The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1895, Page 9, Image 9

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h A
:lectric appliances
.1 I. .4 . V v .rtkX lit..
Mrs, A. J. Btcarns, of West Stockholm, St Lnwrcnco Co.. N. Y under dnto of July 81, 1898,
W ' Word fait mo to express my grailtudo to Dr. A. Owen for ttio bonctlt I lmvo tad from
islnf all Eloctrlo Appliances. Ilcforo uslnir tho appliance I was po weak I could scarcely
tUndsaonoi had been confined to mj bod sinro last October. After tlio third dny'suso of tho
ippllance I could walk several steps; ono week lator I walked around tho house, and In less
than one month I was abio to rldo out, and nor 1 enn walk a mllo or tnoro without fooling
tired, May Qod bless nndsparo you to your many friends for ears to como."
Mr. Axel J. Rkblado. of Wnlsbunr, Kan , under dato of July 30th, 180. says: " Having
used tbe Dr. Owen Klcctrlc Appliances for SJe rvoiiHiicnH for tho pant few months, must
ay they arc ahead of any treatment. I am cured of tho worst form oi Nervous Disease."
Mr. A. Nlbek, or Mlddlcfleld. Iowa, writing us on Juno 27, 18?1, snys: "This Is to certify
that I bare derived tnoro benefit from using tho Owen Elcctrlo Appliances for a severe ceso
of kidney complaint and nervous prostration than from huudreds or dollars spent for doctor's
Mils and medicine"
Our Large Illustrated. Catalogue contains many endorsements, llko above, besides
ost of appllancos, and much valuablo information for the allllcted. Send 0 cents in stamps
for It at once.
When writing parties about tholr testimonials enclose a self-addressed itaraped cnrelopo
to Insuro n reply, wo lmvo boen before tho public many years, and our Electrical Appliances
bare become a recognized standard of merit.
The Bicycle and the Corset.
The Paris correspondent of tbo Lon
don Truth says that tho longvoxod ques
tion of tho corset is in a way to be set
tled once and for all. Neither doctors
nor rational dress reformers will earn
the credit of tbo chaugo, thanks boing
due to the cycle only. Cycle tailors and
trainers in Paris ore dead set against tho
4 ' There's no answering for your safety,
adame," says the trainer, "if yon
must go on keeping your conventional
figure. You need every mtucle in your
body and every muscle free. A ceinture
Just deep enough to sustain the waist
band of your knicka (knickorbockers,
pronounced "kneelu") is all I can al
low you. Indeed the knicks should be
so light as hardly to weigh on the hips.
The cycling dross should be so light and
eUstio that in wearing it one should
scarcely feci dressed were it not for the
warmth. "
We look in Paris on a gown wearing
woman on a oyole as a sprawling carl
catural creature, with no sense of fitness.
If our forehead is rigid with wrinkles
before 40, what will it be at 70? There
la one consoling thought about these
marks of time and trouble tho death
angel almost always erases them. Even
tfca extremely aged in death often wear
a smooth and peacoful brow, thus leav
ing our lost memory of them oalm and
tranquil. But our business is with life,
foowlingis a silent kind of scolding.
It shows that our souls needsweoten
ing. For pity's sako let us take a sad
iron, or a glad iron, or a smoothing tool
of some sort and straighten tho creases
out of our faces before thoy bocomo in
delibly engraved upon our faces. Ex
change. A Seventh of New York's Population. .
The Jews number fully one-Beventh
of the city population, and whenovcr
steps are taken that nppokl to the sects
in any way, and soctoriah representa
tives are inoluded in tho movement, it
is unjust not to ask tho Jewaos well as
the Catholics and others to be included.
-Jewish Messenger.
"I esoaaed being a confirmed dyspep
tic by taking Ayer's Fills in time." This
is the experience of many. Ayer's fills,
whether as an after-dinner pill or as a
remedy for liver complaint, indigestion,
flatulency, water brash, and nausea,
Orif Ml mm& Oal v flMalBA.
r. ! nlltblt. umii uk ,
DraHM ht CHUkulf MfUik l)t A
MtiMmJ U lUd u4 (,'oU BtulUoV
Mim, m11 wim kin, ribboa. Take '
Ikar JtAMt dmnatrauM niiiHiu.
MftJ mnd iaUlatlamM. AEflra.lMa a.mriI m-
IJDyMO TUw1ftli. Xk4iyt
IV-"1, ' r rctara
LcsjhI Notice,
Orsen II. Truman, defendant, will tako notice
that on the 3it day of October, I8M. plaintiff
Died her petition In the district court of Web
ster coumy, Nebraska, against said defendant,
the object and prayer of which aro to procure
a divorce upon tho ground of non-support and
You are required to answer said petition on
or befttre tho Oth day ol December, 1899.
Dated October 30tl, 1893.
Br A. Fletcher, yialntlH
I aaBBiH
iBEVI-77ra.&JL W ...... l. -.JT,,1I
bjbbjb wansiHiiire ausa avtaamjvs nuffa
in kVJ
- wm
i i - im
Ek Veata a Showman In England Has
Taught ThrVi to no.
A showman in EiYrlauil, Clnrko by
namo, has succeeded it training a largo
number of cats to perform remarkable
tricks. Ono of these 11 to walk ovor n
long line of living ran, mice and ca
naries, stepping very catjfully botweon
tho fluttering little bodiVj of birds and
mice and burning nono It thorn. An
other cat climbs by a rote to tho roof,
seizes tho haudlo of a parihuto and do-
icends by it to tho ground from a con
liderublo height.
Mr. Olarko repeats wat is woll
known that tho cat is tho i4ost difficult
of animals to train to tho performance
of tricks. Ho has trained tears, lions,
leopards, tigers and other wild animals
and finds thorn teachablo ana submissive
when compared with cats. who cat in
deed can nover bo so for conVuerod that
her performances may bo defended on.
Mr. Olarko's ontortainmeim includes
only 80 trained cats, but ho
i to tnko
With him 00, in order that ho
bay lmvo
substitutes for thoso that will
ot per-
Ho calls tho cat a "hopolossVindle
of sensibilities. " Strike nor once, hough
only by accident, and Bho will uover
perform again. Kindness is notVouly
politic, but absolutely necessary, fcmo
of his cats it took him four yean of
ceasoloss effort to train.
Mr. Clarko's cats aro oxtromoly iku
ot him. When ho enters his "cat
bio," tho mowing is prodigous, and
is instantly buried in a moving mont
of cats.
Tho difficulty in tho cat's trainin
does not lio in tho animal's intolligonco,
but in her disposition. Sho is as clovor
in her tricks, if sho likes to do them, as
a dog, but she does not wish to subor
dinate her will to that of any living
creature. Sho does what sho wants to
do only and will porform, if sho perform
at all, only to plooso herself.
Thoso that havo seen cats ongagod in
boxing matches will not be surprised to
learn that Mr. Glarko has succocdod in
training two oats to box very scien
tifically. I
Tho animals that walk over tho chains
of rats, uico and canaries without
touching them aro only six in nu nber.
Any of the others would help them elvea
to these appetizing creatures w thput
compunctions. These six were bnujght
up from their earliest infancy in naat
ateiwith rata, mice and birds and liv with
them constantly. Youth's Comp nion.
Held by Hair.
In a gathering of officers of ir the
Franco-Prrusian war a Fronch ifllcor
olaimod that tho French nation s tho
most artistio nation on tho oarjL and
that her artisans can mako a tl ng of
bonnty out of anything, howovc: ordi
nary or cruuo.
Tho creat Prussian aonornl. Vn Mnn.
toufol, who was present, plucked t hair
from his shaggy beard, romarkiu "Lot
worn mako somothing beautiful jut of
Tho French officor sont tho h r to a
friond in Paris, tolling him tho rcum
stances nnd urging that, as tl Prus
sians had dofoated tho French in nlntn
war, thoy Bhould not bo porm cd to
iQoioat tnom m tne claim to arti o sa-
promaoy. Giving tho hair to a fablo
artisan, with nronor instructs l thn
result was a uoautllnl scarfpi: rspro
sontlng a Prussian caglo, art ically
wrought in gold, standing on rock,
ana depending from his bonk w a sin
glo hair, at tho ends of which o two
noautiful gold modallions, on mo
which was inscribed "Alsaco" tid
tho other "Lorraino. "
ThuH.tho artistio scarfpin itly de
scribed tho political situation : russia,
as the englo, with its conquor prov
inces dopondont, but hold by a iir, for
tho temper of tho people of Alco and
Lorraino was Wftnr tmmni L nr.
mans, and tho tie which hold ttm was
Tory sugnt.
In eases where dandruff. nnli
falling and grnynoss of the hai
do not negleot them, but nnnlv
remedy and tonic like Hall's Hajlieuew
Did If e l'leasea.
Whun tho conductor had lookod at the
ttokot and puuohed it, lio stooped ovor
and stuck it in tho hatband of tho dig
niflod fat man, nt which tho fat man
bocamo onrngod.
"How daro you take nuoh libortios
with mol" ho shouted, "Who told yon
to stick that ticket in my hat? Don't
yon soo that I'm a mnn of itiiportauco
and vory sousitivo? It's all very woll to
bo frosh with tho jayp, but you havou't
any right to insult uio."
Ho took off his hat, rouiovod tho tick
et nnd oontiuuod: "You think booauso
you'ro a couduotor on this road that you
can got as gay as you liko, but I'll teach
you that you'vo got mo to deal with,
and I'm a taxpayor at that. You can't
stiok tlokots in my hatband, oven if wo
aro strnugors nnd you nron't nwaro of
my social position."
Ho fumod about for nbont an hour.
Then tho train passod Albany, nnd tho
conductor ennio nroutid again. Ho took
tho ticket from tho baud of tho dignilled
fat man, punched it nimin and ouco
more put it in his hatband absoutmlnd
edly. "Soo horo," tho fat man ronrod,
"didn't I toll you boforo not to stiok
that tiokot thoro? That's a pioco of gay
noss I wouldu't stand from my own fit
thor, nnd bo's boon dead llvo years. I'll
roport yon to tho boss of tho wholo
road, and if ho doosn't holp mo I'll
ganiblo in tho atook of tho company and
hammor it down so that thoy '11 bog for
Aftor thoy paBsod Utica tho conduct
or ropeated tho porformanco with tho
tiokot nnd tho hatband. This was moro
than tho dignified fat man could put up
With. Ho jumped to his foot, grabbed
tho condnctor by tho collar and said
ho'dbo blamed if ko'd stand it any
"That's all right, " ropllod tho con
ductor, "but it's arulo of tho compauy.
You'vo oithor got to keop it in your hat
band or in your mouth. Thoro is no al
ternative. If you profer it, you can put
it in your mouth, loaviug tho end in
full view, bo that I can boo it as I pass
"Woll," said tho fat man Btontly
thoro is nothing Btrango in a fat man
spoaking stoutly, is thero? "woll, then,
I profor to koop tho tiokot in my month.
Being n froo Amoricnn citizon, I nm do
terminod to do ns I blamed ploasot"
and ho kept it in his mouth nnd preserv
ed his Americanism. Mow York Her
ald. Disappointed.
Mrs. Wiokwiro throw down the paper
in a way that betokonodBomo irritation.
"What's the matter, door?" askod
Mr. Wiokwiro.
"Oh, nothing."
"Ob, yes, thoro was somothing. What
was it?"
"Woll, if yon must know, I saw a
lino in tho papor about 'Chinoso worst
ed, ' and it turned out to bo Bomothlug
about that tirosomo war. I thought it
was some now kiud of dross goods."'
IudianapoliB Journal.
Tbo Boston Budgot tolls of a gonial
Harvard instructor who, with his laini
ly, has boon spending tho wintor in
Borne. Tho other day a Boston friond
reoeivod from him tho following lottor:
"MyDeah : Yon will bo glad to
hoar that I am woll and enjoying my
self. Mrs. X. and tho ohlldron havo all
boon Bick taking advantago of tho faot
that thero is a dootor horo who charges
only $1 a visit."
She Drew the Line.
Mrs. Qray Havo you named tho 'ba
by yot?
Mrs. Whito No, wo haven't sottlod
a name yot, but ono thing is cortaiu
I novor will consont to any of tho
nines that Mr. Whito called it tho oth
orViinut whon it criod bo for two hours.
oston Transcript,
Her Fear.
Ndl Do you know, I was all nlono
in tip conservatory for ton minutes
with that fascinating Charlio Fullorton
last eSniug, nud I was so afraid.
Bolk 8o afraid of what? Afraid ho
was gang to proposo to you?
Nolly No, afraid ho wasn't. Sonier
vlllo Journal.
A Surprise.
"Jay nother-in-law nevor
stands a Joko," says a correspondent,
"so I waKsurnrised to rocoivo a lottor
from horn few weoks after my littJ
boy bad stallowed a farthing in whJn
tho last vtirds woro, 'Has Ernost got
ovor bis fliancial difficulties yot?'"-
No Help For It.
"Sooms to mo you havo put an un
usual amount of sinoko in this fire
boouo," mildly complaiuod tho editor.
"Had to do it," said tho artist. "I
hadn't any idoa how high tho building
was, bo I had to hido it, Soo?" Cin
cinnati Tribuno.
Not Competent to Judge,
Miss Chatter What fool killors
cigarottos aro I Don't yua think bo, Mr.
Mr. Noodloby Woolly, I couldn't
say, Miss Chatter. I nevor smoked ono
in mo life, dontchorknow, Lifo.
Not So.
Diok What! Out of a job again? I
bought you had a pormanout plaoo?
Tom So I did. Thoy said tho build
ing was fireproof; but,, confound it, I
was fired in loss than a fortnight. Bos
ton Transcript
Didn't Believe It.
Sho I know I'm cross at times,
John, but if I had v& lifo to llvo ovor
again I should marry you just tho eama
no I havo my doubts about that,
my dear, Philadelphia Timos.
Trouble In the House.
"Katr'no, you do Bomot'ing wrong
mit do larnnco. "
"Vot do mattor is, HanB?"
"Cold hoat coming up. " Ghloago
-. Jf
.. wM- . -vul"ny cnnngeti
itMedalaniiDlploa.,",i -older during tho night.
s-wfr'M" ., -u-fJaetny chnngetl several degrees A pme Crape
Tho Coming Woman.
Now York World,
A Lost Opportunity.
"And bo sho rojootod you? I suppose
you told hor you woro 0 foot?"
"Yos, but what has that got to do
with it?"
"Everything, my boy. You should
toll hor that you woro 0 foot onoo, "but
that you nro only G foot 1 1 JjJ now. Sho'd
havo snapped you up as a bargain in
stantor." Boston Trausorlpt.
It Worried Him.
Chaplain Havo you road tho doatk
warrant to that Boston murdoror?
Sheriff I havo.
Chaplain How did ho tako it?
Shoriff Vory much tohoart. Hosali
that tho phrasoology and composition
woro faulty from beginning to end.
Now York Horald.
Opening; Ills Eyes.
This is tho Fc.i'ion of tho yoar whon
tho young man who is going to gradu
ate from collogo this summor begins to
wonder how ninny if G, 000 positions will
bo ollorod to him tho first month aftor
ho acquires his dogroo. Ho will know
all ttbout it beforo Aug. 1. Somorville
Out of Muilcal Circles.
Sporting Editor What kiud of music
is this "Dio Walkuro?"
Fiuauoial Editor I guess it must be
a kind thoy play with footuotos. De
troit Froo Press.
tho girl who Uvea next door to mo Is young
And pornevorlnK.
Sho practlcis from 6 a. in. till breakfast time
melt day ;
Bho plays tho old wornout tunes until
I'm tlrvd of luaring
And mnkes tho nntuo mistakes each time la
tlio sumo unurrlnit way.
Bho's added to hor powers of latnbv capturing
n lovor
A tenor flat who comes each night at eight
o'clock or so.
Thoy sing duets uud popular airs over again
and over,
And often it Is twelve o'clock before he
starts to go.
Tho nclkhborx rngo and swear. I daro not Join
their scornliiKS.
My youthful ulna havo found mo out. I suffer
and am mute,
for in my early manhood, In splto of tears
and warnings,
I used to spend my evenings In practicing
tho flute.
-Prlsclll Leonard In Life. I
Six weks ngo I suffered with n sovero
cold; wns nltnost tinnblo to epeak. My
friends nil mlvlsed mo to consult n physi
cian. Noticing Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy advertised in tho St. Pnul Volks
Zeitung I procured n bottlo nnd nfter
taking it n short while wns entirely woll.
I now most heartily recomraond this re
medy to unyono suffering with n oold.
Win. Keil, 078 Helby Avo., St. Pan), Min.
For enlo by Deyo it Grioo.
Wood Wanted.
Tho Uon Ton bnkory wanlB twonty
cords of 1 and ,1-foot wood at onco.
Tor Kent,
Tho Congregational pnrsonngo. In
quire of K. M. Martin or II. E. Pond,
K cup of muddy coffee Is not whole
some, uelthor is a battle of muddy modi
due. One way to know a reliable and
skillfully-prepared blood-pnrlflor is by
its freedom from sediment. Ayer's Bar
saparilln is always bright and sparkling,
because it is an extract and not a deooo
tlon. Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
i i m si - i
W. B. Itoby will tnko eggs in oxchungo
for iiour, fruit, food, grain, etc Bring
on your oggs.
-HI II ' .Ml-
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powdef
so pure or sogreat la leav
ening power as the RoyaL (
ITIurkvt Iloporf.
Corrected weekly by Itcd Cloud 1'rodiice Co.
Wheat 40 Vi
Corn now...., IS
Cornold 40
Oats now lfi
Ryo 2o
Barioy M
FIhjc 75
Hogs a 10
Butcher's stock 2 002 CO
Butter 1ft
rB ! test ! 10
Potatoes 25 & 30
(Spring chickens per lb 0
Old hone nor lb 4
Hay per ton 3 003 CO
A Good Furin for Sulc.
Pour miloB north-west of ltod Cloud,
contuininir 100 ucres. TorraB reasoiiublt.
Apply to Mre. Jus. Kirkwood, Fairfax,
Atchison county, Mo.
On and aftor Nov, 1, 1805, oil is 20 els,
pot gallon or llvo gallons f r 00 eta. from
taiu-1 1 "---John F, Jessen, Prop,
. V.., U v-frrMiJ.
oni Ammonia,
25 Years
It is a gTcat ltiistnkc to rely upon the
mercurial and potash remedies with
which doctors usually treat blood dis
eases. It is also useless to tukc n reme
dy which is only a tonic, and cannot
possibly touch n real blood trouble.
Scrofula is a stubborn and dccp-icatcd
disease of the blood, and all of tlio min
eral mixtures in the world cannot cure
it. S. S. S., a purely vegetable com
pound, gets at the root of the disease
and permanently rids the system of it.
It is a teal blood remedy, for real blood
diseases, and has no equal.
Here Is an interesting ense where the
doctors were absolutely at sen.
Mrs. Y. T. lluck is the highly esteemed
wife of a well-known and prosperous
farmer residing near Delaney, Arkansas,
l'or twenty-five years she has been trou
bled with a deep-beated blood disease
that baflled the skill of the doctors. She
says: "Some doctors called my trouble
liczema, some Salt Ubcuiii. nud others
Scrofula, nnd though their treatment
continued for years, they could not cure
me. I then began taking various medi
cines, and took nearly every advertised
bjood remedy. One especially which
makes such largo claims for curing dis
eases of tne blood, I drank by the whole-
ale, but it aa not seem to reacn my
rouble. A celebrated specialist said
e could cure mo aud I paid mm in na-
, put lie inicu me iuu oi nrscnic
became bloated and my digestion
I that life was a misery. I then
applied to Dr. W, C, Dabucy, an old
practitioner and medicine manufacturer,
who advised me to take S. 3. S., saying
that rfSnt dozen bottles would cure me, 1
took four pottles and my body broke out
tn bolls bud. eruptions, but the doctor
told mo that these symptoms were very
faVorable, ai this is the way the mcdl
iine gets rid pf the poison matter perma
nently. Aitcr t Imd used six bottles tho
eruptions began to disappear, my appe
tite improved, my digestion became all
right, and having finished the twelve
bottles, I am perfectly healthy, my skin
a clear, tne catunarv circulation is
clear, uie capumry
good, and I would not be in my former
fj. 6. 8. never fails to cure a blood
trouble. Scrofula, eczema, rheumatism,
oontagious blood poison, and in fact any
disorder of the blood is promptly wiped
out and cured by it. Do not rely upon a
simple t6nie to cure a deep-seated blood
disease, but take a real blood remedy.
S. 3. S. has made eoinc wonderful
cures of cancer, and we would be pleased
to send full accounts of same to any ad
dress. Wc will ulso mail our books on
blood aud skin diseases upon applica
tion. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Go.
for Coughs, Colds,
and Consumption
is beyond question the greatest of all
modern medicines. It will stop a
Cough In one night, check a cold in
a day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma,
and curt Consumption if taken in
time. " Vou can't afford to be with
out it." A 25c bottle may save your
life I Ask your druggist for it. Send
for pamphlet. If the little ones have
Croup or Whooping Cough
use It promptly. is sure to tint.
Tart t Slut 45c, 50c. and St. All Dmlil.
16 (t- m Chambers St., JV. Y.
Kansas City, Mo Stock Yards.
A.T, MUSTION. iCmir. -on-
.P. Mr MURRAY. (8SMfN.
I. W. T. OflAV, OrncE.
Feeders Furnished
Market Reports Tieo.
I'lilillciitloii or Niiiiiiiioiu.
In the District Court ot the Tenth Judicial Ills
trlct, In and for Webster County, Nebraska.
L. Uaum, plaintiff, i
Kilwaul Noble, and Nollo, his wife, whoie
first name Is unknown, und uxainst tho un
divided ono half of the northwest qiiHrter,
and I lie undivided one half of the southwest
quarter of section nineteen, township one,
inline twelle. west of tho sixth principal
incilillnn, In Webster county, Nehinsku.
Tlioilifeudniits. Kdward Noblu nnd .... No
ble, Ills wile, and all persons who lmvo or claim
to have any Intorest in, claim to. rllen on tho
IIOOVN ue-iuiiirLii il'iii iiuici i), mil iiiko iiiiiiuts r
umioii mwiuiii utiv 01 ucioper, iya, uiu anovoi
tiiiineil ulalntll! Hied his netltioii In the nlinvo'.
eiiniieii louri, me unjeci anil irnyr 01 which
aioforun aecniintliiK of Urn miiu due him by
---- r -.---... . . - . . ' :. ". ..... 1. I
Tlrtuooi cer.iiin uixuceus issiikiiio s.iui piaiu
till by Hie tipiisurer ol said Webster county,
ji' to purchase of suld luiul by said plain
llif for tin) ln of IbtW, 011 the lUth day of April,
1WJ, fni i loicelosuro ot Uefciiduiits' Interest
In H.1I1I ireinli'S nun for the foicclnsure of tlio
luleieMs nf nil persons wliomsoevci' In s.ilil
mil, in) 11 sum 01 s.tiu premises, mm roi mi
imll.ilile i
HI,' 1 oiler 111 llio nruliilsus.
'llio nemnns above notllled aro rcutilreil to
persons above notified are required
r s jhl tiotltlin on or before the 9tli du
answer said petition on or before the Dili day of
December 13. or the samo will be tukeu as
December iuo. or tue samo win
true and decree passed accordingly.
Cream of Tartar Powder.
Alum or any other rduiteraat
m Hi 15 gft
iirnd vV'tiltPB'
Hlltl-TI r Hiiitch .McrvlreiHiimlavatlOiM
x-' it in .mil i hi ii nu Hiiinliiv nrliniil atl2inon.
V r ,h c I', nt n-:u p in nnd Yl'HU K Juniors nt
pONOlir.dAHONA'. Church-Hervlrps at in(
yj no itiii, anil 7 witi mtSiiinlav school at II tso
a m, V I' t: i; nt 0:30 p m and V V 8 O K Jun-
jors ut 4 p in
MKIIKiitivi'Cliurrli-lilasiMpellnx at 10 at
iTl in. Services at 10:31 a in and 7:30 p. m.
MiiiHl;i-ciiiini ni ii.nou, in. Junior f.oapno a.
4 ut, rpiMitili t,e:iuniiit p, in, I'rajor
Moplinit etery WVitni'siliiy nl)ht. I'arsonrfRe
dial i1nr ii'irlli of thuetiiiu'li.
2A11 IsrtMiuroli lri-itnliliiK at 10:30 a.
iiinl p. in. Hiiiiiliiy-nehooi at 12
i)uiir 1','ople's Moollnit nt 8 p. m. I'ra
nli'4 Mmillnif nt fl ti. tn. rrarrr
Mci'Miik Weilneiil.iy at 8 p. m.-O. H. Welden,
l,M'I.SC()l'.t, Chureli
w I'l'Ks, by nipolniiii
etery two
T.UI IItCUN Chiirr-li-Kvory third Himday
1J miirnliu; nt in oVlnek.
rArilOI.HM'liureli Services evory alternnto
J Siiniln ntin-.Tia. in. Simday-iehool utter
innnlinr services I... I. llarrlimlon. t
CIIAI'HI simdav scliuol nt 3 p m every Hun
ilav. Koi'irrir.s.
AIIU W Knell nlteni'ito Tuesday ovenlnR.
DUK II-l(eil ClolHI LotUii) (!. , Ml O ft,
meets nvoivnlternntoTiiesiUy evening 111 K
O II W hull. All nn Invited tn altnml.
BKN Adliem IahIko .No IhOj IO O K every
day night.
CAI.ANTIIK LoiIki-No'.-O, KlilRllts ot l'jtlilas
Tim rsilny evenliiK.
Ul'l) rimid IiiIko No COS. Mmlorn Woodmen
of Anierlf 11, nlternalo Wednesday evcnlnir
VAI.l.KY ImIko No R, fraternal Order ot l'ro
lectors, first and third Monday ot each
CIIA1IIIY IhIko NnWAC and A M each
l'rlilnv eveiilmt on or heforn tho full moon.
UI'.D Cloud Chapter No
'lhnrsilay eveiilnn.
IS, HAM alternate
CYHKNK Commauilcry No 14 alternato Tliurs
diy ovenliiit.
pilAUITY Clnipter Eastern Star Not7tnoeU
sj nrst I'rlilny evonlug nttor full moon. Mrs.
lltewerW. M. .
GAUFIi;i.l) I'ostNnftiKlA It Monday eren
lint on or before the full moon.
GAltriKM) W It O No 14 meets altirnate 8at
" ors of Veterans M onilav evenliiK.
1 1 S K A l,KY famp No a. B of V Tuosday nte- A I
11 nliiK 'fA
OlIUUJIAN 1 Ircle N03, ladles of II
J rst nnd tlilnl rt.itnrdiiy ovenlng.
the U All
Klil) ( I.Otlli I'mmeil No 18 IiyivlMysllo !
Inn ot America Unit and third l'rlilay ove
nltiu. "The" VTA7
I'nr tlmokooping nud durablj
boats tho suvonteon je
Dkuhkk IIampdkn
and oxamlne thorn. Also h,.
Jewehy, Dmniouds,
Spectacles, C.
l'luteil ami solid silverware, sonvenlrn
leiiilluiiilled knives mid forks. csrvH
ciiltliiK cnrtl cases, bon bon lioxes aid
imu'llli's. A lino line of spoetacles it;
jlnsits wllh liiterchaiiKahlti louses, steiJJ
til vim mill r.old frames, Hpeclal and csij
tviitlou imld to llttliiK tlio eo. My lint J
li.'iud watclios Is HUlto laro. I will run P
it less Ihiin tlirir actual worth. m
IJT-llrinKjour watch, clock nud Jev,
pair work, jour euitravlug nud your,
mid silver tome, ' i
T1IQ8. PE)
Do you desire to m
a am .m nwl
abmomjti: SArU
Mnkn niir moiiov earn ton a moll
riUUIIUIll 111111 1 1 I11....U ...lit, M 1 ..
a, 1. I.1 .....I i.iji.n til j.l.. .fnllt, ttu .
tliiiutic I'lan f Operation on small'
In trralu and slock ipcruUtloii. t
All we 111k is to Investigate our uv
Klnul melliods. l'ust norkltiKS o'
highest nfcrunces furnished.
"l'olnis & Hints" how to nmko,
other luformiitlon sout PHKK. i
1ii.5iohk& Co., Hankers mid Droj
Open Uoard of Trade Illdg A
1 vie;
llomocopattilc IbylclB,
Itvd Coiitl, Nobrit
Unieo V Irst National opposite Dank. . W
ijimniii- mrtrrtsni tifinivni iit liill
7M rtv PoMtM
Wlthoal Mf UMT1M
miodi on ui nM.i
bl nail. Jta . Itaula
ikla ftlur. whlu ui wmtth
fWl)f flrottiiw. of Mot Dynaii roroutu.
Irttfcliu. or mbi brnll forMtu. AMrMt p
a8i,rniiiii. r u ,inuit iM),y
rt )
4?liiktftMl fMarvtcriBO'sn fiuln.
VtlnA la liAihtf rrtvnn ilia liw ilmtiti
chattel tnoituage dated on tho third dayl
j my, un iiua uuiy niea in tue opice oi
county clerk ot Wobster county, Nebraska,
tho day of
189- nnd executed bvF
bert T., WrlKhtto Dempster Windmill CeJ
to secure tho p.i)inent of fs.oo nud.up
ii .. it... ....... . n. ib ...t.l. Af
lliei u is uuw uiiu inn oiu ui cJ vu nui
at ten per cent from dato thereof, wi
wusbeloie nuitiirlty endorsed y"
said Dtmpiter Wiiulnit
O. Hose and by raid
ot. ueiauit iniv
ef laid sum, in
therein UesciP'
mill tower 'ic K4 mmm
nbont 8vH .
una rVijJtB milMH.
iuh. iy
,N.0'Mkv Uabigi In ill a, ft. ft MJ
K' Wl I
The Clothier.
Htf,0 "-
-- t','-2'
...' .ft.Wl'