The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 10, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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PfOTf tne merit of Hood's Hrnparllta-Io'l-
the, perffct, pf rmanent Curd.
OUras of ncroftiU In nrvrrr-n formi, m
goitre, swelled neck, running sore lilp
Ourns of H.ilt llhetim, with lis Intrnv ItolilnR
- aril Lirfc voj'l I)'- ,5,"'r' r,(
Curflt of "oil'. I'lmpl". nn(' n" ,lnr ""'''
tloni due to Impure Mood,
Ourna of lypeplH nnd other troubles wlif-ro
n rooii Momnni lonm ii.-n.....
Ourna trf lllionmathm, whore patir-iiU were un
able to work or walk for works.
CurB of liiturrli by expelling tlio liiipiirlllos
w tacit cause nnd sustain the dlsomc
Curns t.f NrrvoiisnoM by properly toning awl
ft odliiR tlio norvi's iioii pure blooil.
Ouros "' 'rwt 'Tltf,x ''""K h "slorlnK
tt tigth. Honrt for book of cures by
To ( . I. Mood A Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mnss.
Z. '.. . nrn tlio boU nltor dinner
H0()U 9 PillS pills, nlil dlRestloii. K5c.
Di MtM itvric like. Unit imrt.v iH trying
to block republican legislation to in
o'liio tlin r. v ntii.
Mnik.ani. Ih iioa having u war n;nro
with tit' (loi limn Kinpim over u tlistur
l-niiro in lb- Duli'h ri'Mililli'.
' 'ltl) Kit OIllVolllHtl I'll" IfMllftl IllltltllOI
bond full of eiOO.lMid.OOO. lly tint time
Grover mirrmidcrn IiIh nlllon llio eounlr)
will ho nwnmpod fliiiiiittiMlly.
Ill ti C'l.nui) Ih line of tho prettiest
cities In tlio wi'Ht .nil Iiiih Minro
natural iiilvsiitngoy tlmn any other city
in tint stiito. I'liio nutiiriil ilruliiiigo, n
onlubrlous ulluitili', oxct Unit wider pow
or, nnil beautiful country surroundings,
An Intelligent ilium of people itiliulill
tlio oily mid coiintrv, ttml iniihea one
foul at lioniL', especially If he bo mi cust
omer. Do not go south, tlmn, but come
to it Imiil whiirn lioultli mid happiness
rolgiui supremo, nml crops nru i-eiison-nblo
with reasonable conditions. Tim
south Is no place for u northern iiiun to
llio It takes years to become ucollinnt-
Oil, lltlll wlll'll .Mill llllMI accomplished
Hint much, win urn no better nlT, Stay
ly your Neliiashii fariiin mid yon will
jut rogiot it. nml if Mm ilo nut Iivk in
IsVlitUHlui, iiiiivh tu Hod Cloud mill Im
'I'iii: Wi'liwtur county fiilr Iiiih boon
anything lint u lliiiiuclnl mioeoEH, mUi
lirlnulpnlly to luulc of lntotrnl liy nur
pooplo mid ii poor lliimiuliil policy, uliluli
nllonn it whol.i uoiuliliiiilioiid to in for
on.) prlco. Wo liop tluit the iucoiulii(;
fitir will lie niiimied with hotter hiicci-ph
tlmn lioiotofotc, Ticnu iiulit to lio u
way Unit would umlto tint pcoplo tiikti
hold (f tlin fnir witli a doli'iiuiiinliou to
inaliu it. a tmcui"M llnmiciully mid other
who. Onu thing tlio hoard ntiuht
tu do, mid that Ih to (jot tlin proiniutu
list out in .Mil i oli and give tlio poupltt a
clinuco to nrouuro vi Helen in tliuo for
oxliiliilion. (ii'ltint; the prcniiuiu IipI
out tin on or itiur WL'i'kR lii'ioru tlio fair
ia timir poliuy, Wo tnuitt havo liao a
Kiiod full Hurt )'iii, ami in tlio incautitno
UlO COMHtltUtillll Oliqllt tO III) H'VlHl'll,
ITivnjx ibo oIIIcoih tiioro Dcopi to act
'J'lionJ lu fariuoiH inuit talto morn inter
or. In tin' Hiuilet), or it can nuvtr huu
curd. CIImi iiii a uood fair.
I r huu hem a urnut womlor to 'I'm:
UuiH' that an olTort him not heini iniido
Ioiik no io oroot a Midway Hotel in this
cit) for tlio accommodation of InvaliilR
traxellnu to Dinner. It In a wall Itnowii
fact that a coiiriiiuptivo should not trav
el from ibo eiiht to Colorrdo at once, hut
oliould tnUo the trip by degreeo, Uod
Cloud in nearly !20)0 feot uliove foii level,
while Denver ia nOOO. Hed Cloud line a
climate very ninillnr to that of Denver
hut the attitude Ih not no great, tuaUiiiK
it very defliuiblo for invalida. Now, un
der tliourt ciiciiniHtancpfl it would ho
petfectl) in harmony with the etomal
tltnerw of thinua that our capitulifitH
take hold of this onterprino mid put up
a Hue hotel, and thereby hIiovv the conn
try that Hed Cloud i a line health re
eort, Many po )pn coining to Hod Cloud
neorgo faither, having, after a ahort
residence in tlim city, recovered their
liealth. Who will take the right Htop in
tliiu important outorprifo.
The Iwmd of miperviBora lefuped, thia
week, to allow County Troimurer White
deputy hire. They claim to have hutit
od up oiue Htatiitn forliidding name.
Just when and where the Btututo urn.
vides that a comity otllcial can not havo
Bufliciont help to dr tlio clerical work in
IiIr ofllcial remaiiiR to lie found mid
whether it bo law or not ia na absurd its
it if noiiioi)Bieid Webster Iibb to much
buhinecH in its various oIUcpb to oven
coDflidfr Biieh a propoition purely on
political grouudB. The idea of hamper
ing buBinet-s on fiuoh grounds Ib preK)a.
terotiB, However tho board stood three
to three Mr. C. V. Gather being out of
the city. It ie simply another cnee of
ponnywiBO and pound foolinh. Judge
DulTy put in n bill for 9XiQ0 alleged Imck
salary and the )opuliit organ na)B he
would hnva rctiiBOtt the warrant had tb
board allowed it. That may have baon
true but we do not beliavo that many
such nion live in thin neck o' the woods.
Tho wholo nITair was moro n piece of
political buncombe than anything elee.
There ib no economy in trying to econn
mlso in that fashion liro. DulTy, or any
other man to the contrary
Wife Here'u en acoonut of a man who
shot hiiieK ui'.lior than Buffer the pangs
of ini,gHl.nii. Hdsimnd The fool!
Why didn't he taU DoW'itfa Little Early
Risersf la t ' suffer na bad as Iip did
before I corrinsiirt-it tftking hne little
pills. C h Cottiug.
noiNus'or t'iii: vakious nr.vnrr oorittTiitt.
On Saturday ovoning, January 4th
oxMirred tho inatallation of olllcorH of
tlio Ornnd Army of tho llopubllo nnd
tholr auxiliary, tlin Wntnnti'H llollof
fjorpn. Tho mooting win rrilled to order
by I'ont Coiiimandor I'ond, and turned
over to tho president of tho W. II. 0.,
who announced tho purpose of the
mooting and presented the installing
olllcor, Mre. Knto Pond, win; proceedod
at once to relievo the old ofllcerB and in
stall the now onei', iih followa:
President, F1111I0 H. Dow.
H, V. I'rcHldont, Julia Wolcot.
J. V. President, Anna 1j. Hojd.
Secretary, Kate S. .liaison.
Treasurer, l''imnii II, Knight,
Chaplain, Nancy J. Turner.
Conductor, Maud M. Knight.
Utiartl, IjVU Soderlind.
Asst. Conductor, f,conii It. Turner.
At-st. Oiniril, Knto I'otid.
After which CVinmander Pond again
took tlio gavel nml called on Comrade
Joseph (lurher to perforin u like service,
for tho Post, which ha at once did In a
dlgnllled nianner. The following uro
till) olllcers liistulled:
Post Coininandor, II. 1-3 Pond.
H. V. Coinmunder, D. J. Jndooii.
J. V. Coniiuniider, A. D. Ilrown.
(tiiiartermaster. (. C. Hell.
Adjutant, J. timber.
Surgeon, (.1. W. Knight.
Chaplain, II. A. Unwind.
Ollleoror Day, W. Ii lioby.
Olllcer of (liiard, I). I, tiioat.
Keigeunt Major, l' N, Itiuhiirdanu.
fJuiirterinasterSergeiint, J. Hod.
Iiiuteiid of the usual hiiniiiot, thete
was held "a feast of ioiihoii and a How of
soul" second to nono hold in the past.
Colorado timber was called on mid ho
told in win do of glowing eloquence how
(Jut Held Pont by n serionof resolutions
pusHod at u recent meeting sustaining
Mr. Cleveland in the Into Veiie.uolan
trouble, nnd tendering the services of
the Post, if needed, in case of war with
Johnny Hull, had so frightened tho
llrltlsh Hon that he had hacked down
and po Cat Held Post had saved the
Nation. Comrade Uoby followed, tell'
Ing how ho, as in command of the Post,
It culled to the Held would cover him
self all over with glory, and the Post
also by his olTort. Comrade Richardson
told how in the da) uf the war ho was
thore, but nevor saw any of the com
rades present there, but lie, too, with
the Post would make "Kngliuid haul in
her horn" and get glory for himself and
tho Post. Miss Leona Tumor was then
called and complimented the work of
the evening. Miss Mnud M. Knight
gave t beautiful recitation on the l'ng,
Mrs. B. H. Knight gave her favorite
poem, "Dot Women's Corps."
Capt. Knight wan called on nnd cor
rected tho Commnnder, na ho wbb now
Dr. Knight, and at once explained
hb Post Surgeon, ho had given the cases
of the comrades much thought nnd
study; on a fow ho had reached conclu
sioiiB. The Hrat was Comrade Groat,
whom ho hud known for nearly a quar
ter of n century nnd thought much of
him. He hud diagnosed his case, as tho
pain of which ho complained as being
caused by the groat distance his food
had to fall. After long hours spent nt
hard labor at his duties as alderman and
janitor, ho had invented n spirnl spring
to plnco in his throat to leusen the jar
when a good-sized potato fell. He then
paid his attention to Comrade (..arbor,
lie found a vacuum in the top of his
geranium (not cranium) which ho pro
posed to till with oat meal nnd nqun
puri, aa nature, wo had boon taught,
abhorred a taciturn, When thifl was
done he thought he would be ablo to
do more elllciont service for the Post.
Of Comrade Hell ho anid there seomed
to bo something tho matter with his
liver, but ho waa not sure he had a liver
and would bato h committee appointod
to investigate. This seemed rather
startling, aa the newspapers have all
said tlmt "you can't live without a liver."
Wo BhBll watch tho outcome with inter
est. In Comrade'a WcBt'a nnd Pond'o
cases ho was nt a loss to decide what
waa tho trouble. He tendered his ser
vices to the W. K. C, and had already
compounded a remedy for tbotn to give
their husbands when needed called
dynamite pills. Tho new Doctor won
laurols by his humorous harangue on
the comrades, and waa followed through
hia speech with shouts of laughter. It
would not do, however, for the pension
burean to get hold of him or his con
clusions In regard to the comrades.
Comrade West replied to the Doctor
quite aptly, and thought hia wifo must
have given him a double dose of the
aforesaid pills.
Wo adjourned In good time, hating
Bfiont a pleasant hour in laughing and
growing fat. Such meetiege are as an
oasis in tho comrades' travels down tho
way of life, causing them to forget for a
timo the euiToringB of life which they
have to endure in thoir last dap.
Dr. Price' Cream linking Powder
World's Fair Hltit Mtdi land Diploma.
awV 7iLLbLKbbwQbBA stfcW
I'llbllc IlKlllltlllloll.
Hed Cloud Camp No. (X)3, M. W. A.,
gave n public installation of olllcors nnd
entertainment at thoir hall last Wednoa
day ovenlng. A largo crowd was pres
ent to witness tho event, us tho Wood
tnon havo the inputation of giving ex
cellent entertainments.
At 8 p. m. Vonoriblo CounBol II. J.
Muurer ascended the rostrum and called
the meeting to order, when Deputy O.
C. Hell announced that, ho was there for
tho purpose of installing the following
II.J. Mauror, V. O.
C.S Palmer, M. A.
R V. Taylor, Clurk.
I'1. N. ttlcluirilsuii, Hanker.
W. B. Ilife, Hentty.
Win. I'iuikm, Wali'liiinin.
R B. McKeeby, Phjsiclan.
After the installation ceremonies woro
completed, Neighbor Iloldrodgo an
nounced tho program:
Musio JunkiiiH Parlor Orchestra.
Song Hy Orphean Club.
Tint ladies' quartet, composed of Mes
dames Bnima Martin, Hlatichc Jenkins,
Itoso West and Mien Nellie Wesl, re
sponded to mi ontiiusiuatlo encorn by
singing "Mwimeu Klvur." Prof. Wilson
was called for nnd paid u glowing trib
ute t fraternal organizations.
MisflOrnco Rirt sang "Playing Under
the Apple Tree" ery piettlly.
At this juncture, Prof. Daniol Ourbor
waa introduced and untertained tho
aiidioucu with un elaborate description
of the purposes of the Woodmen. Tho
neighbors feel proud of liro. Daniol and
appreciate his elTorls.
Messrs, Col fug, Ij P. nnd Stewnrt
Albright, unit Vic I'lilton entertained
the audioiico with some excellent selec
tions and were called back several timen.
The quartet composed of H. J. Clark,
Will Tullejo, D, V. Jonkinii and John
Dickerson sang some attractive selec
tions and were repeatedly enroled,
Tho entertainment concluded with a
selection entitled, "An Old Woman," by
the mah' quartet, after which oystorn
woro served In tho dining room.
The Woodmen art, royal ontortninorB
and never do things by halves. Tho
camp Ib constantly growing and soon
will be among tlio largest in tho state.
Success to them.
On last Monday night the Odd Fol
lows installed their olllcors for tho on
suing torm. O. O. Hell, installing otll
cor. Thoir names were:
RG. Tiirnure, N. O.
O. C. Teel, V. G.
W. H. Uoby. K. S.
O. C. Hell, P. S.
G. W. Dow, Treas.
W. W. Wright, W,
A. J. Carey, I.G.
Doll Tiirnure. H.S.N. G.
Win. Parkes. h S. N. G.
C. Potter, Conductor.
L. Crnhill, U S. V. (5.
A. C. Hosmer, h. S. V. G.
At tho last regular mooting of tho
Dogreo of Honor, A. O. U. W the fol
lowing olllcore wero elected nnd installed:
P. C Knto Pond.
C Snrah Hutchison.
S. of H. Lillio Overing.
0. C Mnrthn Hutlor.
R Mnudo Fulton.
Hecordor H. E. Pond.
Treas. Martini Sleopor.
S, U.-Mnry Krnlik.
1. W. MlntaGurney.
O. W,-Wm, Eamea.
Advisor J. Jessen.
Maid of Honor-Orrcl Wilder.
2d Maid of Honor Mary Abel.
Organist Gortio Dlokerean,
At a regular convention of Calanthe
lodge, No., 29 K, P., held last evening the
following officers were installed:
C. O. D. Bedford.
V. O. A. O. Hesmer.
Prolate Dr. J. S. Emlgh.
Master of Work-W. Sherwood.
K. R. 8.-M. F.-X O. Butler.
M.of E. J.Nuotoin.
M. A. T. Hatflsld.
1. G.-F. Hartley
Tho lodge is gotting along nicely and
Is becoming moro interesting at onch
onsuing meeting.
Huge fttilia
in it
:i:m:kv ;o.iiioi;.m.
A IIIt'Nfiliitf III i;vi)i')' Household
III lilt! I, llllll.
If another hui;e potitinu, like the
fniuoiiH one now giing round the
world on rjuitu another mission, were
to bo Higiiuil by all t lie men, women
and children who hate ln:n cured by
Paino's celery compound, it would
take a Muni convuyunco to curry the
ciioruiuiii dociiuiont from city to city
Such flowing testimonials would
revsivu additions from every tiny
village, and hiuull tuwn, not to men
tion the nitic.s, on its iuuiney across
tho United States.
it would bu Hinnod hy thousands of
women no longer tortured by sleep-
lcssncHB, pninca in tho hack and sides,
continual headaches, neuralgia, dys
pepsia and Hrigjit's disease.
There would bu fully as many men
who had been permausntly c ureilof
kidney and liver diseases and resulted
f i oin alironiu had health hy moans of
this great invigorator.
A vast number of children would
ho represented to testify to t ties abili
ty of Paino's celery compound to n
stoni a healthy appetite, to take nwav
that constant tired fooling and to pur
ify the blood !' Inu infill humors.
The number of tcftimouials Io
Paino's celery eoinpound from men
and woman of high statidinp; in every
state in tho iibioii that have alrsady
becu puhllshcd, would fill a large vol
ume. Thcsa testimonials ltnve been
written without solicitation. Tiny
hate boon published tcrbatim us they
ware rcceitod.
Neuehsarily ilia t stiinnninls that
liavt pahlioly appeared hitvo been but
one or two, here and there, tsksn al
most at random from an cuormsusly
largo number that evsry day And
ovary week steadily increases.
Hcsidcs it is to bo remembered that
not onu tithe of all the magnificent
cures fairly duo to Paino's celery
compound ever got be ond tho know
ledge of the immediate family; that,
in fact, few people have any apprecia
tion of the number of families
throughout the United States where
Paino's celery compound is kept con
stantly on liRod and is being taken or
has bcei taken by semo one of its
Paino's celery compound has al
ready done an cnormas work. It has
saved lives, it has saved health; it
has sated homes.
But its work as tho greatest nervo
and brain strengthencr and restorer
tho world has known, is only well
It is not beyond the reach of the
most medest household, whilo a inuoh
greater expedituro will procuro noth
ing: clso so cfTcotivo.
Paino's celery compound, tho reme
dy that makes pcoplo woll, is within
reach of all.
Mr. Jones of Lincoln and Judgo Ste-
t-nnu nt Pbinucrn vv-Arn In T?ed (Mnud to.
day nnd addressed n public mootiug in
tho IntorcBt of tho A P A lodgo of this
A Good Farm for Snlo.
Any ono wnnting a Hue farm, situated
near Red Cloud, comprising mostly bot
tom land, will do well to call at tnis
oflico for further information.
i.i.ii .. m m -!
From this date I will sell for cash
only.J. O. Butler.
For a pain in the ehest a piece of
flannel dampened with Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and bound on oyer tha seat of
the pain, and another on the back be
tween the shoulders, will afford prompt
relief. This is especially valuable is oases
where 'the pain is cause by a cold and
there is a tendsnoy toward pneumonia.
For ale by Deyo & Qrlce.
A Good rnrm for Sale.
Four miles north-west of Red Cloud,
containing 100 nores. Terras reasonable.
Apply to Mre. Jas. Kirkwood, Fairfax,
Atchison county, Mo. 45-Gtn
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorl.
E3 luv
Lit village ond
m. :. xoti:s.
Hev. Motcalf and wife of Cowlen called
on ltov. Mnxtlold and wifo on Wednes
day of this week.
Last Tuesday ovoning was the first of
tho union meetings nnd was well at
"Let him tnke hold of my strength,
that ho may mako peace with mo" will
bo tho toxt for Sabbath morning.
No man will be missed more than liro.
E. P.ife, for it was the rulp of his life to
attend every service if possible.
Wo bolievo Uov. Hlnckwoll is a model
of patlonco, for we paw him trying to
adjust two joints of stovepipe and ho
wob calm amidst it all.
Hro. P. Shea ia a good judge of turkey
nnd selected a fat one for tho parsonage
people for n birthday dinnor.
Tlio commendable activity of our Bp
worth president is sure to make a living
It is a good thing to be in demand na
J. S. White is. in that he has b-en olios
on axsistant superintendent at the Chap
el school.
Vanco Boo and horo brother sing well
together and have tho thanks of all Bp
worthlans for work well done.
"The grontest is charity" will bu the
tho topic for tho evoning sormon.
The "Hlblo Similes" will be at the do
votionul mooting Sabbath evening.
Junior League mooting at I p. in
iliu Iti'liiiiliit;
Of a tiii'i. year, when the winter seaou of
eloo mm flue merit is only half gone, many
lltid thcl their health begins to break
down, lmt the leant exposure thrcireiiH
sickliest. It ii thou as well as at all oth
er times, anil witli people even In good
health, that the following facts -hotilil be
remembered, namely: Hint Hood's Sar
saparilla lends tverj thing in the way of
miiliiiiiits; that it accomplishes the
greutnst cures in )M, world; tins tin, lar
gest sale in the world, and require the
largest building in the world detnted ex
clusively to the preparation of tho pro
prietary medlniiie. Doei not this con
olosUely prove, If you are Mel, that
Hood's. Sarsaparilla in the uu-dlciiiu for
you to tnko ?
BniToit Ckikp: About Tour yenrs ago
...... ,...uw ,,. .,,,,, ,,.u I'l.UIIDllUll 111
your valuable papor of young men who
ttljil.njl el.. 4I. f-1 ... .... 1 If t
niniiuu mi, iiiiiiii young 1II4IICH III KliOW
that they would tint refuse nn olfer of
marriago. The result was that nearly
nil have uccopted nnd have exchanged
n life of mill'lll IllKEcndnnuii r.i- ,,.. f
double cussednepri. The remaining onea
have urgently requested mo to mention
thoir names, now as it is leap jear
and all promise to treat tho editor to
turkey, mince pie, pigs feot and other
vecetublea out, nf uenumi. if ti..i i.;. in
uro uceepted.
I here's h rank Dowitt whoso nnmo np-
tll'liri'll ill Ibiinlbltr lint Kill o...n I.-. .-..
- .... ...iv u... c.ij r. in. in
just ub willing as evor. Clias. llolm-
gruiii euyn no lives up to tlio Inblo and
will care for tho needy in all cases.
Jets Moirord says tho girl that loves
him must lovo rabbits for ho has two
IiouiiiIh and evpects thotn to forage the
meat. Oryio llolmgrain has n tine driv
ing pony and ho says that ho would pull
two us well as one, pr trot in double
harness. So will Orvio. Albert Mef
rord is prepared to do all kinds of work
and would net refuse any olfer whatever
Girlu paste this in jour fascinator.
Frank Amuck is in the live stock
busituHH to stay and needs boiiio one to
cherish him in his old age, and milk tho
cows. Alvie Mellon! is a promising
young man nnd no doubt but what he'll
promise you just what you are looking
for. John Miller is keeping batch nnd
doson't like washing dishes. Girls, if
jou cnnonlv wash dishes hero's your
chance. Hilllo Lattn says tho girls don't
know how willing he is or they wouldn't
bo bo shy. Ho himn't hud mi offer ot.
It's u fuot.
Grunt Shiddlor enys he's looking mill
er soedy now nnd.only wants some ono
to wash his clothep. Gravenor Stinsor
would accept nn offer from a big rut
women but thin ones need not apply.
Ho'h afraid of ghosts. Will McPherson
BiiyB ho would bo like to havo n wifo nnd
ii pnir of goate, then he'd be happy.
Thoro'fl David the son of Michenl Saltz
man, whom you read of but seldom soo
his equal. He says when ho finds eome
nno to nhnra hia misery hn trill ,...:.
rreii Harris ttie butcher who sas ho
hnfl n lienrt tn niva nn-nv nml ..-
heard himself snore in his sloop. Tuck
mncK me uiuierinuerwouiii undorlako
nny kind of a nntrimonal ndventuro.
Ira Wolf is very docile, girle, no, no, ho
would not uito you. Call nt his cago nt
IlllV timo. Itlld llnnnhin rniwmnnl.. ..nil
ed tho Old Wnr Horeo Bnjs any bodv
will do.
(Continued noxt week.)
i hi m m .i
Arch Boron sold threo fino hogs Mon
day. Thoro wns n dime eocinl nt tho rosi
donco of Kov Metcnlf Now Years night.
John Brown has joined tho Cowles
foot ball team.
Several ska. Ing parties went to Am
boy last week.
School nnminnnend Mnmlnv rn. ..
two week's vacition.
Miss Mario Latta Hnd friend MifB
Mnttio Howe of Franklin academy spont
tho holidays in Cowles.
Wo understand Thomne J Real expects
to visit Vermont noxtfnll.
G A Lattn Btnrted in tho livery busi
ness the first of tho year.
Thore was a social dance at tho reei
denco of Ned Hurd Now Years niRht.
C E Paul, who spent the holidays with
hia parents left for Atwood, Kansas,
New Years. He was accompanied as
far aa Franklin by several young ladies.
Geo Wilson our genial station agent
expects to have a vacation and visit his
relatives and friends in Kansas.
We understand R D Paul has no re
gular run now but is on the oxtra list.
GO Hoy t will farm on Willow creek
tho comming summer.
Their was a party at W V Beal'a New
Years evo,
Owing to the fullness of our oolumB
we had to shorten this correspondeace,
"Last night,' said a traveling man, "I
should have mUsed my train Hnd lost nn
ontire day hut for a little information
noticed in thb Rand-MoNally Unide 1
will never be without it nftnln."
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattoria.
-'. ,-- .
For a Cold to Hun into Bron
chitis or Pneumonia.
Check it at Once
Cherry Pectoral.
"Karlv in the Viun-r. I took ii g
scvert cold v la .--la m " 'il into of
an . ' .i i ;.. .nigh, o
verv p.itul'il t ei.d.i"1 and J
tr'i'ibr,ii.f in" ''-' -Hid i i;.!it, for 21
iiliio 'vecks, in i.'' '! ii'iiui ti us o'
r. iiKilir.i. A ! ' In rrj Pee- o
ttiral beliiif ri'eiii.iiiii-iuliil tin1. I
!'ig..n to titl.e ii. and in.iidi' ol 'JI 5
in.tiri, I r.'I.i'ved of the ol
"i kliiig iii tnv Before 1 25
,t Mini the bottle, my I'mtgli
,.s itcailvgoiie. 1 caiin l speak n
i.) highly of its ovciVni'c." ol
Mr-;, i:. li'o-iil, Katun, Ohio. gl
Aver's Cherry Pectoral o!5
- J ol
,"1cr.c'"cJ K'vlir-t ii wards
.- THE VOili-D'a FAlRg!
m,n.n . ! iti' tfiittiiii(.fit ii tin
M-hool ICeporl.
Report of school in Dint. 70 for the
month ending January Ii, 1800.
Total number enrolled, lib"; average
attendance, U.'J Not nhsont or tardy
during the tnanth, 0.1 is England, Al
fred Keesa, Dean Smith, Cora Smith
and Jcnuic Ileaton. 'l'ho-io whoso de
portmont is 90 or above, Odis Eng
land, Clark Hcrsh, Smiuel Bee.e, Al
fred lUcse, Kltner Bardun, Fred Si
bcrt, Jasper Smith, Dunn Smith, John
Hcose, Frank Iteepe, Frank Sibcrt,
Edward Ileaton, Cora Smith, Julia
Smith, Minnie Sihert, lvi Hcrsh and
Bessie Pardtm No. da)s t.iught, liO.
N. L. 1) Sjiitii, Teacher.
.New DUfovory U'hlcli Is Worth
Tliat Iflucli
To Anyone Alllltlocl AVItli IMIi-m.
The Pyramid 1'ilo Uuro, tho new,
painless remedy which has been so
remarkably successful in curing every
form of piles and rcotal discasoa, lias
recently been placod on sale at drug
gists, and it is safe to say that when
its extraordinary merit becomos fully
known, there will be no such thing as
surgical operations for the euro ef
this obstinate and common trouble.
Mrs. M. 0. Ihakley, of 601 Missis
sippi St., Indianapolis, Ind., says:
1 had been a torrtblo suilerer from
piles for 15 years and no remedies
benefitted me, until I saw an adver
tisement of the Pyramid Pile Cure;
I got a paokage, also a package of
Pyramid Pills, aud used both accord
ing to directions. I was astoniished
at the immediate relief obtained and
now I honestly beliovo tho Pyramid
to bo the only certain cure for piles.
That you may realize how bad I
was, I will say that I was confined to
my bed and went before tho college
physicians here, who said my csso
was a now ono to them and wanted
seven or eight hundred dollars to un
dertake a cure, tlio groat pain had
brought on a rupture, and I knew ati
operation would bo death to me on ac
count of blood poiconing. Nearly
everyone hero knowa of my terrible
suffering from piles, and I feel that I
cannot praiso tho Pyramid Pile Qig
enough, and tho Pyramid Pills 'also;
My husband will join mo in highly
recommending the Pyramid, my daugb
ter was cured by one box only. For
several years 1 woighed but about 90
pounds, now I weigh 150 and feci in
perfect health.
This seems te bo tho universal tes
timony of every sufferer from piU
who has tried tho Pyramid; it is the
afest, most painless ouro yet discov
ered; centains no opiato, morphine,
cocaine, er any poisonous ingredient
whatever, hai a soothing, healing ef
fect from the first application, and the
moderate price places it within tkc
reach of everyone needing treatment.
The Pyramid Pile Cure is sold at 50
cents by druggists and 1.00 pr
paokage, and the Pyramid Pills at 25
cents per box.
Send to Pyramid Co., Albion, Mich.,
for free book on cause and euro ef
The World's Fair Tests
ahowed no baking powdet
so pun or so-grcct la lesv
entag power as tho RoyaU
i r s ' -v.;"ii irr m