The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 24, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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perfect health, comfort, good-nature, baby-beauty.
Scott's Emulsion is the best fat-food baby can have, in
the easiest form. It supplies what he cannot get in his
ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect
growth, For the growing child it is growth. For the full
grown, new life.
Jit wreyou K'l Scetl't Emuhhn uhtn you want It am! net a chtap tutstitutl,
Scott & Bowne, New York, ah Druggists. 50c. and $1.
A 4307
Jewelry and Optical Goods
And invite your patronngo. Speeinl nltontinn Riven to fitting ot
spectacle) und oyo rIuubch in u Kcientillo nmnnor.
8TOK1: i r. ltuwiiousirs.
Newhouse Bros.
Is the only positive Remedy known to the Medical Profession for
Acute and Chronic Rheumatism. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia,
Ovarian neuralgia, Dismenorrhoea, Psoriasis, Scrofula, Liver and
Kidney Diseases. A Positive Cure effected in from 6 to 18 days.
fok jam: iiv :. 1,. :ottix;.
r -
Now In your time to j;cf u S-A. IHiuikel or Kobe ill coat.
J. O. BUTLER, Prop.
Put no Salt on this Tale!
But give your attention to this article, for it will save you
Ladies' Dongola Kid Button Shoes,
Sole leather counters, innor nnd outor nolea, and wo now thorn up freo ot chnrge if
tboy rip in nny seam. 1 14 Luilios Aluminum Thimbles worth '.Tic n-pioce.
Will givo one with ovory ono of theso Ludios' Sliocs lit tliu ex
tremely low price of
&1.S9 &&r pair.
Yours for Boots and Shoes,
Building Material, Etc.
Insurance Agency !
Q a HJ3EK, Agent
ooooooooo (SitcceHsor to Chan. Schafitit.)
Repro6ontB tho following companies:
Oorinnn Insurnnco Co., Froeport, III
Hoyul Insurnnco Co., Liverpool, Knir.
Phtenix Assuranco Co, London, England
Hritish America Aeeurunco Co, Toronto, Canada
Mutual Kcserve Fund Life Association, New York
Vrovidont Savings Lifo Aesurnncu Soeietv, Now York
T"oCuniir(lLinoStoamBhipConipiiiiy; Now York and Boston
Oitiok Oporn Iloubo Illock, ovor Mizor & McArthur's store
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Moiiuropatlile lMijNfrtnu,
Boil :i(inl, . XclunsKii
Office Vim Natlirool oppo:to Hunk.
Chrome t teatou ur mail .
health signal.
The baby's mission, its
work in life, is growth. To
that little bundle of love,
half trick, half dream, every
added ounce of flesh means
added happiness and com-
i,fort. Fat is the signal of
Newhouse Bros.,
And Opticians,
Hnvo openoil for your patronage a
llrflt-diiPB jewelry fitoro on North Web
Btor Btroot, whoro tlioy will keep a tine
lino ot
"H-Tan-iass rlartfcatsz
Robes, Whips, &c.,
Henry Diederich.
Moon Hlook, - HDD CLOUD, NHiJ
Collo'-tions promiitly ntieiuled to, m.,
uuucojuiiufuuu soiioueu.
FiirnUlitMl i:itruly for
toil Cloud Olilef.
(Cjpyrightod, 18!W, by W. T. Kosto r.)
Sr. Jobhi'h, Mo., Jan. I! I. My last
bulletin gavu forocasts of the storm
wave to cross the continent from Jan
Itttli to Ufltli, and tho next will
reach tho I'acillc coast about January
.'10, cross tho west of Ilocklon country by
clone of .'list, great contral valloya Fob
1st to ISJ, eastern states lth.
This storm will develop more than
usual force, particularly in tho Mis
souri and Mississippi vallejs, and
dangcroui storms may result about
tho great lakes.
Not liiuoli rain or snow from this
disturbance. Tim center of tlio lows
will take a northern routo, and the
tempcraturo in tho southern states
will rango tnoro bolow tho normal
than in tho northern states. Probab
ilities are that temperatures in the
north will avcrago aboTo normal, and
in tlio south below, from January
IlOlh to Kcbruarj -lth.
Tlio warm wave will fjrosfl the west
of Kookics country about January
Wl'jj rroat central valleys February
1st, eastern status February !M. Cool
wave will crosn tho west of Rockies
onuntry about February 2d, groat
central valleys -lth, eastern statos
Tho front line of the socend Feb
ruary disturbance will reach tho Paci
fic coast about 5th, cross tho wost of
Hookies country by close of Gth, great
contral valleys 7th to Oth, eastern
states 10th.
The coldest part of tho month will
follow this low, beginning immediate
ly after it has passed, and with it will
begin tho rain or snow period of tho
Ths warm wavo will cross tho west
of Kockios country about rth, great
central valloys 7th, eastern states Oth.
Cool wavo will cross tho west of Hook
ies country about 8th, contral
valleys 10th, eastern states 12th,
Tho Missouri valley, the Mississippi
valloy abovo St. Louis, Manitoba,
Lakes Michigan and Superior, will
average bolow normal temperatures,
the coldest parts being a lino drawn
from Winnipeg to Kansas City.
The Pacific slope, northern part of
tho southern states, tho Ohio valley,
lower lakes, and the north Atlantic
states will have about average temper
atures. Tho southern parts of tho southern
staicH and the south Atlantic coast
country, from llaloigh ana Charleston
southward, will average below the
normal temperatures.
The rainfall for February will be
unusually even, with excesses aud de
ficiencies in yery few pixels. The
nvorago February rainfall cast of the
Rookies is heaviest, about six inches,
within tho circle running from New
Orleans by way of Memphis, Nash
ville AtUnta, Mobile, aud back to
Now Orleans. All around this circle
tho rainfall grows less as jou rccedo
from it.
On the Pacific slope tho heaviest
rainfall along tho coast, about ten
inches, U noar Olympia. gradually do
creasing southward to three inches
near Los Angeles, and decreasing
from tho coaU to the crest of the
Limited looalitics will have a do fi
money of rain in February and a few
Dissolves travel
Gall stone, brick dust in urine, pain in urethra,
itmlnliiK after urination, pain in tlio back and
nips, sudden rtoppauo of water with pressure.
llriKlit's Disease
Tutxi casts In urine, scanty urine. Suvimji-lfoot
cure urinary troubles nnd kidney difficulties.
Liver Complaint;
Torpid nr enlarged !ior, foul breath, bilious
ness, bilious headache, poor digestion, sout.
Catarrh of the ISIsicldcr
lull tin niiUlou, irritation, ulceration, drilibllnff,
f rcuuent cnlH, pus blood, mucus ur pin.
Al IlrusulHiK .',0 ci'iith and $1.00NIc.
"limilliU' lliuu. to Itinitb" free CuteiiltuUnii freo.
1)11. KllJJLIl i, TO., HlNUIIAMTON, .. V.
--. . w-Uiv,
vv'twrfiitni Ml ILOC 1.10. I
In I'll u. 1. 1
llirrir ifPll.
limited localities an execs, but these
will ho exceptions and not tlio rule.
An average rainfall in February U
very encouraging to all industries and
gives hopes for tud crops in 1890.
The temperature is also promising,
except lor southern cirly gardening
and the upper Missouri, where the
weather will bo hard on livo stock.
Hut it is the latter months that will
determine tho general crops for 1806,
nnd the turns in tho weathor will
bring many disappointments.
The only way to keep posted is to
road tho newspapers containing my
weathct forecasts. Careless reading
will do you no good;- you must study
and understand these bulletins in or
der to be benefitted by them.
Ono thing bear carefully in mind.
In applying my monthly forecasts
you may pxpect tho result to run ovor
a little into the following or extend
book a little into the preceding month.
This was true of December, 1895.
If the actual tetnpeaturo of tho
mouth ohly is included, tho month
averaged warmer in northern portions
of tho United States than was pre
dicted, but by inoluding thric days of
January the forecast and tho monthly
avcrago agree. Tho eastern portions
of Canada, however, nvcraged a little
warmer, nnd the southern portions of
tho Pacific slope a little colder than
was expected.
The Paoifio slope roccives its mois
turo principally from tho Pacific
ocean, wher it is evaporated by the
downpour of dry air iu tho north Pa
cific perpotual high, the ocntcr of
which is about thirty degrees nearly
west of San Francisco.
Tho moisturo is brought to tho Pa
oifio slopo by winds whoso prevailing
direction on the coast is nearly paral
el with the coast, and therefore all of
California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah,
Idaho and tho oastcrn parts of Color
do and New Mexico must depend for
sufltciont rainfall largely on tho con
dition of tho countries northwest of
Whatever will aid in holding mois
ture will aid in rainfall aud tho pre
vention of drouths nnd hot winds,
and these aids must bo general. The
whole of tho North American conti
nent, including Mexico, must adopt
similar measures beforo rain can be
properly distributed and local drouths
Western Texas, Mexico and New
Mexico reoeivo their moisturo partly
from tho Paoifio and partly from th
iinanuc, mo crest ot tno lloeky
mountain extension being tho divid
ing line.
East of tho Rockies tho humidity
comes almost exclusively from the
Gulf of Mexico and tho Atlantic ly
ing immediately cast of it, whore the
sea water is lifted by evaporation nnd
carried into tho continont by the
north Atlantic perpotual high.
Tho central path of Uub moisturo
laden air enters tho continent be
tween New Orloans and Galveston,
movs by way of the Black Hills,
Manitoba, tho great lakes and the
Gulf of St. Lawrence, whero it enters
the Atlantio coast.
This stream of moisturo covers
Mexico, all of the United States and
southern Canada that lie cast of tho
Rooky mountain crct, and from that
aerial river all tho North Amorioan
continent mentioned is watered, and
whatever prevents that humid wind
river from precipitating or from gath
ering moisturo on its course affeots
tho rainfall of all tho countries lying
east of tho Rockies, causing the
drouths and floods that do suoh vast
Tho American people must under
stand that the causos of droutha and
floods extend to all North American
countries, that tho remedies must be
contcntal extent, and therefore tho
questions involved aro international
as to this continent.
With our own countrymon irriga
tion must becomo a national question,
becauso states cannot successfully
deal with tho onuses.
"Give mo a liver regulator and I can
rORnlnto the world,1' enid n Kumns. Tho
druggist hnndod him n bottle of DeYVitt's
Little Knrly Hisors, the famous little pills.
O h CottiuB.
Thoroughbred Jerttcy Hull.
I have n tino bull nnd ho can be found
ut C. L. Winfrey's burn, rear Moon bile,
n-tf L. A. Aultz.
When the hair has fallen oat, leaving
the hvnd bald, if the soalp la not ahiuy
there is a chance of regaining tho hair by
using Unit's Hair Uenowur.
Supervisor 1'rvcccdlug.
Upon cunTiMingTIiurhdnirtMornlii,' January K,
IBW, tlio loUnninK Inidlnom wut transacted:
Minutes of prcrtoua mooting read and ap
proved, Coiiunlttco ou olliclitl bontlM wan liihtrnctcd to
t'ximiluo tlioMiioltlos mi county trcflHiirur. Tim
clmlrdlri'Ctcd tlm commit ten on poor farm to
wait on tlmrounty attm lit1) mid linvo Mm roU
It'L't tlio i snt duo tho county f khii T1iuiii:ih And-
( nmilttt2 ou oltlchl honda ropoitrd tlio coa
lition uf thoMutUiitioii (lie treimiirtT's bond t'H
r- llis initial.
C"iurttooo:i poor farm rcporSod u balance
What is
Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nnd Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
fevcrlshncss. Castorla prevents vomiting' Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates tlio stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
" Castorta Is an cxctllptit medicine for chil
dren. Mothers liavo rrpcatcdly told mo of I W
good effect ujxm tlielr children.'
Dli. 0. C. Okoood,
Lowull, Mass.
" Castorla U the bot rumedy for children of
which I ant acquainted. I Iioiki tho day id not
far distant hen mothers will consider the, roul
interest of their children, nnd use Castorla In
toad of tho various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agonta down their throata, thereby sending
them to prematura graves."
Da. J. F. KiNcnxLOB,
Conway, Ark.
TLe Oentavr Company, T7 M
of JUKI duo the, county from Mr. Aniler'ou.
Cnnunlttee on bonds or the bunk made the fol
lowing teport:
V(t otir committee report that we const 'or
the l-onils good ol the following' banks: l'llht
National of lllno Hill, Statu bank ot lied Cloud
nnd of (Julilii Itock. on nceoiintol Oliver .Mc
Call wlthilniwliiK from tho bond of llm People'
bank of Uedt'lnud, and upon rrcoiutut'tidatlon
of the county attoiuey, wo nccomeud said
bank bit rcqulrod to jjlvu u now bond.
Iteport or commlttro approved.
TliewUhilrawl of O. McCall from tho ilepo-l-tory
bond ot tlio People's biuik.wiiHiircepledand
the bank required to filrnl-li now b mil '
Commltteo on wiiji mid mi-1'- l.iadu their re
port as followKi
Voiirriiminltt'e t w:i nnd means res
neclfully culiuilt our n port mi : I .iiinato for
tho yenr 1MHI, mh provided tij law ..t follows:
Kitpi'iintelldent of schools SH'.V)
Court and (xpensij -jiiio
Coal and court house lijo
llounty on animals loo
County supervlors luto
Hooks, stationary uml printing 11.' xi
ASM'ssors ,. 1SIM
Special emnuill lees l.Vl
County at toinoy
.Tii, 0
1 iicMc-ii tnl
lltilldliiK poor lioui-o
Count) pour
County bridges
I ii-imt-
ILnilroad boinU
Coiiutv fair
.lull aid Jillor
Soldier's relief
County board of rquullition.
Iloanls of election
Total UXO
Iteport wiisailiipteil
C'oiiiinilteoonii-iplir.ition of J S While for
deputy bile, eoiillniHil tno apHiltitiiiHiit ot I'
1). Itobluson mid llM'd Ids salary nt j;oo. Car
ried. (Continued tutt week.)
Not n few who rend what Mr. Uobort
Rowls, of Uollituds, Va., lias to nay below,
will remember tliur uwn experleneo un
der Hku eirciiniHtiinees: "Ijst wiiiltr I
had la g'tpptt whioh left mu iu n low
Htntu of health. I tried nuinorous reme
dies, noiio of which did mo any good, un
til 1 was induced to try n bottle of Clinni
burlain's cough remedy. Tlio first bottle
of it no fur relieved mu that I was enabled
to attend to my work, and the second
bottlo effected a euro." For sale nt i!."i
and r0 cents per bottlo by Ueyo & Griou.
Iflurkul Kcporl.
Corrected weekly by lted Cloud I'rodiica Co.
Wheat 40 413
Corn now 15
Cornold 10
Outs new 18
Ityo 25
Harloy 35
Flux 75
Hogs :i2Ti
Uutchor'H stock 2 0002 50
Butter VA
Potatoes 40
Spring chickonB per lb 5
Old honB por lb 4
liny por ton 3 00(:150
IUKUl iV'otiee.
In the .lusticu Court, Samuel II. .Shirley,
David Ilradloy & Co., I
vs V
John A. Haas.
John A. Haas will take not Ice tht on llm
:t;ili(layof December, l9S, miiiiiipI ll.Sidrloy,
a lusticu of the peace in Oak Cioek precinct,
Webster county, Nebraska, Issued an order of
atlarlimeut lor tliu sum or S'JT.M, hum action
lienillUK before him, wherein David llinilleyis
plalntltt and John A. Haas, that
property tiislstliiioI one half Interest In one
J. 1. Casn 'i liioblitnK Machlno ami Womlbury
Toner, has In en attached under said ordrr.
Hsld c-anso was roiitliiued to the lsth day of
February, 183(1, at two o'clock p. in,
Dated January 8th, IBM.
Da vin lliuvnixr & Co.
Il;r. II. Coio. Attorney for riitlutllf.
Kansas City, Mo,, Stock Yards,
? If' nVy?nuN' rnNS' MONEY LOANED
J. P. McMllHRAY, rgtlESUCN. Rt,,, u' ,CL ,
SAM M.WF8T.Hott8LtsMt(. recdcrs Furnished
i. W. T. GRAY, Ofncc.
GRAY, Ofncc. Market Rcporta Free
CMrtirMi r'x Illumonil Itrnml.
(Irlclnul Anil Only flrniitnc.
ivtt and imtijfiunJ At Uruiitor rml -le.
Iri Hum M inkuUrt, ltta6LUl anl
l(ellcf fur t.utlU," l tin. It rilnni
aiuiu i.wuu iiHiaiuiuiw .d stiver
i'tiUo Ju.. Vu
-7V "B-inui nnu vniy Genuine. A
SKT Arc. 1wm flUtl), LAUitm t iS
ttl xjh-jim. Mfclml wfitttluo ril)tua, TnLu v
fVl sv WlHiinthrr. HtAtit ttaitatiouM tut ttitu V
Vr is
" Castorla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior lo any prescription
known to me."
II, A. Ancincn, It. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Ilrooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians In tho children's depart
ment luuo 8R)-en highly of their expert
euco in their ouLsMii pr.ictlco with Castorla,
and nlUiough o only have anions our
medical supplies what is known as refrular
productn, yet wo aro freo to confess that tho
merits ot Castorla has won us to look witk
favor upon It."
United Hosittal ino Disi'knbirt,
lloston, :
Atxrn C. Swru, Prtt.,
nrrmy Street, Now York City.
Mid l the reMllt ot colds
uiid Midden changes,
rr etui boeurcd by n pleai
l l rn.eilv which U 'ippll
- I olictii iit tliounitrlls
(em, qutcklv aliiorbcd it
n.s icllet ut once.
Ely's Cream Balm
liicl;iiovli-d i n n ( m ir C'orniieli cure
for Sutsl ( a .r i. , mi i i i i, ...ii a , Ur I'uver
of.i'iii-M i ,i 1 1 ! ik, h the ua-
s.u p,isaai' in it wo. i n d iiilliiiuiiialloli,
liciiMlifMiri I i ii'i'ts the meliiljiMiie from
colds, restore ' e -dsis of ,. -isle and smell.
rrleeSei- at I n.uiiorln in ill.
i:iA IIIIDI'l'i - n I', W.irren MicM.Ninvl'oik
Is itTCHllent .. i .mo it uml I ms ulliiiiiinatlon
II. I I llll'llsllllllll.
ensiimptlves will
1 i.irlihly derive
lie ellt frnlll ItsUPO
is t iii'lrMvahutcs
hi ei iih, lenders
ass sllinr nature In
esinriinr wasted
lissies. There hu
l.irw - per i-entaira
of I) e who sup-
nose Iheir eases to
eousiimiit bin
who nre onlv snf-
'erlliK liinii u euroule cold or deep svuted
eiiiinii.fl . ut tied b) cittiirrv ll'ilh rem
edies in- sm.i i.. n... p t.-e oi Cream
II. llm .Vii n '.! riueol.i II ils nil, 'J.V, lit
Driiu-yists l ., ,,i, itiesof !5i tvi I deliver on
retell l o' mn uii,
lil.Y MI'-iillKoT. Vu 'en '.NevvYoik.
Clfcmrs aaJ lrauur.t the hilr.
lroi!iof(i luiurfitit imwth.
r J over Falls to Itcitom Qry
4imr to its louiniui toior.
Curvt ctlp Jn?arfc hlr Iilr.
jw,ni K'i til immrm
The only fur. Cirn- tur crm. tui uil.ilu. l.niut-. rom
loilUt Vie UiUlliUt vtnlklOE (uv.Uvli. tl Uruiultu. ,
HO I nnln PUDCnnevcrfnllsiBcndmyour
aiWrcus, wo will UUnCUiimlllrinlbottleCDtT
Jho DR. TAFT BROS. M. Co.. RochMter, H.Y. r H tt
"Ilya thmi.imli i,mivl..iiK i tin-natual laws
which Kovrm tliu opeiatlous of digestion and
nutrition, and bv n eateful apiille.itlonof the
Inu pioiieillesot Well tileeled Cocoa, Jtr. Kpps
has provided mi our breakfast and supper
u delicately ll.ivored beverage which may s.ivt
us many heavv doctor bills, n is i,y the Jtullc-
oils use or such snides ol dlt that it constitu
tion may ho Krailuall) limit up until strong
enoiiL'h to resist every tendeucr ta disease.
Ilundieds.of suhtlo iiialiulles niu lloitnik'
mound us reiuly to ittluel, vvheieverlheroisa
IV!!1.1.' i1",1"1- ,NV" "i.i escipo many a fatal
sh.Ht bvkiepliiu' our.-elies well fin tilled with
pun; blood and a propel ly nourished liaiii."
Civil bervlciM.aello, ibtilo simply with boll-
ng water or milk. h, (,nl) in halt pound
tins, by urneeis. labelled tluisi
JAMIJSKPP.SA.-CO., Ltd., Hoinii'opatlilC
heiiiNts. I.onitim Knviiuni
C'lilrhc.lir j.iikII.Ii llliiuonil llrand.
"riemiiiunii tiiiijr lirntilnp.
tirc, alw.j. rilUtlu, ladicb ,k
.'tw.ii, ur I iiirra(,rf I.II'HIIH lid J
'tuna llrmul Iu (,. an I i.i,!,! tnriBllio
llei, .' aleil wltb LI 'l'..i... t
nil ol tit r. llttutiflAiiiitruita .., i...
Iioni at. (mil il, am, Al, cr n 1 .p.
V,!'l "l iir.nniouinr., tv.iliuoiiUI, .nl
" filer nir l.uilli ," In Uiiir. j rrlurn
Inll Ifl.filll. r. ,l, .....r..iNr"
il ail Lorn I'rujgliu.
SlierllPN Sale.
Notice Is if ri-liv Klvrn that under and by vir
tue of an order of sale Issued from tint olllce
of C. It. Crone, errk of tho district court ot
the tenth Judical district, within and for Web
ster county, Nehmska, iipou nilee oi In nu ;ic
llnii pi'iKtlnirtheieln, whuieln. I.uui's Tlinnisen.
Pbilntlll, ami amilust A. M. Walturi, lna
waiters, M. Snow. Charles k. Il.ilns. Mails
Loulso l.'IlenreiK. Ileniy l.'lleiueiu aid Kpli
ram l.'lln.ieux, ilelMuliiuts, I shall otter ror
Mile at puhlle vendue, to the liluhest bhtdrrfnr
cash Iu iiaml t lliri east ilonr it tho court
house nt lted Cloud, Iu said Wcbsjrr county.
Nebraska, (that liulnjr the bulhllue vvheieiii
tho last tei m ot said court win lioliln)on the
filli day f I'ebruary, A I). li:i. nt cue n'cluek
p m. ot said day. tho (ailowlu: described
propcity. lowlti Tho northeast qiiaher of
section six (0), lowiiklilp four (4 J. rnnce'twiilvo
(U), west of the O.h I'. M., Iu Webster ivitiu y.
(liven under my hand IhU L'd day of Juuuarr
A. D. 1890. iJ-miary,
J. W. 1 I7NCIIKV. Sherllt
Thomas I'lulntlffs Aiihim-y. '
II. 1',
rsit. J. S. uviflii,
Red Cloud, - . Ni;iiiuhic!
over Ttolur'M lMn-iiitiiruMorr.
Kxtnicts teeth without pain,
'rowii and liril(u work it specialty.
Porcelain Inlnv, in i nil kl dsof jtold lllllncs
pla'ies. ''' ' " f '"atC3 '" WiiMioil
All work Kunrautvod to bo llrst-class.
IM N5 '"4" in-ii.
j( TfxV
T 1K-J
It a