The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 17, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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mis red v.wvj) ounw. Friday, jajs'. 17. i.
Hy Mi-m. M. L. Itnyne.
1T.CULIAR feature
of tlifi season of ro
mantic youth iHtllilt
known iih tlic elope
llll'llt JKU'loil, wlion
s vTjTjp loung Lochia vnr
,SfyAV' Iiim i cached the
conclusion Hint ho
htiH more tight n
the girl of his heart
than her father,
mother. brothers,
sisters and all other rintlci combined.
Ho iIoob not Hop to analyze feelings or
motlvoH, m does not make the discovery
tl.nt hlH conduct Ih the ichiiU of n lnpzc
Into RnviiKery, IiIh earlier uncoHtors
liming doubtless hren barbarians, who
(matched their savage hrldcH from the
family, hut lu oheyaiuo of the ancient
marriage customs. No, our modern
Lochlnvnr IihiikIiipr hlniBtlf a valiant
knight who hurries to save IiIh heloved
lady from the cruel rcstilrtlnun of dot
ing parenlH, who know that her esquire
haa not a Hat to IiIh name, or enough
coin or the tealm to miHtalti Hfo In two
persons with average appetites. They
nsk him to wait, hut he, Ignoring the
poetical truth that all things come to
him who waits, does not hnvo patience
to endiiro the long result of time. "This
Is a matter," he says lu that manly, res
olute way his sweetheart admires so
much, "with which parents have noth
ing whatever to do;" and with the iiamc
wenpon attrlhuted to Sampson, he sug
gests ft ropo ladder, a moonless night, a
licet horso which may belong to his
prospective fnthor-lii-lnw, and a rapid
drive In tho direction of a minister
(creeds do not form an Impoitant ele
ment In an elopement); then the two
can defy any law of separation for the
Gilbert Harding and Gti-slo Maiston
wcro lovers, and they had planned an
"He wnna squire of high degree,
Hhe was a lady fair to see."
This Is a trifle overdrawn, hut It ap
plies to their case hotter than any other
two lines lu poetical literature He
was leally a clerk In m haherdashery
store, and she had Just heen graduated
In n sweet gown trimmed with real lace.
She knew ahsolutely nothing of any
thing hut school lore, and was as help
less and Ignorant as a girl usually Is
who Inlluences a young man to hegln
his career hy running away with her.
He was qulto sure, however, that he
know enough for two, and what was a
man good for anyway. If he couldn't
f.nro the world and light i-.-i battles for
the girl ho loved? So the time was set
for the elopement, the stony-hearted
parents lefuslng to consider his suit,
hecniiRO, forsooth, ho was poor!
Hut Gusslo loved him all the hetter
for his poverty. Shu had heard It said
that her father was poor when he mar
ried her mother, and they had heen
happy and prospered. She did not re
licet that young people of to-day want
to hegln life where their parents left
It was the night of the elopement.
Them was no moon and the electric
lights wcro dim and dickering. Gil
bert had engaged the services or a hest
mar. his chum, Hoh Kennedy, who
I ,
Jt .. --
1 III ' UL'
W&i irL '-jw
was also a friend of Gusslo's and who
was to pilot Gilbert through tho wing
of tho house whero Gusslo was to meet
them, when tho two would escape by a
sldo door.
Tho girl had taken her favorite
brother Tom Into her confidence, but
Gilbert did not know this. Tom was to
entertain tho old folks and keep them
In tho family sitting room until after
nlno, tho hour which was set for the
"Tho great mlst.iko that people make
when they elope," sal I Gilbert, "Is In
setting tho hour too late, when tho least
sound attracts attention to them."
It might have tieen supposed from
those sago lomarka, that he was an old
hand at tho business. Hut ho had yet
much In learn.
I have not statod tho fact that Gus
slo's father was wealthy, but Gilbert
would have scorned tho Imputation that
this had any part in his plan of marry
ing her off hand. Ho knew that In
stead of tho paternal benediction of tho
navel, "bless you, my children; blosa
yop!" ho might recelvo tho paternal
taboo, and bo left to love, ashes and a
orust in a cottage. Hut ho was willing,
bravo boy, to risk It.
An open window In an unused nnd un
lighted wing of tho building Is nlwnys a
suspicions Incident. A policeman was
regarding thin ono from .1 convenient
trco on tho opposite shlo of the street;
but love Is blind, so Gilbert did not seo
him. Ho wont through tho window
with tho agility of a fireman,
"H-l-s-t!" canio from within.
These woio tho pass words.
"Is It you?"
"Yes It's mo," was the hnsty and tin.
grammatical reply.
"Whero's Gunsie,"
"Gtisslc who'"
" Ar&'
r.iuur .'. fA it- r 1.1 ,i'yir.'U
This time the voice was a growl. Gil
bert saw the form of a man, but It did
not re-embte his friend Hob.
"Whnt will wo carry tin HW.13 In?"
nuked the voice with a growl.
I Good heavens! n burglar! Gilbert
felt that hie only safety la in keeping
up the delusion of the ether that ho was
ft pal hn must get out aid find (tussle.
"Glo It to mo," he said In a disguised
tone, a j lough as he dared make It.
"Stow that, paid, 1 ain't goln' to run
no rl-ik or that sort I've got tho silver,
but the Jewelry -"
Flash wvnt a pistol, and the report
I ad scnreoly ceased when Gllbert'.s
hands were pinioned, and tho police
man was calling for help. The real
burglar had made n dash for liberty,
and escaped through the window.
"W-w-h-n-t does this mean?" de
manded old man Maiston, as, purplo
with inge and excitement, ho came hur
rying In with a light.
"One of em's got off," hold the po
Ilceninn, "hut here's t'other rascal safe
enough," and ho bowed up tho sickly
features of Gilbert Harding, who was
ready to faint, hut made a bluff to meet
Gussle's father.
"tin, ha, .Mr. Maiston; quite a Joke,
tiiklng me for a buiglar; ha! ha!"
"It doesn't look very much like a
Joke to me, onng man," said the father
sternly: "what veio you doing entering
my house feloniously lu the night?"
Sine enough It didn't look much like
a Joke now that he saw It on both sides.
Wheie was Itoli Kennedy, that he did
not step forward to help his friend out?
uheie was Gusale? Wheie was his
own vaunted courage? He dared not
look Gussle's father lu tiio face, and
say: "I came to steal your daughter."
"Will you kindly explain to tho po
liceman that you know me, sir, and
Hint I am not a burglar?" he managed
to say at Inst.
"I know you. certainly." croaked the
old man. "but If you ate not a burglar
what are you doing with my family sil
ver piled up thero? Yon can explain
the matter In court. Olllcer, do your
duty. Take this man to tho station!"
Did Gilbert hear aright? He had not
time to discuss the matter, or Indeed
to say another word. Some philoso
pher has remarked quaintly that when
a man begins to go down hill. It seems
as If all creation was greased for the
occasion. So the way for the depar
tuie of the policeman and his prisoner
wan niado very expeditious. The other
members or the family mado them
selves Invisible, so there was no ono to
whom he could nppeal. and doors
opened and shut I lite magic f6r them to
pnss through. And it seemed no time
at all before the unhappy lover was
locked In a cell at the yollee station.
Hut he did not languish there all
night. Hob Kennedy, who hnd been
Into In keeping tho appointment, ap
peared to ball him out, and after rous
ing several olllclaln each of whom was
the wrong one fiom their beds, he
rescued his friend, and tlien consoled
him with n cold bottle and 11 hot bird in
the early morning hours.
He took Hob's advice to leave town
on a business tour and to leiualn until
such time as Father Marston's wrath
had cooled. Thero way no notice of
the burglary or his arrest In the news
papers, and he left It to Hob to explain
away any lingering suspicion against
He was to say that Gilbert saw the
open window, and followed the burglar
to Intercept him, or any other harmless
untruth that seemed to fit in.
Hob did his part so well that, before
Gilbert's return he read lu the society
columns an announcement of that
falthlfss friend's engagement to tho
versatile Gussle. And then It dawned
upon him that there had been 1:0 burg
lar as well as no elopement. Anil ho
Immediately wrote himself down a
name of three letters.
l.on nml IIi-IIkIiiii.
Hero Is an Interesting story or the er
rcct or Christianity upon the love-making
ot Ceylon. I llnd It in The Mission
ary Kevlow of the World: "It Is the cus
tom among the Singhalese," writes a
missionary of Ceylon, "to receive a
dowry with tho bride; and this varies
ft 0111 ."0 rupees to 20,000 rupees. A
dowerlcKs girl has not much chance
nowndays of getting married. How
ever, thero nro exceptions. A young
Chrlhtlan man fell In love with a very
poor, fatherless girl, who at the time
was also 11 Huddhlst. Ho wished to
marry oer, but would not do so until
she became 11 Christian. Ho put her
under the care of 11 catechlst and his
wire, who taught her, and ho paid for
her board and lodging. After a few
mouths she was baptized, and a month
later married, the bridegroom paying
for her wedding attlro."
Folly Is simply pleatmro which liurt3.
Laughter's wrinkles mock those of
Theory mnltcs laws for necessity to
A fault acknowledged Is n fault re
paired. You can't be happy If you expect too
much. '
Kvery man either has n hobby or the
Fate means anything which gets tho
best of us.
Charity la something everybody else
should have.
Wo are born crying, llvo complaining,
nud die disappointed. 1
Ugotlsm Is harder to endure than
tyranny or falsehood. 4
A good character Is In nil .cases tho
fruit of porsonal exertion.
Kducatlou Is a better safe-gnnrd to
liberty than a standing army.
In forming a bad habit re number
that It will bo very hard to quit
Kvery dlfllculty slurred over vlll ho u
ghost to disturb your roposo 1 iter on.
Tho best education In tho Aorld Is
that got by struggling to get nillvlng.
Ambition thinks no faco so b pitiful
as that which looks from under n
SI10 I Mill tlm Mint Dnnrlr l'oiut(itcil
Stiitn In tlm fit loll. j
. The tensus recently taken of the In
hnbltants of llttlo UI101I0 lslnnd pre
rerves the state's claim, which, nl-
t'lough often disputed, has rot been
overcome for more than n century, of
netng the mo3t thickly populated state
l the union. Ilhodo Island Is the
smnllest of tho states In respect of
iea, covering oaly 1,300 sqnnre miles,
wnilo Oelnwnie has only 12,100, Connect
icut 1,700 and New Jersey 8,1100. Hut
the poulntlon of the state Is In excesn
of .'IfiO.OOO and Increasing rapidly. Dur
ing the first twenty years following the
revolutionary war Rhode Island, which
became n state In 1700, gained very lit
tle In population, and lu the year ISM
tho total population reached only 175,
000, or less than half of what It Is to
il n J". With the enormous Increase of
manufactures, however, during and
since tho close of the war, the Indus
trlnl population of the union's small
est state, which now has $10,000,000
when thero were on tho average sixty- j.
unco persona to the square mile In
Ilhodo Island, until the present, when I
tho average number Is 36 1, the state I
has retained Its distinction of being '
tho most closely populated In the I
country. Massachusetts has held the
.......iLnii countries. However, tlie pies-
!.'.... .
on nJLfnu ,V " V'm ,aHt offlc,ul
. " " """ """ """ " '""h"
land iior. Ilhodo Inland has a water
area of 1(15 square miles, which Is more
than one-tenth the total surrace of the
state. The gain lu lt population hns
been greatest, of courte, In the huge
cities, hut the nianufacturlng Indii
trles of ilhodo Island nro diffused so
generally that there nro more than n
loen small towns with rapidly In-
fffiSSc?fcTU,onT,c,,it ,,ad tl,c ! fro"; l"-; ;; :
our JrV , 'Tt,C1!hf0M to:rcl" required .0 meet the don.r vU
louitii place. Comnareil with sonic nc i.iu ...... .
. , Hll,l1,& I'tuckot in-I producer in dlst lets where 10 tents
"7 000 ir:"' r' fri0,"nnn' 00.,,tO I P0r ,,,,Hllpl ls t w
Woonsockot from 11,000 to 20,- mnnds
M 51, elmZ J n. f, ' ro,vl,,cnco 0" 1,10r '"B." which I would talc to mean h?
o nv won. V ' ,!'" "T f ' has ,,Ion,- ot t'1'c'l' '' o allow lib-
"s VerY, U ?,.r'! I CMm'ICS' WhHrC' ' emI f0C,1,r,K for thf "1l"11"' ''" 'f
a New 01 If, prior to tho annexation , Btock, converting it Into many useful
of the new Westchester territory, had a . articles necessary or "ge' tin" on
lnnd area of forty square miles. An wci hc.isn0 on
erroneous notion prevails In many , in'mmi..iin..f(i,Hv. .
t1.,0 . " a '':" " II. ,'"' or county
,n vr:uin uci im nation or an parts
or It, but the ract Is that a high per
centage of population to tho squaro
mllo conies from the number or cities
and towns within tho state or county,
and railroads or wnterwayB account
largely ror these.
No Wntcr.
In India one or the severest punish
ments meted out to a convert to
Chrlstlnnlty Is cutting off his ncccss to
the village well. His family Is com
pelled at once to tramp through hot sun,
ami witn a Heavy water pot,
to some
distance to get whatever watir they use
ror bathing and cooking. This Is nil
agalnsttholnw, but sometimes the per-
sedition Is so fcovoro as to compel a re-
turn to tho forsaken faith, or exile
from the village. To prevent this tho
missionaries often have to engage. In
behalf of their converts, lu long and
bitterly ronght contents. .Most or these
persecutions are Instigated by n few
lilgh-casto people, who virtually own
tho villages, and the majority or the
villagers nro usually glad to seo the
cases decided lu favor or tho converts.
He Kept If In Wonl.
It wns ft sailor, up heroro a London '
Judge for assault. He got ball, and was
dismissed, pending trial. Ho disap
peared, and his bondsmen might well
hnvo worried, especially had they
known thnt he had gone, on sonio busi
ness, to Cardiff, 170 miles irom tho
court room. There lie found hliuseir
almost pouullctis and the day ror the
trial approaching. Whnt did ho do? '
Ho set out to walk the distance, it 1
took him seven days. To get food, ho
pawned most of his clothes. For tho
last two days of his toilsome Journey ho I
had no food at all. In the meantime tho ,
sailor on whom the assault had been '
committed had reco'vered and sailed '
iiway, ho that the Judge not only di.s-
charged the defendant, but gave him
ten dollars from the poor box. I
jmhpi- sitwui iiu spihi-iut.
A man who eighteen yearn ago was ,
sentenced to servo a year In tho nenl-
tentlwy, but who hnd been at homo ever !
Riiico, no effort ever having heen made '
to tnko him to Jail, appeared heroro
Governor Ilrown or Kentucky a week '
ago and asked that ho bo permitted to
sei vo his term or else that ho bo par-,
iioneu. Tito ninn said that in 1S77 a.
Jury found lilm guilty of malicious
cutting and lie was sentenced to servo
a year In tho penitentiary. No ono of
fered to take him to tho penitent Inry, so
ho went to his homo In Clark county
u .u ,... ,..,., , ;...."..
Ho was never asked to go to Jail, bo ho
never went. What was tho leason ror
the remarkablo falluro to carr out tho
sentenco ho did not know. The govern
or pardoned him.
A III111I110 Aiinilr,
Tliero lias been reported to the Lon
don Missionary society tho conversion
of a Hindoo devotee, a mnn who lived
as nn necetic In lonely places, nnd de
voted ills llfo to quiet meditation. Tho
missionary found it extremely dlfllcult
to show him that Christianity do-,
mnnded of him qulto a different inodo
ot lire to go out nud mlnglo nmong
men and preach Christ in tho noisy nnd
quarrelsome market placo, Though
tho ascotlc shrinks from this hard duty,
ho nevertheless bravely performs It.
("nnn t'nto-itn iiinu Aiiuut 'uitiv,
tlon of tlm bull nml MMil. 'I liurnof
lliirtlnilliiro, Vltl-ultiirn mill Mori
riilturo. ITHIN THH LAS5T
three or four
m 0 11 1 h s I li a v 0
made several trips
amounting to six
thousand tulles, ex-
tending through tho
states of Indiana,
llllnols,a Mlssouil,
Kansas,' Colorado,
Nebraska, Iowa,
u 11 d I 11 1 o a 11 (I
Kentucky. Tennessee.
through Ohio,
Alabama and Georgia.
In these several trips have been n
ceptlbly notlcenblo as wo pass through
uie (inierent sections of country.
No where do tho methods or runn
ing present n belter appearance or
thrift and home-like surroundings
ILan In sections where diversified
iarming is systemnthnlly engaged
i, ,rn.u,,a ,1 '. ,.,..,"
Wot' "orIt '''- Poultry. cgtM. lint-
Or Wliat not clmm of fiu-innm nvn no.
tially moro dependent upon others and
' tho uncertainties of market Inlluences
I thnt cause an unhappy Londltlon in
their accounta.
, The crops lu locil'tles appeared to be
exceptionally good, but In many, short
l to n very poor crop, nuil believe the corn
I Pl'flt lllltt Imm. .. ......!. .. . -!....
' ,i 1... i, ,..,... r,
tIl0 producer has not the n.lvantages of
obtaining those results, and Is com
pelled to submit to tho Inevitnblo by
taking what ever he can get after
freight nnd commission nro paid.
Miollo, In Farmer's Itevfew.
Tho dead plant Is prepared for foed-
1 Ing tho growing plant through the ac-
1 tlon of mlcrodemes or bacteria or, to
I use a nnmo that will becomo general
ninong farmers, ferments; low orders or
plant life similar to what raises bread
or ripens cream. There is much to learn
regarding the processes, but it lias been
fairly well settled that each successive
step Is taken by a different living or-
gnnlsm. The practical value or this
comes from the necessary conditions to
havo the dead plant manuro changed
to soluble plant foodand this Is under
tuo control of tho farmer. According
to Warrington ammonia Is mndo llrst,
nitrites next, then nitrates-. The plant
may reed on all or them, na nil are
fcoliiblc, but tho organisms may change
ammonia nnd nitrites to nitrates heroic
tho plant reeds upon them, as condi
tions favorable to plant growth favor
nitrification, that Is, heat and moisture
suitable, together with the ingredients
nccessnry to form tho nitrates, which
manuro mipplles. Light ls not favor
able to nitrification. So wo yjV.V.Ip
that manuro spread. on t',"Biirrnco in
dry wcather-amf wait until rains
wash !, '.uio tho soil. If It is put on
llfttvtTy, In the spring, grass mny cover
a till shade It so thnt tho onntniHinn mn
f work. If mnnuro Is plowed under in
our so
from four to six inches the
moisture and heat will be sultablo for
fr''K nitrates or soluablo plant food,
' manuro Is packed solidly In a pit It
w'" not "Itrlfy If kept wet and cold,
a'"1 ,f nul n Kreat beap In winter,
W"II tho weather Is cold it will not
I"'0(l'ico nltrntes until turned over In
tl,o spring, because the oxygen In the
nlr ,8 a necessity in tho process. A
heap or manure left In tho barnynrd
all summer will wnsto on the outside,
hecauso it gets too much nlr. while at
Bomo Ustnnco from tho outside It will
hnvo proper conditions for nltrlllcatlon.
nml when rains come they will dissolvo
,no "It rates and wash tho solution
uwn' So manuro heaps carried over
8llould bo covered to avoid this, nnd
,ent molf,t nnd cool to prevent llro
'nnKB or les or ammonia In gaseous
"""i" - v 1UUSU '"-up 01 manure win
inns wabio nwny, ami in tho rail u
load or It Is or no moro value, If as
much, than a load or green manure.
Wo must then spread the green manuro
V ,V . m,n"c11or nKW l nn"
'r, or put It In condition to make nl-
trates nnd then keep tho rains off,
It Is not practical to put manuro in
cold storage, nor to build houses for
It. Tho best wo can do Ih to put tho
fresh mnnuro on tho lnnd. Thero Is
no loss rrom sun drying, and when
rains como they will wnsh It Into tho
soil, whero tho ferments can rcduco It
to plant rood. Prof. Jnmes Wilson.
Vnliis nf 1'i.rui l'roiliicta,
Tho annual report of tho secre
tary of agrlculturo, which hns Just been
issucd, stntes that tho farm products
for tho year ending Juno 30 Inst nro
estimated to bo worth $2,300,000,
000. Tho products of theso farms
wcro not only sutllclent to food
nil tho town and city populations nnd
a largo number of pcoplo In tho rural
nl fieri filiunini.H r ..... i ...i .1
i nu,, nun i:iiui.iiic imiiienres nro ner-
. . unu wiiuiti, anu uy convcriinz
districts who attention and energies
wcro devoted to other occupations than
agricultural pursuits, but there was
enough of n surplus to export to tho
value of .M3,2t5,:M7, 7.". per cent going
to Kuropeni countries. The agricult
ural exports of the country constituted
GO.tiS per cent of the whole.
The secretary of agriculture estimates
that there nro -10.000,000 or the total
populntlon who do not live on rarmo, so
that one-third or the population only
was engaged In producing the vast
amount Indicated hy the figures given.
The year covered by tho report, com
paratively speaking, was not a good one
for the farmers. In many sections or
the west thero was n total falluro of
crops In consequence of long-continued
drouths, so thnt n much better showing
would have been made had tho year
been an average one.
I'orrMrj- In Inilln,
Government forestry seems to bo a
success In India. The Inspector-general
of foiests ror India Is now In this
country and ho gives nu Interesting
account of the management In that
country. He says It has taken eighteen
years or legislation to get the kind or
laws needed, but they have succeeded.
Now the permanency or tlic big
forests Is assured and the government
will get n handsome Income from them.
Tho government is gradually obtaining
possesion of all tho forest lands anil
now ban S0.000 square miles of wooded
country under supervision. The gov
ernment at intervals gives notice that
It Intends to take n certain piece or
forest land so many miles In size, and
claimants have six months In which to
appear and prove their claims. An In
dividual or town, probably, hns a de
scriptive right to take building timber
from the forest In question. That
rigni is proved nml settled perma
nently, and thereafter only such trees
na arc marked by the Inspector can
be cut. In Hurmali alone thero are
over 1,000 different hinds ot forest
trees nnd-the study there Is to propa
gate the valuable f-pcclcs and weed out
those that are not. Rural Life.
Tillage and Fertility The ract that
the rocky particles or the soli are the
source or phosphoric add and nitrogen,
and Hint they ar derived by dissolving
of the rock, makes tillage a source of
fertility, since It tends to the more
rapid disintegration of these rocky par
ticles. If these particles were as easily
dissolved as the grains of sugar or
salt, our soil tesource would sooner bo
destroyed by excess of moisture or by
too frequent cultivation. One of the
great sources of depletion or soil Is the
too frequent cropping, which means
doublo or trlplo depletion. First, the
crop, be it liny, grain, wool, meat or
milk, taken from tho farm, removes
reitlllty. Second, the tillage unlocks
tho phosphoric acid and potash from
the rock, nnd makes a larger portion
available for the plants. Third, the
land left bare much of the year declines
lu the per cent of nitrates. This last Is
a moro Important source of loss than is
commonly understood.
Fill l'p the Holes. lias any reader
ever tried Dr. Hraden'ti plan for Im
proving muddy loads by covering the
low places with iitraw, coarse hay,
weeds or other such trash? Wo thought
the Idea worth tr.lng In places where
tnnrsh grass abounds, on the borders or
sloughs. A large amount or such fill
ing could be applied very easily and
cheaply there, and ir It h round to
do the woik baiisractorlly, ins wo think
it will, It would bo nuolhcr enso in
which natuie provides an easy remedy
ror the ailments she permits to her.ill
us. The plant whose root cures snake
bite Is said to grow always in places
whero venomous serpents abound.
Wheie bad roads urc apt to bo lu their
worst condition, in the low ground, the
reeds and tho tough, coarse grasses do
most abound. Let 113 give this cheap
road material a trial heroro wo laugh
at it as foolish to think seriously about.
Indiana Farmer.
"Profit In Apples. Apples pay If tho
producer can get 20 cents a bushel for
them on the tree. Tho only hopo or
making the raising of fruit pay is to
ship It to Europe, where good apples
are scarce. For this purpose tho ut
most care must bo observed lu packing.
Tho rest or the crop that cannot bo con
sumed nt home and mado Into elder,
elder Jolly and vinegar can bo rod pror
Itnbly to llvo stock. Apple-red pork Is
n delicacy. Tho pcoplo of tho United
States, too, ought to eat moro apples
than they do. Nothing Is moro con
ducive to health and long life. This
year they will have n chanco to Indulge
their uppctltles with tho choicest fruit,
which Is abundant. Kx.
Cultivated or Uncultivated Trees.
Tho Nebraska agricultural sta
tion has Issued mix bulletin from
which tho rollowltTg practicable con
clusions nro drawn. Trees In cultivat
ed ground havo darker and moro vig
orous rollago than those In sod ground,
with less yellowing, dropping or leaves
or wilting In hot, windy days. Apples
averaged fourteen per cent greater
weight on cultivated than on pasture
laud, and 17 per cent greater than on
mowed land. As to moisture, for every
100 barrels of water in twenty Inches
depth ot soil or sod land, thero wero HO
In cultivated land. Evaporation, as
nnyono might suppose, was found pro
portionate to tho velocity or wind.
Apples In Missouri. Missouri
Is claiming to bo a formidable rival to
tho best known npplo growing states.
Apples nro a surer growth In Missouri
than in either Now York or Michigan
bcrthuso of tho milder climate, It Is
assorted. In tho Ozark country the crop
hns failed only thrco times In tho past
twcnty-llvo years. This year Missouri
nlono will furnish from 112,000,000 to
Slfi.OOO.OOO worth. Orchnrds of hun
dreds ot acres nro no great novelty In
the prolific Oznrk country. Kx-Secrotary
of Agriculture Norman J. Column hns
0,000 pear trees and 2,000 npplo trees,
tho latter bending under tho heaviest
ylold thoy linvo ever homo. Ex.
'Ilm I iinni-r'n I'riifrmlnn.
The time has come when the word
profession ns applied to tho fnrmei s
business means something. The old
Faying that "any fool can be it fnrmri
la true, but there Is a great and l!.
creaslng force of truth In the lnod-m
maxim that "a fool cannot bo a good
fanner." Auv fool can hn a lavo 1.
and 11 largo percentage or tho ldl)t.
that cumber the earth have undoubted
ly reached out lu that direction, but
tho close, hard work or the proles-Moti
icqulres a well trained brain In a
sound body. The lawyer destitute ot
energy or sense goes to the wall and
Is laid to a financial rout lu the h inn
last ditch with the Incompetent tann
er and the snme blanket or debt covrs
their unfortunate remains. Forms
are no more properly asylums for tri
llion failures than law olllres, disput
ing looms, or tho thronged halls ot
commerce and trade. Farming has be
come an occupation for brains as welt
as muscle. Inventive genius has
turned the business bottom upward ami
Inside out during tho last fifty join.
The true philosophic spirit which line
saw dny in Lord Hacon Is turning 1
flood of light upon every principle .in-t
detail of tho farmer's vocation mm
the processes of plant life to tho kill
ing of potato hugs. That spirit ot in
quiry, or research, or painstaking in
vestigation is constantly at work, un
dermining nnd blowing up popular
humbugs, laying firmly and deeply 111
right reason and sound nnsc the loun
dntions ot agricultural science, a.i 1
running leads in every direction tor
the golden grains or truth that may
enrich and beautify the farmer's pio
fesslon. For fanning Is a proios.., :
It wns not in the middle uges wtu-i
tillers of the soil were looked upon
ns human vermin and Christendom ap
plauded Ignorance and knightly hut- fi
ery; It is not to-day lu Mexico, wher- .1
forked stick serves as a plow and wl.cie
it Is almost n sin against the Hoi
Ghost to have .1 now Idea. Hut In this
country, where Intelligent labor is
honored, and where laboratories and
colleges nnd experiment stations nml
newspapers and the active brains of the
fanners themselves nro constantly
moving the business to a higher and
broader plan It Is a profession of su. li
Importance and such possibilities that
no man should take its nnmo light. .
it requires health, energy, knowlcds-.
sense and grit to be a good farim r.
1 do not believe that a natuial taste lor
the business Is absolutely necessary fur
the successful fanner. A man can hi
a good minister, or book agent, or pmi
tlclnn, or woman's rights man even it
he doesn't like It. There may be a lit
tlo waste of talent, perhaps, In tho
clash or sentiment, but grit can lilt
that gap and the man succeed, l'oi-s
may be born to their Inheritance of
Imagery and song, but the farmer who
Is born into the requlreinento of his
huriluess lu as scarce as angels nmong
the business men of Chicago. A busi
ness like farming, which gives play to
taste, fancy. Invention, originality in
thinking and working, can safely be
called a profession. Tho mnn who
pounds stone upon the highway has
no profession. There Is nothing in too
buslnofi; to call Into piny his men! id
powers, and but few of his physical.
Tho workers in the mills and factoru-d
of the country move 111 tho dcenrat
and narrowest ruts of mechanical nu
notony. Numberless farmers drifting
mound In the backwaters of by-gouo
practices and ideas have no profession,
but the active, progressive, thinking
man who finds in the accumulated
knowledge of ngriculiure rood Tor his
mommy, and In tho changing seaeons
and fluctuating markets, the tips and
downs or the commercial barometer,
subjects for his reason, and in tho un
explored mysteries of tho soil subject.-,
Tor enthusiastic lcsearch, has a pro
fession for which no ablllWes are too
great, and no mental culture can be
too thorough. The farmer's profession
has the same Inherent nobility that any
other rcspcctablo occupation has and
no moro. Honest labor In any calling,
whether in making shoes, selling cali
co, editing newspapers, preaching tho
gospel, courting n girl, driving mules,
or running a grcnt rullroad corpoiu
tlon has the same stamp of divine ap
proval. II. C. Adams.
Cork Trees In Georgia A Georgia
correspondent of tho Galveston Nows
fays; About thlrty-flvo years ago sev
eral young cork trees were sent hero by
the government nnd set out to
their adaptability to this rlimajc. Tlireo
or four nro yet living, but tho largest
ono ls In tho front yard of the Ja, It
son house, being two feet or mote tu
diameter. Last week It was stripped of
its bark around tho trunk under tho
direction of Colonel Richard L. Wnrth
en.who manifests great Interest In trees
ot all varieties, nnd sample:) of tl.e
cork will bo forwarded to tho agri
cultural department .it Washington an 1
to the Atlanta exposition. The bark, or
cork, Is two and a liaif Inches thlik.
rnd la good mntcrlal. Colonel Warth
eii, who has studied the mitter clnselj,
is confident thnt this is tho first treo
that cork has over newt taken from ,n
tho United States.
A Perpetual Study. Farming is n
perpetual study. When wo get to work
wo often think wo cannot tnko tlmo ror
study; but wo must study hard ir wo
expect to mnko our mnrk. 1 believe a
good way Tor young persons who cannot
attend collego to get nn educntlon
would bo to tako rrom one-fourth to
one-half of their tlmo for study arid
tho rest for muscular labor. Corres
pondent Mirror and Farmer.
Elm Timber ror Uleyclo Rfms-The
so-called Hluo Rock elm of Wisconsin
Is largely usod for blcyelo rims. A bi
cyclo factory at Plymouth, Indlnnn is
snld to hnvo out n contrwt for 3,000 000
root ot this wood. Tho wood combines
lightness nnd flexibility with strength
This particular elm Is undoubtedly a"
variety of tho American or white elm
liemocrsrts; trar-to"imvw .
'"-tMMara .i-nmnt- -n