The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 14, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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! ,
Hamilton BiioWh
&UVZ lU-i)
Kanat m mughkr
a n n fiMti'tiMosott
i& Wis WEAK TCW)
II' you Intend ptircliiiNln;;
Tan Shoes
or Oxfords
Como niul hiio this Hun it will lny yon.
G. A. Ducker & Co..
Our Big Bargain Salt
is on f ii'l force. Wc
have received sever
al lots of new goods
which we are put
ting in on this sale.
Special Lot
Of A fen's
Nclio'ee Shirts
:it 25,50,(15 ami 75c.
Our Ureal Goods Dapartmcnt
is showing the greatest bar
gains it lias ever shown. Spe
cial values at 124, 18, 25, 3,
and 50e per -yard.
Wo will continue our special bargain
aalo all noxt week. Como and coe thorn;
Wo aro ottering value you cannot nttord
Now let of LuiliPB Shirt WuiotH i .'0,
ft, 7!j, anil 8."jc that aro vary nice.
Table Linens
and Towel in us,
Turkoy I tad Tablo Damask nt 15, 22, 2".
and I(5f that aro oxtra epcuiul bargains.
Twilled Towoling at 3c per yard.
AH Linen Toweling nt 5c por yard.
Men's Pants
and Overalls.
Wo have opened ii new lot of them tliiit
will j ay yon to see.
Our .Special I'argains coutin
ned all next wool.
G, A. Ducker & Co.
Fooplo often wondor why their nerves are
no wenk: why they get tired bo easily;
why they start nt every Blight but
sudden sound; why thoydo not sleep
naturally; why they havo frequent
headaches, Indigestion and nervous
Tho explanation Is simple. It Is found In
that lmpuro blooil which Is contin
ually feeding tho nerves upon refuso
Instead of tho elements of strength and
vigor. In such condition opiato and
nervo compounds Blmply dcadcji nnd
do not euro. Hood's Barsatmrllln feeds
tho nerves pure, rich, red blood; gives
natural Bleep, perfect digestion, is tho
truo remedy for all nervous troubles.
Is tho Olio Trim Wood Purifier. SI per hottle.
Prepared only by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
u rkii euro I.Ucr Ills; easy to
nOOCl S FlllS take, easy to opciuto. 85c.
PtUtlMied Weekly.
hiiliocrlptloii, - gl Per Aniiiim
I ii vit rlti lt ' In Advance
If not paid In advance, alter tills dato March
IR, IMU, Iliu prlct) will lui SI .V5.
Knlori'd at llio I'nnt Olllcti In lied Cloud, Net".
-.. ii'in inrit tr fi F Iht' ,,'"il pIm
Ai.mho.v, of Iowa, seonin to havo n
goodly following for tho presidency, lie
is a good man.
Nr.w Vow; Btato will go solidly for
Morton in the noxt republican presiden
tial convention.
The Uommorcial Club has a proposi
tion hefor it for tho ro-oroction of tho
oloctric light plant.
Bkn llAituihON b ubout to becomo n
victim of Cupid nnd, therefore, baB loBt
his presidential fovor. Fow mon aro
better qiiullllod to 1111 tho proeidontinl
chair than ho.
Job. Nau, tho artistic wieldor of tho
gry gooso quill of tho Uluo Hill Lead
or, invadod our tepoo this weok and
swapped editorial prevarications. .Too
mnkes a mighty good paper out of tho
Thk McKinloy fever still pervades tho
American public, and, of all mon named
as prcMdontinl timbor, McKinloy lends
by far. Ho hna tho right ring to him
for that olllce; liia record is clean; bo
Bides, bo in purely an American.
It bus been n custom of tho Btnto
Ditpromo court on tho llrst day of ib
laiiuary Wni m to call on tho governor,
but thin yenr they omitted tho custom,
owing, no doti'it, to tho governor's un
called for uiitlcisui of their actions.
When ono man impugnB tho worlc of
threo othor men, in every way his oqutl,
ho ehoiild not expect much courtesy;
honco, tho omit-sion.
Kx. U. S. Sfnaiou Mandorson of Oma
ha iu being liberally mentioned "is ono
of tho prenidential possibilities. Sure
ly Nebraska ifl entitled to the presidency
and wo do not know of u better man
nor ono more able to (111 that responsible
position. Ono thing Ib certain: woro
M anderson president, tho old soldiers
would nood havo no fear of having pen
sion legislation vetoed.
Timsr. farmers who leavo Nobraska
for othor climes will bo sorry for it. Of
course, hnrd times and partial failure of
crops havo made tho times oppressing,
but there will bo a return of prosperity
and then those who havo gone else
where will learn of their mistake. Thoro
are no-agricultural lauds anywhere that
can bo moro easily tilled thati Nebraska
iKnd. Stay by your own stnte.
Thkisp. is any quantity of yellow ochro
in thiR vicinity, acres of stucco, u very
lino quality of polishing powdor, ovi
denoea of coal, and oven gold iu this
vicinity, -in fact, thcro are quite a num
ber of minerals abounding in tho bills
in this region that would pay to be
worked. Tho Commercial Club is in
vestigating those things with a view to
nscortaining their worth, nnd, it found
to be valuablo, will try to got them do.
velopuiL Furthor particulars will be
givou to our readers later; in tho mean
time, add your name to the club.
You've Tried ti Olleii Already
Sumo eUort should bo made by Jled
Cloud to oporato tho creamery this Bens
on, There ought to go sumo way itj
create eutliuxiunm enough in our busi
ness men to move it along. It is a do
cided blow to our city to allow a croatn
ory uWwhere todnn dlOQtOOO busiiue
while wo remain idlo with our hands in
our pocketH. If o aro going to do any
thing now is the tune to do it. Chikf.
The only way jou could got the old
nhaik int operation, Ilosiuec, would bo
to tear it down, ntnvo it to ami rebuild
it in ll!u. Hill. We have tho people to
operate it ami the cows to furnish tho
cream t l.'p it luis from January to
Jannarv xl0 1 l,,.ider.
Oli, no, JoGoph, tho lU'd Cloud .cream
eoryw i n.n, ami tin- cows mo here, and
tho en a n will stn In ie. Tjicre will be
no fooling under the new deal. You
wntoh i iliiirn, .Idh e, Ll bo, and jou
will i.i e hiniv I uUei pi 'd up here tnan
Was Oi r iiimIo ill li'ui- 11:11. See 7
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powdor
superior to all others.
AiikaiiaM Lincoln," tho grontost man
of modern tlmce, would havo boon 87
yonra of ago bad ho livod until last
Wednosduy; ho was born in 180$).
Hon. Jules Lombard, traveling pass
ongor agent of tho Pennsylvania rail
way, wbb in tho city tbio weok attending
court. On Wednosday night ho enter
tained tho lawyers, witnesseo, jurors,
nnd ppoctntora with a flno Scotch song.
He is Raid to bo ono of tho finest singers
in tho country. Ho is u venerable look
ing gontlomnn, with long, silver locks.
In the '00'b ho wont all ovor Chicago,
singing patriotic eonge, firing tho north
ern blood with Humes of patriotism for
tho union.
Thk Commercial Club has beon hold
joint Bossioni) this week with tho cream
ery noto holdora and with Mr. W. B.
Parkor, and havo finally gotton tho
crenmory in fair shapo to bo operated
Boon. Tho noto holdorfl will soon bo in
possession, and, as quick as thoy are, n
contrnct will bo made with somo ono to
opornto it for a period of llvo years
The creamery lina beon a failuro from
almost tho ntart, for yitrioun roaaono,
but will, under tho now rcgimo, bo n
BticcesB. So much for tho Commercial
Out of weakness comes strength whon
tho blood has been pniilled, onriohod nnd
vitalized, tho nppotlto restored nnd the
systom btdlt up by Hoed' Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Pill cure unuaon, sick head
nolle, indigestion, biliouauuss. All drug
gists. '.'Co.
- ''
Groato Concort and Litornrio to be
attonded in yo Congregntionul mooting
houso, in yo tow no of Hod Cloud. It
boing ye evening of Friday, yo 28th day
of yo month of February, at Into candlo
light (which is eight by yo clock, nnd no
more), MDCCCXCVI. By many monno
and women singers, yo boat in yo towno.
J W Pioroo, Republic, In., sajs: "I
have nsod One Mlnnto Cough Onro in my
family nnd for myself, with rcsnlts bo en
tirely satisfactory that I can hardly And
words to express myself ns to its merit.
I will never fail to recommend it to other B
on every occasion that presents itself."
C L'Cotting.
i . i
Guano Island, Nob,, Feb. n, 18'.)0.
Our books aro now opon for contracts
and will remain bo until tho 11th of
April (Saturday) unless tho required
acreage shall bo made up provious to
that dale. No contracts will bo accept
ed from any othor than parties purpos
ing to give thi) crop tho best of atten
tion, and who either own or ront desir
able land adapted to tho growth of tho
Biignr boot. Not less than threo-acro
contracta will be accepted. Blank con
tract h can bo seen by applying to A.
Schaefer, Bed Cloud, Nob.
If suffering with piles, it will interest
yon to know that DuWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve will euro them. This medicine is
n specilio for nil com plaints of this char
acter, and if iiiNtrtistlons (which nre sim
ple) nro carried out, n euro will result.
Wo have tested tit in in uumcrons oaies,
nnd nlwav with like results. It uuvor
fails. C L Cutting.
Tho program for a meeting of the
members of the Webster County Far
mer's Institute to bo held at tho court
house Feb. 10 at 1, p. in. ns follows:
Address of welcome.
Appointment of committee on rules
and regulation?.
Appointment of standing committee?.
Ivcmnrks on subsmling.
Disscusinn of five minutes.
Bcmnrks on dairying.
DinciiHMon oT five minutes.
lletnurks on Poultry.
Dissuxhion of five minutcH.
Remarks on Horticulture.
DisctiHMon of live minutes.
Don't invito disappointment by exper
imenting. Depend upon Gnu Minute
Cough Cure nnd you havu immedinto re
lief, It curort croup, The only hnrmless
remedy that produces immedinto rosulte,
0 h Cutting.
9 9
lteul IMttte TrunKler.
Boat eitiito trandforafor tho woolc ond-
ing Fobrunry 11, 180(5.
Bonnrd McNony to Ada Waddol
soi2r2 11 wd 2000
Jacob Maudolbaum to Louis M
Konhlornw 11-11 10 qcd 1
Goo O Yoisor to Pamela D Yoisor
lots .1 4 blk 1 lots 21 22 blk 8 Ka
ley .fc Jackson add lots 21-22.t2.'l
blk 1 lots 21-22-2.'! blk 2 Yeisornd
lots 23 23 blk 3 lota 18-19 27 28 blk
I lots 1311 21-22 blk 12 lots 13 14
1718 blk 13 BB Add wd 300
United states to Joseph Goll lot 1 2
of iiwh 1 3 10 pat
iEli.aliotli Hesse & hush to Cora 12
Kiddei. lot ft In lt-1-11 pt lot 1
inno'jof nwl 14 1-11 wd 300
Lyra C Garber A- hush to C H Ka
ley pt uw 1 ii i 1 1-1-11 wd 2C.0
Silas Garber V wife to C II Kaley
lots 12 to 21 iu blk 1 Garber 2nd
add wd 117
Henry Fox Jr A- wife to L C Sell-
werdfegerundii sol 22 3 9 wd.. 12C0
Quick iu ullfct, heaN and leaves no
feai. HurniiiL', nealy. skin emotions
, qnfcklj eared hy DoWitt'rt Witch Hazel
bnlvn. Appl til in boron, cnli!c, old nort-s
it is immii'id u effect. AlWiiynuiireH piles.
, (' li Coi'iiig,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
I WorUI'a Fair Hichcst Award.
V.nny to Mukc Ifcntitirul Color
With the Ilcllnhlo Dhunniid
Scores of women in Bod Cloud nro to
day wouring dresses of faehionablo color
that would havo boon thrown nsido long
ago had it not boon for Diamond Dyes.
With a ten cent packngo of these aim
plo homo dyes, ovon n novico can dyo u
fast and bonutiful color equal to tho
work of tho professional dyo-houso.
Cloaks, capos nnd shawls can bo read
ily dye j, bo that a faded garment will
look as though it was right from the
Out of tho CO digorent kinds of Dia
mond Dyes, 12 nro special fast colors for
cotton nnd mixod goods, that will not
crock or fndo, oven whon washed in
strong Bonpauds. Theso dyes nro tnado
from n peculiar combination of dye
stuffs, nnd cannot bo had oxcopt in tho
For ovor twonty yonrs Diamond Dyes
havo boon tho standard homo dyes, nnd
havo takon tho placo of crudo dycBtulTs
and uhroliublo package dyes in all parts
of tho world. This marvelous success
has nnturally inspired moro or less
worthless imitations, sold U tho trado nt
j a less prico, und which u fow unscrupu
lous doalors urgo upon their customers,
Tho only way way to insuro success in
homo dyeing is to uaoonly tho Diamond,
the strongest, fastest, and success
ful of nil dyes.
The Nkiiuaska and Kansas,
established in 1891 by D. J. Myers, and
one of tho best agricultural papers pub
lished in tho state has beon reorganized
and will start in with volume two.
March 15, 181H5. Thk F.MiMr.n is publish
ed in tho intorest of Nebraska and Kan
sas farmers, Its owners request farmers
everywhere, nnd thoso interested in agri
cultural porsuits to sond in comtnunica
tions of interests on any subject portain-
ing to tho farm.
Thk Faiimku Co,
Bed Cloud, Nob.
1-MI tress, Miss Mamie WVIiloimn
ltinnrtini i 'ttUIH'tte Hilly.
iciperttrs jiaiy Kanies.
Tho program was changod Friday; it
took olToct on Monday a. m.
Tho high room has No. 4 this week;
it is tho best number they havo tiad
aiuco school began. If they still im
prove, wo will soon havu tho banner
"once again."
Miss Garber now has chargo of tho
Geology class.
Little Hallio Thomns was a pleasant
visitor Tuesday.
Mies Edith Palmor ontortaincd the
Dili grado Saturday ovoning. A vory
pleasant ovoning was spent.
It look rather suspicious tho other
day when ono small boy named J
camo to Echool with two long hairs on
his coat.
Two delegates from tho Junior class
woro permitted to go to tho court-hous
Tuesday p. m. to listen to a trial. A ro
port was givon by them Wednesday p.
m., which interested the school vory
Ono boy of tho 10th grado got up so
late Thursday morning that ho forgot
to comb his hair boforo coming to
Prof. Wilson boing nway Wednesday
p. in., tho Goneral History was conduct
ed by Harry Brown nnd tho German
class by Penrl Ludlow.
A funeral notice was passed around to
tho pupils Tueedny, which road thus:
"Funeral Notico Sir Thomas Cut; diod
January 18, 1890."
Mr. Wintors was a callor Friday.
Mr. Scaminon and tho boys had quito
a discussion in tho high room Wednes
day over a small mattei.
All Her Life.
Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga.,
says that his daughter, Ida, inherited a
severe case of Eczema, which the usual
mercury nnd potash remedies failed to
relieve. Year by year she was treated
with various medicine), external appli
cations nnd internal remedies, without
result. Her sufferings were intense,
and her condition grew steadily worse.
All the so-called blood remedies did not
bi-cnitc reach the dis
ease at all until S.
S.S. was given, when
an improvement
was at once noticed.
The medicine was
coutiuueed with fav
orable results, and
now she is cured
souud and well, her
bkiu is perfectly
clear and pure and
blie has been saved
from what threat
ened to blight her life forever.
S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable)
cures liemna, Scrofula, Cancer, Illicit
mutism, or any other blood trouble.
It is a real blocd remedy and always
cures even after all else fails.
A Real Blood Remedy,
Taken lloml lenuJv for n blood disease;
a tome wont cure A.
Our bookh
on Liluckl ami
id: in
mailed free to
any nddtess.
Swift Specific
Co,, Atlanta,
I -"j-
) W
About Bed Rook
WH not wrst tlje ftock?
1010 BUS
In exchange for goods at prices below:
HuRtTomatoep, 11! Cnns for sji
Boat Corn, 12 oaus for ' 1
lust String Menus, l'J cans for l
llest Ijimii Ueans V2 cans for 1
'J.l pounds l)i't KiUHinn for
jr pound liest sau dntd Peaches for 1
r.0 pounds BUST Ontmeal for l
1 pound of the Fined Smoking Tobacco yo?i ever saw for.
1 gal. tho lk'tit Country Sorghum
1 gal. tho llest Sugar Drip Syrup
11! pounds Hest Dried Peat,
8 pound best White Nouns
l'J pounds best Pit. Plums 1
r pounds bo-d Bio Coffte, a dandy, 1
1 pound Uattlo Ax Tobacco
10 ISoxos best Mule Mntches,
1 do,. Uoxes Parlor Matches,
1 pound can linking Powdor
1 iaek f.Ollm Flour, good for puueakes, nmlu-n -ry good
Light llroad
1 pound of Ten as good ns any r.Oo ten for
1 can gnl. Apples
1 can gal. Peaches
1 can gal. Pears,
loan gal. Apriootn
12 Bars llest Laundry Soi p, for
The abovo prices will be good until further notice.
All kinds of Country Produce will betaken in exchange
for goods at the Highest Market Price.
For this ad. It will appear each week and will SAVE
."Conie and see us when in townf
Mizer & Mc Arthur.
Don't alio shino
I seen dat ring
At PonuKUi'.s,
SSyilriia? jour watoli, clock and Jewelry le
palr wnrk.juiireuuruviui; Hiid your old pild
auu niivci ii llir.
Watch Examiner
Let Us
With You,
You cannot
from any ono
Do You.
mil jam !
W -
Remember the many little favors you
receive you cannot get elsewhere.
If your Bhoes rip wo sow them free,
If tho soles como loose we tnck them fro?,
It straps eomos off wo put now onos on free.
If thonhoes do notgivo tho wear they should wo ulwajs
aim tc mnko thorn satisfactory.
Wo have the largest assortment of shoes in the
valley at the lowest prices.
See special prices
Tine .lersey Hull.
Lon A nit', hiui a lino thoroughbred
Jersey bull for service. Can bo found
at his residence, northeiiBt pan of tho
Ladies, Genuine Dongola Kid Lneo
Patent Leather facing and tips 1 ii'.) at
the Cincinnati boot aud shoe tdoiu.
Wanted !
jisi Fiis m Boy's Eve !
t.'nn lit your eyejusi as vell
Fine Spectacles.
Iuthepn' 1" years 1 have fitted thous
in ds of oyet eorrce-ly.
? My Jspeeluele Line 1 t-'omiilclc.
A1I(1 ny ,,,, of ull nll)ds of
do ... . . ,, - ...M
loek, ICIiikh,
for B. & M. B. K.
atTord to buy your Bhoes
but a exclusive shoe store.
H. KALEY, Prop.
in another column.
To'fflio t'ulMle.
Tho following prion will rule at tho
city livory stable hereaf-er: Tornis to
huy, 10c. Wm'Bi'' mai:i)-,o..
It not only is mi, it uuirt bu so, One
Minute Cough Onro acta yutokly, .and
that's what mnko? it go. '.LCickjtosJ .
- i