food comes from the atmosphere, not th soil. Since this discovery was made tlio gardoucrs in England have used it extousivcly, und its use bus had n successful iuii of about twenty-six years. The In Ht results arc found to bo in the dry years, bceatiso of tho moisture gnthering poweisof tlio iron through tho increased electric currents. Let us put these valuable truths to practical use for a small portion, at least, of tho 1896 crops. This can bo accomplished by many, in n small way without expense. Mako use of anything that is iron. Rury old tin cans n foot deep under a few hills of different kind of vego tublts, leaving ather hills botwecn withaut nny iron about them. Gath er up all tho old iron hoops you can find, cut them, straighten them, lay thorn with their ends touching, six to ten inches deep, under rows of corn, or cotton, pens or sweet potatoes, to nntoiis or radi.dics, or other vegeta bles, and watch tho result as com pared with others not thus supplied. If iron, in any of its forms, is oiinveniuiit, uso it about your trees, garden plants, and common crops. Where fruit trees aro in a failing condition from any cause, this iron fertilizer will usually restore health and vigor. It will destroy th-t weovil, or curculio, and where fruit is stung by any of the various dchtiuctivo in sects, a free use of iron iu tho soil aiound the trees will uct as a prcvont ativn by restoring vigor tw the troe. Insects sting tho fruit of sickly trees. This is the habit of the cur culio. Diseased fruit is better adapt ed to propagating insect life, and if tlio tree and fruit is made healthful, the insects will not uso tho fruit in which to deposit their eggs. Iron fertilizer, that is, iron in any form that will supply tho soil with oxido or rust, will euro or provent oot tou blight, and will destroy many of tho worms and insects that prey upon tho cotton plant. No exporiment has been tiicd as to tho boll worm In cotton, but it is be lieved that no boll worm can exist in cotton whoro tho soil i fertilized with iron. Try tho iron fertilizer everywhero this year on every kind of crops, at least, in a small way, report tho ro sult to mo and I will give tho world tho benefit of it through my bulletins. Iu every caso I will give tho namo and address ol thn person making tho experiment, so that all intorcstod par ties can thoroughly investigate as to tho truthfulness of the reports. I am thoroughly convinced that tlio uso of iron in various ways, as an aid to crop productions, will prove to bo of yery great vuluo to tho human race, and everyene who, during 1896, mako an experiment, lot it bo ever to small, will not only gain valuable in formation but will lastingly benefit mankind. The nioycle nnd the Corset. Tlio Paris correspondent of tho Lew don Truth hays that tho lougvoxed ques tion of tho cored is in u way to bo sot tied onco nnd for ull. Noithor doctors uor rational dress reformer) will earn tho credit of tho chungo, thanks boing duo to tho oyclo only. Cyclo tailors nnd trainers in Paris nro dead set against the corset. " There's no answering for yonr safety, nindniuo," says tho trainer, "if ym mnst go on hooping your conventional figure You need ovory muscle in your body and overy inuselo freo. A cointuro just doep onough to sustain tlio waist band of your knieks (knickerbockers, pronounced "knocks") is nil I can til low yon. Indeed tlio knieks shonld bo eo light its hardly to weigh on tho hips. Tho cycling dross should bo so light and elastio that in wearing it ono should scarcoly feol dressed voro it not for the warmth." Wo look in Paris on a gown woariug womnn on n oyolo ns 6prnvling enri catural creature, with no sonso of iltuoss. Wrinkles. If onr forehead is rigid with wrinkles beforo 40, whnt will it bo nt 70? There is ono consoling thought nbout these marks of timo and trouble tho death I angel almost always erases them. Even tho oxtromoly agotl in doatli often wear a smooth and poacofnl brow, thus leav ing onr last momory of thorn calm and tranquil Bat oar business is with life. Scowling is a silent kind of scolding. It shows that our souls uocd sweeten ing. For pity's snko let ns take n sad iron, or n glnd iron, or n smoothing tool of Eomo sort und straighten tho cronsea , ont of our faces boforo thoy becomo in- dolibly engraved upon our faces. Ex- I nliuimo What is ..... y,. 1, i..... i Costorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitulo for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nnd Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its gunrantco is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms nnd allays fovcrisluicss. Castoria provents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend, Castoria. "CottorU Is an excellent medldno for chil dren. Slothcra ha o nipeatcll jr told mo of Its good effect upon their children." Da. 0. C. Osoood, Lowell, Mass. " fjastorlft Is tho best remedy for children of which I am aeiiuiliited. I hopo tho ilay Is not far distant w lien mothers w Ulconslder tho real Interest of their children, nnd uso Castoria In stead of tho various quack mwtrumB which aro destroying their loved one, by forcing opium, morphine, Boothlng Bynip and other hurtful ocenta down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. KntcniuoK, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, TI Murray Stroot, Now York City. A Voiee from E4 auras. Editor Chief: I see your oity has organized u commercial or business club, if propurly managed it will be of great benefit to your city and tho sur rounding country. We would suggest first the improvements of the roads leading to your oity, by so doing you will aid jour hoi; and grain market. Where people go to market their gram und stock there they usually spend tlicir money. Don't mNtniie the Roman sayini, that all roads lead to Red Cloud. The people in this part are getting tired of tmvoling roads that have noyer boon worked. Tho roads to the state lino on tho Kansas side have been worked in good shape, From the state lino iu Neb raska to the river bottom tho roads ara in a deplorable condition. When tho roads are made good and people come in traitis to your city treat them with. By io doing you will hold your trade and gain a business- rep utation second to no city in tho west. Wo would also suggest tho liboral uso of printer's ink. Lei the people know what j on huvn for salo und whnt your prices are. Quiok sulos und small pre fits should ever bo jour motto. Who pup the creamery, the canning factory. Stir up another ruilraad or two; that will give ih competition in freight nnd passenger rates. Wo would also suggest the renewal of tho daily uuil from Red Cloud to Cora, Kansas., then wo could get daily mar kets from your oity to eastern cities as well, iuito a number oi our peo ple wero taking advantngo of low pricea advertised in Tiik Chiek f Inst week. Health is usually good in this neck of tho woods. Stock is winter nicely. People- aro beginning to prepare for spring work. Wo had a fine rain tho last two days of .Jan uary and n nice snow tho sixth of Fob- nur). J. M. B. .... Threw Away His Ciiiicm. Mr. D. Wiley ox-postmaster, ninok Creek, N. Y., was so badly nlllioted with rheumatism that ho was only able to hob ble nrnund with cnues, and oven then it caused him great pain. After uMiik Chamberlain's l'ain Halm ho was bo much improved that ho threw away his onnes, Ho saya this lini meat did him more ood than all other medicines und troatment put together. For hiiIu nt fiO cents per bottlo by Doyo & Gnco. LAXOIi is tho best raedioino for child ren. Doctors recommend It in placo of Castor Oil. market Report. Corrected weekly by Hed Cloud l'roduco Ce, Wheat fiO K Corn now 15 Oats now 18 Rye 25 Barloy 35 Flax 75 Hogs 3 503 CO llutchor's stock 2 002 CO Butter 13 Eggs 10 Potatoes 40 Spring chickons perlb 0 Old bona per lb 4 TurkojH 7 lluy per ton 3 003 50 Children Cry foE i Pitcher's Castoria. l Castoria. " Castoria Is bo well mlnptod to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." .... .. . II. A. Ancnr.n, M. D-., Ill So. Oxford Bt., llrooklyn, N. Y. " Our phyblclans In tho children's depart- 1 meni navu spuKt-i- ik'" "- . .-;- -i i-iiee In their outsldo practico I th Castoria, and nlthuugh wo only luivo among our modioli supplied what la known as retruUur products, yetwoaro froo to confess that tha merlta of Costorla lias won us to look wltk favor Un it." United llosirrix. and DisrENBAnr, Boston, Mas. Am C. BMmt, rrts., nHi ns. i:. ots:s. A, C. Hos.vtr.i::- Dear friend and edi tor, tho (Jr-at Kiimily Weekly hna gon orously op'mi'il to mo ample room in tho past in which, with tho boot of motives I have writton iioticeF, notes and obser vations for tho information of your mul titudo of reiulern, both at home und abroad with n view of lHpini; to keep our oity nlivo and more especially to thank and compliment the faithful church workers and jjlvora. but it hne come to mo tlmt I havo uiven offonce and as I dosiro tho iood will and friend ship of all our townsmen mid that only tho best things shall came to thorn one and ull, I am quite null p"rmiitrded that while tipped is silver in this case, for tho present ut lpied, silence will bo gol den. Again tb.inkiiig ou for all courte sies, I remain youra very respectfully, J.H. IC. MAXPtRDU. A young man in I, iwol', Mai's., troub led for years with a oonntmit aucoesafon of boils uu hifl neck, wna completely cared by taking only thrco bottlea or Ayer's Saroaparilla. Another result of th treatment wan greatly Improved di gestion with inorensod avoirdupois, One Minntn CohkIi Ciuo tonclioa the riht spot. It nlo touches it at tlio right timo if yorr tnko it when yon have n conirh or ooldT Then don't cough, C L Cotting. hoo Uahy was bIcIc. wo ravo her Castorta, When alio vas a Child, tho cried for Castorta. When Bho becamo Miss, tho clunir to Castorta. When boh had ChllJreu, sho t;a o them Castorta. SPECIAL SALE March 2d AT .1. O. IUT2.a:Si'K II A EC. SPKOIALSALIJ ON FARM HARNESS of five pi:i; CUNT. ;27 00 11a iii'dh for $'2.', 05 23 10 29 CO 30 00 32 00 35 50 2( CO 27 55 28 50 30 40 31 83 Also a live per cent difcount on Swoat Pads and Collars. This in a cost sale, und for this dato only. Theso harnesses aro all hand made and good oak stalk. J. O. Itim.SlIt, Prop. COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OnTAJN A PATENT? For a K.?IPL VE?f "'.' ",n no-nort opinion, write la , MIJNN & CM)., who Iibto hait iienrlTtlhr years SB VI lfeH AVI A A I SI Iija fti.iSnnt l.t...lton. r . - . -T - iviinivu ii mo I'muiiv uiitnrhB. lilulTUUniCvi tlons strictly confidential. A llumlliooUof Id.1 formstloii concerning : I'iupihm urn! Iiow to oo. tain ttiem sout free. Alse n cntsloguo of mechan ical ana sclentllla IkioIcs mint free. """ , .nSi,.ll".!!!n,i?.l,.i,l,i',1.",h tM"" Co- resolve J.."-i!r? 'T0"Ul. widely belnnillm iiutillowrtu. SSLW 'I?,1'1". Inventor. This siilriidlil rr. "ueilweeklr.elcuantljrlliuBtratcd.liiH by fir the Iswjt el mil nt i on of mif aclnillllo vMirk Iu thu w,,fl'Ji-..,.9.T,,,,r. SHiniiln ceelos (ont tree. UullillriK Million, monthly. f.'Xiiii ypur. Hlnglo fr".l9,.-i eents. i-'tc ry nuiilm- i imitns bou tirul plstiw, in ioiom, nnil iilioiou'runlis of new iuu.ik. w iu prinn, eiiHiiiini; uiiiiiierstoaiinir Ilia iaie.t llll.lut. I.tiil udi uri. . milrn.'l A ill, ... limSSSSF M ab ii. UVaU A CO., NKW VOIIK, J01 II1IUAOWAT.J i i w A A rfkrti-Wt. .A&.tfXhl'i&'Ci'- "-jA 4J.Sk T7T 'AS'