TIIE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JAN. 53. 1KJMJ. 8 ii L rrarn-nvf Cod-llver oil helps and cures. Many believe they could be benefited J If they could take It, but, after trying, acknowledge they cannot do It. k They might as well say they cannot cat bread, after having taken of M n few nieces which were heavy and sour. Physiologists tell us W J that cod-llver oil Is more easily digested than cream, butter or other W frj fats. The difficulty Is with the preparation which has been used. fe) Scott's Emulsion Cof cod-llver oil with hypophosphltcs Is borne by the most delicate a Invalid because It Is not disagreeable In taste; contains the purest m n. n,n nil ic nmiisfed for tl oil; the oil Is emulsified (or digested), avoiding the rising of ga: I from the stomach ; and the oil is combined with the hypophosphltcs F; .i,i..k om innun fnr their nower to strengthen digestion and give uhir.h rue known for their power tone and vigor to the whole system. goc.and$i.oo . SCO! I & CaapaavlHeJLBFBtaM NvTsymir tlmoiogcUi 5-A Blimkel or Kobe at !il. J. O. BUTLER, Prop. Pat no Salt on this Tale ! But give your attention to this nrtielo, for it will snvo you money. JUST RECEIVED 111 FAIR OP Ladies' Dongola Kid Button Shoes, Sole loathor countora, innor nnd outor floles, nml wo bow thorn up freo of ohnrgo if thoy rip in any Ream. 144 Ladies Aluminum Thimbles worth ac u-piece. Will give one with ovory ono of theso Liiillua' Shoos at tlio ox- tromely low prico of &1.S9 &&r pair. Yours for Hoots and Shoes, PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard 0 KKI) CLOUD, NKB. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. TRADERS LUMBER CO., DKAIjKHS in MJMKH ak WAIL Building Matkrial, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. cms Is the only positive Remedy known to the Medical Profession for Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Ovarian Neuralgia, Dismenorrhoea, Psoriasis, Scrofula, Liver and Kidney Diseases. A Positive Cure effected in from 6 to 18 days. l'OR SMA. isv :. I,. COTTIXCJ. Insurance Q G TEMfy Agent oooooooo o (SiievcHHor to (tan. Sv.haffnit.) RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. ItopreBontB the following coinpimiun: Gorman Insurance Co., Freoport, III llovul Insurance Co., Liverpool, Him. Phumix ABBiirance Co, London, KiirIuwI lirltibh Amoricu ARSiiruncu Co, Toronto, Canada Mutual lli'Hrtrvo Fund Lifo Association, Now York Provident Saving L.ifo AfiBurnneo Society, Now York Tho Cunard Lino Stoamoliip Company, Now York and Boston Ofj-'icr Opora House Mock, ovor Miter & MoArthur's storo i&lfci f54ffrV. If II need Blank Memorandums I Tablets, Envelopes, or anything in the Stationery line, you can find it at . . Cotting's Drug Store. E. G. MORANVILL.E. Livery and Feed Barn. rirNt-vliiNN lii every di'lull. fola or room, lirlulit imlvd liuy and a variety ol urulii. New rlH and win hums eua lo necured for clly or country driven at rcusoiiul.lu prices. R0SS & Rfg Pbopbiitobb or CULYT I1AT UEUL Orders promptly filled, "Sour patronage Bolloltod 'W atttf J8fla.Ja,.cf.?ilS, ?'" -I DemocrxtSt our to provenx. nupuuuu 4ri:c i J rested), avoiainn me rising 01 gas att to strengthen digestion and give 1 UUVYNU, tltcmisio, new rorK iianiess361aiiKQts Robes, Whips, &c, Henry Diederich. Rheumatic m v i- war a o Agency ! t... ...--.-- r--. r--v- ,, tho muiucrcr im ucvt'w Hatlli. Tom Andnrnnn was hauling hay to lied Cloud last wcok. Guy Iiitidscy was visiting at IUv?r Ion Sunday I ho guest of Mr. I'liimb. A linn from Franklin county was in our locality last week. Mr. Anderson and wifo from Ntick oIIh county departed for thulr home I ait Saturday. Rv. IJIaokwoll pre.iohod Sunday evening at tlio Ramcy toliool homo to a largo crowd. Mr. Steelier nn oK resident of Ha tin hut now of Dundy county is hero oa a visit. Claude Wilson ha.s coiik back from Kearney county whero he has been working; the past sstnmer. Ltayd Carbill and family wcro in this vicinity last week visiting ior stycral days. Andrew Sorinson who ha been in tho eastern part of tho state for sev eral years is here visiting relatives. Stiinneii. Not a few who rt-ail what) Mr. Robert HowIh, of Holland, Vn., linn to nay below, will remember their own experience un der like clroiiniHtniiees: "LoBt winter I hnd la gfipi'e wl-.ieli left me In a low itattt of health. I tried unmeronn renio dier, none of which did ie any Kn0(h un" til I wns induced to try a bottle of Cham berlain'a cough remedy. The llrat bottte of it bo far relieved me that I was enabled to atUnd to my work, and tho second bottle effected a cure." For sale at Ufi and 50 cuts per bottle by Deyo fc Qrlce. Wulnat Creek. Tho holidays are hero and everyone is happy. Mr. and Mrs. Heaton are visiting in Kansas. There was a Christmas trco at Hum incl's, at which a very interesting pr gram was rendorcd. Everjono seem ed to liavo lots of fun. The school is having a vacation. N. L. 1). Smith and wifo aro visit ing relatives in Garfield. C. Doran was mado happy by old Nick when ho furnished him w th a wedding liccnnn on Christmas cvc. . It will bo an agreeable wirpriso to per hour subject to attacks of bilious colic to loarn that prompt relief may be hid by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcua llemudy. In mnny Instances tho nttaeks may bo prevented !., taking this jetnedy as coon us the tlrst Hymptoms of the disease appear. L' and T0 cent bottles for enhi by Payo & Qrice. Ciardeiivule. Tho revival meetings at Amboy havo closed and it is only fair to state that Mich a religious demonstration has not been held in that quiot old city for years, Tho people wcrs yreat ly excited. From tho first a furious onslaught was made on that ubiquit ous gentleman known as tho devil, several prominent citizens declaring against him. Ho wns denounced as a rcvilnr, and characterized as ''sharp" "keen" "shrewd" and was generally vituperated. In fact tlio evidence given in was so much in his dihfavor that several portions who had hitherto boon under hi domination, declared their intention of t-evcring all connec tion with him and following tho path that leads to peace. Skating parties by mooulight arc the rago on VAm crock. Fred Hurd who has ben in Das Moines for somo tiino, has returned. Grandpa Cock rail has fenced in his cornstalks. Mousignor G. V. Hoit, n French man from Now York state, is slaying witli L. Aduuuou of this place. Mr Hoit is here on the advice of his phy sician, and finds tho climato of Neb- raika so delightful and salubrious that ho contemplates residing hero until his health is fully regained. DR. KILMER'S Te.rT KIDNEY LIVER 22 Bjgi Biliousness Headache, foul breath, (sour stnmucn, heart burn, juilu In chest, dyspepsia, constipation. rooi Digestion Distress after eatlnir. pain and bloating In tho stomach, sliortnosfl of breath, pain In tho heart. Loss oi Appetite A splendid fccliiur to-day anJ a depressed ono to-iunrrow, nothliiK smus to tustu Rood, tired, Icepick and ull uixtrmitc, weakness, debility. nu'Hiiip-iioot titiiius up milckiy a runaowa constitution and makes tho weak st ronjr. At DriiucUta 50 cenle and $1.00 aim. "lurslia1 (lul.lu to llfRlIh" firo-CoiuulUtlon (rt, PlV KlLMEH X CO., DlNCJUAMTOtf, N. Y ,., ,Rn ,Ha ,B , B,,. M'fficlurco, v" ' ---. i I'leaaaiit lralrle. flrorgo Uvoring is taking a two weeks vacation, Our Sunday school N running nice ly nnd hns hfii orgmiuil hIioiiI nine mouths, Mr. Mli'liueh nukes a good superintendent. Wo had a Chrixtmis tree and all had a jolly good tiiin Our Sunday.school clones Sunday for a short time. For n pain In the ehct n plen of llannul dampctii'd with Chiiinberliiln'H 1'iiln linlni and bound on over the ieat of the min, and another on the back be tween the shoulders, will nlford prompt relief. This i especially Valuable Ik oasis where the pain is eainu by a cold and there is a tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Deyo A. Orieit. Itladen. Thos. Snyder is baling hay for J. K. Yost. Mr. Cram of Swantou is in this city. 1896. Bo sure you get it right. School commenced again Monday aftor a week's vacation. Miss Hose and Willie Thorn hive returned to Lincoln ami resumed their studies. F. W. McLaughlin is in Hastings this week. James Burden and family moved to Red Cloud New Years Day. Watch mooting was held in the (J. A. II. hall New Years cvc services wcro conducted by Rev. Hummel. James Burden now rides in n new carriage purchased of H. M. McClurc. Friends from Swanton aro tho guests of J. K. Yost this week. Deo. 25, J. H. Horn presented his wifo with a now bed room set. Wm. Grannie, Fravk Burden, Win, McCallum and J. K, Yost each took a load of household good to Hcd Cloud Wednesday for James Burden. Tho young pcoplo aro enjoying a skato these beautiful moonlight nigh Is Mr. Isaac Cowley is confined to the houso with his old complaint of the kidneys. When Baby vrnn stcV, wo garo her Castorla, When alio wns a Clilld, ttho cried for Cnstorla. Wien kIio boenmo MIsm, k!io citing to Owtorla. Wbca sho hod Children, sliu gave them CastorU. State Creek. C. Barrett and S. Mount ford arc shelling all the corn in these parts. The Mt. Hope union Sunday-evhool was reorganized last Sunday and Mrs. Sarah Mouutford was chosen for superintendent. Dan Grewell is back from the east ern part of the state. Elder Sims is holding a protracted meeting at Dutch Flat. A. Now Years dinner was Riven at Albert Sorivner's last Wednesday. Mr. Spuricr and Andrew Upp and Co. that went on the excursion to Texas arc back and don't like that country. Occassional. i i i Coughing irritates tho delicate organs nnd aggravate tho disease. Instead of waiting try One Minute Cough ('uru. It helps at once making cxpeotorntion easy reduce tho soreness nod intlamntlou. Every one likes it. ULCotting. market Report. Corrected weekly by Hed Cloud Produce Co. Wheat 40 45 Corn new 18 Cornold 40 Oats now 18 Uyo 2T. Barley 35 Flux 75 Hocb 3 10 Butchor'a stock 2 00'2 50 Butter 15 Eggs 20 Potatoes 40 Spring chickons per lb 5 Old hone per lb 4 lluypor ton 3 0003 50 Mute Line. Lonio Bowler who has been on the sick list is slowly improving. Maud Hutchison from Ropublic City, Kan., has boon visiting friends near North Brand). Mrs. Strange an evangilist of tha Friond churoh hat commenced ascrios of meetings in North Branch. Married ot tho homo of tho brido'a parents, II. F. Hutchison of itopublio City, Kansas, and Mils Millio Mitotic! of North Branoh. They recoived many presents and every ono of their many friends wish them hoppiuces boyond measure Mr. Sam Whito from Bladen has Lcen helping iu tho revival at Maple Grovo. Wife -Here's an aooonnt of a man who shot himself rather than Buffer the pangs of iudlgestlon. llusbaud Tha fool I Why didn't he take DeWIU's LltUe Early Hlsersr I nsed to suiter aa bad as he did bofore I commenced taking these littlo pills. C L Cotting. ,wo eamC .uni. utiu tout ,u.- , . ' .".. r . . i'''immmammmKmammmaam for Infants T HITVTY ynnrs rib nerval! on rtillllnrn ofjinrsonn, permit It N niiitintliiita!dy tlil,o-.t romody for Itifantw mid Children thn worldhAi rvcr !ctinwn. It .U hnrmless. Cldldrnu Hho it. It Kjvi thi.mlinitltli.It will savo tlinlr lives. In it Mother, havo somotliliiK which Iubolnto1yafo nnd prnotloally perfect an a chlld'w mfdlrlnn. Ciistorla ilntrnr Wnrm. jDnstoriw wllayt Ffivnrlnhnno. Castorlit provonti vomltlnc Sonr Card. Onstorlftjinrfii Dlarrliont aa J Wind C'ollo. Csdnria ruHo-vce Tnthln; Tronhlos. CNstnrla nnroi Constipation and Flatnlonoy. Oaetorin nnntrallmi thw nlffirtwof rorbonlo acid Raa or polsonons air. Ca.torla dofis Hot oontnln mnrphlnx, opium, or other narootlo proporty. Castorlawsslmilat Jhr fond, rc?nlatos tho stomach and bowels, Blvlng althyand natnraljilrcp. pastnria U put ap In ona-b:o hot tics only. It is not wold in hulk. Don't allow any ono to dl yon nnything olso on tho pica or promlsa that it is "Just as K""d" and "ttfill answer ovory purpose." Sea that you yet C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The facmlmlle signature of Children Cry for Ncliuol Hcrt. Itoport of school in district 1M, Jewell eounty, Kans., for tho innnih ending lire 27. Number unrolled 1T Averagi' daily atlond.uioe inne. Thso ii-'Iut tardy nor nb dur ing i In" in nlh weir Mnud I'tc-h, ('larencc Iturcsi Yihitor" itie. KIMA T I AM T Mih-r CATARRH LOCM DISEASE Hid I' nt 1'iiliK i I I ,' iitr.'i". It i"i u ' i rnl l. ii i.lr.f. n it phi i" Aliii-h h i , 1 1 i nut ii. ii i: , ii. mi iu ' it i, . H nii-orlifil u " I H1 Oljl . Ely's Cronm Balm Nlirklionl.'i fit u ! Ill m ! tli.irmiuli tMiri (nr nl a .ml) I 'li) in IiimiI :iul II. iv I'Vvi cil nil riT,ii"lii It i.-.i. .ni 'I ill-in-.-, tiic n.i till n . il i)t .ln H'i, ITitlMDi tilt.-lot, . liiMMtliinr pr li'ri- I iticnilir n.i- fr-n r .il . fpiinitf I 'nn i .in,, mi) .ilt. I'rl ', Ku til 'a i , , ,, I . I. Ml I'll t ' HI I.. I. ',..W , PIHEOLA COUGH ehlMM Is we "it m tan i'.i.iiiiuii.m mi r i uoimi , nil lMll.!U.' ul I ' 'i it t ill (mm IK list ' i n Mi .il. lli lull. ICIiil' r- '! llll tl t'Ji- . i' mir ii,inii- i.i "' r nr iIm .Rtlll'H 'I'llrll'Nli ' pi r M -it nr. . I !'., will) SU I ' I h I . i tilttlltlt.il v.. ii. .in1 ii.iU I.UI 'itlnu Ii 1111 ii i I lili' roll .r iim' iili-ii 'iHKli,i I lid li itiftli lllliri-'i) fdlei .'in1 I I" n I' ! nt i ii-niii Hlllll.niMiirlntll l'lini i 11 k ! .".. . liui;i,'liN lni ,iutli"tiil '.'.ii wl I ik'.m r "ii rttcii'l ol minium, l',l. IIUDI'III If. 'A Wmu M NewYiitk. PArkEft'S HAIR DALSAM ntn arl X tti ritlr. l'ruiiHdct a ljiur'ttt ffToalh. Nvrr ralta lo llitorf tiny iiir 10 iia voutniui voior. Curtt txairt ttiwtKt a half lalix.. WIHI ll'l IHUmHW J , HINDERCORNS. Th oolr rjr Lur lr 1 uf.. M. ail ilu. t.nturr rnu Xuittu UK luUWiic ilBg tM, UvU. M UnjjjiU 1CTUII1 DH. TAFTS ASTHMAtK IIO I nrnrt-pDCni''Tfnll-;.iiilmjc'ir mlilros sn will UUlltUmlltrlMlH.iil,-fpr Jht OR. TAFT BROS. M. Co.. Rochetter, N.YT HCK. GRATcFUL COMFORTING EPP'S COCOA BaEAKFAST-SUPPER. "Ily a lliiirniiuli knew Inlui I lln n:itn.il l:itvs wlilrli unvrrn Hie iiht:iUoiii nl illKi'ttlnii lunl iiiitrltinii.Kiiil l a ciiirfiil iiiiinli'iilliiii nl .lin line pint'i'Mlm I Wfll vin leil ( ui'ini, Mr. I.i Iiik itiuIiImI lot nnr Ini'iiM.iM nml mi mt iiilelU'iitel) ltinri'il lnni'l lire ulileli tn.i) .ie ns in hi) Iiciiv) iiiH'inr Mlli. It It liy Hie Ju.ilc. lull-, ii.iinf mu'Ii uilli'li't ul dirt that u run. nil tlmiiii.t) he Kriiitimlly limit up until s'r ni; enuiiull to rrMil i'rr leinleiii'V t'l illw.i. Uiiiiilreili ul Hiilillc iit'ilaiHi'i lire limit nn iiiiiiiuil ni ti'.nly tn iillat'K Nheii'iT IIiiti i.i wi'iik lnt n in:i ein'iipe in my 11 f till shall hvkieplni! inu-ches well ((Ulilliit i illi piir lihxiil .mil a I'lupi'll) liiilirlslieil li.ime ' J'hll -erxli-eliiii'lle Mucin Hlinply with ' oil Inu' u.iier nr milk "nhl nub In hull po iinl llni. hviiriiexlM, ,ilitll,.i Hint J A .11 lis IvTI's A r l.ul . lliiKimnps hie i lii'inMi, l.iiniliiii llii'l.iiiil Ffbldir-lPi-. I ncll.li lllumon.l llron.l. ENNYROVAL PILLS -Vv Or I;! tit bihI Only riiulnr. A '(m.V Stir klana lial.l imaa tb .P 1'rJirflsi fr cm ttrt f'nilnh .i fpt . .. Uinn.Mii ICrtlftbl '.! mt!liaV7 inn uilirr. ttrpiii itmijrrvut stibnjfU v rniiii. tmir.iiNt lruf4tf,tr . -Ir In atairiia fur rr'ltiuUrt t tlowtriia ( ItrlUf fiir I ailir,itfffr'r hi ntJim Mull, in.ooo r I't.cti'aU. ,t,Sftr. l il Uiki Druuiiu. I'lillulit.. IV, Dl I TCS'TCHING Plfil rLtoSWAYNrr ABSMLrmLT otkwm. win meat rrr'-iiisi Man lUktac ul "2 " " "X? ' "tnkfmmrtt ,F " mwwtmW mmi rssirssAaiii8.75 1 vwi Kitmm wrnwrf , iu KtrUUt.htlfc.htr. U it ttlih Haiitifitr a Umtlf lavtit aUitu. Vsvabtl, rluif d4 4lll u vtihMt vfulBf Uit IiUi Von Hifc ih kmioii, iht dm1 teteloit 4 rbrtrNl lvct. t't'leel VflMir 6oiit.tbo1i"f r itJb. fNbrohiodliltf.Bni ft . 1iir4tiilwrsMt4.Cia Mf;r. r. lMllaUUM.N A CO., fltri t. U Klmml$, WGVIX UiUVIVU IU t V V.v 4MBSAt ErWV?3v3i Mm v 'pj pi im&. wWBiCTMr I if In nCiiivT HuPfl ml it w A Tfl At if rccMi UttllHiilMilillMiann, tifjtitutSSitmw HTSjsT.1 nrnns not, sw.iua m&.rmtlxZ Pw end Children. of Cnstorla xr 1th tlio patrotinRO of nn to sponltoflt without cnessliiR. $7; " In on every wrapper. Pitcher's Castorla. Publication of Summons. Iu tho District Court of Wobutor coun ty, NoliriiBlm. Elizabeth Ball, 1 pluintilT, Martha II.' Hull, I Frank F. Hull, Albert W. Shumato defondantH, J Above named defcmhintB, Martha II. Hull and Frank F. Hull, will lalto no tico that on tlio U"th day ut December, Ibid, tho ubuvij-iiiHUi'il iilaiu'.ilf tiled lier petition in tlio dibttiet court of Webster county, NobriibUn, aiaiiiht t.ui 1 defend unto, tlio object and jirajer of which ia to foreclose a certain murlgiiKui'.vcuutoil by tho defondauls, Martha II. Hull nnd Frank F. Hull iIiukImuiI and wifo) to tlio Nebraska nml Kiiiimih Farm Loan Company upon tho west linlf of the norlliucut quarter of taction numbered twiiiitv l'0i. in tiuviihliln iiiiiiiliiireil nnn (1), uuith in ruii(;o iiiiniliori'il ten (ltl), wosi oi tne otu r. m weuaier county, XobniBka; to ueenrti tlio pameut of. enrtaiu promiasory imtoH nntucl Octobor l.itli. lHSSj one r..r tin- Hum.if ?.i(J0.00, due tlio llrst day nf Octulier, lbll.'l; ono for tho Bum of ill .M), duo Ouiober nt, 1891 ; one fur flT.-Vi. ihn April 1st, 1S!)1; ono lor ii" TiO, line U.e Ibt da) ot Octo iier, lS'.i'J; ono for iflT.'i), duo April let, 18'.).",; and ono fm 17 .Vi. iluo tho lot day t.f O-'tnlH'r. ISlKI. J ( ; there in now duo ii Hind notes and mor kho tlio mini of c.'iiXiOO, with interest ni the rati) ot ton per cent per atiM'"! fr, m tlio lfith day of Octolier, ISSs. V. i aro furthor noti lied Unit. Biiid notes and mortgage wcro, mi tho Kith day of November, ltSH, for n valuable cotiHileratioii, uiKtied to Clinrlotto WilliniiiH, who, on tho 'JSth day of October, 1MI-, iib-jikiii'iI Haiti uoteH mid mort.!iigo to William Ci. Hall, and William U. Hull iiH.m'tied bin interest in and to Bitid notcHiiml iihh Iiiiko to Kliza both Hall, who ir n"u iiiid IniBover Binco been tlio local owner of (-aid notes and mortMt', l'latntiir priiH fur a docrco that defendautB ' tMiured to jiay tho mmo or that prnniii'ei may bo hold to t-ntifify the amuiiul f'liml to ho duo this phuntilT. Vou aro required to nnmvor said peti tion on or before tho 10th day of Febru ary, 1890, or paid petition will bo taken iib truo and judgment rondered accord ingly. Dated December '.27th, 18.Ci. I'. 1. 1 .mi in u Hall, Ily Hobt. T. Potter, Ilor Atty Nollt'U lO 'I'l'lU'lllTS. Notioo ifl hereby given that I will oxamino all persons who may desire to ottor tlicniBClvci aa candidates .or tcachors oftho public Hohnols of this , couuty, at ltcd Cloud on tho third Saturday of each month. ,r Special examinatioiiH will bo hold ' nn tVtn llrt.lnn nn.tittl .. . .I.a 'I.I Cnt m.. t.,.u A.tuujr j. vii.i uti iii iiiu ii umr . urday of each mouth. fA Tho standing desired fur 2d and 3d grado ccrtifioat-H is tho name no grado below 70 per pent,, average 80 per cent; for firil grade certiOcato no grado below HO per cent., avorago !)0 per ocnt. in all branches required by law. D. M. IIit.NTKii, County Supt, piASE & iMoNITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Moon Buick, . KRI) UI.OUD, NED. Collections promptly ntteuded to, and correspondence Bohoited. I W. TULIjKYS, M. I). Ilomorapatlilr Plirslrlan, ltcd leuU, , (!hriuH- OfllcoVlrst Nations! npnoiiln Hunk. Chroulc dlsfases trmunl hy mnll D 11. J. S. KNIOH, Dentist, RedCLOOD, . NKDllA8K Over Taylor' Furniture Ntorc, ' , DvlHAl. lAulh ..ll.n... ....I.. .a..,.v.ci , cm niiiiuui illl. Crown anil hrlilL-e work mioi.iitT. 1'orcelaln llllnv. unit rII klmU nf ir,M nnin. "' ' Makes cold and rubber plains aud ceintilnstloa plates. All work euaraateod to be Int-claw,