The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 17, 1896, Image 1

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TfJT fTii' IiiiiMm "Mr THHrilHwr -m wi. . J&MrtjntTl4Eeu ir!9UMaHHWHB A (IrmmirrVHInuBIRn
rw -r - . -- jw . .". nm. . rm.i v n. ai mafr. j s - vvk s7 - -" . x''.bvsm-v . . - 'r a fc fc- k rnVftm I . ur i-
' 3
.t ,
Xl'MIMi. J5
yffffffyffi miMUmiiTiT T T "'KW'TiTf TiMillTliliM
9 -l.wt wWwiy
1 5"
1 w w
1 iCJ w
the satisfaction
obtained from
ordinary soap
and only half the expense
and bother. That's why
thousands of thoughtful,
thrifty women use Santa
Clans Soap. They have
learned by practical, thorough K
tests that for washday or every- K
dav use there is no soaD in the &
world that nearly equals
Sold everywhere. Made only by
The M. K. Fairbanh Company, Chicago.
f ( i '
- r" !ri
",i irSSv"
For timekeeping ami durability nothing
bents tho Buvuutuon jowoled
Dkuhkh IIampdkn' Watoii.
Cill unil oNuinint) thorn. Also a
lino lino of
Jewelry, Diamonds,
Spectacles and Clocks.
A full MO'' nf "licet lull's ami -olnsHfi
with IntiToliiuiKiililBlfiiHi'S.nlei'l, nickel
ttllvrr mid unlit Ir.uiK-s, Special ami circfnl hi-h-ntlnii
imlil to (Ulluittlii' '. My linn of 'ml
ImwI watches Is iiilti' lurn. I "111 run tliem nil
Bt less tlllill wnrtll.
rl'riii(; jourxMtlcli, clock Hint Jewelry u
pRWV'rk,our I'lmrnvinir nml onr nlil irolil
an'l (iIImt tn ni, .
tiios. itamax
WbIcIi Exiirainer for U. & M. R. H.
Kansas City, Mo., Stock Yards.
Feeders Furnished
Market Reports Free,
MUSTION, i Cattle
.W.T.ORAY, Office.
Union Mimluy-ScIiooN.
ftlio oxocutivo cornniittoe.tho progrnm
committoo, and all ollloers ot tho Web
eter Coimty Union S. S. ABsocmtion uro
horoby notiflod to meet in the liuptist
church in Red Oloud.Saturduy, Jnnuory
23th, at ono o'clock p. in. Ploaso bo
present, as it is tlio nnnual meotinR.
Solocting the pluco, iixlng on a date and
BrrnnRinB tlio program for tho annual
convonUjjtadfc! bo part of tho businese.
All miflv and S. S. suporinlondentB
aro ox.flwo mombora, and wo would be
nieascd to soa thorn nil presont
L. P. AuimaiiT, Prof5.
For Sale
My blacksmith and wood tools.
soil nil together or ono at a timo.
eoll shop uIbo; all very cheap,
Paul urv.
I will pasture your cows for 40 conts
per hond. Lots ot food and water. Old
Sam Martin farm. tt. M. Lawiknt.
It will be an agreeable snrpriao to per
sons subject to attacks of billons oolio to
loarn that prompt relief may be had by
taking Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera nnd
Dlarrhuia Remedy. In inuny InRtnnces
the Httnok may bo prevented hj taking
this remedy no nooua tlw flt symptoms
of the disenso appear. 25 nnd Wl cent
bottles for snle by Doyo A, flrlco.
Children Cry for
A flurry ef snow Tuesday.
Mr. JamtH Bui dun nnd Mrs. 0.
Potior of Red Uloud was tu this city
Wash ltcid drove up to Hunting
11. Ludlow of Campbell Rpcnt sever
al hours in thN city Wednesday.
C. ). Hicks and his uncle Dr. J II.
wns transacting buvnrt-s in liluc 11 ill
Mr, Sampson of Blue Uilf whs look-inf.-
al'iur business in tins eh Tutsday.
B Lee drove to the enmity seat
Sat ml ay.
Thos. Burden and wile spent Sun
day with his son Jnmih at Bud Cloud.
V. CrMooro uf Swanion was look
ing after his interest in this eit' this
wr Ic.
Friends are visiting Mr. llurdtug
and wifo.
llev. Uummcl was called to lied
Cloud Tuesday to preach the fuuoral
of u lriond.
W. 11. and 1'. Sailor wero overland
passengers to tho county sent Tuesday.
The joint intalaiion Wednesday
evening ut tho G. A. It hall of the
offieisrs of tho Degree of Honor mid A.
0. U. W. lodgo was a yery pleasant
uffair lor tlio members and their fami
lies. A basket supper was set veil.
Mrs. Uurding of Hebron, Grand Cliicl
of Honor of tho D. of II. installed the
nfliccrs as follows:
Mrs W P Clawson, P C H.
Mrs W A Major, L II.
Mrs A I Johnson, C U.
Miss Ida Boom, O W.
Mrs J L GrandstafT, Recorder.
Mrs W R Anderson, C n.
Mrs B Wheat, 0 C.
Mrs N B Boyd, I W.
Mrs C II Rust, Receiver,
and concluded with a very ablo
talk in which she showed that sho
had mastered and know how to handle
her subjoot which was vory interest
ing. Tho lodgo room was thon turned
over to tho membors of tho A, O. U.
W., who installed
H M McCluro, P M W.
W P Clawson, M W.
L 11 Wyldcr, Ovnrsocr.
C K Hicks, Financier.
1T Tl A 1 !-
tv iv Anuerson, uuiao.
J L Grandstaff, Foreman.
F N Toothacre, Recorder.
II L Rcohcndiffjr, Receiver.
Jas Dority, I W.
Henry Boyd, 0 V.
' K. J. Solomon loft Tuesday morn
ing for his old homo in Indiana ho ex
pect", to be gono about six weeks,
IScwnre or Ointment for Cut
nrrli Hint Contain Mercury.
As meroury will surely destroy tho aenBO
of smell nnd completely derange tho
whole system when entering it through
the mncous surfaces, Suoh articles should
never bo used except an prescriptions
from reputable physicians, ns tho damage
they will do is ton fold to tho good yon
can possibly derivo from thorn. Hall's
oatnrrh enre manufactured by F.J.Chen
ey A: Co., Toledo, O., contains no meroury
nnd is taken Internally, noting directly
upon the blood nnd raucous gnrfnoes of
tho system. In buying Hall's catarrh
cure bo sure you get the genuine. It la
tnken internnlly, nnd made In Toledo,
Ohio, by 1 J. Cheney ,t Co., testimonials
tSySold by druggists, price Ido. por
I'M win V'uii'.e has icttirned from
his visit it IC'iirncy.
M. M Miller who hns been visiting
tho past three week with relative
and. fii,,i)fls in mt.i iclurncd homo
Mr. fijvdner and wifi arc the guests
of TIioh Fiiuio and wife.
Mis Ii io (i.r hns tone to Blue
Hill, vfiitro shu will viit for a lew
Oflias. Graves and wife havo return
ed from Superior where thoy visited
friends nnd relatives.
Miss Bertha Gullny of Nelson at
tended installation exercises at tho M
K. church Sunday evening.
There has been two woll hunts this
week hut with the snmo'iesults. tired
men nnd tired horses but the wolf
oh, where was he?
John Atkinson is visiting with his
uncle and family.
There will be a literary entertain
ment held at the M i. church Thurs
day eveninir, January 23.
On Monday evening thero was an
election of officers and teachers Mor
tho Sundav-school also an election of
officers for tho Npworih League.
On Sunday evoniug the installation
services wero held. Tho services wore
conducting by Rev. Metcalf and tho
hnuo was crowded. Tho meeting
ns opened by sonu serriee, Mrs.
Well- presiding at tho organ, alter
which a short devotional mcetng was
held, conducted bv Miss Lulu AHi:n
The retiring officers thon took their
places on the rostrum and gatvo inter
esting reports id tlio work dnriu in
each department, showing that their
labor for good had not bcon in vain.
Tho congregation then sang a piece
and th newly elected officers then
took tlio placo of the retiring ofliccrp.
Brother Metcalf then, in n graceful
imprcsoivo manner, explained the
work of each officer. Tho president
then gnvo a short inaugural nddrcss
which wa highlv appreciated bv all.
While tho congregation sang "Blest
bo the tie that bind-," tho leaguers
stood in tho aisles and shook handB
with each other and then marched to
the front and gave the right hand or
fellowship to the president nnd his
cabntt. Too much praise could not
bo given Brother Metcalf for tho
gra.oefu.1 earnest manner in which he
conducted the services. Tho now
song books added greatly to tho ser
vice. Tlio leaguers all start out in
the new voar with their shoulders to
tho wheel, with tho determination to
mako tho work a success.
There was n leap yonr party held at
tho home of G. A. Wells on last Wed
nesday evening. All tho lassies
wore there with their laddios, thero
being Ii2 present which docs not look
like Eckley's young ladies are very
bashful. The boys all wore tho look
of contentmont and peace as though
thoir uppormoBt tnoughts were "now
for a wholo year wo will bo spared ths
trying ordonl of asking tho ladies. fr
their company." Playing games was
tho order f tho evening. To say tho
young peoplo enjoyed thoraselvos,
woald not half express it.
W. I. N.
Miss Nellie Daggilt of Boston, has
recently written a book, "Fncy woik
nnd Art Decorations," that gives
practical instructions for making
doilies, table covers, scarfs, tray
cloths, pin cushions, etc., etc , with
fifty illustrations. This book together
with "Successful Home Dyeing." will
bo sont free
to'nny read
er who for
waijd s tho
a 1 1 a o h e d
This entitles an ic'ulei
ot I'll k ('HUT to oneni
ot Taney Work mill Art
Decorations," ami ".Suc
cessful Homo lijeliiK."
Highest of all in Leavening Power I.a'est U.S. Gov't Report
coupon and a two cent stamp to Wells
Richnrdson & Co, Burlington, Vt.
Tho nbovo liberal oiler is made to
advntisu the reliable Diamond Dyes,
and to get their book upon ilnmo dje
ing into the hands of women who want
to dress well by making thoir old
clonics iook iiKe no:
The fact that Diamond Des hive
been tho standard home dyes for near
ly twenty yi'tir, and that their sale
from year to year, is proof positive
that they havo licvcr had an cquil.
The party at Mr. (joodV last Fridiy
night was woll attended and nil re
port a good time.
Paul Story of California is hero
visiting his father nnd brother.
It. 1). Paul was in Red Cloud last
Mr. Archibald Morgan had a call
tho other night. Tho correspondent
nf Garden vale forgot to mention all of
tho news as Satan has moved tlireo
quarters of a milo of feuco in tho Inst
lew weeks. Tho last ono specially on
Prof. Hart and ono of his friends
had a runaway last Friday night but
fortunately no ono was hurt.
Treg Wilson and Arch Boron wero
out riding on their wheels Sunday.
Sldnov Speakir now comes to town
on a bioyclo but ho says it isn't a safety
for tho only time ho is safo is when
ho is nn the ground,
A L Adamson in loading n car of
Mr. Gilbert of Kxotcr was doing
business hero last week.
John Brown of this placo is talking
of going to Canada ns thero is talk of
another war.
Charley Adamson was in town Sat
urday. John Waller bought a team of colts
lost Saturday.
R. D. Paul is on tho sick list but
there is nothing seiious.
T. J. Real was in town Saturday.
Fred Hurd was out riding Sunday
afternoen. Moskt.
If suffering with piles, it will Interest
you to know that DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Halvo will oare them. This medloine is
a speolfln for all complaints of this chor
aoter, nnd if instrustlons (which nro sim
ple) aro carried out, n euro will result.
We hnyo tested this in numerous oases,
nnd always with llko results. It never
falls. CLCotting.
- '
Mr. Stoughton of Campbell is bor
ing a woll for Claronco Wilson.
Ely Sorgonson is on the sick list
but is convalccsing.
Wndo Koontz was shelling corn for
J. B. Wiscoarver on Monday.
Tho lvccum has bcon reorganized
at Sponkcy Ridgo and each Wednes
day night.
Mr. Hanson has been hauling wood
from ThomaB orcek.
John Brethauor nnd Potor Nelson
aro in Koarnoy county visiting.
C. F. Kolly and family from near
Rivorton dined at Emory Bean's ono
day last week. MUNBHIKK.
For a pain in the ohost n plboo of
flannel dampened with Ohamberloln's
I'aln Balm and bonnd on over the seat of
tlio pain, nnd another on the book bo
twoen tho shouldorB, will nfford prompt
relief. This is especially valuable is oasos
whero the pain is cause by ft cold und
there is n tondenoy toward pneumonia.
For sale by Doyo A Qrlce.
The Monnt Lebanon Shakers havo in
vontod a great many vuluablo thiugs.
They wero tho first to mako brooms by
muohlnery; tho first to put up seeds in
littlo paokages; tho first to man ufaotnro
out nnilB. Now they nro out with n
method of onring dyspepsln by resting
tho stomach. Their romody Is known ns
tho Shaker Digestlvo Cordial. It sup
ples food in an artifloinlly digested form
and nt the same tlmo aids tho digestion
af other foods in the stomach. Iu other
words, by tho uso of tho Bhaker Digest
ive cardial, a dyspeptio virtually gets
along without tho wo of his stoniaoh un
til it is restored to its natural (strength
and'vigor. A single 10-cent bottle will
oft.tlmbs give marked relief. Get a bot
tle from your druggist and try It.
IjAXOL is tho beBt medicino for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
her -Hid birthday Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Connor and sou and
daughter from noar Ml. Clair were
visiting G W. Baker's Saturday and
Sylvester Fiisbio wns hniin) Sunday.
Charley Cuekrull is improving slow
ly after several week's fiekness.
The sugar-coating, which mnkes Ajer's
I'llls so ellhy to take, illnoles linimdi
utely on reaching the stoiuaoli, and so
permits tho full strength mid benefit of
the metliciiio to bo promptly euiiimuiil.
oateil. Ask your druggist for ijer's Al
manac, Just out.
. .
No otio in uriiitiary health need become
buhl or grit), It he will follow neiisllilti
treatment. We advisu eleaiiliiiess nf tint
eeulp nnd tho uso of Halls lliiir HeneWur.
4ai Held.
Chin. Ailcs would wudo through
blood and thunder for otm who euul
even smil ' on him. IOIi lloiioliiu mis
il ho eould got a girl liu would hold
tho sack while shu tilled it with cubs,
or do all kinds ol uhores for in-, board
Albeit Knutsoti eiintiot hear vur well
but ni-tko him an oiler in a whisper
and, 1 venture to say, you'll be re
warded for your trouble. Liu Robins
who wears "Tho coat ol nituy colors"
says liku Joseph ho could ait seven
years but don t want to. Ireil uuui
sou whose whiskers cuil up like bauon
rinds on a hot gtidiron siys he's just
sandy enough to nay yes with a please
in ri rm
Furloy Robins is very shy, go slow
and don't frighten h m He's willing
but you should not bo gtull in asking
him. Chartie Campbell thu baritone
singer who would even charm thu
iiuaii ol stone, till your .soul with rap
tine and jour-oyes with tears, you
would ihimagino joursell seated
among tho angels, oi ileinii. Liud
singing her most ohoico selections;
besides ho would bu an ornament to
uny household. Albeit Schultz thu
baker wants aomo one to eat up tint
scraps. Ho'll do all tho work. Girls
you ought to see him tuiu putieakes,
ho's a lltp young man. John Kirmn
is prepared to give you the necessary
instructions. All you have to do is
to kcop a stiff' upper lip. Ho hasn't
the gall to rofusc.
Marion Houchin, tho ball player,
says ho would throw away his km-o
pants und all tho broken bats. If
sotuo fair lady to his mansion would
make a "homo run." Roy Swcarin-
gon has tho fastest horses in tho town
ship and isn't sltw himself. Ho pre
fers a rich one, ago nor ignorance not
considered. Geo. Houchin is a largo
hearted boy and would like a widow
with uo less than twcnly-thrco child
ren. Ho said ho wanted ono that had
a start in lifo and 1 tkink that is what
ho meant. Exouso mo if I am mis
Fred Ddwitt came from over tho
Thompson 'i'i-rk.
N't veolug anything Irom l hi?
neighborhood fur some timo 1 will
give you some news from this part ef
the spline
S ring Valley Stimlay sohool olottii
fur tho winter by giving a Christmas
tree much to thu delight of the littlo
Tho young pi'oplo enjoyed a very
pleasant dunce at the residodce of
llei ry Danker Christmas night.
The homo of R, D Sekcnak wao
tiuiilc happy by tho anivnl of a littla
girl on Dccvmkur 'J.'I
Mesdaiues Maisliall and Bennett
pent tin- holidays with friends in
Lancaster county.
Miss Kniiiu Klder is cry low at
the present
Sterling Thornn who started for
Aikausas a month ago was tikeu
down with the mil untnawm rhcuniv
t mii at Rxsrhill, Kansas, and h' ami
h h family finished the jourtir by
lames Biggin is the happy pit i of
a biby giil. .j.-nt ,V
Frank Dikes youngest child tWi-y
si-k with lung fever.
W. Clint- made a business trip
Nuckolls county last week.
Jon Crouch was visiting at '
dark's one day this week.
Dr.i ii
The folly of prejudice in frf-nuiilty
slio-vn by peoplu who prefer to unlfer for
jours rather than try nn ndvirtUoil rem
edy. Tho millions who have no hu b ho
tlons, teko Ayer's SarHiiparilla for blood
diseases, unit aro cured. So innrli for
common sense.
This is like spring. Some of tho
fanners mo talking about sowing
spring wheat.
Thu teachers meeting ut Mt, Hope
last Friday night was a met ess in
every sense of the mm.1, ii'iibrtlu
eaielul in magi im-m l .Mr. ,
Evan 1 1 G iilotii. A iag
ol tea It. i ti Wile pti t mid n limn
bur of t-dtieaiii mil ulij -e s wen- ery
llblv lllM'HHi-cd. M'N l:f.o Vi..
Heart Disease Cured
Uy Dr. Allies' Heart Cure.
Falntlnc, Weak or UtuiKry Holl, lrnRif
lar or JiiU-rmltU-nt I'ulw, I'lutlerln J or Tnl
pltatlon, Clinking rVnantlnu, Hliortnis or
lireath, Bwolllin? of IVol ami AnHiv, mil
ymptoiiisof udlsoasodor Wuuk Heart.
Miss Elva Tcanhworth of Guide
Rock is visiting her sister.
Miss Bello Roland of Guido Rock
was visiting Mrs. C. II. Friabio last
Bcssio Cookrall was homo Sunday.
Mr. Keslor and wifo of Red Cloud
worn guests of G. W. Baker Sunday.
Tho young men of Amboy havo a
debating society on l'nday ovcuingo.
Tho Amboy Endeavor will givo a
tempcranoo meeting tho 18th of Jan.
Alf Saladen, Susie and Alta Baker
were visiting noar Mt. Clair a few days.
Mrs. G. M. Warner of noar Guide
Rook was viaitiifg lioro ono day last
Mrs. C. L. Lewis' relatives gavo
hor a pleasant surprise in honor of
briny dcon. Ho says "bask hand yn
shall reooivo, seek hand yo shall foind"
Otm 'hat ome any tonne, Walter For
dico says if the girls don't mako him
a proposition now Uo knows nicy win
never have another opportunity.
Don't all speak at once. James Mar
tin commonly eallou uasoy is in tim
ring and will fight it out on this Hnu
if it takes all summer. IT yu ak
him ho would not bo insultud no mom
than if a mulo kicked him. Sindy
Applrgatc is looking Tor a tennant, as
his heart is "to let" you nood not pay
ront. Ho has also rooms in tho upper
Not a few who ruid wliat Mr. Robert
Rowls, of Hollands, Va., has to say bolow,
will remember llieir own iizpurieiien un
der like olroumstanoes: "liiist wlnUr I
had In grippe which left mo In n low
state of health. I tried numerous mine
dies, none of which did mo any good, un
til I was Induced to try n bottle of Olitini
berlalu's oough remedy. Tim first liuttln
of It so far relieved mo that I was enabled
to nttend to my work, nnd the second
bottle effected a cure," For saio at aft
nnd CO cents per bottle by Dnyo &. Orlov.
. ' '
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powdw
A Pure (trap Crcaa ot Tartar Powder.
Of Fort Wayne, Ind wrltea on Nov . IJMl
. "I was ufllletod for forty years with heart
trouble und suffered untold agony. 1 had
weak, huncry olU, and iny heart would
palpltutow hanl,thi)Mln would lioaoacuto
und torturing, that I iK-camo o weak and
iicrToua I could not alrep. I waa tn-ated by
aoverul phynlclana without relief ami o
upcTcrU-lnijwelUiraln. About two ycara
uro I commenced uum Dr. .MlKV IUmidle
Ono bottto of tho Heart Cure Uwwt all
heart troubles and the K.-stortlv .Nervluo
did tho refund now I ali-opMiumlly ami at
tend to my hoiiMilwM aud ocial dutle with
out any trouble, .i,..
6ildbydruirtfUI. Hook sent foo, AildfC
Dr. Mllei Medical To., lUkhart, lu-h ,
Br. Miles' RcuMHlksi ilestwe Itatflu
I Dr Mllws'NKuviiPiJtaraiwioisjUHKIfNIA
TIlMi VVi:. K llAC'itH. At lrmWt, imly 8;.