HRHMBIinPinimnvv'-i' 'OKI JH ,.., n jawtfli;aBlttW' t&ti 2rrt;'ri:scfcwr--'i -' JSLfiSiL.V . - - - ... ' -L-ISIZIIL'JLmmTmm iiWIMBWWlMrMlliMPWilW ""F1 " r- .- iiiLifciiMlmlMlLMMi:lliiiftttMMftdteflllM M"Hf i 'Hiifiiiiwi ijpgpfyriry---" '" hi TOQKI). rU)i;i) C1111W. FRIDAY. KK1V.7..j.HJ; s& A kLi-J Jl-5-. -""'s. . . XXTVV c& ' vv T -r ' .0V-i i' -. " !., I t"1 et iTOP .fcBBfflfllBUWrtQir., f'TX,.i ;ft ' J - I ? I 1 3 Rd' n. 111 '.- Vi' ,.. IW-- H 1 V l.fc. -T)n I . 7 n k ir - - r Vtf m ' Wf9J DRhJT.OLIvei . ( MAIM I'll XVI oiim i I I iitlicriuc IKiiC, s ii-ii being Of 11)1111(1 111 1 11(1 1111(1 ((HI- I i,-.l)f llll :n lion. do herein in ike tlii-. It..' will iitul testament I lie ln(iusi vvliowof I make ns 1 doom best mill pi'oii, Ini' tin limit 1 oiiiteulhal of iiiv i roiicitie. goodu ti ml i battels. "To in.v loved loiiin. li it llnw Ums. who oi Lite 1ms Iii'imi estranged III IIll' fl 0111 Sill llll- forliui'iti' in. ii i luge, do I l'iiie.illi the sum of l.iiiKi, said viiin to In- used hy her for tlic education of lici cliilil. or ( It l lit i'cii . which m:i lie hot n in .ifti'f .veins Mtlijci t totlic tippinvitl of .Instils l!i liu:ii my iittoini'. "Tii iiiv pastor, I iii'-tiisdoodiiiaii do 1 1m nicilli the sinii of i.ihio. provhl in lie uses vaiil nioiii'v for his own pcr-onul re'iuiioments. not s(iiini(li'i 11 U,' it. 111 tlic "j-umI ih's of his he, 11 1. upon foreign missions, iind things of like nature "Te the Mtoict.v for tin Picvcntiou ofCnti'lly to Animals do I li('iuc.itli the sum "of M.cin t. to enable them to airy on their just win fun against liiiinnn liuilcs who w ilfully alnise the boasts of hiirdcn 1 who till or for their hciutiti mid till other of (Soil's ew.t turos. "To the I'laiililin rouinHiiig A si 'urn of l'iithiilelphi.i do I heite:itli tlic sum of '..0110, to be used for the benc fit of the holplesslittlonnesubaiiilonoil ly their p.ucnts To nij unfo! tiinutc nephew, 1'iank lin Dyke, whom 1 lined us u f :i 11 huiriii liov. but who tuinul his puts poets in after .veins, do I bepieuth the sum of 5."., 01 (1. Knowing his easy tempi'! .11m nt. his fondness for stron,' eleitik. I place this money in charge of my esti'emi'il frit ml nntl u'ttnrncv. .Iiistus llclkunp. he to le-orM' the power ot continuing the said live thousand dollais until the Must child of my nephew. franklin Dyke, shall have rc.ichccl the eurs; ol eliserotion. the sum to be expended for the lieuelit of -iiId ( hilil ) minting ho shall consent to be governed li. the 1 oun-i'l of m uttntnoy. .Instil-, lb Ik lia.l. the fattier alone to n ceie the in ti'i'i st "To the male oition of my lelutions I iiciiucnth mv extioine sorrow that tlieii iiition-. in i ihis none by hae bioufjht shame and upon an honoi.ible u.iuiu. So much m. that I do not feel justilied 111 beiuiea til ini" to them anv oneof them any portion of m, properly. "'J'o tliem.also. do 1 beiiuiath my prayers that in tlie future they may t tit 11 from the evil of their waVhand M.'rw'iod. not tllLln'elt'h.', Amuimui' of disappointment from f-uveral of the male ielatics present drowns the oieo of the lawyer. He looks at tlient sharply oer his jrlasses, and hik'iice beiti," restored, lie ion tiiiiicbt "To my Ifst belovid nephew, di 1.111 Ihl.e, d(i I b '(iieatli tile balaiReof m, m'one.N.s, aiiioiintiu- all told, initOMTii" inent'bonds and other seoui Itlos and monis in b.inlc, to si. hiind'ol thou band 'dollais. my t)iopert, in West 1 lio'dcr. West t'hester lottnu, in the .State of renii'-vlv.iniii, mv ,iop"ities in the uity of riiiladulphia, Philadel phia County, in the Mate of I'cnnsyl Mii'la, the deeds mid otlut papcis of which are in the hands of my attorney, amount inu in mi1u to four huudicd thousand dol lars more, to lime and hold in trust until his first b.iiu child shall hmu n ucheil the ajri' of IclmI maturity, said propel ties toiexert to the child at time, ptin iiliiif.' that the Ills' liom ( f Adrian Dyltc is of the female .se Jlelievintr tliat only by the fe male member-, of th f.imilv is the name- held in esteem, and onl. In the woiren of the name will i. (Wi bo holim.lbly held up." A f-ro.m buists fioui the lips of the plotting iirin: a cr, of nnirulsh which diiihCh the lawyer to icise, and at tracts the attention of all those prcticnt. 'laUcr hears it. sees the white face of tli. man. sees the man litirilncr hastily lea his seat, ami lome to his mas ter':? side. It is a teirlble blow. After t-Wmpliie; to crime, after rovealinj- his cecrot to the coarse serxantw ho standi by has been iis.'lcss. lie lini put fn.m him the littlo cie.itiuc who would limo brought him wealth, biiidcneu himself with thu olVspriiifr of s) nil rccit to the lecent female child 'fui, nephew. I'lauhlin Ihl.c, to be 1 I el tin 1 1 list foi her by tin attorney. Instils ItelUu.ip. until she has t cached , the age of legal innttii ity. she, how eer, to be allowed the inteiest acci u 1 inir .11 the incati time, for the sitppivt t of he self and fathi r's fiiimlv. "Iiic.isoof he (loin sc of my attor nev. .lii-tus ltelluiap. lie is to'apiioliit .1 gilidi.iu foi eltliei of the I'liildtcli 1 which shall huomc mv heliess unless it shall be in the (.im of the child of drian Dylie. then this authoritv is gieu htm ouh in cum uT the death of her legal guaiii- 1 Ian. her fut 'ti r "All this do I bi'nuoalh. and lift 0- unto set my hand and this twenty lii' ot De'cmber. in tlic , ear of Lord one thousand eight hundicd and seventy -til ne. .si'gncd. "( MiirniM H ki ." Uitiics ' ' XMI s r" "IU" ( lioIMll MlsM. Itisoer, and witinut wait'ng to seethe lamer, without uollcinir any I one. the strlcUcn man. Aililau IHKc, iiishesotit of the loom, lie biushesi past Tahcs. TI1.1t gentleman delibei- 1 ittl cloM s one eve. ' I begin to iindei stand," he mur murs to his hat, and alsi leaves the dep iitmcnt. lie h isob-crcil that the inaii lie is watching li'is gone Into his Miliary. Conrad ('aidner has followed him. lie is .nisiotis to heir what these two ! hm e to say. There is something between them.' he mutters, and enters the ic'cptlou room .No one i-, near, and 110 one has seen him lie leineml eis a ceitaiu l;ev hole. He is soon upon bended knees bofoic it. Ilescis Adrian IHko -eatcd be fine his desk, his hands in his hair, liiseyis wild and startling Com ad is standing by him. lie is speaking, but the detective cannot hear his words. IlisMiiic Is low. but that lie is speaking earnestly lie e.m st(. 1 innlly the ma iter looks up. lie sms -oiuctlilng in answer to the man something that causes the sonant great ml sfaction lie can -cu lie Is about to leave the loom. so Taker leaves his position and stands by the door leading 'nto the hall. lie heats the door of the library open, liaidner is eoining out. lie hears Adrian D.vke speak. This is w hat he says: "To-night then at ten. Wo must arrange tilts. .something iniisi ne done.'' "I hope so, master," answcis Con rad, and then hurries past him tow aid the front dour. To-night at ten," mutters Taker, "I will take a hand in this m.vself. To-night at ten'. I will be on hand." And waiting until he is sine that Adrian Dyke has lo-cntc-ed the Miliary, lie noiselessly crosses the hall, and gin's out ino the air. lie takes supper at a faiiii-houe near b. (IIAKITi! XVII. '.'MUWW2 zm vr ,raritra i-js. mw4mt?m :i' :m K&L'm 4 T . .6, .". iiiioan nt'iisTs riuiM Tin: i.ii's tn rm: rioi tino man, mlnirers even denied the priillepe of IiIh own ehild. Tlio lnwycr's cold, metliodleal volco breaks into Ills mad dening thoughts. 'Shall I proceed with the rending.'" "Yes," he says, in a voice which ho can hardly ieei)gnlo as his own, "go on proceed." The lawyer continues: If the tiistborn child of my beloved nephew. Adrian Dyke, should be of tli male i-o.s. then do 1 bequeath to him 1 nolulinent .. r.w. . n !.. i .. (Adrian Dyke) the sum of s-.'o.oio. In order that ho shall bu kopuid for the Jovo and fnuerness ne lias siinwn me dining the last few years of my life, lo retoinpcnsed for tliu care and trou ble I huvo been to him. "And the Lnlanoo of mv fortune itow Li) net 1:1: hefoic an oaken desk, a form that dots not move. Only a deci) sigh, a groan welling up f 1 0111 a bieast overclriigcd with deep emotion, ie veils the fact that life exists in the man. who for bonis 1 1ms iciiiained in the one position, alone with his bitter grief, histeitibli) I dis'iniiotntincnt The tlgiiru Is that of Adrian Dyke. lie lias not rccoveicd fiom the hot ii lite blow as yet. lie has gone into the dlning-roiiin after tiindner has left him, seen to the departure of his un welcome guests, sliinp-eyod, blttei toiigiied busy-bodies, has shaken hands w itli ltelkniii) at the door, and has then gone to his libiary to wrestle with h s soi low, his disappointment. Night has 101110. Darkness steals upon him. Mill he docs not move. He is uncoil s 'ions of the lapse of time, heedless, caring nothing of the hour, thinking only of his sin, of its hoirthlo conse qucuics. ll. his action he has ruined his every ptospect: brought disgrace and shame upon himself mid family, entiehed his hi other and one of those eliildien who, but a few days before, ho had ib signaled as a "brat." A brat! Ah, the hint will rido in her carriage, bo surrounded with every Iuuiy, while he lie rises to his feet, his face working with violent passion. It must not be! This vast foi tune, shall not slip from him; rather disgrace, rather the humiliation of confession than thiu; rather the scornful, con temptuous eyes of the world, their condemnation, than poverty. The clock in tlic hull strikes the half hour, lie strikes a match and looks at his wateh half-past nine. He has an appointment with Conrad (iaulner at tea. He goes out into the hall. The house is as still as death. No one seems to be stirring. The hall lamp Is burning, casting a sickly light around. He dons a slouch hat, turns his collar up around his throat and goes out into the night to keep Ills nu nc nurries down tue pain, nvir a loncc, Hid ti s wav a J small giove about two bundled y 11 is from the 11 ad a giove ued for ) 1 nic purpnsis. Tlic shade w follows his ovatuple In . the cetitic of the pleus'iie gioutid is a , si)ii ire platform piob.ibh slty feet 1 s uaie. used by pic.isute seekers as n dtiiii mi: pla foi 111, lv the 111 gi 00s of 1 the vicinity as a plac fin 0,1011 air or , camp iiict ngs, "lie 1m 111 at mat time l'i .tig lllleu 'v itli I cm In s Hurried out from the chilli Ii' up hi which the devout sit and hoar the c slim talum of their sable pastor, w tin in ikes use of the musicians 1 ailing upon one side as a pulpit Towanl this p'ace Adi i.111 Djke ditccts his footstep-, and teach ing it. sits dow 11 upon the edge of the platform to await the toming of his sci v ant Tlie shadow halts in the shade of the twos lie is close enough to see and heat. It is not long before the er.ic'il ing of dry twigs, under the dead of a he.ivv foot, announces the coining of Oardiior. Nion ho nuilics Ids nnneniaiicf. Man ami nmsti r tue face to face. " oil lire a little behind time," the master begins. "iu know there ain't anvboly to wait oiiniv missus but ine.niid the h.ib was orv 'tret fill," auswoii d (nirdner, in .111 npologet 10 tone. "It matters but littlo 'I lieie is time enough between now and daylight Noil s.v the child is 11 cvishV" 'ie', sii. she ain't been well for 11 day or so .She taught 11 10I1I that night " 'llusli-h-h' Don't spc'it, so loud I'ei Imps she did. That was a sail mis take on my part. " moodilv "Ves. sir. inilioil it was,' ipnekly "Hut .von inn help it, sir, I hope,' aiiNioitsly. "I hope so, (iaiituei. I hope so." gravolv: "but it is a terrible thing to do." " fter all was done, after such an aw lul u tine, not to have it ionic tight." inuttcis Ciniluei .looking about 1 i 111 fearfully. "Yes. it was a ciimo." niisweis the master. abscnUy, inonlilv. "Hut I sinii have lit undo it." icsolutcly. "N 011 cm t undo the minder of tlio doctor. Mr Adiiun,' In a weak, iiimcriug voioi. I s ipiiils as thought tlie muster tin ie. upon him The minis winds In ing h. 111 to himself, lie seizes 1 1 i -. aim in a tight gtip "W hat do juii mean bv that. Oawl nor ' ho ci ies "Noli don't think 1 killed Hi Wilbur, do , voir.1' His voice is tierce, passion ate, hoirilied. 'I ho man cow -is beneath his gao. looks up into ills tacc, w itli frightened yes "Win. sir. if you didn't do !t. who did" Noil left mv house that nighl with nun dor in your eyes N oil look the road after him. I toll sine ,ouil tlono it.' I M,v Ciod' ' he gasps, stuggeiiugl against one of the posts which holdup the wtof. "To think that my seivant. my tool, should think me guilt.v ol this crime.' lie is ovowomo, lie i.i' not say mow. , (iiirdner comes to him. 1 "Didn't ,v on do if ' ho asks, eager 1 111 ss in ills' voice. "If you will say v oil didn't, sir. I will believe you; ami oh, I Mister Adrian, j on don't know what ' a weight it will lift oil my lonsjienco. I have not been abk" to sleep foi thlukin'of this. ' I A jfU-'i Dyke lvcovcrs hiiii-elf with 'ancfioil. He looics into the ejes ol 1 the servant. "No. Conrad. I did not uiiiwici Dr. Wilbur. I still ted alter bun. it istiue, but did lint oiei take him. I rt tin not to my house, and sent vou wind not t t come that night " "I remember tint, sn I am glad joii have sa d that, Mis'er Adrian. I din sleep better now I will do any thing for yon now " Tlie man is weeping with ioy. The muster is ini pressi'd hj tin sight of his devotion. ei vvi 11, t onr.iil." he sivs, softl", , "I believe , vou will. I shall asl. you toierve me tint once more in this tin fiiitiiuato alVair. Only once, it will all tie over then. The die will have been oust. I shall thiu let iiritlcis take their 1 i.uiM' ' "What 1110 joii going to do, sir.' ' ausioiisly. "lam going to give jou batk the ( hild .vou love." ' (live me back my boy." "os.' 'J lie man falls upon Ills knees. "Htoss jou. Mr Adr.iiu. bless jou. I love my boj. Mylmart has boon heavy sin 'o I took him fwTm his mother, was weak and didn't know what I wni ilotn'. and c.i 1 lied him to your house 1 have not felt right sinie. Hut it'll be all right now. S'ou'll have jour own little gill and get the foi tune' he inns on iua happy, joyful stiain. Sud denly ho stops his voice glows sad, his manner constrained, lie looks , into Ins master's face, and says, ' "Hut how can you do this, Mister 1 Amain 1 011 said netorc a lot or poo- I pic, at the inquest, that your baby 1 was a boy. I told everybody that mine 1 was a glil. Hvorybody will know tou 1 either Mod then or aiedoln'it now. 'They will say It was for the foi tune you did it, havosaid what you have." "Let them say their say, it will be the truth. It was for the foitutm i plotted; I have dotei mined to entry out tills, my last idea. Of course ! it will be known. 1 may be punished, but I will have thu money. I can leave this place and snap my lingcis at all of them." I (To lie (fmtiiii'frf.) WMIC" VAIiKXTlXKS. THUY MAKU ONE MAN LAUGH AND ANUTIIL'U SWtAI!. .Miiiitt tlir VI 111 Win, II iln. Mm Mr. Itiimiril tmliiluiH In I hciii VV In 11 lie I i-i-N Hut. mill (iiim I llll, (Hill. (Kid 1't'M WnriW I'rr rar. he Hud II (MMiculi to tliaw as ii .itiv an "do In a single j ear. A lons'ileriililo iiuiuIki of tlio valoii limn lntomled foi voiinii tt.itli Ire oe 1 Mitt It lllcs of fiiHhloit 'lhlr vvltitt time l n glial lh Id foi unit " v.oik In tlie pievitllliiK 'l.vlo of c.ilio- 'Ilie piopnuleioi'th liwiml unit Htllf ilionMois vvllli Hie. 1 cuiivoluicil eibu'-' tin tied 1, p. iniike .1 vvoniii'i tK tike tin lie id of .1 tilt ti the Hintbt on .1 diaigei UNKXPLOnrtl OMTAHIO. ut Itiulini ItimuM ii Mm IIIiiti-tlniHl j U VhhIIIii Hi ti Itipin 1-11 1 . Of OiiIiiiIo'b iiw-i, entliti.tled at 200,- lidll Hipillle lllltei, lilO.OWl mpillW" miles 1 me lit an unknown icglon, oulv the ed5iH of Wlihh bnve been oploieil 'I li Ik Is the ten Ittn v I,iiiivvu M Hie Hin terland of Olltaiin ll lies lielvv'oMi Lakes I Itu on ami Suieilui In the smith and the Allium 1 lv or unit SI .lames ti n WA w? m lM liS I iV -.AX ) A the poison to 11WI1 ill-envoi oil tin man who miikos II tin 1 (Huh- valru tbip'. Ye.i. ijtntk le.tder. It Is titf that one kuihi tenco lias to the on-1 "bio the c.ipi tire lilllilfli. I'ol luips vou do not hum how he.iv.v that tun itcn Is l.eirii tlieii. that vvlmiii I have loforied li llov.nt'd tilh mi Hum he tiled j 1)iy () ,,, ,,,, , ,( ,, ,, t)m Id os.'eger.lie the allHUI lltles ul llll. 1 l.lnl of cipe ami li 111 fulhil. 'I't make it look win ho lliait I' ro.illv dins when I nee it on the all eel, lie said, ami en I have to 111.1l e up foi II h 1I1 aw Ing ,i eioHC-oved woman In The wot hi tti'j fan) link the bettor the vnloiilliie xcll" I slioubl think ll would make .1 imn ItH" '' I111I put all tiei uihIi Into one of thus" oihh fool piellv Kiioil In lie tiMitlnlv ictucmticicil wll'l one uf thee (ape Ilelglit Lund, which itcn w.itoi llow'lng to lliiil'iim b.i.v and the Hiieatns einptjlng Into the St Livvieiice ami the lakes. Ninth of the height 1 1 In called the I tuition hay Hlopo, mindm log of about M).(H)i) Minute mile. Tins Hlopo mil) ho doscilhod .is unknown liiml. The lielglil id hind hi mil 11 1 hly" of hillt, Inn In 11 level plateau o:m)t 1,-00 or I.IIOO feet above the sea "Tin 1 Hieiii'ij," n.ijh a hiiimim'h icpoit. .. . . . . ... . . ...... i "t lone 1 ( voih (Hi ny iiuuureiis m i' aw (Maws ahoiit !Ht(i valentine plctu.'ofl that thev are aln aily In Kieut iloiii.uul ovor.v .vi .11 and each of them Is pilntoil In edition'! of l.Miuo Moil of them ate sold In thin (ounttv. Intl thru In aim ipilto an opoit nude wl.h nuiopi 'I lie moid of them tun mtniv oditlolis Ililt lei us .illppuse that e.U'h of them hat t.wi oilillo)i.s I'll. it will give a total of L'7 UOtl mm .1 vo.u Now. IllltltlM fllHlinh tlt.l ............. ..r ll.i.lll ' ...... t, ,n,i, i',n tiiui- ,i, in, -,.1 lii designed to make soniolioil.v swear and ou begin to not a 11 Idea of the tu ilhte huii'iiiM.s in vvhhli thin nitli-t I engaged Lot us hiiiiio-.( that JO.iKIO -000 of thi'iti touch tin Ir (lostlnatloiiy and that each individual ictlplin' Kwe.iiH onl.v the times Wi have a to tal of 100.00(1,000 ciiss-vviiids. tor which m.v fileml, tlio .11 list. Is itlieotlv m spon sible, cverv ear Hu)pose. ftlithei. that the aitlst holds his Job tlilit.v-sl ami a half vrars. and afteiwanU snf fois In puigatorv one dav foi tverv phie of violent kniBii.igo caused b him. as loiyputi I above, he will he there lO.OOfidiio .vo.hh, ami I do not call It enough, w 1 lies I low awl Holding in a New Yoik p.ipoi of km out ilat . These tu.iilu tmilti al opiMiitlnnH an founded upon 1 .tci fads- In this- let ter I am aimplv trjlng to state a matter of news- In plain v.oids I lime known the valentine .ntlrt foi a long time hut novel iiiihpKtod him of doing auv liilug of thai kind. It was only .vcsteula: that I Icniioi1 about it 1 wont Into his work shop Just as h llnlHlicd a (li awing. I looked over his fdiollldei ixpoitlng to see .1 plott pb -turo di'slgiied foi one of the ning:i7lnos, with the f.imill.u siguattno. C tlowuid Instead I saw u huriihle fteak wealing a white apt mi and engaged in pnuiliir eats into a sauii.igo-mlll "That's a sweet thing, llnwawl." said I "What's It foi ''" "Tor 11 butcher," said lie. ' lt'h in tended to bo a slight token of sumo- bod v's icgard on I'oh. 11. I've made v .lentliies on the 1 Itli I uiiiloisl.iii I , K , ,, (,,,,, ,lmi Hmits iiuIh M v, lilch idmw 1 the mate of envious t turnout auiuiii' the idihi who v.dirlii;- tlieii last vv Intel 1 1 a pen " l.iiHlng to nionV attlH the dude 111 cnlc.ituio of nils owlet lias clump I vciv Utile la tin p.ud live or ls (.ll In this inmiccHou the 111 tint told mi one or the toughest en iloiices that 1 voi I heiiwl It appeaiH that he mm diow a mr!liiil.iil iiiIiiihIvo dude val entitle Tin absolute lillocv ot tin (oiinleu.iiire v. lib h hi put " Hie dud n $& w MMF m NSs. f.A MM ' ' IMS out of the gate, on past Hawlner's cot tage. Ho tines not sec the dark form, which, keeping in the shadow of the t recti which skirt tlio roadside, follows him a dark shadow, but one with wido open eyes, keen ears. A danger eis shadow ! lie leaves the load leaps I'nr Iteil ItooniH. Anyone who wishes a "icd" 100m in a country house or elsewhere vv ill find pietty and new mateiial for spreads, pillow sand covers in the cardinal duck used by the Kensington .School of Art Ncedlewoik. The pieies of work me vaiiously decorated with Hat lace like In aids applied with wh to (loss. .Simple stitches in ncedlewoik till out the dcslgt . Any piece of wcrk may bu lioaght already stamped mid with the needlework begun. The vviiiteem Lioidoiy tones the intense ted of the fabric, so that a loom with white mus lin curtains, white matting, and sear let accessories may look as cool as it does cheerful, according to the Now I Yorlc Post. ' Another red color coming into fash ion is the led denim, which is not as vivid uud clear a color as the duck It is more like the vv ell-known "obi rose," Those who sno not satistled with window-shades of plain lloilund havo the lower edge ornamented with wheels unit the disks of dold thread done In outline. The tin cad Is couched ' 011. and the Holland then cut away J uuilerthc embioidery und net "aid undir it. Tin: hahoon yalhntinh. r.cailv a thousand of theso things this I car. What do vou Hiipposc on. Saint ' Yiilentliiiis. patiou of the plracant ocra- I shin, will do with me when lie gets held ' of mo''" ! That natuiall led tn a d seussion of Iho whole Hiihjort. It appeai.s that I low 111 il docs not allow thcfe di aw lugs to Intei feie In anv vva with his art vvoik. He has a oi nice vva of get ting tlie lime to do them. In uioso nioinonts of (llssatl.sfaethm which an (iiiliiiiny man would waste in sweat Ing or in tin owing a follow eioatuio down stalls Ilovvnwl Flinpl diawK valcntlneH. It irlievcs his feelings poifetl. I war gl.ul tn know this for I had been nt a InHs to account for the exoniplarj mild ness of li Ik disposition. It would ho unjust, of lourse, to tonipuro mi favor id .1 peiaon with oiuselvoH. Wo do not nave the opportunlt) of Insulting 'Si,- IDO.OOO Mi nngoiB ovor.v Wo iniiBt ' do the best wo can with oul our fain- . Dies mid frleiiiU. It appears that comic valentines 1110 all offeneho. Tlio.v are divided hi oadl Into two (lasM's, which ate known tech nlcall.v uh the "Hlt-'ein-llanlH" and the "Long Jokers." Hy the itilos of ordi nal y nnclal couitPB) a pnrt-on may wply tn a Long Joker with a club; but If ho gets a Hit- cm-Hard he takes down tlio old iiniBket from the wall. The enormous sale of these things piovos that they must till a longing of the human heart. The two sexes feel this want about equally. Just as many aio painted for men us for women. I regard that as an Interest ing fact which might easily escape the notice of a Icrs acute student of human nature tlrin msclf. Just how badly you hi'o to hate a pet sou before ou feel Impelled to insult him plctorlaily on the 1 1tli of February I am unable to Mate Hut there must be a good many million peo ple in this country who could toll f 10111 their personal experience This prac tice shows the geneial i cognition of the in Untie value of contrast. An milled charm must cling to the pic ture of a Jackass labelled "This Is You" when It Is received on the day s.icied to lovers' tokens. .Mr. Howard tella me that those valen tines are all directed tn the pletoilal exhibition of some human fault or folly. If they were confined to any other nelcl Tin: modhhx nt'Di: left nothing whatever to be desired j Of couise. theie woie many other dude, caileatuios that vi.11, but this tin most oflouslvo b long oddn It hap pened that a oimg man of Mi How .iidii aeiiiialntaneo got thief !i!ontlno veal ft (Mil th tee dllfownt cities ami oveiv one of his unknown admlwru pb ked mil thk-c Idititlutl valentine Whai ( onlil a man think under such cm optional olwuiusuiiiios except that thete was a distinct lesemblancc be tween himself and the fellow In the pic ture' It must have been ilcepl do ptossing. I lent 11 fiom Mr Howard that this gentleman did not commit sul clilo. bill lie would have committed mill doi under f.woiahle loudltlons One of the most successful vulentlne-" j ever sent out Wtic entitled "The Slug gut d." It lepiosentod a man In bod A pair of naked and gigantic feet limit; over the foothouwl. wlihh was In thu fdiogiouud and the sun, with a smth.1 of iloilslnn cm his countenance, v. as scon looking In tliwmgh 1111 open win dow. Ml How, 'lid gavi this to mo In a philosophical spit it as a sample ot isiniiHldowil a 1 .ne Joke b 1n.n1 thousands of poisons I'oihaps the 1 lolicst thing- If popular applause be Hie iilleilon In the line of comic val ontiner foi women was a plitute en titled ' doing to Seed " It lopn'MMitcil a pintiiulail.v ill-cmiditlmied plant In u I; 1 go icd lluwer-pol. and the How 11 was Iho head or an old maid. Thou sands upon thousands of thc-o vveic sold, and tho MMved, doublloM to cm tutlor the thoughts of a ionepciiidlnv j liike.s and liiiiiiineiable crags and hllli of lock. Is (dta!ul kit king In that no. blllly ami hugeness of view which oiilv the piosonee of lofty tmiiiitliilns can 1 bestow" Of the ilvewi llowliig nort'; fiom this slope the Albany is Hie nio.t 1 impoitaiit. being about ITfi miles long and n.ivngahlo dm im: the season id high water for 1!."0 miles. Of the shoiL slope south of the Height of Laud. In which ate idluateil the iiottlontonts of l Ninth llt. Klui genu Falls .ir-d S id I bill. v. there Is definite und ! Know ledge, but the whole tei tlloi.v slop , lug 1101 tii 1 cumins iiiieploieil. j The 1 1 1 iwli'i Itnitl Is Ontario's reserve. Much valuable timhot In (his legion is ' i!ostwici! h lb os that swoop south of 1 the vvatiMshoil J'lne, spiueo, tani.uacl., poplin ami (odar 1110 v.irlotliM of wood existing In nbuuilumo smith of the llud miii ba.v slope IIimo. too, aw valuabh tuliiiialH, but the ttoisuioi hlddoii In the legion not Hi of the plateau ami Ike lesouwes or the plane Itself await tlio searching of some Intiepid explorer. Tills fm tlui' Investigations aw tn I be made In both Labrador and the lliu Itoilaud. Mennvvhlh, 110 advonlunm-j isplilt need wslgii Itself to obsiino In ( .U'tlvll.v, not atnbltloiui traveler sigh be 1 cause thete are not now cellulites to 1 1 morse Tlio llliitoiluiid will ww.iwl the eager dlscovi rei, and when ho has I exhausted that toriltor.v the leglousof ! tin gloat Northwest teiii.tlii utisiir- M'ed. PACTS Sound CONCi:iJNING HEAmINO. II. m Itrm trkiililo I nri 11 In VVuUr i:pri liiirntt h) s( li-ntlKt,. An lmiuli was wcoutly made in Lmidmi as to the gicilrst dlstancu at which :i maii'rt voire could be heawl, leaving, of course, tin telephone, out of consideration, sas Harpoi's Hound Table. The iepl was most Intel est liig and was as follows: nightecn miles lh tlie longest distance cm letord at which a iiiau'u voice has been he.nd This ocelli led in the Crand Canon of the Colurnilo, whore one man shouting the name "Hob" at one end his volio was plainly heawl at the other end, which In eighteen miles away. Lieut roster, on Pony's thlwl Aictlc ex pcdltlun, found Hint he could converse with a man across the harbor of I'ott lliiwen, a distance of fi.O'Jii feet, or about one mile and a iiiaiter, and Sir John ri.inkllu said that ho conversed with ease at 11 distance of mow than .1 mile. Dr Young 1 coords that at (Jib 1 altar the human voice can be heawl at a distance of ten miles. Sound hay leniarkablo fotcci In water. Coll.ulnn. b expel InieniH inailo 111 the lake ol lionova.cstlmnted that a boll submerged In the ceu might he heard a distance of iiinio than sixty miles. Franklin s.ih ho heawl the sti Iking together of two i tones In the water ludf a uilhi away. Over water 01 a stufaco of ice 1 omul Is pwipagated with gioat clear ness niwl Htieiigtli Dr. liutton lel.ttoj innnbei of women who ought wither tc , lllilt 0 ., (U(,t ,,.( ()f tho Thames near ' have In ( 11 c migt attil.tteil. hue 1n.n1 I of then valentine!, aw in-etl in malice the 10.1l leason wh.v the-.v toll l that the people t.ilnk that tho aie runny I Theie's a or.v deep theme. I havt made 11 special nut ol tnc- promem What do people laugh at" And 1 have pintl.v solved It. 1 have b-irnod what I m.vseir laugh at li-it the mmuuIiiIiii piTsom miMitlonoil In Mi l'oitei's con mis have thna far eluded in. And ovol In my own case the lesull Is not con stant. One day, pel haps, I can laugh at one or my own Jokes, and a few later, when I 11111 acioss It in n cop 0 rv, .:iy 1 i rL,Oik mi$w ir.r usi v ti V.? W. l . " I' isL- "tint 1 Mil Chelsea he could hoar a person toad distinctly at the distance) of 110 feet, while on the land the same could in heawl only at 70 feet, l'rof. Tyndall when on Mount lllnnc round the report of a pibtol shot no louder than tho pop of a champagne bottle. Persons In j hilluou can hoar voices from the oait) a long tlmu after they themselves nr 'naudlble to people below. !) ilk , 1 v ms thi: old maid always sixms wi:ll. an old magazine which died before was horn, it don't seem funny at all Hut Mr. Howurd has gone luithoi He has not only clistovewd the seewt o what Is humor to a gieut duns of 0111 citizens, hut ho has huiiied what wll make one man laugh ami another mat swear. I call that a considerable trl iimph. Hi) Mil I'm, reatlieistone Willie, I don't ice Hint valentine that I gave om slutoi in this pile. Willie No; she gave It to the baby t p'ay with l.tirly Arlonii Wontfii. Ai Izona women are out after political pi lv lieges espial to those enJoed by tho men, and leceutb a woman suffrnne ii.noclation watt organized in Phoenix KiV eomo .veins a fovv representatives or advanced womanhood have chainp' lotted the cause In At Izona, ami eadi su:essive territorial leglslatiitu hm been asked to pasB an equal suffrage bill. Once or twlco the bill has passed one branch and has been Heated as a Joke in tho other. Hut statehood Is almost in fight now, and the woven are stirring themselves to gi eater eflorta looking toward enfianihlsimient. Tim governor or tho toirltoty has expre.ssi'.i himpcir us strongl In favor of womae suffrage. llPK'iiBi "f Hit eel I.nvrr. An nwrul tragedy occurred at Paris tmmedlatel after a wedding ceieiuony two weeks ago. As the newl imuileil coiiplo left tho church at the Place St. FrancoU Xavlor, a young, woll-iliessed man stepped out or tho crowd, and In full sight of tho bride and Inhlegroom ho fired two shots into his brain, falling dead at their feet. The excitement was1 indescribable; the bride fainted, am); It is feared, will becomn insane. Tho suicide was a Jilted lover or the bible. Ontx Mini. Discoveries or valuable onyx, which promise to develop Into very l.iruo mince, have been ninth) near ilealds biirg, Cnl. Tho stotin la beautifully 1 irked and a blast of the race or the lodge has exposed It lu great qitantl-tlcu. M h-vi ''I r;- "fl .JL imam MmWm tmp&mA