4 V X Ii i Vf hi ... - '. i ?v ' " " ...HEAVEN LTOi EARTH. DUKE AND DUCHL' S CARL THEODOR OF BAVARIA. Tlmjr Va ThHi l.ltr lining r.no.l for OIIipia UtlV.t. r,j p i.r jnir That Will Htiltih In tliK W.irlil'. lll orj. HE third of six beautiful nnd tal ontcil sisters, the Prlncc.Va'tlnrla Jo pophu of Hrngnn7a. becamo the heennil wife of tho cele brated Itoynl ocu list, Duko Carl Theodor of Havuii.i, on April 29, 1ST I. The Princess In very early jears showed herself to bo nioro gifted titan children ordiuurlly are, and her sweetness of disposition lemlercd her the favorite of tho family. At an early age alio showed great dis crimination of character, anil had very htrong likes and dislikes, though she did not allow the latter fooling to be often discovered, tier great charactci istle was fervent gratitude to till thoo who wrc-kind to hn and any lltllo kindness or sympathetic word wns thoroughly appreciated by tho Princes, fven when she wns quite u child, and thin charming trait she htlll possesses. The first wife of Duke Carl Theodor, the Princess Sophie of Saxony, died on March a, 1SC7, leaving him one daugh ter, the Princess Amalic, who married DUCHESS CAUL THEODOR. tho Duko of Urach on July 4, 1S92. It was not until seven years after his first wife's death that the Duko made his Hccond choice, a choice that has ren dered his homo life ideally happy. It waa on April 29. 1874. that ho mnrrled the Princess Mnrla Josophn of Bru ganza, who was then only seventeen j ears of age, and one of tho most beau tiful and talented princesses In Europe Tho Duke, who Is eighteen years her senior, is tho brother of tho Empress of senior, Ii H&la, 'ti&rcslE and tho head of the ducal Bavaria, Ills elder brother hav- resigned his rights in order to make a morganatic marriage. No marriedlifo could be moro simple or happy thar that led by the Duke und DuchOHs CartTheodor, surrounded by their five children, thtco (laughters and two sons the Princess Sophie, born in 187G; tho PrmCess Elizabeth, 187G; tho Princess Marie, 1S7S; Prlnco Ludwig Wllholm, In 1884, and Prince Franz Joseph, tho godson of tho Emperor of Austria, on March 23, 188$. Tho Duko and Duchess lead n very busy, useful Jife, for tho Duko has no less than three eye hospitals under his charge, which"' ho lias hinihelf founded, tho principal and favorite of which is at the Royal', Schloss, at Tegcrnsec, in Uavarln, of which we glvo views. The others are at Munich and Merau, at all of which places ho spends n part of tho year with his family. His Royal High ness per forma. the operations very early In tho mornlrjg (Iri summer at 6:30), and ho Is almost always assisted by tho Duchess, who1 take the greatest inter est in her husband's work, and who Is herself a very skilful trained nurne. He als sees all patients early In thn morning, and, as may bo Imagined, tho poor look upon him alinoM, with wor ship, and have an equal adoration for ROYAL SCHLOSS AT TEGERNSEE. tho beautiful Duchess, who soothes thorn in their sufferings with the gentlest and kindest of touch and words, so that they speak and think cf her as nn nngel of light and healing. Tho hospital at Tegeruseo, which Is In the old Royal Schloss, now tho prop erty of the Duko, can accommodate sixty patients, each ward containing from four to six beds. No fees are taken at any of the three hospitals, but there aro boxes In which richer patients aro expected to placo n contribution, the money being devoted to the tjesorv Ing poor or tho place. Duko Oarl Theodor Is ths only royal oculist wlfo exists, and when he first announced , his Intention of studying medicine. In order that ho might spend tils lfo and talents In the sorvlce of tho sick and suffering, every ojio declared that It w,is an unheard of thing for a prlnca of royal blood to adopt any profession but that of arms. Tho Duko, however, was wiser than his generation, end prefeircd to hear, $L TL --V' -' I i 1 the sick rnther than to inflict wound, and his namo will live longer nmi be more loved by generations to como than that of nny soldier, however brave and noble his life may hnvo been. Tho Duke eoiild nowhere have found a nobler and more unselfish wlfo than tho Duchess, for she enters heart and soul Into his philanthropic work, and so thoroughly understands tho great na ture of her husband. It often happens that n clever woman Is domineering and unnnilnble, but this Is not the cate with her, for sho has the sweetest and most unselfish nature, and Is always thoughtful and (consid erate to hor attendants, who are one and all devoted to hor. Her tncl in deal ing both with high ami low Is unfail ing, and she is ns great a favorita with all the relations of her husband na with her own family. Tho Duchess has many Interests In life, and ono of hor chief hobbles Is en gineering. She tithes an Immense Inter est in machinery of all descriptions, and, what Is very rate In a woman, thoroughly understands the Mtbjcct. In nppearanco sho Is ory queenly, with a perfectly beautiful face, nud lovely eyes, full of expression, the greatness of her soul showing plainly when sho speaks, but perhaps her groatejt charms are her womanliness and the tenderness that she shows to the poor patients when the Is assisting her hus band In a painful and dlfllcult opera tion. She Is a most tender mother to her own children, nml was an affectionate and devoted stepmother to the Princess Amnlle. who was Ju.st uluu years old at tho llmo of her father's second mar riage, and who hns now two little daughters of her own, born on June 22. 189.'!, nnd in September. 1891. The two sons of tho Duchess were born a long tlmo after her three daughters, anil their births were naturally tho source of great Joy to their parents. 'I he elder, Prince Ludwig Wllhclm, Is six years youuger than tils joungest sister, while the oungost is ton years younger, being only se-on years of age. The Duko anil Duchess had quite given up all hopej of having ti son when the elder Prince was born, followed four yenivs Liter by his younger brother's birth. Schlo:s Tegeruseo Is beautifully sit- 'fwfw PRINCESS AMAUE. uatcd on tho lake of Tegorii3oe, almost on the edge of tho water. Tegemsee is a very ancient town, founded by two brothors, Count Ottokar and Count Adalbert, In tho year 740. It is now a very pretty, quiet place, greatly fre quented by tho inhabitants of Munich, who come thero on account of tho puro ness of the air and tho beauty of the scenery. Tho ancient Schlos3, which was for merly a monastery, bocame a private residence In the year 1803, and In 1817 been o tho proporty of King Maximil ian 1. of Havarla. The King made it his summer realdcnco, and generally spent sovoral months thero every yoar. Now It Is tho property of Duko Carl Theodor, who has put It to a noble use, and has mudo Tegernsee tho center of chnrltablo work among the poor. Tho Schloss Is n largo building, with a beautiful shaded walk between it nnd tho lake, tho church standing almost in the courtyard behind, nud with a background of wooded hills. It is a comfortable house, with numerous beautiful old-fashioned rooms, which have been rendered very homelike nnd pretty by tho Duchc&a and her daugh ters. Tho hospital is situated in one wing of tho Schlos3, as tho Duko finds it most convenient to hnve his patients under his own roof. No royal duke and duch ess In all Europe lead such truly un selfish liven as the Duko and Duchess Carl Theodor of Havarla, and If only hi? example will bo followed by those who aro tnlented among the loyal and noblo families of Germany, only good would come to the Fatherland. Southern IlonltMlttjr. A discourse on southern hospitality would bo upon an 'old text; but as most old texts aro tho especially good onc3, It would bo a pity qulto to drop them. It has been predicted that with tho abolition of slavery and the con sequent difficulty of securing house hold assistance, thero will bo a decline of the .old famed hospitality; that it will not outlive this generation. Were the heartiness of thin vlrtuo confined to eating. drinking nnd housing, we might fear thrtt with Increased house hold labor might bo decreased cordial ity of entertainment, but thero Is a fur ther manifestation than tho mero at tention to appotite. It's tho being wel come towUat they have, rather the at tention to what they have, which es-, peclally marks tho warmth of southern'' manner; wo hopo It Is long that wo shall know and remomber this beauti ful virtue. -Womankind. She "That was very protty for Mr. Iselin to kiss his bitter half after tho vuce." He "Yes, it was protty; but re momber it was tho other Haff who won the raco." Yonkcra Statesman, A Jltivll-Carrler lint . ttnthrr Hard Ks lirrlentx With h It id Indian. In July, 1S92, Peter Schneider, who t now a policeman In Clnclnmitl.tnct with an adventure which he will not soon forgot. The Second United States cav alry, to which ho then bolonged, were In enmp at tho big bend of Milk river. Schneider had bcftti detailed mail car rlor between the camp and Port Asslnl bone. On the way coming ho met an Indian at Clear Creek. They oxchanged tho courtesies of the day. ,nnil the ledskln, with treachery In his heart, offered the soldier the pipe of peace. They smoked In silence on the roadway for a short time. Tho Indian asked for a chew of tobacco. Schneider alwas carried a half pound plug, and pulled It out of his pockot. The Indian took hip knlfo and cut off a small piece from the comer, returning U Schnei der, not the largo plug, but tho small piece which he had taken. The soldier wouldn't hnvo It that way, and com pelled him to make tho exchange. They wote still 'on apparently friendly terms, however, and thero was nt occa sion for any exchange of hostilities. Schneider asked the Indian for a nearer trail to tho fort than the one he had been traveling, and the Indian with whom he hnd smoked the pipe of peace allowed him the way. They separated, and when Schneider had gone about fifty yards something Impelled him to look about him. lie saw tho Indian In the act of drawing a bead on blm. Schneider protected himself by dodging behind tho horse, slung his weapon fioin his shoulder and returned the flro of the savage. The latter lied, but turHod twice to lire. Schneider also shot nt him, and sud denly the Indian nnd his horse disap peared from sight as though tho earth had swallowed them. Schneider fol lowed, and stood horrified at tho brink of a precipice over 200 feet In depth. At the bottom lay tho Indian and his pony, both dead. The treacherous sav age, In his hurried attack, had forgotti-u about the cliff, and In his flight went to destruction. Schneider took his saddle and gun and reported tho matter to his superior officers. He has tho saddle to-day, ono 6f tho trophies of his so journ among "the oneryest dogs ou God's green footstool." 'hi Sinn NVpr ?eir Il,t. Clinton Miller, or Ilrndford, Pa., n florist gaulencr anil quite nn Intelligent man, tay.s the Iluffalo Express, has a strange hobby. He does not nnd will not wear a hat. Not since a boy has Miller worn any head-covering other than a bbort, thick-growth of natural hair. In the summer, with the hot sun pouring down upon his uncovered head, Miller may bo seen walking around the town or nt his work, with tho utmost serenity of manner, as If ho never minded It a little bit. In the winter It 13 the samo. The mercury may do sceud clear to the bulb In tho ther mometer, tho winds may blow and the snow may fly, but Miller never minds it and stalk.s about hnre-ucadod nnd without an overcoat. Tho rain doesn't feazo him, either. Nothlug bothers this man with the hobby, :rs far as the ele ments arc concerned. Miller attended tho Now York otato fair last year, and was an object of great Interest. It was very hot during tho days on which the fair was held, and tho sweltering crowds tried to keep cool with broad-brimmed hats, para sols, umbrellas, etc., nnd Miller, with his bare head, seemed to be the only person on tho grounds who did not suffer fro.-n tho heat. IIo gives as his reason for not wearing a hat that na ture provided us with a head-covering, and ho says that It la foolish for a per son to wear a hat or any other arti ficial head-covering. "You Bay you don't scp how I can stand It? Look at the North Ameri can Indian. How does he stand it, or how did he stand it before tho ontranco of civilization, which resulted in some of them adopting hats? Sco the na tives of far-off Africa nnd other fnr-off countries, who do not wear hats. Why. you can even sec the foolishness of wearing a big, heavy, cumbersomo hnt by looking at women on the streets with bonnets as big as a silver half-dime. They don't need nny hat. Another reason I do not wear n hat is that It produces baldness. If tho pooplo of the civilized woria never woro huts thero would nover be such a thing as a bald head, uiiless brought on by disease. I wouldn't wear a hat, and should bo glud to see every other man abandon Its use. It might bo hard at first, but they would get used to It soon, and wosld bo pleased with tho tcsult. BETTER THOUGHTS. It Is a man's naturo to hate tho-io whom ho has offended. Tacitus. Opinion Is q medium betwecu knowl edge ond Ignorance. Plato. Reauty, devoid of grace, is a mere hook without the bait. Talloyrand. Romanco has been elegantly defined an tho offspring of fiction and love. Disraeli. JuJt as ynu are pleased at 'finding faults, you ar displeased at finding per? fectlons. Lavater. I snail leave tho world without regret, for It hardly contains a sluglo good lis tener. Fontcnolle. Women cherish fashion because' It re juvenates them, or at ' least i;enowd them.- Mmo. do Prolzoux. .wnp partakes in anotuers joys is a moro nuniane cnaractcr man no wno partakes In his griefs. Lavater, It Is easior to bolievo in someone than In something, because tho heart reasons more than thn mind, Euneco. Lovo In Franco la a comedy, la En gland a tragedy, In Italy an opera, and In Germany a melodrama. Lady Bloas inston. i , (A MODERN BUjNYAN. (J. N. Rrvln, In Ram's Horn.) DREAMED: ami be hold I saw n man clothed with rags HtnuiHng In a ccr tnln place, with his face from his own kouao, a book In his hnnd, nud a grcnt burden upon his back, I looked, and saw him open tho book, and read therein: and as ho read he wept and trembled; and not being abto longer to contain, he broko nut with n Innicnt nblo cry, fcnylng. "What shall I do?" And while he was standing In his plight there came to him a man named Evangelist and talked with him and gave him a parchment roll wherein was written tho way of life from this world to that which Is to nie. Then the man look the roll unit began to lead In It, and ns he read tho way H'cmcd plain befme him and a voho said. "This Is the way, walk u In It." Now, whllo ho was still leading therein there c.uno b a man with a huge book under his arm, Itul the man who was reading was o Intent upon what ho vvn.s rending that ho did not see lilm. Then the visitor laid his hand on the toll In the man's hand and fnlil. "What te.ulest thou?" And the man said, "I urn leading a roll which Evungellht gave me to show me the way from Iho City of Destruction to tho Celestial City. For you must know unleyrt I escape. 1 shall perish with thl city." "This Is an eiollent book," lepllcd the man. "and I have given a gieat deal of time to Ita study. 1 am able to tell joii puny things which Evangelist has never dlsiovcved ami to tunko it plainer to ou than any ono else can. That loll Is, In tho main, u reliable guide, hut I would advise ou to tcad a book of mini! on tho ex planation of the toll and tho 'roll cor rected.'" Then tho hpeaker gave the man with the roll a card whereon his name was wiltlen and dhiappeared. And tho name written was "Higher Critic." And I saw, and behold, thero camo another man to that placo tho man was still reading tho roll. And ho stoppod and spuko with him and asked why he read .so earnestly and why his face was "so scrloiib and troubled. And ho replied thnt he wns trying to learn the way to escape from Destruction. "I am so glad, thou, that I have found you," said this man. "My unmo In Mr. Modern Thought, and I am sotting light such people as you. I perceive that Evangelist has found you nnd that ho has puzzled you with tho roll which von have. That roll Is all right, but Evangelist Is narrow In his views nnd several centuries behind the times. Ho shows you tho uarrow way by tho lit tlo Wlcltot Gate and over the Hill Dlffl "culty and through tho Volley of Hu miliation which pilgrims' used to go. That way is largely abandoned nnd wo now find an easier road. Wo aro novcr for thero Is nl ways a gay com pany with us to cheer tho tlmo, and wo hnvo no longer tho sad faces pilgrims tihed to have. I havo a company closo here which Is on tholr way and which I um guiding. If you will put that roll In your pocket nud go along with mo 1 will guide you without nny further fear on your part. Wo will follow tho roll, but I will read and explain portions of it to you every hoven days und relieve you of the vexation of reading It for yourself. And then I will glvo you that explanation which wo accept and which makes our Journey so happy. If you have over read tho nccouut which John Buuynn gives of the Journey of tho Christian fiom this world to that which Is to como you havo found that ho went thrqugh much tribulation, but I can show you another way." Then I saw that the man persuaded him to go and he guvo to him tho namo of Pil grim and addod him to his company. Then I saw that Mr. Modorn Thought went on his way with his company. And as they went they laughed and sang and cheered each other by tho way. Pilgrim kept the roll in his pocket and rarely touched It. On every seventh day Mr. Modern Thought would talk to them for halt nn hour about some thcrao pertaining to that roll and would toll them how sadly tho atom mqn of the post hod tried to force all pilgrims through a narrow and dlfllcult path with lions In tho way and hoWjfortunnto they wero iu that thoy wero not beset by nny of thoBe old views. The spirit of tho modprn times does not follow those ojd paths. MM 4 I'M J ' " fe--" is WITH HIS FACE FROM HIS OWN HOUSE. And then for tno rest of those nays which thoy raited sactcd days they found dollght In social companies or In reading papers each of which con tained a sermon that no ono over read. Now, I saw that as thoy went on their way, they enmo to a place whore a nar row way went up a stoop hill to the road thnt Christ inn went of whom wo have heard from ltiiuynu. And at the placo where this way left tho road that Pilgrim wns going (hero was a house where Evangelist was trying to gather In tlioso who wcro with Pilgrim nnd explain to thorn tho roll so that they might go on tho King's Highway to the Celestial city. And I heard Mr. Modem Thought scnk with his company and tell litem that while Evangelist might Imagine ho was doing good It wcro hot ter to go on their easy way than to full In with the fanatics who were trying to climb that hard hill und leave behind them nil tho delights thoy might enjoy. Then I saw thnt they piibsud by without stopping In hear what words Evangel ist might speak to them, And so they escnped any pricks of conscience. And I saw after this that they came to a pluco where tho atmosphcro from the Valley of Humllltitlou begun to blow chill upon them. And thrlr hearts began to sink und goblins be gan to appear .o them. Hut "Mr. Mod ern Thought belonged to a company who had bullded n lallrnad ctitlicly around that valley, called Constunt Amusement railroad. It Is luxuriously furnished and Im roaches are equipped with theatrical exhibitions nnd dancing pavilions till It takes away nil thought of the disnimfcrtn of the Valley of Hu miliation. Pilgrim and nil who wcio with li I in took this rallio.ul and parsed the kciIous valley without so much iih a single encounter with any ovil or so much as n dream of Apollyon. it Is nld that ho has never Interfered with tho running of that road, though It has largo numbers of travelers. On Sun days Mr. .Modern Thought talked to them of a religion of sunshlno In oppo sition to the pathless of thoFO who pas3 through the Valley of Humiliation whero the old way usod to go. At tho end of tho O. A. It. R. was a station fitted up with telescopes labeled "Modern Ideas," through which tho pil grims wero permitted to look nt what thoy wero told wns tho Celestial city. There was a large nnd 'icautlful coun try into which everybody who had over lived was received. Thero wero all tho pleasures of sight und sound nnd sense with which men wero fascinated In tho City of Destruction and ou their pil grimage. Pilgrim learned after he had leached tho end of bis Journey that those pictures wcro painted on tho end of tho telescopes. And after this tho pilgrims went on tl.elr way making merry among them selves. And ono day Mr. Modern Thought told his company ho wanted to ralso a fund to help another company to como by tho wny of tho C. A. R. R. But tho old way of helping others by giving up something was n hard way and the pilgrims stoppod nt tho Vanity Fair und took some booths aud gave some "charity performances" for tho good of other pilgrims who wcro com ing in n second-class railroad carriage, called a "Mission." Pilgrim ran a wheel of fortuno, others sold sweet meats mid buvcrngos, nnd ntheis had chargo of thi ballroom to tho delight of tho cltlzons of Vanity Fair. Mr. Modorn Thought and Pilgrim wcro summoned before tho officers and pre sented with tho "freedom of the city" and n copy of resolutions of regard adopted by the officials, Thoy sent a small gift as a donation from tho com pany In charge of Mr. Modern Idea to "assist needy pilgrims." After this I behold that they wont on tholr way with merry hearts. Thoy traveled by easy stages nnd rested at night in comfoitablo places. If Evan gelist attempted to talk with them by tho way thoy easily escaped hlni, nnd it ho urged thorn to read the roll which lie had put in tholr hands they assured him that they hnd It safe in their pockets and that Mr. Modern Thought read some of It to therJf every sovpnUi day. And so I saw Pilgrim till ho came to tho end of his Journey and his friends would not lot jim think of tho dark river which, ran across his way till hla feet were in tho waters. Thon he pussod out of my sght for a tlmo till I saw him on tho other sldo. And he was mot thero by attendants who took him away to tho placo pre pared for him. And I looked onco moro nnd behold tho entrance to thnt plnc which ho had entered aud the namo that was above tho door, and bo hold It was" not heaven! Thou I awoke from my dream. ll.irtrjr'M Cnnnt, Iji. Tho lockn of Harvey's canat, wiilU originally Intended for the accommo dation of vessels of various kinds and dimensions, but, failed to operate for some rnnson or other, wcru permitted to fall into disuse, soys a Now Orleans paper. As a consequence of this It waa considered necessary to construct dnm across the head of the canal and alno below tho inner gate. Tho basin formed by tho two dnms gradually filled with rain water, forming a pool about 250 feet In length, i0 feet wldo nnd possessing a depth of nbout in feet. In tho courso of tlmo this baMn becam filled with small fish, nnd, as it now turns out, this provision of naturo will serve to prolong tho life of a very re markable Inhabitant of tho lock canln. Tho capture of a porpoise In Itself 1a n very iinuaiinl occurrence, but whon you couple to this capture tho fact that It was kept nllvo for n period of ton hours, the occurronco becomes of mora thnn ordinary Interest. Yet this was tho cnsi In regard to the acquirement of u porpolso Wednesday by Captain II. A. Ilnrvey of tho stonmor IoiiIho Har vey, which vessol plica between tho head of Harvey's canal, on the other sldo of tho river, and tho Gulf waters In the neighborhood of Barntnrla bay, engaged In transporting fish und oysters to thin city. Thq fishermen omployed by Captain Ilnrvey on tho day men tioned wero hauling tho sclno in tho shallow waterH of tho bay, when thorn was an iinli3iinl splashing nnd disturb auco In tho bag of tho net. Upon tho haul being completed It wns found that a monster porpolso hud permitted hlra self to bocomo entangled In the selno, and being unnblo to get nway was after cousldorablo dltnculty landed tinfc on tho deck of tho stenmnr. Rcmombor Ing the condition of things rotative to tho lock of tho canal, its notod above. Captain Harvey conceived the plan of transporting tho fish to this location nnd dumping It Into tho basin, to 1h retained nn a curiosity for tho pooplo of tho city. Tho porpolso, which waa eight foot long and weighed 500 poundu, wns not lujured In the struggle which took placo upon reaching tho sldo of the steamer, nnd being secured so It could not plunge nbout tho deck, wan covorod with sacks and kopt woll wot ted during tho Journey to the lock. This ( location wns reached nonrly ten houra later. At this tlmo the fish appeared rather weakened by It3 long Absence from tho water nnd did not give any violent signs of life when thrown Into tho fresh water of tho basin. Some ten minutes lator, howover, it began .to swim slowly nbout tho lock, and after un hour's duration It scorned to havo regained its usual vigor and appeared to enjoy tho novelty of being sole occu pant of nny slzo In its new domicile. "DEWARE1" SAID WILLIAM. lint Iho 17-Yrur-Olil Ittanty Dliln't 11 wure Worth n Cent. A very funny yoiAg follow named William Rlggs thought It would be fun to scale four young women who wcro In tho habit of riding by moonlight on tholr wheels Itutho smooth road in tho vicinity of Delphi. N. Y. He had mndo a long white ccstumo nud a hideous mask. Mounted an stllu he nppeared twelvo foot high, and h waved his ghastly arm and In a sepul chral tono moncod, "Beware!" Ono of tho young women fell off of hor wheel In a faint, two of them broko all world's rocords for the distance, but Miss Grnco Holdcn, n 17-year-old beauty from Jersey City, gracefully dis mounted from hor "bike," picked up a largo stone, nnd, as sho threw It, said: "It you are a ghost this will go through you, and if you aro a foolish, masquer ading boy It will hurt yoii." And that is how it happened that W1I Ho Rlggs has threo broken ribs. ThU .'!(' Tall It In Front. A Scarboro (Me.) man has n coir which recently brought nn offspring Into tho world. Tho calf is said to bo all right excc'pt as to the tall, and tho taU Is all right, only It Is misplaced, bolng on tho wrong end of the beast. It Is said to grow from botween tho cyw. In fact, the animal looks 'more like a baby elephant than a cow. It was found thnt the cnlf was likely to starve to death from Its Inability to suck and wag Its tall nt tho same time, so It wai brought up by hand. C'lirnp Traveling. Tho cheapest railway travpllng In Eiuropo la from Buda-Pcsth to Cron stadt, in Hungary, n distance of 437 miles, for which the faro, third class. Is Ca Sd, or nt the rate of six miles a penny. Cheap as this is, it is further liable to n reduction of one-half In tho ca3o of agricultural laborers journey ing In parties of ten, or workmen of other klnd3 In groups of thlrly, ItnUlns Wllil Ileum. A well-known English writer on Ec ology says the rapid opening of AfrlcJ. means tho destruction of many wild animals, and zoos will not be ablo to keep up their stock unless they act promptly In the mattor. He recom mends that wild beast farms be estab lished In civilized countries to preserve desirable species. lljU Their t'oet Wualimt. " ' The ceremony of feet-washing was' performed In the Church of God, at De catur, 111., recently.. One Iwndrod ad' twenty-five persons had thc4r pedal ex, '' trcmitles made clean. (i It the Atlantic ocean could, have tv tnvnr nt tvntnr R00O fnnt ilon'nu..i ,.,. w. ,,.. V,KVW .. hv'i bMUl wi irom us suriacu ja vvouiu only r(a'Ms' f ' tho width of that great bed of watwWb&V,',, oue-hnlf. - Vf' ,v' oi i i VI V -.1 H til i X ?. r "SV 4: '1 ,1 y j m mw i .yi ii $ a I V r ' 3 o J .i n I A . i mi tt :m -M a JL ii J- i! i vyj "l $$ '.!M W I . K 4 .W K 4' kti V (Ml-. iAtorik' ., ". ' iS .Miff v jt- V IgaHEMMy.nnM.MWMjWllllllI ll I lJWWimPWPWWipWiMPW .'PHWIW ipi'lW W I '' ' " ' ' " ' "J- "- " ' ' ' ..-wwi -- JT J ,- . v, . eA V I -, iiinii.),i.MH(ji.mwi- n.iiiwmmiiiMiiwii IIHHM1IIII,HMMIP II Srrw5BW.HrfaBlflftatt, ItZf&UMW.! isiviwSjl m 'jriiWi . W . j- ... - '& M4hCmM& JflHMVr ' -aJ . ... '1. iimiiiiiiiiiiiirrrtMmiTiMmMttm'ir'-rirwtiriir i hi i T iw&jftrttfa'' &W4m