The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 31, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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I he urcatest Cure on
permanently Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, Swellings,
Backache or any other pain. SALVATION OIL
is sold everyvherefor25 cts. Refuse substitutes.
Cbew LANCE'S PLUGS, The Great Tobacco Anlldole.lOc. DeaUri or nuil.A.C.Mc)cr Co., BIIo.,mT
A. llOIIU, Cilltor.
t. )ii 'I All, ,t Local I'Mltor.
115c MEAL:
1 jti:ak,
bki.ap, iiitti".k, x
J :, t-orn:i:. J
rallicr I'orci'iiiiti
Ri.n Ct.ot n, Nrit., .Ian. 17. JS'.HJ
Tho following iH the weather
forecasts for tin) net "J I hours:
Wi'iiilior rimetilcd
liml nmlulii anil Saiiirclii).
V. W. C'owdi.n. Local Manager.
NOTK- These forecasts will 1)0 UIB-
plued daily in every postollleo in Web
county. ESKir.r .iir.VBTO.v
Nellie Fort is, quite sick this weelc.
A. fJ. Willis ih homo fro-n Holyoko.
MisH Lois Pope i veiling in Blue Hill
thiH week.
F. W. McLaughlin was in tho city
Mu inlay.
Mis. .1. A.Tulloyn ifl visiting friends
In Fairfield.
Cliarlo) (Surlier was in Red Cloud tho
fir6t of tho week.
Jus. Peterson and wife returned from
Kansas this week.
Two loaves of bread for oe, fifty for 61
At J.O. Lindley's.
Umcreon Lightfoot luft today for Cal
ifornia for hiH health.
Mrs. W. W. Wright hns been very tit:U
this week hut in recovering.
Harry Conover in going around with n
BtilT neck, caused from boils.
.t o mt..:. :.. r ;.,....!.,, ,..,,.!.
jhottling with the state treasurer.
Al Harris nml Win. Francisco have
moved their families to McCook.
Fred MeKeoby has returned from
Now Joieey, whero ho went to boo his
beet girl.
N. V. Kingsland and Kditor Warren
are attending the State oditorial associa
tion this week.
Tho W. C. T. U. will meet each Thuiv
day afternoon during February with
Mrs. J. W. Sherwood.
Ladies, (.ienuino JJongolu Kid Lace
Patent Leather feeing and tips 6M5D at
tho Cincinnati hoot and bIiou store.
S. B. Carpenter, living west of tho
city, wr.H thrown from his horeo the
other day and sustained Hoveral severe
Why iB it thut Red Cloud will sit idly
by and see trade attracted to other
places when the proper effort should ho
.l.. a i .! 1,9 ftin a. itmi ihu una.
Soothing, healing, clowning, De'A'itt's
Witch Hnzel Salvo is the enemy to soreH,
woundRund piles, which it never fails to
cure. Stops itoinni: ami nurning. iuru
chapped, lips und cold-sores in two or
three Mourn, y 1j zoning.
V. Mro M. If .lunlrina nnrt Mm. .T. K.
toulton of Cuwker City, Ivans., mother
land sister of our bund ninstor, wero in
tho city tho first of tho week visiting
ho profoesor and ins wile, xtioy re
turned homo weiineeuay morning.
Mr. IvuhbT. Amack and Miss Daisy
Jraft wore united in tho holy bonds of
Inutrimony by How A. G. Hlackwell at
Iub residence in Keel Clouu on Jiuiuriiny
Jnn'itry 'J.). Mr. uiiorleB Aiies mui
lips Mayo rojio acted as witnesses.
Tho second quarterly mcoling of tho
Innvalo charge will bo held at tho AbIi
Ijreek M. K, church, bovoii miles south'
tnst of Hed Cloud, on baturclay arter
oon and evening, and Sunday morning
If February S and 0. Row Alexander
le presiding elder will he present. All
re invited. A. G. Ulackwoll, Pastor.
Row Geo. Ilunnnoll was in H?d Claud
lis wook from Hinder), whero ho is en-
igod in holding revivals. Goorgo in
hu oi tlio most succosBful ovangelists
.at wo have ovor met, and, during his
Ito-eo wooks' work at that placo, htiB
Averted sovontv Deonlo. Ho savs the
fliod work is going on enthusiastically.
ho Let parents not lire for their children
it with them." The mother should nl-
no fnlae inodesty to stand in tlm way
njier daughter's hnowledgo of herself,
ixir poBsibilities, of her perils, For
yJieVhlrty yenra Dr. Pierce tins used his
BitvaapiUo Prenoription" asastrengthener
t) (lemnitier, a rcgiiiiuor. It works directly
oyo tithe delicate, distinctly feminine
riejrrVR. in a natural, sooth n? wnv. It
wiiihlii'B out thewonk snots hihI Imilil
'Wnp, A woman who would uuder-
ffEj". herneir BhoulU senu L'l oents to the
jg'faH jiipenMiiry, iiiiuiuu, i, ,, jor
'"vWl'lereo'i Medical Adviser, a book of
Is." ..l.-r-""'
h'V e n.i o
pnuays,7,ri ' uu' MWfJUi ta
(JJrs,"B? m Royat Baking Powder
h uiJIthorttfr to alt othtn, --.
-tJK3l .--- -"
Earth for Pain. Cures
.John Cox was in lied Cloud this week.
A good shave at Hutchison .V, Hiatt's
barber shop.
I Two loaves of bread for oc, llfty for 61
jut J.O. Lindley'H.
' 1.. IJ. Thornu of llladeii wiih in Ked
' Cloud this week.
Tho farmorH institute occurs to-day
and to-morrow.
For a line hair tonic call on Hutchin
son fc lliutt. the barbers.
Mr?. Isaac Hummel, of Kansan, has
returned to Ked Cloud.
David liyrno of I'laden was in Red
Cloud this week on business.
Will I'arkes was taken quite sick last
Saturday in his shop, but at this writing
is bettor.
Mr. Daniel Forbes, nephew of Mayor
lientley, wiih over from Maukato, Kan,,
this week.
A Commercial Club wns the right
thing. We had it no more than organ
ized before it milled.
Rof-H .v Rife, city dra men, are evpert
men at their business, and move pianos
without scratching or injuring them in
any manner. See them.
Wo hope our subscribeis will make it
a point to ooniu in and Fettle during thin
month, m it is very trjing to run a news
paper on an empty stomach.
A fellow living in Texan has been
writing to Red Cloud parties toseo what
chance there would bo tostarta llouring
mill. He should ho encouraged.
Dnuilruff is due to mi enfeebled ntnto
of the iUin. Ilnll's hairrtieu-eriuiekenn
the nutritive functions of the klii, held
ing and preventing the formation of dim
draff. J. A. Rojtl has purchased tho Dillard
Bedford barn in rear of Moon block and
will transfer his horses to it, tearing
down tho eye soro on WoUBtor street.
Glad of it.
Mr. IvanH Amack, of Garliold town
ship, wns married lust week to Miss
Daisy Craft, one of tho prominent
young ladies of tho eamo precinct. Tar.
Cm I r extends congratulations.
(Jiilck in elTect, heaN and leaven no
ccar. lltirning, scaly, skin eruptions
ouieklv cured liy DeWittV Witch Hazel
.Salve. Applied to Imrns, Hcnld,'old sore
it is magical in effect. Ahviiys cures piles.
(J I, Coiling.
Sunday is ground-hog day. If Bomo
of thoso fellowB who stand in tho way of
Wed Cloud's prospenty would g I unco at
their shadow and crawl into their holes
for an indefinite ponod what u blessing
it would be for the city.
Knut Knutson was in Red Cloud this
week, after a two years' residence in the
good old Bourbon statu of Kentucky.
Knut sujb they lmvj crops there, but he
would far rather live in Nebraska, and
would like to trade his Kontucky farm
for one in this Btate. That is tho tune
ful lay thoy all pipo after leaving this
Somo effort should bo made by Red
Cloud to oporato tho creamory this sea
son. There ought to bo somo way to
create enough enthusiasm in our busi
ness men to move it along. It is a do
oided blow to our city to allow a cream
ery oleowhero to do a 81(10,000 business
while wo romnin idle with our hands in
our pockots. If wo are going to do any
thing now is tho time.
Tho ladieB of tho Congregational
church givo a Bocial at Mrs, M. M. Bent
tloy's on tho evening of February tith.
Tho ladies of the church have Bocurod
tho bridal veil for entertainment, and all
thoso who have not had tho opportunity
of seeing this bridal veil, now is your
chance. Good music will bo furnished.
We invito you all. Five cents iitlinis
eion at tho door; all wibhing lunch, ton
Frod and Doll Turnuro have pur
chased 1. W. Shea's interest in tho linn
of Shea it Turnuro Bros., and will henco
forth run thut grocery emporium, Tho
now thin is composed of oxperioncod
grocerymen, and Tin: Ciiikp bollovcB
will make a grand nuccesB of tho
buBiiiess. Thoy aro both young men
and, being full of energy and vim, will
push thoir business rnridly to the front.
Success is our best wiah, boys.
Judgo J, Porter, Jr., ICeq., L. L. D., J.
P., P. A., etc, who was recontly called
from private life to tho high and hnor
able position of justice of tho peace for
thlB principality, porformod his first
ranrriago coremony this week, nt which
time Charles Bowers and Miss Annu
Clino were made ono. Thoso present
suy tho Judge distin. uishod hlniBelf be
yond dogreo in tho happy way and tho
beuutful words used in tho sacred core
mony, and that thoso who do not secure
his services will indoed miss the boauti
ful. L. II. Doyo of Wnuooon, Ohio, of tho
firm of Doyo & Grice of this city, ar
rived in Rod Cloud this week. Instead
of tho portly gontloman that ho used to
bo when living on sorghum and corn
bread (?; whilo residing with us"bugoat
ors," ho has dwindled down to n small
man, thut is. us fur ub waist measuro is
concerned, Ho informed a Ciur.r man
that ho had boon oiling for over a your
and had lost soventy pounds in that
tirno, but wos now recuperating slowly.
wo ure pleased to eoe mm duck.
-. W, .-hBf.
r...,wWWWy ,!, ,llyQBew1,aay "' "to I fuVThel''" tj'Q dUcovorVo?
WD WfJ tt-e
ItlllMl I'llll.
I Tho fair held in tho Moon block last
week, under the auspices of tho Red
i Cloud o. of V. Bund, wns a grand sue
cess, financially and otherwise, and will
doubtless be the theme for conversation
'for somo time to come, ns it was tho
' talk of the day far ahead of time.
On Monday, the opening evening, tho
spacious hall was literally packed with
n choice gathering of people, and stand
ing room was at a premium. After u
short concert on tho stage in tho rear of
the Iinll, "Papa" Bell invited the visitors
to make themselves at home, and called
their attention to the dilTerent booths
situated around the room: The candy
booths, with the choicest of hoino-inado
BweetmeatBj the notion counter, whero
articles of every description wero for
sale, from a silver spoon and toothpick
up to the finest pair of curtains tho
market albirdx; the popcorn cm liter;
the llsh pond, where he promised thorn
they should catch no tish weighing more
than twenty-five pounds; besides num
erous other iiiiniH'uionls. Kverylhing
at once was a scene of confusion and
the dilTeient vendeis were kept busy.
The llsh pond was piobably tho most
amusing, causing a continuous roar of
laughter. One small boy said: "When
she pulled out that pretty base ball
mask, all covero I with white cloth,
and ntinther'n got a whole lot of wiro
circles, tied together with white ribbon,
you bet I jes' 'hoops' her up." And so
the fair continued throughout tho week,
with no material change. A concert
was rendered each evening.
As Saturday evening was to bo tho
banner night, the hall was tilled to over
flowing. The dilTerent articles for
which tho Noting ladies had been solicit
ing during the week were to he handed
out, and the notion counter cleaned out
at auction, the following parties wore
awarded the piomiuiiiH-.
Miss Sarah Knowles, settee.
Hugh Miner, rug.
C. Wiener, harness.
D.J. Mers, chenille cm tains,
Dell Abel, lamp.
Turnuro Bros., horse.
By popular opinion, Miss Clara Mc
Millan beinir the ftvorite, she wns pre
sented with a handsome gold watch.
As the last niinnto arrived, before the
final decision, the two factious (several
names were on tho board, but tho crowd
had now divided and wero working for
but two young ladies, Miss McMillan
and Miss Jennie Bell) became excited
and handed the money in rapidly. TIiIb
part of tho fair was a howling success,
and added many dollars to tho receipts,
Many thanks aro duo to the nior
chants and otherH for donationH, and to
tluiFo who served during tho week in
dilTerent capacities, also the people for
their patronage.
Tho band is now in tho moBt prosper
ous condition it has over been, numbor
ing thirty-two mombers. Undor tho
prollcient leadership of Prof. JonkinB
the boB aro rapidly forging to tho front.
They are now llguring on adding a few
now instruments to the baud, in order
furnish all members. That's right, boys;
wo are glad to see tho baud grow.
Tho people believe what they read
about llood't SarBaparilln. They know
that it is an honest medicine, und that it
cures diHfiino. That is way you should
get only Hood's.
Hood's ptlls cure all livor ills, reliove
constipation and assist digestion. '-'Ho.
MisB Nellie Dennett has roturnod from
District court will conveno on the 10
of noxt month.
A. A. Popo wns in Chuso county this
week on businees.
Two loaves of broad for ,"c, llfty for $1
at J. O. Lindley's.
Charley Kennedy is in Lincoln whero
ho will attend school.
A comploto new lino of wall popor at
Taylor's at bottom prices.
P. W. Shea and wifo expect to resido
in St Joseph in the future
Mrs. S. F. Spokesfleld expects to go to
Lincoln Boon, for trcutmont.
Willlo Norrifl, son of Dau G. XorriB iB
attonding school in Quincy, 111,
Children' Grain button shoes 81.00 at
tho Cincinnati boot and shoo store.
From this time on you can got fifty
loaveB of broad for Si 00. W S Bonso
Mens' putont leuther dancing pumps
at thi? Cincinnati hoot and shoo stere.
When you want a nico smooth shavo
or hair-cut, give Geo, Fentress a call
One door south of the Bon Ton Bakery
rtigiiest Honors World' FaM
I A puie Grape Cream of Tartar Powder.
, from Ammonia, Alum or any other rdulterMt
....-,.. .. ""c"."c?nt. The nuth:iV ' "M t.,,0.h!' J-S6.-.JOI,,, r ".., J lUor
twMi i iTjnnMKv -TtinTTi Iiti. njunm
A f urge Tui-n-oiif on W'Iih.
tiiy livening
Ami tin Oimmiiilliiii I'errcrleil.
On Wednesday evening, pursuant to
call of Mayor Bentloy, over 'J(K) citizens,
business men and interested spectators,
gathered in Hen t ley V hall for the pur
pose of rekindling the spirit ef enthus
instil in our people, and to organio a
.commercial club for the purpose of keep
ing that enthusiasm alive, mid to pro
mote tho interests of Red Cloud at all
Several speeches were made by our
interested citizens. Alfred Hadell stated
tho objects of the meeting, as nid Hon.
Randolph McXitt, Major Bentloy. John
M. Challln, Roht. Potter. R. B. Fulton,
and others, and the meeting was filled
with old time enthusiasm, such as Red
Cloud has not observed for a long time.
Tho meeting proper was called to or
der by Robt. T. Potter. Kbij., mid the
aims and objects stated.
O. C. Bell was elected as chairman
and R. T. Potter secretary.
On motion, Alfred Hadell wiih elected
Chairman of the club, and a better
selection for the head of the club could
not have been made, as ho is abreast of
the times and thoroughly alive to the
interests of Red Cloud, and will devote
his eutito nttvhlion to the upbuilding of
tho city,
D. J. Myers was elected permanent
secietary. Mr. Myeis is fully awake to
tho needs of the city, and will do his
part to help the city forgo ahead with
old time vigor.
A board committee of live membera
was selected, viz: J. L. Miner. B. F.
Mizer, Randolph McXitt, M. It. lientley,
A. C. Hosinor.
A committee on organization was
elected as follows: It. McNitt, J. O.
Butler, A, C. liosmer.
After soveral enthusiastic addresses
tho mooting adjourned until Thursday
evening at 7:110. to perfect the organisa
tion. Xow, lot tho mombers of tho Commer
cial Club, and every poison interested in
Red Cloud, talk it at all times. Do not
talk ngniusL your own town, but buck it
up witu every inducement possible, und
thereby givo encouragement to people
who aro in business and to strangers
who come this way. It is thopiofes
sional croaker that does a city tho most
injury. Ho b'iIh on the corner day after
day, saying tho town has gone tc smash,
when, in reality, it is his ambition that
is at fnult. The spirit of praise is like
a coutngiouH disease; it spreads over n
community and soon fans enthusiasm
into a iierpotual blaze, and oftimen
makes largo towns out of smaller bo
ginmngs than Ked (Jlnud. bhall wo
have that spirit pervade Red Cloud
again, or shall wo go buck into decay?
Tin: Ciiii:k does not anticipate that
much can bo accomplished at once, but,
by united effort, 'everything will come
to ho who waits'' and keeps bin shoulder
llrmly to tho wheal, blocking all back
ward tendencies. Let ue go slow, but
make a firm stand for future prosperity
and ultimate success, thereby triumph
ing over all obstacles thrown in tho way
of absolute progress for Red Cloud and
the unifying of her interests,
In continuanco f.f tho efforts abovo
mentioned quite a largo number of citi
zona mot in Bentloy 's hall last ovouing
and perfected tho organization although
it was not what wan expected, yet the
seed sown may bo of gieut b'enelit to tho
city. Ono thing is cortain if Red Cloud
is to got to tho front something w ill havo
to bo done at once by our people.
I havo 1 10,000 ptr month to loan on
good improved or unimproved lands in
Adams, Wobstor, Kearney and Franklin
counties in Xebrasku, and Smith and
Jewell counties in Kansas. If you wish
to muko n loan don't fail to call or writo.
Address, I). J. Mvkiis, Red Cloud, Xeb.
TliJ Klghl .Spirit.
Ves. Wo know what is above
ground. Let us Hud out what is in
ground to it depth of l.ICO feet.
Rkv. Gr.r O. Yi.isin:
Wo want the Rock Island railroad to
come hero from Xelson. Wo want any
thing to make busiucsB.
J. C. Waiinkii.
Am in favor of anything that will
benefit tho town. Think bonds to tho
amount of $20,000 for roads would do
more good than anything.
It. L. AlAKA.
Most cortainly I am in favor of tho
organization but don't care what you
call it, commercial club or vigilance coin
mitteo. It might be wo could uso both,
just bo it will stand up for Rod Cloud.
Good roads uro esBoutiul to tho prosper
ity of every city, and vory upplicublo to
our cuso ut this time. We should ulso
havo a committee on entortuiumont.
Its work should bo to ontortuin thoso
follows, that stand around on theslroet
and sweur and crouk about tho city und
country gonerally. with a good doso of
tor und foatbors. I think some of our
newspupora need a little attention also.
Au editor who will publish to tho whole
country that Rod Cloud is dead and
nothing but want und destitution is be
fore ub, needs some of tho Biimo medi
cine. Again I Bay stand up for Red
Cloud. Don't worry about something
wo can't control. Look happy and try
to muko others happy and contented.
It will como our way in time. Mo
thinks I heir somo of thoso croukors
Buying "I told you bo."
Voutb for success,
......... ... .... t
iiiwmi Mii.miin.uuniiAiMUumnu wimiifh
Whole- 1
Cost 1
P v9 i
Let fTs
With You.
Do You.
lionuMubor tho many little favors you
receive yon cannot get elsewhere.
If your bIioob rip wo bow them free,
If the Eoleo come loose we tuck them frea.
If Btraps comes oil wo put now ones on froo,
If tho shoes do not givo tho wear they fihould we ulways
aim tc make them sutitfuctory.
We have the largest assortment of shoes in tho
valley at the lowest prices.
A high liver with a torpid liver will not
hu u long liver. Correct the liver with
DeWitt's Little i:arly Riners, little pliln
cure dyspepsia and constipation. (J i
IrlNNOllllloil ol' I'lirliivrkhip.
Niitlcii Is liereliy given Hint tla 'iiitacrilili
aeictoforc cxMIiiu nailer tint Una n lino nf
Kliea & Tiirilllle llioi., IniH liieii iIUmiIvi-iI Ijj
iniitiiul coiim'iiI, Mr. I', W. SIhm rctliliiK. 'Ilio
linn will lieieulter lie known ai Tiirnwre Ilius.,
wlui will usMimoull oMlK.itloiis of lit- old Him,
r. w.iika.
I', (i Tl'il.NUIIK.
Iteil t'loinl, Neli., January S7, iwiil.
- --
J V Piurce, Republic, In., sajs: "I
liuvo iiHu' One Minutu Cough Cure in my
family and for myHcIf, with results bo en
tirely satisfactory that 1 ci.u hardly dud
words to exproHA myself as to its merit.
I will never fail to recommend it to othors
on evory occasion that presents ItHtlf,"
C h Cotting.
Reduction in repair
ing on shoes sold from
our stock only, others
regular price.
Xuiling mona' hulf boIcb 50
Ladies' hulf Boles 10
Boys half eoIcs 10
Misses and youths half soles Il.i
ChildroriB' half solos 1r
Patchoa 10
See regular add
Cincinnati Boot and Shoo Storo
II. Kuley, Prop.
- - !.. iMiirnn. i -",,
q .qtt Boston ad lhSfW
ir r
9 W'Wf
You c.'tunot aiTonl to buy. your shoes
from any ono but a exclusive shoo store.
I - I. KALEY, Prop.
One Minute Cough Curo touches the
right spot. It also touches it nttlio right
time it you take it when you have n
eotigh or cold? Thtn don't cough, C h
Tho list of lottora remaining nt tho
pontollleo uncalled for up to Juu. :10
Covert Wm. Holben Mrs. R.
node Hannah Jernborg Oscar
Kinjfey S. . Loetsch L. W.
I he abovo letters will be sont to tho
dead letter ofllco Feb, l.'l, 189(1. If not
callod for. 1'jUANk Cow-dkn, PoBtmustor.
"Five years ago," snys Augn A. l.tvtia,
Kicard, N. Y., "I hnd a ootmtant cough,
night sweat?, wns greatly reduced in
flush, aud hud been given np by n.y phy
sioiaiiB. I began to tako Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, aud after lining two bottle whh
completely cvred."
Notice lo Tcuclicr.
Notice is hereby given thut 1 will
oxuniino all persons who may de-ore
to offer thenibolvcH as candidate Sir
toachors oftho puhlio schools nf Una
county, at Red Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will be held
on tho Friday proceeding the 3d Sat
urday oi each month.
The standing desired fur 2d and
3d grado certificates is tlm vime no
grado bolow70 per ei nt., aenge 80
por cent; for Cist grade certificate
no grado bolow 80 per cent,, wurago
90 por oont. in all branches required
by law.
U. M. MIJNTRR.UountV riupt.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
OPO Of the Jnrrrt ...-..'
1110 counlv . I1...1 .. .
ing, and his More Is in !, k.",.
I !