The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 17, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Kflfray. " "
ttBkTZ. :1
iaki:i: iinoi'- iv.
It is a i-oeiii worthy of (in artist's
pencil. Thi'M'two brothers ono, half
convinced, half doubting, looking with
half averted face upon the other, now
standing erect, truth delineated upon
his careworn face, with one out
stretched arm, witli an open hand
r.ii'cd toward the coiling, calling
upon (Jod to witness his protestation
of innocence.
The brain of the younger bt other is
sorely perplexed, lie does not know
what to think. Is Ins brother inno
cent of ciiinc save that of claiming
tho child of his servant as his own,
disowning his own offspring, or is he
acting plaj'ing a deep part'.'
lie bro'iks the silence, now growing
And this note-book," he says, "you
s,i you have not got it?"
No, 1 never saw it after the doctor
.i 't my house."
Then where is it.'"
That is the only thing that worries
li'i now. I know' you will keep ni.v
M1 ret, you will not ruin me, fori shall
move heaven and earth to save- joii.
1 shall engage tlie In st detective sorv
i in New Wrk and Philadelphia.
You shall be liberated. I'.ut that hook.
Hod onlv knows w heic it is, into whose
hands it has iallen. Thinking you
had it I felt but little alarm, but now
I tremble to think f it. It may
ium up, at some unexpected tinie. at
some critical moment and ruin al! '
His anxiety seems genuine. The
brother begins to believe him Inno
cent. I shall not mention what I know
Mv suspicious, now weakened, shall be
kept locked iu mv bosom. I heard this
morning that our aunt hud died. Yon
aie now then at the point of receiving
that fortune for which you have
plotted. I'se a portion of it, Adrian,
to prove me innocent. 1 shall remain
h'lent, trusting in ,ou. I'cinombor,
this crime has brought us closer to
gether than we hae been in years.
Do not forget again that we are
brother.-,." lie pets out his hand:
Adrian Dyke clasps it.
Kor a second they stand, hand in
hand; then the older hi other turns to
go. At the door lie stops and returns.
'There is much of mystery
about this affair, she siys in a low
tone; "one thing in particular which is
not easy of explanation, -who was the
burglar who broke into my house, and
lifter robbing inc. left nis plunder in
the icics.s of Ihewim'ow? This mys
titlis me."
Depend upon it, it was not I. You
do not have any such ido.i?"
"No, 1 believe you cntirelv innocent,
Franklin. I suppose I shall have to
put it into a duteitlve's hands. It
must be unravclhil.' He stops a mo
ment, thinks, and then putting out
his hand again savs, Once more
brother, good-bye." The hands meet
again; they arc warmly clasped and
shaken, thin Adiian Dyke summons
the sheriff, and leaves his brother
standing alone in the eonttrof the
apartment, bewildered, confounded!
'lho sheriff sees his visitor to the
door, and returns to Ins prisoner.
"Tingle tangle. ' sounds the bell.
Another visitor. silus Watson hur
ries back to the fiont entrance.
Franklin hcais the door open again,
heais a voice say, "1 must see him for
ii few minutes ' and kuowsthat Taker
is at tho outran c.
In a minute he enters the room fol
lowed by Silas Watson, upon whose
fine anxiety and doubt is d splayed.
"You need not worry. Mr. Watson.
I am an olllcer of the law. your pris
oner is safe with me. It is a matter
of vital importance 1 w ish to speak to
him upon. I only ask ten minutes."
"Very good, sir. Only you know I
must be kecrful. There is lots of
people who would like my place."
Don't you worry, you're all rigl 1
now leave us alone for ten minutes,"
and he actually hustles the shcrilVout
if tho room. Then closing the door,
Jie turns to tin jouug man and says
So ho came, did he'.'"
'Your brother."
' Oh, yes, he visited me."
"I knew it, 1 passed him upon t ic
street. 1 wisli I could Jiave overheard
n interview, for I suppose, you had
me conversation.
"Why do v on wish joii could have
overheat d It'.1"
"I should have found out what you
are holding from me.
Franklin Dyke starts.
What makes you think I am hold
ing something f' J'""'.'"
I don't think, I know you are. If
not, why did , ou write jour brother
vcstoriluj', telling hlin that It was to
his interest to call upon you. Why did
noii recall to his mind the common law
of nature, 'look out tor number one,'
eh" and Taker looks sharply Into the
young man's face. Franklin Dyke
ilors not move.
"Suppose I were to say I never wrote
nay such thing?" ho mys.
Hut yon won't say it, my boy; if
j ou did I should say, you lie!"
i Tho young man Hushes.
Do not so far take advantage of our
friendship as to say that, Taker," hu
'Don't get huffy. Come, you did
.Wilis tutu, i was at vour mothers
house yesterday. I niw the note, read
It. while Adrian Dyko was in tho hall
'Milking to young W'atson, tho Sheriffs
son, who delivered It. Now what aro
you trying to keep from meV Why
was it to your uroiuers inioresi to
I'ifo an appointment with you, nud
..'. I..... lw...nt.1ll
yj nun nil (14,1,,
i'our questions are numerous. I
admit I sent a note to Adrian. Ho
d upon mo, has just left me. .More
in li
i this I cannot say. '
jw Hi
leaning you vv til not Hum! ion
I n Is en
i to Jet me work in the dark,
ou can enlighten mo?"
'u unot
tld not enlighten you as to the
Br of Dr. Wilbur, If I were to
S vou all that passed between
r 11 tell you this imtvh. There
COP'.'UiGMr ign 6VB1ND vmUT ,V(o
is n family secret known to my brother
and myself. It was concerning that,
that I wished to see him."
"So that is all. chV"
"Yes," A moment's pause. "Dr.
(urciiu came to see me this morning. '
"Did he'.' lie told me he would call.
Prottj squat o fellow that."
"1 think so. lie gave me to under
stand that you had made some dis
covery. "
"Did ho?" indifferently.
"Yes, he did. What is it?"
"1 don't know as 1 should take you
into my eonlldence. You refuse to do
so with me."
"Come, Taker, don't be childish.
The secret would not be of any benelit
to vou. Your discovery may 1 o t me.'
"1 am pretty sure it will. Well, I'll
tell j ou. lint before 1 do so, did your
1 rother letdion any tiling tint would
lead you to believe 'him the man'.1"
"No, 1 don't believe him the 'man,'
as you have put it."
"Ileliovo him innocent eh'.'''
"I do. as much -o as 1 am mjself."
"Hum! What do joiitliiuk of this?"
producing a small black note-bo ik.
Franklin Dyke takes it lie glances
at it.
"The missing note-book'.'" lie gasps.
"Where'did you llnd this?"
"In the bottom of a drawer iu your
brother's desk."
"Mytiod! Cm this be tniu.'"
"Tnio as gosnel."
"Then he lied to me," in a low. angry
The detective hears it.
"W ho lied'.'" he asks iuicklj.
The young man sees tint he has
made a' break, lie determines to
. peak out.
".My brother, Adrian Dyke, lie told
me onlj- this mornintr that
he knew' nothing about this book,
"i i.m; hay." ;
had not seen it since the last time he
saw it in Dr. Wilbur's possession." I
"Did he say that'.'" j
"lie almost swore to it."
"Well, he's a good one. He surelj- '
lied, I found this Look iu a locked
drawer, lie carries tlie koj-s in his
pocket." I
The brother is dumbfounded. Adrian
has deei ived him, has deliberately lied '
to him. What an actor'. What tin- '
sin passed pow or for deception! i
"Will you speak out now ? Come, he
has shown you he is not capable of
telling the truth, that he is trying to
condemn you. Tell me. what I wish to
A mental .struggle is taking place iu
Piniikliu Dyke's heart. He does not
like to lav bare his brother's crime. '
Itiitwoulit ic hesitate? If he has lied '
in ono particular, perhaps he has iu I
everything. Mat then before his men- '
till vision comes the sight of his brother
with one hand raised to tin heavens,
his voice, when ho has sworn that he
was innocent. Perhaps there is some
mistake, some Iioirible inysterj-. And j
again, has he not promised that lie I
wiilltil Ui.Kli Ills lirnt1iiiiK siwrnt'i Mnv 1
......... ... .j. . .. ... ......
ho not said that he would not reveal
.. ,, in ,. , il.ll . I i ,
it? Will It benelit him to lay bare to "
this human sleuth-hound these facts j
which win on. j' iiinvej' positive proofs
to tlie detective's mind of his brother's
guilt? Adrian lias promised to move
heaven and earth to save him. If ho
tells this luaii all he know:
will he not, beyond unj pos
sible chance, prevent that brother
carrying out Ills ideas? For
if it is known that tho child is not his
son, will ho not lose this fortune aud
become a ruined man, noweilcss to
i aid him? Hut there is tho note-book.
1 How came It iu Adrian's po.sjHiou?
I His mind is bewildered. lie does not
know how to net for thn best. Taker
j is watching him. The young man
i feels' his keen ejes upon him What
I can lie do? How act for tho Lost? llo
I Idlj" turns over the leaves of tho note
j book, glancing absently at tho uiciiio
i rauda written upon each page, seeing
It, but not nudlng it. Ho comes to
. tho missing leaf, llo glumes meohnui
I call j' at tho torii edges of tho leinain
ing part. Ho turns over a few blank
I pages. Then, as if by inspiration, ho
1 turns back- to the place again. His
eyes light up. Ills fa co changes, llo
has struck iiron a strong idea. No, he
will not tell the detective, not now at
any rate. With llghuiiiig-like lapldity
u plan forms in his mind.
J ho detective notes the change.
"W'oll.w mt lire you go ng to do?" ho
"Vou know tluru is a leaf missing
hero, evidently torn out?''
"Yes, I noticed it."
"Have you formed any idea why
that leaf is missing'."
"Yes, upon that leaf was writfen
tho last work done by Dr. Wilbur In
life. Tho entry of tho births of .wo
children, perhaps something else. It
was torn out by som i one who was In
terested in it, wMiod It suppressed.
That one, your brother."
"That is your uicuV"
"Inker, the fact of that leaf uolm? Mint, forbidding tin lelllnir of nnv tr
torn out proves t . " t. , L J,--vJ.c."i'ncKv?a. - '"" Lrth?f
"Taker, the fact of that leaf iieinc
tho innocence of nij brother.' llo
says it calinl.y, but positively Taker
shows signs of unuoyancc.
"How? I cu n't see it.
"if nij' brother Adrian Dyke,
stooped to the irlnie of murder, In or
der to possess himself of this book,
dors It seem likclj that he would mere
ly tear out one "leaf, even If It were
mi important one to him.- distioy
that, and keep the book which could
mil. nave iiocii oi vaiue to nun, run
n ug the risk of lis being found, to
turn mi as a silent, but damning wit I
ncss against hlin? Would he not have j
destroyed the book, leaf and all? lie
has hail ample time to do so "
Taker thinks. The Minieldea (orotic
iiuu'li like it) huso curicd to him. I
"Well," he savs. slowly, "I did
think of that I put it down that iu
his huiry, he thought only of the leal
that lie wanted, and did not take time i
to get ritl of the hook."
"No, 1 feel that that Is not so. 1 I
have reasons for thinking so. 1 have
made up my mind, Taker. I can't tell
you what you wish to know." 'I he
detective's face fulls. "Hut I have
formed a plan which will enable you
to get at the right .side of this mutter.
My brother told me to-day that he had
I actuallj believed tin guiitj. I believe
he did; but when lie left me he
was convinced of m.v innocence,
i He expressed a willingness to help me!
more than this, he said he would ex
pend large sinus of iiioucj to prove it.
Ileisg lug to send to New ork and
' Philadelphia for detectives. You can
. arrange It so that jon can be employed
j by him. You will then be near him,
j can watch him without risk of suspicion
Ion his part. If you llnd that he is
' playing me false, then 1 will tell you
' what I know and yon can act upon It.
1 If not laud 1 don't think you w illi, fol
j low out the ideas which he will give
you. and I think vou will get at the
bottom of this. '
Taker shakes his head.
I "1 think you are wnj- off," ho says
"How can he spend large sums o(
I mouej when his property is mortgaged
' up to the handle, when he tould not
give your sio to help you out of tin:
I hole'.' '
"How do vou know his propert.y is
mortgaged?" sharplj'.
The detective looks at him lopro.ich-
I "What do vou Mimtost I have been
' . . .
doing'.' he says. "1 went to work to
llnd a reason lor j"our brother's action
toward ; vou, a cause for tl'e crime. 1
didn't think he did it for fun, nor for
the money and jewelrj'orthe murdered
man. I toiitid out that he has lost big
monej in the past two j'ears. that his
propel ty was mortgaged. 1 went to
Ids house to get it out of him. I got it.
lie as much as admitted it and more;
he said that when his inottgages came,
due he would lift 'em."
"And if he expects to hav
mouej' to do tills, he will surelj- havj
it to carry out his plans for my salva
tion." "Perhaps "
"You know when he expects to get
this inonej".'"
"Well, I have an idea. Hi.-, smut has
just did. She is prett.y well ll.xod."
"You have struck it. Taker. That is
where ho expects to get it. That much
I will tell you. Hi expects to fall heir
to the money of his dear aunt."
"I believe Dickens wrot a book
called '('rent I'xpcctations.'"
"People, don't always get what they
expect. '
"That is true. P.ut I don't think
there is any doubt about it iu this ease.
I told you my secret vv.. a family
"It concerns this. I won't toll you
nny more. Yon follow nij advice. Do
ns'l say, ami you will li'ud that 1 am
Taker remains silent, llo is think
ing, if this secret concerns the fortune
of tlie aunt, there must bo soinethiiu'
strange about it that the particulars
should be kept hidden. Perhaps there
was some chance of tho mouej' not
coming to Adrian Dj'ke; something,
but what?
"The will is to bo toad to-morrow,"
he thinks. "I'll boon hand to hear it. If
hi won t tell me I'll ferret it out for
myself." Aloud, hesaj's:
All right. Franklyn, I'll follow
out jour plan. I think yo're
miglitj' foolish. 1 believe if you would
tell me. j on would be out of here
before night, ami your brother would
lie iu your place."
"Taker, what put me iu this jail?"
"The evidence at the inquest."
"It seemed to bo sulllcicntlj- strong
to eu uso suspicion to fall upon me'.'"
"Yes, to these hayseeds here, not to
me "
"Well, if you had not formed an
"Vllti iiiv.ii, iiiiiv.1 ii nin ilium lUUUUMI
v ehance, jou might have thought
t)u, same."
other idea, merely a suspicion moused
"Wry well. You formed an idea
u suspicion entered j'our mind that
ispicion entered your mind
my brother wasgullty. W hat was it?"
'Ills action at tho Inquest, his un
easiness." "Don't you think that the though
of his brother h guilt, which was even
then torturing his mind, might 'have
caused his agitation?"
"It might."
(7o lie Continual.)
What tit Hu with Our DuilRlitrr".
A scU'Couiplacnt (.erinan matron
describe? in n practical journal for
housewives her idea of what to do
with our daughters. This energetic
mother i onsen her daughter of Hi at 7
a. iu.. ninimer and winter. Half an
hour later sho must bo at breakfast,
soi vlng her brothers and sisters, after
seeing that thej aro properlj dressed
for school. On three days In the week
she studies practical dressmaking at
the modistes. On tho other three
days sho practises tho piano and
BtudicH Kngllsh. Twiio a week the
hour from U' to I is devoted to music
lessons. When tho I o'clock dinner is
finished and the food Is put iivvaj' un
der tho giiTssuporvisIon sho is allowed
to read some entertaining book or pluj
dominoes with her father for nn hour.
Then sho sews for an hour or more,
walks an hour ami a half, after which
bliu has a subject given to her in his
tory, geography, or literature on
which to write, a theme iu an hours
with no books of reference or ass's t
iince. After tea sho crochets while the
family read aloud lu turns until U,
o'clock, when tho daughter isf-ont up
stairs to bed.
PniVAri: ovvnuri of foretn in vlllugos and
low IntulH In Franco nru idlowoil an unre
stricted rlcbt to cut lliulr timber, but lu
high woodlniidx, even If privately owned,
tliu covernmr:u carefully rciriihitfsthocut-
rhr llnrlior U of (Irril Import lie i In l
Tninuaiil Conlrorr., nnil IN C lit I n. r
rnglitnit Mould In- lloWliilliy llr nii.iv
- Si'i-otiil Siiuiilroii (Inlrr.'il Out.
TiiiMiov, dan. II. Iiispi'nof all de
nials, It is belie vt-d that Orc.U liriluin
has purchased Polngo.i It.iy from
Portugal. If this be true the political
situation usmiuics a different complex
ion and tlie purchase mav puive to bo
the excuse for the assembling of Mich
a powerful ttritlsh licet as the one
which will be anchored off Portland
on Titesdav next. As It Is unUiMulu el
that the government of the Tr.-insv.itil
has demanded that tlrat I'ritaiu fou
go her right to obtain possession of
Dclago.i Hay and as Oermanv may
look upon this as a move ulnc'li wil!
seriously threaten tho future of the
Transvaal, the situation, if the irport
is true, will become more critical.
I'ffortsarenoiv Inslng tuaile to obtain
n continuation or a denial of tlicie
ported purchase.
In the Transvaal the I'ltlander. of
tin Hand, numbering about ,iO,coo
more or le.h well aimed men, have
been given until six o'clock this eve
ning in which to disarm, and all those
who do so, except the leaders of the
recent disturbance, will be pardoned.
As tho I'itlander-, are tut rounded by
1 about 10,000 well armed Moors, It tna'v
be presumed that the hurrender will
take place before tho liour speelllpil.
1 President Ktuger keiil the following
I thtough Sir Hercules ltoblnson, the
I governor of Cape Colony. "It is mj
I intention to lis. ml over llic prisoners
'so that Dr .Inmcott mid the Itrltlsh
under him may be punished under ller
Mujcsty's government. I will make
known to Your I'xcellcncy my final
decision In the matter as soon 'as, lo
1 hanncsburg shall have reverted into a
I condition of quietness and order. In
1 the meantime, I request Your Kxrel-
lency to assure the (jneen of my high
' apprcciat ion of her words and iii prof
i ...., . i ,
iunu uty respcciiui good WISIICS lO
cxiiress my thanks for the same.''
It is declared in Merlin that Presi
dent Krueger appealed by cable sim
ultancously to Oenminy aud to the
Cnlted States nt the time of tho
llrst ijowk of .laineson'.s raid. His mes
sage to the President of tlie 1'nited
States asked for the moral support of
the American lcpubllc iigaiust what
he considered as a Mililsh plot to sub-
I vert tho linlepcndenco of the South
! African republic.
1 Tho day after the alleged dispatch
of this message to President Cleveland
I Ambassador Hayard called at the
foreign ofllcc here.
The impression hero is that the in-
, vasiou of the Tiansvaal was a plot of
Cecil Rhodes, with the ultimate object
' of tho establishment of a general South
African republic, and it failed be
cause his ability is over-estimated. A
formal olllcial inquiry seems certain.
The Hntisli South 'African coinpaiiv
has asked that the invasion be investi
OiRliimt Nil Id to llnvo Orilrri'rt lint
I'rnUciK lrcinrril for Short Or.lrrn.
Poimsmoi iii, . Ian. 1 1. It is reported
here that a second snecial squadron of
warships, consisting of fast cruisers,
lias been told off and will bo held In
readiness for commission at a mo
incut's notice.
Arrmlrtl for lllffli Trrninn.
,loiiANNi:siu'wi, .Ian I I. -Twenty-two
members of thn reform committee,
including Colonel Khodcs, broth"!' of
Cecil Rhodes, Sir Driimmoiid Dunbar,
Lionel Phillips and Dr. Saner wero ar
rested lust evening on a charge of
high tieasou and conveyed under es
cort to Pictoria.
Will lifTrrt rcrninin-nt Orcnnl.itlnn
ami (ii-t Doitii lo llmdiii-H.
Wasiii.nuiox, dan. II. The Vene
zuela boundary commission will meet
in the diplomatic room of the State
department at 10 o'clock to-morrow to
perfect its organization for business,
so far as nossiblo at this lime. The
olllco of sccrotarj' is regarded us tho
most Important one to be filled, as tho
secretary will act n.s the chief admin
istrative ofllccr of tho commission and
will bo expected to icllcvo that oody
of all business of a purely routine and
perfunutory character.
Among those mentioned for the of
llco of sccrctar.y aro Mr. William 12.
Curtis, fonncrlj-director of the bureau
of American republics, and Mr. Part
ridge of Vermont, formerly' solicitor
of the State department and minister
to Veue.uelu under President llarri
IliltUli Sentiment In th ,eiitvtiiliui Con
trol rry In (JnilrrsoluR ('limine.
London, .Ian. II. Tho movement in
tuvor of arbitrating the Vene.uelan
question with the United States is
growing day by day The Westmin
ster !o.otte, after having Interviewed
statesmen of all parties, bunkers and
others having important interests at
stake, says this afternoon: "livery
whore theiu wero enthusiastic ex
pressions In favor of the proposal to
establish a. permanent court of arbi
tration." Thoro in n decided change of .senti
ment in tho foielgn olllco and the un
bending antagonism to arbitrating tho
Vonoaioiiin boundary dinpulo has al
most completely disappeared,
All tho omcom Jti-r.lrrtril.
Toi'KK.v, Jan. 1! This forenoon C.
D. Wnlkor of Kaglevvood, read before
tho State Hoard of Agriculture a pa
per on "How We Irrigate;" II. V.
Hinkley, "Tho Underflow as Ilelated
to Irrigation Development;" K. j.
Cowglll of Topoku, "Piimplnir Kqulp
ment for irrigation;" V. 11. Sutton of
lUmsoll, "The Work of the State Hoard
of Irrigation." Tho old olllcers were
re-elected ns follows: President, T.
!. Potter of Marion county; secretary.
1). Coburn of Wyandotte .cniiiifej.
I ..-.. ..y.. ' f-" 1
jihiwun - V r."iI5.a,J?e6Vd.,,y I Bin1"
t'-ix rrillnRii III tliff Two l. KMiithe Itotllr
ill Vftiftlilngtoli,
W'Asitixorov. ,lan. 1 1. During tho
morning hour iu the Senate to-dnj,
ou motion of Mr. Yoorhecs of Indiana,
n resolution was adopted appropriat
ing .'."() for the purchase of a porttiilt
of the late Allen 0. Thiirmau.
Mr. Prli'hnrd (Hcpiibllcau) of North
Carolina called on the ameiiduiciits ho
offered to tho teveuiie bill to increase,
the duties ou certulu kinds of clays,
trarble, lion ore, timber, live stock,
cereals, fruits, wool mid coal for tho
pin peso of addicssiug the Senate
t 'creoti Ho fnvoicd the cmictmcut.
of the Mclvlnlcy law and tin ftce coin
nt(o of silver. llo denounced tho
Southern Democrats for their iccrciin
i'V to their own section. Tho tariff
law had brought unexampled pins
pcritj to the New Knglaud iniinii
facliitct'A and bankruptcy aud ruin to
the fanners and producers of lho
When Mr. Pr.tchard had llnisheil,
Mr. Hill clildcd him for the inconsist
ency of his State. North Carolina, ho
so d, occupied a peculiar .situation lu
Cong! ess, and lie did not sec how her
people could bo grntilied. Some llnio
ago the same leglslatnie In North Car
olina had elected two Senators ley tho
Mime combination. A few days' tigo
one of them (Mr. Itiitler) had de
nounced the Democratic parte for
being false to its pledges of tariff re
form. To-day the other end of tho
combination told the Senate that ho
favoied tin o-cnactmciit of tho Me
Kiiilej law.
The Senate, on Mr. Halo's motion,
agtccd to adjourn until Monday when
adjournment was taken to-day.
Mr. White (Democrat) of California
consumed lho remainder of tho timo
before the expiration of the morning
hour with a speech iu favor of some
practical tnodilications iu the Senate
lilies. The gi cat evil which he cspeo
iallj' inveighed against was that which
permitted intcrmiiinble debate ou any
question and placed It in the power of
a single senator to hold tho Semite al
his m ere j so long.
At. the conclusion of Mr. White's
speech, Mr. Morgan of Alabama, ex
chairman of the committee on torclgu
relations, introduced a joint resolu
tion congratulating tlie icptihlic of
Transvaal In Africa for the stand for
liberty which it had taken and direct
ing tlie Piesldentof tho Cnlted Slates
to transmit tho action to the republic
of Transvaal. The resolution was re
ferred. Mr. dones of Arkansas then took
the floor and made a qieech on the
free coinage substitute for the House
bond bill.
'lho llimm QiiiihIii'H a Motion lo Drdiltt
Snlnry for Non-Attciiiliinrr.
WasimnoioN, ilan. 11- In the Douse
to-day Mr. I'avvne.y, Hepubllcan, of
Minnesota, offered u resolution relat
ing to pension claims. It recited that
it was frequently charged bj' pension
ers and applicants that the medical di
vision of tho pension bureau fails to
properly regard the reports nnd find
ings lu pension claims made by various
boards of tlie I'nltcd States examining
surgeons and declared that it was duo
to tlie ollicials of the department, to
pensioners aud to the public that the
truth, or falsity of the charges be
made known. It called upon the Sec
retary of tho Interior to furnish
copies of the reports and findings bj
boards of examining surgeons, irre
spective of locality iu the first tifty
claims for original invalid pensions re
jected on medical grounds after No
vember I, I8'.l, after September ;,
In!).!, and October 5, 180.".
An objection to its consideration was
made by Mr. McClellan (Democrat) of
New York.
Mr. Odell (Hepubllcan) of New York
offered a icsolution to direct tho com
mittee on bunking and currency to
report nn amendment to the general
banking laws, giving power to bank
ing associations to invest not to ex
ceed fifty per cent of their lawful
reserves In bonds of tho United States,
to be hereafter Issued under tho ucts
of .luno 1 1, Ih7.", and May :U, ISTH.
Objection was made to Mr. Odell's
icsolution and it was referred to tlie
commit tee.
Tho changes iu tho House rules
recommended bj' the committee on
rules wero repot ted by Mr. Hciidcr.sou
nnd were debuted section bj' section.
Mr. Deariuond, Democrat of Mlhsourl,
offered nil nmcudmoiit providing for
deduction from members' pay for ab
sences not due to sickness, or sickness
iu the family.
Mr. Stouu assured hlui that tho osilj'
effect of the enforcement of tho rule
In the last House had been to Increase
the sick list. Although Mr. Dearmoud
tried to obtain the yeas and nays, his
request was refused 3'J to IS;' and
the amendment was lost by about the
same vote, several Democrats voting
against It.
LlirUllin I'tiiliMviircrii Are for I'l'iicc.
Hosto.V, .Ian. 1 1. President F. B.
Cluik of the Y. P. S. C. K. has received
n letter from F. U. Hulsoy of Hoch
ester, Hngland, president of tho Hnt
isli National Council of Christian Kn
deavor, lu which the latter deplores
the recent international complications
between Knglaud and the United
States, nnd says that Christian Kn
deavorcis iu both countries should do
all In their power to avert war.
IMniicc Amirileil .IIIrhoutIuim.
W'AfOi.MUoS, Jan. U. Tho court of
claims li'iM awarded 817 damages to
Cornelius Hoylo of Cass county, Mis
souri, and $W to Thnddens Snyder of
(livene county, Missouri, for corn
furnished to 1'nttcd Statin troops dur
ing the war. Hoylo asked for 31,100
itn.l Snyder for $M.
A Cosily Ilrn nt Sprint; Hill, ICiiiuiis.
Oi.atiii:, Kan., Jan. 11. Firo at
Spring Dill, this county, last night,
dostioyed nearly n block of business
houficn on the west side of Main sti not.
The heaviest losers aro: U. D. Flan
dors, butcher, St, (no; ,,.sso Dickson,
S.'OU.'Miko McClaren, building, SMiO;
Masonlo Hall building, S.'.SlK),' Fred
Palmer, bakery and confectionery,
5I.0UJ; Charles Wiley, tin shop, SI, 000;
I). Curtis, shpo shop, S.'.IOj (ius Hock,
harness, 8)0,); William Kv.ins, prociu'v
!" quit' IloVtnn nM,!".?"! morning, and his store Is in thn i, . i
vi n. ,bton Bl3iliSlof -W i?. '"V-HS,!" m Mtf hnilil
Ri'lillr-i lo Alliulis Mnili- on Hint liy the
VsillMHo., Jan II -The debats
on tho Ulitliis resolution iu the Senate
Inst Friday when the admiiiistialloii
was licensed by several Senators of
having entered Into an agreement,
with a syndicate to limit tho expected
i issue of bonds, Isthesubjeet of u letter
I written liy President Cleveland to Sen
ator Cafferj, of Louisiana. The
knowledge that such a letter hud been
I addtesscd to Mr. Cafferj was obtained
last night, nnd the letter was made
I public by the latter It is in the linnil
I writing of the President and covers
six pages of closelj' written note
paper, it is iu full as follows:
I Uxecutlve Mansion, Washington. D.
C , Jan. .", 1 still. My Dear Senator: I
I have lead to-day in 'tho Congn'sslnnnl
1 ISccord tho debate lu the Senate on
Frhlay, concerning the financial siltiii
tiou a'ml bond issues.
i I am iiuuicdat the intolerance that,
leads even excited partisanship to
adopt, as u basis of attach, the tin
founded accusations and assertions of
1 u maliciously mendacious and seiisa-
J No banker or lliianelcr, nor any
I other human bring, has been Invited
I to visit Washington for the purpose of
j arranging In unj' way or manner for
' tho disposition of bunds to meet the
I present or future needs of the gold
! loserve.
I No arrangement of any kind hai
j been made for the disposition ol such
bonds to ntij' syndicate or through the
' agency of unj "syndicate.
I No assuian'ee'of such a disposal of
I bonds has been, diicetl.v or indirectly,
given to nn.v person. In point of fact,
n deeided leaning towards n popular
loan and advertising for bids has
I been plalulj exhibited ou the part of
the administration tit all times when
the subject was under discussion.
Those charged with the responsl-
blllty of maintaining our gold reserve,
lso far us legislation ronder.s It possi
ble, have noxiously conferred with
eacli other and as occasion permitted
with those having knowledge of finan
cial affairs and present monetary
' conditions us to the best and most
favoiiiblo means of selling bonds for
The unusual importance of a suc
cessful result If tho attempt is again
made, ought to bo nppareiit to every
American cllieu who bestows upon
the subject a moment's patriotic
The secretary of tho treasury from
the llrst moment that the necessity of
atinthcrsulcof bonds seemed to be ap
proaching, desired to oiler lliem if Is
sued to the pcoplo by public adver
tisement If thej could thus bo success
fully disposed of. After full consider
ation ho ciituo to tho conclusion, to
which I fully agree, that tlie amount
of gold In the reserve, being now i.'0,
Odd, o,)() more than it was iu Pehruiry
lust, when n sale of bonds was made
to a syndicate, ami other conditions
differing from those then existing,
justify us lu offering the bonds now
about to bo issued for sale by popular
This is tho entire matter nnd all
thoic particulars could have been easj
ily obtained by any member of the
Senate by simple Inquirj'.
If Mr. Morgan or anyone else, reas
oning from his own standpoint,
brought himself to the belief that tho
government would nt length bo con
strained to again sell bonds to n syn
dicate, 1 suppose he would have u per
fect right, If ho chose, to take,
such steps as seemed to him prudent,
to put himself Iu condition to nego
1 expect an issue of bonds will bo
advertised for sale to-morrow and that
bids will bo invited not only for those
now allowed by law, but for such
other and different bonds us congress
may authorl.e during the pendency of
the advertisement.
Not having had an opportunltj to
confer with you in person since tho
present session of Congress begun and
noticing your participation iu tho de
bate of I iist Friday, I have thought it
not amiss to put you iu possessiou of
tho facts aud information herein con
tained. Yours very truly,
(lllOVl'.Il Ci.kvi;i,
Mr. IliirrUon (Ion to New Vorlt.
Imiianai'oi.ih, I nd., Jan. 11. Kx
President Harrison left for New York
this afternoon, His private secretary
says that he goes to consult with other
uttorneys iu tho California irrigation
eases. From New York ho will go to
Washington for tho argument before
the United Stutcs supremo court. His
secretary refused to talk of Mr. Iliirrh
sun's rumored prospective mariiage.
Hurlley. Johnson c Co , and the
Hello of Nelson Distilling Company of
Louisville, Ky., assigned. '
J. W. McDonald, who held Lawyer
Cottle of Huffalo, for ransom, was
sentenced to the reformatory.
Tho 3,000 minors of tho Tennessee
Coal and Iron Company have had their
wuges reduced live cents per ton.
(icucral Ciimpoi resigned hit! com
mand in Cuba, but tho (lovoriimcut
refused to accept his resignation.
Chief Justice Snodgrass of Tennes
see was indicted by the grand jury
i or shooting Colonel Hcaslcj' Decem
ber 111.
A stone thrown through the window
of a S.-intu l'o em fniotiircd the skull
of William Miiuu of Dallas, Tex. He
muj' die.
Corrigan Is making war on the Cal
ifornia pool rooms, and has closed tho
telegraph olllco ut his track to shut
them out.
The chairman of
State Committee of
Heed will secure tho
the Republican
Alabama thinks
delegation from
that state,
At Creston, Iowa, the chorister and
pianist of the Flist Methodist chinch
quarreled and the entire congregation
became luvoicd,
Henry J. Mitchell of Chicago has
begun suit nt Oklahoma City lor di
vorce from his wile, a prominent
Christian Scientist.
Mrs. Davidson who Is charge 1 with
blackmailing Uv C. (). Hroivn of San
Francisco, could not lemcinburlf sho
had served u term iu prison
', . r -"""'V. olled this