The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 15, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Atlhnuch rtortA Polity of thp trim
tlm Murderer tVrr Ily
tho ORIcm of tho 1ooted lUnk
I'onl 1frnchrj.
HE governor nnd
council of the Btuto
of Mnino hnvo un
animously refused
to pardon Dnvld L.
fitoin anil Oliver
Cromwell, the mur
derers of Cashier
Barron of the Dex
tcr Sovlngs hank.
Thin decision of
the uovcrnor nnd
council Is the final chapter of one of
tho mont extraordinary tragedies that
over startled New England. For ten
long years tho murder of this fnlthful
bank cashier was shrouded Un Impen
etrable mystery. His dead body had
been found on tho evening of Wash
ington's birthday, 1878, In tho vaults
rf tho bank a martyr to his trust. The
murdered man had been knocked sense
less by a blow on the forehead from n
slungshot, had been handcuffed, a gag
had been forced Into his mouth and n
rope had been drawn tightly about his.
neck to suffocate hltn. Thus hound
end gagged, his almost lifeless body had
been tossed into the hank vuults and
the doom swung to upon him.
Tho people of Maine, audi In fact,
nil of New England, were startled nnd
horrified by this murder. The best de
tective skill of tho country was put
upon tho case, but without success. For
two years not tho slightest clew was
discovered to indlcato who thn mur
derers' were. Finally, chagrined at his
failure to discover tho Identity of tho
murderers, a Boston detective ovohod
tho theory that Cashier Barron had
committed suicide. The books of the
bank, which had been carefully ox
iimlucd at the time of tho murder, we're
given over to tho detective nnd xomo
expert uccountantK, and wlillo-.iu,thelr
possebslon theje suddenly appeared
upon tho hooka erasures which were
not visible before
The president and officials of the
Dexter Savlng'bnnk suddenly changed
their position on the whole matter and
began to abuse the name of their f.tlth
Vz cashier. The president of the bank
instituted proceeding ngitlnrt the es
tate of Mr. Barron, mid In every way
tried to ruin the reputation of the mur
dered man.
'In tho fall of 1885 tho rural murder
mystery of Maine was unexpectedly
m &y
cleared up. A reporter o'f the. Now. York
World, nf tor nearly two months of caro
fill study awl a patient following of
new clewu, finally rnuccceded lu" locat
ing tho murderers of Cashier Barron.
The men wcio nrrosted by tho reporter
at tho point oC n pistol, taken to Doxter
and Identified nud finally convicted of
tnurdcr In tho first degree and sentenced
to Imprisonment for life. These men
wcrq Stain and Cromwell.
From tho very moment of tho nrrest
of these murderers tho odlclaln of tho
Dexter Savings bank did everything in
tholr power to obstruct tho machinery
of Justice and prevent the conviction of
thn murderers. Tho officers of tho bunk
provided them with their own counsel,
who woro tho best lawyers In Dexter,
nud put at their disposal an unlimited
nmnunt of money for tho purposo of
their defense.
Both nt tho pollco court hearing In
Dexter and nt their trial lu tho Bangor
curts'the exiraerdJBaryjiaiid u n paral
lel spectacle was1 prcsentc-i of theso
two' notorious bank burglars defended
by th counsel of tho very bank they
bad robbed and whose runnier they had
.murdered, and when the jury unanl
mauily decided, that the prlbonern at
the bur bad murdered Cashier Barron
k bank 'nMclala. flew Into n violent
v i - . xS322i
fc : I M
jr-: ,nir
felt- . ,, ,. 1 .'ill
''J$tpto'JMk"lhelr owjexpnn carried
.,-, 'V-' ' ' Mtf 7Pll ,! Supreme
Cashier Barron began their sentence of
life Imprisonment.
Not content with their efforts to de
feat Justlco at every point, tho bank
officials soma months ago set In motion
ft scheme to petition tho Governor for
the pardon of theso cut-throats. Again
tho lawyers for the bank and under tho
direction of tho hank appeared beforo
Iho Governor nnd Council of the State
of Mnino early In August and nrgucd
for the pardon of tho murderers.
No more extraordinary plea for par
don was ever put forwnrd than tho one
urged by Lawyer Crosby, tho attorney
for tho Dexter Bank, lio did not pre
tend that tho prisoners were honest or
valuablo citizens, for there had already
been proof of an overwhelming record
of crime against them both. lie did not
claim that tho enso should be reviewed
on (ho score of newly discovered evi
dence. Ills only claim was that the
men were Innocent, and upon this
ground ho demanded that tho Governor
roverso tho decision of the Supreme
Court of tho Stnlo of Maine, which had
passed upon and settled forever the
guilt of the prisoners. Governor Cloves,
who Is himself a lawyer, was at once
tmprc :fed with tho utter Impossibility
fyvV '
of granting a pardon on r.uch grounds.
Still, feeling that tho matter 'should
have :t thorough Investigation, thn Gov
ernor nnd Council considered tho ease
cnrefully, and llnnliy appointed Coun
cillor Clcsun n committee of one to
visit tho scene of the tragedy at Dex
ter, to examine the bnnk thoroughly
and inquire from Ihc citizens of Dexter
what wan really the populnr sentiment
there. Mr. Clahon faithfully performed
this duty In hehair of tho Governor and
Council, and was amazed to find an
overwhelming sentiment- against the
haul; olllelals, nud a full and settled
conviction (hat to interfere In behalf
of Stain and Cromwell would be to
overthrew justice. Councillor Clason so
reported, and at an executive session
it wna unanimously decided to refuse u
pantoif to tho murderers.
When this decision reached Doxtcr,lt
aroused the greatest enthusiasm nnufiK
the life-long friends of the inurdeted
cashier. Popular Indignation at the at
titude of tho bnnk olllelals at one time
threatened the President with tar and
feathers, but as this Inst schemo of the
officials of thn Doxter Bank to blacken
the reputation of their murdered cash
ier has failed, it Is believed that no fur
ther efforts will be undertaken to set at
liberty tho guilty men.
Bnclly, the part played by a reporter
In the conviction of Stain nnd Crom
well was as follows: In September,
1887, a member of tho "World's staff
learned that Chnrlo.i Stain, son of Da
vid Stain, had made a partial confes
sion to Sheriff Mitchell of Norrldgc
week, Me., In which ho gnvo names of
the robbt-rs of tho Dexter Bank. Sheriff
Mitchell had had this confession for
nine months, but hud cot acted on It
bt-cnuco of lack of money. Tho reporter,
backed by tho World, went there to cor
roborate young Stuln's stnrtllug story.
In Medficld, Mass., David Stain's house
was ransacked nnd In the neighbor
hood bits of evidence wcro gathered
proving the existence of n criminal
gang. Another reporter meanwhile
watched tho movements of David Stain,
who was then a cobbler, at Franklin,
After several weeks of Investigation
Slain nud Cromwell were arrested. Tho
reporter leading tho officials in every
On the trial In Mnino ninny wltnoysos
tdentllled the prisoners as having been
in Dexter on tho day of tho murder,
which wiib Washington'!! Birthday,
1S78. There could bu no doubt about
theso Identlllcatlons. The holiday and
thn peculiar aptitude of country folk for
remembering strange fnces, together
with tho horror of tho crime, combined
to fasten tho memory of .the Btrnngeih'
faces upon tho witnesses' minds.
Charles Stain was corroborated by
John Harvey and the B, C. Sanborn re
ceipt was produced. The movement!
of the gang on tho way to Doxter were
traced from hotel registers. Tills and
u mass of other less Important testi
mony gnvo overwhelming proof of
guilt. Tho defense stuck to tho nulelc
theory ho far uh Barron was concerned,
and to un alibi in tho caso of tho pris
oners. They fulled In making any Im
pression In either Instance The ver
dict of guilty would have hcon followed
by a sentence ot execution wcro It not
that Maine had ubollshed capital pun
ishment. There were rumors of a confession by
Cromwell, Implicating Stain, hut ho
would not confer, It wns said that ho
was promised a pardon If ho confessed,
hut that ho was nfrald to confess be
cause he bclloyed ho would bo arrested
when released for a crlrno In Massa
chusetts. Mr. J, Walter Spalding has leased a
villa In Florence, Italy, where he will
spend the winter with the, hope of ro
cupexAtlo his health, nla ill health
luvJle 44?froBi everwrk,f
IS A 500,000,000-AlRE.
All rtiBtmiil Itujr lilt KtcirM Oui'i.
Street lUklr nml Clrt'ii. rurrormr,
it Hit. Mit.lft Million, In Smith Afri
ca' Mining lltxim.
fIS namo Is Barney
Barney Barnatn
and be Is ono of
tho very llclie.U
money kings lu
tho world. Bar
nato Is the Kuillr
(fjfwjirr-s honunzii king, and
tifrWP "'rt fort,mt' l-day
?l$JjiB I estimated at
r$r00,000,000. Thnl'n
the tlguro to-day;
what it may be next week no ono can
tell, for Barnnto is tho central figure
lu the most gigantic nnd reckless spec
ulation since the famous South Sea bub
ble. This speculation has plunged En
glishmen and Frenchmen and Germans
who have n dollar to risk Into a fever
ish and unprecedented craze to buy
nnd sell "Kaffirs." On the London,
Paris and Gorman exchanges "Katllrh"
Is tho namo of a confusing multiplicity
of South African mining stocks, tho
lively tips and downs ot which have for
tho pnst few months been making and
unmaking fortuuos. This wild and
insane craze has led to tho upsetting of
financial values In nil American stocks,
and has caused Wall street to hold its
breath, as It were, pending the antici
pated bursting nt the Knlnr boom.
Barney Barnato, thu man who has
I cally launched this unprc:cduuted
speculation, has himself mndo millions
out of It. and when tho crnsli i.omes, If
como It must, It is believed that ho will
still be an enormously rich man. Most
of his fortune Is said to he on paper,
but he holds the upper hand In nil tho
big deals and he Is not the sort of man
who has let the "dear public" In on tho
ground floor without making them pay
him a profit.
Of his origin ns little is known us ot
tho uttonlshlng rise ot tho boom he has
created. It is believed that ho wns a
London street Arab, Ho is still young
not yot forty slightly over C feet In
height, fat, squat nnd short-logged.
Ills appearance lu altogether ugly. All
eorta ot vague stories are told of his
career. He is said to hnvo been a bar
ber, u second-hand clothing dealer, n
bagman, a broker's c!ork. a messen
ger a street fakir, a tumbler, circus
:.. I
' ilIFiiinnDti iri&k mi
' '! I 111'''! 'JBL'IHf ;
M v r W ffirsl fit ffltit 4H1H j i i i
. mam iaMt ,
- bi - ittsHI lililMPffl
l ii!!ipifiiy ,.
'm&MMiMmiummmm'ti; lit
.tU' fffl fzSsl m " " w Sxfb'is ,- . " .V' . '
i IMiB FfLtwltf! Wit- 3.. -in . - . . .. (
wJ mm :t&o"'v..- h
performer, contortionist and prcalldigl
lateur. Ho has dealt lu South African
diamonds, nnd nliovit their spurlousneBS
nasty stories arc tccltcd by his oucmlca
who knew hi in lu the mines. Ho loft
there when he was about eighteen
years old.
Thrco j ears ago, penniless nnd un
known, he appealed In London. Not
long after thoro sprang up nmnug spec
ulators and investors great Interest In
South African mining stocks. Com
panies were formed lo dovelop those
mines, and European Icapltallsts, big
nnd little, wcro Invited to lake stock.
It was easy lo'llild money backings for
theso enterprises. Africa wns u, namo
lo conjure by. The Dark Continent
was ii mj'hlrry not unmixed with ro
mance. Its resources were unllnilt
ablo, lto possibilities Incalculable. New
Ptilkca of rich veins were reported.
With each strike sprang up a company
to work It. Kuillr stocks wcro in every
ninn's mind. Tho English newspa
pers helped 'on tho widespread public
Interest by pubMshlng long letters nnd
despatches from the scene of activity.
Conservative English papers inveighed
against It, but thn people gave no heed.
Barney Bnrnato got Into the Katllr
swim. He plunged deep. His natural
il'U'lug mid cool effrontery stood him
well. He won enormously. Then ho
branched out Independently and drew
about him his own following., It wtu
another cato ot tho lucky gnmblcr load
ing tho way for tho unlucky, Ho or
ganized componlcn to float "Knfllra,"
Thoro wcro Barnato "companies," Bnr
nato "groups," Bnrnat,o "shares," but
thoro were never any Barnato losses.
Ho mndo money cyan pnoyo, rnpldly
thnn tho grent bonanza kings of Cali
fornia in the palmiest days of tho Ar
gonauts. Shrewdly hn made a conqurst of Sir
Edgar Vincent. Sir Edgar and Barney
became financial bosom friends. .Sir
Edgar gnvo tho plunger position, which
ho pcwir had lu spl(o ot hla fortune,
Barnato hud boon blackballed at the
Loudon clubs, The rich turf set cut
him, lu splto of his heavy support of
races and hla fino string ot horses.
Sir Edgar mnde euro first of all that
Barnato ami his South African enter
prises were "pnfc," He went out to
South Africa with Barney as Barney's
guest, and was accompanied by his
wife, the beautiful Lady Helen Duns
combe, sister ot the Duchoss ot Lcln
Bter, What Sir Edgar saw lu Africa
convinced him. Ho took up Bnrnato,
gnvo him financial and social prcstlgo,
not in London, but in Paris, and by
clever inaneuveiing secured for him
the ear of tho great Parisian financiers
and boosted him forward In Parisian
society. Sir Edgsr now nhnrcmwlth
him the title of "King ot tho Knfllrs."
Barnato's latest coup waa tho crea
tlon of tho "Barnato Bank, Mining and
ISotntc Coiporallon, Limited." it
needed no prospectus; tho mob were
only too eager to tumbloovereach other
getting "on the Inside." By tho mere
stroke of a pen Barnato created an
enormous, capital out of nothing.
Tho nominal capital ot tills bank wart
2,500,000. The shares were 1 each,
nnd on tho morning of tho issuo there
wcie 1,500 brokers, with orders to buy
hundreds and in some cases thousands,
of shares at tho market. The shnres
opened from 34 to 4 premium, nnd
the capital of the bank Is now valued
at nearly .0,000,000. At the last bct
tlement, when thore was tnlk about dif
ficulty In carrying over stocks, Barnato
announced that he would lend 10,000,
000 on tho stocks of companion In which
ho was Interested.
The trading In these shares devel
oped ono of tho most startling ucenoa
ever wltnossed In the London market.
Vox1 n time there was an almost Inde
scrlbablc frenzy, and tho shares were
hid -jp to more thnn four times theli
face value. They subsided later, but
the ronildenco of the public Is well nt
tested b tho fact that they nro still
'H i ;y ,t
quoted at over three times their face
Tho blind faith of tho English people
In this modem .Midas upsets all theo
ries of their uatlonal conservatism. It
Is estimated that not less than $1C0,
000,000 lias been subscribed, a largo
part or It by small Investors, lu tho
iichcmcs nud enterprise. of tho plausible
Ho was nnd Is to-day tho speculative
foe of Cecil Rhodes, and rcaemblcs the
hitter lu tho scopo of his enterprises
and nervo with which ho hacks them.
Rhodes companies nnd Bnrnato com
panies nro rivals for tho favor of capl
tni wherever "Kaffirs" nro quoted.
line tip n ,lr I'otitnlnlnc Olil Coin.
Thomas Moore, Jr and two other
workmen, wlillo excavating for plpo
conncctfona nt Market square In Ches
ter, Pn., on Thursday morning, un
earthed a small preserving jar con
taining gold nnd silver Spanish coin
estimated to be worth at least $1G0
Somo of tho coin boro tho dnto ot 1800
and other pieces it 'later date. An old
market house erected In tho last cen
tury stood on the site whero tho money
was found and It was torn down in 1857,
It is thought tho money was burled by
one ot tho- Philadelphia
Ledger. .....
I .M.uliroo.n Urowluir.
An account is given by tho Flortctr
Exchango of successful and profitable
mushroom growing by Mr. John Scott,.
a florist of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mr. Scott grows his mushrooms on th
benches, under tho benches, and In a
cellar, having In all nbout 2.C0O squam
feet sot npnrt for tho purpose. One beet
of a width of eight feet is under Bin
center bonch of nn ordinary three
quarter span greenhouse, clghty-oovra
feet long nnd twenty feet wide. Her
the bed is formed on the ground; board
ing extends from tho edgo of the bench,
on ench r.Ide right down to-tbo floor.
No hcatlng-plpes arc nearer this bedl
than those which run under tbe side
benches ot tho greenhouse. Tho bot
tom of this center bench, which la
made of boards, is covered by a coating
of cement, this prevents tho possibil
ity of drip on tho mushroom bed.
Plants are raised on this bench which
the temper ituro of tho houso will suit
It being kept from 53 degrees to CO de
grees, which Mr. Scott considers n.rst.
suitable fnr growing mushrooms.
In nn even span greenhouse, sixty
feet Jong, Is a bed under a sldo bench
four feet wide, nnd under a sido bench.
of nnothcr oven-span house, ninety
two feet long, Is another bed, the heat
ing pipes In both enses being bonrdtdL
off. The hot water system of beating:
Is uaed.
Another place which Mr. Scott has
utilized for mushroom culture is a cor
ridor which extends tho entire width
ot tho houses, somo 114 feet. Benches
were erected in this corridor, which has
n gradual Incline toward tho entrance.
At the lower half mushrooms were
grown on the benches to a distance of
lifty-fivo feet, tho bods extending over
ono of tho two four-Inch plpos which
supply heat for this pnrt of tho estab
lishment, tho liench being about two
foot above tho plpos. Theso beds ircrfr
prepared In tho ordinary manner and
after spawning wcro covered by sash
which was shaded with a coating ot
whiting. Mr. Scott soys It Is imma
terial how near the glass the bedu are.
In the winter tho mushrooms- wilL
stand all tho light available, but to
wards spring It Is too strong for them.
The sash keep thn beds close nnd pre
vents draughts and drying; out They
arc placed on n pcntlo slnnt so na to
carry oft any condensed moisture
which may gather on them. In this,
corridor tho temperature last winter
was sometimes down as low ns lovty
flvc degrees, jet a good crop of mush
rooms was picked from tho bed. la
the remnlning sixty feet of the corridor
beds were placed under tho bench,
flowering plnnts being grown on the
bench iuelf.
Mr. Scott obtains bis supply of horeo
manure from near-by livery stables ou
very fnvornble As It Is brought
to tho establishment it is -piled in n
shed and then mixed wltb-nbout one
fourth loam nnd tflrned every sccmul
day. This gentleman bclluvca in pucl!
Itig his beds, and the manure wlthtf4
rpiallty of loam In It renders It mUfW'
available for that purposo, besides ob
viating ltr, tendency to overheat, the
loam also absorbing tho ammonia lc
tho manure. When the compost in ot
tho conslbtcncy that It will expand nr
tcr being squccr'd in tho hand U l
ready for use. The beds are made up
to a deplh nf seven Inches, anfl
spawned when the temperature falls to.
SO degrees. After tpawning tho beda
are covered with about two Inches ol
loam. lr. Scott begins the formation
of his beds nbout the first wcolc In Oc
tober, and keeps on preparing them In
succession ns often ns ho can get tee
manure, right along until March. Tbin
bo has mushrooms from Thanksgiving
to the fh st week In Juno. ,
Tho spawn used is tho English Milt
track; It Is broken into pieces of about
two inches Mjur.rc and placed In tho
beds eight or nine Incurs, apart, to &
depth of two or three Inches. t Tie
beds arc never watered until tho jiiush
jcoms, appear It it can possibly bs
avoided. Sometimes portions of them.
will dry out, nnd thei are gone over
with n wutqring-can having n fine no&&.
During tho winter water at a tempera- V
lure of SO degrcta to 'JO degrees, ls'usi.-d,.
nnd In May and June water 1b applied,
with u hose.
Mr. Scott says ho has picked mush
rooms twonty-two days after spawning',
,but tho usual time when a crop can be
gathered Is from six to seven -weeks.
Tho mushrooms are pulled from tb
beds, never cut; care being taken to ro
inovo tho roots also, as it theso arc al
lowed to remain In tho bed they niH
decay and kill oft many of tho nroab- v
rooms which are left, and ovory thread.
of mycelium which comen in contact
with them. The holes left by tho re
moval of tho roots nro filled up wilh
Mr. Scott hns never calculated tba
tylcld to a square foot, Sometimes lie
has gathered Individual specimens
which weighed thrcc-qunrteni nf a
pound However, ho llnds munhroooi
growing sufficiently remunerative tc
warrant him, continuing it. Two ot the "
most vital points for micccsi am se
lection of good spawn nnd tho proper
preparation ot the manure. These no
burcd, the roraalnlng work Is easy.
Clay Soils Theso urn called "tfeary
soils, evidently because thcyare hard
to work, Just as sandy soils nro callrn
tight, becauso theey are easy to work.
Such noils fiequontly need to he
dralne.d, They are good retnlncrs nJ'-
moisture. They pro very strong? soil,
that, lu, hiyya a natural wealth ot min
eral lonttor, npd .retain mnnurt-s ap
plied. il' fs estimated that 50,000,000 rose
anil 10,Q0O,qpo carnations nro eo)d by the
New VorK florists cvt-ry year, and thai
tho wholesale- men get a profit of 1.170v
000 out of .tholr business. Vlpletn runic
third in popularity, nnd the llly.ot tbe
vallcy runs a good fourth.
Ab a rule It Is the slip shod wayrc
have of doing things thnt allows tfcc
manure to ue about the born yard a&
There are 500 idle printers In Ch
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