"' " ""-" t nrmjj.u,yp , u ZZTmiZ 4 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, DEC. 6, 1895. THE CHIEF 8W0BN CIRCULATION 1,300. 35S&23UU1 i-" : il It! ii h I ft Ifl (K k i. VaaM Shea & Turnure Brothers. V. GBAND TEN DAYS' SPECIAL SALE OF LAIYIPS Queensware, GLASSWARE, Etc. Beginning Deo. 6th. i5WjraCTXjparfcrw-EJt-stos '-t Glass Hand Lamps 19c, former price 35c Glass Stand Lamps 23c, " . " 40c 25c, " - 4oc 30c. ' " 50c 3nc. . " 60c Col'd Glass, a beauty, 63c. " " 85c it t t n m 1 dozen Beautiful Parlor Lamps, with shade, 90c Former price 81.25. 1 do.en Very Fancy Parlor Lamps, with shade, $1.15 Former prico 81. CO. 1 dozen Parlor Lamps, a bargain at 1.30 . Regular prico 81.90. 4 dozen Bras- Fount, No. 3 burner, fancy shade, 1.95 Regular prico $3-00. i dozen Parlor Lamps, brass fount, Rochester burner, one of the best lamps made, 2.68 Regular prico $0.f)0. dozon assorted colors (pink, green, yellow, blue) braes fount, Rochester hurnor. positively the best and pretticBt lamp manufactured in Amer ica; will bo offered at - - 8393 Former prico 85 fiO, White Semi Porcelain, mf'd by Juo. Maddox it Sons, England. 8 inch plates, per set, 40c; regular price 60c 7 " " " 85c; " " 50c 6 " " " 28c; " " 45c 5 ' " 25c; " " ' 40c 4 a Sauce Plates 18c; " 25c Handled Tea Cups and Saucers, per set, 38c; reg. prico 50c " Coffee " " " " " 45c; " " 60c 100-pieee Dinner Set of above ware, : $5.48 56-piece . . . . 2.66 m m Just received au invoice of J. & G. Meakins Fancy Decorated Ware. "We bought it at a bargain and paid the spot cash, consequently offer you 100-piece Dinner Set, only $8.50 56-piece Tea Set, " 4.06 This patetem is one of Meakins latest designs. Want of space prevent a description of the beautiful and useful articles we carry in stock. They must be seen to be appreciated. We carry the largest and moBt complete stock of Groceries in Nebraska, outsido of Omaha city. Should you need Maple Syrup, Honey Syrup, Corn Syrup, New Orleans Molasses or Sorghum drop in; we can supply you. We have knocked the head out of the first hogshead of New Orleans Sugar to arrive this season. Come early and make your selections. Y.ura traly, SHEA & TURNURE RED CLOUD, N m A. C. IIosMP.n, Kdltor. LARor Tait, Asat. Local Editor. EDITORIAL NOTES. The cold blooded murdor of Armen ians still goes on by the Turkish people. Duhi.no tho last election Kansas rolled up 82,000 majority for tho republican ticket. The DoWitt County News, published nt Clinton, Illinois, is n now paper es tablished at that placo. It is a lino country papor and will bo a complete success. Co.norcss is in session. Both houses nro republican and wo feel certain that remedial legislation will at onco be en acted for tho prevention of tho further going into debt by tho government. Many cities of tho country aro desir ous of having the national republican convention hold therein. It Btrikes us Chicago is about tho right sized town for eo largo a convention to take place in. CzAit Rkkd has again becomo promt nont by boing unanimously chosen as speaker of tho national houso of repre sentative. Tom Heod is ono of Amer ica's brainiest stateemon. His rulings on counting n quorum will go rattling down tho ages as n master stroke of political wisdom. Tub houBo and peniito have put their feet down vigorously for sustaining tho Monroo Doctrine and the recognition of Cuba. This is at wido variation with Prosidont Cleveland's wenk kneed pol icy of asking John Bull what ho thinks about it evorytimo the question comes up, Cash Dry Goods Grand Christmas Sale Our Holiday Goods are here: wo invito vmi in ,nn n,i see them. We can show you an elegant line, and are positive that we can save you money on your Xmas purchases. I aBBBVaVBBtataBBaata. aaaV BROS., m ' w & Hbc eb. m The PrcNldviil'N .Wcmhrc. The curiosity of tho country will bo gratitled this morning by tho printing of many millions of copies of tho presi dent's messago in the daily newspapers of the land. Those that expoctod much will bo disappointed. Mr Cleveland does not considor tho time ripo to tako tho peoplo into his confidence The great part of tho document this year is a labored attempt to mako us beliaVp that tho inglorious financial career o Mr. Cleveland's administration was not the fault of tho democratic monkeying with the tanfT, but tho fault of congress in tho sevonties, which, instead of winlnt? ont tho greonbaclc currency of tho coun try and returning perhaps to the old wildcat system of papor money, author ized tho continued roissuo of treasury notes or legal lonaor, ana proviuod n gold resorvo of a hundred million of dollars to guaranteo too redemption of suoh of them as should bo presented at the treasury counter, in gold. It is perhaps a sublime spcctaclo, but it is not busincbs, and doubtless Groror knows as well as any of us that thore would not have been tho constant with drawals of gold from theresorve had not tho. paralyzing seadow of democratic revenuo legislation immediately covored tho land. Tho fact that under republican rule with republican crodit and republican revenues, tho government was never in any ombarrassment, but easily replen ished tho reserve from its revenues in gold without thinking of issuing bonds, is a complete refutation of his painfully built argumont, He recommends the issuo of $300,000.- 000 more bonds for tho rodomntion of the greonback curroncy, under tho pro tonse that if the treasury notes woro only cancolled and gotten out of tho way they would stop "withdrawing gold" from tho rosorve. Howuvor, no ono ozpected that Mr. Cleveland wns tho man to acknowledge out and out the utter failuro of his ad ministration in tho matter of the na tional rovenues and curroncy. The first part of the messago is taken up with our foreign relations. Here Mr. Cloveland expands a good ruaay words in saying nothing. lie is abso lutely non-committal as to his policy. lie discusses tho Waller case, but ia careful, it ho knows anything about tho merits of it, to conceal that knowledge. In tho Venozuola case ho tells us about that note ho sent to Silasbury, but declaros that it will not bo answered. In his account of his dealings with Hawaii ho takes a vory difTorent stand from that ho assumes in tho dealings with Franco in tho Wnllor case. He would not allow that an American citi zen could ha dnnrivAd nt llfn nmn,t and liberty by u court-martial in Hawaii for bearing arms against tho government, but he isn't at all certain that in the Waller caso, in which Franco waa mere ly invading a country in which an American citizen vu a ranirinnt that It wasn't perfoctly proper to court martial him and sentence him to twenty year penal servitude. The meaaaaa anaatca nf fhn inanvran. tion in Cuba without Baying anything. mo meBHHjre aava nnmincr arvint th burning question of tho deficit in the national treasury. It makes, conse quently, no recommendations on that score. It thus dodges the all absorbing Question nf thn hnnr. Tfc mirwla im mltk an elaborate but nltntrnthnr Hantaan a. gument againat free coinage, in snon me aocumeni is remarkable ror what it does not aay, and ia In strik ing contrast to the corresponding mes sage sent in to congress eight years ago by the same president. CLOAKS and CAPES. A nice cape or jacket would make an elegant present. Look through our cloak department. We are showing some good values in new stylish garments BLANKETS We have decided to continue our clearing sale prices on wool blankets. A pair of them would make a nice warm pres ent. DRESS GOODS. There are few things that make as nice a present as a Dress Pattern. In our Dress Goods Depart ment we can show you some very nice goods at very low prices. We are especially well fixed in black goods. Handkerchiefs We are loaded with good tilings in Handkerchiefs from leewards. SiUc'Embroidered Handker- chiefs at 5c. -a See our special SifkJnitlaJU Handkerchiefs at 25c. MITTENS and GLOVES. We have bought several sample lines of them on which we can save you money. MEN'S SHIRTS and NECKTIES. Special bargain in Men's Teck and Four-in-hand Ties at 25c. See our special values in Men's Shirts at 50, 75c and $1. SHOES and RUBBERS. Do not forget that we cau save you money on them. When vou are a looking for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT do not forget to look through our Notion Department. We have many articles there that you will find to be just the thing. UNDERWEAR. We have a number of cood bargains in our underwear de partment which will nav von to see if you need any. TABLE LINENS. There are verv few linn keepers but TtW would apprt- S11nn n .. 11 1 -. Mil. -"" specialty lrfia.jKlMS ri. .. -v . -, iulu im- a wiuas present. We were able to secure a sample line of very fine linens, which we can sell you very cheap. Wo will be pleased to show them. Celluloid Novelties. Toilet Cases, &c. We can show you a hand some lino of them, and we can easily prove that we can save you money on them. Chenille Table Covers, Special bargain at 75c. PORTIER CURTAINS at !3.00, 3.50 and 5.00. HOODS and FASCINATORS at 25, 50, 65, 75c and $1 that are splendid values. Dr. Price's Creaai Baking Powder WerM'sPalr Hlf hot M4alaad Dietoeu. Christmas is Coming ! We are making special efforts to. try to please you. Geo. A. Ducker & Go? '4 ' 1 --, 'k SiJ 1 , 4 & r aitabH