The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 14, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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. a .
Rcllovcd nnd cured by the Dr.
Owen Electric Trim our latest
invention Guaranteed most Sclcn
llllc, Powerful, Durable, Com
fortunle nnd IHI'cctlve tnetliod. A
mild, continuous current of Galvanic
Electricity is applied directly to the
teat of the Kuptuic causing acontrnc
tlonnndHtrciiKtltciiliiK of those parts.
No detention from business or work. To
those who are Itupturctl, it will pay to
investigate our mode of treatment
We are honest In the belief that our
Kcnulnc Electric Truss will cure
any case of Rupture that is at all
curable. We warrant that the Elec
tricity can lie fc It instantly ou applica
tion. Call nt our office. No charge for
consultation. Our "Treatise on
Rupture" In free.
Wc have been before the Public many
years, nnd our appliances have
become a recognized standard of merit.
The largest.cstablishmeut of its kind in
the world
Write for our large illustrated catalogm
O.I.I IfiknllKn DiihIiihi.
i hfcutt u.aBU u'Ull xvllJLillt;.
rn. inc uwtra r-.Ltuimi; ArruANUt vu.,
f , . - 201 to 07 Btnto St.. cwicr Adams 6t,
JDow lKr '
"" Iti-ti'nn 1'itl Font of Ena
Uktid't I'litim- Klnc.
Tom Brntt u cx'cui'iril fr many years
in fact, until Ins dca:h a nv-poiisible
position in tho lii'tiM'liultl of Queen Vlo
toria. liciitoti, v.iiowu;. nf humblo birth,
woh but a lint ut Ijrkihinu when his par
ents died within a tiw l.i.nitliH of each
other. It wan nhortly after tlicso
"when the queen's attention was called
io tho young boy under rathor peculiar
Ono day, whilo Benton was gathering
shells on tho beach at Brighton to mako
pincushions, which ho Mild to tho sum
mer visitors, a young boy, nicely drehs
ed and about his own ago, appoarod
upon tho nee-no and M-nttcml, wiUi a
rigorous kick, tho accumulated sholls.
Benton gathered np his txeasnrcs, and
placing thorn again in a pile warned tho
intruder that if ho repeated tho trick ho
would give him a "good licking."
Tho kick was repeated with oven moro
vigor than before, and tho sholls wcro
sent flying in every direction. Truo to
his word, tho "poor boy" soundly
thrashed the- stranger. It. was a oloso
contest at firnt, as tho lads wcro quite
evenly matched, but tho moro fully do
Tolopod strength of Benton finally
brought him oil victorious.
Just as the moleo was over n gentle
man and lady npproaohed, and tho for
mer said: "You did quito right, young
man. Wo havo been tho wholo transac
tion. This boy is rur sou, but ho was
the aggressor and received tho thrashing
ho well merited. " A number of ques
tions wcro asked tho lad as to himself
and his family. The. replica told tho
boy's lifo, how tho death of his parents
had brought poverty to himself and his
brothers and sisters.
"This is tho queen," said tho gontle
man, who was nono other than Princn
Albert, "nnd tho young man to whom
you administered such a moritcd whip
ping is tho Princo of Wnlcs. " Turning
to tho princo, hocontiuncd: "You mnst
send his young man to school and pay
for liis tuition out of your own pocket
money That cannot add to your punibh
mont, but can benefit this poor lad witli
whom you picked such an uncalled for
quarrel. "
Thus it was that Tom Benton mot the
quocn of England. Ho was sent to a
school about midway between Portland
and Dover. Aftor completing hia studies
thoro ho was taken into her majesty's
sorvico and remained there his cntiro
lifo. Between Benton nnd tho Princo of
Wnlcs thoro was a strong bond of friend
ship, such as could exist between truo
manly men. Now York nerald.
She Wm floliiK to "Albert's" and Beached
Tlicro Safely.
An old woman wearing n pair of gold
eyeglasses was a pa&sougoronono of th
trnins from Buffalo to Now York. Sho
had como through from tho west, nnrt
"ftha norvons way in which sho gathered
her bundles around hor and tho numbo?
of questions sho asked all showed tline
alio was not accustomed to traveling.
Whon tiio trninboy camo through wim
his assortment of books, sho confided to
him tho facts that sho was going to Now
York to seo hor son and that sho bud
not soon him for ovor a year. Sho grow
talkativo and enld :
"My son Albort's n great preacher.
Ho is a Methodist, and I am a Motho
dist I taught him when ho was a little
bit of a boy what was right and what
ytaa wrong. He hasn't bcon bock to boo
mo for ovor n yoar. I livo way out in
Missouri, and ho oonldn't got oway this
preor, but ho wanted to boo mo, ana no
sent for mo to como on. Ho proaclioa in
a big church there, and ho has got a fine
family growing up"
Bo she prattled on. The trainboy lis-
tsaed to her attentively and suooeeded
. in selling her a copy of "The Quick or
bfttat TVkm19" av1t aei4nei tiAW tVlftfe
1 was a Methodist religions book. When
left box, she began to read it, calmly
it first, then norvouslv. until she crow
) jlred. Then sho began to nod, and final
ly the book slipped to tho floor. Tho
Tray hair reposod on the cusfiion of the
N Vlaoe car scat, and ita owner dozed
J uoofnlly.
Tho conductor camo through to col-
c uoKois, aim Bcuiug uio noocoiui
ip of his passongor wua louth t& V10
at, jftnally ho lotuiod over aud shook
her gently and said t
"Where ore yon going, mothcrr'
"To Albert's," was tho qniok reply
as tho eyes behind the glomes opened,
and tho old woman looked around bet
for a moment, still misblo to toll where
sho was. Tho motherly response touch
ed a sympathetic chord in tho con
ductor's heart, and ho carefully looked
after her until tho end of tho trip nnd
saw hor rush into Albert's arms hnlf
laughing, hnlf crying. Now York
The Obedient Dof.
noro is a dog 6tory by a Putnam
chronicler: "Ono of tho most interest
ing nnd nt tho samo time truthful dog
stories wo havo heard for somo tiuio is
that told by Victor Poloquin, who keeps
a confectionery storo on Bridgo street.
Last winter ho went to Ciuinda and
brought back with him n littlo black
and tan dog, tho gift of his father. All
went woll for nbout a month, whon ho
had occasion to roprovo him for somo
trivial ofTenso, tolling him in Fronch to
'go homo. ' Ho Baw no moro of his dog
Itid was greatly snrprisod recently to
receive a lottcr from hia fnthsr in Can
ada, informing him that the dog had
returned. Ho was throo months in mak
ing tho jonruoy. "Hartford Courant
Chancellor Ale.
At Oxford thoro is what is callod
"chancellor ale," browed out of 10
bushels of malt to tho barrel, and so
itroug that two wineglassfuls will in
toxicide, most people It is kept in oak,
boll shaped casks, and is novcr tapped
until it is two years old. Somo of the
casks havo been in nun for luilf n rmi.
tury, but "chancellor alo" is only used
at high tablo, whon a man takes vory
high honors.
CtMlifli (Jure I mrhi'H fl.
I' nlt-ii toiiclii i: ri i hi- ri;l.
I' hi- it whfi: i.u liny
:? TIimi dui.'t oiiiil'Ii. O I
-ffy n-osslck, wo rhvo hir Castorta.
,. i. mic was a Child, bIio crlod for Vast nru
.v h.-ii Ki- iHHviina MLss, tiio chinir to (iixtorta.
' ', lir had Children, she gave them Contort.
Eirnpcd That l'ctmlty.
Tho proceedings of tho summer school
nt Harvard atl'ord a certain amount of
nmucomeiit oven to tho professors and
in- meters. It is said that tho sessions
have attracted somo very independent
in- well us gifted young women from a
d -iniico. Lately ono of tho instructors
ii rined his clans, chiefly composed of
ten, that a daily tlioiuo would bo
led to givo facility in coniposi-
L'his seemed tosurpriho ono of tho
i;, ladies, who went totho instructor
r I lie session was over, in the pres-
of others, and slid archly and
uhhly, "And what will you do
'f wo do not prepare any theme?"
do not," tho profesf-or answered
iy, "employ any form of corporal
.diluent. " Boston Transcript.
Itt-HUlt of l'nlltriiru.
Visitor (to attendant friar in tho ro
fectory of a convent) Are wo allowed
to t-moko hero?
Friar No, sir.
ViMtor Then whoro do all thoso
Itumiis of cigars como from that I see
lying about?
Friar From thoho gentlemen who
didn't ok. Taglicho Iiumbchau.
When tho common earthworm is cut
in two to tho tail, there grows a head,
and to tho head there grows a tail, and
two animals aro formed. As tho wound
heals a small white button is formed,
which afterward develops into rings and
a perfect extremity.
Tho largest wino cask in tho world in
in tho Paris establishment called thu
"Hallo aux Vins. Its capacity is 8,710
A shell which has lain under water
for 200 yours may explodo if brought to
tho surface.
from JT.S '.Journal tf ITtJtrtm
not. W. Q. Feekc, who
mauoj a specialty or
KdIIcdsv. has without
doubt treated and cur
ed moroensts than any
HvltiB Physician? his
success Is astonishing.
We have heard of cases
of 30 years' standing
curuu ay
him. Ho
publishes a
work on
this dis
ease, which
lie Bonus
with a
larira hot.
tlo of his Absolute cure, free to any sufferers
who may send their P. O. nnd Ivxpress address.
Wo mlvlie nnv one wishing ncuro to address
Pnf.W.H.PEBe, J.P,i4CtlArSt., How York
Danger Signals
Mot i thm balf tbt victims of conmt
tton do not know tbty ww it. Here IS a M
of symptoms by which consumption CM
certainly be detected i
Cough, one or two slight efforts oa
rising, occurring during the day and fro
quently during the night.
Short brtatbing after exertion.
Tigbttust of tfo chitt. -,
Quick pultt, especially noticeable in the,
i tveninr and after a full meat ,
' Cbilliiutt in the evening, followed by;
Slight fmir. - '
Piripirttion toward morning and A
"PsUac an Unguid In tae morning..
Lou ovitatif. K
If you have hese symptoms, or any of
them, do not delay. There are many
preparations which claim to be cures, but
Dr. Hctffi emits Hmtii for Consumption
has the highest endorsements, ana has
stood the test of years. It will arrest con
sumption In its earlier stages, and drive
away the symptoms named. It is manu
factured by the Acker Medicine Co., 16
and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold
by all reputable oruggistsy
-Tv.-,r,;iM i'IImLli,
For a Cold to Run into Bron
chitis or Pneumonia.
Check i at Once
Cherry Pectoral.
"Ktirly in the Winter. 1 tonka
severe mid wlneh tnelnpoil into
nil olistliiMtc, h.u iuiii; cough,
very paintul tn imIiuv and
troubling me il.iv ;n. i imht. for
nino wi'i-lis, in -i'r..'1'i numerous
leinedie-t. Ami's ( in rry I'ee
toral lieim; leeniiuni tided me, I
begun to take it. and inside of ill
liniir. I was ielieed nf the
tickling in Het'ore 1
llnihlii'd the buttle, my cough
was ni'iirlv gone. I cannot speak
too liiulilv of its ("Neelleuee."
-Mrs. I.. iv)H li, Kiitnii, Ohio.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
-rJrol'",'l lllytcnt Awards
fhe FeaU .Shnirmnn Iu Kogland Ha
Tiuicht Thoni to Do.
A nnowuiau in England, Clarlio by
nnmo, has Bueceedcd in training n largo
number of cats to perform remarkable
tricks. Ono of them) in to walk ovor a
long lino of living rats, mioeand ca
narioa, stunning "ry carefully botweon
tiio fluttering littlo bodies of birds and
mice uud harming uouu of them. An
other cat climbs by a ropo to tho roof,
ftizes tho haudloof a iuruchuto and do
iconds by it to tho ground from a con
siderable height.
Mr. Clarko repents what is woll
known that tho cat is tho most difllcult
of animal; to train to tho performance
of tricks. Ho has trained bears, lions,
leopards, tigers and other wild animals
and iluils thouitoaehablo and submissive
Whon compared with cats. Tho cat in
doed can never bo so far conquered that
hor performances may bo depended on.
Mr. Clarke's entertainment includes
only .10 trained cats, but ho has to take
with him GO, in order that ho may havo
substitutes for thoso that will not por
Ho calls tho cat n "hopoloss bundle
ofecnsibilities. " Strike hor onco, though
only by accident, and fiho-will novcr
perform again. Kinduoss is not only
politic, but ubsolutoly necessary. Somo
of his cats it took him four years of
oeasolcss ctTort to train.
Mr. Clarke's cats aro oxtromoly fond
of him. When ho outers his "cat sta
bio," tho mowing is prodigous, aud ho
is instautly buried in a moving mautlo
of cats.
Tho difficulty in tho cat's training
docs not lio in tho animal's iutolligouco,
but iu her disposition. Hlio is as clever
in her tricks, if sho likos to do them, as
a dog, but sho doos not wish to subor
dinate hor will to that of any living
croaturo. Sho does what sho wants to
do only and will perform, if sho perform
at till, ouly to plcaso horsolf.
Thoso thu,t havo scon cats engaged in
boxing matches will not bo surprised to
loam that Mr. Clarko has succooded in
training two cats to box very scien
tifically. Tho animals that wnlk over tho chains
of rats, nice and cauarios without
touching thorn aro only six in number.
Any of tho others would holp thcuisolves
to thoso appetizing creatures without
compunctious. Thoso six woro brought
np from their earliest infaucy in cages
witb rats, mico aud birds nnd livo with
thorn constantly. Youth's Companion.
Held by a Hair.
In a gathering of odlcors after tho
Frnuco-Prussian war a Fronch oillcoi
claimed that tho Fronch nation is tho
moot artistic nution ou tho earth, aud
that her artisans can mako a thing of
beauty out of anything, however ordi
nary or crude.
I The great Prussian gonoral, Von Man
teufel, who was present, plucked a hair
from his shaggy beard, remarking, "Lot
them snake something beautiful out of
The French officer scut tho hair to a
Crtead la Paris, tolling him tho circum
staaew and urging that, as tho Prus
sians had dofoatcd tho Fronch iu tho lato
war, they should uot bo permitted to
defoat them in the claim to artistic sn
promacy. Giving the hair to a capable
artisan, with proper instructions, the
result was a beautiful searfpin repre
senting a Prussian eagle, artistically
wrought iu gold, standing on a rock,
and depending from his besk was a sin
gle hair, at the ends of whiohwero two
beautiful gold medallions, on ono of
which won inscribed "Alsace" and on
the othor "Lorraine. "
Thus tho artistio ncarfpln aptly de
scribed tho political situation : Prussia,
as the eagle, with its conquered prov
inces dependent, but hold by a hair, for
tho tompor of tho peoplo of Alsaco and
Lorraine was bitter toward tho Qor
minis, and tho tio which hold them was
very slight.
SM He rieM4L
Whin the conductor had looked at the
ticket and punched it, ho stooped over
ad rtuck it in tho hatband of tho dig
nifie i fat man, nt which tho fat man
became enraged.
I "How d aro yon take such liborties
with mot" ho shouted. "Who told yon
to stick that ticket in my lint? Don't
you seo that I'm n man of iiuportnneo
and vory sensitive? It's all vory woll to
bo fresh with tho jays, but you haven't
any right to insult nie. "
Ho took off his hat, removed tho tick
et nnd continuod: "You think because
yoa'ro n conductor on this road that yon
can got as gay as you like, but I'll teach
you that you've got mo to deal with,
and I'm a taxpayer nt thnt. You can't
stick tiokots in my hatband, even if wo
aro strangers nnd you aren't awaro of
my social position,"
Ho fumed about for about an hour.
Then tho train passed Albany, mid tho
conductor cuiuu around ngalu. Ho took
tho ticket from tho hand of the dignified
fat man, punchod it again and onco
moro put it iu his hatband nbtoutuilnd
edly. "Soo here," tho fat man roared,
"didn't I toll you boforo not to stick
that ticket thoro? That's a piece of gay.
ness I wouldn't htaud from my own fa
ther, and bo's been dead livo years. I'll
roport you to tho boss of thu wholo
road, and if ho doesn't help me I'll
gamble iu tho stock of tho company and
hammer it down so that they'll beg for
After thoy pasted Utica tho conduct
or repontod tho performance with tho
ticket and tho hatband. Thin was more
than tho dignified fat man could put up
with. Ho jumped to his feet, grabbed
tho conductor by tho collar and said
ho'd bo blamed if he'd stand it any
"That's all right, " ropliod tho con
ductor, "but it's aruloof tho company.
You'vo olther got to keep it iu your hat
band or in your mouth. Thoro is no nl
tornativo. If you prefer it, you can put
it in your mouth, leaving tho end in
full viow, so that I can soo it as Ipass
"Woll," said tho fat man stoutly
thoro is nothing htrango iu a fat man
spoaking stoutly, is there? "woll, thou,
I prefer to keep tho ticket in my mouth.
Doing a free American citizen, I am de
termined to do as 1 blamed please!"
nnd ho kept it in his mouth and preserv
ed his Americanism. Now York Her
ald. llsuiiulntvd.
Mrs. Wlokwiro throw down the paper
in ft way that betokened homo irritation.
"What's tho matter, dear?" naked
Mr. Wickwiro.
"Oh, nothing."
"Oh, yes, thoro was something. What
was it?"
"Woll, if you must know, I saw a
lino iu tho paper nbout 'Chinoso worst
ed, ' and it turned out to bo something
about that tiresome war. I thought it
was somo new kind of dross goods. "
Iudiaunpolis Journal.
Tho Boston Ouilgot tells of n genial
Harvard instructor who, with his fami
ly, has been spending tho winter in
Rome, Tho other dny a Boston friend
rocoived from him tho following lotter:
"MyDhau : Yon will bo glad to
boar that I am well and ou joying my
self. Mrs. X. and tho children havo all
boon sick taking ndvautago of tho fact
that thoro is a doctor horo who charges
only fl a visit."
filio Drew tho Line.
Mrs. Gray Havo you uaraodstho ba
by yot?
Mrs. Whlto No, wo haven't settled
on a name yet, but ono thing is cortaiu
I nover will consent to any of. tho
names thnt Mr. White called it tho oth
er night whon it cried so for two hoars.
Boston Transcript.
Her Fear.
Noll Do you know, I was all' alono
In tho conservatory for ton minutes
with thnt fascinating Charlie Fullertou
last oveuiiig, aud I was so afraid.
Bollo So afraid of what? Afraid ho
was going to proposo to you?
Noll No, afraid ho wasn't isomer
title Journal.
A Nurprlie.
"My mothor-in-law novor under
stands n joke," says- a correspondent,
"so I was surprised to roceivo a lotto?
from her a few weoks after my littly
boy had swallowed a farthing in whib
tho last words were, 'Has Ernest got
ovor his financial difficulties yet' "
No Help For It.
"Seonie to mo you havo put an nu
nsual amount of smoko iu this ilro
scone," mildly complniuod tho editor.
"Had to do it," said tho artist "I
hadn't any idea how high tho building
was, so I had to uido it Seo?" Cin
cinnati Tribune,
Not Competent to Judge,
Miss Chatter What fool killors
cigarottos urol Don't you think bo, Mr.
Mr. Noodloby Woolly, I couldn't
say, Miss Chatter. I novor smoked one
in mo lifo, dontchorkuow. Lifo,
Not So.
Dick What! Out of a job again? I
(bought you had a permanent place?
Tom So I did. They said tho build
log was fireproof; but, confound it, I
was fired in loss than a fortnight Bos
Urn Transcript
IMdat BalUv IU
She I know I'm cross at timet,
John, but if I had try life to lire over
sgain I should marry yon juitthe same.
no 1 have ir.y doubts about that,
my dear. Philadelphia Times.
Trouble la the Heat.
'Katrine, yon do somot'iug wrong
tnit do fartiaco."
"Vot do matter is, Hans?"
"Cold hoat coming up," Chicago
HsVrf'A&J t
Mm - n v
0r B in
a" v
He is burning" up fat. This fat must be in as constant
supply as the air he breathes.
1 1 has got to come f rom somewhere. If it does not come
from his food, it must come from fat stored up in his body.
He steals it and you say " He's getting thin he's growing
so fast."
Scott's Emulsion will take that boy, set his digestion
at workr re-build that body. His focxl may not make him
fat Scott's Emulsion will.
iwiyeu it S.oll'imnliiro uhtH)!u want il anitntl a cit.) tutttituti.
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druudsts. 50c, and Si.
C " A R R H
Hill l till' ll-Mlll (if imiUU
iiihI MiiMi'ii rii!tiii:i"i
It rtiii I'iMtiri'il 1 v u pltiat.
urn triiM'ilv which It 'iin.
til illii'i'tlv tii to the iioiti K
llflni; ipilrMv iih-cirlifd It
ict iplti-r nt mice.
Ely's Croam Balm
I' 1 it n li. tiio in iit ttintoiu:li onri
for niih'iI f.-ii.iiih 1 nlil In .iiil ami II, it Im-vl-i
HiUI Mill illi'i II iiii'ih;uiiI i'Ii'.iiih.h tlu llil
ni IHHiiiiri-t nil ijs lain unit Inlliiintiiiiilnii .
ii'iMiii'nri' ir Ii'i'Im tln iiii'inliriiiit' froir
l, irilnre tin- n-in-i nf iihIc mill Mimll.
1 i fi-'i' ut Minimi"! ur l 111:1 1 1
HIIOIMriK 'flVtxirrn tni't, VmTl'nrk
mlilrpM, wo wlllUUnuUmi
im-i mMl; mill nu jnur l...tl1.tmSB
ho Oil. TAFT UliOS. M. Co. liochcilcr, N.YT H tt
flmturt niij tifiiiiinn tin hair.
rruiiMc limiflthl primtti.
Never- rails to llrntoro Clr
llnlr to Itn Youthful Color.
Cure mtlp illiM.ri n lialr UUiaf.
Jv, ll':il DnifitlHl
nlr ure tiif1 lurLitrn bU nil lalti. Jim
jneowr ureLmMuf Lmrn hU nil ialu. Ijnmtrt fftm
IL.111U mo luu.Miiti vnri;tn.LivU. tt Urugin.
1 U
0 0 (DA
D 0 ILINS '"ATER OR M 1 1 K.
Pt'hli'liti.. r . 1 ...ill., Iltamoii'l llrnni.
. , !.,.,... . ... ...
lt7i: "" lt iHUMt, Lilnio ait
rli Vi)l,jL ''""fl" I" i")-l-iilm rii'llt'H l)l ,
'KWl""" ' lir.i.i m iinl irl .. I.I ni.i.llic'
12'"". IM lilil.ii.. rlnlH.ii 'I'likn
a. C kT.ii. ... f '. A.. . .1.. .. . .......
flluiH.HH.I mil il..ui 1. I1141 i.l.i. ........ ..
li tni. lr .itlKul.ta, I .llnmiilnl, .
HMlrf rur l.itillro." In I'llit. I., ri'lum
'jiLi ."...'.. ir.iin.pni.i. iftr
SU Ij ail 1iiu:iiu. t'hIUilu., V?,
Popular Magazines!
CotiUInt each-Month: Original Water Color
I rontuplece ; wn yuino rugo 01 Kraains
Matter: 100 New and Mliih-clirK lllu.ttru-
tlons; More IJterary Matter und lllustra
Uons than any other Mapailne in America.
lacxt. 5 Ja tear.
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours
A nrichtv Wholfaonio. Juvenllo Montlilr.
Fully lUuHtratud. Tim bt wrltun, for youiue
jieoplo ixintrlhiitn to It. 10 ctx. . SI n ycar
The Cliief.
Umtonbtedlyjhe Besrtlub Offers
tWHnU In fVnnk UHr' I'ul Ikhlnj Ufut. S.Y.,
for nw luunruitti irtnuum 1.111, tire.
MriC"e ilrrtw i iT J I
mT mm T1 - ma- l-, .f i I
I ' 2J
a m m a a mmmm
growing time;
That boy! a vi
Alittlclad.allfun.'i A little chap, all coat.
A round cipher, not know
ing whether the stroke will
go up and make him six, or
down, and make him nine.
It's trrowint? time with him.
I SUV wi
Many ladies Iinvc used our machines
twenty to thirty years in theirfamily work,
and are still tisinj; the original machines
we furnished them n generation oro.
Many of our machines nave run more
than twenty years without repairs, otlict
than needles. Willi proper care tlvey
never wear out, and seldom need repair.
We have built sewing machines for
more than forty years and have constantly
improved them. Wo build our machines
on honor, nnd they arc recognized every
where ns the most accurately fitted nnd
finely finished sewing machines in the
world. Our latent, the "No. 9," is tho
result of our long experience. In coni
1 petition with the leading machines of the
worm it ri'r'i'ivol il... :.-.,.,, I i,:... . .i.
.I'.iris exposition of 18S9, ns the best,
other machines receiving only compli
mentary medals ofgold, silver nnd bronze.
1 no l.rniwl lr!n ... ...1.. .11 1.. r
and our machine was awarded it.
Send for our illustrated catalogue. We
want dealers in all unoccupied territory,
iaS4.107WSBS!IH AVt., CHICAQOt ..
S. E. Cozad, Ajt.
, ooiiqsis mes mi.
me mum n mm
liio Dsnsw.
ll.lil li'.ir.innjiSt, Onwdi.1, Nltb.
A. ('. IId-.mii r. Ayi llriS'(iHiili'li.
,i)it! UK'ienuiii'i-H.
Noi.mi' tb lii'iiiby.giviiM thnt li will
oxuiuiiu- n itiii-iu4 wlfw niji liuriirt
to olJcu r)nui,iiVvM hh CHiiUiii..tx for
tenelmr- eft' '. iblio mil' I- iIHIijb
eouulj it IJ. il (Jlowii in. 1. tit ird
Sntuni "1 n'l- inonf.S.
Spcii-ul t'X.iijimntionrt will bo htld
on Otic lYiiiu (.iic(lrng tlm dii Sst.
ui-ltiji nf cueli tiiimth.
Thr xiiiniliut; dor.iicil fu 2ii and
IU' irroild m'r'ifin-i.oj. )8 tJ,M iinic no
giwdr beliiw 7 pur ciitit.. HVr.rn' 80
par eonii for .iiht rado eertirioatu
..... j....... iiruM nw pvr ut'ii.., iTuruno
l9 tmr iii-iit 10 h'i. brunchi.H reuinred
by law,
D. M Kli,0nur
MoonBlook, KKf CU)UI. NI1J&.
Colleotioiiu promptly hUoihKmI to, and
corrospondfuco aoliuiUi.
11. J. S. BvUiH,
RkdClodd, Nbiikahka
Over T)lor'a I'urullwr more.
KxtracU teetli wlllmul ialn.
Crown and bnilgu work a ipwlallv.
rorcelHln Inlay, nnn all Uli.rti ut kdIi! nillntfs.
Makes cold suit rubber ilaU aun I'oiublimtlon
work RusrHiitf ml to b rm -oIivm.
m rk. Kisikir urrtuir, Tka
lUbU ItWMItakf r. U uftM ftlliU
d iLm Ut ft Uauttj luvut uilaut.
Wftsftti, rifts J drli ihtot
ttbai wulac tb buJi. Tm
fuib Ut bultou, Ibt niMblni dt
Utrul. Hflib'.i-vlUucJ iltkii.
soil cbtcrful lTtl. No Kftllt4
flQItri D4ollf4bin4lortIalbiit
No brukD dlibM.oo tuuAt, Cbiftub
1 4V4
Densmaro, n uom Runni
r""ii m X
' ?
Wi V. UAMHIM9H U CO., Clk St. U, iiaaikM, k