The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 14, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    """tHMSv M
Tim Wutrhmiin Unit Into lnriiiliillt.T
anil Tllfii tlif Vuiill Mint Hiilrrril
Uunhli- In (Ipru "' '''' "I'1'11
Contiilnril Scicriil Tliotniuiil
lhillMN Tim llomU All
Sr. .Tiisim'II, Mo.. Fob. 10. -Itobbcrs
tnodo a raid on the State Nutlontil
Han): nt Haviinnuli, Mi., sixteen miles
from hero, lust night. They bout tho
night watchman Into Insensibility imil
then effected nn entrance into tlio
vault. They secured about SMO worth
of stamps belonging to tho postolllce,
hut worn unable to open tho safe
which contained several thousand
In the private bo.os connected with
the vault thi! robbers fouml 811, oDd in
bonds, which t hey carried away with
them. The bonds were numbered
from U'U.T.III to 1 .'0,7 It Inclusive and
numbers lll.lHl ami Ill.lHi. The
coupons on the bonds due January I .
I8tni. had not been detached.
Mlrlilcuu Mlnrnt Itrfuieil to ThUh trim
AuiiIiihI thi! Himt (Internment.
litoMtoop, Mich,. Feb. !). Caplnin
W. II. Knight and his party, who left
here last spring for the gold Ileitis of
.South Africa, have returned home nn
expeotodlv. Two ivoohs before .lame
son's raid Into the Transvaal the nlll
eers of the mining eotnpaiiles were
smuggling rilles ami ammunition into
the country in the bottom of eolte ears
Tuesday, llocombcr :il, Ihe mine, were
hhut down and the men were ordered
to tnho guns ami ammunition and lie
prepared to march to .loiuinne.sburgby
1 o'clock In the afternoon.
The Michigan men lef used to obey
tlio order and they were In formed
that they must take up arms against
tlio lloer government or leave tho
mines. Captain Knight and party left
at once and were just over t lie line in
the Orange Free slate when the buttle
between the Hours and Dr. .lumeson
occurred. Many iiiIiutn. says Captain
Knight, were forced into taking up
arms by the ollleials, who shut up all
the boarding houses and bought all
the available provisions and literally
starved the men Into accepting their
The Michigan men say that .to tin
Hays Hammond deserves iio sympathy.
llriuiM ItUiT CoHtlnui", In
lli'iiy Iah In l.ltn Slink.
Four Woinii, Tex.. IV.b. 10 During
the pust thirty-six hours nnothei rise
of six feut has eoino down the llraos
river. At IIeiuisteud two fenyboatb
were swept away and the iron pillars
of the new bridge are gone. Hundreds
of dead horses and cattle are Heating
down stream and the loss is heavy all
along the river. Volasco l.s now an
Island. Two white men and one negro
were drowned.
The sjnliinu river in K;st Teas Is
out of its banks untl is doing much
damage to ssiw mills. Many head of
live stock have been drowned.
Hamuli Itriiillilli'tin l.enltlutnrs. ru fur
Ihn Ohio Muii.
Toi'kka, Kan., Feb. 111. -The Topeka
Mall recently asked tlio Kepubllcan
members of the legislutuic for their
Presidential preference, and to sug
gest a winning platform. To-day It
publishes letters from sixteen, and all
favor MeKlnley for President, and pro
tection in the platform, and one only,
Axeltou of Pottawatomie, favors thu
free and unlimited coinage of silver.
Maker of Franklin and linoduo of
liourbon want the Mute convention to
Indorse Cyrus I. eland for national com
hhotlteil Tllcintilti k lo llciitli.
l,i;uu.l)klu.,Fcb. 10. -At Tonkawa.
a small town a few miles north of here
Free Mutho.ii.sls aie holding a revival,
and It seems the whole town will be
turned over to religion The meeting
goes on every day and night Men
and women faint and men ami women
have tiled in the last month while
shouting. From miles around people
Hock to the meeting Men who have
never before attended church have
joined ami begun preaching.
A CiililcKriim I'rom .Mm. Il.iiiimoinl.
Wamiinuion, I'cb, 10.- Secretary Ol
- " -. .. . ..... .j wi
ns received the following cable
from Mrs. ,liiu Hays Hammond,
ney lias received
dated yesterday at Pretoria: He
cause of my husband's 111 health, due
to prison coutlncmcjit, tho government
allows me to remove him lo u private
house, where I can personally attend
liim. The picllmliiury examinations
are proceeding and tlio treatment ol
the prisoner:, is good.''
I'm her ntK'Tiilil licit Ten Wurs,
HoiiiKsiKit, N. Y,, Fob. 10. The
Uev. Father John M. Fitzgerald, con
victed of arson in thu second degree,
to-day was sentenced to ten years con
tinement in the Statu prison at Au
burn. Father FlUgorald atllriucd his
Innocence and denied that he had ever
committed arson or Instigated anyone
to thu crime.
A KitiiKiin Cllj, Kut. II. ink I'.itU,
Kansah Citv, Mo., Feb. Ill The
Hank of Kansas City, Kun., a small
btato bank, did not open this morning,
ami W. B. Porter, jr., the cashier and
principal stockholder, posted a notljo
that the Institution was in tlie hands
of Statu Hank Kxaiiiluer Hrieduiitlial.
Thu liabilities are about 80,000. while
the usvetu aggregate IfoO.OOO.
Clrti-litml SrinU to niisr llliiiitlri
cm tlie MrHruciinii I'rojcct.
W.viunoto.n. IV 1 1. Id President
Cleveland yesteiday sent to the House
th report 'of commissioners appointed
t'ndcr net of Congress to malte an In
vestigation of the route of the pro
posed Nicaragua eaual. The salient
routines of the document have already
been published. The report contains
very elaborate data respecting tho
woik alieady done by the company,
thu physical vhaiaeteristlcs of thu
country, the dangers to be met. the
weak points to be overcome, and va
rious other detailed statistical Infor
mation. The report treats the ennui
Ucstloii under three divisions, viz.:
Thu eastern, (Jrevlown harbor; the
lake and river division, from Oehou to
the west side of Lake Nicaragua: and
tin western division, from l.ake Men
ruuga to the Pacific ocean. Tin- com
mission presents tho following grand
recapitulation of estimates of cost for
the whole canal as weil us those for
separate portion, also for certain incidentals:
Ml U'.i.sll
. ". Wi78!
. :i;;!,u
i llitiril'4
j. ". i.:w;..t"'. "!
J-.INI.T7 1
1.111 '.KM
S 1.1
IWrrti illiiin
Luke mill liter dm. lull
Vilfrii illvUlmi ....
I.IkIiU imil limiy.
.Mnii(i 'merit mi I ii
Hnciiltil N"vii'
Conl inciiii'i i
ill per out .
(ii iiml tntnl
For obtaining
, . ti'.i,s.::,iv.i m:is.i7v!ii
the necessary data
for a tinal project.
eighteen mouths'
time, coverlnir two ury seasons, mill
an expenditure of 5a.".o,i)0n will be re
Till' Suci-cn of III'- 1 tori-1 lmie llni a
liiitrHomc KITi'vt on Trade.
Nkw Yoiik. Feb. i0, II. t! Dun X
Co.s weekly review of trade says:
The wonderful success of the popu
lar loan alters the faee of events. The
lnllueneeof this event upon nil iiiuiiii
tacturiug mid all trade can not bo
lightly estimated. It strips the silver
agitation of all its power to burl. 11
puts the Treasury on a safe basis for
tlie time, whether Congress does any
thing useful or not. It r.olilies for
eign nations that the United states
has power as well as purpose. It un
locks millions of gold which have
I ecu gathered in picpnratioii, brings
dlicetly several millions oT gold iroin
Kuroiiu mid stimulates the anxiety of
foreign investors to obtain American
riintoi;r.iilirit .1 l.oni; llnrieil llullrt.
Moniiii'.m.. Feb. Id. The experi
ments with cathode photography ap
plied to surgery are being carried on
at McdiU university with great .suc
cess. Yesterday the professor experi
mented on ii patient of Dr. Kilp-itrlck,
Tolsou Cunning, who bad been shot in
tlie Irft. leg about Christmas. Ihe
bullet could not be located, and the
man siitl'ered intense pain. The
wound had closed up. The leg was
holographed, and, though it look
iorty-tive minutes, the bullet was
.Nil More I.tiiior Trials for .luilire ll.ilr.
Wii'iui'A, Kim.. Feb. I'l. Yesterday
!udc Dale of the district court made
the announcement that under no elr
cumstaiicos would he try tiny more
liquor cases under tlie prohibitory
law, mid ordered the district clerk to
put all thu liquor cases now pending
at the foot of the docket. This prac
tically means the abandonment of the
liquor prosecutions.
Mill Meet Mureli II.
Kmi'oiua.Kuii ,Feb 1 (). The liopub-
liean congressional committee for thu
Fourth district met in this city yostur-
day afternoon and issued a call for a
convention to nominate a candidate
for eongiessinan and to elect delegatus
to the St. Louis convention, to meet
in Kmporia, March '.) at 1 o'clock. 'J' lie
committee is unanimous for MeKlnley.
'I lie lli'nl)ilm Holt.
Dl'lii.l.N, Feb. 111. Tho tiartoriy
meeting of the council of thu Irish Na
tional Federation was held here yes
terday. It was icported after the
meeting that it had been cry conten
tious, and that, after scvcrafdivlsions
by vote. Tlmothv llealy and twenty
eight of his supporters left the room.
Suiil Tor MlO,.1tlO; Seidell fur ;,-,.
(irniuii., Okla. Fob. mi.- Mrs. Mary
?. .Miiuara, who several moiiiiis ago
began stilt against (feorge S. Kendall,
a wealthy capitalist and snorting man,
for SIx'.Mxi damages for ejectment, as
sault and battery, injury lo her house
hold goods and slander", yesterday set
tled tho case for &7.1.
cnouelu Iti-.uly to .Ne(;otliitr.
l,i mion, Fell. III. -It was seml-ollle-lally
unnoiinccd last uvoiiiug ttuit
there Is good reason to believu that
Veneueia is prepared to enter into
a friendly discussion with Hreat llrit
iiin on tin! subject of thu I man ar
rests and the incidents connected with
them. Culltj of Mautlum-litcr.
I,Avi;i:v.i, Kan., Fob. 10. -Alice
Tiiurstou was convicted of man
slaughter in the second degree in the
District court for tho murder of Kiln
l.ane. P.mli wero disorderly women.
I lu a street Ik-lit Allcu 'Thurston
tabbed the duuu girl to death.
IliirrUoii for lrlete.iu-l.iiri;e.
Imiia.nai', Intl., Feb. ;D. There
Is a movement on foot anion' the
leading Itepublican politicians of tho
Slate to send ovPresldont Harrison to
the national convention at St. J.ouls
nt one of tho delegates-ut-large.
No Kt-foruiH In !tus,i
St. I'Kmisiimri.I'Vh. ;u -Tho press
censor has instructed tlie newspapers
not tf publish anything to encourage
the Illusion that the government is
meditating reforms of a liberal char
acter in its admluistiiitivu regime.
tlenjiinilii IS.iilfllrr llunct-il,
Canon Cirv, Colo., Fob. 10, -Ilcnj.i.
iilu Hadoliff, the slayer of the entire
ichool board of Jefferson district,
I'.irlt county, was hanged at the pent
.cntlnry last night at .s;0j o'clock.
Occlnrin Hull thu .Nov Mexico i:rcnlhr
Sliuiil In Hllli tlio I'liglllMli- Ciirnl
till 1'niml mill Horn .Vol Inlrnil
lo Knfnrio llie l.:ttt Tlio
(iotrrnor'n .Action hull-
I'lttrK ii .Miicli.
WamiiinoioN. Feb. 111. Delegate Cu
ron of New Mexico is greatly dis
pleased over tlie. assui'tioii that lie has
been acting under thu advice of (!ov-
ernor Thornton of New Mexico in his
ell'orts to prevent prize, lighting in tho
Territory. Mr. Ciitron not only denies
that he has received the governor's
co-operation, but makes the direct
charge that the Uowrnor abutted
Dan Stuart In his ell'orts to pull off the
Mr. Carton gave the following to
Ihe press: "The statement has been
published substantially that the action
taken by me on the prize lighting bill
was on the advice ami in. the request
of (Sovcriior Thornton. liovernor
Thornton never consulted with me,
never advised me nor requested me to
do anything in regard to that subject.
From information which I have re
ceived ri out New Mexico I believe
that liovernor Thornton. while
pretending that he would like
to stop the light, was actually
acting in collusion with Dan Stuart in
order to have the tight come oil'; had
advised Stuart that there was no law
in New Meico which would etiablo
hint or the authorities to stop the
ll'.'lit and substantially informed
Stuart that the tight inieht go on,
although he could not openly consent.
As soon as the bill had been .signed
last night thu ollleials here tele
graphed Hit! dinted States attorney in
New Mexico to see that tlie law was
Kl Po, Texas. Fob. HI (invernor
Thornton was here last night ami left
this morning for Santa l-'e. The (!ov-
ernor arrived fioin tlritees on the
train that brought Peter Maher to
town and, curiously enough, thu pair
took the same train out of hero. Slier
Iff Ascasa. who accompanied the fight
ers to Kl Paso, leturued to Las Crtices
and was advised by the Hovornor
that his vigilance was unnecessary,
as the Federal liovernment had re
lieved him of nil responsibility in the
matter, .lust where the governor ob
tains tills interpretation of thu law is
not known here, lawyers arguing that
under tho new Federal act the liov
ernment. must be called upon by the
local territorial governors for assist
ance in suppiessing lights before the
troops can be ordered out.
Horace deeds, the Atlantic City
imiii, who is to meet Jack Kvcrhnrdt,
nrnved this morning with Contain
li'.ori and now every lighter who is to
take part in tlie six battles is on thu
ground. Sam Austin, of New York,
temporary stake-holder, wires that he
will turn over the money insuring tho
purses to Stake-holder I.awler at
Houston, to-morrow morning, ticorgu
Slier, the referee, will arrive this
moruiiiL from Chicago.
(In Ihe 1. 000 A ere Ituueli of llr. Ale.
uinler. h liellreil Arm Olllier.
Dallas, Texis. Fob. 10, -A geutlo
man whose name cannot be given, but
who Is as close to Dan Stuart as any
man living, said to-day -'The Maher
Fltz.simiuous tight will take place on
the estate of Dr. Alexander, a retired
United States army surgeon, who has
one of the finest grape vineyards in
Mexico, located four miles from Kl
Paso. This estute consists of i.tlOO
acres of land in a body. Part of it is
located on the disputed international
boundary lino, and is not yet under
tlie jurisdiction of either .Mexico or
thu United States.
"Dr. Alexander Is not only willing
that the tight should come oil' on his
prop'erty, but his eldest son is a busi
ness partner of Dan A. Stuart on the
Hoard ot Trade at Dallas, where the
stock, bond, cotton and produce mar
ket quotations of the world art posted,
'This sou of Dr. Alexander made
the arrangements for the light to conns
oh" on the Aluxundcr oitalc, and ho
declares that no Mc.icr,u authorities
will interfere against the protest of
his father and himself, who will do
what they please on their property
until the question of national jurisdic
tion is settled."
Dan A. Stuart sent this telegram
from Kl Paso to V. (5. Crush, general
passenger agent of the Missouri, Kan
sas X Texas Railroad company at Dal
las: "There is no change in my program.
Tlie Maher-Fltz.sliutnons contest will
I positively take place on the morning
oi i enruury 1 1.
Iliiiiiliiiuster lloilttorlli lit Djlin,'.
Pasaiikna. Cal.. Feb. IC Allen T,
Dodworth, famous as a leader of tho
Dod worth baud, the delight of musical
New York forty years ago. and father
of hand orL'tinlzatiou In the United
! Mates, Is lying at the point ofdeaih
with utieuuioiiia at his home in Pasa
dena. Mr. Dodworth Is 7 1 years old.
i:lllor lliuilop Sentenced,
Ciiuaiio, Feb. 10. Jotenh K. Dunlop,
nronrielor of tlio l hlcago Dispatch,
was to-day sentenced to two years in
the penitentiary imil a tine of S'.'.OOO
for circulating through tho mails In
decent matter contained in the daily
Issues of his newspaper.
'Irlllliii; With AfTcetloim Cottly. 111., Feb, 10 Thu jury
in thu breach of promise case of Dora
Tindall vs. Tyra S Vlckers, after be-
ling nut fifteen hours returned a ver
dict in favor of Miss Tindall for SIS,.
M0 damages.
llrcUltr llrul AtillrlpHlnl mi Hi
I ii ml lloforn tlio Knil of March.
Ha nana, Full. 10 The publfe nppre
henslon and the gravity of the situa
tion on this Island can hardly be over
stated. There l.s a concensus of opin
ion that a crisis Is nt hand. (Jen. Wcy
ler has luft Porto ISico for Havana.
It is not alone the approach of the
new eominander-lti-clilef that causes
anxiety and intensities feeling, but
the general consciousness that tho
military, political ami financial strain
is too severe to last long.
The Spanish opinion is that real war
is about to be made, and that In a
brief campaign It will be shown that
the inn reh of the insurgents through
thu Island could not have happened If
the regular army had been actively
The Cubans ela'iin that they grow
stronger lu the Held and that thu
rebel forces are being strengthened
by bands from tho east that will
balance the additional troops from
Spain. It, would bo vain to assert in
dividual views as to the value of these
claims. One tiling is certain, the con
centration of the armies in the Prov
ince of Havana promises combats of
Increasing importune! and decisive re
sults before the end of .March.
The excitability of the sympathizers
with the Insurgents nbout liencral
WVylor is almost incredible. His co.n
Ing Is a night nuiri! to the Cuban
autonomists, who anticipato rolontlob.s
persecution and arc largely, according
to their ability, taking refuge in the
.IIfKi-.ot- I'rlnter lltto u N:irrov i;
eupe from lle.itli Out- lle.iil.
I'm sin Hd, I'n, Fub. K. Aii early
morning tire at McKeesport, Pa., re
sulted in the lo-s of one life and the
destruction of property worth S'-'oO,oO(i.
Thu fire started on the fifth floor of
the Altmeyer building, and is .sup
poc(l to have been caused iv defect-
lvu electric light wiring. The Haines
were discovered by ihu printers of tlie
McKeesport Herald as the lire began
to cat Its way through the sixth
floor. The night s work had just
been finished and the paper
was about to go to press. When
the flames were seen a rush
was iiiude for the usual point ot egress,
but the stairways were impassable.
The only resources left were the win
dows and tho rope in the elevator
shaft. All except ii. M. Itarton, the
foreman of tho composing room, suc
ceeded in sliding down the rope. His
cscupe was cut off and he was burned
to death.
The Haines spread to the adjoining
buildings before they were extin
guished. The loss to the Altmeyer
building and the Herald plant is esti
mated at t-IT.'i.DOi), and on tin? oilier
buildings, S':.",(W.
A Nfliraslniii ItesorlH to llulx-.ts Corpim
I'mrccilliiRii liSifiire 1IM New Wife.
Yiiiik Neb., Feb. 10. Judge Hates of
this place has issued a writ of habeas
corpus, commanding the superintend
ent of the Stnte Industrial School for
(iirls, to deliver to the local authori
ties the body of Anna Louisa Janes,
a MePhorson county young woman,
alleged by her husband so be unjustly
confined at thu institution under thu
mime of Anna douiMi ('louse. Tho
girl was sent to tho school on her
parent's representation that she was
incorrigitile. In tin: application for
tho writ it is alleged that her incor
rigibility lay in her refusal to marry
the man selected for her by her
parents and her action in marrying
instead one of her own choice. Con
siderable interest is manifested in the
case owing to the unusual law noiiit
tieoie Nlli-s, a I'rltato In tlio
Arm), i:ieeU In Inherit tt'JoO.OUW.
Foiit Kll.r.l, Kan.. Feb. '(). lieorgo
I). Nlles, who came here from Abilene
eight years ago and enlisted as a, pri
vate in tho I'nited States army, ex
pects lo establish his right to an Iowa
foitunc. He claims to be tho illegiti
mate son of u wealthy bachelor in
Central Iowa, who rccentlv died in
testate. Nilus' mother is also dead,
but she left him valuable documents
which, it is alleged, piovo his parent
age. Nlles has recently boii stationed in
the. Fast with tho medical corps, but
Is now on a furlough bringing suit to
recover the estate, which is estimated
at SJiO.oou.
Itet. Tiiillhee Sues for Divorce.
Pr.iiin, Ok., Feb. iO.-ltuv. J. M.
Taulbee, formerly pres'dlug elder of
thu Methudlst church of Covington,
Ky., has sued his wife, Salllu C. Taul
bee, for divorce. Kev. Tatilbeo charges
tho defendant with neglecting him in
that she wined and dined other men
in his absence. He also charges In-r
with selling his property ami running
away with another man.
(onii'Z Will I'.Hliilillnli it ioriniient.
Havana, Feb. K).--It is reported
that (ieneral Muxlmo (iomez. is going
to establish a seat of government at
Siguanea, Province of Santa Clara.
Ho has been announced to bo on thu
move at Uatabano, Sail Felipe, Falud
and Mariel, this Province.
lint Dniiriivcn ApnUilpil'.'
London, Feb. lo, The Saturday
Review mentions a rumor that an am
ple apology from dad Dunraveii to
tho New York Yacht club Is on its
way to tho I'nited States.
A company is forming to erect and
npuratu an anti-trust zinc furnace at
Wobb City, .Mo.
Tho Missouri Democrats in Congress
elected Mr. Dockery their member of
the Congressional Cumpaigu com
mittee. Senntor Dubois' resolution tochangc
tho Senate rules concerning dis riliu
tion of appropriation bills wui de
jeuted by a voto of )( to 5 p.
SILVER DEBATE STILL ON. of 'iforRhi, Scorm Hip Colli
neiiiocriiln for llffrnllnj- tllitml. lifii-
rnil II. ileh, iiml other While
.Mflul J.e.nter Situation In
Kentucky lleferrnl to
lutcrcttlnir l)leinlon.
Wasiiinoton, Feb. 10. Thcie were
sixteen members on the floor and nine
teen spectators in the galleries when
the Douse opened at 10:.'I0 o'clock this
morning. The legislative day of yes
terday still continued us the House
had been in recess over night.
Mr. Corliss of Michigan and Mr.
Iloatiierof Louisiana spoku ill favor
of nonconeurience. and Mr. Mllncrof
Michigan ami Mr. Hartlett of (Jeorgin
in favor of concurrence In the Senate
flee silver substitute.
While Mr. Itartlett was speaking Mr.
lioatner. by a reference to the defeat
of "Silver Dollar" llland, (ieneral
Hatch and other silver leaders, drew
an indignant protest against the
treucheroiis manner In which the gold
Democrats hud stubbed in the back
Democratic candidates who differed
with them. "Witness." said he con
temptuously, "tho Democratic scene
daily being enacted in Kentucky.
When did it become Democratic doc
trine todufcat Democratic candidates?"
"The situation in Kentucky." re
plied Mr. lioatner. "illustrates the de
stroying effect of Democrats refusing
to stand by tho party platform. If
the silver Democrats would abide by
the declaration of tin party made in
convention we would not to-day bis
threatened with the loss of a senator
from that State."
We are threatened with the loss of
a senator in Kentucky," retorted Mr.
Hartlett, "because men who are not
in the majority seek to control. I
want to say that whether in the ma
jority or minority, wherever the Dem
ocratic Hag lloats there will be my
"If the Democratic national conven
tion adopts a gold platform and nom
inates a gold candidate," interposed
Mr. Skinner, North Carolina, Itepub
lican. "will you support the ticket?"
"I will vote lor any man," replied
Mr. Hartlett, "whom the majority of
the Democrats nominate in conven
tion." "Then you aro willing to sacrifice
the interests of tlie people on the nl
tar of party?''
"1 am willing to forego teniporarr.y
the consummation of what must even
tually come and can only come through
tho Democratic parti-."
Cnniit llener.ll Mfiii:iln .Milken ii K
porl to tin; Stale Dcpiirl iiient.
Washington, Feb. lo A report has
been made to the Slate denartment by
United State Consul (ieneral Vlfqualn
at Panama, upon the business of the
Panama railroad and the prospects of
tho canal, lie shows that there is a
small but steady increase in the num
ber of American steamers anchoring
at Panama. They carry twice as
much cargo as all tlio other steamers.
In live years tho number of urnvals of
American vessels has Increased from
lifty-lho to eighty-one, while the ar
rivals of Knglish steamers in tlie same
time increased from seventy-two to
onlv eighty-four.
The consul general says the trade
across the isthmus would be much
larger if tlie railroad rates were lower.
Mr. Vifquain says: "Under a foreign
ownership and a foreign management,
the American corporation icnown as
the Panama Uailrnad company will
continue to thrive wiiuthcr there bo a
canal or not, irrcutlv to the detriment
of American interests, commercial and
international, inasmuch ns F.uropcan
tendencies seem bent, either for self
preservation or international ju'ilousy,
to undermine and destroy thu I'nited
States prestige in this part of tlio
world. My firm belief Is that there
will be a canal built within tho next
Tim Ohio Itcpiitillcun Con i on t Inn Will
Mt't'l Marrli 10 Fornkt-r Chiilrinnii.
Coi.r.Miii's, Ohio, Feb. 10. Tho He
publican state convention will be hoid
in Columbus March 10 and 11 and Jo
seph II. Forakor will bo tcinnornry
chairman. Ho was selected by the
state central coiuiulttcu on motion of
Judge Miller of Steubunville, seconded
by Charles 10. Hard, both McKlnloy
men. A resolution was adopted in
dorsing MeKlnley for president,
Tlio I.aiulliKtiiii St'iittlt'il.
PAtciiooia, d. I., Feb 10, After a
consultation with Captain Williamson,
sailing muster of tho tug duckeubiich,
Captain Duff of the damliigtnu decided
to scuttle his vessel, which has been
on tlie rocks since last Tuesday. Cap
tain Williamson with groat ditllculty
mado his way to tho engine room and
opened thu sea valves. Tho steamer
now lies uooui iu varus irom snore,
with her noo pointing northwest.
Shu is full of water and tho cargo is
Iiy for Frrt-il sIhich Ailtcil.
I!u, Va,, Feb. 10. A bill now
pending lu tho Virginia Senate pro
vides that seven well known men.
whom it names, shall bo incorporated
a body politic under tho name Thu
National Adjustment company, whoso
object shall bu tho adoption by Con
gress of a constitutional amendment
providing payment for emancipated
slaves, one-half to go to former own
era, thu other half to the freed men.
Tim Sultan Al Allci of Win I'owrrn.
London, Feb. jo, Thu Constanti
nople correspondent of tho Times says
that the Sultan has invited tho cm
has ics of tho powers to declare their
views on ihe demands of the Zcilounlls.
The Atlt-Ki'il Murilircp of IVitrl llr.tiiu
Mnkt'ti Another Confemloii.
ClNt I.NNATt, Ohio. Fob. Id. Scott,
Jnckson yesterday sent for a friend to
whom hu said: "Walling once tola
me that he nt one time betrayed May
Smith, lie said hu had performed u
criminal oneration on her and it had
been successful and that the Smith
girl had subsequentlv went, to Louis
ville am! tho thing "was hushed up.
When Wood told me Pearl IJr.Miu's
laincntiible plight I suggested Wal
ling. I vns in (ireencastlt then. On
my return I talked to Walling and ho
said ho would perforin the operation
on Miss llrvnii. Now. 1 can't tell you
the rest. Send for P.rother Tlbbltts,
seoretarv of the Y. . . A. I will
tell all to him."
Tibbllts came and prayed with tlie
prisoner, dater Tlbbltts wrote the
confession us it wus dictated by
Jackson, but the hitter signed it, as
"Here, with the Hlble in my hand,
on my knees before (iod, I swear I was
not guilty of murdering that poor
girl. 1 did get her to come to Cincin
nati to undergo an operation. Walling
was to get .yiii for performing it, but
not for murdering that poor girl. I
don't know whore he killed her. or
how ho killed her, or w hat ho did with
her after ho killed her. I did not kill
the poor girl, lie is thu guilty man.
Will Woods was to send ."0 to him
through mo for performing tho opera
tion. This Is the truth, so help mo
rro"liiuitloii AholUlihii- numif-s I'ninei
n llt'tolt In Corrii.
Yokoiiam . Fob. 1 (). Of the many
changes introduced in quick succession
in Corcii, the recent adoption of tho
Western method of hair dressing has
ultracted most attention. Tho king
recently issued a proclumrtioii urging
the saurilicu of the queues, and set the
example by having his own hair cut,
the prince royal following suit.
The proeliimation created conster
nation in both ollicial and private cir
cles. Tho minister of education re
signed and retired to his country home
when his protests m the innovation
weie disregarded. Many lesser gov
ernment ollleials also resigned
rather than sacrifice their locks.
Tho proclamation escited alarm
among the people at large, but at
oaoh of tho four gates of tlie
capital coip-tubles are posted to await,
the coming of country people audio
compel them to submit to the barbers,
who aro in waiting to cut their hair.
Western hats and coats aro generallv
adopted by thoe who Iums their
In the rural district tlie Corcans
have broken out into actual rebellion
at tlie prnclumulioii. Aliinv local gov
ernors have resigned their posts.owing
to their unwillingness to out off their
queues. Several hundred people have
tied to the mountains and as many
more are under arms, preparing to
attach thi: Corcati troops.
Tcxim tllliel.ils Alert.
ArsriN. Texas, I'eb. lo. It is learned
unotlieially here that Adjutant lien
oral Mabry has ordered the Texas
Hangers to move nearer 1-21 Paso, so as
to be in readiness for instant survicu
in case the prize lighters attempt tc
pull their tlgli off on Texas soil.
Ks'ssC-i, Mn,.Kili. 10.- 'Ih il. 'in. mil fit
ulii'iit hero liiecii"i up eoiiiiti'l.ih.j t -il,i..
Mii-I .nl"r' UJte in tile uln'ii tin iicTilliitUo
mnrki't :i stroiu;, iiml wi-iu liltle or no lower
tlnili je-l nliij V, but tin feel I in; at llvi clus,,
wi ui ,ik.
Ilnrd Wliciil -No L Die. No ?., IVA.', No.
4. Mcili-jictol, (ll IV; no ifrailn l"il IHr. Soft
Wheat -No .'. ;ii"i7.-. No :l. iiiii'Ts-: No. I, i'iii
folic; reJiTteil, r"i Spii'ii; Wlitnt No. S,
li'lt. No a, i'.("t)V; reject id, illiAjJo; wliitn
tlrni 'lin:it. .Yi fill!
Corn -No 'J '.M'.J Nn a. :'J',!i N). I. :!
'ii- i while I'orn, -mv
(late No .'. isiMUt: No :i, 17 fli'j-: No I. C,
tlic no criule, . I'ji-. No - wliiti u.its, ')j;
No while oats 194c
llj e No. .'. av.
lit till lJ;i:io In m-HisiO: hulk. 'V-leu.
liny Timothy, rl , fll.Oi ell :l: No t,
JtaiWi 10 M; No 'J, ;. J.JU). No. I filO'CiAl;
iliolci lir.iirin, i$tr.te7; No I tf .. SO i, LUJ j No.
V, tl.MiO.O); pickuu; liny tii)t.(,0J.
lliooni Corn Short mill rommoi, fiVti
jHirton Mif-woiUni,', finrto kimm), $ pir
Ion I vclf.worklriif, elioi-e, $11 '() iT ton!
ilwiirt corn, j'.Myil') ir Ion; nil hurl, $au)M
per ton, iiri'onliiu; to iu:ilitv
hKi ntnctiy ircili ciununi hioei; lis tcr
I'oultrj dlvn poultry',e :prhitf4,7'i
(to roosters, l.'e; joiins, IJ'ji-; tnrkij.-, lien.
',e; unbblari, ft"! dnrUi ',o: r w, hit, ft'.,
itie; ihujiiii", dull, tlie iloeti Drn.ed Ilea.
7!-c: priiiBs.S'd'''; ttirl.-nys 'I'.io.nnlthlcn, Jr;
ilucliH, '.I i, ' Jc ; D0r", flit, ii ji.7r.
lutt-r ( roaiiit'lli. extra 'iitMMtor.HVip; llrtt,
lo: ilnlr. Inner. IV j full, r,lc;htnri picl.isl,
fie Ii, K) il'.'c oil uniJi's N", t'tmntry roll,
Inuoy, li'sc; fl nlo. lie.
Aliplcii Mliuli liurreN'U n luli ni JV21:
In cy. i'i'i'i iV) H-r iMrivli eioic 41.7.UCJ;
rotiiinon to pi'l $UU' pir Uirntl. Tim
prucK in a Hindi wnyani nail ran,--)
I'oiu Wo tos;r pur lia.
l'ntiittiip- s'oiud ('uhir.nln potntoet urn
soli int: at IK'iiUe. pur hn. Iloiiut itrown, hiipiiIv
hxlit, -V la a mii ill w iv ; si .liiix ir ha
in car ioIp ; fiuir), 'lClc pur ha
Chle:ii;o llouril of Tr.nln.
Cuiciio. I'eh 111 -Tim following kiln riinvn
of pricuxtif Ihn Kr.ila niul lumiiliri in'irkjt on
tlinlxinril of tr.ulii:
HliMl I mi' .'.'''J- 'Ion.. p.,,, ,..,,, ?
WllllAT- "
I'Vlnmiry. ifii up,
May .. .. lt7U; t,7 171, ivsh
inly iwy iniii tiijf i)7?
Cons -
Kehruory '.'SV. ( "S '..'
Miy U) u huh :t).
s..ptiiinhor.. cj1. :u?4 in, ;u.
Fehriinry 1'!', Ill-, 0S in:
Miiv UP', Jl.s, -ii -;
..Inly -1J4 -l!i il4 :'l?i
1'iliranry 10 1214 III 17"..
May 11 m, niaj'i idis, 1111171,
Inly 1j in lu 0 li..u in:',
rehruary ft IPi ftvj'i
Mny ft 71 ill's .'iiu'j n 7'Ji ,
Ju y ,, . 3 tft 5 :.!j ft ay, ft s?'4
i aoiir Itir.s-
1'i'biuurv ft l.'ij ft 12'.
M-y ft:i7', b 2 ft a it r,;rj.,
Inly ft n f."s ft co, r. ,
I.lve Slock.
KissasCitv, Jlo. I'eh. Itl-Cittb, rmvipt,,
(si cnlvf, III i-liipp'il jiwtnnltiy, 1,17(1 oti
tic, no e.ilvei. 'Ill j iniirliot uiw ijulct 11 111 1
11 MHimtly Klently,
lltoceil I eef nail export leers. ...
Tex ih, -in. I Iii'lltui ittceiu
(dum.'UhI helfert
Sic f!pri and fwderii
Calves .
Jlti,-s-l!.coiiitH, it. 74 : rliiniiol
..Si ID ill S'l
. ivl.lj'i.tiiii
..t;'. isoi
jmlei I ly,
l,i:i.'. 'Ihi market u.i uiiinen. Inn ii, .,,..,1
h onlv. 'Ihu tup niln l unil tho hull; of". froni.lHito $19)
Kh'ti-ltocfliti, l,:ij HlilptD 1 etcr.luy.
i.'. on mii w. n. nominally hIpmiIv.
'Hid fu loving nn, riMiiMiunliitlvi, ii.,
107bhiep va
a a
rw tu4bHvnuiuimiitiv-wmmi! "V ill lT , y...'izt.