The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 18, 1895, Image 1

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PaaaaicawaaaTaaaaaaaaaaawfY'aTiL'jfci rPaY) r p8aaamaawsaManErajai. rTTi ' P-"diir"awaaaBaaBaaaBmT s HBH3hHHHiSDv9S3v!V!P''H
I All Home. Print.
i Says it saves time saves money makes overwork unneces
I sary. Tell your wife about it. Your grocer sells it.
The N. K. Fairbank
Cotting keeps th. finest kinds of Lamps,
and he sells them cheap, too. Shall we step
into his store and look at them? He has
some handsome ones."
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumher, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Dr. ft. Owen's EleGtrfe ftpplfanGes.
Mr. Henry Wendt, of
Peru, La Sal to Co., IO,
HBder date of July V,
MM, writes:
MI bad Kkearaa
ttaasall orer my ays
tern. A fow applications
of Dr.Owon'a Elcctrlo
Appliances gavo relief
and af tor six weeks' use
of them I was entirely
Our largo Illustrated catalogue contains many endorwraenU like above, besides outs
sad prloen of Appliances and much valuable Information for the afflicted. Write for It at
rr enclosing six cents In stamps for postage.
We bavobeon before the public many years, and our Electrlo Appliances have become
noognlzod staudord of merit, curing thousands of cases of slkeaaaatUas.
Is the only positive Remedy
AcnteandCnronic Rheumatism, Coat, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia,
Ovarian Neuralgia, Dismenorrhoea, Psoriasis, Scrofula, Liver and
Kidney Diseases. A Positive Cure effected iff from 6 to 18 days.
Building Material, Etc.
Ho! Whoa!
That Harness is Worn Out !
Why Don't you get Another?
J. O. Butler is selling nearly AT COST.
Red (lot
only by
Company, Chicago.!
"Yes, My Dear;
Morrloo, Mien., In a let
ter OctTlt, ISM, says:
"I bad tried several
kinds of medicine and
gro doctors (or my
fceauaattava, but
oould sot no relief. I
bouiot ono of Dr.
Owen's Bleotrlo Appll
anoes and experienced
relief atonoei after two
weeks' use I was as Um
ber as an oel and oould
worx ail aay. how am
.entirely cured.
known to tbe Medical Profession for
jd. Webster County, Neij., Friday, October
why tlio Fcoptft Ought to Support
lie Itrpiitillran Ticket It la lli
tiiliao Tli'' Have the Best Men Ob
talnabln lit Webster Coimtj Clean,
ConsclontloiikMiid Capable,
J. S. White has been tho most care
ful, painstaking treusuror tbHt Wobster
county over had, although some huvo
boasted, in days gone by, that tboy woro
just as oflicient, but the records don't
prove it. On assuming that important
oflice Treasurer White proceeded to
hunt up ali the back taxes of tho county
put them ia shape te be readily looked
utter, then ho proceeded te hunt up the
men who had porsistonily dofruuded
the county for years and made them
whaok up, thereby saving the county
thoutandsot dollars that had been sup
posed to havo been lost. That is tho
kind of a man Jim White is. The poo
plo will see to it that he is re olocted,
Every man in Webster county knows
L. II. Fort, familiarly called "Doc."
There is not a man in Webster county
who can say BUght agaiust him as an
officer. He fully understands every
brunch of the arduous work connected
with tho oflice of county clerk, and while
he is uol infallible hp is truly ono of tho
most thorough ofllcurs thut has held
that oflice, and ot the samo time is a
very pleasant and courteous fellow who
believes in troating all people alike
whethor ot his political complexion or
not. Choose wisoly and vote for Doc
Fort. Ho is entitled to tho cilice for
another term. Thoro is nothing chronic
about Doc.
Jim Burden ot Bladen is a man whom
tbe people ot the north half ot tho coun
ty, without regard to party, sneak ot in
the highest terms. Having lived there
for yours he has made friends ot all po
litical parties who unhesitatingly pro
claim him juet the man for the office
of. clerk of tho district court. He hoB
had the great misfortune fall upon him
of being a continued cripplo by the rav
ages of disease, yot he is a bright, intel
ligent man, and will mako u splendid
officer, and one that will perform the
intricate duties ot the office with pre
cision and at the same timo be uffable
and obliging to all. Vote" for Jim Bur
den by all means.
John Runchey, who has served the
people ot Wobster county bo acceptably
in the oflice of sheriff, is up again for the
same offlco and should receivo the sup
port of every loyal republican and voter
who wishes to see that oflice filled with
a man who bellovos in doing bis whole
duty toward the people. His labors
have been so completely performed that
there has not boon a kick registered
against him during bis whole tortn
which epeBks volumes for him. John
ia a wholesouled fellow and should bo
D. M. Hunter who has made n repu
tation in the administration of tho oflice
of county superintendent, that every
man in WobBtor county should be proud
of, should receive the votes ot every man
in the county, who desires a olean ad
ministration of the office. He has, plac
ed the schools Upon a high plain of ef
ficiency. He is a man whoso high mor
al character is a guarantee that the peo
ple will be served with honor and integ
rity. In that position we want the best
man and D. M. Hunter is pro-ominontly
the best man.
Samuel West has lived in Red Cloud
and Wobstor county for twonty years
and 1b known by ovoryono to bo a man
who can not be ruled by any subtle pro
tention whatever. He is open and auovo
board, and in his capacity ot justico he
has universally given satisfaction. Ho
1b well veroed in the businoss portainirg
to the county judgeship, and it elected,
which ha will bo, bo will udmlnlster tun
affairs of the office in a mannor that will
bo highly satisfactory to tbe people. He
is fearless in performing his duty and
yot a man who will administer justico
with jnttrcy. He will be tho right man
in the right pluco it olocted to the coun
judgo'a offlco.
Dr. Li. 11. uoou or this city, ot an inn
candidates is the mun that should till
the offlco ot coroner. He is a mun of
medicine and Is fully qualiflod to fill
that important office. While tho sulury
is ot no great consequence, yot the coro
ner is high sboriiltnd has duties to por
form thut tho doctor is fully ablo to at
tend to.
For survoyor W. B. Thome needs no
recommendation from us, having lived
in this neck o' the woods for muny years
and having foils wed tbe business bt dur
veyor for u lito time, is fully qualified to
do the work with promptness and dis
patch. Do not fsil to vote for Thorno.
ir Troubled Willi Rheumatism
Read Tills.
.Annapolis, Md., Apr. 10, 1804. I have
nsed Chamberlain's Fain Balm for rheu
matism and found it to be all that if
claimed for it. I believe it to be the
best preparation for rheumatism and
deep seated musoular pains on the mar
ket and cheerfully recommend it to the
public. Jno. O. Brooks, dealer in boots,
shoes, etc., Ifo. 18 Main St.
MaoiUNionviLue, St. Mary County, Md.
I sold bottle ot Chamberlain's Pain
Balm to a man who had been suffering
with, rheematism for several years. It
made him a well roan, A, . MoQill. For
ale by Deyo k dries.
4AtMM ttt. w
Tho pooplo of Inuvulo in guiiorul turn
ed out to tho fnir and pronounced it a
Bticct'HH, especially the balloon iiuuenHlou.
Tho Mulutoflh Bros, havo t niton ucon
traot tobulu fifty tone of hay for Mr.
Hickory on Dry creek. They will com
menco this week.
Loo Montgomery n former rosldont of
Guide liock nud tho man who ciirriod
tho U. S. mall on horseback up the val
loy in tho curly seventies waa a vinitor
at Inuvulo last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel West woro visit
ing ut G. W. Knight's ono day last wook.
It will bo Judgo West in a fow duye.
A husking beo and a bit of a family
row, nil in ono nttornoon, occurred iu
tho Wnlnut Creek neighborhood lust
week and ono hud no connection with
the other. -,
Prof. Goo. Ovoring commenced his
school four miles north of Inuvulo lust
weok. It (b hip first effort and tho kids
all pronounce him a soccoss but say he
Is a littlo "Smiley on the big girls."
Geo. alwuys had a weakening for girls
but he'll got over that.
A legal difficulty styled "Ihuyor vs
Vance" was cullod up before Justice
Holdrego lost week and utter some spar
ring was decidod in favor ot the dofond.
ant or the plantlll I forgot which, Hon.
Jamoa Gilham and Randolph McNitt
woro opposing coudboI.
Chus. Huntor nnd fumily attended tho
Karnivul of the Priests ot Pullus in Kun
bus City lust week and camo homo more
than ploascd.
Corn and hogs aro both beginning to
como into market hore quite briskly ami
at fairly good pricos. Inuvulo ulwiiys
had tho reputation cf bciug tho best
markot town on valloy and it is yot.
Mrs. Ward, wifo of our popular black
smith, is uwuy on n visit tind Wurd
is whistling around llko u boy with a
new pair ot boots. He takes everything
The rnnubllcuns and none have both
had their caucuses and have placed in
nom(natlon full tickets. Tho winning
ticket in all probability ia the following
one: Assessor, Gen. Garnor; clork, Tom
Chaffin;tronaurer,Everrett Bean: justico
S. E. Woolcott; constable, A. E, Wool
uott. The pops have put up, to be slaughter
ed: Assessor, Jim Halo; clork, O. B, Har
vey; treasurer, P. M. Cochrane; justice
Himan Holdredge; constable, W.E. Rey
nolds. All good mon 'but on the wrong
uido ot thp f once this yoar. B. U. K.
It will not care everything, It is not
otaimed that it will anre but one com
plaint, that Is, dyspepsia.. Wo cnonot
say that it will cure every onio of dyspep
sia, bat It will onre a large majority of
them. Snoh oases as are adapted to its
one will derive immediate benefit, One
small bottle will be sufficient to teat it.
The Shaker Digestive Cordial is espeoial
adaped for emaciated or elderly people
whoso food does them bnt l.ttle or no
good beoauoo it is not digested. The
(iordinl contains an artificially -digested
food nnd is a digester of food happily
combined. Read one of the littlo books
which yoar druggist is now giving awky
and learn of this wonderful remedy.
A really palp table Castor Oil can now
be had under the name of LAXOL.
v Garfield.
Broom corn is only commanding $20
por ton. The amount will not pay ex
penses. Moral: Don't raise broom corn.
Noah Wagoner Bays, "and now an
other" which moans he is papa again.
C jp Houchin Bays he can't voto the
pop tickot this fall. He will run for
road overseer in district number nine on
the republican ticket. Hurrah! far
Mrs. N. L. D. Smith is visiting friends
in Garfield this week.
School bus commenced in district 40
with Miss Nellie Kaley as toacher. Tho
"kills" all too tho chalk lino whon Nellie
comoB down with tho rattan.
A bay bulor from Lincoln has boon
doing some work for O. Araack, A. Har
ris, u. Dowitt und J. Thornton.
John Strutton has left us nnd Bono to
Iowa whoro he oxpects to make his homo
in tho future.
The Dunknrds hold services nt Noah
Wugonor'B lust Saturday ovoning.
Tho party at Joun uarnor a lust Fri
day evening was well nttondod, Every
thing was "out t eight" especially the
R, Largont has moved onto tbo farm
reoontly vacated by S. P. Martin who
went to Texas a few weoka ago.
A heavy frost last wook makca us
farmers shuck our pumpkins und husk
our tutors for foar of tho big froozo up
which is surely coming for I saw a flock
of wild goeso going for a warmer climate
which is a sure sign that the winter will
bo coolor than tbo summer. If 'twere
ducks 'twould mean that the summer
would be warmer than the winter.
If your children are sabjeot to croup
watch for the first symptom of the dis
ease horssness. If Chamberlain's
Coash Remedy Is aivea as soon as the
ohild beoomes home it will prevent the
attaok, Even after tbe eroopy ooogh
has npjjoarod the attaok osn always be
prevented by giving this remedy. It Is
also invaloabla for colds aud whooping
eough. For sale by Deye A dries.
$v "ji(BiWir . leuM.. .- ixltSR; : MK?
18, 1895
Soino corn is being inurkotcd at ID
conts per bimhel.
Thri'Dhliiij iu about over with in thio
B. Lue drove to Hastings Thursday
with u loud of chickens.
JuincB Bunion attended the Wobstor
county f ilr lust
A. Brady nud W. R. Andofuon wore
transacting busings at tho county seut
tho lattor purt of the week.
J. R. Horn was all smiles last weok
and sot up tho cigars to all of his friends
and confidentially told thoin that his
pension had been allowed and that he
would get tCOO. It conies in protty good
those hard times.
F. Funk ut ItoBomont was around soo
ing his friends and working for votes
tne foro part of this week
J. R. iioriio nnd faimily drove across
the country Sunday to visit friends at
J. Merrill left Snnday for Swanton
ho expects to return in a few days with
a hny bailer, to do up the hay for parties
in tho vicinity.
On Tuesday ovoning a large number
ot populists, republicans and democrats
assembled at the G, A. R. ball to listen
to a speoch by tho populist idol ot this
congressional district, the Hon. W. A.
On lust Tnqsday ovoning the populists
mot at the Q. A. It. hull and nominated
n full township ticket, plucing at tho
tnil end a rank republican for road over
soerof this district.
0. O. Stout and R. 0. Boat were doinir
a little political businoss at Bluo Hill
Un last l rlday it was roportcci mat
Miss Day had lost hor gold watch and a
diligent search was made on the road
from Mr. Grandstuff'a house to Mr. L. B.
Thorno s residence whoro she llrst dis
covered her loss, but how easy it is to be
mistaken. You can imagine her surprise
and dolight when she discovered it hang
ing on a nooK In Her room, wuere she
had placed it juat before leaving for tho
school room.
Card of Thanks.
Tbo undersigned desire to extend
our neartrelt tnunKs to tne many ktnu
fnonds who assisted us during the sick
sess and death of our beloved husband
and father. Mas. Mcliusa Hedoe and
Kdltrojs, MIm Mamie Weldeman.
U.nnrlora J J""llle 1111.
Ileporlers Jeitnnttto jj,ny.
Miss McClelland ia in Bloominoton
for the week. '
One more has been added to the ssn-
ior class. Frank Goble haa returned
and we hope he will decide to continue
bis work to tho end of tbe year. We
seniors feel assured that ho will it thero
aren't any more fairs, ball games and
The senior class ot '00 have not de
cided on their class colors as yet.
We are sorry to note the death ot Mr.
Hedge, ia ur report to The Chief. He
wub tbe father of raise Laura Hedge,
one ot our ninth grade girls. The high
school extend their deepest sympathy to
the bereaved family.
The seniors aro protty regular In at
tendance. ..Pearl Ludlow being the only
one absent for this week and this one
being very necessary.
Harry Enslos one of the hish school
boys was thrown from his horse on his
way to school Wednesday a. m.
Miss Cora Garber will teach in the
high school tho remainder ot the year
Miss Garber gave up her kindergarten
work for this purpose. Welcome to our
now teacher.
School dismissed fifteen minutes ear
lier lost Thursday aft or soon. No school
all day Friday.
Henry Newhouso was a fifth room vis
itor Tuesday afternoon.
Prof. Wilson has moved his office into
what ia known as tho boll room, leaving
tho old effico entiroly for a recitation
room, which accommodates tho turgor
The now rrocrnronio wont into effect
Monday morning. The change has
quite an offoct upon tho eoniors, aa it
keens them recitlntf nil mornlnc.
Miss Dora Henderson is uucning in
-.-- - - - - - - u -
tho fifth room this weok. Miss McClel
Ian being outot town.
Ayer's hair vigor, whloh has outlived
and superseded hundreds of similar prep
arations, ia undoubtedly .the most fashion
able as well as economical hair-dressing
la the market. Hy its use, the peorest
head of hair soon beoomes luxuriant and
Mrs J O Wilson of Otto was In this
vlolnlty last week visiting relatives.
Peter Nelson was up to Mlndsn this
0, E. Ramey finished sowing wheat on
the noor farm Tuesday.
Julias Nelson and family ware la Nuok
oils eounty this week.
Mr, Hlokissoa ana wire rrom Kearney
eoaaty are here visiting Mrs, Melton.
Ovey Anderson has returned (rem his
trip to the eastern Pi of this state
where be has been lookisg up a location.
i . , .!;
MiC. !.-.i-)-'!!.. W-...fc-S.M.L;3X.
. .,.(, i y. , .ypy-i j J g-
Vol. 23 No. 42
The Disease No Longer An
Incurable One. .
Greatest of All Remedies
Prescribed by Doctors.
Neuralgia and rheumatism two
disorders uo longer iuourable.
Physicians tmluy gut rid of rheuma
tism and neuralgia, s they do sleep
lcHHnuKB, tudutiisholy, hKetia and
other results f nervous t-xhnuntiOB,
by building up the Kyntem and support
in its ifcliomo huivj parts by the
USD ot r aiuu a celury tminiotiiid,-
Panic's celery eompoud attacks
the disease bj getting the system
back to its propurl nourished condi
tion. It stands alone iu the hisorj
of medicine. It is a curtain speoilo
for i ho euro, not only of rheumatiiss,
but also of all diseases due to impover
ished nerves aud blood.
The elu-e onnneotion of well-fed
nerves and brain with health, is tht
solid mck upon which Pai tie's celerjr
compound stand,' The thousands of
men and women all over the country
who havo boon cured of rhfumatina
once aud for all, by Paine's ctlery
compound, havo made uood all that
tun inedic&l fraternity first predicted
fur it.
That it restores health and strength
to the body made weary, listless and
despondent from norvous debility,
needs no proof today in thousands of
homos. .
The list of those it has freed from
rheumatism is a long one. It con
tains a host ot, well known moo aad
woman at home and abroad, Every
city and town in th United States
and (Jauada is represented.
Patau's celery compound was first
Srepared by Prof. Edward E, Phelps,
I. D., LL. 1)., of Dartmouth college,
Evur sinco its first appearanoe it has
boon the one rcoognliid nerve and
brain invigorutor among medical men.
Its constant uso b physicians, where
an activo nutrimont is urgently need
ed, spvaks volumes for its emsaoy ia
diseases of nervous origin.
Strength, buoyant spirits and free
dom from puiu ooiucs with its use.
"Orange Blossom" U a painless ears)
for nil distance peonllar to women. Bold
(roh by O. L. Cotting.
?15c M
1 1IE, COFFEE. t
bred Jersey
Bull . . .
Will be at
Sylvostor Day 'a
Feed Stable, ia
Red Cloud frosa
this dale uatU
further notioo.
For ini
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