t mmxvmjg2 .jw JUiwV'-V tfr-'f. L . . R 1, ,wi rr9WSBr( ,y w ..-?! . . eM 4 .. t ,cl m $ SK, J .ft.lt if i nV . i w4 & a ;.' ,11 M 'S i '$ 'A -s, tm ii i aaa11"' i ) w'igJsgyTri rrn SjlHSSDif '.OrUi ji '''Ja,' JMKJBXnBBBBBBBmlsBBK5Ti","r-?TBBMBB 'jjar '-'"'''- -r'i :iq? LaBBNaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBasFSiM llHiiBiFgglBrSt' w',',BB ' sBBBBBBBBBBBBaBa!BrafikflBBBBBBB r ' " ' " ' ,-- ' i rat . . IT ' ft" VOLUME XXIII. We are Holiday Stock 9 And that we will be ready for business , THE FIRST OP THE MONTH WITH A MABE AMOKTMENT OF . Christmas Gifts, m ff , jf - uiiwwvjrv rjrsyiac J V S . t I I. I ' v I zi. Desirable, SOMETHING FOR EVERY PERSON; SOMETHING FOR EVERY PURSE. We Deyo & Grice, .V pleased . . To announce the arrival of our Suitable for Old and Excellent and have sufficient variety DRUGGISTS RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 29, Young. Come and rest your wistful eyes upon our beautiful display, which is Dazzling, Bewitching, Charming, Captivating, Entertaining, Pleasing, Beautiful, Winning, Handsome, Admirable, Attractive, Durable, Useful, Appropriate, Economical, Superior, Lasting, Serviceable, it to insure an easy choice. Bladen. L. B. Thorae ha gone to Michigan to visit friend and relatives. Jan. White of Red Cloud waa traa acting business is this Ticinity tke Utter part of last week. W. A. Cox shipped a carload of hags to the Omaha market Tuesday. W. H. Bartlett of Campbell was ia this oity a abort time Tuesday. Menday and Tuesday wa. jaek rab bit day, jadging from the number our looal sportsmen brought into town. H. M. MeOlure of Hastings was looking up tome eolleotioaa ia this vi einity early in the week. Again tke ground waa eletbed in a rake of the pearly white, and the yeung people enjoy sleigh riding and easting L. B. Thome and Henry Boyd kave eaoh lost eight head mi naltle aiaoe timing them in the stalks. Charley Gunn of Edgar spent sev eral days with L. E. Spanoe the Utter part of the week. Frank Boom and J. P. Johnson were at Blue Hill Sunday. The numerous onrea of rheumatism by the nse of the old standard blood-purifier, Ayer'a Sarsaparllla, show conclusively that It Is an effeotlve remedy, if not in. deed the apeolflo, for thle u.ost palnfol and presistent of maladies, Vhat has cored others will also onre yon i Cowles. Jay Best wont down to Omaha last Friday with a earload of hogs, Ghas. Adamsou returned from Hall oounty last Tuesday, where be has been visiting his brother. Mr. L. 0. Wilson, our popular agent, and Misses Mabel Wright and Maud Hura attended the band con cert at Red Cloud Tuesday eve. We understand Mr. Baker is going out of the hog business. Ghas. Fuller has lost ten head of eattle within the last six weeks. Maud Hurd waa visiting with friends on Willow Greek last week. Roy 'Wolfe brought la eleven jaek rabbits last Monday. Tommy Quinn was transacting busi noss in our village Tuesday. Jaok Waller and. Bart Morgan killed a gray wolf Sunday. It ia the largest one wo have seen sinoe leaving old Missouri. Mr. J. L. Adamson held a grand reoeption at his residence last Wedaes day.evoning. Mosxs. That soft, rlob, glossy sheen, so muoh admired ia hair, oan be seoared by the nse of Ayer'a Hair Vigor. All the easts taaoe that nature requires to make atrong beautiful and abundand hair ia supplied by this exoellent preparation. Wattt afey y aide, we fare her Osstorla. When aba waa a Child, the cried f or Osstorla. Whan aba became Mtaa, aba dune to Otatoria. Wfcaa aba bad Children, aba garethea Osstorla. Fnbllc Sale, Public aale of thoroughbred Poland China hogs, Monday, Deo. 2, 1805, at 10 o'clock n, m., oompoaing 0 head ot hoga aa followa: 35 apring plga, oompoaing boara and aowt, four aowa about two years old; and my famous thoroughbred Blach Hawk boar. No. 31723, coming two years aid, aad weighing 600 pounde, which waaalradbv WaokOk4Na.31SIT, Pedigrese furnished with every pig sold. W. P. Kokun & Co. O, L. Winfrey, nuotionoor. i i i 1895. Hifhact of all is Learning Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report im ABftoumsEir pure JmcIsom. Wa, Ryaa died November 24th, 1891, after a leag siekaess, eaased by bloed poison. Ho weal to Kaasas City in Aagast and had hia hand am putated, and waa batter for a while aatil hia arm began to awell. Hia body was swollen to nearly twite in aataral aue before he died. Ha was baried ia the Red OUud eemetery an Tuesday. Tka bereaved family have the sympathy af the community ia which they live. Snow Flaki. tlC steward, fie. Tht reader of thia paper will be pleaaad to learn that there ia at least one dreaded dlaeasa that soienee haa beon able to onre inatlita stages, aad that ia Catarrh. Hall's Oatarrh Core ia the only positive onre known tou the medleal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional olsaase, requires a aonstitntloaal remedy. Hull's Oatarrh Care ie taken internally noting direetly on the blood i nd mnooa sur faces of the system, thereby destroying: the fonndation of the disease and giving the patient strength by bnilding np the oonstitntion and assisting nature in dolog Its work. The proprietors have so mnoh faith in ita earatlve powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any oaie that it faila to onre. Bend for list ot ts Unionists. Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, 0 tW Bold by Druggists, 70o. Inmvale. The snow storm the first af the week was a corker, It even stopped navigation on salt oreek. Mr. Elder Gay Garter (limited) was a weloome visitor in Inavalo last Sun day. He is B. & M. agent at Nap onto new. The Inavalo girls smiled to see him onoe more. Unele Phil Eddy baa returned to his boma here after an absence of six months spent in Pennsylvania, New York aad Canada. He is just as ar dent a pop as over, and says the pops are making great galas ia tke east. Everyone is glad to shake his hand onoe more, A plaaobett has been consulted in regard to the wedding spoken af in last weeks Utter and it stoutly af firms that Obristmas is tka time fixed. Thero is no going baok on the spirits so you may watch for farther particu lars. The dance at Ool. Olmstead's last Friday nigbt was a suooess in a small way. That is, owing ta the cold weather there was only a small erawd. Gearge Hammell says ha eajoyed himself perfeotly, however, aad that's enough. Mrs. Burwell gave a party last Sat urday night to the yeuag friends of her sen, Dr. Earl, tke oooasioa being bis birthday anniversary. It was a grand success. Skating is ripe aud several ekatmg matches have been pulled off already One in particular at Ool. Simon's raaoh. The mail route from here to Cora, Kaasas, has been discontinued to take offeot Dec. 7 this year. The routo will hereafter got all their mail from tha Rgok Island road at Smith Oentro. The Iuavalo broom faotory is now raaaing fall blast and working a larger fares of mea tbaa avsr before, fiibby & Co. are proprietors and are taraiag autaa extra goad article. Tka IaavaU aekoel U pref ariag to give aa eatertalameat ! tka aaar Or. Prica'a Craaaa Bakteg Pewar A Pare tlraps Craaas ej Tartar Pewdar. ! V.&J 1H-. NUMBER 48 Baking Powder tf MV future, for the purpose of purnhasiag backs far the library. Wateh for tha date. It will be a ataaner. B. O.K. Good adriee: Nerer leave home act A I jonraey wlthoot abottlaofOhamberlalaw ' I eolio, cholera aud diarrhoea remedy. For I sale by Dbyo 4 Qrlee. ' J iin ej SCHOOL ITEMi. ''l Kdltrc.li, MU Mamie Welileman, HitnnriHM i 'eaniwtta Dilly. No school Friday tttternoon in tka) fifth room, on account of refuanl of tin) atove to supply warmth for the room. Number four n w hange on the wall. Quite an improvomunt. Why not make it hotter? Examinntion in Botany Wednesday forenoon. Tim Foniora ex poo t to com mence CherniHtry, Monday. Miss Ella Cook taught the Physiology class Wednotidity and Daixy Friable tka E'omontry Algebra. Paul Diuksoii IihiI diHrg of the Gen eral Hiittory cliitR WdnemlHy. It in reported thitt Homuif the flftk room pupils huvo bmii playing truant. Rov. Muxfleld whb rf vary pleasaut call er Tuesday. Mr. John Potter, ono of the "noted" aoniora ot '05, was visiting the sonool Wednesday p. in. Mr, Wiutora waa a ploasunt cnllcr Wednesday p. ru. Tbo reception given to tho asnlora of '90 on last Suturduy evening was n da lightful Bffuir Everyone reported it it vory eujojablo ovening. Where were the seniors Tue .day and Wednesday? Only four being present both days. One ot the high school teachers de cided to briog a large sized slipper with her on Monday morning "a good thing." The elites of 94 boustod of reading more Cicero than any other previoua class. The clnse of '95 bonuted ot read ing tho moat (Jicro of any claw. Hut wait, the claaaof '90 will come out uhead of all previous olasees. ST. VITUS DANCE, A Pkyalclaa Praacrfbaa Dr. MHMf Reataratlva Narvlaa. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.: My daughter Mattle, aged 14, waa afllclat last spring with St. Vitus dance and act vousness, her entire right side waa nam and nearly paralysed. We consulted a ahf slclan and he prescribed Dr. Miles' Restora ClvoNorvlue. 6ho took throe bottles before wo saw any certain signs ot improvement but after that she bogan to Improre very fast aud I now think she is entirely cured. She has taken nlno bottles of the Nervine, but no other medicine of any kind. Knox, Ind., Jan. 5, '05. H. W. nosrama. Physicians preacrlbo Dr. Miles' Remedies because thoy are known to bo tho result of the long practlco and experience of oaeot the brightest, members of their profsaslea and are carefully compounded by experi enced chemists, In exact accordance with Dr. Miles' prescriptions, as used ta ale practice. On sale at all druggist. Writ for Da. aWca'atokoaUeafeertaariMarvsn, Da. MUee Medical O., Bakait, laf aV WLen tfmriiaa lsisfarn laasalL ri bugs MVNwna ganpsata aanaaam j Dr. Mllw' Notvo riaatert) for BhenmaMsSM , j-fc. vvr.-c, ,- -s.'v. V MpawifcpjiiiytiiyM..m?.ya3sC'Tt I f l,i I it J u 'A vrn M ? fi U' "4. A' iKPl 'm j fl ,Jr $" i