. -- - J THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1895. O '5i2 liAre better values than others are offering at the same price, and if you will take the trouble to d ' 4 ,. ', VJl' f1 OVERCOATS - m 1 vvr VCr N 7 MW1 ,i j :l ' i A A M '' i a t . A 1V .ii . ::,THE CHIEF BWOBN CIR3ULATI0N 1,300. A.O. IIOHMFlt, Kdltor. IAIiovTait. Asst I.ocal IMItor. m. E. NOTES. Well wasn't thut b groat sermon by BiBhop Ilott D. D. last Sabbath. We heard many say the sermon uhich , (delighted ua till bo much was too short. .All good prenohing is. A groat audionce hoard Rev. W. 1), Alexander preach ono of his mood 6or- mons lnat Sunday evening. Prof. Wilson gavo a vory interesting talk to tho Enworth League last Sun day evening. , Rev. Ulaoknell worshiped with us last Sunday. Tho quarterly conference Joontlrmed the action of tho estimating committoo in making tho pastors salary 85.10. Mrs. Wilson was elected a stewardess and E. Rife a trusteo. Tho sugar beots around this section, owing to tho second growth, which was brought about by the September rains, are not testing up to uverago. It seems that the drowth of August stopped the growth and that they wore about ma tured, when the rains como und sot them to growing iignin, causing a serious set back that will cause, it is feared, consid erable loss to the growers. t! TKIDNft LIVER &BWL Rheumatism lumbago, pain in Jolntt or tuck, brick dust la 'wine, frequent calls. Irritation, Inflammation, gravel, ulceration or catarrh of tho bladder. Disordered Liver Blllousnew, headache, Indigestion or gout. IWADIIMIOOT invigorates, cures kidney, diflcultlcs, Wright's disease, urinary trouble. Impure Blood Scrofula, -laluria, general w cakness ordeblllty. rersuMfHKootuuildiiup quickly a run dowa eosstltution mid makes tho weak strong. At BruggUta 50 cents and $ 1.00 81m ' "termlM Gnldo to Health'' Crte- OonralUUos tm. DB. KlUtEH & Co.. DlWOHAMTOW.N.Y. Mattered and cared by the Dr. Owea Electric TrtMf-ottr latest lareation Ouaranteeel most Seles ttae, PowerfW, DralIe, tt SrtBBle and Effective method. A sails, eontinuoua current of Galvanic Webtricity Is applied dlrecUjr totbe art of the Rupture causing icln Ilea and treBtBCBlBg of those parte, Nodetentloa from business w.to tkoie -who an Bvptured, it -will pay to iavMtirate our moac of treatment. iSST Satin thebellef that onr leiBlT Electrte Ttbm lHU cure Vr cue of Rupture that if at all arable. We warraBt that the Blec trkity can Be felt laitantly oa ppUca tk. Call at onr office. No charge lor nSMititinn Onr "TreUl tBtre la tree. Wi have been before the Pnblic many t i' ' yearau and our Electrical appuucM u tocoio a recognized standard of merit. nMteKert&bliahineat of ita kiadto "- A. - .. HP kllMFP'W Roolf BBB& sBBBr BBB? BBBB7 the world Write for our large illatrated catalogw; v'X Badtreatiae. upon Rupture. M n ' THE OWEN ELECTW0 APPUAHCECO, ,., ., - 9tt to JW7 lUtoKeenitc AOaBI It, . Iook us over, we will astonish you with the good quality of our coats, both as to Cloth, Lining and Make-up. WIENER ODDS AND ENDS. A oood shave ut Hutchison Jb Hiatt's bnrbor shop. Tho most stylish huts in tho city at Mrs. McBrido's. Low M. lieu), who has been on tho sick list, is up again. For a lino hair tonio cull on Hutchin son & Iliatt. tho barbers. Mrs, Geo. Guilford and daughter Carrie, uro visiting in Iowa. Go to Geo. Blair for tinning nnd all kinds of job work in his lino. Mr. 'Poland and wifo of North Branch, Kansas, wore in the city this wook. II. W. Gulllford, who has boon sick for some weeks, is recovering slowly. Just received a number of ladies shoos for largo anklo and high instep. A. II. Kuley. Rov. Chapin, formorly pastor of the M. E. church in this city, was in Red Cloud this week. Wo noto with pleasure that Cashier Finch is regaining bis health, after a prolonged illness. Wo aro pleased to note that Mrs. D. J. Myers is convalescing, after a serious contact with typhoid fever. Mrs. Jane Yenger and Miss Clara East, who have been visiting at J. T. Hur wood's, have returned home to Iowa. II. B. Kineel, who is teaching school pear Bluo Hill, was in Red Cloud last Saturday, accompanied by a friend, Mr. Watson, Mrs. Laura Studebaker, who baa been visiting at the residence of M. Finken binder, returned to ber Illinois homo on Tuesday. Charley Wolf, of Garfield township, was married on the 10th to Mies Stella Wilson, at the residence of Noah Wag oner, who officiated. Oood advioe: Never leave home on a joorney without a bottle of Chamberlain' oolio, oholera and diarrhoea remedy. For sale by Dtyo & Grioe. Mrs. McBride has moved her stock of millinery to her residence where she will be glad to see all of her old customers and many new ones. Arthur Parsons, of Jewell county, Kansas, was Married Nov. 7th, 1805, to Miss Iva King, of Webster county, Rev. Noab Wagoner officiating. The cere, mony took place at the bride's resi dence. Tho little daughter of Mr. J. H. Weg man and wife passed away this week after a short illness. The parents and friends have tho sympathy of the com munity in their bereavement Inter ment took place at Blue Hill. Mrs. Arch Sattley and daughter of Springtiold, Illinois, and Mrs. R. Holben and son of Lincoln, Nebraska, were guests of their sister Mrs. O. E. Sattley and their father Mr, James Feiguson of Jewell county, Kansas, the past week and returned to their respective homes Wednesday, Nov. G. Allio Albright 1b a noted bioycliet. Tho other day he came tearing down the atreot with a cord of wood in one band and a bushel of potatoes in the other, when his wheel became obstrep erous and ran away with him, and the last we saw of him, he was going over ditches, sidewalks, apple trees, and other high places. He made several exonaee, but' our reporter wouldn't take them, as he saw it all. The pilgrimage to Denver to tea Schlatter, the great healer, continues with unabated fury. Adam Morhart came home this week and reports great orowds every day, trying every way to see the man and be healed. Hesaya that people stay up all night, so aa to be there on time in the morning to eee Schlatter. One morning he arose at four o'clock and went over to Schlatter's residence, and there were three hundred ahead ot him, even at that hour. Sev eral In thia city have been treated and think he has helped them. He left Den ver on the 10th, and will go to Chicago. Whether he can do all that ia said of him or not, one thing ia certain, he has been a drawing card for Denver and Jots of people have, faith in himi NEWSY KITS. Carriago paintiug, F. P. Hadloy. F. P. Had ley, painter and decorator. Now pattorn hats at Mrs. McBrido's 11. C. Richmond was in Hastings this week. Call and sco Taylor's carpets before buying. A. Morhart roturnod from Donver Tuooday. J. A. Traphagan was down from Hast ings Tuesday, W. J. Graham of Creto was in tho city this week, E. R. Hitchcock of Sterling was on our stroots Saturday. A. Lauterbaoh, ot Colby, Kansas, is in tho city this woek. James Burdon, tho district clerk olect, wus in tho city thia wook. . jj. bears of Ashland was on our streets ono day this week. Mrs. L M. Vance is able to be up again after a serious illness. J. A. Lockhnrt and sons were in Red Cloud this week on business. J. S. Houglund and N. Klein of North Piatt wero in town yesterday. Editor Geo, Warren's brother return ed to Lincoln Saturday evening. Uncle Billy VanDyke now sporU a fish pole from the Hawaiian Islands. C. W. Kaloy returned last Saturday from an extended sojourn in Linooln. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Fogle, 8r., departed last Saturday for a visit in Winston, Mo. Albright it Sherwood are erecting a new frame building on tho site of the old one. Mrs. D. J. Judson left this week for Inavale and Bro. Judson is looking like astray duck. Chas. and Elmor Willis, of Arapahoe, brothers of A. G. Willis, wore in the oity this weok, Nate Piatt bad the misfortuno to step on a pitchfork the othor day, which en tered to the bone. The young friends of Clarence Win ters gave him a pleasant surprise party Thursday evening. Ed Ballew, the alTablo revenue collect or ot MoCook, was eating bologna with the boys this week. S. J, Reevea and A. M. Reevea of Riv erton, Iowa, were in Rod Cloud the lat ter part ot last week. Mrs. Jas. Kidd, of La Grange, Mo., formerly Miss Cora Kaley ot thia city, is visitlDg here this week. The rain ot this week was a good one, wetting the soil in good shape and giving the winter wheat a good start. Mrs. Martin and children, who have been visiting in this city, have returned to their homo in Stockham, this state. Jno. Wernor, whose home is eleven miles north of this city, returned yes terday from a sojourn in Silverton, Col, Mrs. Ella Olmstead returned to her home in Bortrand last Monday, aftor a few weeks' visit with her mother in this city. Mrs. Hiram Spry, ot' Bloom City, Wis., arrived in the oity Wednesday evening on a visit to her son, J. M. Sooles. We omitted, in our great glee over the results ot the election, lastFridsy to say that J W. Warren was fleeted assessor by 136 majority. The best way te avoid soalp diseases, hair falluur oat and prematare baldness, Is to us the best preventive kaowa for that parpose Hall's Hair Reaewer. Ben MoFarland, who has been having a serlcua tilt with typhoid, is rapidly on the mend and will soon be able to est the pace for the boys in their spurts oyer the country. On account ot the illness ot some of the parties who are on the program, the band concert, which was to have bees riven on tho 10th. has been Dostnoned one week, and will be rendered on the 20th. Watoh for the program next week. Dr. Price's Crease ftaklag Powier World's Fair tUfte Meeslaed PIslsis. THE Lit GlQIII SGilOO Shoes Are bettor wearers, better litters, and bettor styles than any other children s shoes. They mako no second grade, henco no substituting poor shoes for good ones. Romembor tho name "Tho Little Giant School Shoos." Remember the only place you can buy them. Latest novelties in Women's Bright Dongola Button and Vici Kid, white Btitchod. Tho greatest thing for school marms and school girls is our Kangaroo Calf button with patent tip, light weight, soft, pliablo, warm and do not scuff, Great wearers. A. IT. HALEY'S. BRIEF MENTION. D. F. Scott has returned to Iowa, Mrs. McKoighan is homo from a visit in Hastings. , For paper hanging and painting H.P.Hadley. When you have a drees to make Mrs. F. P. Hadley. OAA see Congress plow shoes $1.25 and $1.50 at Cincinnatti shoe store, Corn busking is beginning to take the place of othot farm work. A complete new line of wall paper at Taylor's at bottom pricos. Are shoes advancing? Read A. H Kaley'a ad at the head of locals; Tho Rev. Bishop Hott preached in the M. E. church last Sunday morning. It is quite a comfort these days to bear the whistlo at the round house blow. Rev. Alexander of Hastings preached Sunday evening in the M. E. church. S. E. Cozad is in Lincoln for a few days, looking after the general Linooln office. You can paint cheaper bow than you can in the spring. Get prices at Cot- ting's. Five wagon loads of corn came in Sat urday from the Bouthwest part of the county. ' A very interesting quilting party took place at Mrs. Strohm'a on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Sherman and daughter of Elgin, III., are here visiting with Mrs. R. M. Martin, Sr. A very interesting program will be given at the Crepon social Friday even ing, Nov. 22. Mrs. Thos. Penman has returned home from a week's visit with her par ents in Cowles. Lost A cashmere shawl between the M. E. cburoh and Fireman's Hall. Finder please leave at this office. When you want a nice smooth shave or hair-cut, give Geo. Fontreas a call One door west of Miner Bros' store. "O range blossom" is safe and harmless as a Flax Seed 1 onltioe, Any lady can use It herself. Bold by O. L. Cotting. , I have the largest assortment ot boots and shoes In the city and at such prioes as will fit all pocketbooks. A. H. Kaley, During the electing on the Cth there were oast eleven ties for various offices, from judge ot election up to justice ot t hepeace, Come one, oome all, to the Masonic ball to attend the dime Crepon, social, to be given by the ladies of the Eastern Star, Nov. 22. Go to W. W. Wright's, th? cheapest headquarters in the valley for heating cooking, and all kinds ot stoves. They have them in great variety. Another big reductlen on my hoods, fasoinators and ice wool shawls. I posi tively will not bs undersold on thia line ot goods. Mrs, F. Newhouse. Mrs. E. L. Hummel and daughter Gladya accompanied by her niece Mies Ida Hummel departed for Glenwood, Iowa, Tuesday morning on number 10. I now have a first qlaas shop and am better prepared than ever to do first class carriage work at prices that will town, F. P. discount any one else in Hadley. CLOTHIER. Headquarters FOR Queens ware. . . . We hav i the finest line ot Queensware and Glassware ever placed bofore the public, for their inspection, west ot the Missouri river. In dinner ware we have Boquet, Gem, Unique Gold Line and Dresden, all the finest fllled-ln dec orations, and you can select anything you want from the above. You need not take the entire dinner est to get any of the abovo goods; take any piece you like. In pencil dec orations we have a tine line and can get the above anything you want. Wo have a fine line of hand-painted ware, such aa French China Servic Porcelain and fancy glassware of every des cription. Anyone making a purchase ot One Dollar's worth ot the above goods, we will make them present of a nice glass dish. Lamps All we have to say in regard to Lamps if, to be aure and call here and look our immense stock ever before making a EI urchase, and we will convince nocking them all out on prices. ot every description on hand at all times, and will be sold at the very lowest cash price. Bring in your Butter, Efga, Potatoes, Corn, Cabbage, and everything you have te sell; they all go for the above goods. Yours respectfully, The Rt. Rev. Anson R, Graves, Bishop ot the Platte, will hold aervicea in the Episcopal church, near the court-house, on Friday, Nov. 7th, morning and even ing. You are cordially invited. Every farmer in the state who thinka wheat is too cheap can get the benefit of the advance that is sure to come. How to do it free; write L. P. Good Sc Co., 63 Commerce Bl'dg, Chicago, Ills. Late pensions procured by Attorney J. Porter Jr.: Wm. Redinger, vicinity of Lawrence, Neb., and Mrs. Caroline Warner, late of Roaemont, now of Leba non, Kan. Both are made happy. 1890 will be leap year, and we hope that the girls will have secured courage enough by that time to ask the old baoh's to marry. It would be a great blessing. We are getting tired of look ing at them, Eh? Senator Alva' Sellers, Gen. Stewart Albright, Colonel FlaVe Grioe, Deaoon Homer Sherwood, and several other Red Cloud notables have agreed never te shave again until they get married. Ob my, won't (heir whiskers get long. Married at the residence of the brides parents, Monday, Nov, 11, Mr, W. D. Davis and Miss Roaaaa Willmot. Mr. Davis la a resident of Smith county, Kansaa and Miss Willsaot is ot Red Cloud. Wm. VanDyke said the mystic words that made the two hearts one. I They have the well wishes ot the entire I o jmmunuy. you at once that we are GROCERIES MIZER & McARTHUR. The demand for Aysr's Hsir Tiger aob widely-separated regions as America, Spain, Australia, aad India BB) kept paee with the home eoasussptisB whloh goes to show that these peepM know a good thing when tbsy try it There will be a meeting of the Mem bers of the Webster County Agrloulto ral society at the office ot the secretary on Saturday, Nov, 10, 1895 for the pur pose ot the election of oOcers fer the ensuing year, Also to make soma changes in the by-laws and such other business as may come' before it. A fall attendance ia .desired. R. L. Alyesk President BmBmeeeB)BBBmeB AwttiM H Jffcte HogksYf-.WfM PMi POWMB HOST PERFECT MAM. A put Crape Crtam ofTrtwrw'sW.t, earn Ammonia, ahm or any eater Vkun.B.m ilu1.i' f.. . H 1V ISAM HIS S)UMWWH,mVh i y v ' v J, Of i $ t r vv m ,it,f,) UAWMW, r .'S JWirAVrA Vail r i..tAr,r . P f.WlJ "l- 3 T .?, iSj&m V f V te: iX' '-i frA,'gff Hfig-V1'-'1 r&m gMt: aaaotiiXujghj fftu &$kriMm'j! ?. rfk!iJf .jfrtV& wL- ffiSO ,b Wn