The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1895, Image 1

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- - - - mr-r-rmmm warn
' ,
k What cxoubo ie there for aot get
ting atroog and well? Paine's celery
npound, the world's great remedy
for eerveua woaknosn, oan bo obtained
at any druggist's in any eity or in
any town. Ono can get a beartier,
healthier appetite, purify the blood
and inorease its power of feeding the
serves and tiisues by taking Paine's
eelery compound.
It is the greatest invigorator in ex
isteaie. Oonvinoe yourself of the
feet. Try it.
Testimonials for publication are
taken quite at random by the pres ent
proprietors ot this groat remedy.
The letters are never "dootored."
Titles are nover placed beforo the
names of untitled people. Honest bu t
bsoure mon are never said to be
"honorables." Everyday kind of me n
who have been made woll by Paine'a
celery compound aro never paraded
beforo tho publio as "Tho Great M,r.
8o-ndiB0," er ''Tho Wondorfully
Suooesifully Mr. ' Tbia-and-That."
i&ases of ordinary siokness aro nover
elaborated into hidoous, impossible
When it happens that tho mail
brings a heartfelt Jottor from suoh a
nan as State Troasuror Golvin of New
York, or Mr. Carlisle's privato aooro
tary, or Edmund Russel, or Major
McShane of Montreal, or Rov. Fr.
fruollct, or Commodore Howell, or Mr,
Gillam of Judgo, or Ida Lewis, or ox-
Net nil
k jL t. Is tUe only positive Remedy known to the Medical Profession for
t SArntmtnArhmnic flifMim,it?:fn finnt. I limhflcrn. Sciatica. Nftiiralcin.
iMMUUWVUI W...V a.V...V.W...f
man neuralgia, uismenorrnoea, rsonasis, acroiuia, Liver ana
i$y Diseases. A Positive Cure effected in from o to 18 days.
a ? uii.i icv
I W h lift i.f . JB4k4 M
Minister to Austria John M. Franois,
or ny other widely known man er
women who expressly wishes others to
be benefited by his or her experience,
the proprietors of Paine's eelery com
pound gladly givo suoh unsolicited
testimonials to the publio press.
But one person's health is aivalua
ble as another's, and in publishing
the testimonials of people whom this
great remedy has made woll and
strong, no particular emphasis is put
upon suoh persons official standing.
The world is made up of what
Abraham Lineoln called "the plain
people." It is they whom Paine's
celery compound has most benefited.
Hero is a letter (vorbatim) just re
ceived from Louisa Pierce of Meletto,
South Dakota:
"I used Paine's oelery compound
first for rheumatism, and found that
it helped mo very muoh. I havo
sinco usod it for nervousness and kid
noy troublo, and havo recoivod very
much benefit from its uso, and consid
er it ono of the best of remedies. Mr.
A. Gady's peoplo uso it and think thoy
oan hardly get along without it in
the houso. I know of several others
that havo used it mat i am not ac
quainted with, but ono other lady,
Mrs. Ondoll, used it for nervousness,
and it made her woll."
Thoro is tho testimony of thousands.
Paine's color? eompound makes peo
plo well !
wwv.f tMimftwf ww-wwvwr .w-
r v. rATTiiur:
e mrf-- a.Btvwv
)?Tpp!Up- ihttjvth'K" 1(J(J(5IP; "" aglrft
' ' " i miim i !
SBBBBBBbW . . IMM i II i 1 1 II i - - . jua. ta" l"mrtii a nUTli TTtTTTUn frnn Siih ....
Kdltrcss, MHs Mamie Wclrioman.
iti,nri..r i ''eannotte Dilly.
importers fMaryKnmcs.
Max Mizor is again at school after
being absent several days for the pur
pose of swaying the rod of correction
over tbo little onos in the first room at
tho south ward, during the Bicknees of
Miss Beatrix Mizor. Mrs. Dickerson ie
now toaching that room. '
Tho Ninth grade wont to the river
Friday afternoon to get specimens of
rock for tho physical geography class.
Number 0 ie still on the wall.
Alice Bailey has again entered school.
Several seats woro ohangod Tuesday
morning for "good behavior."
Miss Emma Cooh visited the fifth
Tuesday afternoon.
Mesdamea Garber and Hacker were
visitors Wednesday p. m.
Miss Ray Lotson taught the German
clase Wednesday p. m,, Prof. Wilson be
ing busy at tho lower ward.
Henry Newhouse was a caller in the
fifth room Wednesday p. m.
Tho ninth grade boaata of two "pugi
lists" equal to Cotbett and Sulivan,
Havo you heard about the Algebra
work(T) of the eleventh grade. "Prico
15 centB."
Mrs, Garber and Mre. Hacker were
callers ot the fifth room Wednesday a. m.
Soveral of the ninth grado were very
much disappointed in the way a atory
which the teachor read to thorn, ended.
The high school was very much pleased
with the opening exercises Wednesday
morning. Instoad of singing only, quo
tations wero given. Wo wish for a varia
tion of this kind ottener.
Next week thore will only be throe
days of school on aocount of Thanksgiv
ing. It was reported that tbo pupils
wished that Thanksgiving would come
every week.
100 Reward, 0100.
Tho reader of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there ia at least ono dreaded
disease that soienoe has beon able to onre
in all Us stages, and that is Catarrh.
Hall's Oatarrh Gore is the only positive
onre known to the medical fraternity.
Oatarrh being a constitutional disease,
requires a aonstitotlonal remedy. Hall's
Oatarrh Care is taken internally aoting
directly on the blood i nd muoou anr
faoee of the system, thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease and giving
the patient strength by building np the
constitution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so muoh
faith in its curative powers, thai they
offer one hundred dollars for any case
that it fails to onre. Bend for list of tes
timonials. Address, F. 3. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0
HTHold by Druggists, 76o.
You certainly must oxcuae Inavale
this timo Mr. Hosmer as ehe has just
come-too since election. But thon it
waa just as we prediotod, the majority
was like that in the legislature last win
ter simply brutal.
The defeat of Geo. Cather for Super
visor in this district waa a sad blow to
us, but thon men who havo been roam
ing around inside populist grounds can
not expect to bo rewarded tho minute
they got baok to the republican fold .
Several Rod Oloud young peoplo were
taking in the eights of our beautiful city
last Saturday, among othora noticod
woro MIbbos Gertio Kaloy, Edith and
Flo Pulmor, Blanch Sherman and Emma
E. H. Pulmor will loavo this weok for
tho western part ot tho state whoro ho
has land and stock. He oxpects to bring
back a small herd ot good horses with
A dance at the houso of John Rutledgo
last Friday evening brought out the
crowd. Over Bovontoon couple being
Tho Orphean (or Orphan) quuttot ot
Rod Oloud Bang to a select audience at
tho Spunky Ridgo sobool house last Fri
day ovoning, Thoy woro uccompuniod
by ladies and ono or two othora from
their own nativo heath, probably bring
ing them along to tuko tioltota but na
the Spunkoy Rldgors all loft their money
at homo thoy hud to givo u free concert)
which was roportod exoollont. On tho
road homo thoy overturned, sovorlng tho
spinal column ot thnir carriage and dis
locating u couplo ot spoltos in onowhool,
Innvalo would lilto to Iiuvo tUoiu favor
them with n concert tho next full moon.
Two of InaveJe'e citizens were making
iW)ilfWtTTfT '"'TS ,w-yn-i"p rwv ' rTI-'r' ifJI'F 'TJiyj'
preparations to go to Donvor this wook
to be hoalod by tho Mosslah whon thoy
heard ot his disappearance Thoy still
have their ailments but thoy havo their
money yet nnd If they .had gono thoy
would have still had thoir ailments but
beon out tbelr dough.
Report has it that a notablo wedding
will bo pulled off at somo point noar
Inavale about Christmas. Tho Chirk
man would llko to bo prosont quite woll
but it is doubtful, as some one olso will
probably be chief man.
Mrs. D. J. Judson was an Inavalo visi
tor several days last week. "Do Jay"
comming up aftor her Saturday. Thoy
are old timers here and havo many
A social dance ia billed to come off
Friday evening ot this wook at tbo reel,
dence of L. O. Olmstead. A Rood time
at ihat place is assured in advance to
those who go.
Ool. E. M. Ladd has moved into bis
new dwelling houso. It is safe to say
that thore 1b not a houso in Webster
county finished as flno inside ns E. M's.
The chief engineer and architect on this
dwelling is Mr. Moses Kenyon into of
Seattle Washington. B. O. K.
Tho corn is about all husked in thoso
parts. It averaged about 1G bushels per
The Wilmet Bro. shipped a cur of
beets to Grand Island this weak.
Lester Koontz was in the vulo Sunday.
Mrs. Ayers of Red Cloud was visiting
at Mr. Olmstead's a few dnye lust weok.
A. F. Hartwell and wife were visiting
in Naponoo last week.
Mr. Hale's young folks were visiting
at Mr. Olmstead'e Sunday.
Mr. Eddy came home from New York
where ho has beon visiting this summer.
He says Nebraska Bults him yet.
Our popular agont Mr. Walters was
doing business in Red Oloud Monday.
Mr. Huntor and Alt McCall each ship
ped a car ot hogs Tuesday.
Link Kolso expects to move to Iowa
the middle of noxt woek.
The Inavalo croamery has started up
Thoy take cream every Monday.
O. Hunter now rides in a now buggy
having sold bis eld one.
Ahicn Strimqs.
How to Prevent Croup.
Somo reading that will prove interest
ing to yonng mothers, How to guard
against the disease.
Group is a terror to yonng mothers and
to post them oonoerning the cause, first
symptoms and treatment is the object of
this item. The origin of oroiip is a com
mon oold. Children who are snbjeot to
it take oold very easily and oroup is al
most sure to follow. The first symptom
is hoarseness; this is soon followed ky a
peouliar rough oough, whloh is easily rec
ognized and will never be forgotten by
one who has heard it. The time to act is
when the ohild first becomes hoarse. If
Chamberlain's Oosgh Remedy ia freely
given all tendency to oroup will soon dis
appear. Every after the oroupy cough
has devoloped it will prevent the attaok.
There is no danger in giving this remedy
for it contains nothing injurious. For
ale by Deyo Orloe.
Mr. Weave and family havo returned
from Ohio whoro thoy have boon living
for the last year but llko tho rest that
loave they return and say there is no
placo like Kansas.
Elder Lewis commenced a protracted
moeting at Mt. Hope last Sunday night.
Mr. McDonald Jost a cow and calf last
Mr. Scrlvnor and wlfo woro visiting 0.
W. Barrett's last Sunduy.
0. E. Kersey is teaching a vory bug
cesBtul term ot school in district 00.
Rov. Lowis vieitod Mr, Hooper last
Oscar Scrivner lost ono of his horBoa
last weok.
Jessie Supp has raovod into tho houso
were Mr. Nowland used to live. Jesslo
IntondB to start for Arkansas in a short
Thoro was n party at Crood Porry'u last
Saturday Might. All report a good timo.
Chintz Bua,
When Itoby ww elcU, wo gave her Cajtorla,
Whon sho was a C1UU1, slia cried for CastorU,
Whon iJio bocjimo Mta, eho cluug to Castoria,
When Uio had Children, Uio gave them Custorla.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Mrs. J. Bean started for Topoka, Kan
sas, Wednesday to visit her daughter
Mrs. Kelly.
JimAndorson and family started for
their homo noar Peru this etate on Tues
day. John McCallum had a team and wagon
stolen last woek by their hired man. No
trace ot tho thief can be found.
ProfeBBor Jenkins was in this locality
last weok tuning pianos.
Sheriff Ruuchoy was seen in this lo
cality Monday.
Wo nil know that any tired musole can
be restored by rest. Your stomach is a
mnsole. Dyspepsia is its manner of say
ing "I nin tired. Qivo me rest." To rsst
the stomach you mast do its work out
side of the body. This is the Shaker's
method of curing Indigestion, and its ana
orss is best attested by the faot that th-io
peoplo are praotioally free from what Is
without doubt the most prevalent of nil
diseases. The Htmker Digestive Cordial
not only oontaina digested food which is
promptly absorbed without taxing the
tired digestivo organs, bnt it Is likewise
an aid to the digestion of other foods in
the stomaoh. A 10 cent trial bottle will
convince you of its merit, and these you
oan obtain through all druggists.
LAXOL is the best mediolne for child
ren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
Fleasant Hill.
D. F. Trunkey aud wife spout Sunduy
in Guide Rock.
Miss Risslo Malock of Cowlea waa iu
Amboy Sunduy,
G. W. Baker and wife 'were visiting
near Bostwick last week.
Miss BossioHaU ot Red Cloud waa
the guoBt of Maud Miller Sunday.
Wm. Smith dopartod for Missouri the
Mrs. Young, mother of Mrs MeKinney
arrivod here Saturday evening for and
extended visit.
Joo Horburger and wife of Red Cloud
were calling hero Sunday.
Ed Doyle living twe mile east of here
bad his leg broken one day last week by
a horao falling on him.
Mrs. Storm of Red Oloud is sewing for
I. Frisbie'e.
Tbo choir will meet at Frank Frisbie'e
Wednosday ovening and at 0. 0. Coxe'e
Saturdny evening.
Mame Beal waa in Amboy Sunday,
S. Friable waa home Sunday.
Mrs. G, W. Baker was visiting her
daughter at Rod Cloud the first of the
Q, W. Baker sold two of his thoroug h
bred hogs.
Wo are glad to soo the smiling coun
tanenco of Louis Bealo among ua again.
Frank Frlabio is building a barn. It
is nearly complotod.
Hugh Beale spent Sunday at Mr.
A. Wutson and A. Groon held a con
foronco at Baoholor Kinnoy's cottage
Ai Merrot and A. Callahon spent Sun
day ut Bluo Hill.
Quito u numbor of Amboy people at
tended tho Sunday-school rally at Guido
Rook tho 17th.
Willlo Smith and Alta Baker called at
Mr. Suladen'o Sunday.
Miss Mutuo Boalo took dinner at 1,
Friablo'a Sunday,
A young couplo wqro examining tho
rceldonco latoly vacated by A. Callahon.
For tho purpojo ot ascertaining noeded
Ed Hlnco has nearly complotod hie
tannery and will soon bo in tho market
for ull kinds of groon hides,
The oniona on tho crook nn Hourly ull
oold, 0 W. Baker having oold all ot hie
Mis Delia uxlor wont to Cowloa
Sunday t view tho full moon throuiih
Dr, Pace's Cream Baking Powaer
A Pure drape Creass 1 Tartar Pewder.
- -
tho telescope at the Cowlos high school
A soleot crowd of society people gath
ered at the residence of Z, Barnee Sat'
urday evening "to trip the light fantas
tic toe."
Robert Mitcholl spent Sunday witk
Louis Beal.
Moses bad belter bf a little mors)
truthful in the future or Chief Ring-in
Nose will declare war against him.
Daisy Friable went to Cowlea Sunday
and vieitod friends and relatives along
tho road.
All the arrangements bave been com
pleted for a dinner nnd auppor at the
Amboy school houso Thanksgiving day.
Nov. 28. Thero will also be a musical
nnd literary entertainment at .1 o'clock
p.m. conducted by Susie Baker and
Samuel Miller. Everybody invited.
As'a scouts ure some
what under the weather since the dance
Ht Mr. Johnson's, our news ia somewhat
Auuov Indians.
The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of east
Brlmfield, Mhra., Und uiku aufforiag for
two days from upuralgi, not being able
te sleep or hardly keep Httll, whoa II r,
Qolden, the nxuohnut there sent her a
bottle f Chntulierlrtln'a l'rtlu Balm, end
asked that she give it u thorough trial.
On meeting Mr. Wella the noxt day he
was told thut .he whh nil right, the pala
had left her wiLhiu two hours, .nd that
the bottle of pain balm was worth 15.00
if it could not bu hid for less. For sale
at 60 cents per bottle by Deyo & Oriee'
Guy Porter Hule, eon of Finley B.
Hale, aged four years and fire months,
died at his home near Muntevallo, Mis
souri, Nov. C, of meiubruneoua croup
Little Guy wuu and intetesting child;
the joy of the household. Gloom and sad
ness now prevadee where but a few dayst
before all was happiness. v
When wo leave tills world vl chauges
When we leave tins world ot care,
We shall dud our missing loved onss
In our father' mansion fair.
His AuntM.
Epilepsy 20 Years.
Cured by Dr. Wiles' Nervine.
A few years ago, Mr. L. W. Oaltahor, was
an extenslvo, successful expert manu
facturer odumbor products. Attacked witk
epilepsy, ho was obliged to givo up his busi
ness. Tho attacks came upon htm moat In
opportunely. Ono timo falling from a carri
age, at another down atalrs, and often In the
stroct. Onco ho foil down a shaft la the
mill, his injuries nearly proving fatal, Mr.
Qallahor writes from Milwaukee, Feb, 10, 'M,
"Thoro nro nouo more mlaerablo than epi
leptics. ForSO yenra I with epilep
tic tits, having a. liiga an Uvo In ono night. X
tried any numbor of physlclnns, paying to
ono alone, a fio ot &00.00 uud baro done
llttlo for yearn but search tor something-to
holp me, and tuivo taken all tho loading
remedies, hut received no bouuilt. A year ago
my boii. dims. H. Oallulior, druggUt ut 101
Heed fit.,, (,'iivu mo lvr, Miles1
Ilostorattvo Nervine, uud I tried It with
gratlfyliiR rosults. Havo had but two ate
since I nognn taking It. I uiu better now ia
ovory way than I havo boon In SO yearn."
Dr. M Ilea1 Itcniod lea arq sold by druggists
on a poslilvo guarantee that tho flra bottle
will bonullt or price rofuwled, Itook on thej
Iloort and Nerves, free. Addww,
Dr, Mllca, Medical Op., WUhart, lad.
Dr. Silos' taA Restore Henttk.
" . i-.v bjftl. fi .jKt&'PAUT.
ril. V.'b..i. All J-' -JO,
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