'iwn KHpwiriiWf :.JEDB ii i.'i .W! ?. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. FRIDAY. NOV. 15. 18(15. .!?!' s mm 9 . . ft I i t '"HJIpr I .' rv ft LOVK'S tlNCO.NSCIIH S MUSSr.NCiKH, Ited eJovcr blosonts iiml daisies Swing ntitl sway. Ainltl tliu llowcry mazes Insects piny. "Mttle reek they might beneath Mother Earth's groon, frnj:rnin sheath; Sunshine, tholis. ami nil of life Save Its Weariness and slilfe. Willi busy, tuneful litinuntiiK Wordless song. I.0111I heralding Ills coming , Swift it lone Tho wild )oe, honey-questing. Will brook no llfilitsomu .t'it Ittjr ; His is uo Idle rover. UlFportiug 'lull! the olncr. Al Ills kiss tin; elmor smiles (Willi blushes shy.) Honey sips tlie bee, and mllrs Away doth fly, Willi fussy, noisy, pompous poif In distant fields to pay Ills eourt. UtulieumltiK lie loxe's message, bears To oilier clovers, oiliorwhoies, Harper's ltnnr. ri RS"5F.Y , OM IwnTR; ITNNIS &L TIIK top o the miirndii' l' .ve. Mrs. FliinulKnii! It's Kind 01 am I' see joo. the da.v! Shure Ol i I i havu'i sit o.ws I nn yo. slnee. Tim ltellly's wake. Ah-h. falx. 'twas a folne tolme wc had tlie i iiolKht! Hit ye down, Mrs. FIiiiiiiIkuii. sluiro .ve must no loircij. .Minn iniir tltpT! biit ye'ro slltlu' an the rat! I'.ad Reran to the crnjlhur! It do be always umMier me fill. l!o an now! S-S-S! 'An' how have ye been. Mrs. Plan nlguti? An' how's the mild man an' tlie lives? Oil, yls; we all do be folne hero, ban-in' Johnny. Ho liov the whoopln' eahf-nn' It's very Imd he Is. Ob, yls. Mary Ann Is well. Shedo bu goln' In Ki"iii' sas-ilely now. sinee her paw was cllcted aldheiniau av tlie Tint' ward. Shure she whit to the KiVhhore a fwolle this suniiner wld the ;illiooleys an' the Sulllvans. an' she wlnt itildln' hi wan o' ihlm yats they lias down iheie: an' its a folne tolme she bad. Arrah! but ol mule to kape an oyo til her aid the sa-anie, fer aid tholrKtan' way. fer 'tis i-orruptln' her nuiuueis they'd he; no ll-s An' site lo bo alwa.vd broiiKlit up da.vilul an' HIlKint .lohiin.v! lit nulut. Uosiu uit an' plav wld fie kh.u a fwoll. Uiere's a Kood bye. Yees r-oe. Mils Is bow It was. 'Twas aid ahum av a a-amc they eall laluiK lionuN. .Mary ,nn kirn hoamo wan day last spring. nn' she slz t' mo. slz she; "'Maw. tlie Ollhooloys is Klllln' up a luluig IH'iuiU iloob. an O'lui to be long to it,' she slz. "A laling Dennis cloob'.' Ol slz. 'An Twats that? Is It some new koliul nv a slilllaly' )i slz. 'Kal.v. an jo doan't lKla-nng to laling Dlnnls. nor short ninnls nyllior. bedad. but lo honest Moiko MnldiMin. that ye promises to marrv last St. I'athilck's ila-ay-an' Its makln' yor woddln' eloathos ol am tills minute'.' 01 slz. "'Oh. liinw!' alio slz. Mi's only a cn-aniu!' sho lz. 'An' they plajs It nn the la-iihn. wld a nit an' balhs, an' Oi'll have to liov a Dlnnls soot,' she "'An' fwa! 'II that be?' Ol slz. "'Wboy, It's a drlss to wear whin ol .Mwry Ann Jinked n Tiuiili," hlayH tin.' gn-aino!' she slz. 'An' Ol waul wan as folno as Annie Ollhool v'h.' "An f wat's the matter wld the drlss ye had iniulo for the Sono uv Mrln lmlilV 01 slz. 'The gtano fatln wan, wld the lalm tall to It, an tin llwiutillty nick, nu' the llllgant lneo an rhl nritlllshullsV Sluiro. Ol'm tblnkln' Annlo Ollhooloy'll not liov an iivtlilng folner than that, now.' '"'.Now, niuw!' slz Mary Ann, 'Unit's not sootablo at all, at all,' she slz. 'Ol want n rhl an' fwolt shtrolped sklrrt, wld a pink shlrrt waist, an' wan o Ihlm onus they do Is weailu tin' the yats, an Oi want folvo dnllois to buy " "Haoket. it Is!' 01 slz, Tolvo dal low! sbiir. Ol think wld four byes an' u iMitiy an' n- planny, an' a dog an' Hint Holiumlii' pan-ot-tlm devil Hoy away wld him! 1U alono yor paw whin be klniK hoamo from tlio tvurnl niajtliis, Its racket enrtugb wo has, an' for uothln'. Its no folvo dallors yo'll lilipluil fer nioro racket, lioKomi. Joliiixy Casey, If yo doan't lavo air in rIii' Iho baby, Ol'tl take ino shllp per f o! D'ye niolitd Unit now. Uiisht :ryln' now, darllnt; hero, thin, heio' yor slsthor's fontygraft ullilm-look nt that now! Alanua, but it s a folno rliolld she. Is. .Mrs. Flaimlgan, when yo lavo her liov her own wny; Will as Ol was tlllln' joes, If Ol'd put mo fnt down Uiln. Ol'd have saved niosUn tbrubblo an' money; but whin tho (iil.1 -man l;lm hoaitio 'twas alsy wurik for Mnry Ann to tasu him nioiind, an so It wasn't Inline bofoor sho wos rooiiln' lo pla-uy laling Dlnnls owry day In tio wnko, an' soria ir bit av wurrk oonbl Ol get out av her. An' so It -wlnj, till Iho other day. slio kliun lioamo an sho slz. 'Maw. them's to lie a tinlmlnt at tho club, an' Ol'ui Koln' to pla-ny wld a inatcli.' sho slz. " 'Nat bit uv II;' slz Ol. 0I nlvor al lowed uuy oholld av iiinlno to pla-ay H 3 O &$EX v. ..-.rn Witty mm io3 W 1 wld matches nt nil, at all.' 01 m, 'Wliat d'ye innneV Ol stz. 'Doniit ye I........ .... ...nl.l.l . Il .1... .I..I. ilt.lt till ' Miv J u milium pii i in- illinium mi folio V An' Is the tlnlinlnt for rliitV Ol :.iz, MYrhups we inclglit lint It!' Ol slz, 'fer If yo'ro coin' to shplnd aid jer Inline pla-ny'ii laling Dlnnls, we'd Idt ther live cIom boy, mi' sii-iio tolme eoiulu' nil golii'r" (Ol si, this lrry slr- uisty, Jus. Flauulgnii, for Its mad oi ( vuts.) "so tlilu sue explained that tlie tun- , mint wasn't :i lliitmliil nt all, but a . kind av a show aff gn-uuie tiv IiiIiiik . Dlnnls, tin' she luvolted me to ko I tlahiiK wld her. that Ol untight see what a pttrrty same It wax. ' " 'Air pit an the blst je lias.' sue slz, 'fer It's a stoyllsh crowd luu'll lo I here:' "So Ol pit an me blue slik dr!s an' medooluiln ilu a.i' tuk me fwott para sol wld the Kruno bows an' Ol wlut. "An' shure. 'twas a folne da-ay an' theie was a lot av nolee lookln' poplo a slltlu" arouiiil Kiaale hihiiK 0-li net Flituek up ItlKewuys a bin spume inn irked air an the glass, wld a acrass the uildle uv It. The f.b lis aid looked inolglily pur ity an' there was a lot av Judes In funlle clothes shklpplu' around an' Klttln' imdhei' fut. an' Ihne was plluiy av kIskII"' ii ehatteiln' ye may he shine. "Mary Ann pit a chair fer me In j Hie front low an' wlut an' bruiiK up a folr.e shtiapplu' younk fell. in fwolle pants an a nil ami yeiiy suiroipeu eoal, an lnlerjiileed me to 'in. u fer-L-tl tils iia-nmo. bill he n wan UV the 'bosses Ol I'lilnk. He was iiioIkIiI.v pT- I lotto an' shmollln'. 1 " Vilnd I' male Mis. Oavej.' he sly. 'Ol hoapo ye'll InJ'y Ihe ilnlinltil. I be slz. 'Ver da-anier pits up a folne I K.i-anie. an' Its jrtnl av her .xe'll be.' be slz. " 'l-'alx an' Us piouder me ber Ol'd be.' (1 si:?. "Ii she'd shlay lioauio wausr In a fwolle an' pll op a Tow i mis ar ilniniattlos or the loll.e o' that.' oi slz. " Mih. but Inhr-K Olut.'.s U su I healthy.' he slz. "An' rwat ir he IsV Ol slz. 'ol have n't the banner av the Klnilenutn's n'e. ipialntaiiee,' slz Ol; 'An Ol'iu nol al all thrubbled ijlsiul Id" l'"all.' o sir.. "Wld thai he (ur.-ned so rid in the I t Umv. "I'n ii M AVollil I ','' an' boKiin boltluK Ids nilslache H luurd that Ol was cheaied lor fear he iiioIkIH bo laling Ulniils ilinlir. or wan av the family, an OI tuolKlit have lueii.'.eives uosiuuie. ino itenii in mi lmiried his tVellii' so Ol slz man form who had so long olllehitod !.. .... ..III...... HI iiiiinr..ll 'lilt fl f il III t ilH IlllHltrlllll Mllll filllll'r IimiI left tliom t un nn i'iiiii' r mi in... i. .. ...-. , -. -- In ea-ai-e yor own itti unto ntol;;lti be not a dollar. The lady and her (laugh , Dlnnls.' Ol siz. lor weio. of mil so. looked coldly " 'Oh. don't mlnilon II. muni, bo slz. upon rir nwiiiio. as people noiioveti an' ho hiiighed so halrrly thai oi know thent to bo In (ollitstoii with the do In felt blither. parted. Hut they wore not depressed "Thin he bowed an win! aff. thin by HiK They went miiuftilly to woik ()l looked aidiinil an Ihero win Mtuy lllo little heiolnes In a play, the ninth Ann n piaiiehV nioiind wld u bat made or did sowing and the (laughter did out uv stilting, about us IiIk as me whale. or she could got to do. They little eoal ehuvvle, an ti knoekln ba-ase bahls aeioss lite tlsli nit. an' Annie Ollbooley over an the other soldo knoekln' thlui bnek at her. "There was n Utile Judo slttln' up nu a holgh shlool at wan ind of iiie till. wroltliiK an a piece of pa-aper an' yellln' out Kimolhlii lo 'liu Ivory now tin' thin "Klrst wan of Ihlm would hit a bald a lick mi' thn folly wool yell: " 'Wan:' "Thin she would mud a not her wan floyiu' an' he would jell: " "I'lirubble!' "Thin sho would rhttshy over to (ho other tanner ot lb. sijuaro r' got a blither crack at it. Thin Iho other glrrl would plooK It back it her. an Uilu' they'd all wall a fwolle till some of Ihe jiules would folnd some more bahls. "Tlilu I bey would go al it sumo inoie, roonln' tin' Jiimpln' an' toarlu' around till they both lookul (hat. rid in the fate an' tnlrcd that Ol sid to a l folno stoyllsh lookln' lady that wit nlst to mo: " lf .Alary Ann was to wurrk as band as Unit doiii' a wnxliln' Its Ullt she'd be iutolioly.' "All Ihe tolnio the Jiidelin the shtool w'ns yellln' an sbcrainln'. Oi eouldn't bear much ho sld, but 'twas iiuiibeis mostly, ol (Ink. Ov eooise Ol would n'l have uioliitlod thai, but nf liter a fwolle Mary Aiiuodld somelhln' wrung 01 suppose, for bo shcniined oltt at her (l"tte ipille vl'lout lolko. " 'The dooei!' ho slz. "That made mo leal mail win tlio poor glnl was thioyln' so harrtl, mi Oi (dr.: "None o' that mo not bo vliitlir aiiny an slz. AhleWnan I'ttsey's iln-arter' fl "All tlio 'Miplo arouiul um laugln;il, for they was to see tin sassy Judo tide down a bit. Hut bo nlvcr paid a bit nv attention nt ah), at aid. "An' that wasn't tho woorst he hM. Mrs, Cokot ytvptn n ".iiian. 'Twas only a short Inline ufther that whin Mary Aim slz to him vlrry Us - pletftil: "FwatH tho Kohoio, Mister Joans V "He looked at hoi wld it grip' an ltlin lolko u youiiK nilifiaitiier. a,, iu 6lz: 'Thlrrty, love!' .list lolko lliat. "Willi 'twas ncilld 01 was tint mln- i : . K . ute. 01 wlut over an' shuk mo ,1sut tit It! tn and Ol slz: .tt'tinl .I',... .iiiiai.. . limit. llnf I-.1U. ...it ii , ; niiiiiv. . u iiii'ii ii. I ii.i.- kll,' 01 slz, "to le tnlkin' loiko that to mo Mary Ann,' 01 slz. 'an' she liiKaKod to Molke Muhlooii an' him on the po llee foreoV 01 slz. 'An' It's lucky lor ,oes lis an Ids kilo ho Is lids minute an' not here, or Us toon In jo'l bo whno jo belong!' "Cooni along" hot ninnie, Mary Ann. mis minute.' Ol slz, 'an' if IiiIiuk Olnuitla or or short Dlnnls lor Insiiiis ye hkIu Alderman Casey'll hm him a rael.et that'll shpi-oui basebahls util oer his hid, bad luck 1 1 'lui!' "--Irene Stoddard Capwell In OhleiiKo lnier Oio'in. Tim i:n: or tiii: m'.i:ii,i:. 1 1 II IV llll Illlllirlllll( lllMlltlT) llll Xliiili- In a llrcnoi, l'.lhis Howe almost boKKaied himself bffoie he illh(oeii'd where the oo of the ti'-'-dle urn sewliiK maehlne should bo located, UN orlKiiial Idea was to follow the model of the e,e at the ho.nl. Il lioNorneeurred to 111 til thill It should be placed near the point, and lie uiluht lane fulled nttoKothor If be had not dreamed bo was bulhlliiK simvIiik maehlne for a miviikV kliiK In a stiaiiKe eouulr.t. .lust us In his initial waklitK experlenee, ho was rather peipleved about the needles eye. lh thoiiKlii ihe Miik wu1 him twenly.four hoitii-i lo complete a machine and make It mmv. If not finished In that time, deal It was to be the punishment. Howe worked and woiked and puzzled and puxled. mid dually pave It up. Then he thotiKht be was taken out to be o.ms mod. l noticed that Die war rims onirics speais ihnt were pleii-ed near the head. Instantly ranie Hie so (tit toil of ihe dilllculty. and whllu the Inventor was boKKluK for iliul) he awoke. It was I o'clock lit the morn I ni:. lie .lumped nut ol bed. inn to his wot ihop and by 0 u noodle wllli an i'U had been indel.v nioilolod. After that It was easy. Tills Is the true story of an Important lueilieiil In the liiu'iillon of the f-cwhiK mnehtite. i:noilt Vrili-n l' a Tree, A paper lit Western .Vobrnskii con tain the outline of a story that should bu iltuiK Into uudyhiK orso by a poet as kooiI as lite author of "Ihioeh Al lien." Some yeais hko In the town when1 the paper Is published theie lixod a man who had a wife and duHKhior. He loomed prnspoious. mid Ids ii edit was Kood for auythiiiK ho dc-lied. One line. starllKhl ulKhl. lie disap peared. takliiK with him neatly eet liilitK that wasn't nailed down. Ho had made about over. man In town his creditor, and when lie went away the people betook thomsohes Into out er darkness for awl lie and walled and Kita"hoil their teeth. The wife ami daiiKhlor were Healed the mmo as the rosl. They found prospoiod. nn I hoy deseivod to pros- I per. The older heroine In lime clab lislted u millinery stoic, which captur ed all tin trade, while tin youiiKcr bo camo ptliiclpal of the schools. They had money in tlio lunk. and could eat, j leocieam wheiio-er they wanted to. i The oilier day a seedy tramp ealled at tin back door of tlie ladys resi dence mid usl.ed for a drink and some thing t eat. The good woniab looked at hint Intently nml n'eognlred her husband. And env the really beauti ful pail of Ibis story comes In. Did tin ladv kill lite fatted calf for the prodigal mid bid him wohomo and forgot the past? .Vol lo any great ex tent. Sho ealled the family dog. it largo creature, with a penchant for human remains, and no uinii over ellmlsd a tree ipiicker t lift n did the erring hus band. -Nebraska Stale Journal. TIiim III Jiliimi, lit Ktinipe a ttiueler Is compelled to oerylMidy eoiinoeled with a tinln or n railway station If ho wauls to protvet hbn from iiuiioyanco. lie has to fee iho btiKgaKoiuoii, tho pollers, iho con ductors, the gtiaitls mid all liatiiW. ami Iho treatment be receives is governed liv his geneioslty. In Japan yon mo oxiioelud lo islvo a ivimy to Iho por tor who carries your ItiKgugo from Ihe jlnrlklshn to tho Imggagu room, for Unit' Is Ids "pidgin,'' and ho lecohes uo juiv ft "in tho ra 1 1 mad but If you offeiod a fee of any amount to uuy I olio else ho would bo grossly Insulted. yln' so harrti, mi The Mime Htiue or policemen. .s mi jlllnstniUon, 1 emolessly loft a note folno bav! Yo'll !bjoU ofi ilicfcoat of a ear In which I av yor profaullv had travoli'd from Tolclo to Yokohama, ! The Mime U Jiuc of policemen. As an and did nol.illrcoior my loss itnill the train had lofl ihe next station. I wont to limitation, ujaijlor. who liuinedoile ly sldtt'a toli'KiantPi the man In charge of Um tvaln, and I found my iintobqnk a unit I ng un when I leiurneil to tin liolnl at Toklo llml ovenlug. After- vwmd I olTeU'd, to pay the station map lor nml the telegraph operator for their trouble. They made xnry polite , bows and assured mo that they felt greatly honored by having an opportu nity lo do tint a service, but declined ' to accept hionuy.- C'oriespomleiioo of the f'hlcago hpo.mii. Tint I'rlocj of Willi' mill Ills 1'i-ln, Concerning the specimens ol' wild animals which the prince of Wales ban i been presenilis to tho Comnwoll Head , Museum. It may bu liiloiestlng to state that, Jtlfl royal iilghuesN observes a I very wholes.ine ruo In tlirso nintlois. . Maiiy of ;ho iIqiiiohUc pets whleli on denred llipniM'lviji by long years of as Kielutlnn to Um Trliice and JTIiup.'h , aro eaj'ofully stulTi'd ImiiietltatoJy nf , lor doalh. apd llud a permanent place . In it coiiidopor iipaitpieut of tho roy- al lofideiico. In this .,yny1 thero Is not a solitary zoolpglcitl speijliuon either ' at SaudrliiKhmii or In MarllMiroiiKh i I(uim vlilcli does not isissess sonm renilnlseelit uluo In the eyes of Its f ,nVnor. .Molhlitg wIioho lulorest Is si Hotly schulllle is sent to an appro. prla (o public (olloi'tlmi, aird In this way the ITIucn of 'ajos Imp, lu iho (,01'rso or n long eaivor, iiec(pie it very t ifiusideniblft dRtinr to Uio great- fiH-- tloi.iu rauseuin. ran .mum tiazette - TIIK JUN LN .1AIWN. PRIZC FIGHTING THEnC A DAN- ennous art.- t'lin Oiiltciimiit) Soltiiirn of Cimipirrlits liy Srfiinlinc lo VlnM liiilinlt. 41rli., 1'rliil.. TliriiiTi, mill ItroUioi lluui'i .lliitilrt ii f Mori. T linn been well pointed out, In Uif radio Ileum's do llKlttftil hook, "Out of the. V.mI," Mint Jupaa has adopted nolhliiK for nie-ely Imitntlvu re.it ons. Thin country ban, ever since Us earli est connection with Tun otitor world a commotion which begun with the Bhlpwrcck of l'lnto In l.f2- appimoil nml tnken only that wlilcli Was calcu lateil o Itirre.iso Its 8treiti;th, wilte John A. Cockroll roni Tok.o. Silently, but surely, Japan lint) been profllliiK b the Intellectual advanco iitul vlRor of foreign lands, until she has learned all tlirlr seercts, nml, ilnsplto her sh.e and cotnpnratle weakness, beconie cery whit their npinl. And all this. I.afeu dlo Hem n claims, Is uotliliiK but a most mnrvrlloiiH nntlomil Jiujttlsu; n sysottn of liitcllertual f,elf-ilefenei; that bus not IIh equal In any other bind, ns the real Jlujutsti Is Inconiptirahly superior (o nuy other Htiowu ayrttein of iiliyclcal solfe-ilefcnce. Hut what Is Jbijntsti? Outside of a few essays In tlto Trar.s:utlon of the Aslutlo Society of Japan -where an claborato description may ho found wljeh s vexatious bee.ittsii of lis want of lucidity to any but nn initiate -and nno or two nrticlci In the Japan M:ill Unit ileal with thn history rather than with thn practical aspects of the art. thcro Is no literature on tlio subject ui rcfslblo to rorolKii'ers. And jet Ui rt Ib iiniticfltlonably onn of profound In terest, for by a thorough eoinpiehen slon of Ha rules n man of KWitlJ In ferior physhpto nviy Hiiecrssfully copo with an opponent iiesscthtil of much strength, slzo and combative skill. Tlio whole leiiehlnK of Jltijutsu Is tuintned up in the two bleagiaphs com potiliiR the name; It Is tlio "nrt of eou aucrlnK by yielding" or "literally the "Kontlo art." In to far iiti It la mm:ii- Sp?i- UICSUSCITATION OK AN I'NCON- SC10CS MAN. Uarly adapted to those of Icda powerful physiques and hence snppo.-iitlUously "gentle," the name Is not a misnomer: hut In reality Jlujutsti teacher how to encompass tlie complete overthrow of an enemy, Including the quickest and surest modes of killing with the naked hands. It Is thus nno of tho deadliest of all methods of self-defence. Some dayn ngo It was my good for tune to moot a foreign gentleman In Tokyo who after long years of practice hns grown to bo an ndept In this dini eult and most valuable urt. I um In debted to lilui for an Interesting e. pluntation of Jtujut.su. Tin; ordinary course Is one of thrro years, hut ho who wlshca to learn tho nrt thoroughly must glvo rovpii or oven more joors to Its constant practice. For Jltijutsu Is not one ot tliriRo tlilngj Hint, onco learned, Is not roddlly forgotten; a nitre acquaintance with Its Intricate lilies, Its throws and counters, ltn at tacks and foils, Is by no meanc Mifil rlent, althouxh finch knowledge Is not without value. WhnL Is required l.i ii8tnnt practice, whereby tho iimsclei aro hardened, tho eye grows quick and keen and each nerve, every hircfnake3 Instant response to the will. A certain degrco of facility nml rklll acquired, and tho posrcbsor U butter armed than If ho. carrlod weapons, for In the. case of a trained Jlujutsii-!:a the bunds aro evor ready to bo used with Instantly fatal skill. A lltho body, a quick eyo and a keen perception of what an opponent Is thinking of or In tends to do like Homo masters of fenc ing, who seem to dlvljio by Intuition what will bo tho next Uinut, whether In tlorcn, quart or what not--theho aro Indlopensablo ndJttnctH In the acqnlfll tlon of this art, which, perhaps, more than any other athlotlo oxrrek,e. brings every muscle Into play, and strengthens tho entire frame. To tho onlooker n group of youths en-' gngrd In Jlujutsu contest Is surprising In many wnya. Hacli combatant Jr ilressoil In a thlrJc wadded cotton coat, with short, broad alcoves. Tho coat reaclien half way down to tho knees, and Is firmly kept In placo by a stout glrdln of cotton cloth, both tills and tho coat being of exceptionally atrong mnke. Iloforo beginning i bout tho :ontptants prostrate themsphes and touch tho mntH-rfor mstn of i-pecbtl thickness and ninko. are. ltbcd In JIu nt8ti;TwJtli tholr forolipadB. Taking firm hold of each rjther'n glidln wltlftlio right limitl rind uppci' part of the cent with tho left, tho Btruggfo beglntt. Pnic llcally speaking, Jltijutsu scojiik to for eign e;es to bo a (combination of nracco-Rnmnn and cateli-as-catch-enn, but with scores of other grips, felntu ind thrown, which would bo considered ton) In foreign lauds. Tho contestant Iry, In a hundred wn) b, to gain the mas tery, which conslnts not merely lu throwing ouo'h opponent, hut, once thrown, In pinning him to tho ground nd ke,ej)pg lilm-hors do combat until ae Bues.forfhercy. . In thn regular schools of Jlujutau tUc UBquUbfd ,rnB'kfCPc,uri struggllnK to 'Ue iiBiii oi enuurauce, tor u ni pow- tbe limit VI endurauce, for If hit pow .1 , 3I s M crs of reelHtance aro renter than ttio-io of his more skilful .adversary he may yet flttiKKer to his feet and IiorIii the j bout nnew. Hhouhl ho aeknowletlRO hlmyelt completely worsted he has only to Konlly pat tlio back or shoulder of bin victor, whereupon the vle-llko grip Is at once relaxed and the fallen lighter assisted to bin feet. JltiJutKU thus iitnui at rendering an adversary completely harmless, and this Is done by scores of slr.ingo tricks anil Hlclglits which de mand years of study In order to bo thoroughly comprehended. The art In cludes strangling, hitting at tlio most Miluernhlo places of the body, kicking -Indeed everything that huniaii In genuity can Invent. Vet to each at tack, to every sleight, there Is a perfect counter, and what Is still mnro rumoik nblo and of high practical Importance U that thosn who Itnvo lost consciousness In consequence of n blow, kick, strang ling, etc, tuny, so long ns no vital In jury bus been Inflicted, ho promptly re btorcd to tholr sousos by method:! -. LAST MOVHMKNT IN IIBSUSCITA TION. known only to Initiates of the highest rank. And Just hero Mr. Ileum's Hiimmnry ot the art Is really very good. "Jltt- Jutmi," he writes, "Is not an nrt of dis play at all; It Is not n training of that sort of skill exhibited to public mull neesj It In (Jn art of self-defence lu Uio most exact sensfr of the term; It lb an art of war. Tho master of that art Is able, In ono moment, to put an un trained antagonist completely hors do combat, lly soma terrible legerdemain ho suddenly dislocates a shoulder, un hinges a Joint, liutHtB a tendon, or suaps a bono without uny apparent effort, lie la much more than un athlete; ho U an anatomist. And ho knows also touches that kill-as by lighting. Hut this fatal knowledge ho Is under oath never to commtinlcato except under such conditions an would render Its abuse almost Impossible. Tradition ex acts that It bo given only lo men of per fect i:elf-command and of unimpeacha ble moral character." Vulkrl tit Winter llrri. Yalkrlu ll. will remain at her berth In Uric basin until the opening ot next season. In u recent Interview, II, Maltland Kcrsoy, Lord Dunraven'a rep resentative, said: "Thero has been so much talk ot a surlcn ot races belni; arranged between tho Valkyrie and tho Defender thfit Lord Dunraven dually (leeldrd to lcavo tho yacht here during tho winter so tliut sho would be ready In case any stick races should be de cided upon. She might nlso be, psoil as a 'trial hon'o' tor the Distant Shore, Mr. Rose's challenger, next year, which would glvo-'thnt lioat an advnntago which the Valkyrlo did not possess, nnd which would huvo been of great benefit to her If sho could, huve hod It." A I'sinrri! )ur Sluivr. fBW. LM t I . ' m Mmp. CnsHlno, "the Australian Night ingale," who Is appearing this ecasoti with tho Abbey-Gran Opej-a Company, long enjoyed the distinction ot holng u fniorlto at tho court of Einporor Franz, Joseph hi Austria. Tho cniperorin sold to havo lavished glftu upon her to Utp extent of $100,000. Sho h a Jewess. -' I ' "M I THE TURF. Kd ward Ayvp. a prominent trotting' liorso breeder, was stricken with p.ur alysls at his homo (n Lrixlnglop, Ky igccntly. Ho bred llrnuttta, thin sou son's sentsa.t)ona traveler. i'eggy Wp0'hi a brood marc, died re cently tt the form of her owntr, James' 1. Mulllgun, ppar U-xington', ICy, Slq hntl foaled a number of gooif horses and was highly prized. Frederick Tribe, n horse owner and trainer, was killed by an electric car at Paterson, N. J., last week. He was well knowi) in ihcIbk circles and leaves three none who hve, been, Jocw);s, but ara i bow irmiiern., Y $? ,. f sow trainer mSbm . fyM s i -V i yl Milted' H -- 'V? S?: w it PERSONAL APPEARANCE. l ,.F . N. . .... .,, ...... r41-,uv?i of Votir Toilet. '3' "l stioiiiii uko to can n liftii," sam woman, "on tho lack of thought Rnt i care tant most women put upon tnen- pergonal appearanre. Now, I know'"'"; very well that the average woman pay !i a great ileal otwittentlon to Bitch thlngi, ,J uuw iiiu UUUUIt! IH lllill WHUb IHiunww 6h (Ioch pay )h of Uio wrong Rort; It'S ""v'i iuniMU iiiiiifsn Vnw w - - vital consequence, If not abnolutelyp, wrong. Sho's like the tnnii who hailSf n great deal of taste only It was alt 21 bad. Tho average woman that one HeeiiiSi lino 11 the utrenln. In Mm khnn faTnilUJ aboard thn ntroot cars Is llrst nnd lare-n most rarely dalntj a criminal act vfr Where It vninnn lu rnnnrrnml. Dnltltl W.i ness, however, does not Imply costlj hocks, loves ot tints ami lorn oi iHrei-'C. and Jewelry. It doesn't oven Include'.; . although It Is undoubtedly enhanced by tho severity and simplicity that nrn. so ndmlrable In a tallor-mado conttuno. but which, as every woman knows, coat ,i ItlfS. AI.nlt.lll.luM t .!. I.mmI.. H...1 lt mu uri, iiiiiik, ii uuca uui'ijr uuu in- v. clitdo, however, absolute clcnnllnosn from top to too, absolute neatness anil an unswerving regard for tho eternal W. t Illness of things. No matter how plnlu or oven poor tho attlro may bo from necessity, so far as cholco goes, It may always keep clear ot pendant sklrtK brnlds, frayed edges, run down boot heels nnd spot und noil. Jnut look at ' the army of working women that tho elevated trains bear down town dnllyj Typewriters, stenographers, clerks or whatover they ho, they aro, an a vale, tricked out In finery, Instead ot the sober. so-.Klblo garni cuts silltdblo for business wear. It's fluffy whtto vcll and feather boas and flower nnd feaUi cr-ladon hats. Tho very sumo girl, too whoso hat Is heavy with tho biggest nnd brightest of io?cs; whoso once white kid gloves are the grimiest, and who flourishes a eoarse-cinbroldored hnndkerchlof redolent of chenp perfume Is also sure to bo the glti whoso shoe buttons nr conspicuous for their uV senco, whose collar is soiled, nnd whose dress skirt nnd idilrt waist aro IosIbr tlirlr connections. If that saino girl, however, would take a tltbo of tho mon- . cy and cato that Bho wastes upon her ' roses, her"lacc3 nnd her perfumery anil, put It upon repairing, cleaning, and. ". nbovo all, seeing to It that her garments nro suitable for tho occasion on which, thoy are worn, tho gain would bo Ini- " measurable. Therefore I say that it would bo hotter for most women If they gave moio core nnd attention to their personal appearance." USED A LAUDER TO GET IN BED. Ununrkiililit l'.im'Iucn at n A lor rlciM ' , V TtiurUt In Irrlitnil. T 1 An American who Intoly visited Iro- ' . land writes: In the hotel nt Dublin wan a bed ho large and so high that It Bconicd a tableland of matt reus ovcr-v shallowed by a cliff of headboards. It'f . seemed pieposleroua that any one, should monopolizo n bed nf such slaft ,' ii nil ut trill tit in u-ni-ni It. Ilv nrnripr rll. vision It would havo sunnlled a family. ) Itrfi ai It- t'ttnn lmn in ltn Vi n - "' tlon was not how to get "Into" bed, but how to ot "on" the bed. Tho top mat trcsa was almost chin nigh, nnd it soemed that to reach It thero would havo to bo a hard climb or a despefnto lenp. While the problom of retiring was under consideration a dark object, wns seen in one dim corner of the' vasty bedroom, which was impqrfoctly light- , cd by a solitary candle. Thin, object : proved to bo a raovftblo Htalrway. mounted on rollers. When it was pushod against tho behemoth bod the problem, of how to rctiro was Immedi ately solved. One had only to ascend the stairs and then fnlt off Into tho em-" bracing depth of this most remarkable bed. ('nimir'ii Htattia Cliango Colon Chicago Tribune: If Augustus Caesar could como to llfo and sco his stutue as It now looks, down In front ot tho art institute, that warrior surely would "drop dead again." It nnd that of Hermes arc painted a bright orange. i Tho two statues, together With tho larger ono of Flora, have stood in a niche over tho entranco almost slmM tho lirtH opening of the art Institute. Uut it is safo lo say that not liulf ot tho people who entered tho doors over guvo them a thought and scarcely, u Blanco until jestcrdny. . She, too, h'tood out In bold relief against the smoky background Af U19' building yellower than any of tho fall eroi) of numuklns. t'eonle who went hurrylnfflirollinhi stTeet' sloppod the " iifltnnt'4hey beheld thum. v ., ;'Tnlk about Impressionism." Bald a . mnn who a"pparciitly .lnew sofnothlng of art, ''not tho moU rabid piece of work In Kiiropo could comparo with v that." ..,;, I - Tliose In.-ddo, who undoriitood Uigt tho bright yellow was only a prlralnj?-'5' preparatory to a coat, of bro;z(V;'pn . Joyed the Joke Immensely. Uko. Urn boy with the trick on All Foo: Day, they fitood bc)ilnd tho glass dodrs tuiij waited to ceo tho, effect on every now; ("onier. "1 To llrlir lleirliml I.imlk. Many' n poor Victim 'of dyed hair V ,,. ivouid be happy Jo. know how to bring- ,back ,lho natural color after having j "been ri rirtiflclal blonde or brunette, ' li-- Mnrln'irlvfrt term too followinc- i-v. -h colpt,- tho Ingredients mixed hi equal '' l uarts: ' " '- ' il Alcohol ot roses,'" fp k Tlucture of canthacMea. VMvR rffi TipiieorurpncaJosionTravcMer , y; 1 1. 1 . 1 ii . -m ' "i . JTi "well," naiu tno .rventuuKy cam-, w palgnor, "I have lft4 absolutely nothr-H ipCAinqono to wjnjrienu ior our cu.- IJiavo considered bo persona) sacrJie, Ii oo great. 1 Hnvrireau;u every ooay iwj the counjrj'f t oyen'dralik WAter'i 1 na proniuumufBi f ywrur-rA go n ta MiTight ihih.'-i I iw Bwr"ai w-s .-. ,j,i. n l Vi l h 1 1 I. ;ti iS n hi , Av viw '. vi im ,mr;:miwm . aMgUt-i.' -'.yi' .ijtvm o lfa ,. ,,' "&--('A I-.W&. rv JTBUHHI