The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 18, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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ti 3-
' a
llm Mother Wmilril In TaU Her Itoy
Atontr, tint WVuki-IK-il 11. Mil Itnl.ctl
llm I'lMol ti III. Hint . MrnC.i
BUiry from Son rr.iticl.ciN
MOST scn.intlonnl
suicide, tho details
of wlilch ITVPIll II
strange story, oc
cut ml In San Fran
cisco several i1iih
ago, when Mrs. Dr.
Charles J. Schmidt
sent a bullet crash
ing through bcr
body. The jilstot
with which she
killed hersolf was the same one ttscd by
nor pretty daughter LouUn, who took
her own llfo about a year ago. Mrs.
Schmidt, on the very tiny that sho shot
herself, was to have been arraigned lit
court for the ninrdcr of Louisa Mauser,
who tiled July 111 last, after making a
dying statement wherein she accused
Mrs. Schmidt of performing tlio opera
tion from which death resulted. .Mrs.
Schmidt's letters and demeanor for sev
eral weeks, however, showed that she
was worried less about the trial than
over domestic troubles and the 111 treat
ment of her husband. Tho woman
burned her husband's diplomas ami de
stroyed some other mementos about
7:30 o'clock on the morning she ended
Iter life, after which she went to her
bed room, with her llttlo boy of fixe,
whom she Intended to kill, and in about
15 minutes, utter kissing him good-by
and trying to nerve herself to the pitch
of shooting him. mother love stayed her
hand fi-om the child, and she put a bill-
let through Her own heart In the llttlo
fellow's piescnce.
Mrs Schmidt left u letter to her hus
band, which tells the story of a broken
heart and shows why she lied from the
Us of llfo rather than fate further
fortune. The letter Is as follows:
car Husband: Your wish Is an
swered now. These eyes, which wore In
your way, are closed now, hut your eyes
will bo opened when with tho sun
your star will set. Clod knows how you
have treated my poor chlldtcn rind me.
The bullet which you shot at us can bo
found yot as witness In the kitchen, No.
l:U"i Mission street. Oh, God, how
many nights had we to go on tho street:
how many nights had we to close our
selves up, and wept when you wero
going to butcher us with your butcher
knife. How many times' you wanted
to put me in an Insane asylum If other
pcoplo had not kept you from doing It.
Hetter this death than to' be placed in
an insane asylum with clear senses.
Now you have your liberty. Uo you
think you will onjoy thnt better than
to llvo In nn honorablo way with your
family? I thank God that my angel
Louisa, whom you dioe to death a year
ago, doee not need to experleneo all this.
Uy day and by night wo will appear
beforo your eyes and cry, 'Triple mur
derer!' Your cousclenco will bo awak
tfeed and will haunt you, as you have
driven, by meanest mothods, a true,
honorable, diligent wife to death. I
oneo worried you, but I pardon you, and
will ask God to pardon .you for all wo
have suffered. Hut remember ono thing:
Wo are the third family you have
driven to ruin. Kcmeniber that woman
you havo.brouKht away from her homo
In Vienna and Imvo'loft In misery In
America. Ttomontber your wlfo and
child In Texas, whoso maledictions will
follow you. I knew nothing about those
unhappy people untti I was long mar
ried to you.
"My last wish Is, leave everything th
wdy I have arranged, and put :ls In one
grave. Tuke a plain, cheap coffin; no
flowers, and never come to visit our
graves. You hated uh in our lire und
shall not, claim to have an affection for
i.. in .inntii. Louisa, mv nneel, shall
hurled with us, Please pardon mo
m ,
L "'
it. ..iy, '
that 1 have taken along the baby, hut I
think It will bo better off than If It were
to live an orphan, like the boy In Texas,
without father. I swear before God
Almighty, who will Judge mo In a short
time, that you hnvo abused your wife,
who was as good and true to you us a
elilld. Good-by. Don't forgot your un
happy wife. God pnrdon mo for what
I have dono In despair, to which on
have driven me, for you were my hus
band anil yo'.tr will may be done."
Louisa, the pretty 10-years-old
daughter of Mrs. Schmidt, who shot
herself it ear ago, did It because of al
leged cruelty on part of Schmidt, her
i-tepfntlier. About a week before com
mitting suicide, LouIru said she wan
;&&. i
f1 42
thinking how erucl Schmidt waa, and
made up her mind to shoot him If shn
lived until his return from Huropc,
where he was then visiting. The girl
believed be had ruined her family, and
said: "I want to bo out of the homo
or dead before he gets home." When
word en mo that Schmidt was coming
home, Louis became very despondent,
and the following Sunday night ended
her life by shooting herself through
tho heait, first writing n letter to her
mother. Tho vordlet of tho eoroncr'n
Jury was that the girl committed sui
cide "because of extreme fear of her
Mrs. Schmidt wan formerly Mrs. Car
oline Dietrich, of Dallas, Tex., where
she practiced midwifery. It wns there
that she met Schmidt, then a soldier.
Shortly thereafter nhe was separated
from her husbnntl, after which she re
moved to Snn Francisco, and was soon
married to Schmidt, who was then
studying medicine at the Hahnemann
college. 'They never lived happily.
Who Killed Mnlirl Doric
The body of Mabel Doyle, aged 17, of
Dorchester, Mass., was found on the
Hats of tho Noponset river the other
morning, with her hend sticking In tho
mutr. The indications pointed strong
ly to foul play. She was last been about
4 o'clock the day before, when she was
walking along the banks of the river.
Wmr.r of WhIIIiiic for a I'urtunr.
It. T. Allen, thtxOmaha, Nob., musi
cian, who Attempted to commit sulcida
by shooting himself in a Now York
Central train on the way to tho city
from the cost one day last mouth, was
entirely successful In killing himself
last week. Fie wua a patient at tho
Fitch hospital in Buffalo, whero ho had
been taken to huvo his bullet wound
dressed, and got hold of a bottle of car
bolic acid and swallowed such a largo
dose that ho died within un hour.
When discovered ho was unconscious
and efforts to resuscitate him were un
availing. Allien wus a man of family,
whoso daughter Is studying music lu
the New York conservatory and whoso
sou is employed in the composing room
of a New York paper. Ho would hnvo
inherited largo estates lu Delias!, Ire
land, upon tho death of.hls father, but
grew weary of waiting for tho inherit
ance and weary of life.
.ri- illarrlnl Oir l.'nlllii.
One of the most peculiar circum
stances that over attended a funeral
service wits seen at the burial of John
A. Chittenden, at Ashley, Mich., last
week. On hit: death he had requested
that his sister Loulso und her be
trothed, Charles A. Ilolmdon, ho mar
ried over his coffin. The wedding orig
inally was to have taken plneo Sept. 2.",
but the date wns changed to comply
with tho wish, of tho dying matt.
"While ho lay In his coffin his sister and
her Mvcothoart Joined hands over it,
while the Hcv. John Wane performed
the marriage eeremouy. Thnfa tho
minister delivered tho funeral oration
and tho newly married couple occupied
the ilrut carriage behind tho hearse.
Moth services wero deeply Impressive
Undo Ned "Ueen fishing, Johnny?"
Johnny "Yes, sir." Uncle Ned
"Catch anything?" Johnny "No; but
you bet I wilt when I Ket home." Ron
bury Gazette.
A ;
k,wni i- . h
.' l .r
Hilt ) i
iii '
- JSL. mv
trPmwfiktirMvn"tw'i"m, "
oiiHsip run
lln.liii'.w ii nil Pocliil Hi'IiiIIiimh
Wlirro Shr lllilen the Kj V-It"
mill Vnro M l.nil' rnril Himum--IiiiIiI
The woman lu business who suc
ceeds lit winning the good opinion of
the men with whom sbo comes In con
tact is tho one who is not continually
on the lookout for evil and who un
derstands thoroughly the dllTerenee
that exists Ix-twoon social und busi
ness llfo. The gltl who slttrls out ex
pecting men to fall down and wot ship
her will have a iry Hide shock some
day when her employer gives her an
unlet' wliJiout the preface "ple.tse,"
und her whole soul will revolt when
kIii1 llinls that tlieio ii iv men so thor
oughly Killoiised to the claims of
womanhood that they can keep their
hats mi when they ilde with her on
tltit ..lul'illnn Mllll Ittltil Mlk Mttt'ltlliml
about inking their can olV ir the day '''ldo.u'.l ut ti ittte larger than over
Is Im lined to lie stilt ly. lioii'lnforo. I'iich like sable, dormouse
The .MUing missionary who enters tin mid aNMii llelie the prlntdple ones
olllcc expecting'' to t-i'volulloiilxo the I for consideration, while etinlue will In
motiil lone or It will probably occupy all probability be not seen tit till. o
her pc'dtlott nboiil a week. She Is loo I ecpt, perhaps, as lining for eives of
uiiieli nfii menial tllstiuliiitici' lo'be en I pioi'il or pliiu lelonr or pluMi.
dtitcil longer, but the gltl who buckles j )'n.s(., doth ), dining the winter
down to the duties u' tin day with no , Hcasoti, be a iirotnlnelit iioitveaiile.
ili'CMhui lu her elear i'.es regarding Velours, from the Ljtiiis Iooiuh, its wtdl
what ntbi'i' people me doing will be ' ns those of cotton, will be again lu
pietty sure to win Iter way Into Hie j uigcnt tleinuiid; I'speelnlly the incite
good graces of these about her and inlro velours printed with liiill.-in de
wltliout any fti-slug of irnwnlng on I slgi"t mid ety slinllar to the nice
her patt the minor coiiiIchIcs to which
she is accustomed will Utile by little
be given to Iter mil orally until the
missionary wotk Is le.tlly accomplish
ed without so iiiui-h as tin.1 elevnllon of
an e.M'btow on her part to Indicate
her wishes In the mutter.
No practical Inisliiexn Is run on the
basis ol charity; therefore the w'omvn
who nsplies to n prolonged slny in iTfi
place willi I he assurance of mi in
crease of mii la i. v some day must provo
that she can give nit iideiiiale lelurn
lit good work for I ho money paid her.
A prelly. winsome oivntuiv lu an olllee
Is not the power she Is lu u drawing
room, unless she proves hoi self capa
ble. Mete picttlncv- will "not bring a
salary lo her If idic Is employed to tie
eoutplish aiiylhlng of coitscipienee.
i:en the pretty tyiewrller lias nan
her day. ami now tin; plain one who
iitleuils strictly to luislne.-s eorrtils the
iH'st pof.ltlons.
if oti start out lu the broad Held of
IalKir with men as iiimpetliois you
iiiiim lay aside the Idea that you were
horn lo be adored by the opposite sex,
iiml i'iiiil.'ii-i It wild it ill-termination to
do the best yon know how. working J
fairly for the money pahl, inn never,
even lit the hardest strife, hfylng aside
the garment of utile womanliness
which Is the most winning fitelor lin
both business and social relations.
'"il.idclphla Tlmt'K.'i.
C'.-J. h
One way to tt Im sleeves.
I'rrfiiini-a for Wuiurii.
A word Is tine about the dainty woin
an' iKirfumes. Scent out of a liotlle
hhe should never mv, but Instead
should batio herself with delicately
perfumeil soaps. She ues violet lings
lu her morning tub; she sprinkles Hue
refreshing toilet waters lu her basin;
hIic lays delieato smelling things
among her garments. What those
things mo will bo according to llm
varying tastes of different women.
Otic of the nicest Is that root of tropi
cal lemon grass known as vortlvert.
Orris root lu loose silk bags Is excel
lent and some women like lavender.
One hns been known to use dry bal
nam ilr, and certainly tho odor as of
it pine fniest lu tho sun which eman
ated iroiu nor licloiigings was ory
pleasant lo the dainty and fastidious
liostlll. Another nnvti- uses iiiivIIiIiil'
tiiit sprays of lemon verbena. The best
the most costly of till, is dried rose
leaves; not tho soupy-smelling -;ii(t
sold In Oriental shops In polpouirl,
but big, flesh roses laid to din In nun's
drawers. Three fivsh American beau
lies will so potently perl'iimca drawer
Mint anything laid uw ly in it for fc day
will bring nn odor more subtle, pene
vrntlugmiil Intoxicating than anything
tho Scent shops have to sell. It Is s.iM
that only ihoso who have the blood of
nobles lu their veins can smell tho per
futno of strawberry loaves, und tho
high-bred dainty nose Is required to
perci'lve the trim llnvor of ilnitl roses,
which will bo blunted on vulgar nos
trils. Juy do .MaupasMini, when occu
Pi lug llm aparlniciii lit which Wagner
lived when composing "l,ii;,.,i'nl,"
round in lht drawn s ami wardrobe
mot itniieious smell, tiiougli 11 was
six or seven years arier Hie i.iiislelui
i.i .i i j .t. ...
died, who had found It Impossible to
compose unless ho woio a ilrcsslm:
gown Impregnated with Unit
Ing perfumo.
ttj- l.H !' Citrtl.
A lady's card should lx almost
Mmnro, of modem to size ami lino text
ure. If married Mrs, should precede
her hiiKlKind's name In full. Tim ad
dress, Is placed lu the lower rlght-lmiul
tfST W&." LSI fHaNjffxlfbi
I W '
i m
corner, with the lit Home day in tho
lower loft hand corner, the engraving
In plain, simple, script. There, wns n
l lute when It is not lu good form for
any latly, married m single, to hint)
her number ami street engraved upon
her vNItlug curd, that being a custom
with n class tif women who itejer
iiiiim in respeelaldi1 society; lull I hat
prejudice seems to have tiled out, untl
In this day. when ono has such a large
number of titlllug ininmliitiiiice-, tho.
iitlilroxM Is perfectly correct und admissible-
In polite Hu'lety. Tin' usage
of the visiting caul In the social world
has, from Its Importance, commanded
a certain language of Its own. So
ciety IniK recognized It value, untl now
puts upon the small fine of engraved
pustclhutril the many duties which lu
the past were considered to retiuliv
personal attention. It gleets und bids
allien lu the most graceful manner,
congratulates most delicately but de
cidedly, und ofilmis tells more Hutu
written or spoken volumes could eon
I vey. Its Moi, ni' fiitidiiess or distiller-
esHMnief" is ioiu tit i itt piiniipiiiess or
met hod of Its arrival.
Vi-M i-t. nnil I'uri".
Fui'M will lie in gretiler I'tivur, mill
foulard IiIoum's, that are so well liked.
I saw most i-liaintlng regal evening
cloaks inaile from this Mum", in a soft
fancy shade, with Hue patterns upon
a light eieaiii-eolored fond. The sleeves
lire u-iy wide and furnished with nice
sable for run's: a high standing col
lar ot the like fur sun omuls the neck,
from which tltops a full veloitr hood,
trimmed with narrmv fur and within
lined with vleitx moire of bluish sheen.
The hood Is In front, tied with tt full
Imiw with petulant ends of moire rib
lion, the celor of which harmonizes
with the Inner lining of the hood.
Wlint Do I'lillilrcn 'llilnt.-r
I wonder what women supixise their
chlldieii think when tiny hear Ibeni
tell tt deliberate lie?
it Is n slice! car experi
ence to hear arguments between colt
(ltietois ami parents as to the ages of
"I'll have to get a rare for thai one,"
says the gtiaidhtu of the Indicium.
"1 never pay for Iter,'' icplles the
parent haughtily.
"Well, I'll have to ring up , cents
for hw; slio's oer ago."
"Why, what tlo you menu) They
never charge mo on miy other line," Is
'the rcf-ponse.
"Aln'i .that ehlld over four)" asks
the riiigeriip.
It Ik obvious to any one with half mi
e.e that i he- object of discussion is
fully sl.v. nnil pot small for that. The
mother has avoided making the state
ment, but when questioned point blank
Kite sa.s:
"No. she ain't: she's only Ihree and a
And I wonder how she can look the
child In the face. -New York Itecorder.
AVIu-n .'Un- IIIiIch llm K.-,
It Is a singular Instance of the sim
plicity of the average mind to watch
the eiitlto good faith in which tho
country housekeeper, when she takes
'her walks abroad ami locks up her
house, hides the key for Its discovery
by any other member of tho family.
As a matter of course she lucks It
nwny under the doormat. It never
seems lo enter her dear, motherly
head that tnvry other woman lu the
place docs prcchmly the same thing,
and perhaps every other woman in
every other suburban town. Sim never
.seems to thing that that Is the one
place that tiny sindcnl of human mi
tine, who had burglarious Inclinations,
would seek entrance lo ibe boil's- by
simply lifting Hie doormat. He would
bo sure to Hud the key ready for hliu
IIoiimi'-IkiIiI Uinta,
How much morn ht'ppy nml com
fortable the baby will be If the laun
dress Is not allowed to put starch Into
Its clothes.
To remove a rusty screw, apply a
red-hot Iron to the head for a abort
time, i he screw driver being used imme
diately afterward while the screw Is
still hot.
A delicious tutll-fnittl cream may
bo imitlo by taking a tnMcspoouful
each or many kinds of preserves and
adding to it n ijtiart of sweetened
cream, using half a pound of sugar to
one iptart of cream. '
A slice of bread toasted to a dellcatn
brown mid molbtoned with the Juice
from a hot, iiirn beefstake is a little
J variation from the regulation tonst
ami appreciated by tho Invalid to
whom small lUteuilous mean a good
Among the now pieces of odd china
Is tho pancake dish. It Is n deep, (lull
green In color, like a great saucer In
shape, and has n cover that tits closely
and Is pierced with small holes
to allow the steam to pass out,
Tho stove about (o bo polished
should llrst Im cleaned of cinders ami
ashes. It should then bo thoroughly
freed from till dust and all grease
spots should be wiped off with u
damp clolh. A ialr of stout leather
gloves should bo donned for tho o
ctislon, the Is'sl being those known as
housemaids' gloves, mid which are
made exptessly for tho purixwo; then,
the blacklead should be applied by
means of u small, round, soft brush,
after which tho stove should lie well
polished with another ami harder
brush in a inphl ami vigorous manner,
iruinii tu ii iiii'in initi iihwiwun jimuiiwi.
' mu wt, K,. even strokes. The
final polish could be given with a bit
of leather, or by meaps of so homely u
dovleo tis soft imper bags, which nro
said to Im excellent. Tho black lead
Is usually bought In a soldi substance,
wlilch should be grated Into a saucer
or nny other sultuMo dish, and mixed
with ciiunl nuiintltles of water and
turpentine. I ho latter giving a much
greater luster than water alone could
it.M , it &$
.i ko-ii.ii n.mwm.ou mi wii". 1
A 1'iitiu't:
or mil.
i:clliM' 1'roui the I)i-iin of One MuM
llliiiH-rmiN I'i'iioll I'iihIhth 'I'll!-
rmin- Mini llvlrnclx I'liti I'roin
l'. el- till Inelili'lits,
"You think you never spoke or this
except to tho deiensl'd do youV" iite
tied I he lawyer.
"That's wlnl I I said," answered the
"Now, tlon'l nit know, ns a msiller
of fuel." puisned the lawyer, ilslng
mill pointing his long linger lmpres
. slvel. ill lilm, "that the deceased hud
been dead for ten yours when these
events look place? if you talked to
him ut all jott talked to his botie-t.
Will .Mill please loll me how jott would
eiiiiimtiulcitli' with the skeleton V"
"I would who II. Mr," sillily rejoined
'.! witness. -Chicago Tribune.
Aunt Giaco-You speak very lightly
Penelope, lu my younger days un en
gagement was equivalent to a mar
ring.'. I'cne'ope (with glee)- How shocking!
I'.ul suiely sonic of the more respecta
ble hail ceremonies (terrormed!
Anl .simml In tin Kill III.
I'tee Sor Orator- 1 repeat It, my
friends, wo arc bound baud und root
by ihe Infamous money power! Un
les wo niNe In our might and five
ourselves from the deadly, blood-suek-iltg
.implies of Willi street we nro
not worthy to bear the name of Amer
ica it citizens! Silver, my fellow clll
ens, Is the metal for the people! The
grasping gold bugs
Unrnc.-t Auditor (down In rrnuU
Your talk sounds nil right, but I can
tl l l.). pOI IS )OM OA.IIOA' UI .i.w
your mouth, by tieorge" -Clilengii
HlMV till' l.'lllOIII'l Mil ill- Illllllll.
"Do you think," asked the colonel,
as he cocked his icvolver, "that you
can make room to-morrow for that
communication or mine which has
lain on jour desk Jor six weeks past)"
"Certainly!" gasped the editor, "If
we're crow tied I can enlarge Ihe paper,
"Thai Is satisfactory." Interrupted
the colonel, still eying his weapon. "I
heard thai you were crow tied for space i
up here, mid I thought Hill if I got
j on and your foreman out of tho way
I here would be mote room. Good
morning." Allniilii I'oimlituMou.
Tin- Sufi- HI lie.
"Sirrah," commanded the monarch,
"sen Unit Iherc Is provided an extra
current or a Inigo number or volts for
the execution of yon culprit, with u
second shift of doctors for thef au
topsy." Tho royal executioner bowed him
"It shall lu done." he answered.
"Mccttiise," Ills Majesty wen) on to
explain, "Una fellow Is reputed to be
leading a double life, untl we must be
on the Hire side, dim' I you know." De
troit '"'Ibtine.
The Oiil SHfc Wit-.
Hiarley Checks- 1 say otliccg, old
chappie, wo want lo make a trip
through the slums doneherknow can
yon tell iw how we can do It lu perfect
mi fely?
Officer Farrcll looking them over)
Y07. heller hlie it covered wagon,
Tin- l-'lrnt IIimiji llnm,
"Near as wo can get at'lt," observed
tho professor of biking ut the class,
"this style or netting the head down
and the hips up wus Instituted by
Lord Munnloii "
"In his now famous road nico across
the Douglass bridge-"
"Critics ami enemies of biking have
denied this, but wo have the htsloiieal
statement that Mho bars descending
grnxed his plume!' "
(Ureal chccis.)-UlovcUiid Post.
A nitt-iiiinu,
"I'm In 11 (ii.iudry," said tho eminent
"WlinfR the maflcrV" Inquired his
"They are talking "about having a
prb: light under my vej'y nose. I'vm
got to do something or Ihe law-aud-onler
clement will bo after me,"
"Well. Issue a proclamation forbid
den: II."
"YoK-and If 1 tlo that intiybo they'll
go and have the prlxn tight sotnew'here
olse."-Washlngloii Star,
II Hurls Ttirlr Bunlii-..
"The papers say that the gurment
workers In Now York nro 011 11 utrlke,"
she raid.
A ii n I) Is
;A,::.j ."v&SV. ' .ft'
"Yo, I've rend something ahoutfC
he replied.
"Whit is Ihe trouble)" she Inquire.
"Oh, 1 don't know," ho tiusneml
caii'lessly. "I suppose Ihey'ru sal
a bop I Mils living picture craze." OW
cimo Post,
IIIm Ilon.iiu.
She was lather proud of her rji
and site blushed with pleasure .t-i
he blurted out:
"Put mighty glad you never lead
your ems pierced."
"Why)" she asked, In cMieelatfou -nf
a compliment,
"Why, hang It all, II costs money u
buy enrrlngs," he returned.
That's why she considers httu 3
mean thing. Chicago Post.
The cowboys were tinkling jmrtly in
the distance as the hotieyinimiii'ix at
on tltc porch or the old larmhoiiM'.
"isn t mat a romantic Mitimir' ttsici
"Yes," said he. "Sounds Just 1IU
the tinkle or the Ice In the plletus
when I used lo stay out and put up ax,
a hotel till morning." ludlaicfpolhi
I'liliiful llm-cls of liiti-miirniMr-.
"Thai wits what you would call a
Trilby cocktail, wasn't Ii, bartender)"
raid It I vers, setting down his clasn
und reaching lor 11 clove.
"TrllbyY I don't understand," re
plied the bat lender.
"Yjiii tried to make sometbltt un
usually lino and you put ouv Tool lu
It." 1 'hit ago Tribune.
Xol In Hit I.I lie.
"What 11 iv you going to do with all
the men when you huvo tuoitoixdrzit
the busliiossllunllfiu)" usketl Uu-vUI-cit.
"Is theie uitylbltig that yon will
Ie.ixe to us)"
"Yes," replied Ihe wire tliotightrHlly
"Tbere's one thing I hat wo won't cam
to attempt, You can do the Ik(s ball
'playing ror us." Washliigtou Star.
A Piillt'itt lid).
The most patient lsiy tu llm workl
lives In llltiglttimton, N, Y. fie went
to the house of n neighbor fin- a iii
of sour milk.
"1 bavi'it'l nnyihlng but swet milk;"
laid the lady ol' tho house.
"Then," replied the obliging h4. am
he tool? 11 seat, "I'll watt till It i-oure. I'.iKNll.llltlri.
"I don't see any use lu getting bin
over II. old man. She isn't the oidy
girl In the world."
"Thill's Just what I'm blue ntwut
Think of the chances I hnvo of mat
ing the smite kind of a fool of uiysott
again.-llrooklyn Life,
Nurn Tlilnir.
Hogau- Ol could stop all this cliatuf
the liisiiiiiiico companies by sulmtltotit-.,
in' 1 lie wrong man as easy as luithtai
CiniRim And how) .
Hogau Ol would not pay the inourjr
over till I ho dead man signed a resale
for II in his own hand. Indlanaptdhi
IIIm AukfI.
"What" is that, dear)" the young lm-
liauil asked.
"Angel fisjd." said she sweetly.
"11 guess you'd UMter cat it ytmv
seir. You tiro the only angel la ib
And he helped himself liberally
tho bread mid Is-ef. lidIaiutnoH
tint of III. MI111I Alio,
I'ltoJly-I told Mls-s Leuov
was "mil of sight."
Dick What did she say?
1 'holly That I verified an old ad.
-Deuiorest's Magazine.
Ili l.oat UmMp, t
llaveily That M)llcenmn set'uw
lie shunned by Ihe rest of ids brctUtr
Austin Yes. When ho w clmrirnl
with violently clubbing it 11 lHoffewfrr
cltl.en no proveti iiimselc quite
t-cut vl tnv tuaiKC.
.fat . . A ':$&?&.
4 fit
'i m
lUatl ' J
j:'i:a ,-dH
931?''' . . VAtiUpftMMMi