The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 01, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    . K.
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Of the Breast
I Mr. A. II. Crausby is ouo of the best
known ami most highly respected cltl
Jacns of Memphis, and resides at 158
tKerr street in that city.
I Borne years ago his wife noticed a
mall lump In her breast. She thought
Bothlng of it, but It increased in sue
rapidly, and Boon broke through the
kin and commenced to discharge.
Bhe was at onco put under treatment
af the best physicians, but they very
toon found that they could do lier no
good, and amply prescribed antiseptics
fc keep tb puce clean. Both her
Kandtnother and aunt, by tbe way,
d died with cancer, aad when ap
prised of this fact the doctors aid that
they would not attempt to save her;
Chat she was Incurable. Although the
aacer had by this time become deep
Mated and her health very low, one of
Ike most noted specialists f Hew York
then treated her. After treating her
awhile, this doctor admitted that the
was hopeless and further treat-
seat useless. "It Is difficult to Im
agine how despondent we all became,"
ald Mr. Crausby, "knowing that she
aaast die and unable to give her any
ellef. I had spent over five hundred
dollars with the best medical skill to
fee had, and felt that there was no
farther hope.
L "One day I happened to read an ad
vertisement of 8. 8. 8., recommending
that remedy for cancer, and in view of
the failure of the most eminent physi
cians in the country, I confess I had
little faith left in any human agency.
However, I purchased abottlcofS.S.S.,
aad to my delight It seemed to benefit
fccr. After she had taken a couple of
Bottles the cancer began to heal, and
astonishing as it may seem, a few bot
tles more cured her entirely. You can
probably better understand how re
markable this cure was when I explain
that the cancer had eaten two holes in
the breast two inches deep. These
sealed up entirely, and although ten
years have elapsed, not a sign of the
alsease has ever returned, and wc are
assured of the permanence of the cure,
which we at first doubted.
MAs my wife inherited the cancer, I
aartainlv regard 8. 8. 8. as the most
wonderful remedy in the world, and It
la truly a Godsend to those afflicted
with this terrible disease. You may
he sure that I shall always be grateful
to that remedy, for without it my home
would now be desolate and my chil
Vcn motherless."
' , The above is but oae of many re
aaarkable cures being daily made by
8.8. 8. Cancer is becoming alarm
lagly prevalent, and manifests Itself in
hach a variety of forms, that any lump,
are or scab, it matters not how small,
which does not readily heal up and dis
appear may well be regarded with
aapicion. We will gladly send to any
address, full accounts of several other
Cires fully as remarkable as this one.
For real blood troubles, 8. 8. 8. has
, equal. It wipes out completely the
paost obstinate cases of blood diseases,
Which other remedies do not seem to
touch. 8. 8. 8. gets at the root of the
Ulaease, and forces it out permanently.
IB. 8. 8. is guaranteed purely vegeta
ble, and is a positive and permanent
care for Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer,
heumatism and all traces of bad
lood. Our valuable books will be
mailed free to any address. Swift
Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
will stop s cough in a night, chf ck n cold
Ins day, and euro consumption If tnken
In time. It the little ones have Croup or
Ult it tromtllv. '
v-roup u uvery
n - . " .
mini untune.
iruuy one.
halt ot
those nt.
tacked dlo.
The Brent
(IfttlO'nr (.
The dUeaie progresses so rapidly that
the lots of a Tew hours in treatment It
often fatal, acxkr'i Knqlisii Reur.
DV will cure Croup, mad it uhould ah
wars ba keptim the houao tot
mttfmeUa, Am cast bottle easy
MYSjoarskjUa's life.
Bm shusi , M, at, AM Dnstirt
. - --Zln rt1aw
III I 7 0"
X9rjavnnniberast., New York,
Wk Bm JouSh ejrupTTaataa Uoo& Vh H
PM J"."" Hold br drugging. M
T&yrSk .
ai "a
Thoso who delight in our educational
work should henr Rov. T. O. Clondenny
D. D. of University Placo, noxt Sunday
at 10:30.
Tho Ilaslings district educational con
vention moetB at Edgar Nov. 5 and 0.
Why not Rod Cloud Methodism huvo a
good Jargo representation.
District Stoward'a mooting moots nt
Edgar Nov. 0.
Our first quartorly mootlDg will occur
Nov. 0 and 10. All Invited.
Mrs. Wilson road n eplondid papor to
tho Epworthlun at tholr last mooting.
Miss Edith Brown Bhowodln tho man
nor of loading tho dovotlonnl mooting
that eho had BtudloU the loseon to ad
Tho clippings showod great appropri
ateness, to the subject Sabbath ovoning.
Ilort Grico and O. O. Cowdon aro
"away up" in tbe opinion of the parson
age peoplo, for it 1b through their kind
ness tho kitchon wears a now papor
Ono can easily boo the high standard
roachod by the Epworth Horald as
shown by selections read last Sunday
ovoning. This papor should have fifty
subscribers in our city this year.
Jem Nickolls is back in these parts.
Addio Robinson has Bono to Iowa to
stay with hor Bister Mrs. Slayers.
Nettie was quite sick last week.
Ed Goble has gone to wostern Kan
Wm.FianyJr. of Ft. Morgan, Col.,
has come to stay with his grandparents
through the winter.
Arthur Anderson had the snlsf ortune
to nearly sever one ot his torn from his
foot by running against a spade.
Mr. and Mr. Tho. Finny aad grand
daughter Hattie Henderson were visit
ing in Adaaas -county with rolatives last
Ada Wells fell on an old stevo at the
school bouse in district GO one day last
week and out her faoe quite severely.
Married, at the M. E. parsonage at
Cowlea on Oct. 23, by Rov. Metcalf, Wm.
Crozler to Colia M. Finney both of Still
wator. These estimable young people
have the beet wishes ot their many
friends. Simpson.
Seward, !.
The resder of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there Is at lesst one dreaded
disease that selenoe has been able to onre
in all its stages, and that is Catarrh.
Hall's Oatarrh Care is the only positive
oare known to the medieal fraternity.
Catarrh being a constltaUonal disease,
regaires a aoneUtntional reasody. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting
directly on tbe blood tad mneoas stir
fsoes of the system, thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease and glf log
the patient strength by ballding np the
oonstitntlon and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so moon
faith in its onratiro powers, that they
offer one hundred dollars for any ease
that it fails to euro. Bend for list of tes
timonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O
ty Bold by Druggists, 7fio.
Vote for James Burden.
Don't forget to put X aftor tho name
of each republican candidate.
Let every voter turn out and cast your
vote on next Tuesday.
It the tax payers of Qlonwood town
ship want the tax books in Bladen, so
you can pay your taxes without going to
Red Cloud, be sure to cast your vote for
A. P, Johnson township treasurer.
L. H. Fort and wife of Red Cloud were
in this vicinity Tuesday.
S. J. Wheeler baa moved household
goeds into his new residence.
Jacob Shunk has taken down his im
pliment shod and has taken it to Blue
W. M. Grannis is putting down a well
far Al Wilson.
P. Ntspel a farmer rosldent but no w
ot Swanton w& in this city the fore part
ot this week.
Judgo Beal made a flying trip to this
oity last Thursday,
Ed Hoffman moved into S. J. Whit-
ton's houeo north ot the lumber shed.
Messrs Pond and West ot Red Cloud
woro in the city the fore part ot this
Mre. J. E. Serl and Krs, W. A. Bakor
Jr. drove ovor to Blue Ilill Friday.
Druggist Hicks and wife wore Blue
Ilill visitors Friday attornoon.
Nearly every ono in this vicinity was
somewhat eurprlBod upon awaking Wed
nesday morning to ilnd the ground had
olothed itself in a robo of white snow to
tho depth ot two inches, had fallon
which puts a broad smile on tho faooe
ot the peoplo ub it is just what ib needod
for tho fall wheat.
Five out of ovory Bovon cases that go
from Boat's court to tho supreme court
aro rovoreod, in other words tho de
cision Is wrong five out of seven times.
Only tbe more important cases go to tho
Buprorao court. It is fair to presumo
that tho samo ratio ot error provails in
tho balance of casos whon litigants can
not afford to appeal. This means that
Hve out of ovory seven mon who go into
Boali'a court aro defrauded of justice
and cheated ot their rights through the
error of the judge.
The U. & Gov't Reports
abow Roymt Baking Powdte
J superior to all others
Who ft the Mortgage Judge?
Ithasboena favorito argument with
Judge Benll's Bapportoro tnat McNeny
would foreclose all tho mortgages In tho
district and that ho is u candidato of tho
monoy sharks.
Somehow we havo not thought that
this was n dangerous argumont becnuso
tho people know thnt hero nt home tho
hoau and front of tho opposition to Mc
Neny aro the monoy changors whom n
Irtto Christ has not yet robukod but who
havo received some rather hard blows
from MoNony. But for fonr tliut bo me
voter should bj misled by tliene stories
wo desire to rotort the accusation.
F. B. Beall was nover known to havo
tried a contested lawsuit before ho was
elected judgo. His business was to ne
gotiate loans, writo insurance, sing and
be "nlco." Whon tho populist conven
tion mot at Mtndon in 1891 tho question
was whether John M. Rngnn, tho ox-attorn
oy for tho K. O. & O. R'y Co. and
attorney for tho Nobraelia Loan it TruBt
company should name- tho candidato or
whethor Judgo Guslin should perform
that function. Rsgan triumphed and
Beall was nominated, this is history and
it is a present fact that the officials of
tho Nebraska Loan & Trust campany
have no objection to urge against Mr.
Beall, and the Eastern Banking com
pany is openly supporting Mr. Beall
whom they cay nevor hurt them. Tho
evidenoo is too plain against Mr. Beall,
and we believe that this particular
canard will prove to do a boomerang.
Acts like a poultice, drawing
out fever and pain, and reinvig
orating the entire Female Sys
tem It removes all obstructions
and creates a healthy, natural
flow of all secretions.
It is the one natural cure for
female troubles, because it is
applied right to the diseased
parts. Don't take internal rem
edies for Female weakness, com
mon sense requires a direct ap
plication for immediate relief
and permanent cure.
"Orange Blossom" is a sure,
painless cure for falling and
dropsy of the womb, profuse,
difficult, irregular menses, leu
corrhoea, ulceration, tumors,
sick headache, constipation, sal
low complexion.
"Orange Blossom" is apastile
easily used at any time. Every
lady can treat herself with it.
Mailed to any address on re-
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111.
For Sale by C. L. CottlngRcd
"The" VTatch.
For timekeoping and durability nothing
boats the seventeen jeweled
Deuber Hampden Watch.
and examine them. Also his line of
Jewelry, Diamonds,
spectacles, (Jlocke,
Plated and solid silverware, sonvsnlr snoons.
pearl bandied Knlvos and forks. earvlDK sett.
iiingcara cases, uon eon oozes ana oiner
v1um. A Ona linn of sneet&eles and evn
glasses with IntercliatiKftble lenses, steel, nickel J
surer ami koiu frames, npcciai ana careiui at
tention paid to HttliiK the eye. My line ot 2nd
hand watchos Is aulto larire. I will run them oft
st less than their actual worth.
CsrHnng your watch, clock sua jewelry re
pair work, your euirrarlnK and your old gold
and sUrer to me,
III Do you desire to make III
Make your monoy earn you a monthly salary.
10.00 itnd ruoro niailo dally by our new Hys
tlmatlo l'lan ( Operation on snnvll Investments
In irralu and slock speculation.
All we ask Is to Investigate our new and ori
ginal methods. 1'ust workings of plan and
highest references furnUlioJ. Our Booklet
"I'olnts & Hints" how to make money and
other Information sent Fit UK.
Oi:-mouk& Co., Hankers and Brokers.
Open Hoard of Tnulo llldg., Chicago, III
I it i ! ! ! .tut, .t. it. J
15c MEAL
. m. a. a. . .--..---. ...-..t-..-t--a--a.-a-.. - ,
Fetdtra Pvrnhhti
Huket Stporta Free.
J. P, McIiuRRAy, i SutSMf .
.?. MjVVE8TIrloo8lt$WAi.
J. W. T. GRAr, urncr.
Thoso Taxes.
Somo time ago the city council lovlod
tax, for genoral purposes, cf sixteen
mills. Tho statuto enys that
no more than ton mills elinll bo lovlod
forgonqrnl purposes, but tho oxtrava
ganco of tho city government mado six
teen mills necessary to pay salaries and
that amount was levied in defiance of
law. Tho tax whb cortlilod to the
county clork, by him placod on tho tax
list and tho lattor hnnded to tho county
treasurer for collection. Tho Traders
Lumbor Company refused to pay tho
city tax but offered to pay tho other
county and Btnto tuxos, which of coutbo
tho tronsuror could not nccept, whoro
upon MoNony as attorney for that firm
enjoined tho collodion ot that city tax,
and adopted the eamo course of action
as to hiB own taxes Now tho cases
have boon ponding for a long lime, long
enough tor Boall to havo decldod thorn
bo that tho parties would know what to
roly upon but ho still procrastinates.
Now eorno peoplo are tolling that Mc
Neny refuses to pay his taxos, and that
he will have to try his own case it ho is
elected. IflBoall had done his duty
this quostion could not have arisen, and
aa it is the law would prevent McNeny
from sitting in these cases, he would
havo to call another judge. Don't be
deceived, the records aro all at the
court house whero you can get tho
Editress, Miss Mamie Weldeman.
Rtnnrinr j Jennie Boll.
"P0"6'" iJeannette Oilly.
John Potter and Dan Garbor
high school visitors Momdsv a. m.
Douglas Gather is again in the school
The tenth grade have eeleoted their
class motto. It has been rumored
about thaf they have also selected their
class yell, We are glad to learn that
they are beginning so early.
Guess what we have in tbe high room
"a new stove."
The class colors of the twelfth grade
are sink and nile green. The latter is
very appropriate to the class.
Charley Penny entered school Monday.
Jennie Bell was absent from school
this week on account of sickness.
Jeannette Diliey was absent from
school last Friday. Hor absence was
caused by aickness.
The school children spend their tlmo
E laying in the snow now-a-dsys. Snow
alls flew fast Wednesday noon until
Prof. Wilson put in an appearance.
There was no recess Wednesday a. ni.
and p. m. on account of bad weather.
Five minutes ot military drill substitut
ed. Daisy Plumb was a visitor in the high
school Tuesday.
Nellie West is again able to be in
school. The second room is glad to have
her back.
For more than a hundred years the
Shakers have been studying the remedial
properties of plants. Tbey have mnde
many discoveries, bat their greatest
aohievement was made last year. It is a
cordial that contains already digested
food and is a digester of food. It is ef
fective in removing distress after eating,
and creates an appetite for more food so
that eating beoomes a pleasure. Pale
thin people become plump and healthy
nnder its ase. It arrests the wasting ef
consumption. There never has been
suoh a step forward ia the onre of indi
gestion as this Shaker Cordial. Yonr
druggist will be glad to give yoa a little
book descriptive of the prodnot.
Give the babies LA.XOL, whioh is Oa s.
tor Oil made as palatable as Honev .
Wkm Baby was sick, we gave her Cantoris.
TOtea she was a Child, she cried f or Oastorta,
When she became Miss, she clung to Caatorfa.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorto.
In casting your ballot next Tuesday
do not forget to vote for the republican
supervisors. They are all good men and
will see tbs tho county is run all right .
In district 1, Mr. E. Peters is a man ably
qualiilod to till the office and if electa d
will represent the people in an excollo nt
In districts Mr. J. ti. Urozlor was
nominatod and tbe convention chose
wisely as ho will make a first-class office r.
In district 4 O. O. Cex was the unani
mous choice ot tho pooplo and as a bus
iness man has no superior. He shoul d
be oloctod.
In district C, our fellow townsman W.
B. Roby recelvod the nomination and h e
will be elected. He is it careful man
and will vote honestly and carefully,
In district 0 T. G. Bailoy roceived th e
sanction ot the republican convontion
and will bo olootod. He will make an
oxcollent ofllcor and a man who will look
aftor tho interosta ot the county.
In district 7 Goo. Gather, who has
mado an admirable offlcor whon on for
mor boards, was unanimously selocted
to fill the office again. Ho is capable
and will mnke a splendid eu pet visor. Ho
has been trlod and found O. K.
To the Sufferers orRhoiimatlsm .
Aftor using G roll's Bhoumatio Ouro
for somo titno in my practice I take
groat pleasuro In aaylng that it is the
most wonderful romedy for Rheumatism
in faot, it is the only ono I have found
for the cure ot this disease in all its va
rious forms.
Da. E. E. Toll, Chicago.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
aTfgTTTTaMTIITi llMiisiiaaMsini n - $ '&!
saWsSlBBIaBaalaaBH "w
for Infantt and Children. .
OTHERS, Do You Know that raw,
Batcman's Drops, Giifrey'a Cordial, many so-colled Soothing Byrups, and
most remedies for ct Udrcn aro composed of opium or morphlno f
Do Toa Kanw that opium and morphlno are stupefying narcotic polsone t
Do Toa Kaowthatlnmnttmilntra.rc.t... D0t permitted to sell narcotics
without labeling them poisons 7
Do Toa Kasw that you tfioutd not permit any modJclno to be given your child
anleai you or your physician know of what It Is composod f
DjjrejKmowUiat CastcrU Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of
Its ingredients to published with mytry bottle r
Pa Tea Kmmw that CastoaU to the prescription of tho famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher.
That it has been la use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorla Is now sold than
of an other remedies for children somblned I
PsTwaawr that the Patent Office Department of tho United States, and of
otker countries, have towed exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word
M Castorla " and Its formula, rad that to Imitate them to a state prison offense J
DsTwaasw that one f the reasons for granting this government protection was
because Castorla had been proven to be aaselately kanalessT
s?T Trf KTT w 3o average doses of Castorla are furnished for Sft
eats, or cae cent dose f
Pa Taa Kaawthatwb nn-w i ct thLtrftw p pH, j.- -MM m.r
be kept weft, sad that yon may have unbroken rest t
Wan, tk ltajrji miwrt. tww ns facta.
Children Cry for Fitchtr'a Castorla.
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Building Material, Etc.
Ho! Whoa !
That Harness is Worn Out !
Why Don't you get Another?
J.O. Butler is selling nearly AT COST.
Is tbe only positive Remedy known to tbe Medical Profession for
Acote anachronic Rheumatism, Coot, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia,
Ovarian Neuralgia, Dismenorrboea, Psoriasis, Scrofula, Liver and
Kidney Diseases. A Positive Cure effected in from 6 to 18 days.
Wpm CURE 1B- -1
uWm I fvlwBJpaapaeBM-ll S&EfcZitsN 1'bBaBRaal ""il
Mrs. A. J. Stearns, of Wost Btookholra, Bt Lawronco Co.,-N. Y., under dnto of July 81. 1895.
81 !'TO', n" mo V1 express my Rratltudo to Dr. A. Owon for tho benotlt I havo bad from
na nts hlcctrlo Annllnncos. I)uforn uslnir I tin nnnllunnn liriimn w.-ni 1 rni.i Z,.JX1
stand atonoj had boon coutlnqd toniy bed since
aupiianoo I could walk sovenu steps; ouo weok lator I wnlked nround tlio hoiiRi). and In less
than ono month I wus ntiio to rldu out. and now I can wulk a nillo or more) without fooling
tlrod. Mny God bless nnd cparo you to your miuiy t rlunria for yeurs to como." .
, Mr. Axel J. Ekblodo, of Wnlsburir, Kim., under Unto of July SOtli, 1805. says: navlnar
used tho Ur.OMren Uleotrio Appliances for .Vcivoukhchn for tho van few months must
say they aro ahoad or nny troatment. I nm cured of tho nrorst form or Kervoua Dlseaso."
. Mr. A. Nlbok, of MMdlollold.Iown.Mrrltliid i on Juno 87, JKU.suyM "This lstncortlrv
that I Iwvo derived moro Uonullt from nalnir tho Owon I'.lootrlo Appllanres for a sovero oaih
tills and rueUlclno." ' "wwt
Ourliareo IlliiHtrntiMl Cntnloauo contains mnny cnilaraciucnts lllco abovp iwnMna
oostor nppllunoos, and much valunblo Information for tho ullllctcd. Send 0 centa lia atimnm
forltatoauu. vBimmiiis
WhomTrltlng parties about their tostlmonlalo oncloeoaEclf-mldrcBsed stamned cnvolnnn
205 to 211 Statc Street, chicaqo.
asasMaaUUa rbrslelaa,
steal ClaasI, Nefenuhta
OfflcoVlrst National opposlto llsnk.
Chronic diseases treated br mall i
and AL
Inst Ootolior. Afirrlhoilih-ildiiv'ansnnr th
mooif ulook, - RED CLOUD. NBA
Loueouons promptly nttandod trxM) V'
. crf,'ll
1 v.T!v
, Vf
a ' jl
tl ,'!
corroBpondonco nolicitcd
'. . t.
.. .