The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 24, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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K.'JimxhxxfVssxaxxiiti3!nrxtiTezrz,teax3rAi!iKjj3rvatMit n mini m
The People's Friend. In use for fifty years.
Cures Cough, Cold, Croup, Whooping - Cough,
Grippe, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Affections.
DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is sold everywhere
foronly 25 cents. JRefuse cheap substitutes.
Chew LANGE'SPLUOS.lho Great Tob'icco AntldolcTtOc. Dealers of mall.A.C.Meier A Co., Balto..M4
swoai; circulation 1.300.
A. ('. Hiihmi'ii, Ktlltnr.
I.MIIH I'M I. t ak': IMitor.
NTH Mi, t'AHi, If.
hki:ai, iti"iTi:ic,:
iik. orrix.
WfllllllT I'OMM'liolx.
1 I) Ci.oin, Ni .. .Ian. 17, ISM
The following iB iIih weather
forecasts fur tlu next 'Jl hours:
WcKtlll'l' I'llll'llllMl
i'lomlt tnnlulii unit siiiiirUny.
!' W. Cnwm.N. Lm-iil Manager.
NoTI. Thes f' i tl" will 1)0 tlia-
played daily in vi iy poa'ortiou in Web-county.
! Von Want to m-u ltvl lunl
Prosper t
If ho, (.'oino to tlio mass nicotine to bo
hi'lil in my Xi tilt on next Wednesday
evening ut 7:110, for the ptirpoyo of or
gunizing n Commercial Club. Thin in
an important event in Keel Cloud, ami
every citizen, business man or other
wib", should bu present and help push
it along. M. II. Iii:.NTi.r.v.
THEY fill FIR II !
Tlio 5t!iitiini-nt !" our People
Uaniilmviixly In I'uvor of a
Fred Roger wim in the city this week.
Ex-mayor Tinker wits iu the city this
Mrs. Julia Kollugg was in Hastings
this week.
Editor Warren wan in Lincoln this
week on biihinosh.
T. 10. limner of Hluo Mill wiih in I toil
Cloud thiH week.
l'nieison Lightfoot louveH for Califor
nia in two weeks.
1. II. Hampton .'C (iuido Ruck wiib in
Red Cloud this week.
K. U. L'nrker or uiiulo hock was in
Rod Cloud on last Tuealuy.
""Ex-Supervisor lloldroge, of Innvnls,
was in the city of trees last Saturday.
J. C. Warner wiih iu Lincoln thiH week
attending the state hoard of agriculture.
J. W. Hunchey loturnod from the
east Thursday, w hoi e he had been on
Mrs. Mary WillieluiEon of Nevada,
Mo is visiting in the city, tho guest of
her children.
Al Ualunha, after a week's visit in
this city returned to his homo in Iowa,
on Tuesday.
llro. Riley, the travelling man wvp
doing business in lied Cloud after hoing
away three weeks.
D. il. Spnnnglo Iihh been appointed as
a doleguto from thiH city to tho bcot
sugar meeting at Fremont.
Wo noticed the "shining pate" of R.
P. Hutchison, tonsoriul artist, of L&ba
non, Ivan,, on our streets this week.
Wo have had vary beautiful woathor
in this eeetion for tlio hiBt few weoke, up
to Wednesday when it turned coldor.
Undo Tommy Leigh, ono of our
oldest citizens, passed away last Friday
and was buried Saturday in this city.
Mies Willa Caliier entertained a few
friends in tho spacious parlors over Mr.
Wiener's storo on lust Friday ovoning,
A pleasant time was reported.
Mr. Steve Morrison gave a spoiling
boo at the school where ho teaches in
Rutin township ten miies north of this
oity on lust Friday night. A largo nuin
bor of young folks went out from this
I 1iuvo?10,Kj0 per month to loan on
good improved ur unimproved lands in
Adnms, Webster, Kearney aud Franklin
counties in NVbiunkn, and Smith and
Jowoll counties in Kansas. If you wish
to niuko a loan don't fail t" cull or writo.
Addresp, I) .1. Mm kk. lied Cloud, Neb.
To show that rnir country is not so
badly on" wo micht call tlio attention of
our roaderu to the fact that J. L. Minor
Bold hiB ranch thin week of b0o acres to
an Ohio man for tho nice littlo sum of
810,000. It was a lucky man that got
that ranch for that llirure, as it is ono of
tho best faruiB in thu btuto of Nobraskn
con .mat ciA i, cmih.
During tho tlrst of the weok Tiik
Ciur.r pent out tho following circu
lar to ISO of lied CloudV business men
and citizens, asking their opinion on tho
organization of u "commercial club."
: Mr :
Ili.D Ci.oi'D, Nkiiuahka.
Dkai: Sin:
! Are you iu favor of a Com. '.
mercial Club to advertise, and to
try to get industries in lltd Cloud '
: that will benefit our town, and :
: also duviso meanii that will bo a :
; help iu malting improvemeiitti 1 ;
I I'leaiie answer below, and also '
; state any suggeHtions jou wish to j
uialie. The intention of this re-
; quest is to llml out who will bo j
1 willing to help iu trjing to bettor J
; tho condition of our city. :
Yours truly, j
A. C. WOSMI'.K. '.
1'. S. I'leiiso answer promptly.
A good shao at Wutchison A: Wiatt's
burlier shop.
Nato Piatt is homo from a few weekH'
visit in Minden.
Fir a lino hair tonic call on Hutchin
son ,fc lliatt. tho barbers,
W. H. Ulsh of Smith Centre, Kansas,
was in the city this weok.
Tim llreuion will give a dauco iu their
hall on the evening of February 1st.
Attorney Challln went to Denver this
week on bimncFB to be absent n weok.
Ceo. Limlney went to Cripplo Creek
Saturday evening to observe tho lay of
the laud.
T. Shepperd one of tho H. A: M's ef
ferent enginers wiib taking lay-oil
this weok.
You can buy a typewriter at ttitB otllco
at reasonable tigures. Soo us before
buying elsewhere.
(irant Usher returned from Stonewall,
Col.. Sutuiday. Wo will probably bo in
tho city for some time.
It not only is bo, it mut be go, Ono
.Minute Cough Cure aett ijnickly, and
that's what inakti it go. C L Cutting.
Rev. Hummers protracted ineotingB
at ISiaden still continue with unabated
success. They will hold another weok.
Married, at the reeidoneo of Ror. N.
15. Wagoner of Garticld, Jan. 18. 180(5,
Mr. L. K. Viers and Mrs. Sarah A. Watt
both of (iuido Rock.
J. L. Kaloy and wife of Omiiha woro
in tho city this weok attending tho
wedding of Mr. D. II. Kaloy. Wo mndo
t his otllco a pleasant call.
Ilov. J. K. Maxlleld, pastor of tho
Methodist church, delivered a vory ex
cellent 6ormon lust Sunday evening in
his church, to a very largo congregation.
Cieo, Smclscr came in this week and
ro nowed for The Cmr.r for anothor
year. Geo. nnd his fathor D. C. Smol
ser, hnvo takon Tnr. Ciiikk for tho hiBt
111 years.
Always on tho alort to givo our bu!
b crihers tho best premiums possible wo
have this woek at a considerable oxponso
procured Itopp'e Heady Calculator, ono
of tho tinest tilings of tho kind over giv
en as a premium.
Thero ought to bo somo elTort mado to
have tho electric lights started again,
It seems to us Unit the lights aro ono of
tho necccEsitieH of Red Cloud. They
aro euroly ono of tho best ndvortisomonts
that wo over had. There ought to bo
no dolay in this mutter. M. Railway Co,
ehan god their plunB in regard to this
city, having concluded to romovo most
of their men to other places and aban
don tiio chops horo partially. Tlioy laid
on" three men. ono quit, sixteen woro
sent to Hastingp, McCook, Wolyoko and
other points. Thoy claim that they con
not alTord to keep two round houson bo
near togotlioras WastiugHiiiul lied Cloud
Tho business men of this city feel ag
grieved over this treatmont by tho of
llcials. An effort will bo made to got
tho road to change the order and have
tlio .workmen returned to this city,
And havo received the following roplies,
which go to show that the people of this
city aro dead in earnest in regard to
pomething being done for tho advance
ment of the intorevtHof our city.
Such being tho case, it only remains
for our people to get together at once
aud oiganize the club and proceed to
get Red Cloud before tho world iu tho
proper manner.
mere are many things or puDMc in
terest that should be looked after at
once, and only a united people can do
that very thing, which is bo necessary at
this time for tlio salvation of our city.
A commercial club, olllcored with our
most enterprising men, would go far to
ward putting tho city on its feet. It is
a lack of unison that has put us whore
wo are today. If wo had hud a com
mercial club to look after matters, no
doubt but what wo could have prevent
ed tho removal of tho last batch of railway
men to other places, which has just
taken place.
Then thero is tho "good roadfl Bub
ject" that would bo advanced by the
club; ''tho bndgo question;'' tho repair
ing ut tlio BitiowalKs; anil, in fact, all
public mutters that concern the city
could or would ho looked after by this
Through thiB club, Rod Cloud could
bo thoroughly advertised in tho oust, ub
could bo Webster county, in which wo
aro us much interested ub wo aro in our
Tho club would bo purely for tho bon
otitof tho city and county, and would
ut all timoB bo ready and willing to take
hold of tiny project that might come up
for consideration. In this club wo want
only such men as will contribute of their
time nnd means to tho upbuildingof tho
city, aud aro in real earnest in regard to
its welfare. "Push, energy and pluck"
muBt be tho motto ut all times. Wo can
not afford to havo men sulk in their
tents whon thoy should bo at work holp
ing to advance tho interests of Rod
A public mass mooting should bo
culled at onco by tho mayor for tho
speedy organization of this club, bo that
a protest might bo ontored at onco to
tho li, it M. headquarters against the
removal of their employes from this
city, and every business man and citizon
should bo present to sign a remonstrance
to that effect.
Tho timo is now opportune for thiB
movement nnd all should grasp it
and sot Red Cloud on tho top wavo,
Traveling men say that thiB is tho
best city in the valloy for businoss, and
that wo do moro business than many of
tho other cities in thu sta.o twico as
large. Wo all know that, and therefore
lot's try to increase it tho coming year
I approve of tho call upon tho busi
ness mon for tho formation of a Com
mercial Club, and tho machinery to bo
worked for tlio interest uf Red Cloud.
It is high time that wo act togothor and
try to bo united, nnd I approve of tho
tho idea of im proving tho roads leuding
to R. C, and will aid nil projocts for tlio
interest of tho city. M. R. 11i:nti.i:v.
Wo would think that a good strong
Commercial Club would bo u benefit in
helping to bring back prosperity to our
town (J. A. DiTKKi; t O.
I ii'n in favor of n Conimoreinl Club
or inn other movement that will tend to
hotter tho interests of Red Cloud. Ah
topuugnstlons, I will lenvp that to older
and more experienced men than I.
F. W. Cowdkn, P. M.
Ry all ineniiB! (!ood thing-, push it
along. ,1. L Minkis.
Yen I Let us h.ive the Club 1" Then
down the Urst "club" that is not reso
Itttely planning for tho growth of our
city nnd tho development of our conn
try. If eueh of the churches here will
secure and support, a ntroug and elo
quont pimtor, much will bo done to
improve tho nioriilH of our town build our
honiPHon an abiding foundation, and also
improvo our pchonls by their refining
and cultivating influence.
J. K. M.wrii'.i.n.
To the above, I answer yes. I am in
favor of any and all industries and en
torpripofl that will benetlt our city, pro
vided the people are not bled to procure
them. Yes, sir, I would be in favor of a
Commercial Club or Husinepn Men's As
sociation, organized for tho purposo of
devising meniiR to procure labor for
those who aro willing to work.
Yourn truly,
F. N. HniiMinsoN.
I am iu favor of any enterprise that
will help build up I!. O. I think if
t horo were any prospect of getting the
Rock Island through here, now iH our
time to Btrike while the iron is hot. For
my part. I will do all in my powor to re
vive R. ('. Respectfully,
J. II. Wkiuht.
Yob !
Highest Honors World' FaM
The nick man knocking at the door of
health gut iu if ho kuouks thu right way
and stay out if ho doesn't. There nro
thousands of ways of gutting siok, but
only one way to got well. Do whntevor
you will, if you don't put your digestion
in order, ami mnko your blood rich and
puro, you will not get well. Rtoh, pare
blood is the only thing that can bring
perfect health, Constipation is a tflsonHu
of the blood, and orn be cured by elimi
nating them with Dr. l'ioree'fl Golden
Medical Discovery. Tho tlrst tiling it
does is to pat tho whole digestive system
into perfect ordor. It Btimnlntoa the ap
petite, excites n copious secretion of tho
digestive Holds and promotes assimila
tion. It serohes ont diseaso germs where
ever thoy may be, kills them aud forces
them ont of the system, Tho ''Golden
Medical Discovery" him been used with
nuvnrying sucoess for over 110 years,
A puie Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fw
from Ammonia, Alum or any other rdulteranl
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others
The best plan would bo for tho legis
luture to pass a law bo its to lot tho
townships levy a tax on all proparty
three miles from tho contor of roudH on
both sides, said levy to bo ma Jo by vote
of townehipB. If something is not done
the city will bo too dead to skin.
W. U. Roitv.
Your circular lotter received, in which
you ask if I am in fnvor of a Commer
cial Club. Yes ! or anything olse that
will hotter our condition ub a city. A
Commercial Club would, no doubt, bo a
groat bonotlt, in that it would always be
ready to roceivo and investigate propo
sitions for tho establishing of Industries
in our city, It would also eeoin to be
tho duty of this club to croate a sonti
mont among; our citizens that will rosult
in maintaining those ulreudyoatablishod.
I would like to see something done
and urn willing to do all in my powor to
help it along. Yours truly,
J as. Pi.Tr.itso.v.
Start the oreatnerv, and con
nect cheese factory with tho piinio, oper
ated by tho business men of the city.
J. II. Smith.
Yen, I nin in favor of anything that is
a bonollt to the city, and think it a good
thing and am willing to help push it
along. L. W. Four.
A Commercial Club might do some
thing; but every onterpriso that him
been attempted or suggested Iiiib boon a
failure, for reuponB that you perhaps
know hotter than I. I doubt, however,
tho buccobs of anything :t present in
this city. D. M. Wu.NTKii.
I ntn strongly in favor of somo organ
ized olTort thnt will lead to tho improve
ment of our city, both financially and
morally. No matter what tho namu
may be if tho aim is right. A strong
pull all togothor, looking mwro to public
goon man private gain, wouiu accomp
lish wonders. YourB truly,
Proper BiiggoBtioiiB will bo iu ordor
whoro organization is comploto.
Very truly,
J. Por.Tiut J II.
Replying to abovo, yes I I would sug
gest that tho ro-olection of Grovor
Cleveland, or oomo othor Bound monoy
democrat, would bo a panacea for all
our financial ills, and I pledgo you my
sacred honor that, if I am permitted to
oxist, I will do all in my powor to tho
good end. 1 am yours with great ro
opoct. T. J. Wakii.
Yes; lot it bo organized at onco. Sond
a delegate or two to Fromonr; Nob., to
tho Seato Sugar Iieet Convention;
thero will bo eastern capitalists thero.
All stop your meanness,
DH. Sl'ANOdl.K.
Yes, I favor tho organization of a
"club," but am ut a loss whon it comes
to suggos.ting a remedy for our prosont
statu of incrtinn. it might bu well to
call a musa meeting for tho purpose of
interchanging ideas on the subject. Our
condition recalls to my mind a couplet
written by Sponcor:
"SlUKiilsIl HlosiU's, (lie lllllfe Of sill.
fpon li Nlelliiul uis lio flume tn ililr,"
With whatever of ability I may possesB,
1 am yours t' command.
Yours vory truly,
John M. Ch.utin.
Yes; am in favor uf anything that will
help Rol Cloud, and will givo my timo
nnd energy to push tho project along.
J so, Poi.nickv.
Yes, I am in favor of tho club and
would like to seo another railroad como
Answering tho above question, I am
in favor of a Commercial Club or any
other organization that will bo tho
means or uuvancing tied uiouu. iiy
opinion may not go for much, but 1 am
impressed that a closer unison of our
hole- I
Cost 1
P IH' )f Iff
Let Us
With You.
Do You.
You cannot nd'oid to buy your Bhoes
from anyone but .1 exclusive shoo store.
IJcnit'inbcr tlio many littlo favors you
receive you cannot get elsewhere.
If your bIioob rip wo sow them free,
If the solos como looso we tack theni freo.
If straps comes olT wo put now oncB on freo.
If tho shoes do not givo tho wear they should we always
aim tc mnko them satisfactory.
AVe havo tho largest assortment of shoes in tho
valley tit tho lowest prices.
A. H. KALEY. Prop.
We wish to call your attention to our line liuo of
Wo have u largo aud elegant nFnortmont, including somo elegant goods .'
with on elopes to mutch.
A Y. P. S. C K. and Hpwnrth League Tublot with the society monogram on oacli
loaf, also n lino of tidilets witii a printed date head on each loaf; none higher
than ii.") cents, aud down to .1 cents ii-pieco.
Wo want your patronage this your in Tablets and will give you tho best tho mar
ket affords. A miniature tablet given with each one sold.
businoss mon co-oporating togothor, and
improving the roads coming to our city
will bu the means of accomplishing a
inuiih needed and long felt want. I am
with respect, yours for tho best,
Ku.nkst Wklsch.
Most assuredly wo favor your propo
sition, for, if such notion is not soon
taken, you may as well agitate tho or
ganization of a commonweal army to
hold up tlio tlrst froight train going
south. IIkd Ci.oud Nation,
Female Troubles.
A high liver with n torpid liver will not
be n long liver. Correct the liver with
DeWitt's Littlo Early Risers, little pills
cure dyspepsia and constipation. (J h
One Minute Cough Cure touches thu
right spot. It also touches it attho right
time if you take it vthuu you htve a
cough or eold? Then don't cough, C h
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
Many of tho disorders peculiar to
women aro caused by diseased condi
tions of the Liver, Kidneys aud Bowels.
Restore these organs to a healthy state
by using
And the female orcanswill perform
their regular functions, and the suf
ferer be strengthened and cured.
Ladies horn all parts ot the
country testify to its marvelous success in curing them.
For ealo everywhere. Price, $1.00 per bottlo.
t -jvuerer tacked."
j tine I
.ftTy R0bton T qorhl,,,,. St "