' io lull VOLUME XXIV. llllllllllllll 'S 5AKTA CLAOS SOAP makes wasli-day as easy as any other day. Lessens the labor, makes the clothes white, and does no dam age. Thousands of women say so surely they are not all mistaken. Sold everywhere. Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, - Chicago, -Uj ' - . .'jijl ;.-...,&& J ,p 5U, .Jv--l tli, J , For timokoopiug and durability nothing bouts tho aovonteon jowuloil Deuhkk IIampdkn Watch. Call and oxutnino them. Also a lino lino of Jewelry, Diamonds, Spectacles and Clocks. A full Mock t stie'Hacles iiml eye qlasse.s with Interi'tiangalile lenses, steel, nickel silver ami eolil frames, .Spccliil and careful at tendon paid to lltting tlte ujo. My llnu of 2nd band watches Ik quite Litre I will run tlicm oil at lest than thelrnctiial worth. tr-Hruig your wnteh, clock anil Jewelry re pair work, your engraving and your old gold and silver to me. THOS. IMCXMAIV l' Watch Examiner for R. & M. R. R. Vvrs Bluilcit. Mr. Hauthorn of Superior and a brother of Wm. Hauthorn is visiting , s few davs with friends in this vicin- ifli . Iliorov Jones of Nucleoli's county ( moved onto Mr. Adam's farm west of town the fore part of this week. Rov. Williams of Linooln preached LJahc Baptist church Monday even- FnK Ohas. Gunn and wife of Ong are the ... . . T1 guests of Ins brotuor-m-iaw n v LSpcnoo, James Hubka and Unas. tlullor shipped a oar of hogs Monday morn- I,B8- Robt. MoCallum who has boon at ansas City for tho past three month l-ecciving troatmont for cancer of tho ace, returnod homo tho latter part of ,ho wcok, Rov. Hummol is meeting with good tueoess in his royival meetings held hi tho G. A. It. hall and is doing cood M'.nrl- in hritu'inc tli p. Rinner to roncn- i w,B " inoo. It is to bo hoped that tho foi work will continue until all of llauon has boon converted. Hoffman and Ilartman rccoived lothcr oar of $4.00 por ton eoal. Cox Britton and soveral others ipped out several oars of hogs Tucs- . horning. Bv. filing, lu'uluiK, cleansing, DoYVItt'a n iif nzo1 H,,,vo is tl,u tuun,y t0 80l,,,, w tUhrwiA piles, whioh it uovwr fails to en inv his en&LtiH UohitiL' and buruitiL', Cures l'Pr'sV-lim nnd uold-sores in two or ' III nnn ' 0 L Ootllug. RED A Broken Back Just as yours will be if you continue using poor soap. eJiitlicrfnn. Evoryono is enjoying the foggy weather. Mr. Castor o! Lincoln w.ts in our neighborhood on businc- Saturnay. Misses Marker and MuCall were visiting at A. N. Vilon's Sunday. Henry JiCti has recovered Irotn his injury. C. H. Wilson has finished hia new well. R. B l'jyno oi HIarli it :i- in Ked Cloud Saturday. Kmery Beau has innvtVi onto the farm formerly acoupiod by Mi. Bu mpy. J. M. Marker it going to make a new well. The Free Methodist are holding a series of meetings at North Star. Mr. 0. B Pitney and family wcro cal.VH at Mr. Duval's last Sundaj. The wolf hunt in Batin township last Thursday was not what was anti cipated, so they will try it again on Thursday. Tho one in Catherton towtifhip next Saturday will be largely attended. Mr. nnd Mr?. C. II. Wilson wore oallers at Mr. Wisccaivct's Sunday. Last Friday evening several of the youug folks gathered at tho residence of J. B. Wisecarver and enjoyed them solves for a number of hours. Roxy. 3 W l'iorce, Republic, la., sajs: "I have used One Minute. Cough Onro in my family and for myself, with result bo en tirely satisfactory thut I can hardly find words to oxpross myself ns to its morit. I will never fail to recommend it to othors on uvory ocoasion that presents itself." 0 li Cotting. tilatt) Line. Tho meeting at Maplo Grovo is still going on with good success. Miss Addio Toland is spending a few days with Mrs. Davis. Mr. L. Bailey and wife wcro pleas ant visitors of Mr. Tolund's this wcok. Mrs. Kdith Stanton is at Arapahoe holding meetings. Mr. Toland has traded his ruti-away horse off to Orvio Holmgrain. John Fishburn has cone to tho Platte valloy in search of work. Mr. Ilito of Bladen is often scon in North Branch whero his best girl is going to sohool. fisumplioi) A AND ITS CUU35 To TnE Editor : I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to send two bottles fra to those of your readers who have Consumptionjhroat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoflice address. Sincerely, T. A. StOCTJM, M. C, 183 Pearl St., Hew Torfc. ft- 'tho lilltoiUl anJ llatinou MunuKement of ltd! l'ier Uuaruntcu tlila gcuuruus I'roi'ositlgu- y V f .s ej ':r5'r,':Sgilrry-c.-'gJhEr T-"X.-W''-M: - i : vVT?r-"L-j CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 21, Stillwater. M. B. Beeves and sou, Harry, aro visiting relatives in Nuckolls county thin week S C Hull carries his lip in a sling th" result of a wire eut while fixing fen i! p. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner of Adamcs county, were visiting at his uncle's, Thos. FinoyV, last week Alex Mourn nnd Jem Britton wcro both compelled to kill their horses that were out on the wire. The sports made a roundup of Still water township on Tuesday last, if there were any wolves in tho ring they made their esenpc, hut they managed to bag several jack rabbits, and a chiokon or two. Mr. Finny, who teaches in the Byker district, had the misfortune to overturn his buggy while returning from the League at Kcklcy, church on Sunday night, and smashed the buggy all to pieces. The Kcklcy Sunday School elected the following olliocrs for the ensuing j car. Supcrentcndrnt, J. iJoufean; Assistant superintendent, Win. Cro zi r; Secretary, Jas. Geonhalgh, Treas urer. Azez Monia;, Chorister, Annie Grcehalgh. Tho girls ushurcd in Leap Year with a party at Doe. Wcllr,(ino night last week and tho old bachelors were not forgotten, and if they will pick up eourngc enough to say yes they may bo fore it is everlastingly too late. Simpson. ICt'unre ttV Mnt incuts lor i.'nl nrrli Unit Cuiilnlii ITIorrury. As mercury will surely destroy tho t-etiHe of smell uml completely durante, thu whole nystetu when entering it through tho mucous surfaces. Such articles should neyer be used except an prescriptions from reputable physicians, ns tho duinnu they will do is ton fold to tho good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's catarrh cure mnuufaetured by F.J. Chen ey it Co., Toledo, O , contains no mercury and is taken internally, noting directly npou the blood and mucous surfaces of thu sjntem. In buying Hall's catarrh euro be Hiiro you got tho Kenulno. It is taken internally, nnd mndo in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney .t Co., testimonials free. C3'"Sold by druggist, price 7fio. per bottle. Ainhoy. Mr. Barnes nnd family of Bostwick wcro visiting at G. W. Baker's last week. Scvoral Pleasant Hill people attend ed tho Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday evening, Ernest Torrill is staying wish Dot Saladon, Geo, Law and Prof. Hoit attended a danco at Mr. Kssox' last Friday night. Oi the road homo thoy wore so unfortunato as to broak a wheel on their vehiole, and wcro obliged to walk home. It is rumored that a wedding in high lifo is soon to tako place. Tho debating soeioty at this plaoo is well attonded. Bring your dimes and bcoomo a meinlor of this august assembly. Charley Cookroll is regaining his health rapidly. A temperance meeting takes the place of tho UBual Endeavor program next Sunday. Considerable effort is boiug mado to mako tho evening en tertaining and instructive. Elva Toachworth is staying with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Frisbie, this week, Robt, Mitchell and Louis Best do sire to thank tho donors of thoir Christmas presents. Al Morrltt can go home now with out his hat. Why not havo a skating party ? Tho ico is lino. This is leap year, but two young ladies took timo by tho forelock and requested two of our handsomost youths to accompany inom noma. A good exampio xor wio rcsi 01 tho girls. llUBTI.EIl. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. wci lUCKCa. ncf f 1JT r.cltlry. Tin young folks met at th home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A Wells Monday evening and pnolieed songs lor tho literary entertainment. Mr. Jas. Itobtnson, son of Mrs. I). II. Robinson, 15 expected soon, Ho will farm in this county. Miss ('era Newton, niecn of Mrs, L. A. Crozicr, will arrive in a short time and visit friends and relatives. Mrs. Arthur MeKoi-han is visiting with her uncle, J. R. Coon and fain- A pic social will he given at the home of thu Misses Susie and Buisle Spracher. All a-e anticipating a good time. A good attendance at League Sun day night. Meeting was conducted by Wm Crozicr. Meeting will bo led next pveniuir bv J no. Motter. All arc invited to attend. Protracted meetings will non ho held. W. .). N. For a pain in the client 11 plecn of limine! dampened with Chamberlain's l'aiu linlin nnd hound on over the seal of thu tinin, and another on the back be tween thu shoulders, will afford prompt relief. This Is especially valunblo is oases where the pain is onuso by u cold and tlieruisn teudenny toward pneumonia. For Halo by Dojo Si Oriee. 11 11- - fclutu Crcclt. Chas. Arbunldc sold iivo hogs last week at $2.17 por hundred. Listen for tho wedding bells, you will hear them next week. The sick psoplo in this part aro all better. Sunday-school every Sunday morn ing at 10 a. in. Prayer mcoting every Wednesday night. Kp worth Lcaguo Sunday night. Mrs. C, Barret's health is improv ing. Mrs. Fair is recovering very slowly. Occasional. GET FLESH. Gel Strength, Vigor, Clenr Com plexion nml Good Digestion, not liy I'ntenl Medicine, mil ' in Xntii re's Own Way. An honest physician will tell you that thcro is only ono way to get in creased flesh; all tho patent medicines and cod liver oils to tho contrary not withstanding. Naturo has but ono way to inorcaso flesh, strongth and vigor, mind and body, and that is through the stomach by wholesome food, well digested, There is no reason, or common sense in any other method whatever. Peplo are thin, run down, nervous, pale, and shaky in their nerves, sim ply ncoauso ineir siomaous are wcbk, They do not think thoy havo dys popsia, but tho faot romains that thoy do not oat enough food, or what thoy cat is not quiokly and properly di gested, as it should bo. Dr. Harlandson says tho reason is because tho stomaoh lacks certain di gestive acids and poptones, and defi cient secretion 01 gastric juico. Nnturcs remedy in such cases is to supply what tho weak stomaeh lacks. Tlioro aro scvoral good preparations whioh will do this, but nono so readi ly as Stuart's Dyspopsia Tablets whioh aro designed cspeoially fur all stom aoh trouble, and whioh cure all diges tivo weakness on tho common sense plan of furnishing tho digestivo prin ciples which tho stomach lacks. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets givo per icot digestion. First effect is to in orcaso tho appetite, and increased vigor, added flosh, puro blood, and strongth of uetvo and musolo is tho porfootly natural result. Stuart's Dyspopsia Tablots is tho safest tonie known and will euro any form of stomaoh trouble, excopt can- oor of tho stomach. May be found at tho druggists at fiO oonts for full sizod paokago, or diroot by mall from Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Crape Cream ol Tarter Powder. iri:rwerhJ45,.,a!?cBV'8,,y Fmui ii" "T ft . f' - i il ?iJr'atf'?J . 180(5. vw Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest l S. Gov't Report m h fjt Urrali IMf " 1M V3&aa A?.9.!f!yJ!?M..J?M?:.. Aiiitxty. Laura Frisbie visited tho Pleasant Hill sohool Monday. Jes"io Cockrall visited at G. W. R.iket's Sundar. Karncst Torrill is staying at J. W. Saladcn's. Thu tempcraneo meeting Sunday evening was a success. Quito a r.urpriso party was given Mis. G. W. ll.ikcr Tuesday in honor of her fifty-seventh birthday. Quito a number from Bed Cloud wcro pres ent. All report a good tuno. J. W. Saladen had a horse badly cut on u wire fence nun day last week. It will bo mi agreeable Miirpriso to por- sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to loam that, prompt relief may bo had by Inking Cliamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Uiarrluua Houiedy. In many Instances tho attacks nniy bo prevented by taking this rotnuly as soon as tho llrst symptoms of thu dlsoanu nppear. -R nnd r0 cent bottles for snlu by Duyo .fc Orioo, Klillll. James Mcintosh is baling hay for J. L. Minor. Thu wolf hunt last week in Batin was a failure. G. W. Matkin was south of Inayalo Tuesday buying wood. Ed Reihcr and son wore in this vioin ity buying hogs Tuesday. Miss K-tio Johnson of Koarncy county is horo visiting Mrs. Hansen. A man from Colby, Kansas, is iu this vicinity drawing pictures. Wado Koontz shelled several hun dred bushels of corn for Wm. Crabill Wednesday. Tho infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Pichlcrsdicd last week and was buried in the Pleasant Prairio cemetery. A jolly timo was had at tho party last Friday evening at Johnson Wiso carver's. About twonty guests were present. Stunnkr. Many merchants nre well aware that their onstomers are their bost friends nnd take pleasure In supplying them with tho best goods obtainable. As nn instnnco wo mention I'erry ifcOamoran, prominent druggists of Flushing, Michigan. They say: "We havo no he&itation in recom mending Cht.mberlam'fl Cough Remedy to our ooustomors, as it is tho best oough medicine wo have over sold, and alwnys gives satisfaction." For enlo nt an aud CO cents per bottle by Deyo it Grico. Obituary. TliomaB Leigh was born April 24, l&lO, in Plymouth, DovonBhlro, England, doparted this life Jnnuury 18, 1890, ut tho ago of 05 yonrs, 8 months, and 21 days, Ho wns a son ot Richard and Eliznboth Leigh, also natives of Eng- land, nnd in 1817, with hia paronts, camo to tho United States, landing at Now York, and coming direct to Ontonogan county, Michigan; bore tho subject of our ekotch grew to manhood, receiving a limited education. Ho was ongagod In variouB occupations, and had many thrilling experiences nnd dnngerouB ad vonturos; ho wus first engaged in tho saw mill business, Inter in cloaring and farming, nnd still later in tho employ of Unclo Sam as mail carrlor, boing tho first in that part of tho utato. In Janu ary, 18G0, ho movod to Kankakee county, III,, whore ho ongagod in funning until 1870, whon ho concluded to go west, and accordingly Bold out his Interests and movod to Nebraska, settling iu this enuntv. and lina nuriiinnuiitly rosldud here over elnue. November 21, 18.7 Mlsa Churlotto Konglo bocamo his wife and is now hid surviving widow. In unllticB. Mr. Lalcli waa a Btaunch ro- publican. The funeral sorvlcou wore conducteil liy Rov. (I. W. Hummel, as aiatod by Rev. 0. W. Ulaekwell, on Sat unfiiy. aud tho romaiiiB buried in the I Rod Cloud comotory. w WTfottoT; aigJi;,nMni,,''torla In tJuJaailfj. TtSadfa?1 - 3 ' ' ' V-? it -. .VMJ"' . jS1Ssses? XTMUEK -I- H O aiang mfftnn IX VVttfMktJL m.'iiooi, rri:,nt. Kdltloii, MI11 .Minnie Welilpinti!) Ileum l,.ru i 'lllllli'Mu Dllly iiepoilers j M) Killm.Mf Tho Physiology class preformed f-otuo interesting experiments Monday .Some of tho pupils of tho high room havo already disobeyed tho reonlution pusaed by tho boaul. Mr, Wilson in organizing u militia, The boys urn Interested in it very much. Wo wish them huccohh in thin lino nnd hope thoy may boiiiu day protoct our nu tivo country. Prof. Wilson being called to South Ward W dnesday, Miss Jcnnotto Dilly taught tho (loometry chins and Klmor Crime taught the (ionurul Hiotory chieo. ".Inch tho hugger" was ueon in tho high rtont ono da this week. There vnn 11 change iu opening over cisim Tuesday nnd Wednesday morningo Miss McUlellund read n ntory to tho school, entitled "Nuwh Uoyn in New Vorlt." It waa approciatud by tho pu pilH very inunh, The tunly meeting on Wednefrduy eve ning wan well attonded. Mr. Morhurt wiihii oiilluroD Ibe high Hchool Wodnesiluy, Prof. Wilson and tho Reuion- and jun lorn wont geoligizing Wudnor.day. yomo of tho pupils becauio weary on .to wny mill full by tho waysido. Thoro woll bo u ehiingo in tin- piogiam soon so that tho Chemistry cIiipb may huvo two periods for rocitntiop. Ayer's Hair Vigor is cerluml) a ro marknblo preparation nnd nothing liko it has ivut been produced. No matter how wiroy aud iinuiHuagealilu tim hair may bo, uuder thu intluouou of this iucouipurablo dressing, it becomm soft, silky, nnd pli. nblu to tho comb nnd brush. Tho list of lutturrj remaining ut tho pofltoflico uncalled for up to Jan. 23, 1890: John Campbell, R. T. WilliauiL. Tho nbovo letterH will bo sent to tho dead letter otlico Fob, 0, 1B1W. If not culled for. Ficank Cownr.N. Poatmaetor. Uleyele lor Mile. Will sell cheap, 11 high gnulo bu'jc'o in good ropuir. Fua.nk W. Cowdkv. . ek wm Nervous Prostration Cured by Dr. Miles' Nerviuc. rrolonRod doraiiKoment of tho nervous system not only affects thu braluand men tal powers, but duvolopsdl.se.iso In soinuot tho vital organs. Tho most dauRorous ot these Indirect results Is when tho heart Id affected. This was thu caso ot the Kov. H. I Surface, Fawn Hlvcr, Mich., who wrlttV under dato of Fob. H. 1S: "Fourteen years ago I had a slight stroko of piralysN. Overwork brought on nervous prostration. I was exceedingly nervous aud tho oxortlon of public speaking caused heart palpitation that threatened my life. I used two bottles of Dr. Miles' Now Heart Curo for my heart trouble, and two of Dr. Miles' Kcstoratlvo Nurvluo for my uorvous ness and feel bottor than I over expected to feol again. I can spoak for hours without tiring or having my heart lluttor ns It for merly did, and 1 havo you to thank that I am allvo today." On salo by all druggists. Dr. Miles' nook on Heart ami Nervous DUonler I'ltKR h'j mall. Dr. Miles Medical Co., 1 lUhart, Ind. l)r. Miles' Remedies Restore Hcallli, Dr, Mlk Vi-Wii IVaro gti i-; ; -n "u';i 11111011 mis j4 hx i : a t H . m. tastMUUt' -' .--. ' "tf