The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 31, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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    -. A
Is never done, and It Is especially wearing
and wcBrhumo to those wIioho blood 1h
Jrrpnre um unlit projicrly to tone, mis
ts in, huU renew tho wasting of nerve.
jiuifHloRiid Uhmjc It In more because of
tlm condition ot tho blood that women
nro run down,
Tlrotl, Weak, Nervous,
Than because of the nork Itself, Kvcry
physician pays so, mid Hint the only rum
elj In lu building up by taking n good
ncno tonic, blood purlller nnd vltnller
Jlkoiloori'tiSarBAparllla. For tho troubles
i'triitiin to Women nt change of season,
climate or life, or reuniting from linrd
wort:, nnrvoiisni-ss, and Impure blood,
tbnuufimlfl liavn found relief ami euro in
Mio Mm True Wood Purifier. SI per Imtlle.
'') ireiJntily liyC I. Hood ft Co., bowell.MaiJ.
11 it iimi re the only pills to tuko
lOOll S lJlllSwitiiiioocl,s.MrMiarlllii.
XI. V ,11. II. IC. Tliuu 'I tlo.
iiiiiNo i : , s i
I o-,d 1'icIkIiI, l.v (III III.
', IMwiiuim. " !"-." " Ar in.dOn. Ill
Kail rrelclit. " l.!Mpm. 1 .nop. in
1101 Ml MOUTH
1 , M'jcd t'liiin, l.v II :; a, iii, Ar II IT. p. in
I'nrt I'li'luhl. l.v llil'm. in. Ar IDilQii. in
!, iicil 'I'riln, IJiCip. in " 1 1 Kiln, in
, I'mvllKi'l . " H.I'JII. III. " HtfUp. Ill
r. Keil Cloud n iush
I'm. man who talks nguiiml Kml Cloud
jught to lio oiiiriiuieeil, AIiih stick
(iji for jour nun inu'ii
fji'.T our peoplo Htnnil on tho street
-orntTH mill Hing tho prnlsH of Hud
'loud, mill tlii'ii notico tho icniilt.
Tin; time in fiirtt nppronuhiiig when
(.', tint cili.i'iif, will bo culled upon to
dent a new m,i)or ami council. The
bout iiihii possible hIiouIii bo selected for
the position.
Wiioi: Kit runs for alderman or mnor
or nuy other olllco within tho gift of tho
-ity, lit tho coming election should bo
plodgeil to till the olllco without salary.
Jf i cononiy is to bo tho watchword, IoI'b
Imvo cuoiiMiuy in tho right way. Thut
would w it good Blnrter nod it fcitving tw
Bed Cioud of neatly $700. I
fills paper is strongly ripul)lican nnd
bolioveH in espousing tho principled of
tho party as laid down tit ouch recurring
national convention. WjIiiiiiow mid
Jin o nhvajii hud faith in tho sagacity
ami window of thn rank hih! lilo of tho
pnity, und wo hno no doubt but what
thoj will bo ublo to cope with all great
problems bf national importance). What
over live legislation la needed, you can
rest assured that republican!) will give it
to tho people.
Cniiii.vtks for presidency of theso
United Slates nro becoming moro mini
crouB with tho coining of ovory day.
Thio week Tin: Ciiikk roceived a com
munication from New Vork, unnouncing
tho candidacy of Levi L Morton, ox
vico preddent of tho United StatoB und
preoont governor of Now Vork. Also
lottcrH from other peoplo announcing
tho candidacy of lion. Win. McKinloy
of Ohio, who becamo fuiuoua ub tho
author of tho McKinley turilT bill.
Both gentlemen would do honor to tho
country in tho capacity of chiof execu
tive Senator Thurston on the
rou Doctrine.
'bir. bolioving that tho honor of my
country ia Involved; thut tho hour culls
for tho highest oxproHsion of loyalty nnd
patuotiBin: cultnly conlldont of tho ver
dict of pontority; rovoringly calling God
to wltneoi tho eincority of my purposoj
1 shall vote for tho resolution roported
by tho committee on foreign ufTairB. I
ehnll i olo for it, not ub an atTront to nny
othor nation, but to uphold tho dignity
of my own. 1 shall voto for it In this
timo of profound tranquility, convinced
that poaco with honor cun bo preBorved.
But, sir, I would voto for it just iib Biiro
ly wero wo already standing in tho nwful
shadow of declared war. 1 would vote
for It woro tho bIioIIb of Dritmh battlo
nhipa burtoing above tho domo
f tho nntion'fl capitol. I would
voto for it nnd muintain it, at all hazards
and nt any coat, with tho last dollar
with the last man. Von, though it
might presago tho coining ot a mighty
conflict, whose conclusion should leave
mo without a son, as tho lust groat con
lliot loft mo without a elro."
Many merchauts are well awaro that
their customer lire their best friends and
take plonBuro in supplying them with tUe
licet goods obtainable. As an instance
we mentiou Verry & Cameren, prominent
drnggietH of Flashing, Michigan. They
nay: "we nave no netttatlon lu reoom
mending Clu.niberlain's Oongh Remedy
to oar oonstomerH, ns it Is the beat cough
medioino wo have ever Bold, nnd always
givoa satisfaction." For sale at LT and
CO cents per bottle by Deyo &. Orloe.
To The Public.
Tho following price will rule at the
Olty mory etablo hereafter: Terms to
way, m, wm. uichaudsom.
i i i
It not only is Ko, it must be bo, Ono
ZSinnlo CourU. Oaro acts quiokly, and
ilial'd viliat nioltuH It go. O LCottiug.
(PltcherTs Cattorla.
A .illniotirlan In Nebraska.
Sum took a trip during his vacation
to the much talked of and much
abused Kansas and Nobrsska the. lat
ler part of December, and to say that
I was surprised aB to the g.incrl ly
of tho land, tho richncis ad finely
pulvorizcd soil, and the general make
up of im hospitable citizens would not
do them justice in tli remotest sense.
Wo have been led to believe for lo,
these many years, that in bleeding
Kansas and drouthy Nebraska that
there was naught to expect but hot
winds, poor crop", high taxes, starva
tion, and an early giavc. Such lu
been the talcs of malcontents, of
which every country is moro or less
effected, and to tell t lie simple truth
such peoplo would starve to death in
tho g.irdcn of Hdon. We spent two
weeks in Smith and Jewell counties,
Kansas, and Webster county, Nebras
ka, and was more than pleased with
tho looks of tho country. While thoy
did not get n full crop this year, still
they havo raised moro than enough to
do them and thousands of bushels of
corn are going to market every day,,
and piles m com arc staeKcu up on
the ground nil over tho couitry. Tho
people are as a rule healthy, hearty,
industrious and contented nnd hog
cholera is unknown, and their native
grasses will keep tlioir slock in a
tlnivi.ig condition the greater part ol
tho year when not covered with snow
and it i reported that cattle live to
so great an ago that their horns arc
not leng onougli for the wrinkles to
giow upon. Alf.illn grows to prfcc
lion. We saw scvi ral fields that were
sown last spring that had been out
three times, and it nukes tlin choicost
quality of hay lor all kinds of stock
including hay. Poaches, cherries,
plums and mulberries are grown in
abundance, while apples do not do
so well, yet all that havo put out
apple trees and taki n care of them
are reaping tlmir rrward with choice
apples. Wo met lii.iuy former Noda
way county people while there. They
all have goed farms with comfortable
houses, ii'id liuvo no thoughts of
i h.iuging their location. Among the
foiinur Nodavay county people wo
met while there were .lohn and liar
vv Nlorrill, Clias. Munger and son,
and .Miss Doty, an aocoinplishcd
young lady from Urrsburg, who at
present is seeking health and pleasure
in Webster ceiinty, Nebraska. Wo
also met Km Wood at Lebanon, also
llev. Jj. V. Morton of tho samo place.
Ilo is now retired and assists Mr.
Wood in tho hardware line. TIub
article would appear incomplete if wo
should fail to mention tho opportunity
for sportsmen. Tho cunning coyoto
and the fleet footed jack rabbit of
which that country abounds will en
tertain the iiimrod to the fullest ex
tent. Tho writer accepted au invita
tion to go on tho chase of jacks
und witnessed several straight heats
between tho jack and the grey hounds
and succeeded in catching nearly all
thut woro scared up, but there are
some of tho jacks that will throw dust
in the faco of the fleetest hound for
miles and then mako their escape.
Wo returned homo tho Ulld, in order
to spend Christmas at home, well
paid for our visit. Abo Merrill in the
Maryvillo (Missouri) Republican,
i . ... .
Not n few who rend what' Mr. Robert
Howls, of Holland, Vn., haB to say below,
will remember their own experience un
der llko oircuuiHtanceH: "Last winter I
had In grippe which left me in a low
state of health, I tried numerous rumu
dien, none of which did mu any good, un
til I wiih induced to try a bottle of Cham
berlain's cough remedy. The tlrnt bottle
of it 60 far relieved me that I was enabled
to atteud to my work, nnd tho second
bottle effected n cure." For nalo at LT
and CO cents per bottle by Deyo .t Grleu,
Willii Ulsh drove over to Red Clond
yesterday morning, to bo proaent nt tho
wedding of his cousin, 1). II. Knley and
MIbb Hondorson, which wub to tulto
place nt tho homo of, tho brido'a pnronts
ut olght o'clock. Tho groom ib quite woll
known to tho people hore, and tho boat
wiaheB of nil go to himsolf nnd Mre.
Kuloy. Smith County Journal.
A Good Farm lor Sale.
Four miles north-west of Red Cloud,
containing ICO noros. Torma reasonable.
Apply to Mrs. Jub. Kirkwood, Fairfax,
Atchison county, Mo. 45-Cm
Trim r.XJovTtu,tt JMW
tw. w. h. rceke, who
Jnakei specialty ot
KplUpjy, hit without
doubt treated nnd cur
earaorecairitliaaauY living Phyalclanj hft 1. Mtonlihlng-.
B B.
v a y.ari- aianaing
tutcu oy
iiu. tie
work on
this die.
ease, which
ho sonda
with a
who may send their P. p. nnd Express address,
advlsp any one wUhlng cur. to nddrese
mfiWi R, RIO, f, D 4 CcdirSL. MtwYari
Neglected, illy Tried
Nerves the Cie.
mi mksi:s no .110111: si,i:i:i.
Unbroken IU-m Natural lo
1'nlly XotirMiiri llraln.
iMi.i.'i 'i:M:itvro.iiioi;.M has
ni:vkk i'Aii,i'.i to ;i;itit
From childhood to old ago health
is very much a m-iticr of hound, re
lrcnHliing slep.
No one cm digest well, work well,
feel weel, or be well, who is night after
nigni uonriveu ol good sleep. It
). it is
llhvsicallv illltlOMsillln filr n.iif lii-.n I..
keep on providing nervous energy tin-
ess the nights arc devoted to nourisl
nig its used up parts. Protracted
sleeplessness, where no effort is mndo
to feed and calm the irritable nervous
system, ends in nervous prostration
and insanity.
Today thrro arc more neuralgic
head-atdios, far more rheumatism,
sleeplessness mid nervous prostration
than during tho luft generation.
To combat this growing evil, I'rof
Kdwuul K I'IicIjih, .M. 1), LL D, of
Dartmouth college, made nervoun din-
eases his special study. The fruitful
outcome of his long years of profes
sional investigation wim I'aino's celery
compound. Difficult nervous disor
ders that had porsistcd despito long
treatment, nt onco yielded to it. Men
and women who had snfFered for years
from broken and unrefreshed sleep,
from headache, rheumatism and. neu
ralgia, found that Paino's celery com
pound not only speedily cured these
troubles, but that thoy worked better
nnd felt more encouraged than had
been possiblo to them for years.
As a practical instanco of what thin
remarkable remedy is doing nil over
tho country, the following from ilev.
Wm. A. Smith, ono of tho best known
divines in Southern Now Kngland, de
serves carolul roaJing. Dr. Smith is
today 8(5 years of age, yot enjoys bet
ter health than oyer in his lifot and
novor loses a singlo good night's sleep.
He writes:
Gorton, Uonn.
"Dear Sirs: In my early days, by
great and prolonged mental suffering,
I broke down in health and becamo a
dyspeptio, being obliged at one time
to givo up my work in the ministry
on account of ill-hoalth. I am now
80 years of ago, and during my long
1110 navo Bunorcu greatly lrom dys
pepsia, torpid liver, constipation, and
insomnia, at times thinking that I
should dio for want of balmy sloop,
and it is a wonder to mo that I am
alivo today with all that I hare boon
through. 1 am a wonder to myself,
nnd to those who witnoss my habits
and know my ago. I tell them that I
try to oboy tho laws of nature, nnd
that I tako l'aino's celery compound
whonovnr I need it.
By the uso of several bottles of
Fame's olory compound, I havo so
far recovered my health as to consider
myself a well man for my age. Tt
regulats the livor, stonuch nnd bowels
without any question. My appctito
now good, my sleep is refreshing, mv
liver active, and bowols regular and
my crutohos uot nocded, as I oan
walk without a staff. Peoplo are sur
prised at my improved appcaroneo
and activity. Gratefully yours.
Wm. A. Smith.
Paino'a celery compound does not
stop its restoring work till now, heal
thy tissues have taken the lace of
tho old, shattered portions. There is
not tho doopest, most minuto portion
of tho body, whether it bo nerve or
brain, or some vital organ, that es
oapes th rejuvenating, strengthening
power of Paino'a oclcrv compound,
In oases of sovero neuralgia, rheuma
tism, heart palpitation, dyspepsia and
nervous feebleness, Paino'a celerv
compound is the only remedy that
goes to tho root of the trouble, forti
fies tho weakened system against
these disorders and builds np a strong
healthy body.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World'a Pair Highest Medal and Diploma.
Bar.. . .t-vW (
mkW Mm
Of the Breast.
Mr. A. II. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St.,
Memphis, Tcnti., pays that his wife
paid no attention ton small lump which
nppeared In her breast, but It soon de
veloped into a cancer of tin- worst vtw
and notwithstanding the treatment of
the best physicians, it continued to
spread nnd grow rapidly, eating two
holes In her breast. The doctors
soon pronounced
her incurable. A
celebrated New York
specialist then treat
ed her, but she con
tinued to grow worse
and when informed
that both her aunt
nnd grandmother had
died from cancer he
gave the case up as
bomconc then re
commended S.S.S.
and though little hope remained, she
begun it, and nn improvement was no
ticed. Thccnncercommcucedtohealand
when she had taken several bottles it
disappeared entirely, and although sev
eral years have elapsed, not a sign of
the disease has ever returned.
A Real Blood Remedy
S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable)
is a. real blood remedy, nnd never fnils
to cure Cancer, Hc7enia, Rheumatism
Scrofula, or any other blood disease.
uur Dooics
will be mailed
free to any nil
dross. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta Ga.
Mrs. John Gillbock, of WobBtor coun
ty, whilo on tho road from Red Cloud
last Friday morning, wub accidentally
thrown out of 11 buggy, bruising hor
sovoroly about tho shouldor Hiid arm.
No bones woro broken, howovor, yet hor
coudition is such thnt it will bo boiho
timo bofore bIio will bo ublo to got
around ngain. Wo nro indebted to Dr.
Hnwthorno for tho above information.
"Givo me a liver regulator and I can
regulate the world," laid a genius. Tho
druggist hiuulod him n bottle of DeWitt's
Little liarly Hitters, the famous littlo pills
0 Ij Cotting.
1 1 ., M, , 1
F. V. Taylor ub clerk of the Rod Cloud
Camp, M. W. A., received u draft on
Wednesday for .?2000, in favor of Mrs.
W. A. AlcKoighun, boing the Hum duo
hor upon the douth of her husband,
Hon. W. A. MoKeighau. Tho M. V. A.
i'b vory prompt in audi mutters. It is
suroly 11 blessetl assurance to know that,
when ono has passed beyond tho border,
behind there remnina snlliciont to pro
tect his loved ones this eide of tho
For a pain in the chest a piece of
llannel dampened with Chamberlain'
l'ain Balm nnd bonnd on over the seat of
the pain, and another on the back be
tween the shoulders, will afford prompt
relief. This is especially valuable is oaes
whero the pain is canao by a cold and
there Is a tendency toward pneumonia.
For Bale by Deyo it Griee.
A Hundred ItenMOHf.
Can be given why Stuart'd Dyspep
sia Tablets aro tho best and most ef
fectual euro for ovory form of indi
gestion. Thoy are in tablet form which re
tains their good qualities indefinitely,
while liquid preparations becomo stale
and useless with age.
Thoy aro convenient, can be earricd
in tho pocket and taken when ucedei.
They arc pleasant to the taste.
After cash meal dissolve one or two
of them in the mouth and, mingling
with tho food, they constitute a per
fect digestive, absolutely safo for tho
most sensitive stomaoh.
They digest tho food beforo it bas
time to ferment, thus preventing tho
formation of gas and keeping tho
blood pure and free from tho pojaon
ous products of fermented, half digest
ed food.
Stuart's Dyspopsia Tablets makes
tho complexion clear by keeping tho
blood pure.
They inoroasc flenh by digesting
flesh-forming food.
Stuart's Dyspopsia Tablets is tho
only remedy designed especially for
tho euro of stomaoh troubles and noth
ing clso.
One disease, ono remedy, tho suc
cessful physioian of today is tho
specialist, the sucoessful medicine, is
tho medicine prepared ospooially for
ono disoase.
A whole paokage taken at one timo
would not hurt you, but would simply
be wasto of good matorial.
Over six thousand mon and women
in tho state of Michigan alone have
been ourod of indigestion and dyspep
sia by tho use of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Sold by all druggists at SO cents
per paokuge.
1 1 1
The World's Fair Testa
abowed do baking powder
so pun or sdgreat la leaw
. fttlng power as the RoymL
Shea & Turnure Bros.,
ii;aij:ks i.v
Tiiriiuru Itro. will lotilimic liiliit'at the old Miami,
f ItiinliliiC t'littomei'i Tor pa-t lnvors anil milUlllim
a c'oiitlmiaiu'c of jour patronage
Oil, Oil, Perfection Oil,
Even Chanire Tobacco.
1 lb John Smith Sinokin
and one Briar Pipe,
1 lb Battle Battlo Ax Ping Tobacco,
1 do, boxes Parlor Matches,
500 IbH Missouri Dried Peaches,
Fancy Louisiana Bice,
Oat iMeal - -
lfic bottle Mustard and Pickles tor
200 gnl N. O. Molasses, a little dark in
color but a good baker,
200 gal Pure Country Sorghum,
Our Dried and Kvnporateil KrJt Stock is complete.
Wo curry tho largest stock of Queonswaro in Wobater
county at jirici'B that dofy competition.
Wo want your husinesB.
Tfiini of Court In tliu Tenth
Judicial IMotriul orXebrai
Ita, Tor the Year, 100.
AdnniB county, March !t, jury; .June !);
Octohor VI, jury. Franklin county,
Juno-1, jury; Decoinber 7, jury. Har
lan county, May 11, jury; Dcconihor 11,
jury. Kearney county, April 127, jury;
Xovomhcr 23. jury. Phelps county,
April 1, jury; Xovemhor 9, jury. Wob-
Btercounty, Juno ti2; Soptotnbor 21, jury.
will bo nn nrevablo onrpriflo to por
houh subject to attnckH of bilious colio to
loam that prompt relief mny be had by
tnking Chamburlnin'fl Colic,. Cholurn anil
Diarrhoea Hemily. In mauy inHtnnce
tho attackn may bo provontixl b taking
this remedy ns noon ur the tlrnt Hyinptoiiu
of the dloaRo appear. -T nnd f0 cunt
bottloH for Halo by Dwyo A; Gr Ice.
school, iti:itis.
Killtrwss, 3SIhs .Mamie Wclitcinan.
iiiMinriMra .' leiitiiit'ttuDilly,
i'P""8 VMmyKaiiieH.
Tho Soniors will tlnish the Bi.xth hook
of Cicero this week and will bo nvnniin
oil Friday. Xent woek they will take up
Mies McClollan nnd the Pliysica clnoa
loft school Wednesday after recces to try
the experiment ot shooting a tallow can
dle through u board. It proved a suc
cess, ft
Tho "High School Maliiia" are pro
BreBsinp; rapidly.
Miss McClelland und tho 12th Grndo
had quite n discusBion this wcok on tho
kind ot literaturo wo ehould rend to bo
bonillcial to ub. All the cIuba exespt
ono ngrped with hor on hor opinion of
tho matter.
Xoto writing has becomo quito a "fnd"
in tho high room. The tpnehors nro bo
ginning to discover it and nro looking
nftor tho matter.
l'ho Liternturo class aro oxpoctad ta
writo an essay evory day next woek.
Thiu will bo tho last weok in litorcturo.
Mrs. Gnrbor was a pleasant culler
The. 12th Grndo havo finished Piano
Goometry and nro now roviowing it
Thoy will soon take up Solid Geoniotry,
The Chemistry class wns quite ulnrin
ed Wednesday, as ono of thoir number,
Jonnie Poll, had nn explosion that How
in hor face. Thoy wore vory much
pleased whon thoy fcund thoro wan no
Horioua harm dono.
Xumber nine is on tho wall this weok.
Ono boy began tho weok woll. lie
was ehakon up tho lirat thing Monday
The membore of tho Chomlatry cIbbs
are having n great deal ot trouble mak
ing and presorvingoxygen and hydrogon.
A now plan ot marching has boon
adoptod by the high school. Now we
havo two drums und aro oxpootod to
koop stop to tho malody that ia etnt all
over tho building.
Don't invite disappointment by exper
imenting. Depend npon Ono Minuto
Coogh Oaro nnd yon have immediate re
lief, It cures oronp, The only harmless
remedy that products Immediate roaulta,
O L Cotting.
. .... ... i - i.
Children Cry foi
Pitcher's Cattorla.
worth l5c, ior 1,'lc pur iral.
f)0 per lb.
25c "
5c "
25c per gal.
35c "
10 lb.s
Turnure Bros.
Groat changes uro taking placo at Hod
Cloud among tho motive force. Engin
eers Anson, Vieronn and Kutzonniejer
go to Hustings and run on Xob. 110 nnd
111; Hnginoors Slinpnrd and Harris go
to MeCook; "P.ippy" WilliB probably
goeB to Holyoke, Joe Kublokto MeCook,
and tho car repairer force is reduced,
Ittidd uud one man remaining at Ked
Cloud, tho balance being scattered.
TweUo families in all will leavo Kod
Cloud and abide elsewhere. Red Cloud
has her war paint on. MeCook Tribuno
If snATering with pileH, it will interest
you to know that DeWitt's Witch JJazol
Salve will core them. This medicine ia
a oiK'cifio for all complaiuts of this char
acter, and if inotrnotioiin (which nro aim
pie) are enrried out, n euro will result.
We have tested this in numerous cases,
nnd nlway with liko results. It never
fails. C LCottiug.
Tho Ked Cloud papers are answoring
tho solf-askod iiioBtiou, "How to bo
Savod," by opening n vigorous campaign
for bottor highways. MeCook Tribune.
"Avers preparations aro too 6
well known to need anvpoiuiiieiu o
datum lrom mo; but 1 leel coin- 2
polled to htate, for the bciielit of 2
others that six years ago, I lost o
nearly half of mv hair, ami wlmt o
w;is It-it turnetl gray. After 2
using Ayer's Hair ViRor fiuveral o
months, my hair began to grow o
again, and with tho natural color 2
restored. I rnniDninntnl II .ill o
my friends."-Mrs. K. Fhank
UAUhKii, box aoo, Station C, Los
Angeles, Cal. '
Ayer's Hair Vigor
riir.iunEn ny
S3Ki i lillll
-v iu kuio cuy,
i vnry oiuattenberg.
p. tuvg