The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 06, 1895, Image 1

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    ( VrM
volume xxin.
Make as
Mjr -m--...:" , --':- - ---.
Holiday Stock
We are glad to
' "i ' '
Watch this space next week.
Deyo & Grice,
tmi I
Many Happy . .
as you can. To do .this, you are
to call and inspect our
welcome visitors,
Pleased to show our goods,.
And ready to make close prices to all.
Meets ut the Ciiillal Jlly of"
WcliNtcr County ami Tram
net UuftlnuM. Chairman Cra
hlll, PrcNUIiig.
Resolved that tho county clerk be
authorized to muko a now numerical in
dex nnd tho county pny for euino at tho
rnto of five cents per lino or truusfor.
Petition from echool district No. 71,
rond and on motion wus referred to n
committee nnd tho committoo to roport
at this meeting. Cliulr appointod as
eald committoo Wntt, Kort nnd Spra
cher. To the Honornblo Hoard of Supervisors:
Wo tho undersigned board ot educa
tion of Puhuol district 71 ot Webster
county, Nobrnskn, respectfully roquoHt
you on bohulf of tho legal voturs und
taxpayers of Diet. No. 17 to ordor tho
county treasurer not to collect tho bond
tax ot 2f. mills loviod by you hint July on
Bald Diet. No. 71, but to collect only live
mills, being Butllciout to pay intoroaton
bonds on school district No. 71, nnd to
provido n email sinking fund its tho dis
trict desires to rotund said bonds to tho
nmount of S-'I.OOO due in the fall ot 181)6.
J. P. OltlMKH,
A. 11. Kkkohman,
Petkk Mkktin,
Signed by torty-nino names.
ThoshorifT was ordered to got one
half dozen quilts for tho jail.
Committoo on court house, jail and
grounds were instructed to inspect and
report on eldo walk in front of jail.
Adjourned to meet Friday morning,
Ofllclal bonds.
Committoo on Eottlemont with dork
rocommondod the approval of tho third
quartorly roport ot olork. Moved and
curried that tho roport ot tho committoe
bo approved.
Committoo on eottloment with county
superintendent rocommond tho adoption
ot tho roport.
Tho special committoo on school bond
in district No. 74 roportod as follows:
To tho Roard ot Supervisors:
Your committoo in tho matter ot the
petition from school district 74 would
recommend that tho county treasurer
bo nuthorizod to reduce tho bond lovy
for the year 1895 to ton ten mills provid
ed school district No. 74 will pay him
for the necessary work.
J. F. Watt reported that he had dis
posed of all Ouido Rock bridgo material
to varlouB rood districts and sold 400
feet to Guido Rck township.
In tho matter ot tho taxoa ot Dr.
Woggman for tho years '87 and '88,
moved that a committoo ot two be ap
pointed to investigate. Kort and Broom
Held were appointod as such committee.
Watt olTerod the following resolution
which wub adoptod:
Rosolvod, That tho board ought to re
consider the notion tulcon in caso of
Charlotto Liolgu on erronoous assoss
mont as partlos want to redoom tho land
but are unwilling to pay tho amount
stauding againit thoin,
It was moved and Becondod that tho
troaouror bo orderod to roduco tho earn e
GO par cont. Carriod.
Committoo on Dr. Weggman com
plaint roportod as follows:
We, your committoe appointed to look
up C. Weggmnn'a taxes for 1887-8 find
thut ho has paid taxes for 1883 on prop
erty in Potsdam, but not in Rutin.
Movod and carried that the board
tako no furthor action on tho personal
taxes ot. Dr. 0, Weggman for the yours
1887 and 1888,
Claim of A. F. Knrnos and John Heln
rich, committee roportod cutting the
claim to 18, lost,
The claim was then ordorod returned
for correction,
Adjourned to January G, 1890,
The reoord ot remarkable onios effect
ed enables as truthfully to say that
Hood's Barsaparilla U tho only trne blood
purifier piominontly In the publlo eye to-
Hood'e Ml ire tie beet fasti? eath'ar
tie and liver' mtdlolne.- Harmless, "rell-
bis, sure. ''
pr. Price's Cretim Baking Powder
, WorW8 Fair I llghcst Award.
Highest of all in Leavening Power,
More Cioed Talk.
In answer to "A Pew Good Thoughts'1
in Tun Ciiif.f und tho romarks found in
the Gulden Bolt, wo would like tho
prlvilego ot saying n tow words. Wo do
not think parents should be conaured
for tho forthcomings ot tholr childron,
and huvo the additional pain to bear ot
bolng thought to have failod in tholr
parental duties. Wo boo oxumplei ov
orywhoro of puronta whoH3 IIvpi nro
moral in (ill respects, and often Chris
tian homes, wharo training ot tholr chil
dron cornea un near tho Btuudurd ot per
fection as w possible to tlnd the onu
Rlnck Sheep, or in othor words one
mombor of tho family whoso tastoe are
bo dopruvod that tho Bocloty of tho good
and pure are utterly distasteful to thorn
and who regardless ot wnrning and on
trentios go tho downward road to ruin,
bringing shame and disgrnoo upon thorn
selves, and suddost ot all, upon their
families und friends, for in such
instances tho innocent feol und
sudor koeuly, whilo tho culprit goon on
hia wuy smiling, seeking now victims.
Our hourt goes out in sympathy for the
frionds of such n one. May the tender
and loving Father abovo holp unci com
fort such for he alone can. Rut wo
would llko to inquire, by what right tho
fomulo einnor haa been placed under tho
ban ot coudomnutlon, and the other sex
her equal purtnora in guilt, go froo.
When womon who say tbero should bo
one standard ot purity for men and
womon nliko put it into practice in their
dully lives, the Boclal ovil will bo reme
died. Thore aro men who walk tho
streets ot every town who aro moral
lepers. They indeod appear beautiful
outward, but within ure full ot dead
mon'd bones, and all uncleannesa; yet
such men uro invitod into reepoctablo
homos, for thorn is killod tho fatted calf
while their poor doluded victims nro
shunned and rovilod and placed beyond
tho pulo of human love and kindness.
God pity such. If a woman is known to
bo of bad roputo, and married mon and
single seok her society, we fail to see, by
what right sho should have a bad name,
for surely no man, young or old, who
have any principle and euros anything
tor themselves or friends, would stoop to
such Bocloty, nnd whoovor does would
bo just us great a sinner in tho Bight ot
God,. nnd should bo to considered by
by all mankind und considered accord
ingly. We huvo no objections to tho
coat of tar and foathora it that haa to be
resortod to (as the Burgeon's knife) to
save others from tho contamination, but
bo thoroughly bospoak it for both par
tioe. Wo think it would have a clouns
ing effect upon the town and make it
poBolblo for respectable people to go
upon tho streots in safety.
Yours tor purity and
As an emergsnoy medlolne,. Ayir'fl
Cherry Vectorial takes the lead ot all
other remedies. For the relief and cure
of croup, whooping-cough, soro throat,
nnd the dangerous pulmonary tronbles to
whlah the young are so liable, it is inval
uable, being prompt to not, tare to euro,
A Cltccrlnjr Letter.
Ai.mkna, Kane., Nov. 30, 1893.
Editor Ciur.i': PIoobo llnd enclosed
ono dollar to pny for Tub Cuief1. Also
sond mo ono of your books that you
oiler no u premium. It Is hard to col
lect u dollar hore, although wo bud a
vory good orop. I colleotad ono yester
day and I made up my micd to send it
to vou for tho bost county panor Ne
braska linn, Vou are a small Indian und
It ought to food you nulto a while It you
do not use "firewater' It would not go
far with tbislunk "Injun" fn Rod Cloud,
.Respectfully yours,
C. II. Bahdek.
Oharloy knows bow to etriko a tondor
chord in tho odltorsmake'up and during
thoso cold wintry days a big dollar helps
to quiel tho iunor man and .keep tho
gaunt wolf from tho door. Tharlks, aw
tuTly, Charley.
In GLOVES and MITTENS yon will
tlnd Wioner headquarters. You can get
cheap goods that WILL WEAR. A
trood fit oUtf, liorao hide fucod for '
"o ceute.
Latest U.S. Gov't Report
..Inks and IMnw.
Bupt. Rogers of Wymoro wub in town
Prlduy night.
S.upt. Campbell and Trainmaster Ken
yon of McCook came as far ns Red Cloud -on
President Perkins special car and
roturnod to McCook by way ot Hastings.
Presldont Perkins ot tho Burlington
syetom passed through on numbor 10
Saturday morning,
Some sneak thiof entered the round
Iioubo Sunday night and stolo Rob Mar
tin's ovorcoutund pocket-book and somo
small change Rob Bitcceoded in rocov
oring tho overcoat and pockot-book but
wus short lit ty cents,
Roadmuster Ryan ot Wymoro. wus in
town Monday.
Bridge inspector Maori of Lincoln waa
through in u spociul cur Wednesday
Agent Duvta ot Rloomlngton, who haa
been down noutu spending u snort va
cation, stopped off a fow momenta Tues
day night. Mr. Davis is well ploaaod
with tho southern states nud thinks of
making it hia homo some timo in tho
Sttte of Ohio, City of Toledo. )
Lucas County J
' SS
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he U
the MUilor partner of the firm ot' V. J.
Cheney Sc. Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, Couuty und State aforesaid,'
and that mud firm will pay the sain of
ono hundred dollars for each und evory
oaso of catarrh that cannot he eared by
tho uhu of Hall's Catarrh cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Bworn to before rau and Htlscribed in
my proseuoe, this (itu day of Deoomber
A. D. 188C.
A, "A'. Gleason,
Notary Pobllo,
seal h
Rail's Catarrh Curo is taken internally
and notrt dirtotly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces of tho system, brud fur
testimonials, free,
F. J. Cheney fc Co., Toledo, O.
C3T8old by Druggists, 75o.
Heart Disease Kills
Suddenly i but novor without wamlnirsymp
toms,such as Faint, Weak or Hungry BpclU,
Irregular or Intermittent Pulse, Fluttering
or Palpitation ot tho Heart, Choking fionsv
tlons, BhortnctS of breath, Swelling ot Feet
and Ankles, etc
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure,
Cures Heart Disease.1
Mr. Oco. L. Smith, ot tbo Oco. L. Smith"
Mantel Co., Louisville, Ky., vrrltoa Feb.. 36,
18M; "For about a year I was a torrlblosuf
foror from heart trouble, which got so b&d
I was obliged to sit up In bed to Kqt.Tftiy ;
breath. I bad to abandon business and
could hardly crawl around. My f rlooil, Mr.
Julius C. Voyht, ono of our loading phorina
clkUs, aakod rao to try Dr. Mlloa' Heart Cure.
I had used llttlo more than a bottle vrtien
tho pain ceased and palpitations entirely .
disappeared. I bavo not bad tho ulltlitcst f
trouble elace, and today I an atteodtgg 3.
baelaess aa refmUrb ma ever."
goM by 4raf1e1a evMiwhere. Soek o
Heart and Nerree cent tree. Addret Or.
Miles Modlcal Co., Kkhart, lad.
Dr. Miles Remodica UeatQro HealUi.
- 44 Ksht,' i 'nnuuroUIlEltJIAf
TtiriJ, .AU UAObH. AVuruifBWt,ouJySi5c..
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