y ..-. :sj.? & Ad THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, EEB, 7, 1896. A TALK ! M I About Bed Rook uuutiiiiuumiuiiiiumuiiiiiuiiiiuui YMgnotfliirettrjeftocM innnn Tinn 1U.UUU BOfr. OP COIN !J i i In exchange for goodB at prices below: HdotTomntni-H, 12 CntiH for $1 Rett Corn, 1" onus for 1 llrnt String Ui'iuiH, 1'JoiiiiH for 1 Hunt Limn Honnt leuns for 1 2ft imuuilfi bent Raisins for 1 Ufi pounds lied huh dried Peache for 1 ,() iiuuntln HKrtT Ontmenl for l 1 noiiftd of the Flni-Ht Smoking I'chiiccoyoM sver snw for. 1 khI. tho lift Country Horghtito 1 gnl.the llest Sugar Drip Byrup v iititindrt HtHt Dried Pen 8 iiooiuIh bust White Denim L'flo Impounds best Pit. Plums 1 00 f, tiuutidH liet Rio Coffee, n dandy, 1 00 1 pound DnttleAx Tubncoo 20o 10 Dotes best Mule Mntohets, fto 1 doz. Hoses Parlor Matches, He 1 pound onn Haking Powder lOo 1 inck rlb Floor, good for pnncnketi, mnken very good Light Drew! 1 ponud of Tea us good bb nny r.Oo 1 onn gl. Apples loan Rid. Peaches 1 onn gnl. Penrs, 1 onn gnl. Aiirlcotfc 12 Dnrs Bent Lntnidry Sot p, for Tho above prices will be good until further notice. All kinds of Country Produce will bo taken in exchange i for goodB at the Highest Market Price. KEEP WATCH For this ad. It will appear ouch week and will SAVE YOU MONEY. CjgrComo and .see uh when in tovnf Respectfully, Mizer & Mc Arthur. aracrrCTrrHJ-'"''''-'" It. A. Id. It, ". lime MUl.NO l'.ASl ut Ijireil Krt'luht. IV II 111. Ill, I illHl-llliri, M, l'nsl Freight, ,., .. - -.., . " in-.n!i " Ar lo.ou ii. in. " 1 :i p. in. liMlp.uii. CUINC NOItl'II IW.MIiedTinm, l.v II M ii. in. ArllilBp. liOINCWCHr m m. 1'nRt Fielidit. l.v lliltti. m. Ar 111:30ft. Ml. MuedTr.itn, " 12-05 p. m. 16, I'llSHCBKer, " : ! "I. llio.-, u. HSWp. Mt-liool Itrporl. Htxrt of pcliool in Diet. No 70, for th month oiuIIiik Juiiuury.'tl. 18!Ki: To tal number onrollwl, '2G; uvoriiKo uttomi iico, '21; nuiubur of iln8 tui(jll. -0; not tardy or ubmiiit iliiriiiK (ho month, Al fred Itwfio, John Enu'lniHi, John UeeBO, and Corn Smith; thono whoso duport aiont is4W or nbovc. Odin KiiKland,SHin ol Howo, Alfred Uochu, Klmnr 1'iirduu, JiiHpor Suiitli, .John Hmw, Frunlt Koohk, Frank Sibort, I'M ward IlHiitoti, Corn Smith, Julia Sibert, Ivn IIlthIi, unit JJiuuie Sibort. N. L. D. Smith, Toucher. Don't Inwte dixuppointini'nt by exper imenting. Uopeud upon Ouu Miunio Uoouh (jure nn I you huvti imuu'diiite re. Uef, It onrcH croup. Tliwonly lmrinlem remedy I hut produo.i imnniliiUo rultn, 4XLCottiuK. A high school 5irl, brtiii( told by ltr toncher to pareo "Ho UiBod mo," con iflentod ruluutitnt ly bocuuHo opponod to poukinK of priv ato matturc in public MIIo," hIio corjimaccd with unnocoBBiiry niptniHiH and a fond litiKonn over the word that brouulit tho crimuon to her hooks, iH a pronnii n, third perron, riiik lar number, miiBculinouNKlHr. u uentlo aaun, and protty well tlxed; ur.iverpiilly coiiBidored a Kood catch. Kivned i'h h verb, tratiBitivo, to) much h), menhir very evening, imiicativo mood, imlicat inix nlTection; tiret and third purwon, ylural uiitiilxtr, Rial ovorncd ky.'irciim ntanceo. Mo 'Oh, well, wtr body known inc," and bIio nut dowtu I'RWIHl'. (round hog de was hibt Sundig and wo uro ulTraid he uw liia Hhadnw. Abe, Lawman of Smith Contre .in to tako tho Womor jitolllco and ulsn run a grocery atoro, Will llolahiin and Jnuion Coojujr nay tkey uro.Kolni? to ArkunBiiu in tho spring Mr. linker and w-ifo returned fiom Illinois whuro tltnj Iiunk been vl.sittntr. Thera v.-jih a party t Frank JoluifionV last Friday night, A. I'ounda him Bold bus f.it, BleerB to W. Kucho. A hog buyor from KiuMtnn ukh in thcBo pitrtB liiBt week Friink JohnBon nud wifn Bpnnt litht Sunday with frit'iidH at leamilie, Wandrui.k. If iillllctml withncnlpiliiU'RHce, hair fall ing out, and premature bal-inefs, do not use grease or nlcoholio prepurutions ripply EaJl's Pnir Itenower, but ' Pr. Price's Cream Ur.kins Powder I Wn,Mal!nirHir,h..t M..1..1.. mi.i.-. I World flDunJgnestMrdjilKiri Diploma. Wanted ! iiuiiiuiiiuUiiiUui 00 (1(1 00 00 00 (10 00 1(h) :iou ten for ftOo 2fto 2fto Mo 40o 4(c 2fto liliideruurtcii. Tho following aro esHijH written by ono of tho cIiihboh in tho Kindorgarten Bchoo': Hod Clouil. Nebrnsku, lVb, 4, l9. Drau (!(..NI)MA:-I urn lewn jears old I ro In the ICliiiHiKiirten, .M tctulicr Ii Miss Ciirliei. I like to pi toichool. I llku lo pluy with ihubn)H, I inn In llio vcoinl ro.nler. I h:ie.-ulo(;iiiid licit. At li'i'eis u play hide ami no eik undue pity ball, i like to k" itlt ou. 1 en to Sunday-school I like iirilcH ami multti-ri ten ami inlllt. .S.ml.i bnuiKli' liieMiiiiot'iiiily. I like to do number ivmkuiHl I IIKotospWI, Wu huvo had t.'m ban iter lour timet l will stop now and But my number woik. I urn your lining grunilsou, Ci.rni Hadm. Itcd Cliiinl, Neli., Kt-b. 4, iwt). Dkau Ciianiima:-! urn six jeais old mill I inn Koiiik to thu Ivindernirtiiii, My teacher's mime Is MIhs (Iriice (Inrber. 1 am In the sii'iiiid reiuler 1 am In the A nunle. 'there are fnriy hosmidnlrN In hcheol. 1 Kotaitorj book for Clu IsiiiniH ami HriuiU ciive mo some piiinti mill Santa CIiiiih brought me Homoeatiil). I KotoKuiiilii-M'hoil. It;et apnpereery .Sua da, I will step now lo do my number work, l,iivlllKl, .llHItl-llINK.Ml.KII. Iti d I loud. Ncb I'eb. I , I8W. Di'Aii Cousin:-! mn nlnejeii's old nnil I urn In the Nei-oml rvadi-r unit I mn lu the Kill dcrK.'irleu and my teacher Is Mist (lurbvr. 1 loe m teacher nnil I love my plajiualcs. Tliero nro farty bosmul kIiIs In my rmiHi, I plawlthmy ilolleuml I hae a Kitt nud 1 liawMillltle i-Mcr I like apples lllketolUe In lied Clouil, Illknoiiidy 1 1 ke to do num ber work. We h id the banner four weeXH. i know, in) titble of twos. I will stop now. I.oIiikI. PlIlllA Sl-Al.DINII, Ked Clnuu, Neb., Keb. 4 tSfxl. 11KAH (iltAMiMA:-! Alii seven J ears old Papi b.isa Imihe. I mn uoliii; to si'liool. I eo t' huiiiliivi'ho l We Imv.i number mix tills i-k 1 le-il III he Si'i'iuul iHiidt-i, luive hail Ihe liaunei lour nines. 1 i-ume to sclniol eer ilii). I will stop now bvi-aiise I am verv UllllKI), ,, Cooilhy, Cwwk Kmkiii. Itiil CI, Hid, Null , lVb, 4, I SO,",. Ukaii Cuumin: I inn six vi-nrrt lllll. I mil In the sis-Mini lemler. I have it hoise. I rlile In) liuiM'. I tin In the KliiilerKirlcu. 1 like to ui i hi I I I licit' ore fmt In school, 1 have a iloj! ,iiil ItNiiHine Is WatcM. i urn eniiiu, llKltl DVCIt. IN'il Clouil. Neb,. I't'b. I, 18011. DiMIHiKV.Mivu. 1 inn mvi-II vt'lf. old, III ro an lurtv ' t h .iii.i lrls I my si'luiol. iii'itilln tvht ii o ilmi'i hvve anv tecess we L'l t mil eiulv Mv luti-liei l Mlsstiniber. We wai.tjou luwr.t' Noon. V,e know ihe table ol tw h. lllll.N'MK llTII.VI'. ronsiiplion A AND ITS "CUn Trv tup Pni rnn I Imua o ni,.nii.. TO THE EDI TOR : 1 Inve an absolute remedy for Consumption, ity its timely tisa thousands of hopeless cases have been already tvrnuncntly cured. So nroof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to stud two bottles fret to those of vour read 'rs who have Consuniption.Throat, Bronchial or Lunc Trouble, if they will write me their exrress and mstoflice address. Sincerely. T' A SL0CUM M. C, hi rearl St., Hew York. c. !Vha H'Hto'UI nd lluilnMii Sluiiiiirnnont of tu rmw OuMuntcu ttilt uvunrgus rruMiM4u. More Mfdlolnal ralue fn a liottte of Hood' Run parllla Hum In any other preparation. Moro iklll H reepilred, more wire taken, inor. tiptim Inrurred In I Li manufacture. It cent the proprietor and the dealer Moro but It com the ennsurner tn, m ii geU more denei for hln money. Mor euratlte power secured by Iti peeullar romliln.itlon, proportion mid process, which make It peculiar to Itself, Moro people urn employed unit more space oc cupied In Hi laboratory than any other. Moro Moro More wonderful cures effected and more tcs tlinonlal recelred than by any other. s.ilcs and more ncrrae year by year itir iriiiiru iij liruucnifl fFl lieople are UKI Itlif Ttooil'ii ftinanarllli ion t()(l. IT thail 11IIY Otlirr. mill tmir lrn Lilting u UMiay man ever before. Moro and stim. moiik reasons might bo Riven why you should take Hood's Sarsaparilla The One Truo Wood Purifier. $1 per bottle. ..." .. . . .. - " ....'.V . U.n rsn Cllr n" Mver Ills and nOOtl S FJllS Sick licadacho. cents. Till: IxKui I i 1 1 Iiiih passed tho Sonuto with u frco silver clause. U.S V do not iibeorvn tho ndvantiigo of NidiriiBka farmnrH moving to tho Hotitn whon our farms aro im productive nn aro Hotitlicru fariiiH, and tho clime better, two to one. Tun lion. J. A. Piper, Hccrotury of etato, ifl a candidato for dolegato to tho national convention, lie Iiiih many friunda who aro urging liifi caudiducy in this Boction. Ik Europu la unablu to quoll the Turkn and tho Armoniiinein tlieir internenueno conflct, thon tha navy of Undo Sam muflt call that way and settlo thoi. IiiibIi, provided that American interest aro jeopardized thereby Jakk Kinds iiku has ronnuncod pop ism and returned to the republican fold. Jake !b too good a man to be fooled all tho time with doctrineR that aro falla cious, and not Bupporte.il in good faith by muny of tht adherentH Tiir republican party ifl creating more confidence in the short tinio that it Iiiih been in control of congresB than tho domocratn could ever think of doing. It i'b apparent that a now era litis Bturt e i in the onlirn country. Russia Iiiih plunged tl.u duggor under tho f if tli rib of Johnny Hull by making a compact with Turkey for freo accoi-a to tho Dardanelles a right that England Iiiib deBired for a rent no, but could not porfluado tho "Sick Man of Europe" to grant. Wr. hnvfl learned of many candidates for delegates from this district to tho national republican convention, but thoro aro none better qualified than Urn Hon. J. S. Gilhnni of this city. He in well qualiiiod in every respect and would bo tho right man in the riuht place. Tiik Cuban rebellion is etill wending its weary way along, and Hiobo liberty seokerfl have the sympathy of every Amorionn citizen in thuir Htrifo for self government. Our forefather fought for the eatno principlen as vigorously for our liberty, and, if tho Cubans can hold out, thoy are pure to win. A co.M.MKKCi.M. club, properly organ ized, stands for: (1) tho prosperity of Red Cloud; (2) more railroads; (fl) beot sugar factory; (4) uniting of public in terests; (5) tho seloction of good men for ofllce; and (G) for goneral improve, ments, and the unification of tho people of tho city nnd county for a goneral pur pose. Do wo want tho creamery moving ? Well, yes; it ought to be in oporation. and, if wo mistake not, will be doing business at tho old stand soon. The pooplo of this city aro in enrnest, and they proposo to got into tho hnrnoss and pull together from this time on. That is the right spirit and wo now look for butter times. O.NP.of the many things that tho now CfUiuiurcltil Club should look uftor is tlie equalization of city real estate taxes This city pays about ono fifth of all the taxes of the count), and it ia wrong. A limn owning a business lot iti Red Cloud vulued at $700 pays moro taxes than tho Hame man would have to pay on 100 ir.'res adjacent to tho city, valued at live times as much money. Those things should be looked after at once, and it will bo amove in thnriuht direction. ?ri. i:. .nti:s. .Myrtlo Chamber a in will tin oro-llv nit-sjilat tho chapel Sunday buIioo Tho quarterly conference will jI meet .vioniiiiy morning at oiiW. The joung ladies out voted tho bojs at the cabinet meeting. The phonographic, concert next Tiies day night will bo entirely new. huvo I-east Sunday morning at 8:110, The Lord's Supper will bo administer ed ut 1 1 1,110. Don't fotget Rev. W. It. Alexander will preach Sunday evening at 7:110 and woconlldeiilly believe tho sermon will edify and please. A collrctiou hibt Sunday night of 88 cents and an uudionco lll'ing every seat indicates why it ia a Htiugglu to meet act uul expenses. Rev. Huunnol continues his tneotinga at llludeu. MUsMaiuIo Woidonmu is allrst class seciutary ami keeps hor Longue work in good shape. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. OIlS AM) KNDS. Ij. 11. Dojo has returned to Ohio. Oeo. Hadell iitifl returned from St Joseph, Mo. Will Jay, of tho Lincoln Journal, was in the city Saturday. A comploto now lino of wall papor at Taylor's at bottom prices. ChildronR' Grain button shoes f 1.00 at tho Cincinnati boot and shoo storo. Mens' patent leather dancing pumps nt tho Cincinnati boot and shoo store. 0. Stino of Suporior attended tho party given by Messrs. MoNeny and Garbor last Friday evening. Look out for tho phonograph concert at the M. E. church on tho 11th. It will bu worth your while to attend, Did you noticti that His Iloyal NibbB, the ground-hog, crawled into earth again and will remain pIx weeks. When you want a nico smooth ehavo or hair-cut, give Goo, F.mtresB a call, One door Houth of the lion Ton linker y A noted minstrel troupo will appear at the opera house on Mardi Grasevon- ling. Fob. 18, 1800. Will dvo further particulars nxet week. On Friday evening, February 28th, 181)0, tho V. P. S. C. K of tho Congre gational church wiil give a musical and literary entertainment. Itov. J. F. Huckeiberry. of Indiana, will preach at tho llaptiat church Feb ruary 2,'lil, morning and evening. A cor dial welcome is extended, Supt. D, M. Hunter was in Orleans this week, rneotig with other south western Nebraska suporintendonts, at tho solicitation of Orleans college. Jack Brown was in Rd Cloud this week, and Buid if Ked Cloud hud good roads leading to tho city she would got one-third mom business from his sec tion. A high liver with n torpid liver will not b long liver. Correot the liver with Is, WiltV Little Enrly Risers, little pills nure iljapepnlu nud constipation. 0 h Getting. The city council Iiiih decided that tho city marshnlship at the munificont sal ary of ten dollars per month is too rich for our blood, and therefore said ofllce has been abolished. Tho D. of II., A. O. U. 'V , will givo an ojster supper at the Masonic hall, Tuvs iluv, February 18th. The public aro cor balls invited. All members of D. of II aro requested to meet nt I ml 1 at seven o'clock prompt. I5y Order of L. of II. During this week, while A. A. Pope and sons were repairing tlieir sidewalk in front of the old rink lotu, they found u poket book containing articles of gold nud pome muney that were siippoBed to have been lost or stolen from Jus. lMor ion's resilience last June, TIih Red Cloud contingent in Cripplo Creek have organized u mining com pany, styled tho "Rod Cloud Ciiii.k Min ing Co," capitalized ut $8,000,000, with 9100.000 paid up capital. That mine will be a siiccohs Geo W. Lindsey is president, and Porter Hedge secretary and Measurer. J W Pierce, Riqinblic, la., snys: "I have iiHed One .Minute Cough Cure in my family and for lajnelf, with nxitllM so en tirely Hiitisfaulor) that 1 oi n hardty Hud wordx to express mjM-lf u- to its merit. I will never fail to recommend it tu others on every oeoaidon that presents itself." C L'Cottin. We take pleasure this week in railing tho attention of our readers to the fact that Hert Griue, our popular corner druggist, has purchased tho interest of his partner, L II. Doyo, in the business and henceforth will be sole proprietor of that store. Hert is a hide fellow, well met, and has made hosts of friends who will be pleiiHed to learn that no lias em barked in the htiNincHHfor hiiiisuif. Tun Ciiii.i' wishes him extended prosperity, as be is worthy of it Blood Poison. Contagious H'ood Poison has been ap- fropriatcly called the curse of mankind, t ib the one disease that physicians can not cure; tlieir mercurial aud potash remedies only bottle uji the poison in the bybtem, to surely break forth in a more virulent form, resulting in a total wreck of the system. Mr. Prank 11. Martin, a prominent jeweler at 926 Pensylvanin Ave., Wash- iugton,i.(j.,says: I was for n long time under treat ment of two of the best physi cians of this city, for a severe case of blood poison, but my condition grew worse all the while, not withstanding the fnct that they charged mc three K hundred dollars. My mouth was filled wittt eating sores; my tongue was iltnost eaten away, so that for three months I was unable to taste nny solid food. My hair was coming out rapidly, and I was iu a horrible fix. Iliad tried various treatments, and was nearly dis couraged, when a friend recommended S.S.S. After ' hnd taken four bottles, I begun to get better, nud when I had finished eighteen bottles, I was cured sound and well, my skin was without a blemish, aud I have had no return of the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life of misery." S.S.S. (guaranteed puwly vegetable) will cure nnv case of blood poison. Hooks 011 thedisease wm a', w nw ks 011 tucdiseast sss aud its treat ment, mailed free by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga, FIRE CHIEF A. H. RUNGE. 11 ik iti:vroitr.i iiiMEris il'k: to ias.vu,m :llz:bt 'oMIM)JNI. Tho po iiiou ol cliict ol tire de partment in a big city like Minm-a pnlis, with its acics of valuable build ing properly, crossed by tiunierotis railroad lini'i and dotted witli Imcik- ries wheto the Un-H are never "bunked" is one of the utmost responsibility and can be entrusted character nud ability. August H. Itunge, who has filled this responsible position foi several icats with so much enuit to hini'-eil and to tho city, was horn in Now Yoik in 18fi2, where ho received a common school education. What suuh x man as til's has lo si can scarcely fail to curry weight with it: "With (lie lmpu that what I say m A) in some way be brought lo the attention of otiins nho, like iinself. have suffered idiom .my apparent CUC, 1 feel (-ouilali. d to lecitu a brief tale tot.-Hiding ci experience which Itrustinuv nev.r be repeated in my cusv. "A few mouths ago, owing doubt-l'-B to the ixact 11. iiaiure of my duties as heaii o the fire d.partm -n1, I began to f, el a sort ol languor and liHtlesssess, to d'Hgui-e which whs entnpillid 10 bring into plav all the otruigtli of will 1 could command The feel mil gtew upon me, liowev-i. mil in a slur' time it tool, such po-SeSSIOIl of lll' tlml it, llfTeeieil Til' appetite and caused iiix-uini'ii. I sp l-rnaclied tuv ineiils with a fetlmg ni'Mi ti t i t'tr to iihusch, ihmI hi v t 1 wi)i 5 Lei Ts Reason With You. You cannot from any ono Do You. Remember the many little favors you receive you cannot get elsewhere. A BIG SAVING YOU CANNOT AFFORD 10 MISS. If your shoes rip we sow them free, If the soleB come looso we tack them fre.. If straps cotnoB ofr wo put now ones on froo. If the shoeB do not givo tho wear they should wo nlwayn aim tc make them satisfactory. We have the largest assortment of shoes in the valley at the lowest prices. II A. Sec speci.'il prices CINCINNATI BUTLER Cheaper Than Anybody. Watch this space for prices. rino Jurscy ISiiil, Len Aultz has a line thoroughbred Joreoy bull for service. Can bo found at his residonco, northeast part of the city. Ladies, Gonuino Dongola Kid Laco Patont Leather facing and tips 81.00 at tho Cincinnuti boot and shoo store, mi ! 1 horror ut tho resibss night wliich I was almost certain wn- before mo. Mutters bei'iunu so serious with me thai I could no longer kip silent nhnut mys.ilf, end speaking of it to one of mt Irtcids one day, he .suggest ed Hut 1 try Paitu's celery compound. I purchased a bottlo and hnfnro I hnd taken a dozen doses I knew that tho suggestion wa a good one. I felt an improvement I continued to uso it, and felt restored. My sppctito ia good, and I sleep well, and iiiHteud of an irksome giind tuv. business is again a plcistne to m. I attribute this happv siato ol uflairs to I'aiuc'a celery compound." As in the case of Fire Chief Hutige the beginning of poor health is very apt to rob one of ilia will power to st-iil iiutuediatelv abi til letting out of d-inger. It is tins inertia of poor lirulth tlm makes nit otdinary "run down" bodily coii.ijtioii so dangerous, and i-o likely to go on to -nmoihing wnrs". Everv da it ix clear!, shown that it won't do live tind-eut. and en the e g of breaking down Tho languoraiid tin- Uek of strength aro -ure to increase. Now is the time to throw oil dNoiso. As ihe new vear legms (here are few est hindiiitioes to gcituig back -tP'iiglli ai.d sluidy henlth. Tho hriicng wendier arouse- a longing for heiillli. I'ainu's celery compound, liken ioa, dois its best si-iviee tow aid dtiving nut di-easo and establish- iig fi'tn health K aH'oril to buy vour slioea hut n exclusive .shoo store. 1 IE STORE. H KALEY, Prop, in another column. rAL To Tlii) Public. Tho following price will rulo ut tho city livery etnblo hereafter: Tortus to hay, 10c. Vi. Riui.auiiso.v. It not only is bo, it must ho bo, One Miunte Cough Cure nets qulokly, and that's what mukua it go. O L Cottiug. r f'1 i i