The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 18, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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1 1
I hnvo the largest and
best lino of
Now And
Second Hand
In "Webster county.
Como in and sde them whoth
or you wish to buy or
ivo TrouDie to Show Goods
Carpets and
Of all kinds.
I won't be undersold, dome
and eee me.
IMoon Block, Red Cloud.
"The" Watch.
!Fer timekeeping and durability nothing
boats the Bevontcenjewoled
Dkubir Hampden Watoit.
and examine thorn. Also hla line of
Jewelry, Diamonds, i
Snectacles. CIocTcrJ
x -- -71
Plau-rt and solid silverware, souvenir spoon.!
pea; I handled knives and fork, carvInK sets,,
calling card oases, bon bon boxes and other
kImws wllh latercliangable lenses, steel, nickel
Pre r ami uolit frames. Hpeeial and careful at
tentloii uald uvnttlnu tne eye. Mr line of Jnd
land watcbM It quite large. I wlllrun tliem oO
at leis tliun tliHr actual worth.
2riir 1 nicy oar watch, clock and Jewelry re
pair work, youfcnuravlnir and tout old sold
ad stiver to me,
A her lira Hale.
,?,y.i,l.rt.n? nt " K,nlon directed lo ma from
wo dlttrlct court of WeksUr county, Nouraika.
u a JiidKnient obtalne d by the eoimUleratlon of
ntr.-t cnurt of Webster county. Nabraika. ox
ie loth day of July. 1891, In favor ot Tliomm
Mynn as p'alRtlS. anil asalnst the Farmers tt
Jirrrhanls lianMnii (Jompany as defendant for
the i sum of ono thouiand and elibty-two dollars
"'I cents, and costs taxed attlfty-threo
iI.' . "" "("" wins laoj.wj, ana accruina
sts, I have levied upon th followlnu
jlalif. tukcii as the aroperty of said defoiiilant
1. fjriV'.' t".1'.IIMn, ,0-w"! t twenty,
f no (21), In block tillrty-mie (3l),lnthi -tIkIiuI
J?el.rel.ka V ' " ' ' et,,,er ouy.
iidsvlll offer the timo far sale ( the highest
Jrtddi-r lor ca'h In iluitul. on the with day of
epU;mUr. A. l. tsjOln front of Hi. ,ioor
2J,,,1 '" fSl,':-now t K-d :ieud. Webster
when-Ill 'he hut term ef court was hsld at tho
our ill 0110 o'clock i. in. of stid day, when
JJated Itoj'cioud, Nolirasko, Allisust 30,aD5.
1 Xlaled UtHl Cloud, Mebra.ka. OcU 3, t8DV
J. W. ItUM'iiar.hhorlff.
LtHl Nellev.
In lliv District Court tf Webster County, Nc
brsuika. In the matter of thn etate,ol )
Kirah A. Hopkins, I
an lucoinpetciit person, )
Order to Miow Cause.
esUst lu the estate oi Harah A. Hopkins an in
efinpei,t iN.n.on. that Hnijaulii U. llopUi's.
I 10 .inia (li-oot ) r iH-nuMi'aud estate nid. i
MJ ' Uvil Hjfpteinbrr. lm. rllo his 1 etl"
Uon In , lue dUtrlct cntt ot WVbsler cniiiity.
rtion iiii . - yi:..,",?"rr '"''
Nrbratka.aud uimtnriiu 1.. n.0,.,.1 r,,.'".?:
'H!' Lif.'l ' !u"1 "'" " all Hiirah A.
in b t. iic r.'.;":" :'."".;". "?'.
ji Zl . , J 1 i ".' Ha"i" inirreiiiixi incroln
liat llio land almvo descilbi I wild, ltli
SiH'il'i'lirl1.1111 person lutejrrsled In
iiii.Ji ,.:"Si "oiweinuBi tuo riNirt- louse
WMbtr, 1855. to show tauso whk a license
hotW not bo Brained In aald commiun to
jellild real ostnto as aiovo descrlheu. It Is
luittwr nnlereil Hint Mud w.11 tlon.r kIvo notice
toali.r)iis Interested U said estate ot thu
2SSie!. ?f V'0 I"'?". nd the time mil
' 'r nearluir the same, by rauslnva
S!frf!f Jii,,,.oraw ,0 be P'"ll"w In the IH-d
OUifd, v,inter comity. Nebr.ika. for four
Jat'l ht-ai'lB? e ''' vml0M u t,,u a 0'
Pattil UiU jctii day of Sptmhr, im.
, Kar 11, Bkai.i
JutttutVlMM Court.
' ' w
Acts like a poultice, dravinn
out fever and pain, and rcinvig.
orating the entire Female Sys
tem. It removes all obstructions
and creates a healthy, natural
flow of all secretions.
It is the one natural cure for
female troubles, because it is
applied right to the diseased
parts. Don't take internal rem
edies for Female weakness, com
mon sense requires a direct ap
plication for immediate relief
and permanent cure.
"Orange Blossom" is a sure,
painless cure for falling and
dropsy of the womb, profuse,
difficult, irregular menses, leu
corrhcea, ulceration, tumors,
sick headache, constipation, sal
low complexion.
"Orange Blossom" is apastile
easily used at any time. Every
lady can treat herself with it.
Mailed to any address on re
ceipt of $i. Dr. J. A. McGill&Co.
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111.
For Sale by C. L. Cotllng Red
frAfcieftj '
Ctauutt M,
lainrirai (roirth.
twintlflM Oi. hita.
lTomau. m
N.T.r Fall, to BMtor. a
Hal to it. Youthful Cole
Con kp diiMKi hair tilling.
For Thin People
Floih made with Tnlnaouro Tablet by a scien
tific process. They creute perfect asslmllutlnn
or evory form of food, rocrelinK the valuable
parts and discarding tho worthless. They make
Ihln face plump nnd round out the figure.
They are tho standard remedy for leanness,
containing no arse nlr, and nbsolutoiy harmless.
1'rlea, prepaid, $ per not, o for as,
l,amiiiilt,"iiow TO tKr FAT," free.
gam 'Ihluwriir. Co., w Dro.ul way, N. Y.
CMckMtcr'. Alund Brut
wnfiaai mna wnijr Dniln
HunimUtim4. MDnuiliu.a.a.aa'4.
uoim nr nvtla.l.n, tmUmtiU taj
jhuh r uhm," m utur, tj rttara
urn umstM. " KumSTI?
Kansas City, Mo., Stock Yards.
lh HC!BKW8KII. Buua.j.Ml.a,i
'ill u
Market Reports Free.
Inaairanco Agency,
JJerman Insurance Co , Freeport, 111.
Koyal iusuiiiiioOo Ltvenol, Knirland.
Home Fire Iusuranco Co., of Omaha, Nebr.
rha-nlx Assurance Cn. nf limlnn tmr
To Manchester flro AssaranooOo.ot iinelaud.
Hrltish America Assurance Co. Toronto, Can.
Mutual Iteserve Fntid Llle Assu.ot N. Y.
Tbo Workman liuildlnc uud 1-oau Association
of Lincoln, Nobraska.
OtUoe over Mizor'a Storo.
Rkd Cloud, - Nebraska
Moon Block, . RED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to, and
correspondence solicited.
1 1 1 Do you dcalro to make 1 1 1
Make , our money eun you a monthly salary.
910 (X) and moro made dally by our new rirs
tlmat'c riun at Operation on small Investments
In (rralii and slock spectil ulon.
All wo ask Is to Investleiileourtiawand orl
Ulnal methods. 1'ast viorklncs ot plan and
blithest references ruruUliod. Our Uooklet
"1'olnUj & Hints" how to make money and
other Information sent VUV.K.
(HLM011K& Co., li.uikors uud llrokers.
Open Hoard of Trado llldR., Chlcaco, III
. T. .roller, l'UliullPa Attorney.
Shcrlir hale.
Notlco U hnfvbv clenr that tniilcr and by vlr
t ue of an unit r of mil Issued Irom the ollfco of
1 . V.'i"."1.',' vlf,'k "f "", 'Ustrlct comt of thu 10th
Judleia district, within and fur Webster vouuty
ebraskn.upoiiiidcn!eluuu notion iiiiUIk
tlier.ln. wireu '
c'!,Hr';:?.u IIn,,,.B H J'litlnUff nml flitninst Ml.
Vi Wil,,0 """ .'""" 1: Wiloox, iletendams,
,i fi l""',r,fi' salu il iiubllii HMidiie. to the
liluhekt bidder Tor ensh in hand, at the oast
door oi tiw 1 nun huse, nt lied aJloml, In said
mlldliiirnhiTtiu the last teiw t said court
wu hoideii)
On the 201I1 duy r Novimfccr, A. D,
I80.1,jit le'clurk i.jn.
fiivTu J 'l!l'r',,,,'oll'HlHK doicrlbed property,
Txitta lllimlliafak.t IiIi-Iai. ttn a. ...
fln7; :.."., ,v" i.-..- "F."FBn.. v
wmi (I81. nineteen u),Wntv (..). twinty-o 10
it.!? ,5 f',.,.,y;ii0 ? ""ly-threo 3) nnd
t lI.Yt .,0,y ('' '"WwR "limber flelum (18)
Webster county, Nebraska.
lJCrAeFU"l5,'n,y,,n,, thl' ,,t'1 aay 0ct0"
I'y H. W. foe, Doimty.
TonaorlHl Arllat,
24 Door Kouiii or ;uir om.n.
Pirat cJbm bartering dona with neat-
BCdK KDU ( Vmiv nn......n
oliciUd. r " b"
wrafiuiaaaaniyUMalae. A
r, alw.j. r.llM.. iaoii. .k
Urifrltt tut OtUUHirt KnalUh tla.A
jMmJgnuut la Krd ml UoU MtalitoUtr
N. lt wllh Urn rtbboi. Takers?
K Jru
i ji
Tub most conscientious citlzona aro
tho uaaiest prey always for unclean and
unscrupulous mon. Nnturnlly, thoy
trust tho word of mon who coiuo in tho
Interpstfl of morality, novor stopping to
think that the aoaroo ot this stream of
purity may bo tainted with tho germs
bred by Bocret vlco and wroug doing, ' It
is a good Injunction which tho Christ
gave to men: about Rotting rid of tho
beam in their own oyo boforo tackling
thomolo in a brothor'si'' l know
of somo mon whoso card en of
such doubtful morality! mint that
they hnvo been almost dotiied admission J
it, ttlfl lint- urlifion i,n.m. A..1lt.. I
in fid lllllllollH Mint. It la liflnn nmiilliM.i.l
and yt who niii thn mir nf virtue by
unit of Heroic mockery of morality.
And vlrluo aomotimes tieodn tho hypoo-
rlnV. tvlllntl In Hill Imttillira, vino nnvoln It
Novrrllieless, no roptililiuiin uiindidiito is
on tho dofenslvo on groutidB nf mornlity,
TIlAV IpllVn It tfl vlrlllil OmuIIv In l.rllcl.
tiwnv I ho well of nlunr nr nnd not In thn
c'onr light ot truth. They loavo it to
tho riinriRces in this campaign to say:
"I nm hotter than thou," nnd protlt by
tho tlllen nf fnlll.l.nnirund hvnnnrllnn
if prollt thoro bo. .
A stimulant Is ot'en needed to nourieh
and strengthen the roots nnd to keep tl e
hair a natural color. Hnll'i- hair renower
Is tho best toniofor the hair.
Subject of morning sermon: 'Tho
Divlno Thirst;" Evening. "Ruth and
liar Faith."
Prof. Wilson and II. S. Falkenburg
woro olected Sunday-school teachers at
tho board moating tho othor night.
The first quarterly mooting occurs
Novombor 10 and 11. Rev. W. B. Alex
ander will be prosout.
The number of peoDle nttendinn- Mr.
Hedge's funorul was vory large.
xna quartet sang tenderly and to tho
entire satisfaction ot all.
Misa Mnhnl Snnnrlnrn mill aitnnnmA ot
the head of the League.
xno uiu Folks' Concort will be young
in sprightlinois. Don't fail to attend.
Thn Rnwnrthlan Innnhnra In U7nt.a.
county are all doing royal work.
uro. iiicKoeii ia maKing a laitnlu
ffort to intorost his S. 8 class.
Thn Junior TinilCIln tnnnta nl i n m
Miss Dora Ward presides in this meet
ilnv. VanDvlrn and nj!fn vlailo nf tt,
parsonago last Tuesday, from Inavalo.
iiu uiou id uurcommucity sinnu more
highly than the old soldiers. Long may
they live and their deeds on the Hold of
t battlo be remembered.
The Darlington, Wis., Journal says
editorially of a popular patent medloine:
"We know from experience .thai Cham
berlain's Colio, Cholera nnd Diarrhcua
Remedy is nil that is olalraed for it, an on
two oooasions it stopped exernoiating
pains and possibly' saved ns from an un
timely grave. Wo would not rest'easy
over night without it in the fbW
This remedy undoabtedjy naves more
pain and suffering than any other medl
eln. in the world. Every family should
keep It in the house for it Is aura to bo
needed sooner or later. For sale by Deyo'
& Qrioe.
Husking corn la tho order of tho day.
John Beauohamp hna leased his farm
to Frank Martin. lie contemplates go
ing to Missouri on an extended visit.
J. Orowell'fl mnthnr rattirnAil In lm
home in Creto.
ReV. filmms of Oak. Nnlirnntrn. mno in
Line one day last week.
i. w. Anuerson was licensed to exhort
by tho Unitod Brothren church.
jjuuuu nuuunuuD unu m. w. Anuerson
uttondod the United Brethren quarterly
mooting lust Sunday nt Guide Hock.
Capt. W. A. Van Dyke is doing u grand
work ns a miesiouary in Honolulu, H. I.
8unday-school at 10 o'clock at' the
Ponny creek school house. Wm. Van
Dyko Buperintentlent.
Cherry Pectoral
80 says Mr. T. M. Reed, a highly
rospectod Merchant of Mid-
dlotown, III., of a Young
Man who was supposed
to be in Consumption.
"Ono of my customers, boitio
years ago, hud a son who had all
tho Hymptoms of consumption.
Tho UHiial medicines afforded him
no relief, and ho ntcnilily 1 ailed
until ho was iinablo to leavo IiIh
bed. Ilia mother apidicd to mo
for somo reinedy and I recom
mended Aycr's Cherry Pectoral.
Tho young man took It according
to directions, and soon began to
Imnrovo until Im lwamo woll
and Btroiig." T. if. Rkkd, Mld
dlotown, 111. '
"Somo timo ago, I caught a
eovoro cold, my throat and luntrs
woro badlv inflamed, and I luul u 01
t(rrlliln Pimrrli If wna iiiini.l O
that I was a victim of consump
tion, ami my friends had littlo
hone of recovery. Ilut I bought a
bottlo of Ayor'u Cherry Pectoral,
took It, and was entirely cured.
No doubt, it saved my life."
I. Jojiks, Emerts Cove. Tenn.
Ayerfs Cherry Pectoral
ReceJvsd Highest Awards
Special Premium.
Tho following is a list ot the Bpoolal
premiums awardod at tho county fair
last week:
I'eirv niedorlch, pair of Wshooj awArded to
F. W. Mills.
Clms Wiener, hat, awarded to Karl l'ond
Hh MUrrhnlf ilut fruits plalcs, awarded to
Marv Jllnor,
KMcKariand child's shoes awarded to J. II
.(os llcrelniRcr box clRars to 0 K I'utman
Hliea Turnuo. dish awarded to Mrs Itunchy
I. It Korf pair vases, to l.ulu B irber
JNusteln ultia tolmr. o ti U Hllo
rtherwooil & AlbriKhtfi In tradu awarded to
Mrs 1, 11 Fort
JV H llcnso cak. nwarded to fnry Ilesman
Ilenrv Dlederlrh ionshocs,i"Heo(;ooii
O .1 I latt 82 cash, awanled In Heo I'oim
H K Hiiokesllehl.nor's Hour, to (loo Coon
J H Wlllll. ai r-nh 1,1 U'n, I'r-il.lli
..,YTnr,nr'!),u"ro nni1 frame, awarded
Miss llinlell, trimmed hat, NVIIIe Noiblt
Mr. M'whouse facinatnr, to Kvn lluininel
A Iliioki'r&Uo, Uhl cover, awarded
-ir i, 11 rfrt
Thas Auld. tl In cash tndrnri KpIIocs
llnvn Xi flrl.iu m .Lut lju.ii i.wi 7. ..-
Wri 'Flyer '" um lu ,m'
I, M Vanco silver enn tn Mrs II (llllmm
W II Itoiiy sack Hour to J Kludschcr
.1 S White fine'eash, to. Win Crit.MII
John l'olnlcky, box clRars. 10 J Mendlebaum.
Wonderful aro the onres accomplished
by Hood's Sarsapnrllla nml yet it is only
beoanse Hood's Satsiparilln, tho 000 trne
blood purifier, makes pure, rich, healthy
Hood'a Pills for tho liver and bowels,
not easily, yet promptly and efficiently.
or Secretary of Wcbuter County-Agricultural
Family ticket sold v o 70 60
lien admission tickets !-ttut 25o 307 in)
inrrlaao tickets 102 at 25o 40 60
Hall tickets I75at IBo ....".... m m
uraud stand tickets 230 at Hie -a on
Quarter stretch tickets 01 at 10c 010
Collections for entries In speed dep't.. . ISO 25
Collections from pnvllcites 27 -a
CollectiNiis from null rents 3000
Dountlon by A. II. Crary Ouldd Hock.. 1 00
Total receipts from all sources I 603 is
HAtrl In f ritatif-At as rA
rain salary of secretary iwi nt
Pnlll (1. I Wnrron fnrnrlutlii.f
! . . . --....,, .. vv
To Am rrotilng AssocUtlon
ltlbbons and braid
Htampsand statlonerr.
Twine ,
Express on yr books, etc
Ink and pens
Tickets chit to help 4 season at
lien admission and naif tickets
1'ildJnoMcCord cash
.... 17 CO
1 70
1 ci
4 75
4 50
3 '.0
1 CO
i-Hiu w. v. ueai
Balance In hands ef secretary ca 29
Total , c53 85
a . ..
How's This!
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any oaso of Catarrh that o. nnot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY A CO., Props. Toledo, O.
Ve the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney far the last 16 years and believe
him perfeotly honorable in all busiaisi
transactions and financially able to carry
ont any obligation made by their firm.
West St. Trnax, Wholesale Drnggisla, To
ledo, O. Waldlng, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally
aotlng directly upon the blood and mu
cous snrfaees of the system. Price, 76c.
per bottle. 'Bold by all druggists. Tes
timonials free.
Market Report.
Corrected weekly by lied Cloud I'roduce Co.
Wheat 40 45
Corn new Q
Cornold 40
Oats new 15
Rye... 25
Sr,ey 35
Flax 00 70
Hog !... 3 0003 50
Butcher's stock 2 0002 50
Butter 10
Virbn ii
Potatoes ..' 25 30
upringcnickonsperlb 0
Oldhonaperlb 4
Hay per ton 3 003 50
Judion. '
The Pops and republicans held their
caucuses is Logan township last Satur
day at the same time and nlaca both
partita put their best men in nomination.
nr. unn UrewaU's child died tbo 13th
and was buried the 14 at Mt. Hope cem
etery. The bereaved father baa the
sympathy ef tho entire community.
Mrs. U. W. Barrett is imurovinir.
Thero will be a Sunday-sohool conven
tion hold at Cora, commencing Friday
evening, November 1.
Sabbath-Bchool at Fairviow baa been
changod fram 2 p. m. to 10 a. m., preach
ing at eleven by Elder Elwell.
Dan Grewelrs father nnd motbor and
thoir daughter returned to their home
in Webber Tuesday.
Mrs. Bennett ot Red Cloud was visit
ing with her sister Mrs. Joy of Cora last
week. Sid.
With two Utile children subjeot to
oroup we do not rest easy without a bot
tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in
the house, for the most sevore attaoks
quickly suooumb to a few doses of it.
Morrison, Colo., Bud. For sale at 26 and
60 cents per bottle by Deyo & Grioe
I.lnc. ,
John Mareden ia on tho sick list.
Messrs Aubushon, Andorson and Van
DvUn flt.tanflAfl Ihn nlltirfnrlv tnnnHnr.
nmir Quido Rook Suturday and Sunday.
f?Alf. .T. M Mima nf Ofllrna nan.n ,im
and preached at tbo Penny creek school
houso Mondnv ovonlntr. It holnir hln Inst
sermon for this yoar. We wish him sue-
cobs tho comming yoar.
Tho donation party at Mr. Aubuahon's
last Thursday ovoning was nearly a fail
Mr. and Mrs. Growoll, who have been
visiting with thoir sons, Isaac aud Dan,
returned home Tuesday.
Tho Penny Croek Sunday-school waa
reorganized Monday evening with Wm.
VanDyke as Superintendent.
Prayer Mooting at Penny Croek Sun
day ovenlng, Melvma VanDyke class
leader, Tom Tuum.
! m 111
The list of letters remaining at the
post office uncalled for up to Oct. 17,
Oimatead T A Sterner Q W
Wergs W C
The above letters will be sent to the
dead latter office Oot. 81, 1806. If not
called for. Frank Cowdek, Postnuter
The sign of this borrowing is thinness ; the result, nerve
waste. You need fat to keep the blood in health unless you
want to live with no reserve force live from hand to mouth.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is more than a medicine. -It
is a food. The Hypophosphites make it a nerve food, too. "
It comes as near perfection as good things ever come in this
Bt lurtyoupt Scott't Emutshn wktnytu want it and not a cheap tultt it utt.
Scott & Bowne, New York, ah Druggists; 5oc. and $i.
g)n43 3Qoe'''-33r-0-$'!SMS
of New Jelly, 15lbs net, per pnil 30 cents.
Duti't look up Chicago, Kansas City. St. Joicph or
Oiniha pricis; they arc not in it Don't hesitate;
1u may got loft.
New Tea and Coffees.
500 lha New Crop Japan Tea, 25cts per lb.
Are you not paying 50 cts for same quality.
Try a pound of it and be convinced. .
Battle Ax Plug is moving like hot cakes.
Ourstock is complete at all times.
WANTHm, 1000 bushels Fancy As
sorted Potatoes. Will pay highest cash
Just received a car of fine Michigan Salt.
You want a Lamp !
We are 'headquarters in this line
Don't fail to call on us when in need of any
thing iu the Queenswase or Glassware line.
We will 8a ve you money aud- don't you for
get it. .We can show you Toa or Dinner
Sets that would grace the table of a Gould
or Viinderbilt.
We want
can bring.
Yours Truly,
Shea & Tenure B0?-
Red Cloud. Nebraska.
What is
ti&) (IJ l h
Cutorla ifl Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infinite
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrup's, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guaranteo is thirty years' use by
Bullions of Mothers. Oastorla destroys Worms and nllays
fevcrishncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving .healthy aud natural sloop. Cas
torla is tho Children's- Panacea tho BIothcr'H Friend.
M Oaatoria la an excellent medicine for dill
Area. Mother liara repeatedly told ma of IU
good affect upon their children.'
Da. Q. C. Omood,
Lowell, Has.
M Outocia U tha beet remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope tho day la not
far dlatant when mother will consider the real
Merest of their children, and uaa CaitorU In
atead of the Tarioua quack nostrum which are
deatroyfas their lored one, by forcing opium,
morphine, aootlilng yrup and other hurtful
aceta down their throats, thereby eading
Iktaa to pramatur grSTea."
Da, J. T, Xaaaojam,
Sksj Oaatamr Oaafiay, Tl Karray Itroat, How York City.
from health.
If you have borrowed troA, 4
health to satisfy the demands
of business, if your blood is
not getting that constant
supply of fat from your food
it should have, you musn
pay back from somewhere,
and the somewhere will be
from the fat stored up in
tht? linrlv.
all the butter and eggs yc
Or M fr&M&
" Castorla I? bo well adapted to children thai
I recommend It as superior to any preacrlptlom
known to mo,"
IT. A, Ancnan, M. D.,
HI So. OifordSt,, Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our phyaiclaua In tho children' depart
ment havu Bixilen hlshly of tlielr expert'
euce In tlielr outside practice with Castorla,
and although wo only hare among; our
medical supplies what Is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that tha
merits of Cojtorla has won us to look wMt
favor upon it."
Umitbd HosrrrAt.'ixo Diarwaiar.
Boston, Ksja)
Aiubi 0. Burnt, Prtt. " '
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