r-' ."" (' ' , THE RED CLOVP CHIEF, FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1895. K ii if. -f i li? I 'i if when you buy inferior soap instead of the genuine Santa a aus Soap The favorite of every woman who ever used it either in the laundry or for all around the house cleaning. Sold everywhere. Maae oniy xy THE It K. FAIRBAHK COMPANY, Chicago. Netlce to 'icacHer. Notice in horoby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves at candidates for teachers of the publio sohools of this entity, at Red Cloud on tho third Saturday of each month. Special examinations will be held the Friday proceeding the 3d Bat wday of each month. The standing desired for 2d and Sal grade oertileates is the same no grade below 70 per eeni, average 80 far cent; for first grade eertiloate b grade below 80 per eeat., average flt per ee'nt. In all branches required bylaw. D. N. HrjNTiB.Ooanty Supt, BESFLINE v- 'TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA HY M M ARE HEELER xmm SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAU3B LADIES BUY THKM L.IKK THUS AND TELL JIKSW Many ladles have wed our machlnei twenty to thirty years in their family work Mil are still using the original machines jb furnished them a generation ago. Many of our machines nave run more an twenty years without repairs, other wan needles. With proper care they aw wear out, and seldom need repair. We have built sewing machines for jaore than forty years and nave constantly improved them. We build our machines a honor, and they are recognized every were as the most accurately fated and fcdy finished sewing machines in the a. our latest, the "No. o." Is th result of our long experience. In com psiitipn with the leading machines of the jrorW, it received the Grand Prize at the ftris Exposition of 1889, ns tho best, xher machines receiving only complU Btarymcdals of gold, silver andbronze. Tne Grand Prize was what all sought for. no our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. We ant dealers in all unoccupied territory, HEELER t WILSON MFG. CO. WWJSAMAVE.,Crtltta, . S. E. Cozad, Agt. sf-NASK & MoNITT, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Moo Bixx?k, - RED CLOUD, NEB. OotleotionB promptly nttended to, and erratpondenoe solioited. Notice or gHlc. Za the esatter ot lbs estate ot Hurnli A, Hop. klus.an iooatupetent person, Kottoo Is hereby given that In pursuance of sjaordcrotl", II, lltalt, judge o( the dlstilot dart of Webster county, made on H10 ninth -aayotKoveniber, 18, for tho salt of the real state hereinafter described, there will he sold at thy east door of tho court house In Ited Cloud reosur counir, neurasKu. on mo unit yoi bile ewuer. last, at ono o'clook p, m.. at aaiue to the highest bidder f er cash Ii 1 following described reitl estate the highest bidder fer cash In hand, I ring dxscrlbcd reitl .state twlt; haJt(nM) of the northeast nuarterl quarter (MUI 01 section throe. (s) tow two (2) north I two (8) . 11.. Wi wB(iu)vesitMtneBUtuit4., Webster '.natii braska, Halt sale will reaulu open stlsewsi KrObt, T, mterTlfUAitty: 4t-t8- m m Catarrh Uitttotlya Local Disease and Is the result ot sud den climatic changes. Ely's Croam Balm MS aaVafl Is acknowledged to bo the most thorough cure for Nasal Catarrh Cold In Head and Hay Fev er, ot all remedies, It opens aad cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain and Inflammation, heals the sores, protects the membrane from colds, restores (ho senses ot taste aad smell. The Balm Is applied dlreotly Into the nostrils, Is quickly absorbed and gives relief nt once. The results that follow catarrh, doe to the dropping of poisonous matter Into the throat. Irritation of the bronchial tubes and soreness f the lungs, accompanied by a ceugh. In all such caases wo recommend l'iueola Balsam to be used In connection with Cream Balm. ELY 8 l'INKOI.A, BALSAM will be found ex cellent lor all throat and lung Inflammations and tor asthma. Consumptives will Invariably derive benefit f rom Its use as It quickly abates thecoagb, renders expectoration easy, assisting- nature In restoring wasted tissues. There Is a large per centage ot those who sun-, noso their coses to b consumption who are only auf ferlng from n olironlu cold or deeo seated cough, often asiri nvatod hv catarrh. Iloth rom- cdles are pleasant to us?, i'rlco of Cream Haim.rjoc per bottle; llneola Balsam, 25c. in iiiamltteso( 2.w wo will deliver freo ot ex press or postage, on receipt ot amount, KLY DUOTHEIW, 66 Warren St., New York. R5WBST- HAI flUuMM aad bwaunas thalala rnmota, a luxuriant growth. Sfavav Valla va Baatara Om Juir to Ita YeuUkfal OoTot7 Ohm scalp AYmu Tbalr ftulaf, """"'" sHiBassvssiBB(Baai ThS ealy sura Car for Cam. Btopatfl fda-Ci mtw m tmtmum wuaiag tsar.uvav m st&nauu. aM Ckkkcatcr'a Eaallak Dluol . rENNYROYAL PILLS ttrtataal aai Oal Haaalaa. art, al.aj. rrllabla. taoica a.k ureiilrt Sir Cklr hitler $ KHttttk tilt-, nrtmi la Hta mil l.'olj m.ulllo in, aralai viib IiIm rittaio. Take U ilira4 for jiarlteaLrl, uallmonlal. aul "HUf J for radln," In Ulitr. bj rrtara I JU mnJ imllmt fan.. At llrula.a .iimIJ. tail. ii,ifuw iciimniui, itamt ruptr. W47 ?"TMrraaaiicBa vawamaaiaaa Paul "KSUSYK ... .aa.. uMn ' i. ni. Aent8. $75 iiak. Si.lailTa urrlter. Ta IUM m.kWak.r. Waikxallilia dl.tita for a rami) laaaa ralaata. VukH, lltiMa au4 dflta Ib.tn villi. l wttila( Ilia h4i. Y.a pain laa balloa, lha siaehlfca data lb. t.,l. nriaat, poll.bl dlibit, aad ebatrrul wlvtl. No acaldad .fiBrri,&aBll(lhaiidiorfflotblDi Nabrektadliba,aaniaaa, Cb.ap, darablt.aairaaiad.ClrealaiirKa. w. r. siuuuww t cex. cwtt a, is, caiaik, w. QHA'S. 80HAFFNIT. Insurance Agency, Represents Uerman Insurance Co., Vreeport, 111. Royal tusuiance Co., Liverpool, England. Home Fire Insurance Co., of Omaha, Nebr. Phoenix Assurance Co. ot London, Kng. Te Manchester rlre Aksarance Co. o( angland. Sritista America Assurance Co. Toronto, nan. utnal Heserve Fund Life Amu. of N. Y. The Workman Hulldlng and Loan Association of Lincoln. Nebraska. Offloe over Mizer'a Rxd Cloud, Store. Nbbbabk D R. J. 8. ENIGH, Dentist, RidOlodd, - Nebraska. Over Taylor'a Far at Cure Store. Extracts teeth without pain. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Porcelain Inlay, and all kinds ot gold fillings, Makes gold and rubber plates and combination plates. All work anisrantend to ho first-class. me CuM, ouiiqsis mem ail me Yost, work is Pefiecilon. me Densmorc, itie liqui Runnmo Densmoro. 101D Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. A.C. Hosmer, Agt., Ued Chud, Neb. HHDBR5?Bflkaw WSSJF-5rCL. 1 In akavlSfc! At Jr i-rimi alllaMl Hb I "A 1 TYPEWRITERS .BBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSpft. f3aVWaBBBBBBBBBBBHWnaV' IsvHHDDHlafV dBiHSssiWfla?'. HaMsaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBatafaB UidT wium uesco ADDITIONAL LOCALS. F. P. Hadloy, papor hanger. Mm. Grandma Albright is quite, sick. Rev. Mattox departed yestordny for Iown. O. II, Mehagan was in the city this wook. Cap. Houchin enys ho has gonp back on Kontuclty, his birth stato, bocauso she has gone republican. Mr. Foter Albright and wlfo cxpoct to return to Nebraska In a tow wooke, hav ing tired of Pennsylvania. Will Parkor has bought tho Hacker Btoro building and will erect a dwelling Just south of T. C. Hacker's. If you dosiro to havo your barbering dono nontly and quickly, go to Wtn. ZoluiT, Two doors south of Chief ofllce. "Last night," said a traveling man, "I nhoolti have missed my train and lost an entire day bat for a little information notioed in tti6 Rand-MoNally Guide, will never be without it again." The list of letters remaining at the postofllce uncallod for up to Nov 14, 189G: Denver Dan Langdon O 0 Little Geo Rector J N The abovo letters will be sent to the dead letter ofllco Nov. 28, 1895. If not called for. Fhank Cowden, Postmaster The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of east Btimfield, Mass., had been suffering for two days from neuralgia, not being able to sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holdeo, the merchant there sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, end asked that she give it a thorongh trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the next day he waa told that she was all right, the pain had left her within two hours, and that the bottle of pain balm was worth $6.00 if it oonld not be had for less. For sale at 60 cents per bottle by Deyo Grioe i niiliiii ii aa.aiaa Mrs. A. J, Carey is sick with ty phoid. We use the hest materials in our job department, Landlord Oatman will soon oeoupy the Holland House. Wm. Duoker is baok from a trip through tho northwest. Notwithstanding the hard times, The Ciiief'b subscription keeps grow log larger and larger. First-class job work at this offioe in every respect, or money refunded. Priees to suit the times. Landlord Dilly has purchased the MbKecby building, to be aBsd as a sample room for his customers. New batoher shep in Moon bleok. Fresh and salt meats, John Wil helmson, proprietor. Call and see him. Remember The Chief gives all the news far $1, besides giving you a handsome premium. You want the paper; wo want tho dollar. Red Cloud Encampment, I. O. O. F,, was re-organizrd in this city last evening. Grand Patuiaroh Kloin and ilcpresontativo tloagland woro present. A very pleasant time was tho result, Some rcullaxltles of Icebercs. Derelicts and icebergs are among the dangers to which vessels are constantly exposed, tho latter being perhaps the more formidablo of tho two, because there are more of them at certain sea sons, and thero is no telling when one of these monsters may hoavo in sight An ordinary iceberg shows one-ninth of its bulk above water. Dnring the pres ent season a number of these masses of loe at least 100 feet high have been encountered by steamships. It is scarcely possiblo to imagine an Iceberg with 900 feet of its bulk below water. One cap-, tain reports having seen an enormous field of ice at least 800 feot high and 3,000 foot long. It had evidently bnt just turned over, as tho upper portion was full of sharp angles and points, and tho wntor waa trickling down its eido. One of tho groatest dangers from ice bergs is being in thoir vioinity when they turn over. Tho Eca currents wash and molt thorn Into nil sorts of fantastic figures and points. Thoy molt below so much moro rapidly than abovo that tho ooutor of gravity becomes disturbed, and thoy turn with tremendous force. Somo times tho disturbnnco is almost equal to a tidal wnvo and is sufileiont to upset any small craft that may bo in its way. Now York Lodgor. To the Sufferers ol'KlieumHtlsnia After using Croft's Rbeumatio Onto for some time in my practice I tulfo great ploasuro in saying that it is tho most wondorf ul remedy for Rheumatism in fact, it is tho only ono I havo found for the ouro ot this disease in all Its va rious forms, D11. E. E. Toll, Chicago. 1 m m 1 . Donbtfat Sympathy,. Fat Began had a fnco on him that, as ho had onco remarked himself, was an ' 'offluso to tho landscape ' ' Next to his, homoliness his poverty waa tho most' conspicuous part of Mm. An Irish neigh bor met him recently, when the follow ing colloquy ensued: "An how are ye, Pat?" Molgktybad.iitoirelT. It'sakUrvtv i thaVs aktaria mm te ttu iaat" "tothala m ttHNiliiTaf pleasant for aythetf of yv' Montana Columbian. , THE WINDOW OF THE 80UL are tho eyes I loro black, brown or blue? 1 It matters not what 1m their shade or hue, ' Bo long as they nro loving, tender, true. rhoy nay bo blno ns bluest summer sky Or brown and black In deepest sliades tuny vie. I love the soul which moots tnlno through the ,eyo. the eyes which toll mo nil I enro to know, Whose orbs with sympathetic fervor glox And all tho heart within on tno.bestow The wldo world lioldoth liono that can oxccl. The soul within them doth my soul impel. Dear eyes, I thank them for tho tnlo they toll. Now York Tribune THE TRIPLE CALL DOWN. How Ilored Irish innn Silenced m Crowd of Seir Admitted denials. Thero woro four of them, as gonial, good unturcd, wholo xoulod retailors of old wives' talcs ns over got together in tho smoking compartment of a sleeping car. Thoy had all fed voll in tho diner and settled down with tho anticipation of enjoying n long evening of yarn swapping. Thoy spread thomsoives over as many of tho seats of tho smokor as thoy could cover and crowded Into a corner a largo, round faced, jolly look ing Irishman, who was enjoying his aftor dinner cigar. Somohow ho wasn't amused by tho stories. Tho narrators spread, themselves, but they couldn't feaze him, and tho bored expression on his face grow in Intensity as tho stories wont on. Tho stories woro not funny. Once in awhile thero was a gleam of humor, bnt for tho most part thoy were just commonplaco or vulgar. But they Boomed irresistibly Humorous to the four, who poltod their thighs and Wheezed and chorttlod and roared as each in turn finished his yarn. At last tho big Irishman could endure it no longer, and he broke in: "That reminds mo of the farmer who caught throe boys stealing apples in his orchard." Tho original four turned toward him with a look of expectant triumph, ready to yell at the first sign of conclusion. "Ho chased them, "went on the Irish man, "and they all ran up a tree. 'Come down,' said the farmer, but they wouldn't " 'Will yo como down for onco?' asked tho farmer. " 'Wo will not,' answered tho boys. " 'Will yo come down for twice?' "'Wo will not.' '"Will yo como down for three times?' "So thoy all camo down. " And with that tho big Irishman wink ed at tho only other man in tho com partment who was not of tho story toll ing crowd. Tho yarn spinners laughed uproariously for a second or two, and then a light wont up, as the Germans say, and they stopped suddenly. They looked at ono another for a minute, searching for tho point, and then one said, with a yawn and a stretch: "Well, X guess it's bedtime. Goodnight" And the party broke up, wondering. -Now York- on. , a Bliossa Acts like a poultice, drawing out fever and pain, and reinvig orating the entire Female Sys tem. It removes all obstructions and creates a healthy, natural flow of all secretions. It is the one natural cure for female troubles, because it is applied right to the diseased parts. Don't take internal rem edies for Female weakness.com mon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief and permanent cure. "Orange Blossom" is a sure, painless cure for falling and dropsy of the womb, profuse, difficult, irregular menses, leu corrhoea, ulceration, tumors, sick headache, constipation, sal low complexion. "Orange Blossom" is apastile easily used at any time. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address on re ceipt of $1 . Dr. J. A. McGill & Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. For Sale by C. L. Cottlng Red Cloud. Legal Notice. State of Nebraska, I Webster County, f " At a County Court, held nt the County Court Koom, in aim for sum uouuiv, November -.'J, A. II. 1836. In the matter of the estate ot David II. Robin. son. deceased. On rcadlug and tiling tho petition of Cynthia Kouinsim, erasing uiai mo uisirumeni, meu on thetddnyot Novcmbor, 1898, mid purporting to be tho last Will mid TctainiMt of the mid deoeuod, may be proved, approved, probated, allowed, and recorded us the last Will and Tes tament ot tho xnlcl David II. Robinson, do ceased, mid mat the execution of said Instru ment may tie committed and tho administration of said estate may bo granted to Cynthia ltob Inson as executrix. Ordered, that Novomber 30th. A. D. 1805, at 8 o'clock p. m.. Is nssliwd for hearing sale pe tition, when nil iersous Interested In ato mat ter may appear ut a County Court to bo held In uud for said County, and show cause why the firayer ot petitioner should not bo granted; and hat netlco ot the pendency of said petition and the beurliiK thereof, bo Klven to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing u copy of this order In the Kcd Cloud Ciiim'.a week ly nowspaper printed In said County, for threo successive weeks prior to said day or hearing. (A Truu Copy; Jambs Hurry. j-3t County Judgo. aaV CAtlakaatar'a ZaaUak MaaaM Rrui PENNYROYAL PILLS xafei ..wwsrass'KKsv Ssa& atalaViM kfaas-aan.Taaal SaMafafaTiak rT'TT -.WJL.TTTJ ' "- Ta 'a HJfilCMC&r9flY B Jf J Ik r WfJfL rnSh N4Wi t for Infants and Children. THU1TY years' observnttoaTof Caatorim with the patron-:) of millions of persoHs.-permtt w to apeak af It withoat gaeaslHg. It la ttaqaaatloHaMy tha beat remedy for Iafaats and ChUdwm the world haa ever kaowa. It la karmlesi. Cklldrem like It. It glyea tkem- health. It will aave their lives. la it Mother, hay emathlag whloh la aheolately safe aad practically perfeef. aa ehfld'aamedlclme. CaatorU deatrey "Worm. CatoHa allay rerarlalua u. Caaterla prereata vemltlsMr gear Card. Oaaterla ear IMarrhesa ajtd Wlad Oolte. Caaiarla relUr Teathlsva; Troahlea. Oaatarla earee Ceaatlpatloa aad riatmlaaey. Oaatesrta Meatrall tho e-faeta of earheale aeld gaa or TstaWemema air. Caatorla do mot eoataLa morphlaa. oplaat, er other aarcotlo gropi t. CaatorU a ladlatea tho food, rogalat tho atoaiach aad howola. srJrlmtT, healthy aad aataral al p. CaatorU U pat ap la eaa-alsa hottl oaly. It la aet aeld la halk. PoaH allow aay oao to 11 yea aaythlmg al oa tho plea or prosmlao that It to "jmat aa good " aad "will aaawer every para o." oo that yea rot A-T-Qlt.I.A. The aao-aUsllo f Children Cry for PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard 0 RED CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, Lime. Coal and Cement. TRADERS LUMBER CO., DEALERS IN LUMMR KD GAL Ruii.dtng Material, Etc. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. Ho! Whoa ! iat Harness is Why Don't you get Another? J.Q. Butler is selling nearly AT COST. iv (mmstm "The" w atch. Per timekeeping and durability nothing beats tne seventeen jeweled DeUBEB HAMPbEN Watoh. OALLONpENMAN and examine them. Also his line of Jewelry, Diamonds, Spectacles, Clocks, Plated and solid ,sllverware sonveitlr spoons, pearl bandied knives and forks, carvlnic sets, calllnircard cases, bon boil boxes and other novelties. A line line ot spectacles and eye glasses with Interchan gable louses, steel, nickel silver and irold frames. Hpoclal and careful at tention paid to flttlnff the eye. Mr line ot 2nd band watches Is quite large. X will run them off at less than their actual wort. Cafllnng your watch, clocM and Jewelry re pair work, our ontaavlnit and your old gold and silver to me, TIIOS. PENMAN Do you desire tp mnko MONEY? OVK PLANS OF OPERATION A8SURE ABSOLUTE SATETV. Make your money earn you a nonlhly salary. $10.00 Hnd more made daily lj nur now Hys tlmatle I'lau at Operation on small luvestmuuts in praln and stock speculation. All we ask Is to Investigate ou-new and orl Itlnat methods. Past worklnss of plan and blgbest references furnlsliod. tiur Booklet Tolnts 6 Hints" how to make money and otber Information sont 1'ltKU. Uilmobk & Co., Haukers and llrokjrs, Open Hoard ot Trade illdfr., (hlcaco.Ill M!'HM'H h4 THE BON TO M X STEAK, ECU $ BKEAD. BUTTER, X PUB, COFFEE. i -. a. .- a a a. .a. .a. ..--.-- W. TULLBYS, M. D. OflkaVlrH rTatteaal'opMtlt Baak, CansolMaief treated by majii I. aVtsMI sufjvvsjy SFMJj-iti. ""' Iseaovorr 4c. wrnMf'i Pitcher's Cattorla. Worn Out ! I'ulillvatton of Suinmoni. In tho Dl'trlet Court of tho Tonth Judicial PIs trlct. In and for Webster t'ouuty, Nebraska. I., llaiim, pl.intm, . vs Fdwaril N'nblf, and NoMe, his wife, whose first iihimh Is unknown, uud ueainst the un divided oiih ha!f of tho northwest quarter, unci tho undivided one half of the southwest quarter of section nineteen, township one, ranee, twelve, west of the sixth principal moildlnn, In Webster county, Nebraska. The defeitdxntH, Kdward Noble and .... No hie, his wife, and all persons who havo or claim U have any lutorest in, claim to, or lieu on the above described real property, will takenotloe thatontneicthdavof October, 18M, the, above named plaintiff (lied bis petition In the above entitled court, tho object and prayer of which aro for nu uccountlhK of tho ouin duo him by vlrtuoot cennln tax deeds Issued to said plain tiff by the troasuror of said Webster county. fmriuant to purchase of said land by said plaln Iff for the tax of lH8, nit tho 18th day or April, 1893. for a foreclosure of defendants' Interest In said premises, and for the foreclosure of the Interest! of all persons whomsoever In said land, for a sale of said premises, and for all equitable rolief In the premles. 111 'he Demons above notified urn rrnutred to answer said potltlon on or before tho sth day ot December, ims. or the samo will be taken as true and decree passed accordingly. L. Bauh. Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice Is hereby Riven that by virtue ot a chattel montage dated on tho third day ot July, 18M and duly filed In tho office ot the county clerk ot Webster county, Nebraska, .on the day of 189-nnd exeouteJ by Ro bert L. Wright U Dempster Windmill Company to secure the payment ot SW.oo and upon which there Is now duo the sum ot (25.00 with Interest at ten per cent from dato thereof, whloh note was belore maturity endorsed and delivered by aid Dempster Windmill Company to John U. Itoso and by said John O. Itosn to tho under sli?nod .who Is now the owner nnd holder tbero of. Default hitvlntc beon mado In the payment of said sum, therotorol will sell tho property therein described towlt: Oun Dempster Wind mill tower nnd pump, one bald-raced bay mare about sevcu years old, with four white los, one I'crklha road cart, one sot ni slnulo har ness, at public auction In front nt Ed Kunko's store ut ltosemont In the county of Wobster, Nebraska, on the sotlulay of November, 18M, nt 2 o'clock p. in. etsald day, John Haas. Dated, ltosemont, Nob., Nov, 8, 1895, H. T. Potter, Flalntlfl Attorney, SlierltPa Sulv. Nollco is hereby given, lhat undor and by vlr tuof an order of sale Issuw from the ofllco of C O Jroeclerk of thp Ulstrlot court of tliw 10th Judicial district, within and for Webster county Nebraska, upon a decree In an action pending therein, wlierelu ' Charles O Harris Is olaintitr nnii miii ui. nerva Wilcox and John It Wilcox, defendants. lie 10 I shall offer for aula al la ...... ii :..- .t;- public vcudue. to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at tho east door of the court Imuso, at lied iHlt.l.t la. ..!, Webster county. Nebraska, (Hint belnit the bulidlnc wherom the last tefm of said 'court tMf?X tcucAt TIM HIMUOU , On the 20tk y of November. A. a. 1 805, at 1 o'clock p. su, ot said day, the IoIIowIbr described nropertr." towlt t Lots numbered tlilrtfwtn (13), fourteen (U) fifteen (16), sixteen ... T . TT-T""" 101. sixteen rim. seventeen (17), eight-, iht-. ami io;, iliiicwflll I1UI, y.:-..n..i T-V. '." in (10), . la bio twenty (ao) wenty-oaer (JO, twj iiimw at), twenty-two iwour llltv.tlinta ItIV uid wenvy-iourt Ml. lb blnlr niiuiliAi MimUtliiiti IOCKBI x&agu ajO'jwuBdwmy hand tbla loth day ef Oct fT vL SI t. in i By 3, W. foe, Deputy. ff K V" . 1 4 '4, !U V1!..1 4:i.-. n.y.u?rti: ,AjV.?A, lk4r-.Sk. mrwh;rk i LJi. J'. i- ituv wo ii r, H r iri i KX&$&; tf Kh$tito ' ,' 1 vino's M mSSmiMi rM.V Vi Xtf