The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 10, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Cured Diabetes.
Match 14th. 1895.
The Dr. J. H. McLean Mtdieino Co..
St. Louis, mo.
Gentlemen : I desire to express my heartfelt
thanks to you for my marvelous restoration to
health. I was sick for many years with a bad
case of diabetes which made me vety thin and
weak. I also suffered much loss of sleep, having
to net uo so manv times at night to pass urine,
and also preat annoyance from thirst that water
'wduld not satisfy. A few months-sjp I busfx.
to follov your instructions in regara to aiei
and to use
Dr. J. H, McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm.
It Is a r ir'"d trudicino. I used thteu bottles, and, thanks be to God, am a
voll ma tlsjjr. m Yu aro at liberty to publish this if you desire, as I would
bo triad to no tht means of calling the attention of victims of diabote3 to a
rented t ...t wi'i r ivj them a blessed relict, lwuio rniuuro,
v,uiuim.-ua, inui
T V E5?S-rgS-y-'gS
A. C, lldSMl'.tl, Keillor.
I.Aimv'i'Aii. .Wt Uwu lWltor.
m:vsv hits.
I Til 10 HON TON'S
k? !:, :orri:i:.
f- ""-"" -
VTi'iitlirt' ir''HHli.
Ki.dCi.oii), Nut., .Tun. JO, lS'.W
Tint following in tlio weather
fort'LUfjta for tlio noxt Mi iiotira:
l'ulr 'I'li-nlulit ami
Mntloitiirt 'ivinprrnliirr.
!'. W. Cow ui.N, Local Manager.
Xotk ThfSo forecasts will ho Ms
played daily in evor poiitollluo in Web-county.
i:si:r :fjr,.vriox.
Mru. J. A. liaiiin is homo from Lin
coln. Cliir Popo mid wifo nro homo from
Mm. L. S. Wilson litis been quito sick
this weok.
Miss Nellie Went is homo from n visit
in Lincoln.
Wo want a few potatceB on Bubscrip
tion right away.
Mrs. Kil Pulsipher iH homo from n
TiBit in Hustings.
A nephew of C. IT. Crono's was vleit
ing with liim this week.
Hon. Jus. MtsXony is in Omaha at
tonding the fodornl court.
Tho ruBh fortnirfiOcflouriBenoriuous.
- ted Cloud Produce Co.
John Koso of Kopomont was in Red
Cloud this week on business.
All kindH of job work ut this otllco at
prices that will milt tho times.
MiE9 Mnry Detour of Hustings was in
' tho city this weok visiting friends.
Mrs. G. W. Dow ontertuinod her Sun
day school class mm day last weok.
Mtittio and Kills Gulliford nro Retting
along nicoly at the proBont writing.
Little Mabel lhcknoll gave her young
friends a pleasant party lust Saturday.
Miss Mollio Noelander and Miss Syl
via Cook havo rnturnod from their visit
in Kansas.
Noxt Tuesday ovoning tho Degroe of
Honpr. A. O. U. W will give an oyetor
eocial in tho Masonic bull.
A. If. Out 03, attornoy-nt law of Leba-
, fl.! I.!- t.-AAlin In
Hon, Kansas, was vmiung him urmum-.u
law, Ed Motcalf, Saturday,
turned homo Sunday.
PiloB of people havo piles, but DoYVitt's
Witch Hozel Salve will cure them
promptly applied it carol
burns without tho slighter
In our Now Voaru writo-up last week,
wo omitted tho numep of Bovoral old
bacholorB and wldowera who deBorvod
mention. Thoy aro lino fellows and
hould have boon married long ago.
John Aultz' cow has gono to cow
hoavon. Sho bid farowoll to ovory four,
Hiid, whilo mtiBticnting a sugar bolt, got
hor windpipe clogged and oxpirod with
out ovoii bidding John goodbye. Lobsi
Tho funeral of Mr. K. Rifo on last
tfcrmluy was largoly attonded by
Uo ro
scnids nnd
pain. O. L.
friends. Rev. J. K. Maxlioia uo-
livorod tho funerul sermon, after which
tho body was laid at rest in Red Cloud
MIbb Jounotto Dilley ontortained u
very jolly crowd of Rod Cloud's elite at
her home last Monday evening. Among
the RUoetB from out of town woro Mr. C.
M. HoIHb and Mr. Lynn S. Edwards,
both of Omaha,
George Newhouao has returned from
Dodge City, Kansas, and will tak
charge of the Vance jewelry atoro,
which he will run hereafter. George &
an export jowelryman and will make a
euccoBB of the business.
Two of our Nlmroda were hunting tho
othor day. Thoy built a tire to get warm
by and Bat firo U the prairie, nnd for a
few minutes it looked bad for the hay
stacks. Two ovjrcoate and eovoral
othor articles were lost in tho fray.
I have 10,000 per month to loan on
good improved or uulmproved lands in
Adnim, Webster, Kearney and Franklin
counties in Nebraska, and Smith and
.Jewell counties In Kansas It you wish
to muko a loan don't fall to can or wruo.
K. E. Cozad 1h homo from Lincoln.
Ed I'.irkoH has been on the nick list.
Miko Kllroy Ih In Lincoln thin week.
Everett Heati is tho happy pupa of a
baby boy.
I). .1. Judeon Iiiir just recovered from
a Rick spell.
A good shavo at Hutchison Jfc Hiatt'e
barber shop,
Oive Rod Cloud a boom. Let ovory
man talk Red Cloud.
Jako ICiiulschor, of lleavor Creek, was
in the city thiB week.
Screening for chicken feud at tho
Rod Cloud I'roduco Co.
For a lino hair tonic call on Hutchin
son &, lliatt. tho barbers.
Jno. It. Willcox and family expect to
leave thin weok for Florida.
Mits Tilla McClelland has returned
from a visit in Hloomlngton.
Tho Epworth Leaguo gave a very
ploasarit Hoeial Monday night.
Tho HiiporviBoru wero in robbIoii thie
week. The new board meetn next week.
Ernest Hrown haB taken a position
with J. O. llutlor, tho south end burnt?
II. S. Falkenburg Iiiib moved to Super
ior. Mr. John (inlToth iiauletl tno
Try a can of HopkinsSteamod Hominy
(Hulled Corn). It iB delicious. Full
quart, 10c.
Lynn S. Edwards, repreEcntlng the
Smith-Premier typewriter, was in Red
Cloud this week.
Ilov. A. W. Clark of Omnhn will
preach at the Uaptist church next Sun
day at 10:110 a. m.
You can buy a typowriter at this ofllt o
nt rcasonablo llgureH. Soo ub before
bujing olaewhoro.
Who will bo our next mayor is alroady
agitating the public mind. It is a little
too early to predict.
Skating has been oxcollont tho last
few daa and our young folks havo boon
making the most of it.
On and after Nov. 1, 1805, oil is 20 eta
por gallon or llvo gallons f .r 90 cts. from
tank lino. John P. Jf-ssf.n, Prop.
On Tuesday, Davo Kaloy's team ran
away, giving him a chanco to walk,
whilo thoy hurried on proraiscouely.
The winter term of school is in full
force, with n prospect of much success.
Tho children enjoyed vacation very
Tho county board flhould see to it at
onco that a now vault is put into tho
court-house, in ordor that tho records
may ba Hecure from flro.
Roy Hutchison of Lebanon was In Rod
Cloud this weok. Ho has shaved his
face clean nnd looks very much like a
Wild Irishman from Cork.
C. M. Hollis, tho enterprising repre
sentative of tho United Typewriters and
Supplies Co. of Omaha, was doing busi
ness in this city Tuefiday. He did an
oxcollont business.
Tho ladies of tho Episcopal church
givo a social this evening at Miss Mollio
Ferris'. It is the first social thoy havo
given for four yours and thoy should re
coivo a largo turn-out.
G. E. Uicknoll has purchasod nn ex
collent stock of dry goodB, groceries,
millinery goods, and so on, nnd will soon
open a lino bargain store in tho PotUr
room, on tho corner of Webster street
and -lth avonuo. Mr. Uicknoll Ib a thor
ough businoBS man and will run an ex
cellent store,
Diod, at tho rcsidenco of Mr. and Mrs.
John Wornor, Monday evening at seven
o'clock, their second youngest son, Al
bert, agod tblrteon years, ton monthi
and two days. Ho was a member of the
Plainviow Epworth League. Rev. Hum
mel preached tho funeral sermon at two
Cionu Wright spent Inst Sunday In tho
I Marshal Roby was In tho city this
I week.
1 Cipo Winton Jr went to Cripple Creok
this week.
I Mr. HinkiiiHof Rlvsrton was In Red
Cloud this weok,
A complete new lino of wall pnper at
Taylor's at bottom prices.
Win. Hayden of Omaha was in tho
city this week on btisinet h.
From this time on you ran got fifty
loaves of bread for $1.00. W S Reuse
Jao. Foglo linn moved bin harness shop
into tho room north of tho Moon block.
Mrs. Addie Linnet, formerly Atltllo
Reigle, is vNUing her relatives this week.
J. L Kaley of Omaha who has been
ntilTering with a carbuncle is slowly net
ting better.
W. H. Rnbv will taknpggH In exchange
for flour, fruit, feed, grain, etc. Tiring
on your eggs.
Eastorn Star mooting Fridny evening,
January 17. All mem bora aro requested
to bo presont.
Rev. Humui'd is having good success
with his meotlngs in Uladon and will
continuo them another week.
Mips Mary Ronchel, who has been vis
iting John Polnicky anil wife, returned
to hor homo at Wilbur Tuesday.
DeWltl'n Little Karly Itinera for bll
Intvuicup, Indigestion, constipation, A
smrdl pill, n prompt euro. O IjCotttng.
Ed Smith, who has boon in Norton for
somo tinio pant, is in tho city UiIb weok.
Ho will go to Salt Lako City noxt week.
When ou wnnt n nico smooth shavo
or hair-cut, givo Geo. FontrosB a cnll
One door south of tho Ron Ton Rnkory
Mrs. Wm. Jopslyn of Orleans was In
tho city thip weok. Sho took homo with
hor a beautiful painting, from tho brush
of Miss P. D. Yeisor.
Go to W. V. Wright's, tho cheapest
hondqunrteis in tho valley for boating
cooking, and all kinds of stovoB. Thoy
havo them in great variety.
In order to cltar out old stock, I wil,
oil all goodn purchased of L. M. Vance
at greatly reduced pricos. Como and
priw them. P. Nowhouss.
Tho now county ofllcors took their re
spective ollloes on tho 0th. Jas. llurdon
and Dr. llck woro tho only to ofllcors,
the othcrH having hold ovor.
Webster county's portion of tho state
apportionment of school funds amounts
to S2.0320, to bo divided among the
school districts of thU county.
Rov V W Shirely will preach nt tho
Christian church Sunday morning
thonin "Eviilonco or tilings not soon."
Evonins thomo "Tho Logic of Chris
tianity." All aio wolcome.
Tho Cripplo Crook gold fever has
struck a good many people. Rut should
many go there thoy will bo more forcibly
ham) iwiit An :o.N:i:iiT.
'Him S. of V. Dan 1 has on tapis a lino
pn'',',iilnment for tho week commencing
Jin. i ,iy 20th. They will give a splen
did iiuitiical program each evening and
will be desisted by tho best talent in tho
city. An elegant gold watch will bo
voted to tho most popular young Indy
in tho city, nnd a beautiful silver witch
will bo voted to tho most popular girl
of twelvo j ears and under. There will
aWo bo appropriate prizes for tho gouts.
The admission price will bo ten conts,
and each ticket purchased on tit Ion tho
buyer to a chance on an elegant prize
which will bo given nwny on tho last
night of the fair, l'horo will be candy
booths, Huh pomlti, and a program of
excellence each evening.
Tho object of the fair is to raise Rtilii-l
cient funds to keep tho baud togothtr
tho balance of the winter, and they de
servo tho support of every citizen of tho
town, Tho baud and orchestra will bo
in attendance each evening to furnish
music for ovoijhoily.
The "Fair" will opou up in tho Moon
block tin Monday night, January 20th.
Wait for it and see what tho boys havo
in store for you.
Not a few who ri'tul whnt Mr. Robert
Kowlf, of IIoIIhihIk, Vn., hnit to pay below,
will remember tlinr own expnrlenre un
it er Ilk alroniiiHtnnei'K: "bunt wlntor I
I mil la g'lppa wl.loli left mo in a low
Rinio or nraiiii, l trioii iinuioroiin rume
dies, none of which did mn any good, un
til I wiih imUiHul to try a bottle of Cham
be rlnln'n cough remedy. The llrst bottle
of it so far relieved mo thnt I wat enabled
to attend to my work, and the seooml
bottle ttlToutrd a cure." For hhIo nt -Ti
and f() coutrt pur bottle by Deyo .t Urlcu.
IMIIross, .MIhh Mamie WVIilcmiui.
it..ini,.rii J ii'iinnoiteDilly.
Tho board has mado tho following
Resolved: All pupils absont from
school six half days will bo suspended
Until tho board attends to the matter.
Tho pupils engaged in discussing the
Vonezuela troubles on Thursday morn
Tho Seniors aro sonicwhnt disploasod
bccatiso thoir chemicals and apparatus
will not bo hero before February.
On Friday morning tho pupils of tho
fifth room will bo given twonty-livoof
tho commonest words to tost which
grado has the best spoilers.
Monday, January (ith, the winter term
bofctw. Tho high school pupils, with a
very fow exceptions, wero on band ready
for work,
Tlie inn grauu is taxing up tlio per
iod for tho opening exorcises in giving
important facts which occurred in '05,
Tho school appreciates the change and
tho seniors extend thoir thanks to their
w p v f rr"
struck with tho nbsence of gold or the
wherewith to exist on while coming
back home to ma's folks.
The best anodyne and expeotorant for
tho euro of coldc, conghn, and all throat,
lung, and bronchial troablen, ifl undonbt
edly Ayor's Cherry Pectoral, tho only
spuciflo for coughs and colds admitted on
exhibition at the Chicago World's Pair.
Rasinr Brothers came in this weok
and paid for Tin: Ciiiet, which they
here been taking continuously for 24
years. Thoy camo to this placo In '70
and sottlcd here, whon tho buffalo and
Indians roamed the American desort
freely. Thoy have dono woll und havo
never forgotton tho "Rig Injun." Such
friends aro nover forgotten by newspa
per men.
Tho Shippon Family Concert and
Specialty Co., WediesdBy evening, Jan
uury 15, at tho opera houso. See these
littlo artists, thep are uncqualed. Pa
rndo at three o'clock.
Cart-leBsncsH in girlhood onuses tho
greatoHt aiiHerlllg nnd uiihappiness in
after life. Little irregularities and weak
nesBoa in girls should be looked after
promptly and treatment given at once.
Dr. Pioroo's Favorite Prescription pro
motes regularity of all fomlnlno fnno
tioiifl, makes strength and builds up
sturdy health with which to mtet tho
trials to come. The Favorito l'rtisorip
tion Ik not n universal panaooa. It is
good for but one thing. It Is directed
olely At one sot of ortriuiR. Dr. Pierce's
Common Sense Mmlioul Adviner, n 1008
page medical work, profanely illustrated
will be sent free on receipt of twenty-one
one-oent stamps to cover pontage only.
Address, World's Dispensary Medical As
sociation, Buffalo, N. Y.
Blood and nerves are very olopely re
lated. Keep tho blood rioh, pure nnd
healthy with Hood's HnrsapArilla, arid
you will have no troublo from nervous
uess. Hood's Pills are tho best nftr-d!nner
pllle, assist digestion, prevent constipa
tion. i!5o.
To the pooplo of Uladon and vicinity,
and all lovers of tho pure word of God:
Bro. James Willis will bo In Bladon
January 15th, 1800, to commence holi
ness meetings. Mootings will last na
long aa the Lord wills. Como and glori
fy God and roceivo His richest blessings.
Sick and atllicted como and accopt God
in salvation, and take Him aa your
Healer, the great Physician who novor
lost a oaao. D. P. Kimmki..
Lnok of vitality and color-matter in
the balls onuses the hnlr to fxll out und
turn gray. We recommend Hall's Hair
Renower to prevent buldiiess und gray
Kin I'll taller I
Tho raw material from which this loathor Is mado Is green calf akin,
It ia blackanod and tlnlshod on the grnin aide, which ia mado to
imltato genuine kangaroo to a cortitin extent. Tho leather ia
soft, pliable, nnd very strong, and shoes mado from it havo
the boat wearing qualities und aro very easy on the
foot. The tunning is offoctod by a combination of
sumac, gambler and olive oil.
o'clock on Thursday.
Hugh Miner is now busily engaged in
manufacturing bicycles, He has mado
aoveral, and aa far as workmanship and
beauty are concerned, his machines are
aa lino an any wo have eean. Hugh baa
natural ability aa a mechanic, and we
believe his offorts may some day lead to
a blcyclo manufacturing establishment
in Red Cloud.
Porter Hedge, while meandering In
his quite wuy along our thoroughfares
the other ovoning run against a dog,
that Is supposed to havo boen troubled
with "rabies" or a sour stomach, and in
a inomont of thnnghtlcssnofs attempted
to perforata Port's armor. Port gave
two wur whoops, climbed tho electric
light poles and signalled tho nightwutcb
who camo to bis rescue with the ainbu
lanco and a shot gun. In thu arms of
the patrolman Port was in a haven of
afoty, but tho dog, "oh, where was he?"
A Roarch discovered the viscious canino
and immediately the artillery was drawn
up nnd whon tho report was hoard by
our roportor, a littlo yelp escaped, nnd
that dog-gone dog wont to canino heaven
and was interred by the light of tho
moon with no mournors but tho police
man and Porter to witnsss his sail end
ing. Fortunately Port did not receive
any serious abrasions of the skin and
there will bo no hnrmful results.
Children's Kang, Calf, $1.15 to $200
Women's " " 1.60 to 2.50
Men's " " 2,50
Women's Kang. Calf, patent tip,
very neat, - - - 2.25
i ,
Wo wish to call youy attention to our line lino of
"Old. yet ever new. and simple and
beautlfal ever," sings tho poet, in words
which might well apply to Ayar's Saras
parllla tho most elllcient and sclontlflo
blood D-riner over offered to snfforlng
humanity. Nothing but superior merit
keeps It bo long at the front,
Board of education met in regular
mooting Jan. 0, 1890, at the office of tho
secretary. Pull board, C B Crone in
chair. Following resolutions passed:
That the superintendent bo instructed
to auspeud any pupil who shall be absent
from school six halt days in any term
without satisfactory exouse and such
pupils whon suspended shall not be re
admitted to the school until this board
so decide. Tho superintendent shall re
port each suspension immediately to the
socrotary. following bills allowed:
John Foster 1 55
Wo huvo u lurge and ologant assortment, including some ulegant goods
with envelopes to match.
A Y. P. S. O. E. und Rpworth Loague Tublot with tho society monogram on each
loaf, also a lino of tablets with a printed dato hoad on each loaf; none higher
than -5 cents, and down to 5 cents n-ptoco.
Wo want your patronage this year in Tablets and will give you the best the mar.
kot affords. A miniature tublot given with each one sold.
ka8, dTmvI: K CM, Nib. I Mttto .0. .1. b, D.,. & a,U
It will be an agreeable surprise to per
sons subject to attacks of billons collo to
Wm thnt nromnt relief mav be had by
taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and , O W Dow 13 80
Diarrhoea Hemt-dy. . In many instances J k", J1" , VY.'. '.'.'.'. '.'.'.'. 3 HO
tho attnoki may bo provenUd b taking i Uovo & q'c'q )".'. !'.'.!'.'.! ! '. '. ! '. '. '. '. '. '21 10
this remedy as soon as the tlrnt symptoms
of the dUuose appear. 25 and M cent t Dr. Price's cream uaKtng 1'owuer
Word's Pair Highest Award.
Highest Honors Werld'
A cuie Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
from Ammonia, Alum or any other rdulteraNl
ramainlng at the
for up to Jan. 0,
The list of lettors
postofllce uncalled
Helonhouso J L Langdon O II
Ollveo B P Waltor P IJ
Weaver May Williams J L
Voungman Poter
The above letters will be sent to the
dead letter olllce Jan. 2.'!, 1890. If not
called for. Fuamk Cowdek, Postmaster.
Do You WHiit
Typewriter Ribbons T If so, get tho
beet by applying at this oflluo, Wa
koop tho beet.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our thanks to the
friends and nolghboro who bo kindly as
sisted during the sickness and death ot
our husband and fathor.
Mbh. E. Rifk awd Family.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
K N show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
For Sale or Trade.
A nice home In lied Cloud, with woll,
table and 2 lots. Will trade for cuttle,
Inquire at this oflice. fp j
Leiral Notice.
In tho Juitice Court, Hainuol H. .Shirley,
David Bradley & Oo I
vn v
Jolin A. Ilaas. I
John A. lUas will tike notice that on tho
Sfltli tiny of December, Ifre, imiel H. Hhlrler,
ft limtico of Hie H-are la (Ink Cieek prrclnci.
WcliRtcr rtunt), NrbrHikii, Imiiftl un ortterol
attainment lor the tuiuot iit.w, Iniui actios
itiitlliiK hcfri blin, wlicrrln David lirtuilrvis
liliili.tllt nnd John A.llnus ! deff iirtant, tliat
irn)t-iiy ii'hliitliir ol uite-tiuir Intcriitln oao
J. 1. t'ave Tlilrihll'K Marlilne Hiid Wlburr
rotter, lim turn nttRdied unttrr nilil order.
Seld outiio vus continued to ilie IU dayot
I'atiruury, urti, at two o'clock p. in.
DttUdJaiiUiiryStli, I8S0.
Damp iinAPLsr & Co,
fly T. U. Cole, Attorrey for rialnUB.
7 . y, -u .irtarss
f t