v w THE RED CLOUD OH1EF, FRIDAY, OCT. 25, 1895. "The" Watch. For timokeoplrjfr and darablllty nothing boats tho eovontocn jeweled Deujikk IIampdkn Watoii. CALLONpENMAN , and o.xamlno thorn Also his tino of Jewelry, Diamonds, spectacles, (Jlocke, llntrri ami Rolld silverware, sonvenlr nponnn, Ka' I luiidlod knlvos and forks, carvlox seU, ralllntf t-anl cMfl, lion tiuu Imuo mid otlioi nnv?lil'. A duo lira of ipoottoles nnd ) glaasi't wild IntercliMiKftMo louses, ttel, nloknl pl'vcr and t'dld fMinra, rtprclal anil CHreful :it Irntlon mil. I in fltiinK the o. Mr lino ol and hand. WHlclies lst)iil(ti larRe. I vvtlfrim thorn oil l lesi titan tlirlriu'liml worth. ItfllriHK your watch, clock and Jnwelry r pair work, iiiruniravtni( nnd your old gold and silver to me, TIIO. Pf.lVTUX fifcerHPs Sale. lly vlrtuoof an cximmiiIoii (tlri'ciud in M4 from the district court ot WeW. r county, Noliraiku, on n Judgment oliuilnt'il liytliucoiiaMcrntlnu of district cnnrtnf Waiiatrr county, Nukntsku, oi tho intlnlny of .Inly, 1?3I. In favor of Tliomrs Mtan nt p'ftlMtltl. nml iwalnu llio Karmen " MrrrtianW HunHiiK CompAtiy ns defendant, fo the tiim of on i) llioiis mil and eighty-two dojlurs and cpntt, nnd coitt ixnl nt fifty-throe dwllur and elahi cants (JMns),.-inil iiccrnln, ronts, t have levied iinnti tint following real slnto, taken us tlic iniorty of said dcfoiid,in toatlfy salt Juilinnciir, to-wlt: lit twenty one (ji), In lilock tiilriynno (31), In tho nrlitln il inn now city of Kd Cloud. Webster county, And nlll offer the s.iiiih for snlo to the highest Mdiler. for cah In liitud, oi Ilia 30th day of September, A. I) 18 '3, In front of Hie oast uoor ot the coiirt-hiiuio at Itcd Cloud, Web-M-coui.ty, Nebraska, tlmt belAR too tmlldltiK wherein tin Lut term or coart was held at tho hour of one o'clock p. m. of svd day, when anrifwliers due attendance will boiilveiiuy the liuderslsued. Dated Kod Cloud, Nebraska, August 20, 1RD3. J. W. Uuhoiikv, Hherlff. James MuVony. Alt'y for I'lalnlltf. The nlwrn sale was contlmnid for want of blddors until Nov It. U9A, at ohm o'clock. L Dated Itcd Cloud, Nebraska, Oct. 3, 1891. .1. W. ltUNcnav, Sheriff. Lcgul Aollcu. In tho District Court of Wco-ter County, Ne braska. In tho matter of the estate ot ) Harnli A. Hopkins, J- an liii'ompoteiit person. Order to Show Causo. Notlco Is hereby Riven to alt Pomona Inter filed In the estulo of Harali a. Hopkins, an In- i-iniuiMii pervio, Mini nenjiimill W. llopKllis, tlie committee of ! r iersou and eMato did. on tmSBth duv of September, WW, II o his pet. tlon In tho district curt ot Webster county, hebr.mtta. pralnK for license to sell tho follow. Inir oeKcrl-ed real esato. to-wlt: 'llio north lialf (nW) of tho noitlieast quarter (neU)of jellon Ihreo (3). town two (21, nnrttt rainre len 10, wit of tho Oth P. M.. Wormier count). Nnbraskn. mid It appenrliiK to llio court that It will be to the liert Interest of said Har.ih A. llopklns, ano all perons Interested thcrnin that the land Mbovn descilbed bo sold. Itl therefore ordered (list alt persons Interested li Mid Mtato appear before moat theourHioue In llastliitf. Nebmska, tin the Uth day ot No. Tember, 1895. to show cauo why a license nouW not bo (trained to said cowmltten to ell ald real ont.itn as above (iccritieu. It Is lurthor ordered that said potltloiler ulve notice to all peroii"i Interested In said estate of the pendenev of tho pe.ltlon, and the tlnie and place act lor nearliijr the same, by causing a roprpf this order to be published In tho lUil Cloud Chief, nowspaper puhlMied In lleil OiomI, Webxtcr .oounty, Nebraka. for four weeks successively, previous to tho day set tor Mid heal Ink'. Dated this 2fth day of September, 1895 . rHCII II, i)KAI.&, .iii.'i... i ni.irtci run? n coiioraoy uws m mi. me Yost work is Peiieciion. ne Densifiore. itie til Running Deosuwie. into Fttrnam 8t, .Omahs, Neb. A.C. llosmer, Agt.. Hed Cl-.ud, Neb. .T. l'oller, IMnliillIPa Attorney. ,. SlierllPti ShIc. Kl.,,.1 '. nerv.1 wii,.,v ,. , s V"'1 ,UP.a"d '"'!l,,IKt Ml i ,J i . i1 ? ,m'1 ,',ulm l Wilcox, detvndanis, ifcelt'm7if,VMo '!' ruW" vendue, to li, BUheit bidder for cji h In hjind. at the ot .n.iinrOUUI'..N.,,rasl(ft' "1", I'5-Iiib he i '.often) ' ,B,m '" " court u tliv 20th 4ay or JVoveiufcer, A. , 1805, at 1 ..'dock p. hi. UwlVi'1 Uy'U,,foUow'llK-locribod projierly, I)ts riimbered thirteen X is),' fourteen ft i'e?'('5 .sixteen fl). sevSuleei, (17). sJiiht- &'). ivtenty f wo i2), twent0.three (2i) ami Web?,,eV.o'y?e'kdaUlu u " Olven unrmyHaud this mi day of Octo- &,5"yKV. Sheriff. . Hy K. W. Fo. Deputy. W ZELUFF. Tonsorlal Artist, JM Dssr South or VMcr Office. First oIom barbsrlng done with .neat ness and JUtapatcb, Your patronage solicited, " i Typf ! lliprilerMui) Jjleof nil order or sale United flu.n the. olllco ol , . V.I "."V,',:,,;rb of.,l,u tll-trli-l in "of II "lot te .utl,Mr,, wah, ,,,,(1 f'"- Wt bsttrcou 1 j 4.iw'ai" ' P1WSI f( o Bl-dSSO Acts like a poultice, drawing out fever and pain, and rcinvig orating the entire Female Sys tem. It removes nil obstructions and crcat&s a healthy, natural flow of all secretions. It is the one natural cure for female troubles, because it is applied right to the diseased parts. Don't take internal rem- cdiesTorFemalcweakness.com mon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief and permanent cure. "Orange Blossom" is a sure, painless cure for falling and dropsy of the womb, profuse, difficult, irregular menses, lcu corrheca, ulceration, tumors, sick headache, constipation, sal low complexion. "Orange Blossom" is apastile easily used at any time. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address on re ceipt of Si. Dr. J. A. McGill &Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. rer flnlo ly C. L. Colling Red Cloud. t..............,.................. NEW ADVEKTIftEMENTfi. park ti'k HAIR MM sd. BALSAM tuutiOM Iht hslr. MM s luurlsnl Irinrlh. liver run to Bettors ongr .jur xo it loumiui ywior. vcmip aifrftici k niir iiiiuie. . Thinacube For Thin People ARE YOU THIVf Flesh made with Tnlnnouro Tablet by a scien tific prnvoss. They create perfect assimilation cr every form of fond, secreting tlie valnablo parts and dlscardlnu tho wortblrss. They make fhln faces Plump und round out the flKiire. They are the Matidard remedy for leanness, contalnliiK no arsenic, and nhsoluto'y harmless, . Price, prepaid, Il per box. fl forM, Voinphlet,"OW TO (IK F FA V," free. rhc Thlnncnre. 4'o., wa Broadway, N. V, PENNYROYAL PILLS MAut aMnuM MtAjfUw. nttumndtmiuiUM. Ailrafiliti.rMsl4 ta iuoim ft Mriloalwi. toUnwItla tDj MalL 10,000 TmlMalklt. fmlton OklkaAi eUfcj I . ft - 5" DROyERScSffif Kaisas City, Mo., Stock Yards. 9- t 2SN' rnN8' MONEY LOANED M m.wE8T.Hoqu8mh! Feeders Furnished I W. T. GRAY, Office. Market Bcporti Preo. Relieved and cured by tlie Dr. Owen Electric Truss our latest Invention Guaranteed most Selcn tine, Powerful, Durable, Com rortablo nnd Effective method. A mild, continuous current of Galvanic Electricity it applied directly to the Kat of the Rupture causing a contrac tion and strengthening of those parts. No detention from business or work. To those who are Raptured, it will fay to investigate our mode of treatment. We are honest in the belief that our genuine Electric Truss will euro any case of Rupture that is nt all curable. We warrant that the Elec tricity can lo felt Instantly on applica tion. Call at our office. No charge for consultation. Our "Trculho on Rupture" is free. Wc have been before the Public many years, nnd our Electrical appliances have become a recognized standard of merit, Tho largest establishment of its kind In the world Write for our large illustrated catalogue and treatise upon Rupture. THE OWEN ELECTRIC APPLIANCE 0 01 to C07 Btute 8t., corner Adams Bt. CHICAGO. "ft Cures Rising I have been n mldwlfo for many years, nnd in each cumi whora "MOTH ERS' FrjIEHD" wnsuseditaooomplljhotiwoii wrs and thMterwd labor and Imnnarf nsia it J is tho best remedy for UISING OF TUB iiKbAHT known, nnd worth the prloe for that alone. Mrs. M. M. Brewster, Montgomery, Ala, Sent by Ejrpress or mall, on recslpt of prloe, Sl.Mpr kottlt. Book "To Mothers" raallod free. AADnCLD neaULATOR CO., ATLAlrr QA. old bt au, onnaoisTs. iur i- . HMkV.uf.JAis... HvflB Prim wmm:i urlfinal and Only amain. A rc, !.;, r.lUU.. i.dii ut M Otifllll Sir Clf.l-. KnttUA DU VV nond Dmn.1 In Krd ud UoU ihuIiioXuv. hir. ,11 vim klm ribbon. Take W flR flkKhi I "i flf V if ers' Friend" ireas. THE CHIEF I.ih.ihct Weekly. Kubficrlptlnn, fil Per Annum Invarlnbly In Artrance It Hot paid In advatico, after this data March 18, 1(92, llio price, will be ll.vs, Kntered at tie 1'ost Ulllco In' Itcd Cloud, Ntb. as mall tni"'"' ''""coud class RAlKh u? AIVMriKX(l Trof. cards, 1 loch or less per year..,,,. ,,M fr. Alz months t 3 no Thrco months , , ,2 On . HTAMI1M1 AUVJtltTtafMBXTS, I'ot Inch ono year... ?l on rorlnch Hlx months 3 tin I'eritich three mouths 2 On fptxlal tntlc(s per line or line ip.wo, first lOitillcntlonCcentn. Trntislelit snccliils. tinvnlitc tiiv:irl.ihlv In ad. viinre.ptr line to cents. AH readlni: notices In the naturoof itdvertlso ments or pulls, 6 cents per lino. lpn! notices ntlepal lates, vln for a square (Irn dues of Notiparoll or less,) llrst imbllcntlop f I not for e.trh euhseiiiietil publlc.illon, pei simarn, CO cents. nil "prefvirul polllnn" contracts made All Hunter to lnsiiii) publication must b r celled nt Ibis ofllco not later than Wcdno '" AderllKetneuts cannot be ortloied ui Ic tbo cm rent week l.iler than Thil'-sday, It. A. Itl. K. 11. Time 1 ft). UUINU KA81 W, Ical Freight. I.v ria m. lo, 1'a.seniter, injur, ' ArlOjona. m. Gi.Knstt'relKht. " IMp.ni. 1:00 p, in (IOIMI NO Itl 1 1 142, Mixed Train, I.v 12 30 a, m. Ar 12.05 p. m GOING WK8T fl, Fast Frelitht, I.v It lis a. m. Ar 10:35 a. m 141, Mixed Train, " i2:nop.in. " lltinn.m 15, 1'asseiiRcr, " 8:40 p.m." 8:30 p. in SCHOOI, ITEH1. Fdllrcss, Miss Mamie Weltlcman. ltenorlp?a J Jennie Hell. Jieporurs J .ipannefte Willy. Mies Grnco Gnrber called on tho high room Friclny p. m. Misses Nelllo Shorman and Dora Growell visited tho school this week. Leonard Smith is again enrolled among tho membore of the high ochool. Prof. Koficoo Cathor s bonrning coun tenance was onco Bgain seen in the high room Tuesday p. m. Ben MoFarland is nbsent thin week, being kept away on account of slcknoss. Wo hopo ho muy speedily recover. One of the senior girls, Mamio Welde man, had tho misfortune of cutting tho end of her fingor partly off this wook, It seems as though the toachors all have to follow the fashion of boing sick. Miss Qurbor is sick and away from hor ClllBflOB. Mies Nollio West is on tho sick list this week, and hor room was taken charge ot by Miss Lucy Enmes and Leonard Smith. Tho board hnB pasaod a resolution di recting tho superintendent to suspond all pupils exposed to contagious or in fectious diseases. Miss Bortha Urown was absent from school Tuosday. Jeanette Dilley taught the third room and was very much im pressed with tho conduct of tho pupils Douglas Cathor is absent from school this week. We are sorry to havs him miss Bchool, but it 1b necessary, as he has takon his brother Rescue's placo n his school. Jloscoe is recovering from a bicycle fall. Card or Tliunks. Wo deslro to return our gratitudo to tho many friends und uolghbors who so kindly asBUted duringourgrcat bereave ment. Their names will bo kept in lov iog remombranco. Mr. and Mns. M. 0. Pulton. Waltek Vandekuuru. Tho list of lottora remaining at tho post olllco uncalled for up to Oct. 24, 1695: Barningham A J Adams Miss N Jernborg Oscar Meager F A Morrow J Q Pattorson Jas Piatt CD RobbinsonDr The above letters will be sont to tho dead lotter olllco Nov. 7, 1805. If not called for. Fiiank Cowdfn, Postmaster Wood Hunted. The Bon Ton bakery wants twenty cords of 2 and 3-foot wood at once. Strayed. Strayed from the Dr. Tulley farm on Inst Saturday evening, one brown mare. Weight ubout eleven hundred; smsll white spot in fnrohnad; six yoats old. A libornl reward for her recovery or infor mation leading thoreto, 2t Oscar Emick. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest JrUdalaad Diploma. i m i ii Governor Morton is roportcd as ox pressing himself amazed that a city llko Atlanta has been nblo to carry through to success an enterprise of tho magni tude and comprehensiveness of tho Southern Exposition, now commanding tho admiration ot every visitor. Now York Sun. "Lnst night,' mild n traveling man, "I should have inicil my train nnd lost an entire day bat for a little information notioed in tht Rand-MoNally Ualdo. will never be without It ngnin." SO llcnd or tutllo and horsos wuuted, to winter. Col, I. B. Wiggins. Don't forgot that I urn proparod to cany puesengers to all parts of the city, Leave orders at the Holland House. Lloid Cbaiiill. JUrlck for Snle. 20,000 brick for Bale at reasonable prices. C. B. Crone. The U. S. Gov't Reports Mkow Royal Baklmg PmHkt , Muptrior to alt oOurg, , ,i a,. r . . .. aUtaHii. mtT. 7 . tkT,W NOTES. i Tho teachers' meeting at Professor nnd Mrs. Wilson's was a success. Tiioouporintendont who thinks enough of his work to prepnro nn outline map ot the lesson for his toachers will do to bank on. Ilro. Spanoglo wiib chporcd in his good work at tho tntsolon sohool by several workers from tho 1st church last Sub both. Nothing pleased us moro than tho oung men's clnsn undor Prot. Wilson last Sabbath. Tho loiulur of tho Epworth dovotinnal tnootirig showed hcrsolf an earnest worker. Mnbo) Snundpnt, prooltlont of tho Loiigjic, nhoweil hor frlondlinoss Inst ftuhlmth by Mtntioning Itorselt nt the floor nnd inviting tho noting peoplo to como to longtio meeting nt G:H0. Tho congreJjlHon wno very largo nt tho services hist Hnbbath. All wote mado to feel nt home. All onjoyed tho duet nt tho League dovotionnl mooting Inst Sabbath. The pastor will proaoh at tho Fisher sehool-houso Snbbath ut 2:30 p. m. Again wo must with Borrowing hearts record the death of ono of our number, Frankio Willis (Leak), who had boon a groat sulTeror but who now rests. Mrs. Quivy mado a very enjnynblo talk Sabbath morning, and wo think found a good homo for one of tho littlo girls sho brought with hor. Waea Baby was alcV, we cave her CastorU. When alio was a Child, sho cried for CastorU. When sho becamo Miss, She clung to Castorla. When aha bad Children, sho gavo Uicm Castori. Market Keport. Corrected weekly by Ited Cloud 1'rodiieo Co. Wheat 40 45 Corn new 18 Corn old 40 Oats now 15 Ryo 25 Barley 35 Flax 75 Hogs 3 10 Butcher's stock 2 002 50 Butter....: , 15 Eggs 15 Potatoea 25 30 Spring chickens per lb 5 Old hone por lb 4 Hay per ton 3 003 CO CAT4RKII DEHUKIUED. A Short History or u Uad Mala dy 1y an Eminent Medical Authority. This i'b tho v.uy chronic catarrh usually begititt: A person outchux cold which hangs on longer thau usual. Then follows a r-eiiH'tiveiu-Bfl of the ir pnssngee, which inclines to catch ooli very easily. At last tlio person haa a cold v tho whsiit seeminuh. More r less disohargo from tho no"r, hawking from iho throat, nostrili stoppeo up, full feeling inx tho head, mi- cracking iti tin-tr-i. Tho Po-ru-na treatment for this disease is the only trcutment that has withstood tho test of tiino. Pti rii-tta should be ta ken without iinerruptioii until ivery Symptom disappears. Bond to Tho Pe-ru-na Drug Manu facturing Company of Columbus, Ohio lor a copy or their latest book on chronio oatairh. This book is a com ploto uuido to the euro of tlii dread ful disoaso. - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. BEST LINE 'TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA rl, J. 8. EMKJH, Dentist, Red Cloud, - Neurabka Over Taylor's Furulture Ktorc. Kxtracts teeth without pain. Crowu and lrlilo work a ipeclalty. i'orcelaln Inlay, ana all klndt of sold DJIInxs. Makes gold and rubber platoa and combination idatea. All work Kuaranteed to be flrarclass. H UTOHISON ft fllATT, TenserlHl Artists. 4th Avmdk, - Rko Cloud, NssiiSEA. First-olsss barbers and fint-olaH work f aarantsed G ire ma call I. W. TULLEY8, M. D. Heaaiptaile ahrr4Maii, ed Cload, Nebrtuks OdoeTtritNatlOBa opposite Baak. CBroale(tkw4estrtMe4br suUi m. k. t)L'&t& ftr . vtm lki&xmh 0ssWWSlaS!.5S!SraSssl ( for Infants and Children. THIRTY yeara' obarvatlen"og Caatorla Trlth. tho prttroHage ot MllHoaa of peraona, permit nu to apeak of It wUliont gnenlatr. It la HHqaoatlonably tha teat remoily for Infnnta and Chlldroa the world liaa aver kaowa. It l harmlea. Children llho It. It arlvoa them health. It will aava their Uvea. In It Mothnra fcara athlag which la akaolataly " aklld'a ladlolae. Caatorla deatroy Worma. Caatorla allay FarerlahaeM. Caatorla prereata voatltlma; gowr Card. Caatorla oaras DtarrhoBav aa J Wlad Colla. Caatorla rallovea Taathlag Troahlem. Caatorla oaraa Coaatlpatloa aad riatqleacy. Caatarla aeatrallaaa the atVcta of carkoalo acid gaa or pelaoaeaa r. Caatorla deea aot eoatala atorpalaa. oplnm, or other aarootlo property. Caatorla aaaladlataa the food, ragalatea the atomaoh aad towala, gtrlaa; kaalthy aad aataral alaop. Caatorla la pat ap la oaa-afaw tottlaa ealy. It la aot aold la fcnlk. Poat allow aay oaa to anil yea anything olao oa tho pica or proatlaa thai It la "jaat aa good' aad "will aaawor ovary pnrpoie." Sao that yoa rat PA - g - T - O - Tho fao-alatlla algaataro of Children Cry for IOO Flails of New Jelly, 15lbs net, per pnil 30 cents. Don't look up Chioago, Kansas City. St. Joseph or Omaha priora; they are not in it. Don't hositate; jeu may got left. New rlVa and Coffees. 50D It s New Crop Japan Tea, 25cts per lb. Are you not paying 50 cts for same quality.' Ty " pound of it and be convinced. J Battle Ax Plug is moving like hot cakes. "Our stock is complete at all times. Bprted Potafoes, prices. Just received a car You want a Lamp ! We are headquarters ill this line i Don't fail to call on us when in ni-nd nf mi v. f thing in tho Queensware or Glassware lino. 0 We will save you money and don't you for- f got it. We can show you Tea or Dinner Sots that would grace tho table of a Gould or Vanderbilt. f We want all the butter and eggs you can bring. Yours Truly, Shea & Turnure Bop. Red Cloud, Nebraska. UOSS PaOPRIETOUS OP r Ordora promptly flllod. Notlco to Tuituliurs. Notlco is hereby given that 1 wil) ozamino all persons who may desiro to offer themeolves as candidates for teaohere oftho public sohools of this oounty, at Red Cloud on tho third Saturday of each month. Special examinations will bo held on tho Friday'preceeding the 3d Sat urday of each month. The standing desired for 2d and 3d grade certificates is the same bo grade below 70 per cent, average 80 per eent; for first grade certilcato bo grade below 80 per cent, average 90 Der eeaL in all branenaa reonired by law. V. M.HrNilB.County Supt m& AMHafaW tllVX JDjJXAX , um i .ii nf )i aafo and praotloally perfect a m R - I - A. laoaorory wrappor. & Pitcher's Castorla. 1000 bushels Fancy As Will pay hishest cash of fine Michigan Salt. & lUI'E, "Sour patronage- eolloltod QHAS. SOUAFFNIT, Imiirunco Aruiicv. Hepresents Uerman InnurnncoCo., Froeport, III. Iloyal iiisuiancti Co,, Liverpool, Knjiland. Ilome Vlro Insurance; Co.,ot Omalm, Nebr. Phoenix Assurance Co. of London, linir. Te Matiohoster rlre Ai.sKrftiieoOo.ol aiiRland. TolLV.0nrco!,n?,,or,aSK,a,H,a UMl AsMUUo OOloe over Mizor's Store. tUo Clood, . . NIbbaik rASE & MoNITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Moon Black. Ttvn riTi-tiTrt mim & "l TaSH r M Z il Collections promptly attended to, aad' wi corrwpondenoe Bolicited. F !t v -L-?,V ' 1..&JM'. I M.m anin W.i n i !, t ai V 4V ft f m l x-A h fii A r i i 4 . i'iA'1 xtm . i Md, ?- IMHIiMliitMittMiaMiaiWW JCMMaaUIBuataaMaattiBatrttAAaMilaAUaaivM '"Ta7V?.""w mJ w15"J!l''""gifi'wivwrwi iMwajaaiiisajMMafMiwsiaiii Uf H l"W! T mt.XtiJiLt rZBH&L&m-. im?& 1 T - V war-" r J-4-.- rXv zgmxxto .rxM.. JJirte.-' iT ?& T wn9 ., i ajn , , , -iinaiiiaj "III mi T-llla.Mai' !- aBaaaaaaBaaBaaaaai oiMmnnnniiiiTiiinaiaiiDinaiiial 1 . W'iiaiiiawaa'aaSaaiwaiMati Li .n. ?. iH