The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 07, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Tlmt heriincre of rich
many a life. For Tliroat and Lung affections
It is invaluable. It never fails to cure Cough,
Cold, Croup and Whooping-Cough. DR. BULL'S
COUGH SYRUP is the best. Price 25 cent
CM LANCE'S PLUCS.Ue Cret bcco AntMoU.IOc. DcaUn of nl,.C.M,tr Co., BttoH.
, , 4.
;: sTi:.tit, VASut t
-ishi:m, - ehjtti.i., X
' i'bbj, corrr.i.. J
Weather I'oreeiwtn.
Km) Ci.oui), Ni it., Feb.?, 1890
Tho following i the weather
forecasts for tho nuxt 21 hours:
ialr kiiiIk'H Winn,r In
ciilrnl and porUn
uiirtiH-r Nuitirdny.
1' W. Cowiii.n, Load Manager.
Noti: These forecasts will be tliu
plnyeddaib in cveiy postofllco in Web
county. nmup imv.xtiox.
I'UHll !
Push together !
PubIi a Bift piiHhl
Anil all iitish Reel Cloud I
Thon hoo hcrjprospcr as nover before.
II. C. Cutter wee in Omaha this week.
RufiiB Allen of Smith Contro was in
tho city Huh week.
D. II: Kaley and wife buvo moved on
to their fiirm near Conies.
It is rumored Unit a now millinery
store ia to bo stinted in the city booii.
Mrn. Ueiglo and duughtor, Lottio. re
turned Inst Friday from a visit in He
bron. Railroads, did jou Buy? Well, now,
that sounds riht. VeB, wo must huvo
John tins and Ralph Shaw, twUoo
mont hoys. er in Red Cloud this week
doing biihinrm
L S. IMvwinUo' Hastings, represent
ing the Smiili Premier Typewriter, was
in the city UiiH week.
J. K. W'liiio of Hliidun was iu Red
Cloud iIiih week, and of courBo sub
Bcribod for The Client Kamily Weekly.
The people of Red Cloud ought to take
enough (irid- in the woKnro of tlio city
to fix up tliMH'dewalkH in front of their
residences Hiid placeB of busineefl.
On Monday evening a few personal
friendH nf Mm or llentloy were imbed
in h bin good wifo to help celebrate Ihb
Doth birthday A very ploiiBiuu nine
time wns reported
Quick in effect, hiaN and lenve no
Bern., -rnl., -kin eruptions
, nnicklv euitd l.j DoW.t V Witch Hiuel
I Hnlve. " Applied to burrs, -CRldB.old mire
' it iiiiiuimd in tltiet. Always euros piles.
U L Cotting.
Lust week, iu our writo tip of tho baud
fir u'l, nniiiiMd tn mention that, in the
wateh prest'iitiitinii for girla under lfl,
Beulah Hull and Xellie Warren were
close competitors, and that Miba Uoulah
wua awarded tho premium.
Thorn are bhuio peoplo who make it a
busluet-s to cry down everything Unit ib
contemplated in any phico. Lot h atop
it mitl i-eo if it wou'i work jviBt hb well
to uphold instead of run down evurj
thing that jou don't have a linger in.
A most enjo able uncial dunco was giv
on by Messrs. 'Hernurd MoXeny and V.
S. Gnrbor on hiBt Friday evoning, in tho
spacious iiarlora of C. Wiener, located
over hm clothing Btoro. Choice refresh
montH were nerved during tho evening,
and tho guest a dnticed and enjoyed
themselves to thoir hearts' content.
Our worthy townsman, D. M. Huntor,
superintendent of public schools of
Wubatpr county, is one of aovon iupor
intondonts that haye been a- looted as u
committee to tovIbo the study for tho
county schoolB of tho state. A doBorvcd
honor, suroiy. xno rroiessor im " iu
of marked ability, and will do justice to
the occasion.
A littlo war oponod up within the Inst
few days in Red Cloud on koroBono.
Ono llrm dropped tho price from 25 cents
, to 13 conte, thon another llrm wont to
' 12c, another to lie, and thus tho war
gooa merrily on. Tho war ia aaid to be
caused by that giant octopus, the Stand
ard Oil Co., in ordor to forco John Jos
eon to soil thoir goodB, and, while tho
war wages, tho peoplo aro gotting tho
benollt of cheap oil.
Soothing, healing, olenuslng, DoA'itt's
Witoh IIn.el Salve ifl the tuemy to sore,
ouudnnnd piles, wldoh It nover fnils to
nnr. Stnim iti'liiniz and tiuruiiiR, CureH
ohnnped, lips una coiu-BoreH
three hours, tl h Cotting.
ill two or
Reduction in repair
ing on shoes sold from
our stock only, others
regular price.
.-!,.. .. . 1. ... .....
iMiiuug nienb' nun tsuitti.
Ladioa' halt solea
Roys half soles '0
Miflses and youths half soles H'r
ChildroiiB' halt soles '
Patches 10
See regular add
Cincinnkti Uoot and Shoo Storo
A. II. Kuloy, Prop.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so puro or so 'great in Icav
tnlng power as tho Royal.
-: JTTiKi .iSS3r"
and Door, has saved
m,uv i.ii.
Viigil Law is in l.etiunnn thin week.
J. A.Tulleys ih in thoeity thin week.
Cliff Pope lniK gone lo Dakota on bua
inosc. Dr. Dumerell was down fiom Ilastinps
Mies Laura Smith is visiting in Kan-
6as thifl week.
Walter Warren whb up from Suporior
the tlrflt of the week.
"7" P. Albright and J. S. While were
; iu UUuUmj this week.
Fur a fine hair tonic call on Hutchin-
Eon & 1 1 nit t. tho biirbors.
Thu bridal veil social at Mrs. Hontley's
ThuiBjay evening was a gran J success.
Mr. C. Probiipco and wife of Lincoln
are vimtin thuir ditughter, Mr?. C. J.
Rud the Bpocial prices A. II. Kaley is
making on bIiol'h, in another column of
this paper.
Mrs. W. A. McKeighan has purchased
tho Hradbrook property. It will make
her a nice homo.
Mrs. 0. L. Grillla returned to her
home in Lincoln jeeterday, aftor u fix
week's visit in this city
"(live me n liver rugnlittm and I can
regulnte the world,'' laid u genini. The
druggist handed him u bottle of DeWitt's
Little E'irly Itmers, thu fnmous little pills
0 I, Cotting.
Tho agriculturtd society mat Thurs
day afternoon and transacted business
Tho premium list will be ready booii,
mid w,e iinderRtaud that hereafter tho
aBhnciatioii will bo dubbed u district
fair, comprising tho counties of Webster
and Franklin in XoliniKkii, und Smith
and Jewell in Kansas, A good idea.
'J ho revival meetings tit llladon are
still going on. Rev. 03. W Hummel tho
r astor, is having gold suci-ori iu tiring
ing souls to Christ. Pimple of nil agas
lire being converted. Over eighty have
made confession and forty (he have
united wi h tho M. VI church. They
have organized a Suudiiv echool of forty
scholars and will org.imzo an Epworth
Lnguo soon. i'l interest
ynn to know that DeW n's Wi'rli llazl
Salve will enre them. Tins mi, ilu'!n ip
a upeeillc! for all romit'anita nf this eliar
aetr, and if iiiHtriniinn- (which are sim
pie) are carried out, a c:ir- uill n-siilt.
Se have testnil tliU iu iiiimerons enses,
anil atwas with like re"iilts. It never
falls. C L Totting.
An M1 l.iiiMltiuirK.
In all probability there does not exist
in Webster county another as unique
character as Uu:lo Tommy Rood, who Ih
eighty-eight j ears of age, and probably
tho oldest man iu tho county. He was
born in 1808, in Doston, Muss , and, when
but a lad, choso tho life of a sailor,
shipping as cabin boy on a morchaui
man in those days, about the swiftest
craft that sailed tho blue wators of the
Atlantic, For twenty yearn he plied tho
seas for a livelihood, visiting every nook
and corner of tho foot-Htonl, He has
visitod all tho principal cities of Eur
opo, Asia. Afrca, and the Americas, and
relates many interesting stories in ro
gard to tho countries of the east.
Sornetimo in tho !0'a hn started out
and travorsod the great unknown west.
Ho took part in many or the Hard Mught
Indian waw, acting iib interpreter for
the government. Ho can speak fluently
sevoral Indian languages, principally
that of the Sioux. His stories of those
memorable events aro exceedingly in
He located in this county about tho
70V, and whon Tun Ciur.r waa first
printed, ho paid f 5 for ono of tlio first
copies and has remained a loyal patron
evor since. Uncle Tommy, although
bont by tho infirmities ot more than
four scoro years, jet bears promiue of
m ny raoro years if URefuInesa, Few
mon hnvo had tho experience that has
co mo to him in all parts of the earth,
In politics ho has boon an ardent repub
lican since that party came into exist
once, and fought in the late war to
maintain them. Ho is still a devout
follower ot republicaniHin, und may ho
alwnys he bo 1b our wIbIi
Highest Honors World' Fall.
A, pute Grape Cream of Tart'ir Powder. Fjw
Von) Ammonia, Alum or any other olultcraiV:
The Kel 4'lmul Commercial
luh ItlrrlH in Judge Dun)-'
Oitlee and 'orniii a Complete
Now It mil) for IliixliifNi In the
Iiiireftt of ISt'd iiud.
In responfio to a popular sentiment, n
large number of Red Cloud bucinesc
mon und citizens mot in Judgo Duffy's
ofllco last Wednesday evening, for tho
purpoBo of completing tho organisation
of the club started a few days ago. Ow
ing to the fact that Mr. A. lladoll had
handed in his resignation as president
ot tho former club, the committee
thought it expedient to call another
meeting and ro elect officers for the club
on a ditloront basis, Mr. lladoll, while
willing to do ull in his power to help
Red Cloud forgo to tho front, thought
that it would not be udvisablo for him
to neglect his own business to do so, and
therofore roslgnod to take eirect at otico.
In ennsequonco, the committee on organ
iation called tho meeting last Wednes-
night for that purpose.
Tho meeting was called to ordor by
Itobt. T. Potter; O. C. Hell was called to
tho chair, und Mr. Potter wns choccn
secrotary pro tern. On motion, tho body
resolved itself into a Commercial Club
and proceoded to tho election of officers,
wun tlio loiiowing roBuus:
President. D. J. Mors.
Vice President, D. F Mizor.
Socrotary, Robt. T. Pottor.
Treasurer, W. T. Auld.
Extcutivo Hoard Alfred lladoll, Ran
dolph McNitt, D.J. Myers, A. II. Kuloy.
Geo. J. Warron.
Advisory Hoard W D Roby. G W
Dow. C S Donnett. G R McKeeby, C H
Miner, O C Doll, F O Turnure, O L Cot-
ting. FV Taylor. W L McMillan. .1 W
Kunchoy, M R llentloy, C W Kaley, C
II Potter, T J Ward, D F Mizor, F W
Cowdon, Jno Polnicky, Jns Peterson, J
O Dutler, A Morhnrt, D B Grico, U M
Martin, S A Templo, L P Albright.
Tho club starts nut with several prop
ositions that will bo of great interest to
this city, and will bo worked upon until
tho work is accomplished and all aro
safely located in our midst. What tlio
city needn is hot lifo and no drones in
the hive. Kvary man in Roil Cloud that
can do so ought to enroll lus namo on
tho Club records nntl become an earnest
worker in tho promotion of the city's
welfare. You aro either for it or against
it, so c mo out nnd mako your position
Tho club bus under consideration tho
re establishment of the creamery in this
city, a thing most to bo desired. Thoy
aro preparing to send bmo specimons of
stucco to Topokn lor examination, with
u view to having same developed in our
midst. Thoy have in viow tin estab
lishment of a brick hotel in the city
and many mom projects that can be
brought here, provided that, the citizens
take hold of tho enterprises as they
Do you desire to holp tho city ? If so,
got your shouldor to tho wheel, and do
so without furthor equivocating. It
will take united action to accomplish
any ot theso projects.
Art. 1. This organization shall bo
inown as tho Red Cloud Commercial
Art. 2. Tho oject of this organization
is to secure the united efforts of tho
business men nf Red Cloud in advanc
ing tho welfare and material intorests of
our city.
Art..!. Tho membership of this or
ganization ahull consist of nil por'ons
who sign tho by-laws or thiB onlor. nnd
pay into its troasury tho sum of ono
Art. 1. At any regular or called moot
ing nf this organization, sovon persons,
not including tho president and secro
tary, ahull constituto a quorum.
Art. Tho oflicsrs of this organization
shall consist nt a president, vice presi
dent, soeretary and treasurer. Thoy
shall hold their rospectivo olllcos for tho
term of one your, or until thoir success
ors shall have been olectod.
Art. C. Thorn shall bo Rn advisory
board, whoso duty it shall bo to ndvisa
the officer nnd organization on any and
all mutters which may como before thorn
for consideration; such advisory board
shall consist of twonty-llvo membora of
this organization.
Art 7. Tho executive board of this
organization shall consist of live per
sons. Tho prosidont and soeretary shall
bo ox officio mombora ot tho oxecutive
board. Thoy Bhall hold thoir ofllco for
tho term of one year.
Art. 8. All membora in good standing
shall be allowed to participate in tho
deliberations ot thio organization.
Art 9. Tho mootinga of this Club
shall bo bold in tho ovoning of the first
Friday ot eaoh month, but mootinga
may bo hold at nthor titnos whon, in tho
opinion of tho president or a majority ot
tho executive board, such mooting shall
bo doomed noceBBary.
Art. 10. It shall be tho duty of tho
president to proflido at all meetings of
tho Club: in his absence, tho vice presi
dent shall preside; in tho abaonce ot
both, tho chairman of tho oxecutive
board shall preside. All ordors drawn
from tho troiiBiirer shall bo counter
signed by tho prosidont. Tho secretary
shall mako und presorvo a record of all
the biisinoss trnnsactad by this Club at
its meetings; collect tho dut a that shall
be assessed against the members hereof;
said record shall he ovjdonco of tlio
standing of each member of tho Club;
the secretary shall pay ovor all moneys
so collncted by him to tho treasurer ot
tho Club. No money shall bo paid nut
by said treasurer, except upon order
duly signed by tho secretary and coun
tersigned by tho president of the Club.
and all ordors shall stato fully for what
purpose they wore drawn.
Art 11. The treasurer shall keop tho
funds of this Club, and no money shall
be paid out by him except UKin order
dul) signed and countersigned by tho
secretary iihd president of tho Club.
Art 12. Tho executive board ahnll
have full power to transact any and all
hualucRB brought before them, which, in
tho opinion of a majority ot tho mom
hors of the board, does not require ao
tlon by a moeotlng of tho Club, but all '
hiMlncBs bo trinsacted sludl be lepotted
tn the Club at the oimiing regular moot-,
ing. I
rggzj-s ..T-ggxrar.-saaci., rTTL.L ..v
The fallowing are Ihu nniiirn of those
who signed as members,
T J Ward. IIP Bowler.
Henry Diedorich. K VTiiylor,
KJ Overing,
W L McMillan,
.1 S Djer,
duo Dickersnn,
10 Welsch.
J S Kniigh,
J C Warner,
J A McArlhur,
Geo New house,
.1 SUilhntn,
11 KGriee,
M A'bnghl,
I) .1 Mjere,
(' H Crone,
(' I) Robinson,
LII F.rt,
V, V Kalev.
Theodore Ponsor,
Alfred lladell,
W A Sherwood,
.1 O Duller.
Geo W Dlair,
V S Dense,
Oleo J Warren,
1) W Turnure,
J A Damn,
Peter Conovor,
L I) Oiitman,
Den Ludlow,
P A Hansen,
G W Dow.
J II Smith,
Geo () Veiser,
Randolph MoVitt,
F K MeK'eeby.
II C Richmond,
N. W. Klngslaud.
S A Temple,
J K Aultz,
J A Ho)d,
M M Stern,
C S Dennett,
D F Mizer,
A Morhnrt,
tleo Morhurl,
Jiih PeterFnn,
1 1 W Sherwood,
LP Albright,
U M Martin,
J S White.
RT Potter,
J M Chatllu.
John Polnioky,
Nolson Longtm,
F W Cowden,
C II Miner,
Jos Herburger,
A Cook.
Fi W Kaley.
O D Dell,
F (1 Turnure,
O L Cotting.
G W Hutchison,
A II Kaley.
L M Orabill,
J W Rnnchey,
W D Roby,
A C HoBiiior,
J Nustt'in,
R D Dodford,
O K McKeeby,
ED Smith,
Jos (larbor.
Tho record of retnarknlilo cures effected
enables ii trntlifnllv to sny that Hood's
Sarsaparilla is tlm only trim blood pnti-
Uer prominently in ni pnnno eye today.
Hood's pills nrn the best family ontlmr,
tie nnd liver medicine, llii'mlen. reliS'
tile, sure.
. .
O. Wienor, our ontorprising clothier,
left Wednesday evening for Chicago an 1
New York, to lay in his Btook of spring
nnd aumnier clothing. Mr. Wiener
cumot)Rcd Cloud in the fall of 188.1,
and from a small business has, by njiiare
nnd honest dealing, built up an excel-
' lent business, such as many men would
' t - .1 ft !.. . .... I... ..!!.... I.i-
IIO pruuu in in until; itiruur uuhh. isur-
ing theso fnw yonia ho has erected n linn
business block, and has always kept
abreast of all enterprises of the city,
nnd it is with pride that Tub Ciur.r ro
tors to such substantial evidences of
prosperity among Red Cloud's business
mon. Having nail many jears exper
ience in the business, ho buys with an
understanding of just what is needed
nnd keeps none hut tho best goods in
his store. Such men aro what go to
mako up a sueeersful business commun
ity. He will return home in about ten
dins or two weeks. We hope his future
vears will be as prosperous as the past
have beon.
The dyspeptic carries a dreadful loud
on his hark. It seems as if he were renl
ly mndo np of two msn. One f them
nmbitioiiH, tirniny nnd energetic; the
other slek, listless, peevish anil without
force. The weak man weighs the other
down TIih dyspeptic may be able to tin
pretty good work one day, ami th next
day because of some little inilisnretion iu
enting, he may tie nbln to do nothing at
all Meat cases nf dyspepsia start with
constipation. Constipntinn Is the cause
of nine tetitlis nf alt hnman sickness
Some nf is symptoms nre siok nnd bil
ious hunderh. dizziness, snnr stomach,
loss of appetite, foul breath, windy bet
ohingi, heartburn, pain nnd distress
after eating. All these are Indicative of
derangements of tho liver, stomnch nnd
bowel, nnd all nre caused bv constipa
tion Dr. Pierce's I'lansnnt Pellets are
the qnlokes easiest nnd most certain
onre for this condition, They nro not
violent In niiMnn. Send 21 cents in one
cent stamps In World's Dispensnry Medi
cal Association, Hnffalo, N. Y., and re
ceive Dr. Pierce's 1008 pago Common
Sens Mndioal Advler, illntrnted.
. i ....
runner' liiNlitute.
On hiBt Friday and Saturday tho
Farmers' Institute, advertised to take
place in this city, whs held, a large num
ber of interested furthers being present
und participating.
On Friday, Pi of. Swoozy, state motor
ologist, gave mi able discourse on the
rainfall. This subject waa listened to
Prof. Stauiror of Dellovuo, prosidont
of tho Stato Dairyman's Association,
talked on his oxporienun in that Una,
showing plainly why Nebraska was hot
ter adapted than many othor ntates in
that lino. On Saturday, Prof. I. L. Ly
on, ot the agricultural experiment ata
tion, gave a splendid talk on sub-aoiliug,
and all questions nddressod to him wore
plainly answered.
Prof Nicholson talked on tho augnr
boot subject and interested Ida hoarera.
After tho spoech making was ovor, a
porinaiont organization waa oiroctod
Tho officers woro:
R. L. Alyna, prosidont.
T C. Hacker, vicopresidont.
C. W. Kaley, treasurer.
D J. Myers, secretary.
Tho next uiHoting will be held in this
city on Wodnoedny, February 10. at 1 p.
m , in tho courthouso, program of which
will appear iu our next issue. Wutch
for it.
The Farmers' InBtituto is ono of tho
best means ot educating tho farmor that
haa over boon discovered, and ought to
bo fully appreciated,
A drowning mau would have littlo nso
for a method of rescue which would re
quire days A dynpoptlo doesn't want to
bother with a remedy that is going to
take weekB to aliow itn tmntUcial elTeuts,
Tho Mount Lebanon Stinkers ar offering
n product nuder tho name of Shnkur Di
gestive Cordial wulch yiedls immediate
relief. The very tlrHt dose provuH viw
flcial in most casus; and ft is owing to
their iiHbntmdt-d couttdouce iu it thai
they havd put 10 cent IioUUh on the mar
ket. '1'he.e can be Inul thoimh any drug
gist; nnd it will repay the ululated to iu
vest tho trilling sum liece'snry to make n
trial. The Shaker Digestive Cordial re
lieves by resting tho stomauh mid aiding
thu digestion of food,
LAXOIj la the best intulialuo for oh lid -run.
Doctors rucommutul it In place ot
Castor Oil.
Uev. Ulackwull is
ings at tho McCall
good results.
still holding moot
school hoiiBo witli
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others,
I Winter
I Goods
I Offered
Cost 1
Shea & Turnure Bros.,
Turnure llroa. will caiillmie iialnvai.ut the old Miami,
thanking ciiHtomera Tor paal fuvam anil Nollellliif
h coiitliiuunee of your pulroiuiKe.
Oil, Oil, Perfection Oil, worth 25c, lor 12c per gal.
Even Change Tobacco, 15c per lb.
1 lb John Smith Smoking Tobacco
and one Briar Pipe,
1 lb Battle Battle Ax Plug Tobacco,
1 do, boxes Parlor Matches,
500 lbs Missouri Dried Peaches,
Fancy Louisiana Itice,
Oat Meal 10 lbi for 25c
15c bottle Mustard and Pickles for 10c
200 gal N. O. Molasses, a little dark in
color but a good baker, 25c per gal.
200 gal Pure Country Sorghum, 5c '
Our Dried and Kvnporated Fr it Stock is complete.
Wo carry tho lurgoat stock of Queonsnare in Webster
county at prices that defy competition.
Wo want your business.
Tho llrm horetofuru existing under
tho llrm namo of Dojo .fc Grico bus this
day been dissolved by mutual consent.
L. II. Deyo retires and 11. K. Grico con
tlnuoa tho IiubIiu'bb, assumes ull obliga
tions nnd collect) nil accounts.
Uod Cloud, Nebraska, Fob. 1, lS'.IC.
L. II. Dkvo.
II, E. Gince.
if r
Turnuiie Bros.
D'holiillon of Partnership.
Notlco U hereby Kl en Hint tlm 1 artner&lilp
licietofnre t xtttluu timid tlio fliin mine ot
Mum X rnrimiu IIiim ,1ms lutn (IIsmiIyuI by
iniitiiit consult, .Mr I'. W. Slu-Aft tiring. 'Ilio
III hi ulll lieu-after lie known as Turnure Urn,,
liu u III .I-.MIIIU .ill uiillriullolis of die old Mini.
1', W.SllKA,
Keil Cloud, Neb , J A nuary 37, 1690.
1 ? " 1