gP, t UtoUfcfc. -ijaaM MMMteH .wtfMWMftWMto jywi jgy!7gyy ; Ti1 TffT"' --""" -. . -riptW'Tf" & ' THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, ElUDlY, NOV. 15. 1805. -A? 1 14 L H frl ' I iwA ip& 'A' Vf- 1 &OiWsmiSSf y w I ,f(7''"a COJiQiC-ir ijj) 31119 m ClIAl'TKK Jil-comiiti. 'Hoy! sib! A wild idea Hushes Jhrougii his brain. iiiuiot tills trouble, tliij exposure bo dlic'rU'il'.' IVrhaps nil Is not lost. His heiut beats violently: his breath comes quicker. A daring scheme bus eoinu to him. Cun It bo carried out'.' "Hv Clod it must." Jin mutters. lies turns to tin' until standing wait ing ruspoctfully b.'fore him. Coiuo Inside." hi- says. 1 wish to Altaic to vou. Then I will Inform the doctor that you desire his services-. Jli cannot go now. sit unv rut, as the btttiof my wife Is u precarious one." Tlif man lies! t :i t;. "I hail bettor go fur another doctor, then." ho nays. "NbiisensX Dr. Wilbur tohl me. not over two Hour.-, ago, that your wife wtvi in (food condition. It Is natural Xluib film should huvis n little fever Yon are unnecessarily worried. Coiuo 3ti; I would not advise vou wrong fully." ClIAI'TKIt IV. With a doubtful look upon his, the mim follows his master into tint reception room, tint sauio room whom tho -.interview between the brothers had taken place. Mo seems ill ut ease, surrounded by the luxury of the apartment, which is dimly brought Into iclief by the light )f tb fire. Tho. muster lights the gas, turning it low. Then telling the man to be Mated, he throws himself into the capacious depths of an easy ebjilr. Ho has much to say to thte matt. A daring proposition to inakr.. How shall hit begin'.' Supposo the man wero to refuse. Ho thinks -deeply, conscious that tho eyes of the servant uru ll.ed upon him, wonder Ingly, uneasily. Finally he says: "Conrad, you' havu been In my cm Xloy a long time."' "Xearly twolvo years, sir." "I have been u. good master."' None better, sir." "f have paid you regularly, liber ally. In time of sickness, have hcnt mj.V own doctor, and paid his bill." "Yes, sir, you have bv-en good to me and mini'." "You appreciate till thi. You uve 4n"tefiil'.' ' "1 would go through lire mid water for you, sir." Tho man speaks fervently. "I believe you, Conrad, lain going to put you to tho test." "Ltxa tivti unit water, sir.' "No, not that, but something which be, to jou perhaps,, inhnltely Awrbc. it Is a teht which will try your lusirt, which you will shrink from, but which, if you refuse me, will ruin me." The mostcr spunks rapidly, impress ively. The man looks upon him with troubled eyes. "It must be, pretty bad, sir," he says. "it is. In fuc.t, it is almost a crime." DIs voice sinks to a low whisper. The man recoils. "Crime, sir, you would not ask me cuiumit murder, or nothing like that?" The look of horror in the man's eyes brings 11 smllo to his muster's face. ".No, not murder, Conrad. I would ciot ask you to kill a man. Listen; 1 will tell you." "oivi: mi: vouit hav, The servant sits with open oyos of wonder, while the master tells him in language that be can comprehend, of Ills misfortune, his speculations, whut this result must bo. His honest heart cannot credit tho fact that his beloved mooter is us poor as himself, Ho hears Iilni tltrouurh and then sayp. "If my little savings will be of any nervleo to you, Mlstor Adrian, you n ro welcome to them." "They would be but a drop in tho bucket, Conrad." "Then how can I help you? don't bo -afraid to Mien If, sir. If it is in my Kwer to do it, any so." Adrian Dyko draws his ehnlr close to lio faithful servant. "It is iu your power, Conrad, turn yours only. You can save mo. You fcn,n prevent mo sutti ring. Will .vou?" "If I can, but 1 can't sec how." 'You hnvH a baby bovV" "Yes, God blrs him." Thu muster winuts. "lam also 11 father of u little help ilcttN female." "So you hnvo said, sir." "I have told you that I hail hoped, yes, prayed that this, my ilrst born, would fra u boy. I depended upon that little trentmo to snvo me." "Yea, sir, you said so." "Uuttlod did not answer my pray ers. Vou inn snvo mo. You can do vhat Providence has lulled to do." "What, sir! I don't imder.stnnd you." Tho eyes of tlm servant are roving fccUc'swy u-otind tho npiulment. ' f 4lOive mo your boy J" ' i TI10 nmii tdts ureot in his chair, ill fa o tho iiloturo of honor and kurprih". ,, I! K3 T.OLIVER Niu "And what would I do? My wife'." he gasps. The master lays his hand upon th" broad shoulder of the man. "You shall have my child- It 1s bet un eseliaugc. The two children uiv but a few hcurs old. Your wlfo is not in a state to detect the illuViencc. She will lovo one child the sumi) ns the other, will not know that my child is not her own, Mv wife will not know. She is weak; the si - of her babe Is not hnown to her. The exchange will bo easy, unmicuiupuiiiod by risk. Will you do It'.'"' The man bows his head. He falls upon his knees before his master. "Vh, Mister Adrian anything but tint." he eric. 'Anything but that. I '' baby' my boy! I curt purl with '" Mr- .The scheming master loughly raises mm to Jus feel "Sen here, t'onr.ul," .sternly. "You loot: upon this matter In tin wrong light, don't unit you to part from your boy. I only aslc you to allow mo to palm him on" tis 1113' own, until i shall have eoinu into possession of this fortune. It is ti matter of life nud death with me! I eould not suivhc r'xposnre und disgrace. Yon will have I my sweet little ouho to love, to care for! When they grow up they can injury. You will then have your son I my daughter, and nioro than this. Upon the day that I come Into this money, I will present you with a check for ten thousand dollars. Think of it. Conrad! .No more work; 110 more anxiety; money in the bunk. Wealth at your commniid." Tho man trembles us though suffer ing from intense cold. His master's words uro Hushing, burning through fltii t,iil t l,rt ilnt.u nnt nMf'imt lili. muster, whom he loves, his kind, gen- orous master, will become a beggar his lands sold, bis linn house and mag nlllceut furniture sacrificed. And be lio'cun save liiml True, he must give up ltis boy, the little creature that his honest heart clings to with all thu first lovo of a father. Hut he will not be chlldlei-s, he will have another. Can he not lovo auotherns well ashls own? And then the money ten thousand dollars! A princely 'fort unci to him. What can he notdo'with it? How he can live, what a lino little form he can purchase nud still bj near his boy. He hesitates. "Come. Conrad, l'reetous moments are Hying. If it Is done, it must Im done to-night." "Hut Mary Caldor She Is missing your missus -won't she know?" A frown contracts the brow of the master. , "Yes, but she won't tell," be says. "You will let 1110 see mv bov when 1 want o?" " ' "You can see him whenever you like." The man burst into (ear.-.. , "To save you, Mister Adrian, I'll do It. Hut don't tell auybody." Adrian Dyke burst into wild laugh ter. Tell anylsidy! Tho mint's hoiuelv words tilled hint with Jltirth -wilil hilarious mirth. Ho win be saved. It will be easy now. "Conic,'' ho cries to the astonished servant, who cannot uivdcrstaitd why Ills muster should exhibit such mirth. Hit hits never scon him ilko this before. "Come, the doctor will! visit your wife. Then after ho has aone. briug the child to the house; Mary Calder will pc form like service with the other." Ilo hurries luto Alio hall, up the stairs into thu rooni where tho doctor Is sitting, bis fIiigrnpou his wife's pulse. nno is noiiorv to asus Tho doctor looks un "Yes, pulse tibotnt one hundred. Oh, she'll pull through nil right. Moo whut a Hue baby Aoit have." He points to thjt little bundle iu thu muse's units. TlAo woman holds it up for thu father tosee, a wee, red-fuced, blinking iitom off huuiuuit). "Yes, a fine elilld." liosuv.s.ubsentlv. Then he inform tho doctor tltitt the mun, Conrad (JArdncr, is awaiting him ' in the hall hcloVv. 'Yes, yes," tins doctor munnuis, "I should huvu grno there before, but I wanted to be Jure your wlfo wnsoutof danger; 1 can go now.." Hit hustlos about thu ioo,lt, gives his final instruc tions to thu 111 rse and follows Adrian Dyko down thki stairs. 1 At the bottAin, under the light of the hall ehundclll!!'. he stops. "Ono mo ment, Connujl," he says. Ho puts his hand Into thii Inside pocket of his co-it. removes tho tittle black noto-book unci writes tho condition of his patient ut the hour he liud loft, then follow h the gfirdoncr oufc Into tho night, whilo the plotting 1111111, with u slekenlng feeling ut his heirts core, stares after him. He has forjiottcn the doctor in his tir rangeincntfof .ilfnlrs, bus not thought of tint hoiutst. conscientious old mini who know-dull and will thwart hint ho can closio tho mouth of Mary Culdcr alio Is bull 11 puppet in Ids hands ho iioiiis a iiiuinaging secret over her lieiul which iniifkcN her his slave but the doctor: He cniuot control him. Tho wifllc to (inrduer's cottage is a short 0110. In u fuw moments', bo sees the ri. nt Mm Imnn ,1 ,,,.,.,! I t. niirro'wfu knocks upon tho I door. It opens, disclosing the troubled face ofWlic mutt. 1 "fs tltu dov-tor still hero?" usks tho mnstcr mi sir, lies just ion. lie gave the uiIhsuk 11 fuw droits out of a bottle which) ho took from hlsineilioino ease, I and stilld sho was all right, then ho Adtian Dyko staggers back ngajnst the sldu of the doorway. "fliincJ Lost!" 'J'hyi man looks upon him with a pale, distressed faco. "Yktu are 111, sir," hq cries. 'ln M...K. .11.1 I... ....' ....I' '- "'V .'"' 'u I."' "iviwaras noma, sir." TlitfViW'futfAUhtliK l63 Wring after his&iMnt with eomnrcbsod Has nnd u struiy ro'ofvo upon his f jco, hurries oif 1,'lUlliic cln'ltuei.s uuon tlio load lead Ing to the tutvii-Jhe road taken by Dr. Ulbur. CHAP I Ml V. r i 1 A .v i ti .r 7m' d& LKMIT l-'Ol. lays over tho whin ilelus of golden gtain. straight yellow stalks bonding beneath lite weight of treasure thuy 10I1I. Stretching out upon tho plac id, peuceful laud- scape, on meadow nud highland, streamlet and forest, the niit.y. light, murky, substance obscures tiie path way of the sun, which is struggling to make his upi e.irum-o this peaceful morning. Tho clouds of mist, ns deli cate as u woman's veil, roll and twist up und down, forming fantastic, figures In the nlr. as if rebelling against tint power of the king of day. Hut the sun Is all powerful. With rays of increas ing heat and foiceshls way through Hie mist, driving it from the earth, binishlnglt to the realms 'if ilolhlngiiesi, and then, the lint'le ended, smiles radiantly upon the e irtlt. I'ar up on the load can be heard the sound of laughing volie' hurvcstois K'"K' to their work. M he day is young, tlie sun just risen, they are eager to begin before the rays become oppressive those young men, drrniri! in homespun shirt and linen trousets, rough cow-hide boots, wide-briinmcil straw huts. Ono of these curries u sevthe; he alono of the trio is silent. His honest young face, tanned by ext liosuic to the sun, has the iittDcarance 1 of anger. His companions tiro laugh ing, evidently teasing him. "Taln't no us;e to g t mud," erics one, hardly moto than a boy, possibly eighteen years or age, "1 saw you, Sol! Y" w"u settin' 1111 the rail of tho bridge as I passed uver, uur arm around her waist. "That's tough, Sol," remarked tho other. The man with the s'ythc turns upon them. "It ain't any of your business, any how' he cries energetically. "I s'pposo a feller has n right to court his. sweetheart out-doors us well as in doors. You fellers poke your noso into tilings that don't concern you." lie is augry. 'Willi a sly wink ono of the others is about to mnko some fur ther Irrltatingeominintwheii his com panion Seizes him by the arm und says with n ftlglttoncd glance toward tho side of tho road, where tho grabs and weeds are growing thlcklv: "Hill, What's that?" ' They halt, and gno earnestly where the man Is pointing. They see thu tlgttroof a man, sti etched out upon the grass. "Oh, it's a tramp," answer" Sol. 1 "Ye, and he's slcepiuY' says the other. "Sleepin' mighty sound,"' remarks ' Hill. They stand, huddled together in tho middle of the road, their eyes fixed I upon thu still, silent llguic, half con- I 1 o lied by the high gruss. ' "Let's holler, and wake him," sug gests Jlill. "All right." Thuy shout at the top of tholr volics: "W'uko up! Change cars! West Chester!" Hill crying this last In Imi tation of the brukcraen upon tho trains. Mill the 'unconscious form shown no sign of life. Tho young mun, Hoi, carefully lays bis scytlio in tlto road and approaches tho figure. Hit sluikt-s it, and then Ills companions start in fright us they honr him suy. "U'.s A IIKAll JI.VN." "Il'sn dead man!" A dead maul They stand awed. They four nothing living, these fanner lads, but the slglttofono harmless iu the sleep of death, fills them w.lh un spcukablo terror. Sol ulono slums presence of mind. Tho corpso is lying upon it face; with uu effort lie turns it over upon itssldu, "Hy (1 d! it's Dr. Wilbur! he gusps, fulling back Dr. Wilbur! They nil know him. They icmeutbi'r the kind old face.benit- ilUT OVCr llieill 111 tlmt'Of Sickness, Kf ur tho cheery volco, tho curcful "Mention. Can th s old man be dead? They remove their huts und softly draw near. Yes. ltis Dr. Wilbur -his aged fuco contracted and drawn, his kindly eyes half open, his lips tightly coinprobsod. "Hos been murdered,'' wh spcrs ho whoh id been called HID. "See, there is a mark on his forehead.' There is blood on his lace." They draw back, horrified. Whd could have committed this foul deed, und for what purpose? (To lt CimtliiuriL) A I'iiliit Vliurirv. h .! no deadly woawn. H was oily a rreuvit ciu lingpi'tci. ft , ' .3sl S xAsvM' wwmpjs. :j8nk WBttm MVrff - vr ' rfcj 1 , &$&& JIhjt1"'1" "but it tnojchnrp-o? llintf ilf P-lcfMtrt"rl2 Vfiliki,. Vrtl,?l,nnhf T . . .w..... ... -1 -- M... . SKCUJIKD A BIO IfAUL BANDITS RAKE IN TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. "' HfM fi h 'Iwn Mru nnil lll Onl Itlllxtl Wll-IMrc t'oiupniiy tlm l,onri Thuy linrnr unit Jm Trnne ut tint 'I hltitei. t'oiottvpo MilUMls, Cot. Nov 1', A most during and inieivnsful hold-up took place nl tlto Santa l-V depot here tonight and for a second time within a few months the Wells. Kiugo Jisprcis company Is minus a hiiiiiI.sI.imI fortune owing to robbeiles In this vlclullx. The Chicago limited of the Santa. TV, due liero at !i;l:', pulled In itint out on time, um! after Its departure the night agent busied hlmcr, as Is custoiniiiw, for u time on the platform ut lunging mutters for a later train. When he euteicd the expiess olllee, which Is located In one end of tint depot, be was suddenly confronted by six sltootuiH Iu the hands of two men. who ordered him to tluow up his bands and then contmaiulfd Iilni to open the sure, lloth riMiitcstii weie compiled with. The robbers then lilted the safe, securing sonio J20.000 and disappeared. Ilcyond the fact that botli men were small no clue to their Identity ! known at pres ent, OPEN TO SETTLEMENT. Many s,.((,,.H Uendy In Mnl,t Hie ltiif.ii In lilulio. Waiiim.-ion, 11. i'., Nov. 12. A proclamation deflating open to settle niciil ut noon (Pnclllo ntnndaid time) 011 Novcmbcl' IS nil tho uuallatcd unit tin reserved lunds aciiulrcd front the No. IVi ccs Indians, under the tiansfer sub ject to nil the condition!", limitations, reservations nud lestrlctloiis contained In tho UKi-eeinent with the Indians, has been Issued by President Cleveland. l,ho amount of laud that will be opened to settlement Is- about (UU.OOO acres, situated In the No Perees reser vation, in Jdaho. Any religious society or other organisation occupying tiny of these lands, under the proper author ity. for religious or educational woik umong the Indians, Is given the rlBht to put chime the liiudu so occupied with in two years, at tho rate of Jll per acre. Uy the iiKeeitient with the Indians the anils retained by tho government, and those remaining Iu the possession of the Nez Perees, It Is also stipulated that these Indians hall be subject Tor twcuty-tlvo ycais to the laws of tho I'lilled Htnttss prohibiting the Intro duction of Intoxicants Into the liidlnn country, and that the ullotees shall, for 11 like period, be piohlblted Ironi selling Intoxicants to Indians. IjIJWI.SON, Idaho. Nov. 11. Theie are enough boiueseekeis nlnady in camp near the Nes I Vices ivscruUlon to lake nil the desirable lands to ho opened foi settlement by proclamation by the pn-sldent. Kevt'ini hundred aie wait ing Iu tills vicinity for the opening day. and hundit'ds more 111 1 In camp at other points. Many of those who will make a rush Into Cold Hprlngit in tho southern pint of the reservation, hiiva nlicady dossed the line and it is un derstood the Indian iigenl will diiio them out. CALLED HER DOWN. Lucy Piii'hoiihii Ti'liln Too to So It. Ill leago Police. Chicai.o, III., Nov. 12. To 1111 ftiidlcmc. of 2,000 sympathizer iu the West Twelfth street Turner ball, Heir Mort and Lucy Pnrsons tnntKht spoke of the ntemory of the dead anurchlsts and dc nounced tho ikiIIco. Hut 'their languago was kejtt from being too Intlummablc by the presence of 200 blue coats, undr the command of Inspector Shea, who oc cupied a promluciit place on the speak er's platform. Mid. Pursons was the first speaker, nnd she devoted the first half of her talk to n review of the Incidents con nect est with tho Huymuikct massacre. Only once did she approach the danger line, when she said: "I would rather In consigned to the bottomless pits of holt than walk the golden streets or heaven with Judge flary." Inspector Bhea taliped her on the shoulder nnd com nianded herUo wnse uttcilng such lun guuge. There was u grout commotion in the audience, but Chalrmnn Olivet quieted the people with n few judlclouc woi ds. KILLED A CHINAMAN. Clilcni'o Saloonkeeper ItesentK nu lu hiiII onered 111-. Jiuoghti-i'. CJUCAflO Nov. 11. Kdward O'Kccfe. otherwise known ns "Dutch" O'Kcefc, Is the man who shot and killed i.iu Deck Dunn, a Chlpese lnundrinnn tit 37.17 South Ilulstcad street, about noon yet tei clay. O'Keufn Is u snloon keeper dring business In Hnlstend street, near Thlrty-scventli, and yesterday morn ing cent, his thliteeti-ycnr-old daughter to the laundry. She noon leturricd and said a Chlnntilau ut the laundry had giabbed her by the arm and attempted to drug her Into the tear of his pluce of business. Mr. O'Koefe ut once dressed hlim-elr, put n revolver In his pocket, nnd went to the laundry, where tlm girl Identified Lin Dock Dunn ns Iter ussail.tnt. O'Kcjfo tien demanded tin explanation nnd says the Chliiainan rushed at lit 11. with 11 flat Iron, rtylng ho would kill him. O'Keefe llredi causing tho Chluu mim's instant death, A DESPERADO ESCAPES. Vin Mrt'urlj AUIies UU I'-inpo ami Dm 1'oliitt WliUtle. Ojiciia, Nel'.,Nov. 12. -A'ieMcC'aity.wlio cleverly evaded the otllcers of DnuglaH county last Satin day night, has suc ceeded In escaping from tho state and It Is not probable that he will soon bo captured. Not a photograph of the mat. Is lit the hands or the otllcers, although ho has a reputation for being the tough est customer, iu ull 8-ipy county and wus In Jail for a considerable length or time, A reward of $200 Is offered for his capture and It Is Just posslbhi that be may be taken In by somo of the police Iu the neighboring suites who are very familiar with It I tit and his dealings. The Omaha deputy sheriffs i-ftuiiied to the olllee about K o'clock last night und said that they bad been unable to Ibid any trace or Vic. They did Jbiu a clue, however, which strengthens the bollf that Vlc'ii dopaituro wns planned and ready Tor execution. This Is In the fact which they discovered at South Omaha that during ull or Sittmliiy a t-tt-rnoon, until nearly r o'clock, John Me Curly, Vic's brother, was In South Omaha, apparently killing time, for lie ivrAj nnl unnti nHntwtlntr 4o oto hiictlmikiu ttufr .s.M ikliuill( l Wll tMl T"b 'Atout,IJ o'clook Joiu..wrh srvnfleayliiKS touut iiuuiHiWU iiK onoAoi.'Sfta.nit le.ui Tiur another saddle horteVrili 1 hlfp. Thin was the lust seen or John Suturdiy. A two duys' session of the frecdmon'i aid society bus begun ut Chli-ugo. OUR RAINFALL BY SEASONS MoWliirr t'ontrs hi Nrlirstnt Mn.nlj- It Um llrontnt; MiiiiIIk. An article Inadnliy state inperot last Wednesday prcitented certain facts wlllt re.rard i the nvetage rainfall or Ni biviika for the lust nineteen yean?, an coinpiuvd with that of adjacent stutiM, from which It appears that our average lalnfall for the year Is not wry different from that of ICnnsis, Is In excess of that of South Dakota, nud even com pares fa voi ably with that of Mlnne.otu und Iowa, If we consider the more east erly position of 'tltCM' latter slates. It was thus shown that the past two or three .vents, In which the elements have seemed so unfavorable here hi the west and parilf uliuly In Nebraska, have been exceptional and abnormal years; aim thai while we muit expect such seasons heic fioni time to time, yet that there Is 110 reason to think that they uro llablu to recur often; Unit wo have to go bneh to the years 1 S."0 to 1M12 to tlnd another group of year with such a small yeiuly rainfall. Hut tc m.iy be asked- "Kven If our yearly rainfall Is usually ample for the growth of crops, uro wc not parllcnlnrly liable to a dclliilfitey In tho gtowltiR scumiti nnd espeel illy J11 tho ciltlciU inouthSjWhon the com Is curing',"' The following table gives 'tlto average monthly precipitation for the state. These uwmgcu, us will as those of isist y-euis, given In the .touniul nmlelo pre viously icferredto, arc obtained as fol lows: The state Is dhlded into six sec tions of equal cu-ru: the average rainfall of each or sections Is first obtained by taking thu ine-iii of ull tho observa thins that liuvc been mudo in this see. tlon; then tin overage Is taken of these six mennu to give untute average. This method does away with the objection that sui lion's it iv not equally dlsti limed ow-r tho state: Average Italnfall, -Month. Inches. January ,.. o."0 I'Vlniiary o.72 .Mutch -.,,. i.iu April '..., 2.12 May ..., .G0 Jitue '., 3.t0 July -. .' .i.r.d August .- n.(i:i Septemlicr .... l.SH OiMolirr l.r.T Nocemlter 1...... O.fis Deceiuber.. , (Mil It (hits iippc.u.s that'of Hie 2I.5H Incites of .eaily rainfall In Nebraska, 10,20 Inches, or CO per cent of the entire iiiiioiiut, fulls during the live immtliH or the growing season, April to August, in clusive. TJ1.1t wo may see how we com pare In tilts respect with other state, the following table, complied from this iccoid of wentlur bureau station", shows what per cent of tho total of yearly rainfall orcurs In these same llvo months In other localities: Station Owning Season. August. Per Cent. Per Cent. St. Louts, 3d o 4S 7 Cheyenne, Wyo...., 71 in Dodge City, Km 7.1 in North Platte, Neb 72 1.1 Omaha, Nub.. 07 10 Union. H. D 74 11 St. Paul, Minn 12 Duluth, .Minn r.7 It Davenport, lit r,r 11 Keokuk, la ,....(1 X It thus appeals that the stales of Nebraska. Kansas, Dakota und Wyom ing, with their none too plenteoimsupply or yearly inlnfnll, have on tlto other bnnd tlm advantage over the states lying further to tho cost, thnf u largo percentage of tills rainfall occur in tin, growing season, when It Is most useful, und that as wc go eoatwurd the percen tage gradually falls off, particularly to wards the southeast; or. In other words, Iu the dliection towards which tho act ual miiouut or rainfall Increases most decidedly; so that If wo compare tho rainfall of the growing season alono Iu different localities, Nebraska does not appear in so unfavorable n light ns her small yeiuly rainfall would indicate. Hut It tiiny still tin asked whether our raliiMll is not pnrtlculniiy liable to rait us iu the latter part or tho growing sea son, In the critical months when the corn Is earing nud maturing. Dent again u i-ereruiiro to 'the table given above will show that we compare favor ably with the litotes rar.ther cast as to our peicentngf of August rainfall. A much larger percentcigo of the entire e.u'n rainfall occurs In August In llio western elates than in thowc further cust. Mori over, n comparison of past years Is somewhat rcasaurlnK ns to the com puratlw infrffiueucy of severe droughts Iu July und August. The average rain fall of Nebraska for July Is 3,50. nnd for August 2.01! Inches, and tho following table will show that the actual rainfall for these months bus only now and then fallen seriously below tho iiQrnial niniuint: July. August. Halnr.tll Tlalnrnlt Year. Inches. Inches. 1S70 4.2ft .'1.25 ls77..., 1.4.1 2.01 1878... ...... 1 .'...,., fi.71 2.16 187!) C.')2 l.r.l 18SD t S.flO 3.S7 1R8I a..".S 1.1K 1SS2... , 3.40 1,31 JS83 ,, t... ,.,2ir 3.21 1S8I G.7!l 2.87 issr, 4.3j, issr, , i.s :1.2s 13S7 a. 10 -t.13 1SSS ...., 3.10 3.D 18M, r,.77 2.40 1800 ....2.10 2.21 1MH B.47 2.02 1X02. .,.,,, M..2f7 n.2D 1S9.J , 2.2 2.31 1801 1.43 0.74 181.-. , ,l,7:i 3.01 Thus It appears both from a oompur luit of our yeiuly rainfall for the past nineteen years w'th-ttuU of other states, and from it tudy of Its distribution through the months of the year, thai thu lxtst two or ttuist seasons have rep resented cllnitillo coiulltlons which are exceptional rather than normal, and which Pre to be expeted occasionally rather than ordinarily In Nebraska. O, D. SWUKKY. UlMi-k lllplilliorlK Ilaebur. IlKisi'itiMi, Nub., Nov 1'.'. 'Spe cial.) Several deaths hnvo resulted In tho central part of tho county from black dlphthoiiu. Julesburg, Colo., I111H placed u tiuurniitlno on tho north side of town, and tho d I. sea so has emieed tho suspension of sovoral coun ty scltoola. Tho weather tho past few days hus been warm, with no prospocta 'alUu.'carlytCliaUK.a'hyslClansiBtate aT uaks-itii.' rbaHM'fMMK'S ffpfcd'of thcrdisenso will Iww An eNploIoii at tho Uliwkwtil colliery, u. ur Dti by, I.'r.alan I, causjd tho of several men, turn" tio 1 - BOUND HAWKINS I'.x-M nlcr toliuiiNslonof r lleatrlco .Moil Mtulid ii-tol, 1 lli'.CTiiKr, Kob, Nov, l!i (Hn clnl.) --lCx-Wnlcr Conitiilsslonor (I. 15. llawkltm wuh given another hoarltiB toiluy, thin tlmti Iti Jimllco rullon's court and upon tho c-hnigo of obtnlnlne money under false ptctctuios and of fcecuiing the slgniitiuo of tho thon Mayor 9htilt. to two fratidttlont war rants itinouutlng to $1011.13. Thu pro cess was similar to that used In tho enso which was 011 trlnl Saturday lu county court duplication of bills. Nearly ten witnesses were examined today. Unllko the witness for tlm prosecution from Omaha, thoy wcro propnrrd to swear to what they knew without equivocation. Tho defense did not offer any testi mony. Tho evidence Introduced hy tho prosecution wriit to show that tho dates on thu duplicated bills hnd been chnngod, nnd 11 s they bora Hawkins' "O. K." tho presumption was that tho changcH went inndo by him. M. T. CimiinliigH, In whoso favor tho largest, bill nnd warrant wcro drawn, testified that ho know nothing nbout them nnd did not'iccpho tho money. Murphy and Colby wnrincd up considerably In nrgumotit, nnd the former severely scored Hawkins. At tho conclusion of tho hearing Hawkins wnn bound over to district court In tho mini of $700. 11. 1 Taylor. P. II. Hprngitn nnd (J. II. Viuiarsdalo appeared ns sureties. , TO CAUSE RAINFALL. A Lincoln Mini Adlsnio it I'mntlral fBKttlniii. .1. J, IllddeU of Lincoln contributes toth public nn article en rnln-utnlting, in which he Indorses tho concutnlon the ory of Mr. Wright. In closing ho makes thta suggestion: "It is well known that In ilrylng a fan It Is ufually parsed through some nub stance which has a strong atltnlty for waiter. Of aiioso Atiltstnncc.s thera fl,T several, of which anhydrous ctkium chlorldo seems to offer the btst rmults. It Is, nearly whlto, solid substance,; and has 'a grea't utllnlty for water, an4 Is cnpabl.' of nbstit'blng onoiiRh ' water from thu air to completed? OLsaalve Itself. U M "Now, my suggt-.tlon hi llibu I.&. quantlf' of this substance (previously thoroughly pulverircdl.'bo setit.lust n'luive the clwul by cannon, balloon or otherwise, nnd be allowed o uraduiUly sr'tile down thtxiugli -the cloud. 'Ijbe Hevc that ns each tuirtlcte returnii to the earth It wJH bring with It a drop of water. Nor -Is this all. It Lswcll known tha't nlr when cold or molrt Is 'heavier titan when hot or dry, and I fully helloYe that when, the rusii of void, moist nlr has 4ecn stnrtcd down ward cm a. small scale -that It will be only a dgnal for more of the coo), moUt nlr to follow In the break already made by the first drops, nnd especially If 'the clouds should bo bombarded at tho oil t toil moment, with the atmospheric cxwwltt Un being favorable, .. rubi should follow." ' ' TAKEN HOME FOR BURIAL ruiicral ut llnstlnuH of a Ijito liiinulo ofllm Asylum. HASTlNtlH, Neti., Nov. 11. (8ccIjiI.) Thu remains of Cuspur Klsher, who died at tho asylum at Iilncoln Saturday morning, were brought to this city yes terday afternoon and Interred In Park View cemetery, being escorted to tHelr last resting place by members of Hast ings lodge No. 28, K, of P., and a num ber of friends who mourn his Bad find. Tho deceased was a resident of Hast ings for many years and was well liked by ull with whom ho camo In contact. About n year ago his mind began tp show unmistakable Blgns of rapidly falling and it was not long until ,Uvwaa found necessary to place him uwUer restraint. Ho wuh adjudged insane and sent to Lincoln where his enact was pro nounced, hopeless from tho first. He went Into u rapid decline and his death was not unexpected. Deceased pid no JUK'Wn relatives In this section of thu country. " f '- 1 Don't Wunt aincH Known. Lincoln peoplq continue to take much Interest In Schlatter, the henler of Den ver. Hcaicoly u day passes that. some ono does not return .claiming to Iiavo been relieved or itches nnd pnlns. The railroads are not, In the least averse to encouraging faith In tho healer anil verily they havn tholr reward. Last evening a party of about three dozen Lincoln citizens left 011 the llurllngton train for Denver for no other purpose than to try the power of the ex-shoo-maker to make their atlllctlons vanish. Just about half of them exacted a solemn promise from -the ticket agent that he should not tell 4hnt they wcro going, showing that not all were proud of the fact. Among the later arrivals fiom Denver Is J. D. Johnson who thinks tbnt the slht of his daughter. Alice, Is Improving since Hchlattcr laid hands on lief. His son, who hi deaf and dumb, was not ut nil aileoted. Henry Yimney, brother-in-law' or Councilman Lawior, thinks he bus been cured of a lame back. Others claim that they bear better or see better or that rheu matic pains have left them. However, not one In six who go out Tor treatment Is ever heur.d fioni. The uncured ones keep still nbout It. OMAHA SCHLATTER CRAZY l'wolliiiidred More linullctn Start foe Denver, Oiuit,, Kob., Nov, 12, aiec'iiL) In addition to MO employes of tho Union Puclflo who went to Denver to bo cured by Hchlattcr last Saturday, about 200 loft this cvcnlng foV the same purpose. The ugent of the railway did no other business today but (ssuo passes to tho cmployeti and the entrance to his ofllco wns thronged nil day. Homo of these who are going nro simply cases of old ago ami cannot be cured. Tales of marvellous deeds by Schlatter continue to bo told,. Ono Omuha street ittllwuy conductor when.ut Denvcr,und betnp treated by Hv'hlutter nsked for u blessing to ho given to a handkerchief in oider that hip wiro mlBbt be cured too, Schlatter told him It was no us for tho vomun hud been dead threw bourn. The conductor at onco wired Omaha and found -that he hud been told the truth. Applications for passes nro coming upon nil railway offlctals here by too thousands. Thu excitement among Invalids Is Intense . A MrJliiuuiUif.,Kiiua, Qarfloia coUn- Lty. whtfh Kolnga"o'uwlth her House- I . . . I . I .1 I .s t t I il n tt I r f nl I f lit t Htk HUM -uukiin, nuunwu vu ' itoor nnd wsplrba, llvart aiac War U;a cause, M' KS OVER. , ! . ' M '1 ' '4 '. ' ' v V i ( , ""-T ' ? 'i 1 '! i i I i i '4 1 j m,; j i , h"fM ti i. 1 : ri . , '(. A, ' V ,""XV ' TMVi11 ' 1 v fc rn featlte .JxAwMm J ,AM4Sk$ -iJ MIM